FIVE GUYS vs. DAIRY QUEEN Burger Review | FIRST TIME Trying Dairy Queen

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[Music] cool peach tree right on the side of this trail i see people just put a bolt in here and just start paddling all along this little river i'm gonna do that oh that looks like fun just just float around all day i think i'll miss doing this every day the most you can't want to scrape the door frame so yeah that's underwear hanging there so here's a couple of things i'm going to bring with me on my travels to make sure i can still work out so i got some of these bands and this is going to help me do uh push-ups and then work on my chest because i really like this bar that hangs over the door obviously i can't bring that i got this i haven't tried this out here this is the multi gym so this is like two separate of these hanging dealies so this is pretty compact i'm gonna bring this a little heavier than i would have liked but this is something you can do push-ups with pull-ups with not sponsored i have no idea how well this works i'm gonna go try this when i get to new york but i'll let you guys know if this works or not just finished my workout session one of two i usually will do a bike ride um weight training in the morning then i'll go for run at night and do some abs so in between i'm gonna eat yeah let's go eat some burgers i don't know if you guys feel this way or not but about once a month or so i need a fast food day a day of just going to random fast food burger joints and stuffing it in my mouth until i'm filled with processed meat and cheese and self-disgust today will be one of those days so excited oh it's like a holiday for me let's go to five guys burger there's a five guys burger right there and then there's a dairy queen here oh have i ever had a i don't think i've ever had a dairy queen burger before oh my god i feel so naughty [Music] i'll just do a regular hamburger can i get grilled onions pickles grilled mushrooms hot sauce and i think that's good thanks dude [Music] i mean that was like a one minute walk the amount of grease that's already soaked through this bag is it's terrifying the best thing to do is just rip this bag open oh that's a lot of fries they give you a lot of fries there's at least like two cups of fries in here so they put the fries in the cup they also just dump it in a bag i like them for that i've had five guys before but not in i think maybe close to 10 years i completely forgot what this thing tastes like i mean look at that that is just a gorgeous amount of fries and i forgot ketchup lisa's seasoned i think i remember they used to give out peanuts or something that's a good fry wow enough rice delicious don't really even need ketchup burger kind of small for like a nine dollar burger and this is a regular burger they actually have a small burger so i'm assuming the small burger is just one patty this is the regular burger with two patty and what's kind of cool about this place you can order as many toppings as you want but that may also kind of be a curse so this burger i got two patties grilled onions grilled mushrooms some pickles ketchup and hot sauce hang on a second first approach it's a good quality beef patty you don't taste any of that ronald mcdonald fake clown beef burger nonsense here this you can tell good quality beef patty now is it tasty i think it's extremely extremely mediocre mainly because the patties aren't seasoned well i taste more of the ketchup and hot sauce than i do the actual patty which that's a problem i mean if you walked away from castaway thinking you watched a wilson movie something's not right there that patty's okay texture skirts a little dry flavor-wise not the best and comparing this like just from memory to all the other slightly higher quality burger chains like in and out or shake shack and whataburger this is nothing the worst nothing i should say it's not bad i just i just expect it more from you you know i sound like my asian parents why don't you learn from your cousin in and out i don't think i've had dairy queen since i was like eight or twelve or some ridiculous long time ago but it's packed it's like three pm did dairy queen all of a sudden become awesome did i did i miss this trend i mean look at this like it's like 10 cars in front of me there's like a bunch of cars behind me all here to patronize the queen of dairy whoa they got a burger called the fling thrower i think i need the flamethrower and i guess here in dairy queen you got to get a blizzards do they still have blizzards a flamethrower burger just a burger okay uh the half pound or the quarter pound the half pound okay just the burger you said yeah can i also get a blizzard yeah for sure drumstick well that sounds good what if i eat this burger it turns out to be awesome i can't even fathom that scenario right now thank you oh nice thank you perfect this is a small blizzard this is pretty big i think i remember they used to they used to turn it upside down or something to make sure it doesn't doesn't flow out that's like a blizzard test that's so good i'll hail the queen as i'm eating this i can literally feel the life force draining from my body so this is like one of those drumstick ice cream that is basically crumpled up and stuffed in here it's so good yeah it's so good is it weird when you're eating something um as horrible to your body as this blizzard and you're staring at the beautiful gal gadot like one of the most perfectly fit gorgeous human beings on this planet just stuffing my face with the sugar retreat i'm sorry miss gadot i'm not strong like you are oh god this is so good i'm literally eating this and trying to calculate how many years of my life am i losing by eating a cup of this probably quite a few this is a giant burger way bigger than that five guys think so this is a half a pound flame thrower cheyenne with what looks like french dressing tomatoes lettuce strips of bacon two beef patties cheese in between the patties all right patties look kind of dry though it does kind of look like a flank throw with the bacon and tomatoes and the dressing all sticking out so this thing is basically about a thousand calories [Music] i'll be honest with you guys for a fast food burger like a mcdonald's burger you know that cheer of burgers this is not bad i mean don't get me wrong it's not great but it's not bad sauce that i thought was french dressing actually hot sauce burger tastes like you know you know like the burger king patties this is why i love burger king the most it does taste like it came from a grill i mean the patty's a little dry but that's to be expected [Music] best thing here is the bacon thin little slice of bacon super crispy i mean overall it's got good beefy flavor it's spicy it's cheesy got the nice crunch from the bacon i mean 100 it's a life-sucking leech of a burger but is it yummy yes it is not as yummy as that blizzard though that was the