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do so boom so so do so do happy sabbat and welcome to fire river's sdh livestream service this morning is week three of seven in our family life saber series entitled reviving resetting and reconnecting the family with god last week's service was indeed a blessing to so many of us we thank god for using brother and sister celie to share some timely gems for our marriages god can through the transformative power of the holy spirit help us to become better spouses if you missed any of our past programs don't worry you can always go back and review the program on our youtube channel this week we will be exploring the urgent topic of the broken family the pain stress and sadness can become overwhelming for those involved in a broken family one may feel that there is no hope for their marriage and the hurt is too deep to restore the relationship and love that they once had but there is whole brethren the word of god tells us in psalm 34 18 the lord is close to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in spirit in psalm 147 3 he heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds all things are possible with god he can rebuild the broken family amen there is hope for our broken family's brethren today god has a message for us take a moment and share the link with your family friends and loved ones let us invite god's holy spirit to humble our hearts as his word gives you new life to a broken family join me as we pray heavenly father mighty god a god who created the heavens and the earth a god who spoke and things came into existence it is you creator god that we call upon to bring healing to our marriages here this morning god like david we ask that you create in us a clean heart and renew in us the right spirit a spirit of reconciliation a spirit of forgiveness a spirit of love father we ask in a special way that you use pastor morris for god we know that you have a word for us here today a word there god that can bring healing and renewed life to all relationships so god into your hands we commit everything be with the entire program be with everyone involved and may your name and your name alone be glorified here this morning it is our prayer in jesus name amen i pray that god's word would find fertile soil in our hearts here this morning may god bless us all over to you praise thee and good morning everyone good morning series of family life programs third week interesting i'm sure most of you want to know what's going on with our couple yeah well we'll see today as it progresses so as we sing we want to invite god into our hearts into our homes as we welcome the sabbath let's sing number 393 lord of the sabbath 393. let's go is me is go sweetly jesus is lord of the sabbath let's make him lord of our lives and the lord in zion reigneth number seven the lord the lord is is tv is is so we are involved in a family life series and one of the main ideas behind this series is to bring love well in some cases back to the home and in other cases multiplied so let's say number 652 love at home i'm a 6'5 there is joy smiling fear every time is is kindly the earth is filled with love when there's love love at home jesus jesus make me is is when there's love at home amen amen yeah because when there's love at home right husbands can't wait to reach home when there's love at home the children glad to be home but with our family you see what going on with our family then we're trying not to to be like that so let's ask god to come into our homes amen amen so children no matter what we never forget you we never leave you out so it's time for your little section so i hope you're up so before go ahead i just want to say happy birthday to some of our youth sort of had a buddy this week we have josiah it's time for your section you'll get up and sing dance praise god let's go we're starting with jesus loves the little children jesus jesus oh is one more time windows is oh is one more time this is the rock and the action stopping of jesus is i wish one more time time to be happy hey amen happy sabbath boys and girls to the mummies and daddies welcome to our children's corner also and if you're joining us for the first time a special welcome to you how was your week we've had some rain and today the sunshine is bright and i'm happy for that why because joining us today are the hummingbirds and with the sunshine on their feathers it's the most beautiful colors you would ever see they are small but you know they have to eat for the entire day yes they move so quickly that they need energy so they eat bugs ants and their favorite is the nectar from the flowering pants they are so fast they travel at a speed of 30 miles per hour there's another interesting fact about the hummingbird they are migratory birds yes they move from one place to another they look they go looking for food and just to socialize which reminds me there's a story in the bible of a girl who moved from one place to another but she wasn't looking for food listen up to her story um excuse me excuse me hi do you know if that is the way it's in the city of nejo oh thank you very much hi boys and girls you're fine i look worried yes i am my name is elias oh i'm the servant of abraham have you ever had something important to do something that was difficult right now i have such an important task but it's not just important you know it's a difficult one my master abraham i love him so very much i am in a bit of a predicament you see because he has asked me to go to find a wife for his son isaac now if that wasn't hard enough what he asked me to do was not to find one from the city of his space that he is right now which is canaan but he asked me to go back to where he was originally from to find a wife among his king i i don't know how i'm going to achieve this task to find our wife is hard enough but to be able to get them to come and follow me leave their dwelling and actually come to canaan to marry isaac it's a tough tough chore was that you said maybe i should pray i've seen the god of my of my of my master abraham come true so many times for him even with the both of his son isaac maybe i should really try to pray to his god and ask for guidance oh heavenly father the god of abraham father i ask that you show kindness to your son abraham and even that of his son isaac lord i ask that you would show me a sign a sign that is without possibility of earning from it being a matter of fact help oh god that when i asked that a young maiden would give me water to drink lord help that she would not just offer me water to drink but that she would offer to water my cameras as well that that is a true true sign i hope that when i ask and she answers oh god that this would show that you have given favor onto your silver abraham father i access in your holy name amen i just feel like something good is going to happen today is that well somehow i feel oh look there's some maidens over there i don't know why we don't have silver instead of this fast this fetching water is a long long walk to reach this well i'm tired listen up aria what are you doing i'm sitting down but we came to full water you need to come on hey buddy so long i need to rest you thought i got married yes some poor guy who don't even oh don't even have seven aria that is not nice what but the truth listen and everybody's talking about you two you know everybody's saying you're getting older and you ain't married do i know it's you first of all i am very happy for hannah and secondly i'm not even worried i think god will sign the right person for me in due time whatever you see you see that old man come in there i think he's coming towards us i wonder what we just he wants julie village hi good afternoon is it is it possible for me to have a little drink of water please no she i mean we just had to fill all these jars of water area you have to be kind that's not nice so you're sure you can have some water thank you are those your camels over there you must be able to see this as well what i am leaving you could stay here and feed all those camels and whatever i am leaving i'm going home i'm so sorry about that so sure you can have some water what is your name my name is eliezer tell me whose daughter are you and is there room in your father's house well i'm rebecca i'm the daughter of bethel the son that milker bought a neo oh bless god the god of my master abraham he has found favor and i too am well pleased with god and saying my prayer today i have found the family of my master his kin please take me to your father's house come this way yes rebecca migrated and you know in that story there are so many lessons there's a lesson of kindness of obedience and answered prayer god answered eliezer's prayer rebecca was kind not only to eliezer but even to the animals when she offered them water and of course there was obedience eliezer obeyed his master boys and girls rebecca's kindness paid off she was kind to a total stranger let us remember to be kind not only to our friends and to our families but even strangers who need our kindness let us remember that when we pray let us ask god for a clean heart so that he can fill us so that our so that our lives would reflect him living in us so let's pray eternal father thank you for the lesson of eliezer and rebecca open our hearts so that you can fill us so that our lives would be a beautiful life of kindness of generosity not only to our friends but to all those with whom we come into contact bless us we pray in jesus name amen bye boys and girls hi boys and girls and happy sabbath to you we are so glad that you joined us yet another sabbath you know this week i met a little friend and she was not sure if she should represent christ all through the week so i thought of this memory text just for her and this memory text is taken from first corinthians 10 31 and it says whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of god tells corinthians 10 31 so we are going to learn it now so as usual i will say it and then you will repeat are you ready let's go where did there for you eat or drink whether they eat or drink or whatsoever you do corinthians 10 51 lovely so we are going to say it together whether therefore eat or drink or whatsoever he do do all to the glory of god first corinthians 10 31 so boys and girls we have learned today not only on sabbath but all through the week we should shine our light for jesus so let our light shine take care and be blessed bye over to you uncle brian good morning good morning and once again it's it's our lesson study time it's our youth lesson study i'm not going to talk too much about the the children's story or even the memory first because that takes up my time so i'm going to take my full 10 minutes this morning with you class lesson okay and the theme for this this week that we would have been studying is leading them whom leading them and they dealt with leadership and you know it was a nice topic for the youth because it helps them to understand that they are poised for leadership but there are certain traits that must be followed to become a good leader the flashlight would have said born of the sons of iran ezra had been given a priestly training and in addition to this he had acquired a familiarity with the writings of the magicians the astrologers and the wise men of media pusher or the major persian realm but he was not satisfied with a spiritual condition i want to pause our idea he