five mutant teams Marvel should introduce BEFORE the X-Men

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I love the X-Men it's like my favorite thing I mean like I love cats I love the X-Men and I love the X-Men that are cats there's more than you expect like their saber tooth and then there's this one feral and then there's also the other guy who's like skinny Sabretooth whose name I cannot remember it's like feral it's like he's like Beastie Boy that's not it Wild Child I don't really care for a wild child I think he's fine I like cat's eye another cat themed uh X-Men adjacent character point is there's quite a few that's not what this video is about point is I love the X-Men and now that the writer strike is over which I'm very good Hollywood you guys did it you got it done congratulations to the writers uh you guys are talking about making an X-Men movie now but you guys I mean Marvel Kim feige the writers that would do that as much as I think that's great I'm very excited about that and I think you know I'm excited to hear stories that's being pitched and people are speculating who's gonna be on the team and all that stuff I do want to make one suggestion uh to to Kevin feige to whoever becomes the person in charge of this what I kind of think should happen this isn't a suggestion but just in general like I think the X-Men should be kind of their own thing like they should obviously exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe because that's kind of the point that would be fun uh but I think like there should be one X-Men movie a year and one X-Men show a year and that's just it and like Marvel does whatever it was doing already that's fine it keeps making good movies and shows and whatever but there's just an X-Men thing and another X-Men thing every year and then eventually that can kind of bleed over into the bigger MCU and you can have characters that would show up in those projects you know make appearances but I guess I just want to focus on the X-Men what I don't want is just one X-Men movie uh every phase so like every four years we get an X-Men movie because I think that is very much uh under utilizing this fantastic team with tons of different characters and players and lots of different groups and generations so because I just think if we do that we're going to be where we were in 2000 whatever it was 2006 or you know 2019 where we do three movies in a row and then at the very end we do a dark Phoenix and then because of just like the amount of time that's spent we end up rebooting everything we never get to do the cool stuff this needs to be the kind of thing we're constantly getting I send movies but I do think that like it should be a priority that we're getting an X-Men movie a year and I don't think that that is difficult at all like there's so many opportunities depending on how the X-Men are introduced but let's say you know there's some sort of reboot or some sort of like Universe blending thing where there are new characters in this universe played by new actors and they're just the X-Men and we kind of pretend they've been around the whole time like maybe they started popping up in the 70s slowly they became friends we had some enemies some big bads and then in 2025 or whatever that's when the real like groups start forming and everything becomes a big deal anyway what I worry they might do is just make an X-Men movie and make that one X-Men and that's the first one and I understand the thought process there it's the word X-Men people love the X-Men She-Hulk knows who they are they're very popular and You're Gonna Want to advertise that and you also want to tell stories about the main X-Men right like either it's first class or the second generation team the giant size X-Men whatever it is like people want to see that movie but what Marvel I'm cautioning you on is I think it would be maybe kind of cool if the X-Men movie was actually The Avengers movie of that phase right three four movies in three four shows in then we get a movie that is just called X-Men and maybe it takes characters from the different movies and shows and puts them together on their own team or maybe it just kind of you know builds upon this world that we've created about like this mutant culture and how some of these characters know each other how they're treated by different people and then it's like well you know you saw all these guys let's see what Charles Xavier's working with and here's his you know Elite Strike Team of mutants and whatever I was thinking like okay then what do we do what is the what are the phases leading up to X-Men if we're not starting with X-Men what do we do and I came to two conclusions one you could just make movies about individual characters right storm can be a movie Cyclops could be a movie Beast could be a movie well Beast could be a movie sure beast and Iceman could be a movie like a team up maybe or something like that Jean Gray could be a movie Gambit should be able to be a movie Rogue could be a movie there's so many potential movies in there Colossus and Magic like Origins story in Russia with their brother and like the Army and Omega Red that would be a movie but you could do that that's easy like I said you just name X-Men and go that's the phase I'll do five of those and then Boop but I was thinking about like if we want to focus on other teams if we want to make this the kind of Drive of the phase is like instead of just introducing individual X-Men we're going to start introducing groups of X-Men what teams should they maybe focus on before the X-Men