best thing i had in like a decade god i want to go back and get another one right now no wonder people were waiting in line i don't think anyone ever got a burger or hot dog whatever they were selling god that blizzard though i'll pledge my allegiance any day to the queen of dairy for that all right let's let's go for one more i passed a red robin on my way here i've never had a red robin burger before in my life i go running around here a lot so i passed it just never let's go try it out most popular bacon cheeseburger 12 bucks oh that's a 12 oh geez steam brock who wants steamed broccoli with their burger garlic fresh pepper jack [Music] the pickle nickel and the bacon cheese burger with garlic fries that's pretty darn good crispy outer shell snappy piece of fried pickles i love the garlic fresh and it is so garlicky and you can actually see the pieces of garlic on here so this ain't just like garlic powder or whatever oh that the star of the show popular bacon cheeseburger first glance doesn't look all that juicy i should have got like a pineapple volcanic ghostbuster burger like one of those crazy ones on their menu oh something's hard that's just a patty like cardboard i'm gonna feel bad for calling five guys tasteless when this thing exists in the world really bland patty it looks juicy but it's kind of hard like especially on the outside many parts of it it's actually really dry i'm loving the fries and little fried pickles way more than i'm enjoying this if i actually sat down i mean went through all the trouble of like driving to a restaurant sitting down going through all the ordering process just to be fed this i would have rather gone to dairy queen i mean it's edible but just like the plaza pretty much every single night shyamalan movie besides the sixth sense really tough to swallow so far today the best burger i had came from dairy queen words i thought i would never utter also i was just thinking you know how i mentioned like the dairy queen burger got that kind of similar flame broiled taste as burger king now do you think burger king and dairy queen maybe you know seeing each other a little bit revealing not just burger secrets to each other something like that she probably got him with one of her blizzards i feel like what i just put my taste buds through i need to reward it with something and this is the noodle place i was i was at before and they they have like this hot pot dish that is their specialty i haven't tried yet it's called malt it's spicy nummy flavorful that needs to touch my tongue right now these guys are so nice and the food is amazing i can't wait to go home and try this i was going to do another edition of eating on the hood or car cruising meals on wheels something like that but they told me there's a lot of soup in there so they're like you probably can't get on the hood of your car we'll just take it home and we'll have a little uh netflix and chill time probably won't be a lot of chilling because uh a lot of chili's in there i can't be chilling with that much chilies there's some unfinished business i have today i three burgers today none of them i really really love none of them i was like oh my god i'm such a good burger so i feel like my my life at least today is sort of incomplete even though i have some great food back there i need to find a good burger place and i know exactly where i want to go this is a great place for burgers this burger place haven't been back since i moved here it's amazing burgers hawaiian that's a good recovery i didn't trip oh yay i love this place already what was i doing messing around with like dairy queen burger ah i've never done that never have put a blizzard in my mouth and had that whole life altering experience miso burger so excited to eat this oh yeah like as soon as i open this you could tell this is a different type of burger i mean this is it's hefty it's got a unique bun look at that pork belly on top of the freaking burger and this you can see that glisten on the beef that was lacking from the previous three burgers that you know watches yeah you see the juice coming out of the beef from the appearance to the to the volume to the fluffiness in general the aura of this burger is different than the last three we had today you know that scene from crocodile dundee was like that's not a knife this is a knife or you know an actual australian accent this is a burger you guys hear that you don't hear it that's the sound of angel singing up in food heaven look at that juice inside that patty mixed with the juice from the pork belly so you get a great beefy flavor with just a blast of melty pork fat where's the first juicy burger i had all day look at look at this thing drip i should call this the seattle burger because it's constantly raining actually it doesn't rain here so maybe they shouldn't call it that this is how our burger day should end oh this whole thing is making my entire apartment smell great hmm rice pop one pop to the bigger pot so this is mozart like i said it's pretty much a little hot pot but here it got chilies oh raw garlic slices of beef wood year lotus tofu skin spam of course gnocchi mushrooms oh it's the same thing except this one there's fatty beef in here which i freaking love it's one of my favorite things all there's so much garlic in here my heart is pounding so hard for this right now very deep soup base chuck bowl of chilies and garlic perfect solution when you can't go out for hot pot oh it is spicy you guys got to be careful i worry about some of you brother's good ingredient's good i mean i ate a lot today but one bite of dish i just want to keep going [Music] all right about 7 p.m sun's going down earlier now so gotta go get my second workout in i'm gonna eat up let's go [Music] all right look i i swear i was gonna go work out and i still might but this is the best time of the day to be on on the balcony plus i just found a snooker sneaker snickerdoodle cookie snicker sticker doodle i bought this today and i didn't have a chance to eat it so instead of workout time this is snickerdoodle cookie eating time seriously sitting on a balcony at the end of every day this is my favorite time of the day you know what else i love about seattle no mosquitoes right now no matter how hot it is in the day time it just gets so nice and comfortable right around now no humidity just here think about life a little bit eat a big cookie this is nice
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 611,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trying dairy queen, trying five guys, five guys, dairy queen, dairy queen burger, fast food, fast food burger, red robin, five guys burger, best burger, burgers, fast, food, burger war, best eats, seattle, seattle eats, restaurant, cook, cooking, tourism, tourist, travel, traveling, drive, car
Id: oatwsGADIUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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