was not satisfied with a spiritual condition and that helps us to understand that being a good leader you must examine yourself you must examine yourself going forward and anytime you you realize that you are not where you ought to be then you need to seek god all right see us here in ezra 7 10 this led him to apply himself diligently to the study of the history of god's people as recorded in the writings of the prophets and kings he searched the historical and political books of the bible to learn why the lord had permitted jerusalem to be destroyed and his people carried captive into a hidden land we want to pick up a story quickly and our story this week was was taken from ezra ezra chapter 7 and i'm moving on quickly it says in ezra chapter 7 verse 1 almost 60 years after the first return of the exiles under the leadership of zebra bell artists one was king of persia now there was a man named ezra who could trace his ancestry back to iran he was the great-great-grandson of syria son of azariah son of helkya and a host of others as the story goes on but let's look at verse 6 verse 6 says that ezra was one of the exiles and as a teacher was well versed in the laws which moses had received from god at a success gave ezra everything he requested to take to jerusalem because the god of israel was with him also other israelites still in babylon including priests levi's musicians gatekeepers and temple workers went back to jerusalem with him now this took place in the seventh year of king artesis king of persia ezra and his people finally arrived in jerusalem in the fifth month of the seventh year of the reign of artisan seas he and the others had left babylon on the first day of the first month and arrived in jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month it took them four months to make the journey of one of hundreds of miles and there were no serious incidents because the lord was with them listen to the story ezra was a dedicated leader and had been trained in the exposition of scripture he had set his heart to study the law and ordinances of gold to keep them himself himself and to teach them to his people now if you miss the entire story remember the last thing i said he studied first of all to internalize it to make sure that he applied it to his life first of all and then he went on to apply to the lives of the other people that makes a good leader brethren when we understand that we have to do searching when we understand that we have to make sure that we are in line before we go out and teach others we first of all have to be servants before we become good leaders let me pick up a few pointers coming out to the lesson quickly for you it says god bestows upon all members of his church in every age spiritual gifts that each member is to empty is to employ in long lasting ministry for the common good of the church and for humanity also it says it is important to replace it is important to replace that ezra's work worship abilities were pretty important here important here he had to convince those israelites that were becoming more and more comfortable in babylon a a city of incomparable riches that they should go home to the rubbles of jerusalem leaving such a good city and going back to jerusalem that was break down and mash up you know he had to help them to understand that it was not just about them but it was about service for god we need to understand brethren and especially youth we need to understand that there is purpose in our lives that god has purposed for us and god is choosing even some of our youth in all you crafted today to prepare them for leadership but first of all i want to implore them to understand that they need to look deep within they need to recognize their nothingness and their total dependence on god and god is willing to make us more than we think we could become ezra prove that let us as youths and even as adults prepare ourselves for the work that god has ahead for us give ourselves in service for him and allow him to reign supreme now there is somebody on the chat the live link who is suffering from covet 19 and they are asking for prayer and we want to pray immediately for them father god we thank you for each individual on this live stream today we pray god that you will continue to bless each and every one of us this particular individual who has who have contracted covet 19 father we place them before you this morning you are the god of mercy you are god of miracles and we ask even know that you will touch them from the crumb of their heads to the soul of their feet and you will rid this body of this covet 19 disease and make them whole again we thank you in jesus name amen amen and welcome this morning to our adult lesson study and this morning i have with me elder colville scintillate who is the vice principal of cuc secondary welcome ella and he will assist me he will assist me this morning with the lesson and as we go into the lesson this morning we just like to bow our heads as we pray let us pray father we thank you this morning for life health and strength and as we go into your word we pray that your holy spirit attend us in jesus name amen amen and elder this week's topic continues with the master master teacher what can you tell us about the math teacher in this week's study well it's no wonder that he is called a master teacher because um he did not attend a university all right but he created the university of heaven all right and specialized in um redemption the creation of man he specializes in salvation yes so that um he is indeed the master teacher all right because he knows it all and um when he was on earth here he had the experience or even right in heaven itself to deal with all sorts of students and this week would tell us about different types of students i think he was the specialist teacher because you know in schools where we have the bad children we want the best teacher there yes he had i want to say the first experience of children who want to break lacroix beach because up in heaven we had some students hiding all right hiding from the teacher and i just want to talk about them you know why were they hiding and what was his attitude towards that all right as teachers we don't like children miss our classes but this master teacher although children are hiding because he is the boss of the curriculum and his purpose like i said is salvation he went in search of them yes so when he went for class they would normally be present ready to go and they were not there so he asked him where are you yes adam and eve yeah not that he didn't know where they were true true but i am it shows that tender teacher touch all right the desire to take them they were hiding because they had sinned yes and in their shame and guilt they were hiding yes you know sometimes we ourselves could find ourselves in that position true we are guilty and we don't know how to go to god but he does not wait for us to come yes he comes seeking us amen and take away that guilt and shame yes so adam and eve hiding breaking locoy beach and then there's another one who ran away all right another one class time he running away tell us about him yes man this gentleman is is jacob and jacob is a man who with the help of his his mummy he made a lot of mistakes and another deceit happened so here he was now they're looking for him and here it comes that he's supposed to pay for his his sins and his consequences and he's running away from it yes but in his is his effort and as he runs there is someone who searches him out who and god says and spoke to him while he was running away in the middle of the wilderness sleeping on a pillow of stone and tell him listen i am the lord the god of abraham know that i am with you and will keep you wherever you go for i will not leave you until i have done what i have promised you and i thought that that was so profound oh yes because here is god talking to this guy who made all these mistakes and saying listen i have a work for you to do and i'm going to help you and take you through until you finish the work and here it was that that jacob realized in the situation where he was he said surely the lord is in this place yes and i did not know it so it shows me that even if i want to run or whoever wants to run from god that god is still there for us in spite of whatever we have done that he is there and that he will take us through and that's the great thing about this teacher children want to do things their own way all right and then you always feel that god is far from us but god is never found you always run away all right all right and the nice thing about is wherever we run to he's right there yes right there and then we say hey god you're here running madong like this his purpose is salvation yes and so that reason when he came on earth right he was recognized as the master teacher and i like how john puts it in chapter one in the beginning we're talking about the creation from the beginning of the world was the word so in other words we are saying the teacher himself was the lesson oh yes oh yes and he came down in the flesh okay and he brought the lesson here with him so people did not have the word only they had the actual god in human form all right teaching the lesson and um one time we had adam and eve hiding from god right but john who had come here as a forerunner he had said a lot of things about this great teacher yes he's the lamb of god he's the light yes the light that would um illuminate and show us the hidden things of god okay give us our true purpose and to demonstrate his true kingdom that his teaching is not only for our existence in this world but he wants us to take us to our original home which is the home in heaven but what i like about this thing here when the disciples of john heard about him and they started following him and saw yes adam and eve they were high they know we have these fellas following him and he said what did his audio really want yes you know sometimes he comes over like strange you know they're hiding you looking for them they follow me ask what you want yes you know and that's when they addressed him as rabbi yeah rabbi because they they recognized that he was a great teacher yes yes yes a great teacher who had come from god and we are going to now confront another type of student all right one who likes a back answer yes yes yes yes yes yes argumentative so this is the lady we are talking about the lady from uh in sudan and here was this lady who and at the time jesus was at a place where he was tired he was preaching he was working all the time so he was looking for a quiet place and he withdraws himself and he said well all right a little choir time and here comes this woman of sudan showing up she was not jewish she didn't have rights to him worse yet she was a woman in that society which meant that she didn't have the right to come and talk to the teacher like that and here she is coming to him and when she spoke to him he answered her and she was argumentative she was like yes listen i'm here and i'm here for this let me let me just say that right i think do you think he was a little harsh on this woman um oh what do you think of that well i i thought even the response was very harsh if we read it and he said well you know lady i am we're not here for you we are here for for the children of israel and that kind of thing and somebody even i had a study and they asked me and that they say but oh jesus spoke to