DND Far & Wide Episode 18: Forgiveness & Negotiation

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there's our images yes hello everybody and welcome to another episode of far and wide the only show on the internet that makes you feel as good as busting them ghosts I am as always your DM extraordinaire AJ and I just got a haircut I want a haircut you might need one and uh I haven't and uh we have an announcement for you we'll save it for after introductions so we're gonna start in a natural order I don't like it sucks you came first on the overlay my name is Kat I play flora and um I did not peer pressure her I just gently suggested peer pressured boy oh it's a day drinking yeah new hobby and uh no not really worried about my channel since um we're probably going to be down for a month well still we should tell the people where they can find it build up the anticipation that's true we're gonna be out for a month because April is crazy but if you want to watch more DND you can catch me usually Sunday nights 6 30 Central Standard Time uh at icdm very good now next it was a really bad time to try to take a bite of a sandwich yeah I feel like I feel like a waiter out of your food Mr mouth full of food hello everyone I'm Odin I played Dahlia um the spiteful little uh Gremlin who looks extremely young but constantly causes fire everywhere that's what I got uh hi I'm V I played Malik the Rogue and currently I'm hoping that my internet holds out long enough for this entire session uh for the last six hours or so I've been cutting in and out and I have given up doing homework so yay I love thunderstorms next someone who we didn't actually uh get to have with us last time hi I'm Yoji I'm lucky because uh my storm hit at like three in the morning today uh that that hit me uh that knocked out my power and everything it was it was real fun um and it was snowy in in April I don't like this so anyways I'm hoping to take out my anger on some things with a big stick today we'll see hopefully a man can dream finally hi guys I'm Toma I play scrap I also make tables sometimes and I've been playing Jedi fall in order and preparation for our Star Wars game next week [Music] well that's a lovely transition uh unfortunately for the rest of April we will not have a lovely cat with us so we have decided upon a special filler that uh will be run by Broden and uh why don't you tell the folks about that I get to run a game first time in years well besides uh blades in the dark but this is different so for the rest of April for like the next four weekends hopefully um I will be doing a d d game uh with a lot of the people who play in this game um I don't think Yoji uh did I ever message you about the game because you can see it if you want I have not been messaged give me a date and time and I'll tell you if I can make it it's the same time as we do this okay yes I can all right okay we're gonna have to put a few more enemies on the board um it's fine point is it's a Star Wars DND game it's gonna be a little short uh series about four episodes uh it's gonna be taking place pretty much like a year or two after the Empire has taken power so pretty much in between episode three and four um if you like Star Wars if you like DND because it's pretty much just a skinned over version of D and D but Star Wars tune in next week when we do Astro April and we're just gonna see if these guys can survive what I throw at them because again I don't DM too much so the forest will be with us always I can't wait for you guys to be like what the [ __ ] man I got a bad feeling about this and you should and uh for a special occasion I've been working on my R2D2 impression but uh now that you know about Astor April please keep an eye on mark it on your calendars uh why don't we have Toma take us away okay so last week the whole group finished uh setting up the intricate details quote about a contract with the Druid lady named Ali Shen I know Rihanna I I missed that line um and then we made our way out of the forest but we were stopped by a bunch of goblins who died immediately in spectacular fashion didn't expect that most of us barely got to do anything as Delia cooked them to a CR burned them to a crisp instantly I don't know what you're talking about I'm a pacifist um we then made our way to town where I set up the mushrooms that I got from a uh interesting set of trees in my backyard uh and then applied some fertilizer to them then [Music] um we found out that we had been robbed so we needed to figure out what the hell was going on with that um After figuring out this information we went and turned in the information that we had about our job to the guards and Malik almost got arrested and had to hand over all of his daggers then we found out that the person who robbed us was just some smoke off the street apparently and we were told to get better guards so we worked that out [Music] and we're also in talks with people to set up a national park [Music] that I didn't get to be part of those discussions because shortly before those discussions started uh we had dinner with our Patron Mr Gage and scrap uh knowledgeable as always but lacking in Social uh structure uh attempted to feed one of the mushrooms to Delia to see what it would do this caused Dalia to fly into a wild rage and nearly killing him he has not been seen for two days [Music] and that takes us to a very drunk Dahlia confused Malik and Flora at a certain Guild with a nice little halfling man named Old Willow or Andrew dewdrop [Music] tell me you may take your free reroll for the session see I think we just we just finished up there [Music] yep yes and uh Old Willow would like to go with you to negotiate okay where is the area of demarcation here um so you will have to take him to see Brianna how far is Brianna from us [Music] about a day I think [Music] yeah I'm awesome Manos uh you might be able to cut it down now that you actually know directly where you're going rather than wandering like you have been considering you really really got a map up there fast we still have a drunk Dahlia though shouldn't we should ask for a cart [Music] just get a wheelbarrow quick quick get drunk Dolly to draw one for you you try today are you awake I don't know am I you know what let me let me make a concert if it's above uh I don't know 12 we'll see no you can try waking her up though you wake her up [Music] straight up not it I like how she used to taking my mom of the group right now it's freshman initiative you do it so so halfling guy oh my God I wrote his name down I just don't have my notes open um Andrew is like he is following us currently he was just like I'm coming with uh if you guys were going straight to the Brianna right now I don't know if you'd want to stop home and grab some grab anyone else or let's go yeah that was that was your plan yeah I think Charlie needs to sleep this off I mean she she is our um our best negotiator as far as I can tell I'm not very good with words myself so [Music] uh so Andrew's still with us no no you guys are still out at his base you guys haven't left oh we should just okay yeah well ah I guess then I can wait she just needs to you know um good night's sleep ah yes that he looks at he looks at the outside in the afternoon it's time to sleep yes well be on with you power could carry Dalia like honestly the two weakest in terms of seasoning one arm over each of your shoulders it's not that hard even with your [ __ ] strength she's also does not weigh a lot yup we will literally just just shoulder her and if her feet drag a little bit well you know that's life how tall are you guys I think I'm barely taller than you give me a second I'm Flora is she's average height actually I think she's just a Teensy bit taller than average five six [Music] Dolly how tall are you at least when scrap gets drunk he has the decency to weigh 20 pounds um she is five foot one you you are a good bit taller than her okay rag rag Dolly up it's a duck there's no there's nobody the crackers is currently just kind of wrapped like cuddling with me as this emotional support duck oh we gotta get yeah you got the added weight of a bucket well you know easiest way we can do this without disturbing a duck is that you can grab her shoulder I'll grab her legs at least like yeah like they're moving a couch cracker makes direct eye contact with Malik the entire way I am not making eye contact at all looking straight upward okay yeah okay every time you try to look away it just tilts its head a little further yeah you guys get home yeah it takes it's getting towards the evening Yoji you've woken up from Manhattan the house is completely empty there's not even a Terry there Scorch marches Scorch marks though there are Scorch marks in the in the in the lobby smells like ash basically the area where scraps token is on the map that's where the Scorch marks are okay I won't see them immediately but I'll like I'll have looked around the house for a little bit do I see like a note scrawled anywhere like where everything else went no no uh it's Terry he's just gone Terry's gone dolly is not here and The Liquor Cabinet is unlocked okay so fun fact because I I do have my inventory up it is not full it's not full no not empty either I have in count I have all but one bottle of the fine Brandy but there's also no one here to stop me time for a sexy party we just walk into yoshino's underwear yeah the guys were coming back you know what that wasn't really drawing up Dolly just smashes against the floor because you both dropped her to come here guys but uh yes they finally get home you've had a quiet day at home doing whatever you'd like there's for some reason just inside a large and hopefully you guys have the exact numbers from last session bear thing of wheat apple and three barrels were we given them we were not we just I don't remember getting exact numbers of things then I'll give you exact number later okay yeah they're just random produce right by the front door as well no we we moved that into the basement yeah I guess moved it inside but and here walks in dollyhound Malik and Flora well walks in foot I was gonna say walks a strong word [Music] um okay I feel like I've missed a lot you're awake who's president really actually no that makes a lot of sense now to think about it but he still lives here wait does that mean wait we living but you're a homeless president I thought the whole point of getting that job was the free house exactly but Malik couldn't be trusted with the keys you're the biggest rager no this is interested or everyone else who can't be trusted because I feel like well I wouldn't be the most trustworthy here but like Malik I feel like that's what someone thinks they're crazy but they're like I'm the only sane one left what all happened here what happened to Dolly oh [Music] um why does the entire room smell like alcohol oh wait closest foreign [Music] [Music] clearly wasn't asleep long enough though put Dahlia down slowly obviously undeployed no I I have an idea wrap her up in the in the rug like a burrito and we'll carry her up yes put the fire person in the fire it'll be fine you don't set it on fire when you walk on it no but her hair is fire we're just we'll just pillow work in this house that's a good point does Dolly have a fireproof pillow yeah I think I think it extinguishes when she goes to sleep like a stove yeah Dolly has been day drinking I can't exactly judge her there though you know um what what else happened Mr Gage has a warehouse for you to start Penny knock you down you didn't Malik that is the best thing I've heard all day also the only thing I've heard all day Yes actually no like the second thing I've heard all day it didn't have a very high bar but it's still pretty up there okay that's less cool for what reason wait for what reason because I did technically try to drug you that one time but it was to save your life oh yes well this is less medical and more shrooms we found in the wild oh that's very bad that's they definitely you have to be careful either you're going to have a nice meal you're going to die or you're going to trip balls some or sometimes all three well I think instead of all three she went for the fourth option which was trying to kill him but oh that's a weird one I haven't heard I haven't seen that I would never have killed him attempt you came pretty close I just wanted to let him know my discomfort I killed by almost killed received you know if you were the one who have done it the results would have been worse I look at The Scorch mark on the floor now come here I want to scratch your beard you start crawling towards you very true crawling I will say you don't have to allow that if you stop her she's not really gonna put up much of a fight she's she's that drunk I've just I've just got I feel like it's better if I just let her do her thing and then we'll just she kind of like she touches your beard yeah she just goes from like the smooth part of your face back to the beard she keeps going scratchy smooth scratchy smooth yeah see I don't I don't want to end up like like what she did to scrap that sounds [Music] where is scrap by the way is he points like behind me as I'm crouched on the ground no no no no He's Alive um he left he left but for what what did he need [Music] um I'm not quite sure where he went but perhaps he's taking some time away from the situation you know let let things settle down maybe from a near-death experience I mean I can't really fault him there [Music] all right she starts hugging your leg Yoji okay yeah oh yeah crackers is just on my back staring up at you not breaking ice okay yeah see I'm I'm more careful okay um here's the thing Lord you want to take the duck for a little bit and I'll take Dolly up and put her in her bed which we will probably pass out in a few seconds we should probably do something about the duck yeah so uh you get it I'm not touching her that Dr may as well be a 2 000 pound weight on Dolly right now I'm not picking her up oh my God you don't know what that thing is capable of there's also one other individual you don't know where they are Yoji who would that be Terry here he is in here all right so this time that scrap opens the door and this looks around at everyone being in the room [Music] I'm glad to see you're not just a sports mark on the on the floor slowly steps and close the door and we expect you all to be in the room but okay still awake I reopened a door so that the smell of scorch marks would leave because it's not just your party members also Cyrus the owl is here oh yeah he is upstairs oh okay he is running away from all of you guys and crackers oh Dahlia why are you quacking am I quacker's cracking quick I like the thing I like to think it's like quackers quacks once and then you just do it back yeah I have the best talker in the party quack I'm the new Druid question [Music] all right um floor do you want to get the duck he didn't get to you too did he entirely a little on edge he got me once and but this the second time he didn't okay because he got me like three days in a row [Music] memory I'm just gonna oh God I'm gonna do my best I'm gonna I'm gonna get close obviously I think quackers is okay with us being close to Dahlia we just carried her all the way home he's not a guard duck I know I'm just do you have still attention for Dahlia does this thing understand us I believe so yeah it makes you feel any better you are probably far more afraid of it than it is of you you say that and you see its head turn from Yoji nearly make a 360 degree direction towards you just look at you and go quack sexy Jesus Christ and then turns back to Yoji I'm just gonna walk over then and be like uh quackers [Music] we can't get Dahlia upstairs Yoji however can because he's like super strong but he's kind of scared of you which good job by the way yeah I know right now very fearsome um if if you could just scooch long enough to let Yoji get Dahlia upstairs and then you can go cuddle in bed with her will jump off Dahlia and start walking to walking towards oh I was gonna ask for an animal handling check [Music] I mean they're not they have promised no ill will towards Dalia yeah again he's not a hostile entity but he's an entity yeah the Flora still has a little bit of like she's she's still unsure because of that first uh that first generation upstairs he can he can go upstairs yeah he also has wings I think he can just yeah he goes upstairs he's an independent man sometimes I forget that ducks are just all-terrain vehicles of animals yeah okay that's why a druid can become a direwolf before it can become a duck or clown fish I'm surely one is more useful than that other noise someone's making noise it's okay Dahlia we're it's it's time for you to go to bed you need to sleep this one off it's for the afternoon it's very late fly around yoji's head is cool okay you're being circled by Shadow the Hedgehog all right this is a little bit Malik what look you're out and also an Elvis horror beyond my comprehension is it [Music] uh look at I look at his eyes I don't think so that's that's mildly less terrifying but it's still avian so I mean it's not like an owl Hood he literally in man in man voice you're into those types of people okay Malik made a new Druid friend [Music] how's that all right I will carry Dolly up and put her in her bed and just leave her to sleep off this uh the day drinking crackers snuggles in with her you now have an afternoon where Dahlia is passed out oh yes we see whatever we want foreign [Music] [Music] what do they see you scrap doing in the kitchen I'm not in there um well with how long they were distracted talking downstairs and apparently didn't notice him sneak past them to go upstairs they'd probably just see him putting something on the counter as he uh then starts to walk away I swear we all get drugged because during tonight's dinner I uh scratch getting around too when that happens I don't notice anyone check what the enemy put on the counterworms I mean I guess I will I mean I asked you what you were doing then you didn't answer and then just walked away