Five Fun Warm-Up Drills with the Ball!!

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foreign [Applause] ERS thanks for joining me for another modern soccer coach breakdown this week we're going to talk about how to start the session with a lot of energy and enthusiasm getting players excited about being there getting players excited about competing and using the ball and doing so so we've got five different games if you want the breakdown of the sessions please go to the link below and you can find the breakdown on the website please also give it a like And subscribe so you don't miss any more okay game based warm-ups let's go okay the first one is a Barcelona game 25 by 25 area two teams of name players each possession team starts with all the players inside the area but the press and team only starts with two so it starts as a 9v2 game and every five consecutive passes another defensive player can enter the game if the ball goes out of play game restarts you can Shuffle the defensive players but the objective is for a team to make five consecutive passes when it becomes 9v9 play for three four minutes switch rules keep it going great way to start a possession based session but this next game is a Jose Mourinho handball game challenges players to make decision process information and speed and they get to compete against each other so in the 30 by 20 yard Area players split into four teams six players each two of the teams work together to compete against each other so it's red and blue versus yellow and green the objective is to work with the color to keep possession from your opponents but here's the restrictions red are only allowed to use their hands and must roll the ball along the ground while playing with their blue teammates who can't use their hands blue players gotta chip the ball into the hands of the red players when they're looking to pass them when red plays Red it's got to be a throw when blue passes the blue it's got to be a pass with their feet same conditions applied in other teams where the yellows use their hands and green players use their feet really effective quick thinking game and very very challenging before a session this is a 1v1 Fitness game from West Ham United competition it's the perfect way to integrate physical work into a fitness session if you're looking at having a high Tempo training session this could be a really really good idea to start two teams organized into a 15 by 25 yard area there's a median where the players start on the cone 1v1 on the signal the coach two players Sprint around the perimeter go through the gate on the other side play 1v1 after the 1v1 battle next two players are up it's continuous it's competitive and energy levels are always really high for this one if you look at something a little less physically demand and great ideas a technical challenge so when this one Pep Guardiola Manchester City it's a challenge an integrated inside a passing pattern five players ball moves of One Touch passing the last player's gonna chip the ball over the mini goal into the second mini goal all the players move up one cone so it's good to get yourself going players experience different types of technique and then you can also have another group or another two or three or four groups going at the same time coaches can set a Target or a time limit get them competing against each other Drive the tempo and engagement and the energy really good another good way to get energy going before a session is to bring in shooting and finishing at the start in this example it's a free flow and transition game inside 20 by 30 yard Area players work in pairs and on the coach's signal 2v2 from each side as the ball goes off the field coach plays the next ball in next four players are up 2v2 again continuous game you can keep the score running the thing I really like about this game is that coach can control the start so if they want to give it to the same team all the time that's fine you can also make it a 50 50 ball some things that you're integrating into the session you can introduce at that stage but it's a really really good game to get the goalkeepers involved to get players attacking to get players defended and to get players competing so there you have it coaches just some ideas on how to start a session with energy and enthusiasm but as always it's about understanding what your team needs at that moment different exercises can bring out different things it can be fun or it can be challenging technically it can be high Tempo or it can be more technically focused and slow and maybe a recovery day whatever the team needs it's always good to introduce it and then as a coach it's always good to have it really well organized and then you can drive the energy yourself as well alongside that I think one of the greatest ways to get energy from your team is to actually be energetic and enthusiastic yourself as a leader and as a coach so hopefully that helps if you want the exercises in more detail please on the link below and when you're there please check out the resources there's free stuff modern shop we've also got session design we've also got ebooks we've also got webinars thanks so much for the support I will see you next week goodbye foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Modern Soccer Coach
Views: 146,477
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Id: Vgb69Ov3TQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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