this woman there but i think that this mass teacher was so intelligent knowing that this would be recorded to the inners of time and that there are certain object lessons he wanted to leave with us with this lesson because the reality is he was even talking to the people around his disciples who were listening because he wanted to show as well that he was not here only for the children of israel he was not only here for the jews but that his message was for all of humanity salvation is for all humanity yeah so that when he talked to her and she was so intelligent she knew about dogs because when he talked about the dog issue you realize that the jewish people didn't have a lot of dogs in their society but she knew and she said listen even even the dogs get crumbs from the table of the master to show that the depth of her faith because this was not just for he and her but for all of us to understand that this is where we need to go with our faith as well that when we depend on the savior and master that we must have that deep faith to believe that it will happen and he will do it for us but do you think that the kind the message is kind of compromised like the jews they got the bread okay now we get the crumbs yeah they did you think their message kind of boiled down so then to me it's how you see it because the crumbs are still part at the end or it looks as if it's the end of the main meal like again the end of the table from the meal but but for me as well to me it shows as if when he said to her listen your daughter is whole she's healed from wherever he was to me it shows even the potency and the strongness of the message and the power of god and the power christ that god sent the most powerful weapon from heaven to earth to give us salvation so even if you get the ends of ends of the end of christ it is still more powerful than anything that ever could throw at us i agree with you so true that's right yeah and therefore they got spell although it was not intended like the the the gentiles would be they wanted to take the gospel okay yes they were the ones to take the true gospel the jews to take the gospel to the gentiles yes but here it is now they were depriving them of that but they said if even though we not get in all give us the crumbs give me something something yes yes i like that and we have now this student is the one who gets it you know in class we have the the pushy one they want to answer up everything and sometimes people they buy you off throw you off push them out a little bit give somebody else a chance yes balling out at christ the other saying that man not taking you on because you see he had a need right prior to that incident christ was telling his disciples about himself right how he would suffer his kingdom was not a kingdom of this world yes they didn't get the message they didn't get the blessing they listened they didn't get the lesson so that they were kind of spiritually blind all right but this man who was physically blind okay he was not only looking for like physical restoration all right but he had that vision of what his life could be entangled with the life of christ okay and he was able to see beyond the the physical yes and to see the spiritual kingdom that god had gone to establish for his people here you know it is so interesting that sometimes are when people get in our way we want to be upset with people all right but i took a very important lesson from christ all right when peter was telling him hey jesus christ boy you can't dead the cat touch you you know john the baptist you could take off your head you mad everybody going through you know when people attack us we answer the people but i looked at christ when peter was kind of putting that doubt into him and making him want to assert his divinity to prevent even his dying for the salvation of people christ didn't say hush about peter you know he said get the hands satan so that um we want to think when we say we wrestle not against flesh and blood yes we have people who can upset us and make things bad so that um we want to know that the devil uses people even to take us away from the things that christ would want it's not against flesh and blood so we can't be upset with people with them yeah and we need to recognize the devil in people yes so that um so my thing is this allah one of the things i got from even the story the advanced student there are people who would study the bible and accept jesus and go through this and all that and know all the quotients and could repeat and know but the reality is after that they still haven't found the real pearls and churches in the bible no because they have studied it without christ with them without destroying with them the focus is not on the spiritual kingdom okay okay yeah i don't know this reminds me of when i said i'm the devil comes in for it reminds me of um somebody who has asked and they preach i say who is really the devil and he said you know people think the devil has a pitchfork and a long tail and on and so on you say well i'll tell you something you might be married to the devil you say you may be seated next to that devil he said one of you some of you would not want to hear you might be a devil yourself depicting how satan can use us for his wicked goals okay okay in the like manner god can use us for the establishment of his spiritual kingdom all right so as we confront the master teacher yes and what he his efforts in saving people we must have that mind of christ and our goal must also be to win people for the kingdom of god but elder i don't want to miss this point i like this point that even with bartimaeus and them the spiritual make because they say sometimes some people need spiritual milk while some need spiritual meat so we have to understand as well that students progress at different levels even in the classroom yes yes so that sometimes we have to make sure until they make and specific lessons to certain people because they have to get that progression sometimes we can't hurry that spiritual journey no we can at times we try to do that and even serve they are saying to us well the more time we spend with jesus the master teacher the better we understand his teachings so it's not just about the bible alone but spending time with the person who the bible is about as he was saying before he was the word yes and it's important that we combine the two it's so important that we combine the person himself along with his word so that we will get the fullness of his salvation and the message that he has given to us so as we close talk to us what we can take from the lesson as we close this morning well as i look at the lesson here i want to say that i'm very happy that the master teacher is so patient with us okay and he never loses focus even though at times we can fall underway and want to do things in our own way all right but if we keep our focus and we keep studying the word of god i am hoping that god would give us the blessing and that we would come and obey the instructions of the teacher so that we can be the honor students in his class amen amen amen well this morning we have come again another family have brought the little ones to give to jesus and so it is quite a privilege for us to be here today and to present these little ones jesus this morning i want to ask that important question why did you bring the baby today to be dedicated don't answer you see when we look at the scriptures we saw that jesus himself was brought to the temple when he was a baby and he was offered to god and then he himself in his ministry said don't prevent the children from coming to me and he will take them in his arms and he will bless them you will discover that the baby will not know what is going on so what was god really saying to them you as the parents have a special role to play in the life of the child and because you recognize that god is the source of all blessing you are bringing the child to start his early life in the hand of jesus god is saying to you i'm giving to you this tender heart the soil of life you now must plant whatever you want to plant in that soil for you to bear fruit down the road what you plant now is what the child is going to bear down the road and god is saying because you want me to be with you to teach you how to plant good seeds and to bless the life of the child down the road you're starting now so that you must take the child and teach the child to pray i remembered my mother the prayer i remembered her saying to me she had me kneeling at a bedside pray mama pray papa and bless me and make me a good child that's what i remembered in my tender age that's what my mother prayed she didn't know bible and all of that as we know today but she taught me and she prayed for me at a bedside what you do with this child will be determined what happens tomorrow parents spend time with your children in teaching them the way of god and so today we are offering you this child to god but mainly his parents to god so that god will give you the wisdom and the grace to guide the life of this child until he is it a boy until he reaches to the age and the stage where he can make correct decisions because you planted the seed there and he will make all these decisions to glorify god so at this time we want you to bow your heads with me as we pray eternal god we come to thee on behalf of this little lad you have given to their parents indeed lord we need heavenly wisdom we need your grace we need your mercies so that you can protect this child from harms and dangers and you can give wisdom to the parents to group this child with the fear of god our world is full of evil but the angel of the lord will encounter wronged about them that fear him and deliver them provide for them that their cupboards would always be filled to supply the needs of her of their children give them love so that the child can see a loving parent and learn how to love others so we thank you lord that you promise that once we ask we are going to receive and you will bless these little ones and keep them protect them preserve them unto the day of your glorious return so we commit them fully into your hands do for them more than we ask or think or desire in jesus name amen and amen blessings to both of you and may you continue on your journey in building up good children for tomorrow god's blessings to both of you a man amen pleasant sabbath good morning everyone it is a delight to see you here this morning yet another sabbath and i'm sure that you are enjoying the series so far this is our third week and i know last week was awesome and this week will be even better i pray that god continued to bless each and every one of you we have a lot of you online and i know that you're enjoying we have over 435 people online right now welcome each and every one of you i know all of you do not send greetings in the chat but we want to send love and greetings to each and every one of you now we had a couple we had at least 30 people online waiting for us to begin and we want to send a special shout out to those of you who would have sent in the chat early on helena richardson aims with carrington alexander ronalds camo inc merlin patrick patsy hutchinson julia dupont they were on and waiting for us to start and that shows their level of excitement we have people online from guyana new york la bridge jamaica barbados long island sent lucia all the way in south trinidad as well minnesota tobago san francisco london