so I'm just going I mean if you directly ask me I'm just walking but I'm certainly going to poke around hold on I need to find a gift real quick uh I don't know The Flash Bingo off it's a gosh damn it I have to send another one so you know you basically you look at the counter on in the kitchen and you see one of these things uh for those in listening uh it's a lucky cat on I got it you know what these are they are a symbol of good luck and good fortune oh where did scrap get one of these events yeah is anyone else up here with me or did ever are you guys I would probably make my way upstairs to uh grab a drink there is aspersated one drink in there and Josie's already gone through a little bit of it and Cat you have the whole afternoon if you want to go make a liquor run [Music] that or you could try to reach into Dahlia's uh purse and grab one of the liquor bottles wait [Music] I'm gonna go make a I'm gonna go make a liquor run and how much you want to spend on what you're buying I'm nothing crazy just enough to have a relaxing evening [Music] okay you probably just Snail you might you buy their most three doll three silverist uh small batch ale and gloss bottles us actually got the equivalent of a low grade craft beer a low grade okay so I was thinking more like I'd be going to get like an 18 or uh who thinks you got to tell me so the equivalent of like an 18 pack of Miller Lite you know like just oh oh you just get you get some trash beer is that [ __ ] you can drink all day but yeah yeah for essentially a 30 rack it's cheap it gets it keeps you going and it it lasts that's what that's what she needs because she she also broke saving up for the Spells the life of a wizard we are yes yes three silverish 30 rack of Cheapo beer [Music] I will bring it back in and uh can I try to take that alcohol out of Dahlia's bag you know it'll be a difficult check and there's the duck right there so this is the a few he will try to conjure his hike hockey you and bite you so and you have to do without disturbing Dahlia I mean they're still drunk you know oh yeah you'll have advantage on it yeah you'll have advantage on it but you know the consequences of disturbing her [Music] you're gonna reach into Dolly's bag of holding what which is kept at your side where did you leave the alcohol so do you know which of her two purses or bags this bag of holding I know which one is it it's in today but doesn't leak that's the real Point yeah I assume I would because I've seen you use it so many times okay I have to though [Music] there's a small blue butterfly one and then there is a larger red butterfly one there would know that the alcohol is in the blue one yeah I was gonna say like it makes sense and the one that cools things down instead of the one that heats things up because who drinks hot alcohol yeah yeah because I was the one to suggest putting it in there and taking it with us yeah so I mean that's just like something I can Intuit as someone who drinks things like who who drinks warm alcohol roll the thing to see the British and I I'm oh I will be 100 honest whichever one it's in is it sleight of hands or which one you want I will make it sleight of hand all right is it advantage or she is incapacitated yeah but not the duck whackers does probably see you doing this I mean he is right there yep so we'll do it because there's two people quackers Will Roll standard Dollar World to perceive with disadvantage that okay okay not real normal yes [Music] the duck physically cannot beat you nor can Dahlia um now here's the thing though you don't chill a lot of wine actually yeah you smoke a lot of that room yeah the who drinks warm alcohol the British technically sucks he's supposed to be hot I I have it on my sheet it is in the other bag I know but Yoji asked who drinks warm alcohol I don't really count the English as people though that's the thing wow objectively correct they wouldn't want to start the the milk with tea and sugar thing okay I could see it like milk and tea but that's not alcohol yeah I'm talking about warm British Beer yeah then move the camera oh sorry yeah it's hard to do two things at once Mica so are cockroaches he's got a point Malik you wanted to say something I was gonna say so do I get the alcohol or am I just flailing around you were you are currently flowing around in the back yeah alcohol is in the other bag you would now know so you've already reached into an empty bag well not everybody just didn't grab the thing you wanted because that's how bags of holding work yeah as you would lift it out you would just see the still being preserved uh Pelt of um there and that you feel something squishy and fuzzy that's definitely not what I wanted I I take out my end immediately yep you can go again but I would probably go again round two let's go all right roll that side of hands baby what are the odds of a second off throw and roll roll your two rolls one for Dahlia one for quackers uh so you never gave me crackers stuff you've had you always had access to civil's codex of companions first one okay she doesn't notice crackers crackers I'm just gonna roll D20 um I don't know I'll I'll try to find a add add plus one to this does he have advantage on this because he is actively watching or yeah all right so uh oh so a duck has plus five to perception oh um 21. yeah definitely so he's going to try to bite you and Conquer blast you give me away I will send you the stat block again all right let's jump saving throw [Music] you're not scared but he is trying to bite so what is it wait wait hold on hold on let me see the range of it fit everything within 15 feet that would have been hilarious if a Yoji would have been the only one and that's only just goes nope gotta go I said for the Servants of the force wait Rock campaign yeah all right how are we able to get through the wall it's just that Administration no to say it just says hockey hazelberry yeah each creature within 15 feet it does not say anything about walls being a barrier so um what's his attack bonus so Ducks get a minus three to hit okay and a single point of damage [Music] negative two doesn't bite Dahlia instead no will it heals for one temp HP bites you it gets your entire hand you're like oh no and as it comes off you just see a Band-Aid on there all right [Music] think I think and you know how now bro and what could Malik have had grabbed oh God it's your inventory uh [Music] these are the things they get up to when I don't give them a plot never give your players a plot these things they'll get up to this stuff roll me a D30 oh God yeah cause you're gonna grab the first thing you got uh r slash one D30 yeah I'm thinking of Reddit 1D 30. oh that's an interesting one what do they grab um you pull out a metal urn [Music] I can't attach to it you see it attached to it as a little piece of paper [Music] well it is coming this just got interesting we found the plot guys I was so hoping that was the number I cannot believe you rolled it being the [ __ ] I just like to read the piece of paper you open up uh the piece of paper uh it seems to be a drawing of a sketch of a slightly older Stern looking uh male uh fire to Nazi with a very beautiful um small uh fire janazi woman next to him they look very happy uh but the fire did Nasi woman looks remarkably like Dahlia [Laughter] definitely not her but it looks a lot like her [Music] I looked down at quackers okay this was totally not my intention [Music] that's another slide of hand that's another one dude every time you can go in and out all right yes [Music] can still tie because he has a plus five oh yeah too what would be the odds of a third net 20 guys I don't know Broden let's find out you're really funny oh 17 minutes 17. okay so you successfully put back the urn and I'll just say it has been five-ish minutes of Malik just doing this in the other room you guys I feel like we're just taking a sip of the like sheep beer every time we hear a quack like none of you want to go in there you're like yeah the duck would warn us of anything bad happened right I feel like I feel like Malik would scream loud enough if something really bad happened you know never heard me scream I don't that's a good point actually yeah thanks tiny shoulder Malik that's a good question placard just comes up behind you with a chloroform rag I get I'm just gonna look at quackers okay I can't get the wine or alcohol so it's up for to you to protect her from herself I do not want to risk this equest believed or very quietly by alcoholism duck and I go outside and see both you guys are drinking I'm like oh God damn it how did the duck petting session go the leak going in there like oh I just need alcohol pulls out the one item that actually looks and goes oh no as well put that back in there don't wake up did you did you pet your duck well my duck I don't know I feel like it's a collective thing really [Music] except for Dahlia baby is his duck his own person there's no duck black guys are the roommate I I would I don't know if I'd classify him as a person per se he whips out his driver's license he is I mean I mean what is a man a featherless biped he has feathers nah it's a miserable pile of secrets and you don't know anything about him I that's a good point but I know he has feathers does he she does right right wait if he weighs more if he wait depending on his way is he a witch that's a good point we need to test that we are not testing it out right now oh yeah I'm not gonna go test it but like you know we as like a collective like somebody needs to do it I am not part is we oh as Malik's coming back out of the room scrap sort of walks over to the table in front of you guys where you're drinking [Music] So based on the reaction of the last person I tried this experiment with I'm going to ask this time and he puts the mushroom down on the table does anyone want to try a mushroom he's learning yeah um it's dangerous it's part of the experiment only if he gets caught can I roll a survival or nature check to identify I'll say this Yoji scrap who is uh sort of this is his whole field could not identify it so I will say it is not possible okay fair I'm gonna pick it up I'm gonna look at scrap for the sake of friendship sure I don't suggest eating the whole thing it might kill you oh well I wasn't playing on two anyways they just take a single bite out of it should be enough I don't think yeah we're talking about just taking a bite straight out of it he just sort of puts a knife down on the table slowly and backs away whatever [Music] oh you don't have also part of the experiment I think our Chef has passed out did you wash it at least y'all still need dinner too we don't need dinner she won't be out that long like do you want me to rule to see how long roll a D12 and that is the amount of hours you're asleep she had one bottle then again a quickie you stayed in a quick refresh when you ask if it's washed he says well first you have to eat it see if you have a reaction then re-wash it see if you have a reaction again if you still do it wasn't something that was on it it was the mushroom itself perfect method or something all right I'm taking a diagram taking a small piece of it okay roll a con save and I'll just tell you pass fail so you can choose to fail wait you can choose to fail actually no no with this you cannot oh yeah that makes sense [Music] this is just how does your body react to the mushroom foreign I don't see anything wrong he's he's nodding me a bit as he's uh writing down some notes but he he does look a little disappointed okay now now you wash it and then Malik you you take another or Flora eats it oh God I could try to eat it why don't we all eat well scrap's not eating it because he needs to take notes but he would suggest that as long as we can try it I'll take all right I'll take I'll take a bite I'll take it I'll take a couple mushroom the more the more people he can have try it the more test subjects he has and the better the the uh the confidence interval is gonna be yeah the better the um the thing for having a group of people to test Dolly's gonna wake up just come out and see all three of you just stoned on the couches people for a month and you've been sleeping in the same place it can't be this dangerous I mean yeah all I'm saying is she comes out and see that she's definitely going to consider about renting her own place soon uh Malik do you give me the mushroom in the night all right all right I'll do a card say you have two more samples worth of mushroom man these mushrooms man they're just um they're just regular portabellas yeah what he uh yeah he looks uh over the Flora next um [ __ ] it oh this shirt is a legally a mushroom God I really hope it's high enough uh unfortunately you pass no you got one more if someone wants to go around too yeah one more time okay I would just say I recommend the person with the lowest con if you want this to work okay I mean above game we need to talk about Contours no no that's just you just say I so we're just gonna say the Barbarian is definitely not the play here no but he still wants to eat the mushroom so you know at the same time and [Music] yeah before surely you have your hearty Constitution I mean yeah you do it Luke has abs of steel so I mean he has a plan okay [ __ ] let's go where's the Malik place [Music] yo the best use of this spell ever roll again just a minute Silver Box your silver bars to make your party yeah oh my God so I will let Tomah describe her psychedelic hallucination I don't know what it does it does you're a gimmick you wanted this [Music] we're gonna put you in the driver's seat he never thought based off the trees I would imagine it'd be a good vibe unless something happens to change that yeah it's a good vibe as long as you're calm about it so I just imagined like it doesn't feel like anything's happening for a bit and then like after a few minutes it just hits you it it just starts to hit you and you realize wait a second why why are the colors on everything bleeding and scrap is now five foot tall Malika Malik looks like a bug bear and Yoji looks like a gnome I'm tiny no I want you to imagine that you look like a gnome but you're still your regular size oh God that's horrifying big gnome oh no I'm sort of just waves his hand and run it you all right I think them trees were right nature is great protect the wildlife man yes does floor react well to everyone having a sudden race change these are drastic hallucinations drastic hallucinations but I feel like she was prepared for that possibility exactly experimenting the real question is how long does it last yeah each one the last yeah because you did not eat a lot it'll last one hour okay so she would probably clearly show signs of being shocked at the DraStic change but like I'm the soldier side of her kicks in and she's just like stay cool it's it's fine I need you to tell me I can leave Illyria if I want to I like how scrap just completely jumped over the animal testing phase and went nope I'm trying to find people okay so what are those I mean as Dahlia wakes up uh floor is halfway through it so dude that what you will [Music] you have any questions and writing down notes you guys I'll just be describing everything how coherent is Florence describing things given how or even how poor the save was not very well why didn't I do this earlier she Hood grabs her store and she casts lesser restoration on herself when you go to do the harigiri belly cut it phases through you and you just feel perfect all right better she probably sounds even less coherent than like Derek and Chet did yep uh not what languages do you speak what language do I speak no cat what like um hang on wait and I know a lot of language damn key bucks into Spanish start speaking infernal yeah no I want to see what languages I can choose from oh common infernal and Goblin yeah you start speaking devil tongue I'm translating [Music] scratchers in her arms Malik are you translating correctly infernal yes but are you deliberately saying the wrong thing yeah deliberately singing uh no I'm saying everything I do not make sense as well you know guys we might be able to make some money if we can figure out a way to condense this and make it more potent and oh yeah got disappointed Micah brings up a great quote from you [Music] I speak Asian [Music] and Dolly walks out looks at all you what are you guys doing we're doing mushrooms oh God what does Dahlia look like oh yeah looks like a giant bright red Hydra no oh God oh God floors AJ I have to ask yeah how does quacker [Music] oh no normal normal that's even scarier [Music] no you're on the right track but you're not going to see it quite yet I'm not that easy I'm going to take a really deep breath as I see Dahlia and just remind myself and again this is often forward's perspective quackers looked up for the Hydra and Dolly I wanna know you only hear quacking okay oh yeah well secretary I'll take a Wall Street Journal and a 40. and I'll be in my office as he just starts walking over the couch [Music] it's gonna look before you can hear him too right he hops up on the table looks right up floor and just goes no one's perfect all right oh my God my broken character why she's having an epiphany she looks like she's having an epiphany oh gosh for his Awakening the Dow [Music] and after half an hour that his floor is high and you finally snapped back to normal look at look at look at that is better than anything I ever came across in the military I'm just gonna he's not looking Dalia over or not floor over a bit for like side effects uh um man [Music] okay you and Mo and most of the room hear her stomach growling you hear her voice being a lot more raspy and her left hand is shaking a little Okay so probably got some dry mouth hunger and induction week we could probably make a bit of money trying to use this to get uh people to eat more um hmm this is a very extreme way to get people to eat more well sometimes well sometimes there are actual people who have a problem developing an appetite and this could help with that like crap [Music] on the thing it stares back that thing is