A Review of The New Roblox UI

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Roblox keeps changing bro why does it keep changing okay so look this will be an unbiased um aom ho this is awful bro what is this no sorry my bad got off track this will be an unbiased non- emotionally driven video of me um I mean not com talking discussing the new user interface okay so now look what okay whatever Jokes Aside okay I actually I do like that you interface I do think it's pretty clean okay but you know I do have a couple like things that I don't like about it which I want to talk about so you might actually still have the old UI so what I've noticed is like in some games it still has the old interface but then in some it has the new interface which doesn't make any sense to me like I don't know how that even works okay but yeah so we have the expand collaps you have the chat and you have the Roblox menu so the Roblox menu is fairly unchanged like so um um if you press tab you know it opens up the leaderboard which looks kind of weird to me I like I don't I don't know why just it looks weird for me oh I you know why I think it's it's it's not aligned with these buttons like if it if it was higher I think it would look better but it's it's lower for some reason so I I'm not too sure what that is and yeah so you know click on the chat you know still opens up the chat so you can type stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah okay um clicking on this will expand the menu so and it will give you um several new options okay so it's going to give you this which is more menu which I think is the dumbest button ever but I'll get to that in a bit we have a button for the leaderboard which seems to only be there for like mobile users right because like you know us as the Chad like Superior PC or laptop Gamers we have a button we have a button called tab okay which let Us open and close the menu but you know beta soyu um I don't know what other words are there mo mobile players need a button okay but you know it's fine it's it's good to have we have this which just opens the report window if you use this I think you're a weak individual okay real talk real talk you have this which I think is self view I think this is like for this like the new facial recognition thing that they implemented like the face tracking unable to access camera I wonder why I wonder why maybe it's because I I didn't give Roblox permission to access my camera yeah so you have this um cool little thing where it like shows how you look right um and you know you can put it back there you can have it here motion tracking off yes no no no motion tracking something I've noticed as well while playing around with this is that for some reason so you know you can like you know drag it around but if you have the mouse in one spot and then you move your character it goes through the corner like that and then if I move the mouse again it's fine but like it it just like bro Roblox bro come on like that that is unacceptable okay real talk like look at that why is it why is it doing that okay um yeah but you can close it put it back in pause so we have more menu which it's like the collapse thing inside of the collapse thing so we have I like again again bro what what was wrong with the old user interface like truly like what what what Comm like compelled them to do this why would I why would I click on two buttons when I can click one you know what I mean but all right look you we have we have emotes we have inventory and we have respawn okay so that's actually pretty nice so we have I can click on emotes and that's going to you know let me emote the only issue is when I click on something it just stays here so I I have no way of removing it so I can't I can't right click on it I can't drag it out I can't click on it again so when you click on an item it just stays here now so it's just literally here for the entire game and I can do this for all of them so I can do this for the inventory I can do for respawn which no I don't want to reset my character yeah so once you click on all the buttons and they show up here this button becomes useless okay so I don't I do not understand their reasoning behind all of this like like obviously know it's nice to have these buttons I think a I think I think a reset character button is is pretty funny um but yeah like once this button has served its purpose I think you should just get rid of it like I think I don't I don't see any reason for it being here and my only other gripe with this interface is just the fact that it's like um the fact that this is a cube like that's the one that that like I don't understand why it's a cube because you look at you look at it and you start you immediately think it has something to do with like 3D you know because like I whenever I would see this icon it was always for like you know those like augmented reality like iPhone apps and everything like that's what I think of when I see this okay when I when I see this like box I immediately think of like like oh it's going to be some Niche feature it's going to be another one of those like dumb features that Roblox is implementing like the facial recognition thing but no it's it's a straight up like important button that actually gives you like access to a lot of the buttons right like and so I think my my my my last gripe with this UI is that like this should just be an arrow like this should just be an arrow that like you know like you click on the so like because the thing is if this was an arrow then you're like oh yeah like that makes sense like we we associate Arrows with like oh yeah it's going to like expand right but it's a it's a cube so I I I do not know why it's a cube this TR what was truly wrong with the old UI bro if if you're a Roblox developer please leave a comments down below and buy my course for just $20 in the description and the comment section oh man um and yeah you know comment comment what you think yeah let me know um you know obviously like I I I like the Simplicity of the UI like I I do think it actually looks nice I like the animation I like um how everything is you know more compact more simpler I do like that I just think there are things about it which make no sense and that's that's what I'm that's what I don't like I don't like the fact that it's simple and still has issues you know because like if you're going to go for the simple route I shouldn't be seeing these simple issues like if if you make the UI you know a lot more complicated you know fine like I I'm I'm okay with a bug but it's like like really like like in hindsight you know you should I don't know one one of you should have maybe pointed this out um but yeah again you know let me know what you what you think comment your amazing opinion down below and I will look look I will like the funniest comment okay and that's it I will no I will no longer be liking every comment I will only like one comment and that's it so Make It Count make it good and yeah go buy my course peasant I'm sorry you're not a peasant you're you're a Val valuable B blocks user watch it it's it's 11:00 p.m. bro give me some slack I'm a little tired um and yeah we are Back to Basics thank you for watching
Channel: ByteBlox
Views: 21,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox studio, roblox, roblox scripting tutorial, roblox tutorials, roblox tutorial, roblox studio tutorial, roblox studio challenge, roblox studio tutorial 2023, roblox challenge, roblox doors, how to script in roblox studio, how to use roblox studio, roblox funny moments, roblox funny, roblox studio tutorials
Id: MAq50y1hwEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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