proper are introduced in the universe now there are a lot of X-Men teams in Marvel Comics there have been many different names of teams that have shown up over time and because of that a lot of what those teams are has changed like sometimes it's kind of the same thing but just in a different generation a new class takes over and then they are whatever that is called right and sometimes a name that maybe was attached to a villain gets taken up by a hero so that team is very different so I'm gonna give you five teams that could show up in the MCU but I'm also not just gonna give you names and teams I'm gonna tell really kind of what team I'm talking about and what the vibe of that movie or show would be because I think that's very important so first one I think this is the obvious one kind of I mean I guess this is the obvious one in terms of like obviously you're gonna do these guys I think it's obvious in terms of like where the Marvel Cinematic Universe is now especially where it is this week these guys make all kinds of sense is a team called the Exiles e x i l e s so they are a bunch of mutants from different universes so we're back on the Multiverse thing but really here and it just kind of makes you say like oh this one from this universe that was popular in the comics and this one but not the one we know from the universe that's popular in the comics right now when this book was written I imagine the way they kind of thought about it was they said oh well actually those characters are really popular like that alternate universe we created has a lot of character designs and like some standout characters but they can't come to the regular Marvel Comics universe or like they could but that's a lot of work so let's take a couple of the big players there and put them on the Exon and on the other hand I think they took other characters and said I'd love to have that character on the Exiles but we can't really like pluck them out of the current comic run just drop them in so we'll say oh it's you from Another Universe I think you could actually stick pretty close with what the actual Exiles were in the comics originally I'd say two were really important three but one of them is a character named Nocturne who does not exist in like you it you've never heard of her because I believe she was invented for this if she wasn't she was not a big player and the thing about the Exiles is they did frequently die so they did rotate in new members like I think one of the original Exiles was a character named Magnus who was like Magneto's son and I don't even think he survived the first issue this is kind of like the suicide squad of time traveling mutants so the big two you got morph this morph I believe I don't remember exactly what his deal is but I think he's like a completely different morph and he is a character that can shapeshift obviously like metamorpho and plastic man right I've talked about them a lot so I feel like you kind of know that uh metamorpho can change his body into anything whatever Plastic Man can also do that but also he's kind of goofy and he does it like a cartoon character would I would say like that's the difference between mystique and morph morph will just turn into a cartoon character and do some really weird like stuff he's got a white face that does feel like it's something that would exist in like you know a 90s like you know Freakazoid or something like that he's a very important member of that team I don't remember if he stayed on for the full run of the team but he was a big part of it and he was one of the founding members then you got blink blink is from the Age of Apocalypse like universe that timeline or whatever we're calling it I guess it's like the Age of Apocalypse Universe in the MCU consider that a universe or a Divergent timeline or whatever but she can teleport uh she's very very very briefly in X-Men Days Future Past uh she's the one that throws portals and stuff uh blink was very popular at the time uh those two characters plus like I said this rotating cast uh they just looked up a list of some of the ones that were kind of important like mimic was one of the original team members like I said Nocturne I believe she was Nightcrawler's daughter the Magnus kid a Sunfire shows up a Thunderbird shows up but the pitch behind this team is basically this guy called the time broker pulls them all from other universes is like hey we've got a bladder Universe problems Multiverse all that stuff I need you guys to go in and fix them so this is kind of the pitch for Loki if there wasn't Loki it's just like a TVA show but a little bit more Legends of tomorrow where it's very you're jumping to a one Universe in this comic doing some silly thing and then going to a new universe the time broker is able to sub in new guys when one dies so that's how you get these new members of the team and after you do enough missions you get to leave and go back to your Universe if you survive I just think it's super fun it'd be a really easy way to introduce some of these mutant characters and ones that I don't think people would be really like oh man they're already doing this guy and he's not on the X-Men I don't think anybody's gonna get heartbroken about mimic and you can also introduce other characters Hyperion Captain Marvel a version of Carol I believe from a different timeline where she's bad but like you get alternate universe versions of a lot of characters and like King Hyperion that's the story he's from where an evil hyper interest to take over all this stuff I don't know I think if I were Marvel