Fix Roblox Failed To Load Library MFPlat.dll (How To Fix Roblox MFPlat.dll Error)

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so guys for the first step you want to head over to search and type in CMD then we're going to run it as administrator and then click on yes Once on This you want to copy and paste these four commands which will be down below in the description so I'm just going to start off with the first one just going to copy and paste this then you want to copy and paste the next three commands now for the next step you want to head over to search and type in check for updates click on it once on this you want to check for updates and do the updates that you may have now for the third step you want to download the MF pl8 .d missing file on your Roblox player we're going to replace it so you want to head over to the link which will be down below in the description then you want to head over to this website scroll down and then just get the latest version download now I've got the download right here on my desktop I'm going to right click on my desktop create a new folder then I'm going to right click on the zip file and then drag it into the new folder and then extract it and then click on extract and then you're going to get the mfplat dodl right here now once you have this file right here we're going to head over to search and type in Roblox player then we're going to right click on Roblox player click on open file location then you want to right click on Roblox player again and click on open file location again now once on this we're just going to copy and paste this file into the Roblox player game files so just on crl C then contrl V which will past this right here now for the next step we're going to head over to search and type in file explorer click on it once on this we're going to click on our C drive and then click on Windows then we're going to scroll down and then click on Sy W 64 then we just want to drag the same DRL file into this folder and then click on replace this file in destination in your case it will just add it but I've already got it so that's why it says replace the file for me once you complete all the steps in the video you want to restart your computer and then the prob should be fixed
Channel: Speedy Tutorials
Views: 1,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FPGprn5jya0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 54sec (114 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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