brooklyn new york canada texas and even aruba and we want to see a special special sabbath greetings to each and every one of you continue joining us so anita fraser kathy ann samuel joseph jennifer jacqueline sita small t tian paris sandra and dave grieves anika miguel villarreal jacqueline pierre romel ford thomas milcia radica molly vetlin david knight louise angie and kenneth manz well gail galindo and miss gail we want to say special special shout out to all of you thank you so much for joining us and as of this time i want to see a special special shout out to the uh williams family i've known you all for a long time and i know that you join us each and every week and i humbly apologize for not shouting you out before but i definitely want to give an extra extra special shout out to anna williams in virginia laverne in spain hi lavon buenos diaz marsha in philadelphia hi marsha is we are very very happy that you can join us week after week continue to join us continue to bless each and every one and in brazil we have sister nascimento we are happy that you can join us continue to join us each and every week i have a special special birthday greeting going out to essandro esanjo happy happy birthday it is indeed a blessing to celebrate your birthday on the sabbath so may god continue to bless you as usual everyone i want you to like subscribe and share continue to share the link so that others can be blessed share it to each and every one of you of every every single body to go on your on your chat on your whatever on your instagram facebook on whatsapp and share the link help us to spread the gospel the good news of jesus christ i know that you are blessed so help bless someone else subscribing means that you're gonna allow uh youtube to know that here's what this channel deserves to be aired it deserves to be watched so if you subscribe it means that you're gonna be able to reach so many others and here's what you will be doing you'll be forwarding and helping with evangelism now i know you're probably saying you know you don't know what you can do you don't know what your gifts are but here's what god has given you the opportunity to evangelize from your home by just clicking a button so go ahead click that button now subscribe and help spread the gospel may god continue to bless each and every one of you have a wonderful and holy sabbath unto you uncle brian thank you very much sister cooper for sharing those online shout outs as i say people often look forward to hearing their names call and feeling the warmth and the love of the fire verse brethren we have a few announcements that i want to share with you quickly first of all we we had a business meeting last week and we have some official members new members of our church and we just want to welcome them officially as members of the fire of assembly event issued sister patricia modest mr giselle francis sister shelian hari prasad and brother joshua jacob those are transferred members to our church and we are indeed happy that you are part of our fellowship and coming out of the net 2020 program we have a new member sister henry and we want to welcome you to our fellowship also our sunday evening services continue tomorrow evening at 6 30 p.m at 6 30 p.m or sunday evening zoom program and you have been really a wonderful wonderful congregation and we look forward to all of you being part of our service it also starts our week of prayer our week of prayer starts at our sunday evening service tomorrow evening and it runs for the entire week however from monday to friday we'll have services from 5 30 from 5 00 a.m to 5 30 a.m just a half an hour service so that when you you want to start the day correctly with the lord so be part of our zoom online week of prayer service for the entire week on wednesday evening because of the service in the morning we'll have no service on wednesday evening board members you have board meeting tomorrow more sorry sorry that's next sabot okay my correction family life series a seven week or seven sabbat family life service or series continues next sabbat all right and we have a very special program for the youth the youth will be part of this series next suburb this morning we have pastor morris with us carrying us through this wonderful experience and i know that families have been enhanced and we are growing stronger together and the love is flowing so we are happy that we are touching lives through this series continue to be part of it i want to encourage you to pray for our sick members and we have quite a few sick members in our church and we want to continue to pray for them as far as possible if you can pass by and pay them a visit let them know that we miss them we love them and we are praying for them okay sister short sister clement sister robinson sister davis sister galindo sister murray brothers gittins roger phillip dave morrison and all other members who might be not feeling well to this time we want to continue to keep you in our prayer and we want you to know that god is able god is able and he will continue to take charge of your lives god bless you have a beautiful sabbath so this is week three of the drama series and already we feel as if we know the bartholomew family intimately we look at them and we feel as if we can empathize with each family member we may think that the wife is a little bit nagging but we understand where she's coming from we might see the husband is a bit uncommunicative and kind of keeps to himself but now we see the pressures that he's under to provide for his family and as for the children we can understand why they feel like they want to get away whether through their music or just leaving the house all together the sad fact is that this drama depicts real life experiences that so many families live every single day and do you think the devil is done with them yet the attacks continue on relentlessly sometimes the the attacks that we experience are from the devil and his forces themselves where he would attack our health our finances our connection within the family you in it and then there are times when he uses others people who we know people who we don't know to lure a spouse away to distract your children and take them down the wrong path to make you yourself so busy and tied up at work and other commitments that we no longer have time for family and god this week let's look at the bartholomew family and let's see how they handle the attacks that comes their way quiet oh thank you um 21 years yeah 21 years my guys are off 21 but you know we fight in yeah before i forget remember to one look for daddy today he's not doing well at all right i went lunch time is he finances his pressure on work father look at the level embarrassment i faced today known on his family problems his noise is quarreling he's cheering worries with everything and i is getting very balanced as you would know she's always very i think she finds comfort coming by you somehow or the other but i i thank god that you're there for her patience give patience yeah mm-hmm well i can't give up you know i mean it's 21 years 21 years is not 21 days ah so i will see yeah yeah i'm going on i'm going to text him and let him know we had a talk right yeah i'm at that point i wouldn't text him no well girl he left so early this morning lord father what does someone want a keen boy what is this and now here like the cap pull up there so i had to go but remember once he died here god eyes i reach on boy carol not a dear i had a real rough day today so please not today but i didn't do anything b i didn't say anything yeah but you're saying you said my text telling me that we need to talk talk about what kind of yeah we need to talk but not outside yeah no no no we do we deal with everything here that we did because i'm not up for it where's there you have in the box oh hello sometime i bought fair you know a little some something you bought for me carlos want money i use the card with the card you went and buy something for me karaoke is the occasion you're joking right talking about what what day it is today today is tuesday and what date tuesday 21st right last night when i was telling you tomorrow is a special day don't answer that right when i tell you last night tomorrow is a special day and a balieri auditor's come in i thought you were pulling my legs but you're no proof to me that you're not into this marriage carol you have any idea the kind of pressure on that no you have any idea any kind of financial pressure oh hold up hold up it's financially i said i never knew we had financial problems you're telling me right now we have financial problems uh we already know what you're really knowing well we don't talk anymore okay we don't talk yes you just watching a text i bought some limes for you all right thanks go and see what you want jordan you take my brush again no let me know where my brush i don't know lock my brush right you always taken my things there make sure for me oh well where where are you going bye aunties for a couple of weeks four you're here now outside i don't want to be here and i know yeah but i don't think it would be a good idea to leave well i think is a very great idea you could stay if you want i'm not going through this i looking to go for me just one more year one more year and i owe this house yeah but still i don't think that i allow you to leave whether i love or not icon thanks to sheila thanks god bless you i'll see you in church on sabbath right all right you reach one safe all right all right bye bye thank you yeah so explain to me what financial problems we have carl we're going back down the road again yeah we're homing again you didn't explain anything to me you just said we have financial problems i know we operate on our budget i know we don't have any extra bills i know you didn't get any demotion carol i fighting to make ends meet in this house it's covered 19 everybody in your office take a pay cut so how am i supposed to know that and this is what i'm saying you don't speak to me anymore b okay you have time for everybody else we don't spend time together we don't talk you have no time for the children you're always out okay in the office so you say oh say sony ibc now but what else we're busy doing me is my father taken care of i'm here with the children and them to make sure i mean somebody had to be home with them okay you just get a clean house you're going down a road that is not necessary and you see where you're heading you're going to end up just like your sister oh you want to go there you want to go there i am free that we're all going through okay we're going through yes we go on through look where you're going with this now look where you're going with this well what else what else do you want to say so all this talk come up this evening because i forget our anniversary that's where the store come from after 21 years 21 years okay every time i tell you a problem that we are having you brush mouth it's not making sense i had enough i gone carol cavallo we talked no carol you know want to talk will imma get a gift now oh you want it take it carol we are a tour girl kerala talking to your girl i fed up at this thing let me go and yesterday some some counseling now eh you want to talk now but i passed it okay i passed that see you see you see why can't even you see why i can't do it is he seeing pressure every i had enough pressure and this is only the third week next week what will