is less soul in it than quackers it's Paws just doing the motion uh Dolly would probably also notice that every all of the like pans and pots and stuff have been moved and all of the ones that you're used to using are trying to just stacked up by the sink [Music] scrap what anyone why are all the pans here um oh I didn't even notice I'm sort of uh steps away from the other ones a little bit wow dolly is not just gonna [Music] scrap did you flip did you put a flash Bane into the cabinet did you flush them down the toilet he smirks a little bit Valley I feel like both of us did some things that we regretted yesterday the other day you try to drug me I said both of us you almost burned down the house and killed me that is fair and because I realized that I also did some things that I regret I tried to drug me well according to Flora you would have enjoyed it but that's the point I'm hungry you're lucky I didn't go to your sister about this [Music] are you gonna let me finish or just keep interrupting me okay I'm slowly leaving the room to continue it comes in Coast [Music] so anyway as my part of making up for what I did since you seem to enjoy cooking so much I got you new so uh pots and pans and utensils and because I don't know a whole lot about art but I know a lot about luck I got you that and he points at the lucky cat she'll go and slowly open up the cabinet yeah there's like some really nice cooking utensils and pots and pans in there wide expense quite expensive looking too better than anything dollars ever had before [Music] even at home to kind of just sheepishly looks down and because I didn't know if the other ones had sentimental value I just put them to the side for now kind of walks over to you he's as you start walking over and that look on your right he he still does just being himself crosses arms and smirk at you at taking a little bit of enjoyment and you feeling bad now she just hugs you um he sort of just awkwardly patched your back because he's very short [Laughter] sorry I tried to hurt you [Music] I probably deserved it but you should probably thank my family for not encouraging me to get you back oh yeah did you go stay with your mom and dad after that well I wasn't exactly gonna stay here with you trying to kill me yeah that's probably a good idea [Music] I mean feel lucky I was never actually gonna kill you if it was Yoji though one of those gray plots out there would have been filled now he's already just looked down his legs are dangling because I assume you've sort of like stood up but you're still hugging you put me down oh sorry yeah you have a massive crazy craving for let's just say food that is bad for you [Laughter] for everyone all right make it as greasy as you can I have just the book for it [Music] because uh I'm curious she is going to open the uh noribani book and because there is a very specific parts of Japanese food that is very like unhealthy like it is clearly the part that is like [Music] we're doing a lot of [ __ ] bro and I will say just out of inspiration on your on your two days you had come across the bacon wrapped grilled cheese she's going to attempt that okay Coke stools check one with Advantage because it's your home food the other one standard because you've never made the bacon wrapped grilled cheese first one oh those painters sorry let me redo that 14. 14 yeah not bad uh the other one seven the bacon one she's like I just I don't understand this but like huh yeah I'm not as good as this as my mom is but you make very a lot of serviceable food right off well how how many pounds do you think you would have spent right off seen the scene that people seem to be really hungry she's gonna do quite a bit okay where would I find the theme for that we'll discuss it you give me a pound of your food okay all right she'll make with five people she'll make five pounds of food okay it is but it's just kind of just happy to kind of make up with scrap really scrubs still has to give like half of his to quackers because he's still small you notice yourself with no issue we're gonna cut to scrap the body is round the legs are not meant for movement I think that's the last name Flora hears as it wears off but as you have a nice sleep the next day come and you notice Terry is there wearing what essentially sunglasses and the medieval comment of a sweatsuit so remember when I told you Dolly was gonna feel terrible okay this was why yeah you'd be quiet yeah you see a very roughed up looking Terry guess what happened to Terry he went to training oh they're kicking my ass in every conceivable way of that word oh do you think they can record it for us oh like they gotta break you down to build you back up I broke a rib literally break you down then yes and I was there a day do you want me to heal you very bad yeah they said if you heal it too much then it's too soft [Music] as you make up her sunglasses he has a massive black eye too oh you're the one that wanted to get training yeah I thought it was let's sit down and swing a weapon around not well here's a stick get the [ __ ] beaten out of you well this is how you learn to take a punch and then give one back they're putting you through that one oh he looks you dead in the eye I'm boxing a Goliath wow he just showed up in the hallway and Shadow training begins now no it's true build's character no I will not now if you'll excuse me I'm on the clock as he just leans back in his chair putting his sunglasses back on [Music] think about it literally you get hit by anyone you can just be like man you do not hit as hard as that Goliath did what it was very luxit on there teaching grappling [Music] [Laughter] if they needed an expert but as you start your day the male pseudo Dragon comes to the window usually Terry takes care of this but he's recovering [Music] because Dolly will open the thing for the letters and hand the coin over how much do you tip the pseudo dragon I'll tip them to Silver as you get two envelopes and a small uh pouch huh males here and yes pseudo Dragon did have a little mail sack [Music] Dolly just gives us a polite bows it is a purple and yellow pseudo Dragon it's adorable is it gonna be the same pseudo Dragon every time or just a switch up I don't know do you have the same mailman every day usually I don't know I leave too early in the morning usually mailmen have a certain area that's their area yeah yes like I said I'm not quite sure as I leave too early in the mornings you probably have one or two yeah one or two mailmen they'd probably alternate but yeah yeah Laura you you had some dreams we'll call it we'll call them reliving some memories with some random details that were different oh [Music] did you feel after that mushroom you feel like mentally just aware you are in in the moment all your baggage is down is gone for the day Laura's awoke whoa cleanse sweetie [Music] with that information which you will oh no so do you open the mail or do you wait for other people I mean I wouldn't open it if it's not her mail it's mailed to the building yeah she'll come up to everyone and be like we got mail uh does it say uh we have one from the wandering Sun uh Merchant company [Music] and one very official looking letter with a big old wax seal uh addressed by Grand Leggett Seraphina Palladium you would know that is the supreme commander of the Eurasian Legion uh like that is number one on a rank board oh [Music] only Flora would know this though a really long title oh my God I'm gonna point that out and be like that's probably really important it's a big it's a decent sized envelope too something solid inside how's your horse hit the bomb oh yeah here let me just see what's in it is Florida and still shaking is just the most aware and relaxed you've ever seen her Dolly will say the names though and be like yep [Music] let's open the one that's not so official first okay from the wandering sound still pretty official you know that they're one of the bigger not the biggest Merchant companies around yeah we're thanking you for figuring out what happened to their Courier it attached is a sack of 30 gold pieces as reward that's nice of them and an offer since definitely the woods are growing dangerous if you are willing to do a delivery to all root Village Dolly will split the oh yeah there's a third letter now that yoji's here actually this is from La well this is from a couple days ago but now that Yogi is here now you can actually read it [Music] everyone put sick down six gold [Music] what what for the third uh the 30 we got yeah Oh I thought you're taking bets on the mail for some reason all we're getting evicted would actually be like wait I thought we were are we putting bets on the middle Instagram and be like we are now I don't care I don't feel like that's mine you helped find a body I'm any money you don't think you want you can always keep at home and I.E reinvest into the business I didn't realize we were talking about uh that I thought that was from before I showed up that is from remember when you first met Brianna she was uh earning the guy into a pig yeah that guy and we realized oh that's one of oh yeah so if you'd like to keep the money or if you'd like to put it back into the business up to you I got spells to buy you [Music] yeah you can keep those six then I'll give my six to four just in case whatever a little bit adds up I I don't well I don't think I help with that one though well no I'll get I'm saying I'll give my six to Flora like because they probably need it more that's that's nice that's extremely nice yes I mean I don't I don't believe I helped with the job so it's only right that it goes to one of you or to the beginning it wasn't much of a job if you remember when you first you know found the dragon lady she was already in the middle of turning a guy into a boar I'll still give it to floor it's fine I've got money so it's fine there um I'm gonna hesitate because I don't honey I am a barbarian I don't really I don't really need a ton of money Yoji doesn't value money quite the same way everyone else does I think that's been established by now I deserve to quote there's a bank yeah exactly I'm gonna have to stop at the bank soon remember just look at the money if you guys don't want the money we could invest in putting an alarm spell on the door or an Arcane lock and Arcane lock could probably be better uh because you know these are he has very good hearing I'm Adele I'm gonna need my own weapons also um we have to probably actually should we put that 30 into pain our new um security [Music] probably should that is that is an option these are one of them will not be cheap I ask that you put us a price per week and not per day please I was gonna do it per month for that but okay I'm fine without you the longer the better oh yes oh uh I will say because of the details promised to tell you uh the red brand is gonna charge you four gold a month because he is a former champion and all that he's kind of the best one there uh Bertram everything with only like two gold a month because he's he's a hunter first and foremost this is being strong is just sort of the genetics kicking in Dolly will pay for their since she accidentally just just not accidentally but nearly accidentally burnt down the house that I was supposed to yeah yeah they they'll basically they will be here from opening to close every day except for the one weekend a week do they alternate weekends uh well no that's the one day nobody works oh man yeah uh but they will go every other day basically they it to put in real world terms they're gonna alternate Fridays okay uh next is we have a letter from a couple days ago for Yoji but you weren't feeling too good yeah I'm gonna do my best soup voice this is soup here is a general design for your suit please make any comments and alterations known to soup before you start enclosing this envelope is three different Fabrics please pick from one to be the main Fabric and inside is three squares of cotton linen and silk and I'm going to post you a picture of your suit this is his proposed uh design is that in the general it will be in far and wide [Music] and that is my best soup impression with soup can you imagine your entire group is getting killed and when you look over and see who's killing everyone it's just this guy in a suit or a big stick if I had a nickel for every time I'd I've played a suit wearing Barbarian I'd have two nickels it's not a lot but it is weird that it's happened more than once oh to be fair in our last campaign bro and I each being the two Frontline Fighters got suits Enchanted so if they break they would self-repair and they were like top of the line quality suits yeah because we had tons of money to blow he was and uh I was always covered in spikes and on fire so it was necessary and that was the mafia so it was wide oh look I was just like to have a good time and uh do you open the more important looking letter yeah I mean we may as well who does uh dolly was the one who got it right unless someone took it from Dahlia I can open it all right hands it over to Malik uh inside the letter is acknowledging your efforts in finding the whereabouts of the green ghosts as they basically went AWOL and were not couldn't find him they thank you for the map to their location Express that if you want to go after them I mean that's your bag and we're not going to stop you but in two weeks time we're going to be sending a Detachment to put them to the sword yo we just called the Army on the army [Laughter] forward no just from the from desertion these people are quite literally going to be put on a cross oh it is going to be some of the worst [ __ ] you can think of so it may be a mercy we go and take care of them uh we're gonna slap his nuts we would be doing them a favor if we killed them first yes and in it is a little medal of a uh silver lion cat you would know this is called The Pride Medallion which is for Extraordinary service to buy a civilian to the Army and it is uh addressed to whoever drew the map to find their location oh [Music] Malika yeah that's why I'm this is going to be left to you they don't know your names who ever gave us a map to tell us where they are here you go I memorized the information why don't you guys I mean why don't you guys just like mount it up on a wall like a trophy oh we could get like a trophy like case we should really get one of those yeah by the way the second that floor is like oh I was killing them would be a mercy scripts like well I guess we're not killing them then oh by the way female trophies we really need to get this if she pulls out the the pelts of the uh green Beast if I had to give the smell a sound effect we need to get this to uh somebody real quick it's been in the bag of cooling but like you so much Malik's hands will start shaking as he remembers when he touched that are you okay the squelching it still rings in your Elven ears it's it smells horrible we shouldn't really get that cleaned yeah probably get it to a professional for it oh just tell me I wanted to put in perspective uh as far as parallel for a grand like I get we're already going above level 20 into epic levels for the main guy Seraphina Palladium oh okay I thought you meant the one guy who was in charge of that particular group because he is high level but yeah no this is going into epic levels think Hercules but without the crazy would it so when you say high levels high levels and it would be absolutely stupid of us to try to face this man or uh if you as you are now were to fight him you'd want to probably put yourself an advantage advantageous situation gimmick the [ __ ] out of him and take away his gimmick so not someone we really want to mess with right now doesn't mean you'd love to but it's very very possible okay again he won't instantly kill you but it's just You're Gonna Wanna Batman this I mean frankly I don't care if we take care of them or this little Exposition Army comes to take care of them it's on they're gone yeah I mean do Victor can be found there is one issue with that what if that Army tries to truck through the dragon sanctuary [Music] that we're gonna you can always send a letter back too there is a return address we should probably do that just to tell him to avoid this area [Music] probably a good idea we don't want him starting another War yeah the Dragon Lady is real nice too [Music] yeah he was great to me right enough I'll leave this discussion to you guys as I have to bear it back my throat is drier than a desert I need water I've been eating hot fries with chopsticks and let's keep your fingers clean or are you just trying to be different it's keeping my fingers clean sometimes [Music] I don't want to be touching my keyboard and stuff with hot fry fingers so I'm just using the Chopstick to do it I can't stand I like my favorite chip [Laughter] I went to a Walmart uh like a day ago and I saw them and immediately grab them they were just like out on a random shelf they weren't even in their proper position which is annoying because they're never in their proper position when I go look for them yeah preaching to the choir on that one man uh yeah I said we sent a letter back yeah warn them about that yeah it does feel kind of wrong having to treat them this way though I mean the commander did help us with the temple [Music] I guess they have been harassing people they're not exactly good either yeah no [Music] incredibly like crap I said let him suffer I don't know what do you think this is your people or um group or whatever they used to be but [Music] I I don't like desserters that's fair well at least that means you're not a deserter right no we're tired the shift is all retired [Music] well I say by the way um Flora Malik I don't remember much what happened yesterday after we were starting to walk towards the one group Road and I'll tell you you have a faint memory of Pancakes that is I remember pancakes you don't know if you ate them if you smell them but you know they were in the memory did we go somewhere or you take my drunk ass to IHOP unfortunately no we went to the wrestle resolute Fellowship what's Med