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oh gosh this is not small this one is not small my friends we're chasing him I just want to see him now I'm ask my leader nothing like a good old real set right into a nice big old fat fish oh oh oh oh oh oh uhoh uhoh oh God did he just get eaten by something oh my gosh something crazy just happened he's still there he's still there it's big what the heck it's still there you got it JJ is it real big oh I got him oh my gosh I've got this beast mode Flathead what's up everybody welcome back to the channel excited for today's fishing Adventure I am out here below a dam and uh I've got just one ride with me and it's a bon this is my big old catfishing rig and I'm going to see if I can't put a couple of big kitty cats on these rocks this afternoon I've got about 2 hours of daylight to work with I waited all afternoon to get my here and fish just because it is 100° outside and there's no shade but when you get here this time of day there is a little bit of shade and uh a lot more bearable for fishing anyways there is a lot of water getting pushed through this Dam right now and there's a bunch of bait fish up here because of that and that's what's got these fish want to come come up in here and feed so I'm going to go down there try to didn't net some shad and then we're going to cut them up and chunk them out here into this faster water and hopefully find some big old kitty cats I've caught some goings here in the past and I feel like now it's a good time to do it so if y'all are excited to join along with me on today's quick and dirty catfishing Mission do me a huge favor hit Thumbs Up Button subscribe to the channel for good luck and let's see what we can put in these rocks today let's go all right let's start off by trying to scoop up some bait I'm seeing a ton of Shad right here mainly a bunch of small ones there's some big ones mixed in there too I want the big ones I can literally just get a net full of whatever I want it looks like right right here looks like some big ones mixed in oh what we get oh man look at all those shed I'm going to put these bigger Shad up here let the little ones go and then uh try to get some more big ones that's why I don't have to worry about securing bait all I'm wanting to do right now it's just getting in the water and see if I can't catch some fish there we go that'll work I got like three more bigin in here I'll keep them small ones too okay we have our bait secured again really nice just like 5 six in gizard Shad I'm going to chunk them up I'm probably here he is I think it's the only one I had lost was that one right there we're going to cut these up into probably like three or four piece chunks and we're going to send them out here into the fast water okay we start out by cutting up some of these Shad see pie we can get off these guys this is about this is a little bit smaller than the other ones I got one two three four four pieces off this one I can probably get five off of one of these guys this here's a little bigger one two three yeah I get five off this one okay I think that's going to be a good place to start and honestly guys I don't think there's much of a better bait than fresh cut Shad maybe skip Jack but I have never been in a scenar iio catfishing where they just wouldn't eat a Shad so and that's obviously what they're eating out here today there's so many shed let's going ahead and ring them up this is my rig it's just a a bottom bumping rig just basically a drop shot I've got a 3 Oz weight I might have to up it up to a 4 oz I've got 40 lb monofilament actually think it's 50 lb this 50lb monofilament I've got a 5 O circle hook I'm start kind of on a smaller hook if I start catch the big ones I I'll lump it up and uh yeah that's basically it I've got this leader tied on to 30 lb braided line I like the 30 lb braid because it's strong and I can cast it for so let's go on ahead let's give this thing a rip find ourselves a good seam to put this thing in so you can see we got this big boil right here it's not like super duper fast but it's it's flowing pretty good but on the other side of this big boil there's a nice little rip Little Current seam and the idea is you want to put the bait right in that seam and you want that weight and that bait to Just Bounce along the bottom without getting snagged so we're down there right now almost on the bottom okay we're on bottom we're bumping now we're just looking for a fish to bite it hey crazy we oh my gosh what was I saying what was I saying it'd be crazy if we caught one First cast oh it's a nice fish it feels like I tighten St up there we go guys First cast and we're on with a fish I don't know if it's a catfish I don't know if it's a drum I don't know if it's a shark I don't know if it's a sturgeon it's coming in kind of like a catfish oh get up here first cast baby there's been times where I've been up here and the current is so strong I can't even pull them back to me it's not at that we're not at that level today but it's still pretty strong this is a 10ft medium heavy starf rod with a lure rating up to like 6 oz was a catfish it's nice catfish come down here to my fighting Rock I'm not sure if I'm be able to pull him in or not I'm breaking my line yep he's on the surface it's a lot of tension oh gosh man this is hard this why you use the big gear so you can fight these fish in the current okay it's going to be one of those days we hook a really big one it's going to be hard to get them in here we go he's skiing he ain't small I'll tell you that he ain't small here we go here we go I might have to cast more Upstream so I can fight them Downstream to me there we go if we get him on top like this we can pull him in this line is definitely strong enough there he is oh it's a nice blue cat nice blue cat guys woo First cast all