Progression & Evading Pressure #2

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Welcome to our Grassroots soccer session focused on enhancing creativity in 1v1 attacks and cultivating patience and composure in 1 V1 defending let's dive into the exercises designed to achieve these objectives one simultaneous 1v1 to Gates objective the aim is to take on your opponent 1 V one and score a point by dribbling through one of the two gates opposite your starting position setup arrange players in four lines with two lines working east west and two lines working north south in a 20x 20 yard area each each gate is 2 to three yards wide separated by 8 to 10 yards instructions action begins with players in possession passing across to the opposing Line This initiates the 1V one action the play ends when one attacker dribbles through a gate a Defender Steals and dribbles through a gate the ball leaves the game zone or the coach counts out the players if the action takes too long rotate lines clockwise to ensure players face different opponents coaching points in possession encourage creativity with SK moves faints and changes in speed and direction Defenders should maintain composure delay the attacker and adopt a low side profile to control the dribblers direction exercise two dribbling through gates to score objective in a 2v2 setup teams battle for possession and score by dribbling through any of the four Gates before scoring on one of the mini goals instructions the coach starts by passing a free ball into the Game Zone two players from each team enter and play Begins the the action ends when the ball leaves the zone or a goal is scored players then return to their team lines and new sets of players take their place keep a good Pace throughout variations adjust the game to 1V one or up to 3v3 you can add a joker to a in possession you can vary the gate sizes or increase the number of gates to increase the difficulty of the exercise coaching points focus on keeping your head up using evading pressure strategies such as shielding the ball dribbling into space and varying dribbling speed emphasize creativity and control exercise three 2v2 plus two dribbling Rondo objective three teams of two play in a 12x 16 yard area with a 4x4 yard Central box two teams are in possession while one team defends instructions teams in possession can move freely but must stay within their half only the team that loses possession can win it back points are scored by dribbling into the central box and successfully passing out or by stealing the ball and dribbling into the end zones variations adapt the number of players and field size based on age and skill level you can also add transitions where Defenders switch roles with the team they stole the ball from coaching points in possession attract the defender before moving the ball encourage diagonal dribbling to evade pressure out of possession press and return quickly and avoid chasing the ball aimlessly focus on defending the middle box activity Kings Court 3b3 mini tournament this activity reinforces the Lessons Learned in previous exercises players should be brave in their dribbles and patient in 1V one defending use the two ball rule to emphasize the value of possession thank you for watching this session remember creativity and Patience are key in One V one scenarios keep practicing and refining these skills to become more effective on the field coaches enjoy the session have fun spread Joy
Channel: Sherwood Park Phoenix FC
Views: 263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u-Bs0AXucko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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