Guild there you go huh I wrote that I don't remember me writing that did we succeed or oh yeah we promised well oh well we said we're gonna show up today to take him to meet uh Brianna oh yeah uh what time is it it's still quite quite early y'all just got up all right I don't know when each of your characters gets up that's it you question Pat is there an early riser so cat has been up [Music] Dahlia is gonna get uh because we I think we said that we were gonna take a two-week break but we never actually did correct that's what you said uh so Dahlia until it's time because I'm sure we probably scheduled it for like like afternoon we'll leave or what to start heading out towards the one lady oh yeah uh I don't I don't know when you schedule it but you just say yeah tours tomorrow afternoon if it's early morning Dolly's gonna head to her um armor lessons because she's okay paid quite heavily twice for both of them yes now you may either roll let me roll my teaching chick remember it should be publicly well hang on she she both use her favor and her money for this so yeah but however you learning is up to you so because of that you may either roll wisdom or dexterity to learn this okay okay [Music] we need to be in eight [Music] mother [ __ ] I'm gonna use my body roll yeah you still have one of those from a while ago yep okay you've now filled your clock that's that's just one day how many on that clock uh I believe you bargained me down to a 12. okay y'all out here using terms from other games it's a really good system I'm not arguing with you no the second uh what do you just do the Blazing darks like oh you start a clock and you're gonna make actual progress rather than did I do it yet yeah it's so good I like this system yeah the tangible system of having a clock is so good in that game it's a lot more of okay this thing's happening get it done before it finishes yep yep um she is going to uh before heading out just come back kind of shower real quick ready yeah you you had quite the good workout she will also write a letter real quick to her grandfather okay you can feel free to compose that after game or whatever you want send it to me and then I'll make up something back okay all right I guess anyone's actually known at Scrabble write a letter to the Army to inform them to avoid the certain area very smart [Music] uh yeah for your training they pretty much put you in weighted scale mail and just kind of had you run through an obstacle course because if you can move on this you can move well in regular medium armor you know getting you used to the weight never before abroad and have you jingled so much no it's scale mail you're just like this is what scrap feels like all the time both on sale mail I want to blow something up it's just the Peter thing let's go out it says what black people see whoa it's from Family Guy they they made the joke [ __ ] off does that make it better though yeah it can't be worse it didn't get canceled for it no one even added a [ __ ] eye at it I don't know I laughed at it what did the Crimson Chin from the 90s get canceled for uh the the Nega chin no no that word do you remember when they said like the Crimson chance for a bunch of different time periods he's like you can call it me and me not me I got canceled yeah cause even for a joke like that it's still like of all the jokes you could make that one's so mild in reality this will blind people see all the time uh I don't know I I sorry guys I'll pull up Family Guy funny moment 697. I'll be right back I'm gonna get the sources [Music] so what uh what did you say you wanted to do after your your workout just she's writing a letter to a grandfather in the shower okay um anything I'm gonna after that unless you find folks and something you'd like to do I mean if she has more time she's she's gonna go out and grab some of her art pieces and try selling I've ever met the rest of the party oh I'm gonna try to finish up my I can uh Arcana lessons but I don't remember how far I've gotten wore these lessons again because the clocks are on you to keep track of yeah I'm trying to find my notes for them that's why okay uh come back to me later okay Laura Yoji would like to do anything in for your morning did I miss something about clocks when I went to go start myself so whenever you want to do a task that is not like right in the moment I think that would take long term I set a clock for you with with a certain amount of segments that need to be you must pass to complete and uh essentially that's how all things get done that aren't directly in the moment unless you say you want one there are no clocks on you I stole it directly from blades in the dark you do have that Brewing Supply as you yeah um I do want to get started on that okay tell me what you're trying to make and we'll uh talk about it um I believe he gave me the resources for um you have Ops malt wheat apples and three medium-sized barrels [Music] sadly the grapes aren't in season yeah uh [Music] that's right I was gonna try I was gonna try to do an apple um an apple beer an apple ale okay so uh to get just see how well you get it started I need a Brewer's tool check oh I wouldn't I would like to assist with this but it's just scrap arguing with the science of the things that you have to add in versus Flora doing the art of the Brewing because you are a chemist I will allow it now now I will allow cat to roll either roll Bruce trolls with wisdom or intelligence scrap's over here trying to give you exact values and Floors just like no it's a feeling you know when you've got the right amount yeah um I have never used I haven't used tools in roll 20 yet so you click them it'll it should say query attribute right next to it yes and then it'll bring give you like a drop down menu and you just select which one you want to use so for this you can use either wisdom or intelligence well we know what we're doing there [Music] charisma right intelligence uh uh Advantage yes because you're being assisted by an angry little Cobalt you're welcome thank you hey your first Barrel is successful as you are appealing and slicing up the apples scrap is just sort of working out the math all Beautiful Mind Style and uh you bring Yoshi to help you carry a very large barrel full of water all the way down to the basement I find it hard to believe that scrap hasn't tried to work out how to get a sink down there now if you don't tell me if you don't tell me you're trying to do it we'll never do it that would Barrel get carried down in scrap would like to start doing that I think I would talk to scrap about maybe we could um we get a few extra things down here look at a hose uh okay you have one barrel full of essentially squished up apple bits yeast uh wheat and water you got any do you add any of your other ingredients to it obviously in the apples have the natural yeast on the skin and such yeah um no I think that's it okay you've made alcohol in real life so this is something where you can just dive into your special knowledge um well then I probably would have gone out and tried to track down some some malt oh that that came in your kit it came in the kit okay the big men don't play around okay well I mean it sounds like you gave me everything I needed then scrap do you have uh utensils for like boiling and whatnot down here um learns the chemistry shirt looks at barrel of what size well we could do it in batches if we had to but it really is better to boil it down for a good while before allowing it to ferment oh scrap I will say just for the sake of it you would have could have gotten a really big pot with your uh with your buying of other cookware I know maybe upstairs it wouldn't be on the way upstairs and you guys do have a stove so yeah you can boil it down he sort of looks over at your batch of alcohol you don't usually work in this amount of volume it's fair um yeah figure something out then so now cat you will have to keep track for this to fully become palatable alcohol you will need this will be a two week of in-game time so you need to keep track of days passing [Music] uh today to calendars.com not sponsored unless unless they want to you know I use them too for my calendar uh let's see given the days it is the 21st of the forest moon right now [Music] I think yep okay [Music] oh sorry no no that is incorrect it is the 27th [Music] 27th of the forest Moon all right yeah so you have that going there's a group effort between you all Malik did you find what you wanted to are we going to move past that now probably move faster I could I could at all yes Dalia walks in from a shower Terry has to go back to training [Music] and uh you just see them falling around the kitchen make with um cleaning up their of making alcohol plans [Music] oh started the uh Brew [Music] okay I guess so sorry good talk quackers just kind of looked at you goes all right [ __ ] me I guess because she starts whistling as she walks away see how it is um yeah we're we're getting it going um this is the best and worst part all at the same time now we just wait [Music] let it do its thing but it'll taste so good when it's done you're selling it wait what I'm going to eat this liquid [Laughter] don't worry Yoji we'll get we'll get a taste we'll keep just a little bit we have to celebrate first I mean make sure it came out right you know I mean yes alcoholics and I'm so concerned about everyone laughs I am not an alcoholic Cyrus Cyrus isn't an alcoholic listen I just know how to make alcohol it's a hobby you were just drinking yesterday I was encouraged both of you guys were drinking I was in emotional stress and it helped didn't it right I I don't know I don't remember much after oh God look at this house we got drinking drugs violence drugs all we're missing is some rock and roll we already have explosives and clap and fever that's right I'll never make you put that label on yourself you can be whatever you want I mean we were just talking about selling drugs like yesterday these drugs will help people Malik though that's the thing but V I think that's a matter of perspective really these drugs will help people blink and then describe at least that's what we'll tell people now the question is what does scrap charge for the first taste [Laughter] uh to be decided oh but Micah there's only five of them are the other two the duck is if so dolly is Wrath um I'm assuming we'll we're gonna be home for a few days oh you got two weeks of time but uh um you still have to talk to a dragon lady yeah we haven't at least spent two days going out to her oh right yeah and just kind of finalizing that yeah we need to do that okay so then after that that's that's when I would do got it you wouldn't uh do it just you mean the everything that we just did no I would start it beforehand I was just thinking pulling off of my knowledge here after the first um 24 48 if I have to because I'll be gone I want to come in and make sure that everything actually started you know you can always check in for the bubbles you can always give chores to Terry but keep in mind he is completely unskilled yeah no no don't touch it Terry also have a bag of holding you're holding you've done it before but you all go on this uh Grand Adventure through the forest or does anyone stay home I'll go with I'll go to the forest okay uh no scraps gonna stay at home and just monitor stuff no the ones you wanted to see [Music] so uh as you are walking outside but AJ I live to disappoint you do uh as you are walking outside uh Malik your perception for me no that's not good [Music] that's on that point yeah you have like Nat 23 times this session and none of them have mattered I know and when we get to combat that's what I feel yeah uh you see a guy in a trench coat literally doing the you want to buy a knife it's a least suspicious guy I've seen he's a he's a black scaled Cobalt [Music] do you want to buy a knife it's a special knife and what can I say these uh this is top grade Weaponry that though can't even sell in most stores can I inside check him you can do whatever you want I would like to Insight check him okay damn oh it's the hell out of my six uh so given your well did just you come over did you bring the peanut gallery does the peanut gallery want to come over it'd be super suspicious about this I mean Yoji and Malik Adventure I mean I mean golly is practicing what she's gonna try to do like negotiate like talking to the people writing up their terms and everything so no Laura [Music] I'd probably be working with um Dahlia on from um Adventure we can do that yeah so uh you gather that this is a weapon this is a uh close thing we got to a black market arms dealer giving your kernel history oh look at it the your Rascal type this should be perfectly up your alley is he holds out a your obsidian dagger [Music] what makes this different from a normal dagger well when they're not aware of you it's gonna let's just say it'll Splinter and cut deep above game it does it'll involve your sneak attack ah I'm glad scrapping here well no because you there are things you could roll to learn things just like Captain these people cannot yeah I know the the two less least not magic no even all four of you there would be no way you would know that could ever know this information maybe you guys can tell them about it later and see what happens yeah how much is yeah you want strapping lad like yourself big old purse on your hip seems you come into quite a bit of money and you got that nice house yeah I'll let you borrow it for the week I knew a lot of information just by looking at you don't worry don't worry we'll get it back at the end of the week but uh we're gonna you can pay up front for about oh I like your kid 500 gold pieces 500 I have no way 500 if you want to pay right now how much is it for a week I'll just borrow it for a week oh look at that ain't that nice but Val get it back believe you him you either give it back willfully or uh I don't think I'd rather I don't think I want to fight the black market right now TBH you don't have to fight it you can literally just borrow it for a week well I'll borrow it as uh he also he answers you using just his claws he'll he hands you the blade oh no keep in mind nobody fools the night Jade company where the best blacksmiths in the world the night Jade company that's a cool name either way bye Mr al-saif thank you you guys have been in a newspaper [Music] yes I'm gonna pocket the dagger and look around to see if anyone noticed oh other than Yoji of course oh yeah I noticed uh oh and you don't have no identify funny actually oh this is a two-minute item fun oh my first in two minute item the first Attunement item you gonna spend the hour big guy and imagine first achievement item besides our uh yeah yeah okay well your backstage your anxious weapons aren't Attunement really nope but they do only work for you it's a soul thing that makes a lot of sense they're they're not attuned they're soul-bound yep but are you going to attune to it I just have to uh I probably can't tune while walking I assume can you not uh I thought you need to take a break I think it just takes an hour to do I think you would have to concentrate for an hour I don't think it's something you can do without like dressing but you can literally sit in the car on our way out and just for an hour just focus on the car let's go yeah are you guys renting a car I I mean I'd imagine the other group probably brought something [Music] well it's over an hour to walk there that's the thing oh it's only an hour no it's over an hour to walk to their house oh yeah I'll if I knew that then I'll just stay in the house and wait for you guys to come back while I tune I mean okay who's all going I think everybody wants crap how much would it be to just rent um horses to get there no to rent horses just to ride out to get there quicker yeah you oh do you want to rent horses or you just want to take just rent or basically take a ride whichever is faster [Music] probably taking a ride because you I don't know how many of you actually know how to ride a horse uh yeah it'd cost you at most of like five copper take an Uber essentially to their house and to the one lady because that's what I was like oh no I've been writing out to her was the big thing oh oh no that's a multi-dage that would be a decent Journey especially because that's bringing More Strangers we've had the rent horses then yeah yeah [Music] yeah it'll drastically cut down the time it would take yes it would uh I will say that's about five silver per person per day how long would you think it would take us for days in total [Music] uh with no uh I'd say about a day and a half so so that so charge wise they're gonna Round Up Dolly will run for three days and just in case [Music] okay five five silver for per day and it'll take you the whole trip there back plus negotiation would take you a day and a half I'd imagine the other group has plenty of money where they could just have their own or rent out a horse as well yeah the Donkey okay can they keep up with a riding horse yes as far getting up there he's also an old man yeah um I will also rent one for three days what was that Malik can you not ride with one of us since he's a halfling yeah yeah sure he's a halfling you could he can ride with Dahlia they're both small yeah that's fine to the horse you guys are like a hat I could I can rent my own horse as well okay as you take old Willow out there oh who's the big one huh oh Yoji you look like a lumberjack son I have caught a few trees in my day pretty small ones though if you're ever looking for a change of scenery but okay oh it's hot okay uh who who's gonna help me out Yoji here pick him up and he can ride with me okay I'll pick him up we see this man carries an ax with an adamantine blade and a handle of of knotted black wood hmm [Music] that's a fancy ax oh Betty uh I made her myself had to go knee deep into the fair wild for this wood which well for me that's not very deep do you think I could go to the fairground would like that yeah it's better coming back oh wait what is the feywild exactly again it's a realm