right we got him there we go there we go guys first fish was on the First cast it might be bad luck hopefully not it's a nice blue catfish he's probably 9 lb 10 lb just cuz he's so chunky I think I have my scale up there we get some bigger ones we'll weigh them but with the bite being as quick as it seems it's going to be today I'd rather weigh the bigger ones that is awesome okay on the board I'm going stand in back I'm not planning on keeping any fish today at the moment but I definitely might and this would be a good one oh there he goes he was a little disoriented for a second all right one cast one fish man that is so difficult finding them against that current I need to get a rods A Little Bit Stronger to be honest with y'all this is a pretty beefy Rod but it's more of a surf fishing thing made for fighting fish out in the ocean let's grab us another piece of bait this is the tail piece I like the tail piece a lot thing that's great about fresh sh Shad too is obviously it's fresh and it tastes good to the fish but it stays on the hook really well when you make these long casts and that weight hits the water real hard if you have some like fish that you froze and Tha it out sometimes they just fly off the hook and you see how effortless that cast is that 30 lb line we're just back out there let see if we can't get our arm broke by a monster I'm have to chase him though if I hook one maybe we get I don't want a small one but maybe we can get one a little smaller there we go oh gosh I got him next cast I don't want to catch small fish but I need a break for a second you never how know how big they are either until they get up here cuz they're swimming with the current this doesn't feel as big but he could be giant oh it's little that might not be a catfish it's a drum there's never a shortage of these guys out here oh drum boy drum roll please yeah I think we'll keep this guy today and eat him true or false nice little drum okay two cast Two Fish how long can we keep the street going I think as long as they have the water moving and I don't do anything dumb we keep it up that's going to make a good cast if I cast it into the really really turbulent stuff it's hard to uh control where your bait's going unless you have like a 6 to 8 ounce weight and that's just a little bit heavy for this setup but I do have them if I need them I'm kind of thinking about doing it going put this one back out there we caught the last Too Perfect cast absolutely perfect I'm on the bottom I'm bumping don't get snagged I keep my rod tip way up anytime I feel a rock I kind of Pop It Off The Rock just so it doesn't get hung up in it there we go there we go there we go he bit it at the end oh gosh uh-oh oh did he break me oh my gosh he just busted me what' he break oh my gosh that was a big one what happened oh he broke the hook no no that sucks that was a good fish guys this is 50 lb mono he just broke it right there at the hook might need some stronger line honestly okay so this will kind of show you how I'm tying it I'm just tying on a Palomar knot wet it down I'm not sure if I had just a bad Nick in my line maybe from dragging across the rocks or not I don't know so we got that Palomar knot we got a long tag in and I just run that tag end back through the eye of the hook and that way the hook kind of stands out on your line it's just like ring to drop shot up for bass see how the hook stand straight out like that now you can tie a dropper which I see a lot of people do but I just do it this way kind of keeps everything streamlined now I got to find me a weight and these are just 3 o Bank sinkers I've got some 4 oz ones in there too if I lose another weight or I feel like it's not getting down there well I'm going to swap to a four I think I can get away with it you just want as light of a weight as you can get by with that'll bounce on those rocks without getting snagged that's just the key to it all you don't you either want to get stuck like with a big heavy weight or you want to bounce through it you don't want anything really in between now I was just about to start taking off and chasing that when he broke me might have to loosen my drag up just a little bit I like to have that drag locked down in this past current but might have to give him a little bit of drag This Is 50 lb mono I usually like that big game this is some other brand so if it breaks again I probably won't be using it again and he just snapped it and very well could have been a 50 lb catfish though yeah yeah come on get get get bit it's perfect there we go that's a giant that feels big I could be wrong he's coming to me yeah he felt really big at first he might not be big but he's swimming to me with this current he's probably really big actually yeah he's probably really big this is not a small one this is not a small one he's swimming Upstream right now and this is some fast oh gosh this is not small this one is not small my friends I'm just going for it just going for it I know he's going to try to take me down here I don't want to give him too much this is a big fish we're chasing him I just want to see him now okay think that's crazy here we go we're fot him down here there's a little pool of water down here that they end up usually going to he is not small he is not small got another angle down here I got to pass oh it's not that big come on come on I thought it was way bigger after breaking off that one I thought he was really big maybe nervous he's still big though he's bigger than the first one golly maybe not he was just dogging come on oh there he is he ain't bad he ain't bad bring you right here later him like a tarpon okay we got you we got you got him look at that look at that catfish guys that is another really nice one he's over 10 he's got to be probably 12 lbs or so I love using these lip grippers on these blue