happen boy gary gotta come and check them pray for them pray for them that god will come in and work some kind of miracle at this time let's sing our theme song growing up we can be sure your holy spirit is reconnecting all the broken parts of man so tell your family in this world we can be sure again reset our families again tell your neighbors and your friends again the holy hearts of spirit so tell your of families that comfort us it's not just worth his word is free again tell your neighbors and your friends their lives can be restored again the holy spirit is reconnecting all the broken parts of man so tell your families it's time to come to god again the holy spirit is reconnecting of the broken hearts of men so tell your families it's time to come to god again so tell your families it's time to come to god again so tell your families it's time to come in times like these you need a savior end times me and jesus is chinese is oh i'm is i'm very is i am becomes secure places you'll be collecting your offering as we sing the next song number 534 will your anchor who five three four as we collect the offerings keeps us is is steadfast oh is up is is uh amen so we are speaking about broken homes i think today today i think sorry so the last one we want to do is a song that you might hear at our wedding i would encourage all the couples who are listening to try to take in the song that has been sung and apply it to their situation whatever that situation may be and remember that time maybe many years ago 21 years ago 35 years ago two years ago when you walked on that aisle and you pledged before god and man that you would have on hold until death so i'm not encouraging you to kill anybody but until natural death do you part so let's sing the song open club number 656 and encourage you to take it in let's go transcending we need me a perfect life sure is them peace earth up and amen it is my pleasure to wish you a happy sabbath and also i want you to enjoy this time this time you this quality time you have with your creator at this time i'd like to invite you again to our prayer corner remember for the next for the duration of our family life program we we will be inviting you to our prayer corner and it's a time when we pray for families for singles for teenagers whosoever will may come and we also we invite you to text in your prayer request or even give us a call and i must say we have been having some prayer requests jennifer fear on we are praying for your family and your granddaughter jacqueline pierre joseph your family and your son samuel deborah healing your family's health and wisdom sister solomon your family tishia benford and your baby who have contracted coven we are praying for you nadine johnson your family's health and a closer walk with god you are in our prayer sister thomas your family especially your sons you are in our prayer also dr scott chanel sister john we are praying for your family your sons and your fathers you know there's a quote i read and it says prayer puts us in tune with divine wisdom which knows how to adjust everything perfectly so often we do not pray in certain situations why because from our standpoint the outlook is hopeless but nothing is impossible with god nothing is so entangled that it cannot be remedied no human relationship so strained for god to bring about reconciliation and understanding no habit so deep that it cannot be overcome no one so weak that he cannot be made strong no one so ill that he cannot be healed no mind so dull that it cannot be made brilliant whatever the need if we trust god he will supply it if anything is causing worry or anxiety let us stop rehearsing the difficulty and trust god for healing for love and for power with these thoughts in mind i invite you to join us in prayer everyone blessing is a wonderful privilege to be in the house of the lord this morning where you can come to god in prayer you know the word of god says in matthew chapter 21 verse 22 whatsoever shall ask in prayer believing we shall receive you know god is an amazing god he's our wonderful god and we thanks mr greenford green for such a wonderful reading knowing that god can perform miracles god is telling the answer in prayer business we just have to have faith and continue to believe in him so at this time wherever you are bowl your heads close your eyes as we go to the tune of grace and pray heavenly father we are such a loving god we thank you so much for all what you have done for us we thank you so much for sending your only son to the on the cross for our sins we thank you also father for the offering and the tights that was collected father we also praying especially for all those names god that sister green had called we had sister short sister robinson brother guitars sister galindo brady morrison i thought there are so many more father we asked god to touch them in a very special way let them know father that with you all things are possible tell them to know father when it seems like all hope is lost there is hope in your heavenly father for you are the bomb and gideon father with you all things are possible in a very special way also father we bring sister tasha bedford before you father she's a mother and she delivered a very healthy baby but father because of this dreadful virus covered her baby is ill and father we place that baby into your hands because we know father you are able you are more than able father to take full charge and total control over this baby you are more than able heavenly father you are more unable heavenly father to deliver that baby father from that dreadful virus father so touch that baby in a very special way from the corner of his head to the sole of his feet father touch that baby further and restore that baby into a perfect health heavenly father give sister bed for the father the encouragement to trust you knowing that father with you all things are possible heavenly father we also pray in a very special way for sister thomas she asking prayer requests for her son heavenly father she wants her son to know you and with a request like that heavenly father i knew you would not deny it so i ask heavenly father wherever her son is at this moment i ask oh god send your holy spirit father to prick his heart send the holy spirit father to touch him and let him know that is no is a time father god to have that relationship with you before it is too late we pray now very specially for sister john she also have a request for her father and when you have a daughter asking prayer for her father we know god that you also will not deny it and so we ask in a very special way father that you touch sister john's father at this moment we ask oh god that you touch him in his heart father so that he can see the need of following your heavenly father to see that need of accepting you before it is totally to lead heavenly father for now we have the time where we can choose you heavenly father let him make that decision today to follow you before it is too late we also pray for sister john's son brandy who's the father he's a young man growing up you know the pressure he's going through among his peers i ask for heavenly father that you're direct he's part heavenly father you're said in your word that do you know thy creator in the days of thy youth and so father he is one that he tried his very best to lure you and to follow you and i ask oh god to continue to direct his part continue to make him to make the right decisions in life heavenly father we also pray for better lands man you know exactly what he's going through right now he's asking a parakeets for his family and father we know since in the garden of eden you have created family and so many families heavenly father end up in divorce in this world today and we know you'll hate divorce heavenly father so we ask in a very special way father that you touch brother lance man's family you touch his sons touch his daughter touch his wife father touch every member of his family in a special way lord help them to have that closer relationship with each other and to have that closer relationship heavenly father with you for we know father that only requests that we are asking that you are more than able to answer we pray for also sister jennifer fiera she also asks requests for her family touch your family in a very special father you know exactly what this family is going through we know god that you can fix anything and everything because you are our creator you are our god we also pray in a special way father for sister joseph you know these situations that she is in right now father help our god to know that she can trust you she can depend upon you know that you are a god that is always on time for you're never late happen to know god that is said in your word father that you will never leave her you will never forsake her father that your hand is not too short that it cannot save neither your eyes are blind that they cannot see near death as that in your ears is there they cannot hear so father we know that you can do all things so we place every request here into your hands we also place this program further that is impacting everyone around this country around the world in such a time like this we need this program and it is very important father for us as family to be close together help us heavenly father to have a closer relationship with each other and to have that closer relationship with you beat back the forces of darkness heavenly father that is trying to put a hamper on this and all families heavenly father we ask to touch every family that is representing to the heavenly father that you heavenly father send your holy spirit so the holy spirit can touch every family individually and help them to have that closer communication with each other so we thank you so much for what you do and what you continue to be done bless us lord and we thank you in jesus name amen i keep finding voices in my mind that say i'm not i will never measure and i'm more than just the sum of every high and every lord remind me once again just who i am cause i need to lord you say i am and i believe yes i believe what you say i believe be you say you say i am lord you say i am yours yes fear you have every failure god you have every day you say when i think i am lord you say i am yes what you say lord yes we thank god for the blessed privilege of being here and to look again at the family one of the most important institution upon this earth i show most of our hearts have been moved by the display of broken family what an experience the realities of life sometimes that can be very troubling and so today we trust that at the end of today's message that answers could be and all of us will be blessed in helping to resolve and to better prepare for a happier family in this side of life as we look forward to spending our family in eternity with god so we want to just bow our heads before we get into the word of god father we come asking of you to shower your bounty's blessing upon us today and make the message clear crisp and meeting the needs of your people on this side of life in preparation for eternity in jesus name amen let's take a look at the holy scriptures and let's begin right at the beginning the book of genesis genesis chapter 2 and we are reading from verse 23 on through to verse 25 and the scripture says and adam said this is no bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh verse 25 says and they were both naked the