of annoying annoying nature spirits [Music] that I learned you must answer carefully or dumb things will happen careful is definitely not our middle name so we should not go we could just bring Dalia she's a good talker I'm sure she could figure it out [Music] and I say drug her o why would they drug her we didn't even bring that up yet I mean if anything I'm more afraid of scrap doing that than nature Spirits you'll be surprised I wasn't that scary what even happened actually well which I I don't think anyone ever had told me what actually happened to you it was kind of just an implied violence well you saw those large Scorch marks yeah I saw those and you know what I did to those uh goblins from the one camp um all that time oh yeah yeah I would never try to do that to scrap after he tried to drug me [Music] well um so don't try to do that what what friends haven't tried attempted murderer not each other right I mean I never would have killed him it thinks back to the blast marks off the floor there's a big butt in there I can hear it right anyway staring Straight Ahead as quackers looks at you guys out of her bag I am going to avoid that moment and uh I'm gonna need anyone who's not proficient Vehicles we need to make animal handling by the way dollies you heard me animal handling unless you're professional land vehicles okay uh what what skill was it again that we need to make animal handle okay 18. there we go uh 14 for me [Music] hey see you guys are all doing fine don't be scared I almost just telling me what he's doing and I have to respond that's fine I already sent you the letter by the way yes I saw that and I'll read it later all right cool uh as you get to the forest it's getting a little dense and you actually can hear animals I think not a lot but some things are alive in there there's some squirrels and some birds and such nature is healing guys thank God you're welcome hahaha [Music] Old Willow will just point some of the bigger to the bigger trees and like well that one needs to go and that one needs to go and this needs to go [Music] see if you don't send them out he points to the ground right under the trees no she's not a lot of other plant life it stops the sunlight which stops the undergrowth which means the soil don't retain water and that's how we get a landslide you know I think she might like you I've been doing this for 80 Years kiddo oh that and it just seems like you actually I don't care for the nature someone's got it if I don't I might have a job [Music] there's a good point yeah she'll like you uh I'm just gonna drag you to her Grotto because I I still have the map we're gonna use it yeah here's crap okay scrap what did you get you see a lot of Pop e [Music] oh the people on I guess hi Brianna how are you today when I woke up and everyone else still existed so I could be better what was his name his name was either Old Willow or Andrew Dew Drop either or just call him two truck this is dew drop um he wanted to discuss with you we didn't want to bring too many people but we just wanted to see if you and him could discuss the answer about the Nature Preserve he just wants to make sure if you would be okay if um if his and him and his group kind of came in here once in a while and kind of got rid of some of the trees that were kind of preventing other plant life from growing you know trying to prune the forest to make sure that you know the plant life lives better yes periodic thinning yes sorry I'm fairly new to it yeah just find it it's fine it is not your concern as they will actually go into a very long conversation about like okay here's the line of demarcation on the map you can cut trees from here on out as long as you are replanting them and literally it is almost half a day's worth of discussing chopping down trees Dalia will uh I'm imagine this is probably no longer here the little horse pile and everything yeah it's not there but that's literally just that's not a token that's just part of the map yeah I know she'll just kind of sit over here and while they're doing that she'll just start making like flower crowns and you're in the and you're a boar now foreign or a knowledge nature [Music] either work honestly yeah 13. pretty decent power clown okay you can make a nice enough flower crown for each person you make floors a little extra wide for the horns yeah [Music] I guess the rest of us are just watching I'll just make small talk I mean it depends what you guys want to do you all decided to come for this knowing what would happen I mean dolly is here in case The Diplomatic reasonings need to be I just wanted to go for a walk in the woods with friends I mean I don't know I mean we could just go and check around like I mean everything seems under control here well how about you and Malik go and walk around and how about me and Flora start are book on dragons okay I want to stay here now we can go find some goblins I can pick a map and drag on some goblins if you really really want me to I believe you want to go first if you guys are trying to thin out their ranks a little bit more if you want to do a two on whatever I roll [Music] it's probably oh by the way uh you uh two to your dagger didn't you yes I would need that okay you ready for the details because I'm gonna speak them uh I'm writing I'm writing I'm waiting for this thing to be cursed first okay first now I want I want this on the record that I used to randomize her for the name reflect the court what I'm saying you the core public opinion will not cannot probably edgy because I did not make it I did not make this name okay oh God the easiest name possible all right Shadow come on let's see all right it's called Eben slicer Ebon it's a high-s-e-r wow not the worst it has three charges you can expend a charge to have one extra sneak attack die and they recharge every day [Music] keep in mind pretty much a day is already off your week borrow yep might as well start using it now [Music] oh Malik do you want do you want to go do the thing though do you want do you wanna improv I mean look I mean they seem to have everything under control here I mean maybe I mean Flora could go with you if you want why don't we all just go together what are you guys doing here well dolly is here to make sure you know they get along nicely yeah I'm kind of the middle man in this or woman in this whatever I mean I think they'll get a lot I think they're gonna get along just fine but if anything happens to us I'm just gonna send Cyrus to get Dahlia okay do you want crackers with you no no no he can he can definitely stay with you here where are we going I think you guys are just gonna wander off looking for trouble yes yeah look I I'm gonna be entirely honest with you Flores last time we talked with all those goblins I mean the way it sounded they wanted to die here I mean battle for something I mean isn't that better than whatever fate the Army might bring to them I mean am I trying to capture them try them we can try to do human experimentation on them okay that's going a little bit too far there this is what we're doing today we're gonna do today not that war crimes I still have the spider vials that I got like two months ago okay you can use them like though you know we're not going to tie them up and use spider Phenom on them that's kind of [ __ ] up [Music] filthy what was the word uh who are you talking about the they are led by a legit or he said whatever you want is a grand like a but even like Flora would know about the like this guy's trouble I mean you would know that if you saw him it's probably run on site yeah yeah you knew you'd need to gimmick this man we could take his troops on like yeah but not him group of them but we couldn't do it now do I put him on the map that's a good question AJ do you want to put them on the map I might that's tempting isn't it are you guys taking your horses well if probably not we'll come back no no no hold on give me a minute because if I do what I'm thinking of doing he'll die AJ don't tempt me with a backup okay no you're these are mortal till Broad and draw something else until until I have time to draw something there yeah the winner is coming the window's coming no one's gonna lie yeah literally after May because literally me okay 21st through something I'm going to Disneyland so I ain't drawing never punished no no no oh guys remember we had an agreement last session yeah someone dying Micah reminded me oh yeah oh no no don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it okay don't worry about it when it happens all right I won't worry about it at all then I I will push that out of my mind go on it's already gone I'm already five shots in so you know like yeah it's already gone really no if I put him on the map you will quite literally be destroyed oh yeah I don't doubt that at all he like 1v4 a bunch of suits of armor I mean you know he's also a commander type oh no roll that roll that investigation or perception to see how many you find I don't know let's see whatever you would want to do to stalk somebody I mean is that what word are we scouting yeah yeah you guys are kind of just sneakily going through the woods trying to find them to just kind of no kill him take out as many as you can perform emergency it's like fishing but like more extreme yeah I think it's just cold-blooded murder but you know yeah especially because it seems to be racially targeted people eventually when you guys hire a gardener we're gonna we're gonna have a talk the only the only issue that I have with this is that they're a relatively organized Force if their numbers start to dwindle it's going to put them on edge and when the Army comes in to take care of them might get a little more difficult I mean the grand Lego told us that we can do anything we want with them so that's basically us getting to go they said hunt them if you want exactly thank you I think what floor is trying to say here is that it might make it harder for the grand Leggett if they were to come down here because the Leggett down here would be on higher alert right yes yeah I sure hope the rest of the group isn't committing hate crimes is it a hate crime if we love doing it okay well dolly is not performing hate crimes you just we're gonna cut to Terry God oh my boss is not racist just add that one to the checklist of things that's wrong with our group s okay we're gonna flash again out on a hike wow they sure were tolerant [Laughter] what a quick I did what a bright diverse bunch of people I'm sure they won't do anything evil I remember you took all of our enemies alive except Bramble [Laughter] we can't really save these guys like exactly we can just do it that and it is a massive disrespect to just like leave them alive yeah well because like here's the thing they're probably gonna be killed for being a trade being going Trader anyways right and crucifixion is a hell of a way to go so realistically dying in battle the way that they feel like they would be you know dying it was good enough for Jesus yeah well I think of myself as a little bit above Jesus so I'd rather not wow Protestant background I'm just going I am I'm not sure about that one we're gonna get canceled so fast just wait until just wait until I play the backup I've decided on which one it's gonna be and he does think he's better than Jesus so no we know what your backup's gonna be oh no oh yeah we know exactly who your backup's gonna be oh no wait how do you guys know I was lying I didn't actually decide yet no don't worry about what do you guys know but I don't know you've grown predictable what do you mean and on that note we're gonna take a 15. put us on commercial so you guys are just gonna start uh stalking some goblins well they are yes I suppose Laura just wants to go on record saying this is not a good idea this is not a good idea well Gordon nothing mentioned nothing more if you want to argue not to do it argue not to do it you could also just decide to stay back in case an argument does break out to help a dahlia calm it down yeah I don't think we're going that far away from you but but if you come with us you'll get some free loot if we survive I'm leaving Cyrus with Dahlia but yeah so okay you can still tell them this is a bad idea and here's why I mean well be careful I don't think you understand how powerful these guys are I mean we fought them before that's the thing in small numbers what if we're not going to assault the camp head on we're just going to go see if there's some patrols around didn't do that a little bit if things if there's more it is the number that they have is much more than we can handle we can just run away that's true Malik is pretty fast I mean at most people delete them back here and then like you know two dragons will eat them but like I feel like I feel like that's the dragon lady would back here she would be pissed yeah I said like if we had breakfast enough to eat I mean and I think she takes care of that I don't know either way it takes it gets taken care of yeah yeah but yeah I mean you've heard the arguments I you are not at your full strength and you don't know what you're gonna find out there so make your choice now before I I switch maps and whatever happens happens I'm gonna say we let whatever happens happen Dalia's gonna stay behind and just while they're talking semi-listening to help but mainly just get to stay get statements from the dragons about like themselves and their kind okay what specifically do you ask uh okay to get the question answered Broden what are their names I actually have them written down let's see this is a test oh he had to stretch for those all the way over there ever burn and venom tear yes good boy he's learning kids he's learning remember to write these ones down because Thomas power went out but that's fine is the Storm still coming out am I is this the same winter storm that's kind of like blowing through the whole country right now I guess God damn so no like his massive storm we're all in like very different places where in New York V is a variable that's like because mine went out at like three in the morning uh today good enough it's a place yep and definitely one of the states of all time okay so I'm going to poop YouTube a map that I happen to have loaded if it ain't the consequences of our own actions thank you I'm working on it now if you think that's all that's here feel free to approach from either the west or the South I'm gonna get some I'm gonna get the initiative Turner turn up and oh boy we're doing something all right we should go through the self actually I'm gonna I'm gonna reference Flora floor what do you think you thought with these guys what would your character think would be the best way to approach these guys since did they even see us coming or are we still like sneaky no one said they wanted to stealth I thought we well you never asked we uh what do you want to do to stalk people no one rolled anything oh well I wasn't sure if we hadn't even decided on what we were gonna do so I would say if we were gonna do I think we should move stealthily I I was about to say this stuff can it counted as stalking people because we didn't know they're there well we didn't we hadn't decided yet if we were actually going to come out here and do this yet at the time when he asked for rules how do I just roll for stealth yeah that's what I'm saying we would like to roll for stealth all right no not that bad not bad Yoji and I don't have very good bonuses so it's a nice rule oh Malik be Malik I am okay you're completely completely hidden all right add yourselves to the map I'm gonna find some usual actually no we're gonna use the 8-Bit music this is a gag this will no longer be a gag once we start dying uh then it's funny because the initiative because it didn't clear you see either we are the gag or the gaggy Laura I'm coming I had to go get another beer yeah you know that's a good idea I'll take another shot good Lord have some water with me trap just had his thing go down don't you go and like it plastered to the point you can't play I'm fine come on okay roll your Magic Eye words I guess well we used to keeping it classy it's a good thing it's a good thing yeah it's a good thing we got good on still the war oh I didn't roll for the not work okay yeah they did not roll for the war so I'm gonna do it I'm Gonna Roll his again and then correct it to the right number the war gets to move on its own terms hey that was back the big day okay Flora this is clown shoes but I guess go off oh I guess it's a good thing that I'm not with the group yeah Eric and Chet uh no you do not see Derek in chat oh this is a different cursed stump this is the map I happen to have okay yeah that's just a suit because I knew they're close to Brianna so yeah like I said I'll kind of defer to Flora for a battle plan here since you kind of leave these guys better we need to be careful because we never know if there are more in behind them we don't know their patrol routes or anything so we could be trying to take these guys out and have another round of Patrol sneak up behind us so if we're going to do this we need to be quick and efficient about it right well quicker efficient is definitely not what we're used to but we'll try not matter that's your middle name your real name is Al so yeah I.E hit them hard and fast gotcha that I can do oh your middle name is Love I'll Glory you're up first yeah I know and I was not prepared to be first I forgot are we doing a surprise round or are we doing what it would say I don't know uh they still get to go but what you do has this Advantage if you're not as Advantage if you're not seeing surprise rounds aren't real oh yeah you can hold your action until after theirs but I think then they get a chance to like perception check to see if they see you yep oh Micah you sweet sweet summer child do you think I'm gonna have mercy on these pathetic Souls they started it we did started it mm-hmm but I have a 10 10 hurricane that hit Family Guy America dad and Cleveland what yeah no that was a special on Fox because there was an actual massive tropical storm going on