we haven't seen Loki yet like Loki season two I don't think it's crazy idea to assume that after Secret Wars or maybe right before Secret Wars we're gonna have some mutants showing up obviously Deadpool's probably gonna do that I don't think it's crazy idea to have Loki season three be the Exiles hell like Deadpool could be the Exiles like Deadpool 3 because Deadpool is pretty much morph and he's got that energy and that this feels like a very good transitional team I will say when I saw some of these articles that they were trying to do another X-Men it's kind of why I started to think about this video the second team I thought of is the team that someone had brought up on the Nando V movies Discord and they uh the person is sakur and Saboteur those second Saboteur how do I feel about X Factor movie as a men's introduce mutants into the wider MCU I feel like the Xavier School format has been fairly saturated agree and I think it makes sense to have the US government take first and foremost interest in the emerging mutant population starting a sort of arms race for the most valuable assets and ending with the lovable c d listers we all know the government setup could be an interesting way to contrast how different countries view the mutant diaspora outside of the U.S it could be a clever way to tease genocia Alpha flight or even the krakowa arako also thoughts on Jillian Anderson AS Val Cooper so a I think Jillian Anderson could be a geval Cooper I do think I mentioned this in videos before that what they're doing with Valeria that's like de Fontaine feels like it's Val Cooper which is like government agent who is amassing a team of superhumans basically just like an Amanda Waller and that's not really what the contestants like in the comics but Val Cooper is kind of that except much less evil although definitely still like not a good guy in the traditional sense but X Factor as a team if you look at a lot of different things it started as a place to put the original X-Men when the second group of X-Men kind of taken over so like the first class of X-Men the first couple X Factor books are that but the X Factor that we're talking about here is the I guess second generation of X Factor which is the mutant uh Team coordinated by the government that's supposed to be kind of a peacekeeping Goodwill team led by havoc and Polaris and the original version of the team also had Quicksilver although it was never actually a member of the team as I remember he just kept showing up to stuff uh Multiple Man wolf Spain and everyone's favorite strong guy this is where he's from uh eventually different members of this team cycled in and out so like Forge was a big part of this team I want to say like random was part of the team later the team was also I believe an offshoot of another team that existed that was kind of the same thing called the Freedom Force which was Val Cooper just full out making a Suicide Squad with the evil mutant so like Mystique blob Destiny I'm pretty sure was there uh I'm gonna guess pyro and Toad Avalanche probably and I think you can do either of those teams either X Factor or Freedom Force honestly Freedom Force like you lose the X branding but that way you don't have to explain why everything in this universe is called X although we could call it the X Gene that just has to be established at some point because I just always assume the X-Men were named after Charles Xavier otherwise what a coincidence although I guess if the X Gene is a thing your name is Xavier and you go like um this is an X Gene that's kind of funny that's like my name and then you study it and then everybody thinks the team's named after you but I think the idea of a government mutant Force could be great I think if we were doing this we maybe wouldn't need to do the Thunderbolts or we could make the Thunderbolts this and just have the Thunderbolts be made up almost exclusively of mutants but I think you can do X Factor Freedom Force the way they exist in that run of the comics just this team of government mutants trying to figure out their place in this world trying to be both the ambassadors of mutant kind and also trying to solve General mutant problems like this could be a show I think this could be a very fun show I guess you call it like monster of the week or whatever where every week there's some new weird mutant problem going on and X Factor has to go deal with it one of my only other problems with this group is how much it's connected to other groups and like other existing characters right Polaris mostly makes sense in context of being Magneto's daughter or whatever she is right now they change it all the time Havoc existing context of being Cyclops the main mutants Brother Wolf Spain is a new Mutant who kind of graduated and started doing this so I guess that gets a little tricky uh because it's like would you introduce Polaris before Magneto maybe not I do think there's something here though I think this is actually a pretty cool idea but let's say I don't want to do that we have other versions of this team like the third or whatever X Factor X Factor investigations probably my favorite X-Men run it's similar team composition some characters stay some kind of rotate in the main ones in this book multiple man gets elevated into main character and he gets really into Noir and decides to become a private investigator and calls up some of his friends so like strong guy is there wolf Spain is there and then some other mutants come in Siren Monet a weird little girl named Lila Miller who just kind of shows up and starts