cats because they have some sharp teeth and they're very strong and they'll death roll on you and usually when you you know get to where you're ready to handle them your hands are all tired from gripping your pulse so hard he's off the hook that is a nice catfish you want a catfish that's a really good eating siiz catfish I'm going to give him away over here let me let me hold foot okay and I told you take off you up wait okay okay here we go that one there El good I thought he was I thought he was a lot bigger than that go home okay have fun yes sir all right we caught two nice catfish now we got two nice catfish and a drum he's said he was going home now oh that's always fun I'll tell you guys these things are a lifesaver and I could you know reach down and grab those fish and handle them but they just they start death rolling they just tear my thumbs and hands up and I regret it every time there's is oh that's a good piece right there I expect big things from you this is a perfect this my favorite piece of cut Shad this the piece right above the tail you have the tail piece then you have this piece and that he going to catch something I can't believe I thought that catfish was a 20 pounder he just was fighting into this current head up and us when they do that they're big but he was just a normal kind of small guy to be quite honest with you guys maybe I'm already weak SAU for the day maybe I don't need to hook a 30 pounder who says that we definitely need a hook a 30 pounder get oh gosh yep yep yep he threw so much slack in there yep yep yep we ain't leaving this post until we have to oh no don't get in that current don't go out there I want to put a lot of heat on him but I broke that one off earlier oh gosh come to the top let me see how big you are gosh they just feel so big when they get stuck like that I'm going have to go chasing gosh that's the only thing that sucks about catching these catfish over here is they try to mess you up but I also like that we're going to go chase them down as y'all can probably tell these rocks are not the most stable looking rocks oh he's got me in some stuff let's skip here to the flat part oh I'm actually using this this catfish of some stability okay okay now we're now we're running now we're running don't hit the rock don't hit the rock be big be a 20 be a 15b I don't think I gain I try to gain as much ground on them as I can before they hit the current and run down here this current is so strong they just end up right here in this little pool oh it's a decent one swear though this isn't work out watch out below that take it easy not do that again okay let's see oh yeah another nice one yeah just like the last ones a little bit bigger I guess my Max are pulling up that wall is like 8 lb perfect spot to land him though Big H jeez look at the tub these catfish all just got the biggest tummies later we got the leader got you oh he's bigger jeez he's bigger W that's a good one that is a good one look at his head oh my gosh death roll see I'm gassed from all that running to fighting them in here okay let's get my hooked perfect hook set right in the corner of the mouth you've got to love that right there guys hey if youall love cat fishing and you love Big River blue cats be sure to give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you subscribe I promise I'll catch you 20 lb before the end of the night and I'll weigh in we'll verify it okay oh and all these catfish are all just so beat up I'm getting chewed on by other catfish and just run into to them and just getting beat up on this wall oh snap okay let's hik back up here get back to our stuff and let's do it again all right back up here after catching that last catfish I think we're up to three cats now one drum feels like it's been non-stop action but it's just because we're just going around everywhere got ourselves another little Shad rigged up the line still feels good surprisingly literally any one of these casts can yield a monster catfish a new personal best I'm looking for a 35 lb blue cat that'll do it for me on the personal best side on rod and reel I've heard of 50 and 60 pounders getting caught out of here there we go there's another one is he still on there this one's not very big we're grinding him uh he might be big no no don't go down there you come here you come here you come here he's going to make me go for him he hasn't surfaced yet jez a we're going on another run he felt small at first but now he feels big honestly okay let's see we can race him down there oh man this is way more of a workout than going to sitting in the gym for a couple of hours I promise you my forearms are burning and this fish is just getting bigger I could just be getting weaker I see to get down here in my other landing spot this might be our 20 I don't know I don't know they all feel big we can find them here oh now how far down did he go sheesh here we go here we go come on up he's probably small watch it be small ah o not small not a Megalodon though that's that's okay that's okay you would have thought I had these fish snagged in the tail the way they're fighting and pulling me around in this current that's another Hefty one I need put the scale in my pocket that's going next fish I'm going to have the scale in my pocket I have the scale in my backpack that way we can just weigh them down here so we can tell yall exactly how big these guys are now I think this one I think they just keep getting bigger this here is probably 17 pounder I don't know oh my gosh is probably 20 I don't know that fish is big oh it's like they feel big and then when I come down here and look at them they look small because I feel like they should be bigger but then I get them up here and look at that thing I mean look at the belly what a bth that is so much fun man better work y I need to come out