in real life they did an episode where the same tropical storm would pass through all three of those shows oh that's kind of awesome that is kind of nice that's a that's a 10-foot cube right oh God don't draw another one I use bone disintegration I use Luke familiar on his work I cast 11th that uh they did something to her personally okay so you say surprise rounds aren't real which is they're not real they're not an official rule I call the police you're still hidden until you do something I should say okay but so if I do something or the other two still hidden yes okay because you're the only one showing yourself for the attack you're the one shouting out Boogity Boogity Boogity okay loser of this fight must watch benchworms so I'm gonna uh I guess I'll do I have time to kind of give them my game plan so you have you have enough to tell them two sentences worth of time before these goblins have a chance to perceive you sentences okay I am going to make it really hard for that big thing to move and after I do that you guys rush in and take the other two small ones okay and I'm gonna cast uh Greece on that square oh what's the safe decks is it immediate or if it tries to move it's immediate okay yeah when when the grease appears each creature stand against area must succeed on a deck saving throw or fall point I don't think that passes I don't think it passes that's against my spell save DC right yeah let's say considering my DC for my bombs is a 13 and which is intelligence is higher than mine probably fails yeah uh eight plus proficiency plus it's so if you look at your spells it's just at the top of those pillows yep that'll calculated yeah look at the very top your spell list as long as you have your thank you to have uh yeah yeah um 13. so the cartoon sound effects play as when you hit the ball and goes and this thing's on its face and uh as I'm going to use my um Blade song okay and as it is its turn the Goblin on the back of the wall rush out I knew it they came around uh does it can it get up on its turn does that to save again uh see I've never greased somebody before I think they can get up and I think if they try to move again oh another save yeah a creature that enters the area or ends turn there must also succeed on a dexterity savings row or fall prone yeah so doesn't it continue to say if you move something happens that would make sense yeah it's difficult Terrain okay so it's gonna take habits movement to get up within range it turns it into difficult terrain for the duration and if anybody moves into it or ends their turn into it then they have to make the save and that's about as much and that's about as far as it can go that's it yo you're still hidden but it seems like they were waiting for you ah well that's uh That's mighty unfortunate for them that is because they were looking for trouble uh uh well that uh that is bad however I'm gonna stick to the plan I'm gonna stick to the plan uh I'll go ahead and rage okay you're angry I'm gonna get mad because uh that anime Yoji what has angered you so yeah what does anger you specific the fact that this is flammable yeah that is that is flammable for sure but I don't think it would do much good right now I'll say this during the fight because you are not here Broden chelma feel for the new color commentary neither of us are near each other either so yeah no that's awesome above game color commentary not in character yeah hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to well whatever this shoot show is the Broden until my halftime show and I will go ahead and hit this man with the big stick you know okay just like how I said I would in the intro the Broden Tomah Halftime Show sponsored by soup and we'll go ahead and Reckless the chorus oh and he's going in with a stick bye that's not heavy hit I don't know if they're gonna be able to recover from that one and he's not as you swipe clean horizontal taking his head like a baseball and it flies into the distance Landing next to Italia scrap I'm known as a medical expert but someone tells me he's not getting enough after that one you know I'd have to say the thing I think he aerosolized him as the Goblins had landed a hole Yoji is also now invented golf he looks up I have another idea we're gonna kill a lot of goblins for this one but I have an idea how long before he invents Goblin head volleyball and that will end my turn right there okay as it is a turn of all the goblins no no all of the Goblins yes they come from behind I will they come from the trees I knew there was gonna be more oh no it's like you guys are surrounded or something uh who could have seen this coming definitely not me with my sneak peek awesome as uh this is what you're gonna see for now as we have now a mage on the field gentlemen oh no that's not good yeah it's really not let me open up this character sheet because that's the only one I forgot I didn't plan this as uh Laura you know how you're you're right over there yeah hey hang on hang on are you fine oh I rolled like yeah yeah do you have more than 15 HP is the wizard do you have more than 15. I'd hope and the Goblins struck back with the old surround and gut em tactic uh uh no because I'm trying to think because I have reaction spells give me a second brain is like [ __ ] overloaded right now Talia could have one-shotted you for what she did this crap no imagine that like what if I had like a high enough spell slot the goblin catches you all unaware neat sleep wait do you not even have a plus one to call I do not believe three points count towards sleep yeah I don't think so no I was double checking I have more than 15 HP I was double checking to see if a certain spell I was thinking of was um are you gonna use intrusive thoughts yes I am I love you so I'm gonna use intrusive thoughts so he needs to make a wisdom save please pick this battle so we can all see what intrusive thoughts which one's doing this by the way the mage first okay okay where character sheet he gonna want to do nope you amazing it did not take any of those actions so this doesn't count why not use this action to attack uh casting a spell is not attacking me yeah I think it's always not the attack action yeah so save that cat okay again it should be yeah I agree if it's a thing that does damage it should count as an attack especially if you have to roll an attack roll for it well yeah most spells do but yeah oh yeah I can't save yourself a lot okay that there's one of them Raw versus Ria yeah and uh Yoji you're gonna get a flashback as suddenly in your face goes El Kaboom with a 12. uh actually yes yes so the 22 hit you sir yes surprises you're right as a chemical bottle breaks at your feet igniting for nine fire damage oh never mind I I still have resistance to fire thankfully oh yes yeah yep so cut that before yep oh that one's gotta hurt Yoshi's shielding the burn there huh and suddenly in yoji's back is going to be possibly an arrow yeah take his ass he's feeling my stick for for piercing damage due to rage as a arrow lands right into your shoulder Yoji really taking the heat on this one isn't he strap as uh this Goblin is going to dash all the way up to Flora now you can do it if you wanted to all right while I was making oil of a genius yeah it won't matter he'll be Pace in a moment oh you can choose to intrusive thought of this man dashing at you that is one of the options let him come yeah yeah he's fine [ __ ] and uh as that is all you will see for now it is in the eastern Malik moves up uh and then shoot the Mage okay please roll the hit you mean stat right 21. uh do you move up vertically or class wise no he moves up in the economic ladder yes so class-wise okay so unfortunately his reaction spell can't help him so go ahead and then I'm also gonna do ex use a charge expended charge that's only a dagger uh okay never mind yeah with that dagger for it to work ignore I know what I said it's doing pretty good yeah 69 will do it as uh you put across we'll clean through this man's eye socket dropping him to the floor uh bonus action swap weapons okay yeah and then I'm just gonna wait okay well it is Flora's turn um I'm gonna use a short draw on this guy oh you tried hit him in the stomach got it please click that feature so we can all see what it does I want I want a weapon maneuver that's just doing the the quick uh sheath and unsheath thing but yeah I know yeah only if you have to roll performance to it okay leave the guys in progress so make your attack roll um how do I do oh just a regular attack role but We're Not Gonna Roll damage so roll Copa yeah that'd do it as you lean down and uh due to the height difference you draw your swords in the Palm it hits him in the throw and he just left holding it is that your turn sir looking at grasping for bonus actions this whole fight is clown you're a wizard uh your bonus actions are either blade dance or cast a spell that's a bonus section yeah and I think because the Mage is no longer on the field my one bonus action spell is like that's the only one I have one I have that Mage is not Underground do you activate your Blade song yet I did the first thing she did okay it's always the first thing I do it makes sense I just I wasn't sure I didn't you will not be caught lacking you might need it once the HP tank goes down so yeah you didn't bring the second tank with you or the Healer yeah I know um I mean can I even wear another Mage on the field you can't see nothing I can't see I don't know what's in the stump oh no it's another Decker it's another blight huh oh no no you took those out no no it's eight goblins you mowed that lawn um yeah I'm just gonna have to be that it's gonna have to be my turn okay it is the war Rider's turn as the war grinder will have its Warg nom nom nom on the big boy eleven oh no that won't hurt oh you know we give the old College try so why don't you try something all right sure so I have a quick question about the Warg Rider would I be able so uh I'm not sure how this would apply with the stat sheet or whatever Port they are one they are one entity okay because I was wondering if I could possibly use crushing blow on the goblin Rider to try to knock him off no they are essentially one entity all right uh well in that case uh I'm going to uh think just crushing both of them back into the grease well I can't hurling impact I might have to push them into it yeah yeah um you know what that's maybe not a bad idea we'll go ahead and show shove this man okay I do have the advantage but you know oh you're not you're not fighting against much uh 21. they are pushed five feet cat they entered the area do they have to make a save they do okay Bob but yeah I'm doing things all right well if that's the case then I will uh use the yeah uh what's that do you have a bonus action if you can somehow deal fire damage uh I could actually deal fire damage would that be if I attack these guys right here would that actually set the grease on fire uh-huh oh okay yeah let's try that oh grease plus fire that's a that's a rule yeah yeah it is yeah it's a flammable substance acts the same as oil I have to see a big thing do I want to start a grease fire in the middle of the woods there he thought of it actually thought of what I was saying I had to think very briefly I thought about it but I wanted to see if he do it yeah oh look at that dead wood dry grass loyal fire yeah I'm gonna go over here I'm sure that wouldn't have caused any problems with your contract at all into the woods is this guy up in a tree or is he like no again these are the trees in such a part of the map uh unless I put a special marker then they're on the ground I just can't put them under the trees because that was the map layer yeah gotcha I was just curious because we joked about the beat entries I will move over to here and then I'll take a bonus action bite attack on this guy that's not nice he's gonna he's trying to blow you up well you know I'm sorry dude you know recklessly of course you know 19. didn't need it but you know hey that'd do it do it yeah uh two rage damage and six whatever the hell you want either way as you sink your teeth into his rib cage you click you literally have a chunk of him in your mouth oh I don't know it looks like Yoji stopped the battle to have a snack now do you swallow or are you a classy lady is no quitter and spitter's a quitter so I don't know what does Goblin taste like uh this one like an old shoe that you just ran a marathon in in the woods they don't have a shower by Guy that's a good point you know what Yoji has standards I'll spit it out uh a classy rod s underwrite a joke from Ted by the way is that your turn sir okay so you haven't been eating the pineapples like I told you hey Amari from the bushes end up killing most of these guys before the Army would show where did this guy go where the [ __ ] it is a book right there it's the Bushman oh whatever there's another Bushman hey you guys done goo we are fine we're gonna have two Arrow shots right into Yoji I mean you guys said you weren't going far away do you call for help how's the um how is the not having an alchemist with health potions or a Healer in your group working out for you right now I don't know he's gonna take three plus four we're gonna round that down to three total that works I don't know I don't know scrap what are you doing in town that's so important as uh let me just check range um the short answer is making money oh [ __ ] that is pretty important this one's gonna come over here Dolly will be doing her lessons probably doing the same thing if she didn't and uh did you let another grenade to fly there's an 18 hit you coach yes for a total of two damage you guys were not looking for this fight I've got home you know on a scale of one to 32 I'm looking about all right uh this Warrior is going to take a massive swing at Malik his attack is with disadvantage is okay no it's the next one against him so he can hit you fine so he's gonna take a two-handed longing sword Square to Malik I love this are you ready to die no then I'll come back later so when things are out he's still holding his throat he's just getting his uh breath back but he's gonna disengage one two three four five six no [ __ ] he's a goblin they all literally can all bonus action just engage that sucks that's fine kill him as uh the goblin Scout over here is going to uh right actually all right I moved him I've moved him one too many so right here he is going to drop some ball bearings technically yeah one two three four five and uh this one over here seasonal Lake and is going to uh wait a way to go where'd it go you're gonna take a short bow and no no there's something funnier he can do where's 20 feet there's 20 feet grapple me one two three four five yeah you can get there I think now I'm gonna go it ain't gonna work it ain't gonna work he's gonna take a short bro shot at you 16. uh mango wait is it making it's been a while no again I think that's being melee attack I thought look at it real quick exactly the reaction it wasn't getting attacked oh Yoji you're speaking in tongues I'm getting a little crazy here there's a lot of goblins I will say just as a DM rule you're not a Jedi it will have to be a melee attack not yet okay yes five piercing damage next character guys a monk no you know what your next character is no yojis first oh no yeah I'm forgetting and now I'm scared your only option is to go back and watch the video the lake die first we know who will die first in this this combat like grab roll the d10 000 for me uh how stupid am I well I mean we're here in this last words yeah yeah I'm stupid it's a what Z10 000 mm-hmm you do not have an aneurysm I attack using Sona oh you do not have an aneurysm you have to roll the ten thousand s it's with Advantage Malik oh is it okay next attack made against him 17 will do it oh does it sneak yeah we qualify when you have advantage 10. yep so 10 damage you really hurt him but he is still up swinging like a man all right then I hit a woman dagger oh no not a dagger a dagger will do it more than enough to completely bury both of your blades into this boy yes uh bro the funny rule the d10 000 is you must roll the natural ten thousand and your character just has an aneurysm and dies that's that right now okay uh bonus set bonus action Dash next to Yoji oh so close Yoji of high blood pressure if you are next you're next to Yoji and two bodies oh yeah it's the two bodies voice for throwing bombs at us why did you come right next I'll regret this later I can tell yes yes you I just want to fight to work okay is it your turn sir yes Miss Flora Hi join a group group huddle we all die at once that way none of us have to put it one more I got myself one more turn to Colin reinforcements yeah yeah you had to join us or else we can't save you that foreign I'm trying to think of it because I had a plan and uh God isn't Fireball level five spell yeah fifth level character but yeah this level character that's what I meant third level spill yeah I figured yeah yeah yes it is but you're also grouped together how could I not unless you unless the floor won't stand right here and suddenly the ward can cast lightning bolt oh or burning hands at fifth level well I know it's perfect storm of vengeance wait we all stand in a line oh lightning bolt yeah so I just said lightable oh you said storm of Vengeance a horizontal line or a vertical line okay so it doesn't matter it's a line behind the line I think he's clicking right here oh avoiding the ball bearings I had to say ball bearings being only five foot so it makes them useless so soft yeah in my opinion one day I will get you guys to slip on them oh never a narrow hallway or one weakness you say that too bad it's the ruler to draw a line right yes ruler to trait just measure uh you use the shape the square above the magnifying glass if you actually want to be able to draw are you just checking your distances checking to see um how many I can actually hit with this keep in mind you're still concentrating I think Greece's concentration I don't think Reese's concentration Greece's it doesn't say it's concentration carry on it does have it does last a certain amount of time but it's not constantly that's what I thought it was yeah that's true it's um yeah it's a one minute duration but it's not yeah that's why I thought I was concentration because usually spells that have a duration are also concentration spells yeah so feel free to continue on okay uh so I think what I'm gonna do hopefully this is a good decision you would count that if I cast it um spell that goes in a line I'm gonna hit the worg and the other guy this guy yeah they cut through the ward cuts through the work okay uh then I'm gonna hit those two with uh Tasha's caustic brew and I think I'm just gonna go ahead and go for it cast it at second level okay as you uh pull out a bottle and just feel it on the ground it shoots outward like a jet of acid um they have to succeed on a deck saving throw yeah please click the spell for us so we can always see it uh the Warg we'll do poorly The Alchemist we'll do poorly okay so at second level that's that's 40. 