man and his wife and we're not ashamed i think there is a lot of messages there in this package number one we discovered that the family is the closest tie that any human being can get and the experience upon this earth the scripture says they are born of my bone bonded one into the other let's go back to let's stay with the scriptures yes remain there for a while bone of my bone it is the most tender this flesh of my flesh the joining of two lives the flesh meeting flesh it is a very tender and sacred relationship it also says that it tells that the other scripture says therefore a man must leave and cleave so it seems to suggest that it's the most decisive it takes a man to make a decision to leave the comforts of his home under the period the care of his parents and to be joined onto someone who has been attractive or who have been touched or touched his life so it does it's very decisive family life takes decision not only that it says they shall become one flesh so it's very very intimate so that there is a level of intimacy that happens within the family and it says they were both naked the man and his wife so that there is openness there is that sharing of everything together that nakedness that we present to each other we can tell each other everything and anything and god is pleased when we can see and emulate that which he intended for the family the foundation of the society the family is also the best school where we learn how to love how to care how to strengthen our faith and it is the platform to bring about the best in us excuse me while as children your parents will have taught you certain things they would have planted certain values in your life you can free to choose to follow them or not because of the many external environments that will impact your lives but when you come to this intimate relationship with the family with the wife with the husband and with the children it is there that the best in you will come out because your nakedness is now showing up you were now showing up in the presence of each other so it's the platform to bring out the best the family can be the greatest source of blessing or it can be the greatest source of unhappiness as you saw demonstrated in the in in the in that play that was really so very apt so very real so very true to many families today so that the hurt and sorrow that can come to a life can we be experienced in the family or the greatest joy can be there also experience and we have to discover that there is a direct correlation between the family and what is happening in the society the family the problems facing society today is as a direct and can be traced directly to what is happening in the families the breakdown of the family is a breakdown of society the breakdown of the nation and a troubled world the current trend today is very very frightening i want us to take a look and see what is happening the realities of what is happening externally we are discovering there are fewer marriages later age where people get married there are fewer children i came from a family of 10. at least that seemed to me that that was the joy and happiness back there my wife she came from a family of 14. so please don't touch us because you understand if at all any one of you want to trouble me i just have to call on both sides 14 on one hand and 10 on the other hand and you know that you've got to back away so that today we have fewer children some only want one or two or none so that it the the society has changed drastically more step parents there is more working mothers more children sorry more child and spouse abuse less bonding and family togetherness these are the realities of what is facing the modern day society the question comes to mind why are there so many unhappy marriages i want to suggest i want to suggest some things the rat race of life there is the golden ball that continues to to be flashed before the minds of this modern generation many are looking today for building lovely homes sorry lovely houses but ugly homes many today are seeking after getting good education getting a good job but oh my oh my but not living good the priorities are mixed up in many of the relationships there is that where they take the matrimonial vote is now transformed and translated into the match your money vows money seems to be the driving force in the modern day society the materialism seem to be taking over seeking after that which is glorious on the outside but very very disturbing on the inside happiness is thrown through the window separation and divorce have become the major catastrophe in the church and in the world according to the social scientists they have done their research and this was submitted since the early twenties it says fifty percent of the first marriages end up in divorce and sixty five percent of second marriages end up in divorce why because many people get into marriage unprepared for the issues there and the unresolved issues they find themselves forming other relationships and they carry their baggage into the second relationship so 65 of second marriages also ends up in divorce this increase in the breakdown of the family is a very clear distinct sign of the second coming of christ the bible has clearly indicated that men shall be marrying and giving in marriage men shall be you know eating and drinking admiring and giving the marriage and so that it is a very clear sign of christ second coming let's see the reasons why people get divorced number one it says inability to cope with the marriage life demands i think i read somewhere and i think you have read it too that a man that a man must leave his father and his mother so they seem to suggest there is certain measure of maturity that must accompany the decision to become a husband or a wife and sometimes because we have grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle and not prepared to make the adjustment that marriage life demands that we find ourselves in difficulty adjusting we want to have it my way i want to do it my way i want life to continue to be how it always used to be not recognizing that marriage demands of a certain adjustment to the happiness of the spouse the happiness of my partner to help each other to become better persons better individuals happier journey along the pathway to life number two unmet expectations whether real or unreal too many too many are getting into marriage to see what they can get out of it rather than what they can give to it when a man has matured or you have been taught and have been trained and developed by your parents they are preparing you for life so that you have been given certain value systems that you have developed certain characteristics and because you are so happy about you you are so very satisfied about you and you have something special to share you have all of this exciting bubbling over you know energy that you have developed over the years and you want to share this experience with somebody else i want to make somebody else happy i wanted somebody else to enjoy all the benefits that i've gained from my childhood until i reached to be a man so that i can make them the happiest person on earth but oftentimes the problem is that i get into a relationship to see if that person can make me the happiest person i need and disappointment comes you are not going in to give what you're going to get a selfish world of grabbing and grabbing and always wanting and not seeking to make the other and your environment a better place for others to live so that is unexpected means unmet expectations and sometimes daddy and mommy are given trouble at home the home is broken as we have seen and therefore the children wanted to get out they want to get out and so somebody comes by and show them some love and affection and they are ready to give themselves over because mommy and daddy the home was not bringing them that level of satisfaction so they are seeking the comfort somewhere else and they are now about to establish a home that is soon to collapse number three unresolved conflicts which leads to fighting disagreements arguments unresolved conflict let me let me let me tell you in every home there will be conflicts we are broken human beings and we in our brokenness are meeting others who are also broken when we come to that understanding that life the human being is a broken person and the person whom i'm getting married is also a broken person but we want to be the menders of brokenness so that i learn how to appreciate you for who you are as you learn to appreciate me for who i am and therefore we are working together to make each other better it is not to expose your fault and your feelings it's not to show you up and to cast you down to cast your side is to help you to build to be a better you i am here for you i am special to you you are special to me and we want to make life better for each other so that i am saying to you disagreements will lead to conflict and fights unresolved conflicts lead to bitterness and resentment bitterness and resentment leads to separation and alienation and then eventually separation alienation leads to divorce and christian friends it is what the society is suffering from today the next one it is that no no let's go back let's stay with that slide for a moment let's see what the other one is saying we are looking at the point number four divergent opinions on critical matters where we we have not learned yet how to to to be a unit the family is a unit it's not separate individual the bible says that both shall become one so that is no longer living an independent life as we saw demonstrated the husband is spending and going through his financial stresses and the wife is not even aware what is going on in the life of the husband he was not ready for marriage he was still living the lonely life the self important life i me and myself and nobody else and the wife is home struggling and and there and here they are suffering because they they are each living in their own cocoon and they do not understand the importance of working together as one unit this misunderstanding and how to deal with the children the breakdown with money values and how to handle the monies in the home you know you know i remember this story well i was called in some some many years ago to this family that was going through young family not too long married and they were had their first child i think two children and the problem was the husband was saying to me that my wife is stealing my money it was the first thing that shocked me i said listen i said listen no wife can steal the money of her husband and no husband can steal the money of his wife because both of you are one your money is her money and your money is your money there is no difference in the money because you d because both of you have not yet sat down to work out what it means to live together as one and the wife was about to explain what happened she said pastor i did not steal my husband's money in fact two things she related to me she's saying one my husband in addition to him working had a permanent job he also used to be driving taxi and when he comes home and evenings you know the taxi drivers have a way of putting their money they then did different denominations together so he had this money well lined out you know the hundred dollar bills together they they 50 together they take it together and she said she was hustling to work that morning and she she had she needed some