here with my boat quit chasing them around like this but I love catching catfish like this from short just another big guy big old Hugon okay we're going to let you off these get you flipped over oh he's big oh my gosh that's got to be a 20 pounder golly okay I'm I'm going to let him go I don't want to carry him all the way up I don't like to keep him out of the water longer than I have to whenever I'm releasing him especially if they if they fight like that there he goes I'm going to stick my scale in my pocket like I had these grippers it's pretty low profile ain't going to be that big of a deal that way we can weigh them down here I think at least one of those fish is really close to touching 20 which would be awesome that was definitely my goal coming out here today was to catch 20 pounder I've definitely caught some 30s out here though and I wouldn't be surprised if I did today but he would make me work for him guys I am so worn out I'm going to have a hard time staying awake driving home tonight here's the thing guys this is a beefy rod and re setup I've caught some gigantic fish on it but I think I'm gonna have to upgrade to something just a little bit heavier Duty for fish for these catfish especially from Shore so I don't have to keep running down there and getting them I mean like I mean I'm telling you this is a this is a big ride I've caught sharks I've caught giant red fish I've caught giant catfish I've caught I've snagged enormous Asian CP but these fish are just doing it to me they are I mean first of all they're full of life they're spunky they're happy catfish cuz they're full of a bunch of shed their tummies are huge and the current's fast and they just get in that fast current seam down that way and I'm just not able to torque on them super hard and get them in without breaking my line so I think I'm going to get a bigger rod and reel maybe upside to like some stupid big braid like some like 80 lb braid or something I don't know maybe up to like 80 lb mono it might help me it might not help me I think I honestly need to be casting more upstream and letting the bait just kind of settle to the bottom so I can reel them with the current just to me just so they can't get out there 50 yards away and that fast stuff but either way we're getting them on the bank and that's all that matters I'm going to put the scale in my pocket so we can weigh them down there next time um they're biting really good I don't know they I've been out here and they've turned the gates off about this time so we got to keep fishing like we don't have a whole lot of time left let's get another bait on this hook let's catch another monster we're going to try this little seam a little closer kmy see if I can actually through it looks like it might be a little bit of a chore oh yeah that's fast jeez I'm on the bottom feels like a spot get snagged in honestly oh is that a fish no I think I was getting bit is it a fish it is a fish oh my my gosh it is a fish it is a freaking fish you was swimming right to me the whole time keep swimming to me keep swiming to me come on I hear my fighting Rock he's a little catfish get Mo on top start skiing here we go here we go here we go we're going to get this one there he is that's the Oh shoot no no no over here yeah there we go dang a small one we could lift that one still a really good fish if I was keeping fish today I'd keep this one 7 eight pounder I felt like I felt like it was a bite but then I just lost tension with it and then it felt like I didn't have nothing but this see how I was just swimming Upstream in the current that's crazy you see I was able to get him all the way in when you get past this rip it actually the current turns and it comes back to us so that's kind of what we're trying to do so we don't have to chase them all the way down there but the problem is you got to get it past this rip and it's the fastest crack oh gosh hooked up hooked up hooked up I threw up in the gate oh gosh I threw it up into this first gate and he bit it I don't know if he's big or small he's coming to me though hopefully he's big big he madeit it like as soon as it hit the water I think he's big oh be big oh gosh big one woo big guy want with that one I got him God he's dark oh gosh Come here big guy yo look at that catfish got him wo woo that's a nice one I don't know if that's the biggest one we've caught today but we finally got one we can weigh kind of get an estimate look how dark blue he is that's a Prett one man nice catfish look at that catfish guys that is a a giant he's like pitch black just a dark bodied catfish I think he's not as big as my biggest one I've caught today but it give us a good estimate on how big these fish have actually been I got the scale right here hopefully it turns on oh yeah oh yeah the scale says 13.2 I'm not sure if I 100% agree with that but we'll take it 13 lb I think he's bigger than 13 lb but we'll go with it 13 lb blue catfish I honestly think he's bigger than that guys but we'll have to go with what the scale says look at that head just an awesome fish all right one last look at this big old thing say [Music] bye there he goes back to the Shad pile oh that's a [Music] fish I thought I was snagged in a rock uh-oh uh-oh this is a big one I think oh I think this is a big guy Wai on I think that's a big guy he's not like the last one for sure I didn't my bait hit the bot I'm not even sure if it hit the bottom I just lifted up and I thought I was snagged up in a rock lean into it it started fighting back had it popped off I would have just said it was snagged up this ain't no snag this is a good fish oh the current's going this way now take him down here to the fighting Rock take you down here to the fighting Rock buddy he's trying to go up there oh shoot oh gosh trying to pull me in big head shakes dude listen this