44 yes and I just rolled a regular like regular d4s right yeah you can just put 44 on the dice roller which is yeah average yeah still enough actually it's literally just one above average so the Warg actually got hit for the first time today so it's gonna take nine damage but you got the bomber hey man action economy anything we can do and then from the bushes is the tarasque but it's the tiny one no but it's the tiny one from stipples ah thank you risk it's so cute is that your turn yep okay is the war's turn and now he has to make it safe again oh it it also takes the damage at the start of its turn oh yeah it let on fire oh it does yeah what what Roll Another G4 uh creasers and acid takes it at the start of each of its turns so it does not take it instantly hmm look how it just took the nine damage okay so you're legally still alive but you're gonna die right away I mean it still takes the initial damage but yeah it takes it at the start though and nine will be enough to kill it so nothing will happen yeah but it could take it off and so I don't know you know it basically can't survive because the action because it starts at the the damage triggers at the very start of the turn yeah oh no no they'll work out other ideas yeah like biting cat oh I'm gonna use my reaction to use defensive duelist okay what does that make that not hit me uh when I'm wielding a finesse weapon with which I am proficient and I'm hit with a melee attack I can use my reaction to add my proficiency bonus to my AC I put uh that puts you over 20. yes combined with mine let's just see what it would have done to you because it makes me happy wait so you're taking 10 damage and needed a duality man uh you would have taken 10 damage and you would have needed to make a strength saver become proud it's right here but I guess you don't take anything and that's the turn for the Warg slap his nuts all right well uh I will go over to here uh then and that should give me a plus two right that's one to the right for a plus two yeah you need to be here you need to be cutting either the direct middle or the murder sandwich no no one oh like right here yes because that's literally all right gotcha yep my bad yep okay well I mean either would it would give because it's either murder or that but yeah uh all right and uh yeah sure we'll Reckless because I keep forgetting bonus action attack uh we'll go for them all for the first hit uh I'll do it oh no Yoshi's using a mall and a mall yeah uh that'll be 13 points of damage for that one and you ever wondered why you'd like to use that big stick that does that one thing uh so that's a nine uh that's that's with Advantage from The Reckless attack okay so 23 so 20 21. oh yeah 23. so that'll be 11 points of damage some of which is fire if it matters that's sadly as sadly enough oh as you jump into its hindquarters uh the grease from it which is on fire along with all the acid it's just it it does not do well oh it actually did kill it oh that's good we're gonna live forever guys well we are gonna not live forever shut up Malik we don't need that negativity come on we'll be fine we're gonna live forever got this it's fine you can move three more I believe uh that I could do um yeah you can jump in the grease you can slowly shuffle your way towards the ones in the bottom yeah I could actually uh because I started let me see I started up here yeah I know I could yeah okay if you want to the trunk should also give you cover from the guys on the back yeah sure I'll give you uh is there such thing as quarter cover yeah yes yes and yes one quarters cover because that's not a trunk that's a stump I think it only gives you like a plus one degrees here that's still decent that's something yeah and out from the bushes this guy dies melted by acid and with their other Target behind cover the two archers will turn to the other living being oh no oh no Malik uh number one Mr Malik no no no number two uh still not into it it hits but yeah four damage as uh you're shot in the sticky pop in the thicky part of your thigh that's a lot of description for a short bow I I drag and dropped it my dude I did not put any of this in but uh this one's going to disengage for for his bonus action Yoshi yeah he's chasing them around that's what they did and just because it'll be fun actually he's gonna be right here just because it'll be fun for me hey Cat I'm gonna attack you 20. oh as I was literally looking up to see how many times I actually get to use defensive duelist because in the description it doesn't say is it proficiently say mainly weapon attack or it just says when you are wielding a finesse web here yeah no no yeah he should show me that'd be great attack it's reaction you already burned your reaction I did burn my reaction okay uh specify MLA attack 19 with my Blade song meets it beats so yeah that hits okay I need you you are hit and now you are not prone because Ebola has been wrapped around your legs oh my God oh no strength the one Wizard's weakness hey Tomo killed the dragon with this I don't even get to make the straight chick yeah or you could just attack it yeah or you can just cut it so yeah you could just cut it with it it's still funny to me so it does specify slashing damage though yeah I think he's gonna get here and this one yeah I I definitely did just wrap a green dragon's maw closed with ebola's one time that was hilarious Sharpshooter this one is going to take his uh Scimitar and stab at you with advantage as you are then stabbed for nine lashing damage does not hit your ball because it has to be directly targeted how are you looking and he still gotta put him five feet of movement bonus action disengage whoops what a guy Goblin's turn truly go over there bonus action weapons and I'll shoot the the red one or 15. one sec uh red red this one or read uh this one this one okay a sharpshooter then go for it uh by the way uh I assume you use the bonus I can just change weapons right yes okay and so you did is that again correct me if I'm wrong because I might be wrong does it take a bonus bonus section to reload a crossbow yes then you cannot chew it does or is it part of the attack action it's part attack action okay depends on what you have for it let me let me just double check for her yeah because even if I have extra second attack I couldn't attack yeah yeah that's why because it takes the entire action do yeah uh if not gonna switch over to Longbow uh hold on yeah you do not have to spend motorcycle today so yeah and because you did not move and that isn't a weapon maneuver you can choose to make this with Advantage if you wanted to oh that's right I might as well see if we get that I do yeah give me a second where is it attack make attack plus two D six so six eleven yeah that'll put a hole clean through his Goblin his Goblin body and then let's see yeah I'll move over by where Yoji is and can I like say at this moment I'm just telling uh Cyrus to like Tech the [ __ ] out of Dahlia to get them over here oh you've been bothered you've been bothered and you hear oh and dude wait you said he's black and red right yes you also hear Maria h he's not even good enough to be my fake she'll make her way over I'm not sure how long that will take her you guys said you weren't going very far yeah if you want to if there ever everyone is still alive by that it doesn't seem like it doesn't seem like they're getting along the two like no no issues again there's ironing out details she's not showing much emotion one way or the other and he's too old so it seems like it's going fine people pivot off old people are so social I will uh skip my way on over uh drawing my sword Laura um action Commander familiar I I think they can just like it depends on what they're doing I think it's just you just do it you oh yeah it's better than rain yeah okay just say to your your pet just pecker like literally peck on her shoulder okay I just want to make sure I knew it was better than Ranger in a certain way but they have a range on it too yep so Flora it's your turn you're on your butt with rope tied around your uh Beats yeah I'm really trying to determine how to uh you can move behind one of us she's prone with her legs tied yeah that's true you could break out I mean you if it's just your legs I think you can still cast spells and stuff yeah you can cast yeah I don't think it's even a is it a disadvantage you have an attack roll on it then it's at this Advantage because you're probably but oh okay well hey not now you have to decide here um because you said that spells weren't attacks so no you don't have this Advantage like I said you have to decide if it does then yes that is the that is the action of cast a spell well no if the spelled mate calls for an attack roll then those attack rolls have disadvantage let's look at the prone condition and find out I've got it prone an attack Roll by the creature so yes it would if it was an attack roll it's not an attack there's Attack rules and there's attack actions yeah this is attack rolls it's word stuff and I quite frankly I think it's stupid because why can't you use a gun while prone to stabilize it and do that I can understand it's a melee weapon yeah yeah or a bow not even a bow because you could you could use like one of those big Chinese bows that they like pull on their feet well the pros and use it that way like I don't know it's it's it's one of those weird things either way up to the deal yeah yeah no it is specifically saying attack roll not attack action so cat you're free and clear as long you will have this Advantage if there's an attack roll involved but if they have to make a saving through no then it's fine do I like saving through yeah same so what would you like to do ground wizard Pakistan start I inch more on my way home I don't like any of this those are all melee or ranged spell attacks okay um all right how much movement do I have when I'm prone that's the question half of it to get up I believe you if you decide the troll it's also half yeah you can also attack the Ebola at your feet if you wanted to it does specify slashing damage though yeah like obese does slash in damage mm-hmm uh for some reason I thought you were using a Rapier I'm thinking of self-preservation here this is why I have so many questions okay but she was going to we thought something would be weird we'll say um the two guys in front of you are the only ones you really have to worry about the guy in the very back with a bow will have disadvantage on you because you are from um and behind a borg body and Bush you can also attempt the strength chair yeah but that still takes my action yes um okay or you could inch your way um do the worm towards your team honestly that's what I was gonna say like okay so I'm just gonna do what I was thinking about doing and just like [ __ ] okay because that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna literally like I've tied up my feet are tied up you should go here and so that the rest of us can rescue you she cannot occupy that space there's a box you can move through it you cannot occupy it and I guess the next best I think I'm gonna go five yeah that would be probably the second best okay so you in short of your way over I am gonna army crawl my ass over here and cast uh my armor of agathis on myself okay that's good that's just a weird thing to do how is that a weird round staying tied up yeah but you know what I'm I'm holding it listen I've got a thought process okay now I have five temp HP Malik sees this yeah I saw this in a in a weird tape one time what [Laughter] um that's my turn how you doing buddy where is inchworming her way toward you I'm sorry floor I don't have much to help you Malik good night neither of these two packs flashing damage have fun listen like I said it is it is self-preservation I have armor magazines casted I'm happy that's all I wanted to do this time I forgot daggers are piercing that's so dumb well no I think I have a short sword let me check to see what shorts piercing too literally Flora is Army crawling on the ground like going no it's fine it's fine just do what you gotta do I got this the pride is kicking in I'm gonna I'm gonna recklessly attack uh and oh no wait that doesn't split no way okay with them all I'm in a hurling impact this man uh right here in front of me Mr Blue Man over here you're gonna push him into the other guy I mean he can pass through allies faces so I can push him back through them because it pushes him 15 feet away so oh yeah that's you got your ring out yeah uh so that's a 22 to hit yeah that'll hit a goblin uh he'll take 11 points of damage and he'll die instantly ah as his body is flowing over there my bedtime Delia gets here I think all she'll see is it will be dead bodies for another 22 to hit I don't kill I don't know it's been a goblin in half barbarians man hey man you want protection in the early levels barbarians got your cover that's true yeah they are the best and early levels and this subclass is particularly good yeah you know and then I'll move up well also keep in mind your your half dragon form does have a glorious golden mustache oh yes it's true I have nice whiskers Gorgon literally scared me buddy no I only heard I only heard tale of this legendary Warrior that scared me let's return okay let's just let's let's let them weigh his options where are you Goblin Sharpshooter character sheet it probably also helps with that uh hmm why look at you huh bye you you I mean yeah they started out with 50 people you just killed nine more and we've been killing a lot of them throughout this entire year in the 20s yeah as that'll uh clear combat and well Dahlia you and scrap can feel free to make color commentary in the post fight review I'm gonna go use it Dolly's just gonna show it shall we skin the org in order to make into food okay I do have a hand ax I will go and cut out foreign [Laughter] helping Yoji get these ropes off my feet standing up brushing myself off oh hi [Music] we've had a few yeah yeah let's skin the wards get everything that we can uh you don't sound as happy Dahlia I mean I'm not sure why you called me over seems like you got everything under control yeah I thought we had everything under control oh I just called you over because you know thought you wanted to look at some of this stuff I mean collect their swords and stuff we'll just roll them four got a bit of a nasty bite from the war you might want to take a look at that but I want to do this bag of weapons bludgeoning piercing necrotic other thing anyway here I'll do my part she just opens up her bag of holding waits for you guys just to put the the swords and armor that you guys find in it you should know what you get from these guys by now AJ it's never what do I know it's how much well yours have long swords he's got a bow his bomb these two are worthless because their bombs only useful to them that guy's gonna stick these two guys each have a short bow Scimitar and now one bag of ball bearings so two is there any Alchemy stuff at all it's the class feature stuff so only they can use it uh uh two long swords I'm gonna play some music because this clown again let's go this is we got like what three bows AJ what does Terry want to do not get his ass beat Harry wants to go to a hot tub and I'm gonna guess four sets of leather armor okay oh that's right yes very low level wizard okay all size small by the way I should say that's not my concern and the last name is uh yeah just the the Wizard have anything on them same thing as the last one just a basic spell book yeah the little spell pamphlet was sleeping Shield and a staff how much money did how much money do you guys think we can get from the Warg ly I mean I don't really have money or space for it actually could I have fleas have just turned in that Pelt to somebody to go get that thing actually just the pillow I don't need to have said I unloaded everything else just so that I can say that that's I being a magnanimous individual and because you will be at the DM next week will allow this can still be in the back so pretty much all the space is still taken but that Pelt is now being worked on and yeah we I will charge you for it in post okay well that's gonna have to come out of the droop funds Dahlia just doesn't have much money now no that's fine yeah yeah we'll we'll take care of this in post okay so yes we're gonna cut the Terry and scrap after that clown shoes of a fight Terry is a hobbling off or while you were in the middle of making your oil of itchiness he hobbles into to his job really sourced here out out oh Jeff just walks up from the basement wow you look beat the [ __ ] yeah we did weights today hey uh reaches into his uh actually no it wouldn't be him but hold on a second he uh scurries downstairs and comes back and he's got two bottles of uh H Leon and wine oh no you see during training hey said I can't drink anymore oh my tolerance of you people is minimal but you pay me for silver a week I'm coming to work keeping money setting money aside to pay Terry [Music] you've already paid him for the month so yeah I mean but it just