How to Download Lossless Scaling 2.9 for FREE (NO CLICKBAIT) !!!!

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[Music] so hey guys what's up I'm here with a new video so everyone is asking me how to get that loseless Skilling application for free it's not free actually so I'm going to explain that I'm going to cover the uh everything in this video it's free I mean it's cracked by a uh YouTuber I found it from his uh channel so I will give credit to him by the way and let me show you the price of loser scaling is it so we can see a discount is going on it's 2.18 uh use it so let me show you what you have to do is just go to my description and then go to the link I have gi you just have to download the zip file from here I mean the file then you just have to download it and then extract it so let me show you oh sorry my man there there so me show you this where I'm going to extract so the file I have gi is uh there will be one bypass this one you just have to just copy this two files just it and paste it to here then what you have to do let me show you practically so I'm going to copy this two files paste it to here then I just have to click on double click on the correct uh D then you there will be a popup then you have to click in yes there should be two popups or one popup so both of uh popup should uh you should click on yes okay that's it your uh loseless scaling application is fully cracked and you can use it forever there will be updates so I will show you the updates so let me show you the application it's already on my PC so let me show you so that's it uh so you can see the appliation so it's the latest version right now and every settings you can see it's best for blue Stacks mainly for World Zone mobile you can double your FPS like if you're getting 30 FPS you can achieve 90 FPS or 120 FPS if you have a good GPU I don't have a GPU that's why I can gain that much I even though have I I don't have that much RAM I mean this game it's a lot of ram you need a good amount of ram so there's let me show you the perfect settings for versin mobile so you can see you can select X2 if you feel the low visual quality it will uh it won't uh if you don't want to lose Graphics then you can use this if your performance freak like me you can click this X3 version the X3 mode the uh rest of the settings are default you don't have to mess up with it because it's not tested yet so that's it for to day hope you all guys enjoyed the video and you can use this application to every single game in on your PC but REM remember that it it will not work in uh full screen mode I guess with it depends on the game but uh most of the cases it won't work but if you uh Kona if you want it to work then you have to use the game in Window mode it works with fully screenings with some of the games but it's not that much there not so many games uh every game is compatible with the Window mode with this application and that's it for today hope you like the video please considering subscribing my channel because I am providing I'm the only YouTuber I guess they're providing the direct link of useless scaling 2.9 in my channel so I am risking my channel whatever bye [Music]
Channel: ItZ_MU25
Views: 2,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BTcwi8cm0VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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