Fishing With Shrimp For BIG Catfish!

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howdy everyone i'm back at it again it's a beautiful summer day today i'm right on the north dakota minnesota border on the mighty red river of the north we're gonna try for some channel cats so i'm gonna paddle around a little bit we'll see if we can find a good looking spot to soak some bait and we'll see what we can hook into out here today this looks like a good piece of cover that might be holding some fish got a little bit deeper water here about eight nine feet deep got some shade along the bank yeah this looks like it'd be a good spot to pull up and toss out some bait all right i've got one of my lines in my bait is soaking out there so we can fish two rods here on the red river and both of my setups are identical so i'll give you guys a quick look at the rig on my second rod here so for mainline i'm running 40 pound power pro super slick v2 braid and we'll follow that down to the catfish rig here so i've got a four ounce no roll sinker a little rubber bead there to protect the knot at the swivel and then i've got about a 14 inch leader of 25 pound trileen mono and then a 7 ot octopus hook and then for bait we're going to try some shrimp out here today we've got some extra large raw shrimp we'll see how the catfish like those there we go that should be perfect want to drop that one right off that back corner of that log cluster up there that way the current will carry the scent around where it wraps around over there so i've got my second line there my first one i tossed out a little bit deeper more toward the middle of the channel out there so we've got our bait out we'll let it soak for a while and see if a big old channel cat comes along and tries to eat it just like that oh that did not take long at all try to get my anchor to actually hold in this mud here trying to fight that fish back behind that log cluster so he doesn't get into there oh yeah this is a nice catfish well i only had that bait out there for about 10 minutes before this one hit so that's a good sign hopefully they're active i today him in the net for a second there we go wow look at that how was that for the first fish of the day check out that channel cat you guys first fish of the day what a beauty of a fish that only took that one about 10-15 minutes to find that piece of cocktail shrimp that i tossed out there so awesome way to start the afternoon that's a good sign hopefully these fish are biting today time to put on some fresh bait i'm just going to rip the tail off that thing over on the hook through there like so i try to weave it through there a little bit so the hook holds onto that bait a little bit better got a lot of gold eye little bow heads smaller catfish out here that'll pick apart that bait pretty quick and cocktail shrimp it holds on somewhat well but not quite as well as cut bait so it is a little bit easy for those smaller fish to steal my bait so if i start getting a bunch of nibbles on one of my rods then nothing for five ten minutes that tells me they've probably stripped my bait all right back out there in the middle of the channel where i caught that big one we'll see if he's got any buddies out there [Music] something nibbling away at this one again he's still down there did he steal my bait oh my god what do we got here little baby catfish come here little buddy these are the ones that you got to look out for they'll stick you with those spikes on their fins so you just try to get me there i've got the two spikes on their pectoral fins there and then another one on top on that dorsal fin and these smaller fish those spines are usually pretty sharp so you got to look out for those catch you later little buddy hopefully when you're a bit bigger well i gave it about 45 minutes at that spot we caught one really nice channel cat there a couple little ones there's a lot of smaller fish over there that were just nibbling my bait away though i sat there for about 45 minutes probably went through half that bag of shrimp i had to put fresh bait on both my rods probably a half dozen times so that is the one downside to using shrimp for bait there's a lot of those little nibbler-type fish around they'll chew your bait right off the hook i did bring one cut gold eye just as a backup if we do run out of shrimp i might toss some cut bait out but we'll go through the rest of that bag of shrimp first so i'm going to keep paddling my way upstream we'll see if we can find another fishy looking spot to soak some bait at this looks like it might be a good spot to try right here we've got a little bit of a creek that flows in it's getting a little deeper here it's been two to three feet deep most of the paddle up here so six feet now that might be deep enough to hold some fish all right we'll toss that shrimp out there and see if there's any fish roaming around this spot [Music] yeah that felt like i was in the deeper hole right there [Music] so i got that one a little bit more out in the middle i'm gonna toss some bait on my second one and we'll toss that right up in front of where that creek comes out up there [Music] oh there we go he's still there that looked like a nicer fish [Music] well i've still got baits on there oh yeah there's somebody nibbling come on take it take it [Music] i don't know if that's the same fish that just hit