rubs his chin as he opens one and takes a sip anyway what can you do then I gotta eat healthy but I could well I can't put anything Congo toxic into my body oh my God wait is Terry in rehab no Terry is going through a of training montage it's in rehab they're trying to get rid of the beer belly the Mance was day drinking when I met him okay this is not rehab this is when the training is done and he's and he's strong enough he's going right back on him maybe someday he'll realize he's counting down the days till Christmas for Christmas we should just buy him weapons and armor and Christmas is so very far away from an O'Leary and Christmas look like hopefully it sort of looks Terry over what you want an ice bath yes or hot I don't whatever works I I was a waiter until two months ago I mean strap you would know that on the fridge Dahlia does keep um a note for the local like hot baths like the saunas in Austin's that's true you know there's a bath to the own sentence I mean the map there does it provide a coupon or anything or is it just like this exists um I don't know AJ do you want to roll for it [ __ ] it we're all above a 95. hey now high five sorry no I'm gonna be nice roll number 75. [Music] by Rolling it or is darling yes we poisoned yeah yeah I'll call this a mini Advantage you each get to roll one [Music] no no I have copper for us for a spin in it eight if you want a a nice muscle massage with it yeah massage that's a good idea with a hot spring bath um for a whole silver that'll also bring you stuff to eat healthy of course or a gold they'll kill your enemies crab comes down and so it looks them over is it open after he would leave or not I mean I eat those in the morning it's also the fact that Onsen bath houses typically do stay open pretty late so also you're his boss you want to tell him you're still on the clock while he's going to take a hot tub you can do that no one no one is here to tell you no it's true yeah because technically the the place is still being guarded yeah uh yeah right now the red Brands just sort of chilling there I've already paid them for their months and Red Branch just sitting sitting there just thinking oh it's cute [Music] see this is why you gotta learn how to use an ax sword training's not with me I I might have been a little nicer baby I I actually suggested the newer learn the next [Music] it's a lot more of a manly weapon subscribe smirks a lot simpler too yep smack good trouble you're gonna train Terry and shovel scrap would have been a Sensei there's still no reason he can't later yeah exactly yeah no so if you wanted to just to take Terry to go take a hot tub while he's on the clock no one is here to tell you no you have unilateral power right now sort of uh dip some more of the drink that he has slowly puts the other bottle away since Terry is apparently not allowed to have it hmm what's the silver on the counter how about you go and enjoy a spa day because you're not allowed to do anything toxic and he quotes he does the quote things with his fingers for that um [Music] and you stop complaining I'll do it I'll do one of those things as he takes it and hobbles out foreign I have to deal with all five of you sober I'm not gonna stop I'm gonna continue to do whatever nonsense you were doing in the basement because you smell like chemicals [Music] what's the what's the name of the guy that's there with us now the red brand is his entire name so was your first name the or oh it's all one name [Music] no spaces no all on their floors God makes a face like he was gonna have a conversation with this guy and then he just decided not to and he hops off the stool he was sitting on and starts to walk over the basement and mammals are weird all right you have fun boss just he just can't seem to process that whole that being one name thing little did you know his real name is Clarence but he gave that one up [Music] to quote to quote he ain't a gangster his real name is Clarence but uh by the time you overthrew with that quote-unquote combat uh you returned to Brianna and her dragons and she just looks at Yoji Malik and Flora and just says did you go looking for trouble they went and found some more goblins today yes I mean they were looking for us as well yeah they were ready [Music] almost if you directly made an enemy of them yes they do whose fault is that I don't know who killed more of them oh God by this point probably Yoji it's a lottery say I got a couple I think Yoji just passed me up a bit I don't tend to count I don't know they're probably a half their numbers by the time we got done with them you know I'm shocked it wasn't the little Cobalt who made them the enemy first they tend to do that no he just sealed their fate foreign you told that they're not allowed to come within our designated area oh yes yes we made sure to warn them that this is an awful response to please go around and you can still they can still make their way to the camp good and this is not a hard rule but I will be upset should they be wearing any equipment made from dragons while they're in here it brings down the energy I'm pretty sure we told him we can't control that and I'm pretty sure we told them just to avoid the area in general if they listen but do we know if they were dragging along the Army you know that hello they're they're for region uh you know the things made of dragon bones are they take enchantment a lot better they're incredibly durable non-un breakable depending on what the on what they're made from and while you've seen what yojis can do [Music] yeah due to the Arcane nature of a dragon all of its material is incredibly great onto it for Magic [Music] level 100 to do it ah no Skyrim fans I think well I'm not gonna be grinding that again um I'm just PTSD moment I'm not sitting under the uh Sky Porsche in that chest again I swear to God I think I feel who played it and modded and thus had to keep going I mean I've played vanilla then modded so when I had it on the Xbox and then I got mods and I'm like oh I ain't going back we just take a moment to remember the 15 minute load times for Xbox 360 and PS3 uh I had no DLC either bye my condolences I made do but yes as you take the the rest of your journey to return home you come to that scene we just played out as Terry is you passed Terry on as he's on hobbling his way out and you just see the Red Brand finally on duty the large tiefling and sparkling plate armor with an embroidered shield and foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got stuff to do just walks away [Music] yeah I'm I'm the Red Brand and I will be guarding you guys for the day if anyone comes in I'll kill him dead please don't you're not anyone just well almost anyone we ask but I mean like not everyone the troublemakers I mean I'm gonna I mean also I'm probably gonna be here while you guys are asleep so you may want to iron that out [Music] to be troublemakers [Music] and I'm glad to hear the security thing was because well I'm no longer the champion anymore so I don't have that free place to live [Music] or or all the plunder and women but you got plundered women they didn't put that in the job description soon because she's like wait a minute I missed out on something Warrior priest holding tournaments I don't think of plunder and women okay I think of like a bunch of sweaty dudes duking it out in a sand pit like you know I mean [Music] if that's what charges your spouse Lots man Vibe on I don't have any of those I thought everyone here was a wizard no we put everyone we put him into the test oh did you ever reach to a bag or something yes what that was real yeah of course is the test have you tried it I I have Paladin magic I'm good all right [Music] easily makes his ax glow yeah I wasn't allowed to use this oh my God you know having that character moment when you write a flaw for your character and then you have to play it out do it Flora is literally standing there right now just kind of looking at this this Paladin tingling in front of her going like she's just looking she's not gonna say anything but yeah what's the internal monologue she's just going don't don't do this again don't do this to yourself again he's hot just picture him in his underwear oh no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] he's got he's got big old horns he's got hoof feet walks out of the basement still has one of those bottles in his hand just takes another separent oh you guys are back yep you look like you could use a distraction could you uh help me figure out what kind of magic is on this does he pulls out the uh he pulls out the um black dragon acid yep I'm coming um hey guys look anything else oh yes very good we'll continue this conversation never what character flaw did you even read my guess is highly attractive I'm a sucker for a pretty face you eat hot too I don't do ugly tea flakes they're all genetically attractive I said they're lore then my Lord if not I I God has favorites and this is I mean most of them are descended from succubus and Incubus so it makes sense yeah it's practically in their lore my tiefling is half champion yeah well yeah but how do you think that can be and got made in the first place probably a succubus or Incubus I don't know I don't know I've never had the talk not in tiefling way anyway for all we know tieflings have an egg Sac situation [Music] so I'm like doing the whole like kind of holding my hand up over my head like not looking at this man as I walk by very quickly as she leaves he's gonna shrug and actually just start pulling and just pull out a book and just start reading while he's on the well he's just does Forest see this yes she's oh okay oh God he's literate learning okay so the real question is this what's the book you look at the title wow is Flora gonna cheat on her new quote-unquote sparring partner yeah [Music] I would have to glance if I see him pull out a book I'm I'm gonna be curious I have to take a look ha okay I'm going to flip a coin Tails it's a romance novel a God damn it oh okay okay he's not going you're not going fully into it I mean the Red Death um a romance it could have like you know Romeo and Juliet but it's like Ruby and violet Romeo and Juliet Gnomeo and Juliet no uh no it is basically it's the 14 Trials of leonis the powerful essentially he's reading the 12 labors of Hercules oh feel free to write down that book name in your notes if you guys ever want to find something yeah what was it called I'm gonna type it up for you she's gonna go buy the book read it overnight so she has something to talk to you are we all just checking out this guy continuously confused about why everyone is staring at him dolly is heading off to armor practice practice yeah I mean he is he's a gladiator he's most of his life's just been stared at he does not even notice any of you yeah so after after the glance of the book I'm just I'm just gonna take you guys back home Dolly doesn't seem to really notice him she just kind of walks by I'm not really caring just really quickly yeah scrap what did you need so it was just like glances between you and him and just I'm just looking at him and I immediately give him the like don't [ __ ] do it do it look she's like can't stop looking back in that direction all right what do you need um that's crap are you Gremlin enough to ignore her please of don't do it this is when I wish I had like a [ __ ] message spell or something like that I am not I am Gremlin Flora has a legitimate reason to be ignoring this this one enough let's go don't do what can I pick him up and just start taking him downstairs I'm gonna follow grab it's not a question for me uh no no he's not gonna just let you do that [Music] let's go yeah he's not a Shroomish you can't just pick him up and call him onion foreign I've got apple beer to check on [Music] look at flora and looking up the seat of dorks to the basement's closed or not I think scrap always shots it behind him yeah all right I'd like it for it so do you like him did you see the man let me get his height too shrimp just tilt decided as innocently as he can just says aren't you dating someone already okay a cat uh he's six foot tall without his horns has a wine he has wine red skin pupilus golden eyes and pre-wide shoulders there you go well the perfect six-pack I say again did you see the man I I used my x-ray vision to look under his massive plate armor he did he just blinks yeah he's he's tiefling I don't he's a mammal some sort of trick question I don't understand it let's see just yet I did not give him a token ah don't don't worry about it scrap it's just it's fine you know I I don't need to to do anything about it anyways you know I was going through some [ __ ] right now need to need to be healing right now as it is so like we're just gonna so when are you supposed to do that training thing that you said you'd do with that one guy oh uh I don't know he he didn't really give me a time to do that he just sort of walked off time with him with him God I feel so bad for that guy yeah okay I'm just sort of shrugs anyway to important things floors worked up all the nerves to ask him out and she finally buckled oh dude I'm gay oh man that is the worst that would hurt I thought it would hurt no she's she's like I said it's a flaw she's a sucker for a pretty face but she's got reasons to not really pursue anything so what about Malik Malik does have abs of steel and Maurice is a pretty face yeah Malik's a little shorter but that's about it he's still if you're into I mean if you're into the plank Vine this is the guy what about Terry once he's done with training yeah what about buff Terry is Terry taller than us listen Florida's gonna have problems okay Lauren's got through the main protagonist of an Easter Kai let's go as scrap was saying though now on to important things uh he pulls out the uh the black dragon acid so I was doing some experiments on this to see if I could reproduce it somehow and as far as I can tell there's magic in it but I couldn't figure out what hmm I suppose I could take a look at it we'll need an Arcana [Music] oh you know that it is a biological fluid that comes from dragons they make it in their body [Music] oh no subscribe you're going to go inside the dragon let's get the Strange soup you know one other person who can literally identify it and the magic yeah yeah yeah so um it comes from a dragon a black dragon you said yeah it comes from a black dragon it's it's really all I can see there has to be a way to remake it without actually using a dragon though glances over at the chemistry set in the corner yeah I tried that and then I ran into the the roadblock of magic let's cook what do I know what the like the what this does like what's the effect of it it's acid it's like 4d6 acid yeah I suppose we could maybe synthetically reproduce the effect I mean that's what I'm trying to do yeah because it's a really powerful acid and that can be useful for things but was we could maybe work on a formula to [Music] bump up the damage of the typical asset that we're used to possible he sort of just gestures to the chemistry do you not know how Alchemy works no I don't but I'll admit interest uh I'd love to help you work on it and so far you've just stated things that I've already been trying to do drugs I I know that and points to the [ __ ] beer in the corner which do you want to check on it yes I do want to check on it see both are poisonous open it up and uh it's got the streets of bubblin yes oh first thing it doesn't really say the poison thing yeah I don't normally do you yeah okay that reminds me he pulls out two vials you can put these on your weapon and it'll make people really itchy don't get it on yourself [Music] yay more poison yeah the oil of itchiness is good for one use each right not to break the glass they're expensive and uh don't miss oil bitchiness so yeah I mean I guess Flora would be willing to try and help scrap like just work out maybe a like a synthetic formula for a stronger acid um this is the effect of the oil of itchiness she doesn't know a lot about alchemy but seeing the things that scrap is done with it she's very interested in the subject [Music] start a clock and uh to create a new process of making acid to make it to up the concentration of it yeah basically what scrub's trying to do is he's trying to figure out what makes this acid so acidic and reproduce that in the normal process of making Asin it's quite possible with a combination of magic and Alchemists it could happen yeah maybe with some of the magic that I know and the alchemy that you know we might be able to come up with something [Music] hmm okay scrap laughs I'll just be your lab assistant I guess since I know okay A little bit of magic okay Molly you got to be Beaker in this scenario and uh Dahlia your Kermit the Frog here the OG is obviously Fozzy Bear I don't I don't watch Kermit a frog so I don't understand if only lugner wasn't a a dwarf why because oil of richness counts as a poison and requires a constant to Constitution [Laughter] but uh with that little budding bit of friendship that is where we're going to end the session unless anyone else had any pressing business I think I might be the wealthiest member at this group right now spent a lot of money so yeah so uh it might be like downtime stuff but floor floor would make an attempt to set up a uh training session 190 golden resources right now yeah I would like to start like making our store stuff except we'll handle improves after we cut uh so those who tuned in and who though and they're turning on YouTube thank you for watching catch us next week in a galaxy far far away we're going to be choosing our roles carefully in space
Channel: ChooseYourRoll
Views: 825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DND, D&D, Illyria, EP18, Chooseyourroll, ChooseYourRoll, Campaign, On-Going, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, Duck, TableTop, RPG, Roll20
Id: xUbCzt1whZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 2sec (13022 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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