change and she changed a hundred dollar bill among the dollars that he had so when he started checking his money again he recognized that the hundred dollar bills were missing and some of the twenties and another hundred dollar bill it was missing the other motor missing and that it created a big problem between them that led to mick being called in not only that she said a day she had no money to go to work to travel to work and she asked him for some money and he said look sweetheart i have no money you know she said okay she went into pants pocket and found some money there and took the money and it again it created the route she said but you told me you had no money so how come you could miss money if you said that you had none so money problems when husband and wife are not working together to have one family unit your money is my money and my money is your money there's a family budget we discuss all financial matters so if the family is going through hardship we are going to hatch it we are working together nobody else need to know that we are drinking bush water and sugar and sugar water and eating salt and fig for breakfast and for lunch because we are fighting the battles together when the family is prospering and things are going good we celebrate together because we are one unit the other number five affairs a broken trust or lack of trust when husbands and wives are not honest and truthful to each other trust is broken and sometimes this broken trust leads to unfaithfulness when i can take you at my word and the wife says i'm going to the market and then an hour after you got a phone call look look look your wife got into an accident in san fernando she left to go to the market about a half a mile down the road but the news is coming back she's five miles away in a motocr accident the only time you knew that she did not go where she said she was going is because of the accident untruthfulness and whenever a husband or a wife discovers that their spouse is untruthful to them even when you are speaking the truth they cannot trust you husband and wives must be truthful to each other that breeds trust it builds good relationship we can share i cannot you are my friend so i can tell you the things that are troubling i can tell you the things that are not so troubling we can laugh together we can cry together we can share the burdens together because you are my sweetheart you are my lover you are the one that i care about we can trust each other so even when things are difficult we can still sit down and talk over matters the fifth one i want us to look at is sexual dissatisfaction and infidelity too many too many of our young people today because of the environment in which we are now living and the sex explosion that is now bombarding the world see sex as an act of performance some years ago i was in a particular place and this young man came up to me and he said sir so when he's i didn't recognize him he was one of my past students while i was teaching and he came to me and we started chatting and we started talking and i'm asking what he's doing with his life and what have you what have you he was now a little church boy he was going to church he said he joined some little church he told me and he started telling me about his life and what helped you and he said look look he said he was thankful for being a church boy now but he was saying to me you know you know you know i really used to live it up you know i had i had many many girls he didn't know i was a pastor at the time he was just chatting because he didn't haven't seen me for many years and then he mentioned to me that the wife that he has married the girl that he has married to he married to her because she was the best person in bed she was the best sex partner that he ever had and that troubled me it troubled me it means therefore that if this man's motive for marrying this woman because he has been with so many others that she was the greatest performer in bed the day that something goes wrong physically with her that's the end of the marriage i don't know if they are still married but christian friend sex is now used as a tool to satisfy the lustfulness of human beings whereas it was intended god had given the gift of sex so that men and women can demonstrate their their bluntness the climax of that affection that that togetherness that that joy of knowing that you care for me and i care for you so i'm willing to share my all with you as you're willing to share your all with me notwithstanding i'm also saying that while there can be dissatisfaction in the bed it also that some people have gotten the wrong understanding of that which god has given to human beings the gift of sex as human beings we were intended to be people of rhythm people of not we are not cold and indifferent so therefore it did not rule out that marriage should be able to in married people should be able to enjoy the gift that god has given to them but it's not the be-all and end-all of life if that is the premise in which your marriage is built your marriage is soon to crumble let's move to the next slide and hear what god is saying to us i want us to look at the book first corinthians chapter seven and what it is saying to us it says as we read he said let the husband pauly speak as addressing an important matter that had been affecting the corinthian church and i want us to read it said let the husband render to his wife the affection to her and likewise also the wife to her husband you cannot treat me anyhow call me a dog snub me all during the day and then you want my affection when the night comes marriage life is a round of affection and sharing and intimacy and love and caring so paul is saying to the corinthian believers husband and wife must share the affection one for the other it is god's intent the home is the place where we learn to love and to care more than any other place husband and wives the next verse says the wife does not have authority over her own body but a husband and likewise the husband does not have authority over her own body but the wife do not deprive one another except with consent young food today or often time is the woman that gives trouble more than the man you know that the men time wouldn't allow me i wish i had a whole day to talk to this thing look you know oftentimes the the top priority in the man's mind that which men look forward to what drives the man is sex that's number one it is the thing that moves men more than any other thing to the woman she wants to know that there is affection there is care there is security a husband that cares and is very affectionate and and can protect her so that paul is saying sometimes when the man didn't bring enough money home or whatever it is that she's satisfied with what she decided to do look sir leave me alone don't touch me so she started turning her back on the bed so the man is stressed out in bed ladies you don't do that no no no don't do that and so therefore paul is saying to the husband and to the wife the husband and the wife must render to each other due affection the husband's body belongs to the wife and the wise body belongs to the husband do not deprive each other except by consent because you want to give yourself to pray and to fasting and then come together again because if you continue to push him away you are allowing satan to tempt him beyond where he should be tempted so that husbands and wives we must be protectors of each other we must ensure that god is always the the theme around which the home result revolves sex is a gift from god given to husband and wife let's see the next slide what it's saying god's ideal for marriage let's see what is god's ideal number one we're in matthew chapter 19. and i want us to look at this very very carefully the pharisees also came to him tempting him and saying to him is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason the next verse says and he answered and said have you not read that he which made them in the beginning made them male and female i want us i want us to look at this thing this thing is troubling it is very troubling for this modern day generation god is saying i made male i made female native has clearly demonstrated there is a male and there is a female the male was given a penis a female was given a vagina there is nothing in nature to change that in the beginning i god made male and female in the animal kingdom there is male and female in the human family there is male and female i want to pause for a moment to let you what i believe is part of the problem in our modern day society because of the drug trade and and the the drugs that many of our young people are getting involved in there are many impotent men did you listen to me many men are becoming impotent so that instead of be becoming the man that god intended them to be to be able to get a family and to able to to to to engender the next generation to come they cannot function anymore and therefore the front door is locked off and the back door is open it's a demon demonic thing it is a threat against the family against nature and against god the next verse says and god said for this reason a man a man a man must leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they become one first so then they are no longer two but one flesh therefore what god had joined together what was wrong no human being can make two into one if only god can make a marriage into one the husband or make a man and a woman into one if god alone can marry people and therefore god alone can separate people the next verse it says and they said to him why then did moses command to give a certificate of divorce and to put her away and he said to them moses because of the hardness of your heart permitted you to divorce your wife but from the beginning it was not so and i say to you let's look at this one and i'm looking at verse 9 it says and i say to you whosoever divorces his wife except for sexual immorality and marries another commits adultery and whosoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery what is god saying god is saying even though the craze of the world and the legal law of the land may permit you to divorce your wife for many other reasons in the sight of god you are still married to that person let's go there's a beautiful statement i want us to look at let's look at the next statement it says and i'm quoting now from the book adventist home page 342 344 it says a woman may be legally divorced from a husband by the laws of the land and yet not divorced in the sight of god and according to the highest or the higher law there is only one sin which is adultery which can be placed which can place the husband or the wife in a position where they can be free from the marriage vows in the sight of god although the law of the land may grant a divorce yet their husband and wife still in the bible light according to the law of god there may be many individuals who are claiming to be christian but are still living a life of adultery even though they are legally married by the law of the land their second marriage they broke off their first marriage for all other reasons unresolved conflicts differences in it there are too many indifferences among us uh neglect of the family and their choose you are free to divorce if you so want but you can only be remarried to another person if the person that with whom you once married have broken the seventh commandment which says thou shalt not