at it a minute ago oh maybe [Music] [Music] got him well that was that a gold eye i think it might have been [Music] oh my gosh i cannot believe i just caught that it might be the first smallmouth i've ever caught out of the red river wow that's the last thing i expected to catch out here today is a little smallie look at that guy it's that weird almost grayish color to him little smallie on the shrimp [Music] well that's a nice bonus catch that's almost as good as catching a big channel cat right there [Music] well not much action at this spot i gave it about 45 minutes here i did catch that one little smallie which was kind of a neat unexpected bonus catch but the big channel cats don't seem to be around here today just a bunch of little nibblers that did a pretty good job of thinning out my bait but i've got a few pieces of shrimp left i think i'm going to pull up my anchor and we'll go paddle around a bit and see if we can find one more spot to set up on yeah there's a couple of spots that looked real fishy on my way upstream but they're just so shallow i'm getting a little bit deeper here about six feet might actually pull up right here in the shade got a couple of sticks sticking up right here it's a little bit deeper water it's not super deep here but deeper than most of the river i'm actually gonna paddle up to these sticks real quick though to see how deep they are make sure they don't come up in the little shallow hump or anything like that nope we're still at about six feet deep right here so this looks like a good spot i'm gonna paddle back up get set up in the shade here we'll drop some bait right in front of these sticks sticking up and see if we can draw a big catfish out of there got that one rigged up i like to have it so the hook point is exposed just a little bit there almost lost my players there that was a close one i just set up on the spot literally threw this line in two or three minutes ago had something nice come and grab it so i did put a piece of cut bait on this one just so i could keep my bait on there a little bit better [Music] maybe that's what the fish want out here today is the cut bait oh yeah that's a quality fish pulled me off my anchor spot i gotta bury that anchor a little bit better [Music] yeah that's a big all right look at that second nice catfish of the day him right in that bottom lip with that hook let him sit in the net there for just a second i got to get my camera dried off he splashed it pretty good and we'll take a quick look at them wow look at that beast of a channel cat yeah i got that one on cut bait i tossed it out there and maybe two or three minutes later this guy came along and completely bent that rod over yeah awesome fish well it didn't take long to find one at this spot i think we better get some bait back out there and see if that one's got any buddies up here i got a bag of nasty cut gold eye that came along with me on a previous trip sat out in the sun all day and try not to touch it because this stuff stinks to high heck it is nasty trying to get it hooked on there nice there we go that's pretty much what i caught that last big one on a little piece of gold eye cut bait uh i checked my shrimp on this one he's getting a bunch of bites there i don't know if i got bait stripped or not yeah that's why i put cut bait on that other line i want at least one where i pretty much know i have some bait on it at all times a couple other little hunks of meat left in there there we go i'll give them one more little morsel all right we'll toss that out there and see if we can catch one something just hit my cut bait there i think get some action on this rod this might be the spot right here [Music] there's one on the shrimp oh yeah that's a good fish just trying to keep them up here in front of those tree snags i don't want them getting caught up in there so holy that is a big catfish you guys me oh my gosh [Music] so gotcha wow look at this channel cat you guys that is a monster wow look at the size of this channel cat you guys geez that is an absolute monster that's got to be about a 20-pound fish biggest one of the day by far that one came out and ate that shrimp just a giant channel cat sorry about the fog in that last shot no we didn't have a bunch of fog roll in that big catfish must have splashed my camera lens and if any water gets between my gopro and the polarized filter it fogs up pretty quick but i've got it cleaned off now down to my last two pieces of cut bait i've got them out there right now we'll let them soak a little bit longer all right you guys that's gonna do it for today's trip what an awesome day of fishing out here on the red river we got three really nice channel cats two of them on the rosh rimp one on cut bait bonus little smallie and all in all it was a perfect day to be out here on the river in the kayak so i had a lot of fun i hope you guys enjoyed it too thanks for coming along with me again i'll see you next time
Channel: NDYakAngler
Views: 466,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NDYakAngler, North Dakota, kayak, kayak fishing, fish, fishing, smallmouth, largemouth, bass, bass fishing, river, catfish, MN, Minnesota, channel, cat, goldeye, relaxing, asmr, nature, walmart, wal mart, great, value
Id: s9ZakhcFtM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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