doing stuff and what she ends up doing is complicated but it more or less makes sense and then shatter star is a big part of that team especially in the original run and then the other guys show up you know Havoc makes an appearance Polaris makes an appearance but like the idea with these guys are this is after the decimation which is when Scarlet Witch made all the mutants go away there's like this weird power shift when so many of these mutants got de-powered then a lot of these support structures for mutants kind of crumbled they all moved into a neighborhood kind of like a Chinatown or Little Italy called District X and that's where madrix takes up shop and decides to solve mutant related Mysteries so if you want to do that in the MCU say oh there's mutant showing up that's something that nobody quite knows how to deal with uh there's this one guy that's going to be a private detective and he's going to figure it out and you don't even need to say that he's Multiple Man like in the first couple of episodes he's just this guy with a couple of weird friends who seem to live with him or something and he's really good at solving these Mysteries and also oh look he's on the other side of the street too what's going on there uh oh he just got stabbed no he didn't he's over here and then you kind of figure out over time but you could make this like neo-noir you know Blade Runner 2049 Vibe madrix takes himself very seriously especially in this book there's characters that are more uh zany kind of there for comedic effect but I think there's a lot of drama in this book I think this book could make a lot of sense in a world where mutants are emerging you have these figures come in try to take advantage of them so but then you have this other mutant who decides to take it upon himself to try to solve some of these problems I actually think this would also be a good show see this thing all these would be good shows because they are based off of these runs in comics that I guess unlike certain X-Men stories like dark Phoenix or whatever they're not really events they are very serialized stories and a lot of them are based off of these serialized kind of narratives right like Exiles is kind of like Doctor Who X Factor investigations is like a any Noir Thriller show but those are three teams right there you have the Exiles The X Factor version one or at least like version two but the X Factor that works for the government and then X Factor investigations the detective agency if you want to do a different Group New Mutants I don't hate New Mutants I think there's parts of it that are pretty good mostly the casting besides Roberto I think like the main characters are all really good I think Maisie Williams is a very solid pick for Wolf Spain obviously I love any Taylor Joy's magic one of my favorite X-Men characters I think like she was perfect there and Charlie Heaton I think was pretty good and blue hunt who played Mirage was also good like I think overall that movie is is very messy and it's clearly been re-shot and it was like one of these movies that seemed to be very interrupted by the pandemic so I think one of the nice things about that movie is the expectations are pretty low like I think if New Mutants did not exist that movie had never happened it would be very smart to start with a New Mutants team so have the older mutants have happened right like the first class and the second class the giant size X-Men they already exist some of them are off doing their own thing some of them are still at the Institute but then the New Mutants show up so you have wolf Spain magic Mirage all these guys that show up in the movie basically that would be a great entry point for mutants in the MCU and for the Xavier Institute in a way that would be fully new because these would be new characters however they did that movie already and I think it definitely is not a brand that they want to resuscitate immediately so I would say if you want to do something like kind of like New Mutants this is where the team Generation X could work Generation X was kind of like New Mutants again so I I imagine this was in the 90s I'm really cloudy on specific years Comics came out if they came out before I read them a lot of them so much together it feels very 90s especially if you look at it but it also could be early 2000s and I could be like totally wrong but basically this was a team led by Emma Frost and Banshee and the thought process for this was just hey we got a lot of mutants here there's more of them they're younger this is the new class immune so let's train them they all become friends whatever the members of this team are very popular characters now and I think well some of them are but I think specifically introducing a couple of them as POV characters to see the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe X-Men is pretty smart Jubilee is the main character in the original Generation X Series she would be perfect here as like a young character kids are supposed to relate to even though she was created as the ultimate 90s kid but like we can kind of recontextualize her for the 2020s geez that is a crazy thing to say 2020s but yeah it's 20 20. so you would recontextualize her for like 2020 or 2025 or whenever this comes out as like a youth uh a gen Z and then you have some of the other characters that everybody likes from that team Monet from X Factor investigations is where she gets her start Penance another character that's complicated but tied to Monet chamber everybody loves chamber this is where he starts skin at least this