commit adultery and adultery not only means having another woman it could be going with a beast could be incest could be whatever sexual activity that is contrary to the will of god is considered to be an immoral act and entices you to divorce your wife legally in the sight of god so that as christians we must understand god is very concerned about this important aspect of the life the devil master plan is to match up the family and he will do all that is necessary to complicate the simple straightforward directions that god has given so us to make life worth living and so a christian we must be very careful that we follow god's divine plan let's move on and let's see what god is saying next malachi this one was quite quite intriguing to me what god is saying to us in the book of malachi and i'm quoting now from it is the clear word i love how the clay would as a spirit it says there's another evil thing that you do is to flood the lord's altar with your tears broken hearts and broken homes broken lives you weep because the lord no longer accept your offerings and answer your prayers wow could there be people in church bringing their offerings to the lord and offering their prayers and god is not answering their prayers nor their offerings that's what god is saying because they are broken off they have mixed up that sacred thing that god has made they have drawn themselves to another woman or another man and god is saying no no no no no i can't accept that i will not accept your prayers i will not accept your offering even though you appear to be holy and sacred in my sight no no no i cannot accept you because you are living in sin verse 14 says do you wonder why god is not accepting your offerings and your prayers you have broken the lord's covenant and the promise you made to your wife when you were young you have been unfaithful to her you have broken faith in the sight of god in fact that that you that she is your partner and you promise god to take her to be your wife let's move on at that time god made you both one and accept you as such why is he so concerned about this because he says what for many reasons what are the reasons one for many reasons one being that that for you to what to do what could somebody say to me for why not so god is saying the reason now that i want you to remain together so you can bring up godly children the home is the preparation going for eternity a broken home is a broken relationship a broken life and a broken journey to the kingdom a home that is established after god's own pattern is the heaven and earth preparing us for eternity so he's saying because you have to bring up godly children let's say what verse i am verse 16 says the lord says i hate it when a man is unfaithful and divorce his wife for someone else to make it worse you cover up your treachery and violence by pretending to be innocent what a thing god is saying god is saying i hate divorce and putting away god is saying to you unto me marriage is a sacred gift that god has given to us and we must follow god's plan because it provides you happiness in this life and for eternity so you and i must be ready always to follow god's plan let's move on what it says next i want us today to look at there are four pillars i want to share with us that will help us to make a happy family number one make god first last and best in your life god the giver of marriage is the only keeper of marriage if god is ruled out of your life and your home then your home is broken i quote ministry of healing page 361 make christ first and last and best in everything as your love for him god becomes deeper and stronger your love for each other will be purified and strengthened god is the giver of love you want to learn how to love go to god you want to learn how to keep your family together go to god he's the giver of love he's the supporter of love he's the one who shaped the family into what it's supposed to be number two establish the family altar christian friends the family that prays together what happens stays together whenever there is a family where christ is not the center of the home repair is not to be made let me quote again for you adventist home page 350. the household where god is not worship is like a ship in the midst of the sea without the pilot or him the tempest beats and breaks upon it and there is danger that all around all on board may perish regard your life and the lives of your children as precious for christ for you must meet them and your husband before you must meet them and their husband before the throne of god so therefore anytime a home where worship is not being conducted because of too busy whatever the reasons you are doomed for shipwreck the home is on the verge of being shipwrecked god must become first and best and last in everything be each other's best friend best friends spend a lot of time talking communicating we don't just look at somebody and say you're my best friend no no no they go through difficult times trying times and they discover that you have my back and i have your back we can talk over everything i can share with you my secret thoughts so that when husbands and wives become best friends they learn how to communicate all the time they share things together they they they bounce off things on each other and they want to make sure that what they do is pleasing to each other so husband and wife must always become best friends make them your best friend finally be willing to forgive all of us are broken all of us will do foolish things and therefore if you are mr perfect or misperfect then you can expect the wife or the husband to be perfect but since we are not therefore things will happen that may not be what the way you expected and you must always be willing to forgive forgiveness is the willingness to bear the consequences of another's wrong doing surrendering your desire to read to retaliate so willing to forgive the other and not retaliate it is the only door to a safe and satisfying restoration and reconciliation in a broken relationship and the scripture says matthew chapter 6 verse 14 and 15 for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither with your father forgive your trespasses husband and wife must learn to forgive each other i remembered the story again young couple recently married their first child and the situation was of such that their wife had a really a very difficult pregnancy a different a difficult the child where they would she was sick all through and then finally the child came through healthy bouncing baby with the excitement and when during the time that she was able to recuperate sufficiently her parents were living abroad and to decide i want to take my baby to see my parents who are broad and the husband they were recently married he has just started a new job and they decide look now so okay sweetheart you can go ahead and she went for a few months abroad with her baby what do you think happened to the man was home alone struggling with himself no baby no wife his first child and he was there struggling but there was a common friend to the family she was always there with the family she always she was there to support a friend during a pregnancy and even after they had the wife and that went away she was there to take care of her husband for her and she took good care of the husband in the absence of the wife this man was a man of god his life was really troubling he couldn't sleep it was disturbing to him and he was anxious for his wife to return and before she could land in the house he broke down and started relating to her the sad story that's where the pastor came in it was a moment of divorce she was asking for but thank god because there was that intervention and understanding of the mercies of god and circumstances that was not intended to be what it was i am thankful today that they are still happily married and enjoying a good life together forgiveness forgiveness but god is saying there are those who are so immoral like the man i related to earlier on so immoral that they feel every dress still must be theirs and bringing home all kinds of unfortunate thing to their to their spouse man or woman maybe and there comes a time when enough is enough and god is saying you are legally right if that's the case to divorce your wife or your husband and so today christian friends i trust that this topic is so big and so broad it can take your entire week there's so many areas that are untouched and so i trust today that those points that we have shared might be a blessing to your life i want to end on this exciting note just a few weeks ago in fact it was the 22nd of october the year was 1972. when i walked down the aisles with my beautiful wife we celebrated 48 years of marriage she's the sweetest thing she's still the loving wife that she has always been i have still been the troubling husband i've always been but we learn how to share how to care how to love each other marriage is still and can still be a happy joyful journey let us love each other let us learn how to care for each other let us learn how to forgive each other let us learn how to bring out the best in each other so that when god looks down upon us he can say these are my children in whom i'm well pleased may god bless us today in jesus name we pray that we take his advice and allow god to come into our homes so even if you feel your home is at the verge of breaking up we know that god is a god of a powerful glue let's pass with the glue and stick it back together once you allow him to amen so as we end we want to leave the same song with you again pray that you sing along understand the message not all god into your homes growing up we don't know we can be sure that by his grace we'll end revive our families again we set our families again tell your neighbors and your friends their lives can be restored again the holy spirit is reconnecting all the broken parts of man so tell your families it's time to come to god again in this world some we can be sure that by his grace again reset our families again tell your neighbors and your friends their lives can be restored again the holy spirit is reconnecting with the broken hearts of man so tell your family it's time to blood again it's not just words again we set our families again tell your neighbors and your friends their lives can be restored again the holy spirit is reconnecting the broken hearts of man so tell your family it's time to come to god again so tell your family do you want to thank you for joining us today we prayed out your hearts were blessed by the message and all the messages that came out in this week's program we invite you to join us next week as we continue for our fourth week so every week we'll be here until seven weeks we pray that you pray that you come log on share the link express your feelings online maybe we need prayer we'll pray for you we pray that you continue to be with us we have also our sunday night and wednesday night zoo meetings this week we have a crusade week of prayer coming up so continue to log on until next week we pray that god blesses you enjoy the rest of your sabbath happy birthday sandra so so so you
Channel: Five Rivers Seventh-day Adventist Church
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Id: KFg_gVZqnCo
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Length: 179min 30sec (10770 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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