How To Fix Roblox Failed To Load Library SensAPI.dll Error On PC

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in this video I'm going to show you how you can fix Roblox fail to load Library sense API now there are two methods that I'm going to show you if the first one doesn't work for you the second one definitely will work so the first method is opening up your computer search and here I want you to search for settings so right here in the settings we want to left click on it and you should open up now where it says find a setting we want to search search for date and time so this should pop up date and time so sometimes you get this error because your date and time don't match your PCS with your region so right here we want to make sure this is checked set time automatically like so and then another thing that we need to do is synchronize our clock so click on here sync now and it will sync automatically so if that doesn't work for you this this is the second method so the second method is opening up this website D- and you want to search for sense API so click on or press enter sorry so this should pop up only one file you want to click on it and then right here you want to find the version for your uh windows so for me it is 64bit so I'm going to download this it will start in in two seconds so just give it some time okay and now we can open up the folder where this is located so this should be a win RAR file so you want to right click anywhere and create a new folder I'm going to call it sense API it doesn't matter what you call it but I'm just going to drag this drop it right here open up the folder and then right click and extract so you should get this since api. DL l so we want to right click on it and copy so the next step is opening up our computer like so we can close out of this and going to our C drive now from here we want to navigate to Windows click on any folder and type S so we find system 32 like so open up this folder and right here we want to right click and and paste this file so as you can see I already have this file so I'm not going to replace it I'm just going to skip over it but you need to right click and paste the file so after you have done this all you got to do is restart your PC like so and then this will definitely fix your error hope this was helpful don't forget to like and sub and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ned HELP
Views: 18,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix roblox failed to load library, roblox failed to load library error, failed to load library sensapi.dll roblox, roblox failed to load library sensapi.dll, failed to load library opengl32.dll roblox, roblox failed to load library, roblox failed to load library msdmo.dll, roblox failed to load library mfplat.dll, failed to load library mfplat.dll roblox, failed to load library sensapi.dll, roblox the application encountered an unrecoverable error
Id: Cs9UG554CBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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