is where Darwin shows up this would be a very good opportunity to show the Xavier Institute without showing all the characters we already know also this team is much more diverse and also this team is very young so we can cast younger actors and these can be the stars that age with the franchise and this is something that I think this is is really important here I don't think the X-Men movie can all be adults the same way that like the Avengers were all adults when they started doing Avenger stuff like I do think part of the fun of X-Men and the fun of the original movies to some extent although they besides Rogue they never really got these but the comics for short in the cartoons is it is a lot of it's the idea that like these special children that no one understands have this special power and they have to go live in the fancy school and like it very much connects with any kid pretty much who is not perfectly fitting in and that is everybody pretty much but like that element of like hey these this kid on screen is just like you obviously they have superpowers but besides that see yourself in their shoes understand the world of the X-Men through their eyes and buy all of their clothes and merchandise and stuff like that makes sense as just in general a good storytelling vehicle but also it's a good way to get kids interested in the X-Men because kids should be be interested in the X-Men it is a very fun concept for kids this team is led by Banshee and Emma Frost two other characters that have not been Overexposed in universe so like we could create this kind of foundational team in Generation X which would call it people think they're copying gen V but gen V is really copying Generation X and both of them are just named generation and then letter that's associated with the superheroes in that universe and like that's not you know they didn't invent the idea of calling it Generation X they called it that in the comics because that already existed I don't think you could call it gen Z but there's also a second generation x led by Jubilee and chamber uh I don't think those characters like need to be introduced immediately uh like I think I think we can take a little bit more time with them however there are characters in there like Quentin choir who people really like and I would like to see on screen kind of soon um but I think they quit inquire could play a lot of other roles so those are four the Exiles X Factor government team X Factor investing litigations Generation X I'll say honorable mentions I think you can make these movies without them even being in the X-Men like the way I sell like one X-Men movie in one show a year I don't even think these would need to count but I think they should make an alpha flight thing and they should make a star Jammers thing the alpha flight team is the Canadian you know mutant adjacent team uh they've always been associated with the X-Men however not every member of that team is a mutant in fact I want to say a majority of them are well I don't know I guess it's a it's a rotating group as well but you've got characters like Sasquatch I believe is connected to the Hulk like I think he's a gamma guy and you've got Snowbird the snow goddess character you've got Shaman who is just a magical character but then you have the two French twins the super speed ones and their mutants Puck I think is a mutant he must be and then like Wolverine sometimes has a tree with this team the star Jammers are just the Guardians of the Galaxy again but one of them is cyclops's Dad honestly don't think we need a star Jammers thing I think those characters are fun and like there's other groups like The shiar that they can interact with that would be something new and the Guardians of the Galaxy were their second like the the star Jammers existed before like what is the Contemporary Guardians of the Galaxy did in the comics but in the movies we already have them you know we have a team of aliens led by a you know Plucky Flash Gordon type guy who is you know cool Han Solo whatever that that's real that's what the star Jammers are I would say the other team you could do an X-Men thing of in the uh in the MCU is the morlocks one of the fun things about the morlocks is it is this extreme example of how mutants are treated so if you want to set a very clear standard originally for like the mutants are hated and feared in society for these reasons right because if you start with X-Men you can show them like they do in the movies you know people like mutants get out of here you can't be in my bar but like sometimes it feels like all right well it's not great for mutants yeah definitely there's they have a lot of problems and like a lot of super villains want to exterminate all of them like the X1 movie like when someone sees Scott Summers coming to that train station wearing his red glasses they'd be like that's a mutant get that guy out of here right like sometimes they're treated like that and I think if you really want to lean hard into that out of the gate the Marauders are a great story like their history is a little complicated because dark Beast a character that is not worth explaining all right he's beast from Another Universe who's evil but uh he creates them but you could just say like Callisto and caliban formed this group of mutants that live in the sewer with marrow and Spike character from the Animated Series he's one of those the other thing that's interesting about the warlocks is this is one of the teams that some famous mutants had been on specifically storm was a warlock for a while she led the morlocks and very famously beat Callisto in combat to become the leader of the morlocks and you could do this like you could start thinking about all of these teams and saying like Okay Which single X-Men are we gonna put on this team right like we could put Thunderbird on the Exiles and he could be a main character who lives and then goes to the X-Men like he does in the giant size X-Men book you can have storm be a Morlock and then have her transported into the X-Men for the big X-Men movie like if you want to treat it like The Avengers you can do each of these movies and shows introducing a different team of mutants showing a different mutant corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and then take one character from each thing and put them in the X-Men Jubilee from Generation X and Emma from Generation X now they are main characters the X-Men and Banshee it would be a main character I think those five teams for me are the teams that stand out right off the bat is like those are smart places for them to start because those are familiar tropes uh that we haven't seen done to death in the X-Men Universe none of those characters that I've mentioned I think I've been in more than one or two movies and very rarely do they get speaking parts right like caliban had a big part in Logan and you know a couple lines in X-Men Clips but like a lot of these characters are the X-Men characters that because these movies tend to focus on the core X-Men and like kind of expand a little bit we never get to see these guys but they are fun and they have a lot of Personality there's a lot of stories that are new and I think that's what one of the things the audiences want most right now they want to see new characters in this world doing new things and I think after a while they'll be like well let's do the Xavier school though but I think we have some time in the beginning maybe set up some solo you know stories I mean like Nightcrawler would be a good Morlock if you want to throw him in there because I don't think I think storm could be a Morlock but I also think it the morlocks are like an American thing and the way storm works on the X-Men is she is recruited by Xavier and when he gets her she's currently like an African goddess basically so I kind of like that like I like her coming from there like she goes into more locks after that so I think like you could have a character like Nightcrawler who is more like adjacent right like he's blue and everyone and scared of him they chase him out of his village in Germany have him join the morlocks in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and then later joins the X-Men and who would be on X Factor I mean I'm Forge I guess maybe would be the X Factor character that you carry over because I would want to create a team of X-Men from these groups that is familiar like characters that I would consider a and b listers and no offense to strong guy and even multiple men they're not really A or B listers if you're considering the A-list is the 10 most famous mutants and the b list is the 10 under that right like Emma Frost storm night crawler Thunderbird kind of I mean he kind of gets grandfather in because he was one of the really early characters but yeah so those are five mutant X-Men adjacent teams that I think the Marvel Cinematic Universe should introduce before the X-Men let me know in the comments if you have other favorite X-Men teams or other characters that you could put onto those teams that I mentioned like you could you could basically do Generation X and just put the New Mutants on there and just be like listen we all know we're not calling it New Mutants but like that's what this is because those characters are all great I don't see why there wouldn't be some sort of leak because that's what happens constantly of like a couple of teams that they're thinking about establishing or at least a couple of story lines that they're thinking about establishing and then if we know they're doing that then we go oh okay so that's what these guys are going to be involved in that storyline let's say this the only one I love that I don't think quite Works yet is Excalibur only because I think you could do Captain Britain for sure I just don't love the idea of introducing Nightcrawler and Shadow Cat as members of Excalibur before their X-Men that makes sense for them as they move after their X-Men but before their X-Men it's like why are they here neither of them are British they don't seem to know any of these people like I think you could maybe get away with doing psylocke as Betsy so just Betsy as I think is probably what you want to call her have her be the mutant representative on Excalibur and then have Megan and Captain Britain and yeah obviously it's way too early to introduce Rachel so so I would love Excalibur they're one another one of my favorite teams that I just don't think you can do them before you do the X-Men unless you really change it and have it be just the British superheroes and don't really involve the mutants which is fine I think that makes enough sense but at that point just make the captain Burton movie but yeah those are my thoughts thank you for watching I can't wait to see what we get and uh like subscribe mostly nitpicking is my podcast all that stuff I'll see you guys soon
Channel: The Nando Cut
Views: 49,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 35MqAyadDwk
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Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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