drag up a little bit it's a big one it's a big one want you be like 15 lbs you got you got side back you got snagged oh gosh man I'm so spit that ain't small dude hey guys the way the way it's in might be might have I think it's a blue oh did you see it yep yep he's good man real good he's real good oh you got your 20 lb dude you want you want to you want you want to snatch him for me yeah he's real good all right guys thankful to have somebody out here this is a daredevil fishing check him out on YouTube he comes down here fishes all the time he's he's a he told me he's a professional at Landing these big old catfish I gave him my lip grippers oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's a big one see this one felt big without any without a bunch of current kind of awkward right now with the rocks being wet y That's big come on man over here swim this way buddy here we go he's coming to you now here we go come on buddy here we go got him woo yes sir woo yes sir oh my God all you my man God oh my gosh that's a behemoth yep he pulled him out oh gosh got the job [Applause] done oh my gosh guys I can't even belly this thing is so big I'm so worn out this thing is enormous look how big this C capes guys this is probably a 20 plus we've caught some nice ones today but this is one be we're after I literally thought I was snagged on the bottom but I mean look at the tummy thing is huge got that Circle right in the corner of his mouth thing about catfish once you get them hooked they usually don't come unhooked unless they break the crap off but we're going to get him on the scale let's see how big he is he's got to be 20 I don't know if the scale is accurate but even if it doesn't say 20 lb he's got to be 20 lb he's huge 19 keep going 19 and A2 19 it's saying like 19 lbs we'll take it we'll take it regardless if he's 20 lb or not if he's 19 that's might as well be 20 lb he's probably 19 he's probably 19 lbs he's just a nice guy man what an epic way to end the journey I'm going to make a few more casts but this is probably going to be it for me thank you guys so much for watching this video hopefully y'all enjoyed it we're going to get this fish back in the water and we're going to hike on out of here okay one last look at this monster let's send him back oh my gosh easy on the way out buddy dang just like that he's gone man that was a dang river monster what a freak there's some there's some weight behind this guy oh gosh come on I see my leader oh my gosh sweet Jesus dude I need help I need help what's up guys welcome back to the channel we are out here this afternoon below this big Dam on the river and our goal is to catch as many big old catfish as possible I'm actually trying to catch 200 lb of catfish to be exact maybe more we're just going to see what happens the goal for today's mission is see how many pounds of catfish we can catch and I think we have about 3 hours of daylight so to do that I've got two rods I've got my big old long surf rod dude and then I've got this guy right here which I'm going to soak baits just directly underneath the boat with and we're going to be using some freshly caught shed I have him here in this bucket and pulling out show you guys what we're working with today we got big ones and small ones here's kind of a mediumsized one I prefer the biggest ones cuz I can chunk it up into more pieces of bait but that should be good just caught these just a moment ago over on the rocks and um yeah let me show you guys my scale I'm working with too I'm excited about this so a few years ago I was out flea marketing and I saw this big guy and I was like I got to have have it and the reason I got it originally is cuz I was catching some big old snapping turtles and I wanted to weigh them see how big they were and this was how I was weighing those Turtles and also I was like man I could weigh some big old flatheads with it so I was weighing big catfish with it it's been sitting in my shed for like two years now it hasn't been used um it's just a spring scale but it's it's it's pretty accurate and it's just a way to get a quick read on these catfish without having to Jack around with the digital scale and um yeah so we're going to be weighing them on this big old dude it goes up to 100 lb maybe we'll catch one 100 lb I don't know it could be done but I'm excited to get this trip underway they're flowing some water out of the dam pretty good right now they just turned it on so the fish should be feeding the rest of the afternoon I'm hoping they go crazy but yeah we're going to get after it hopefully you excited for today's adventure if so do me a huge favor hit the Thumbs Up Button subscribe to the channel let's see what size kitty cats we can put in this boat today let's go all right we got this big gizzard right here this should make about six or seven good pieces of bait go ahead and chop them up I meant to bring a cutting board but I forgot it so we're using my terminal tackle box it is what it is that's that good stuff I've got a good amount of big ones I don't have an unlimited amount though so I'm going to try to make them last as long as possible but that should be good to get us going we got 1 two 3 four five six pieces off of that should be good to go let's rig them up and let's send them out there and see if they're [Music] [Applause] biting [Music] [Applause] on fish on I can't tell how big he is he's going up stream though feels decent ain't bad hopefully it's a catfish don't feel like a drum feels like a catfish guys that was second cast I think oh yeah was a nice one nice catfish baby let's go come on come on come on big guy oh he ain't as big as I thought he was I just got excited all right get up here oh man I don't know why that fish felt as big as he did but we'll take it it's a channel cat too normally we catch a ton of blue cats down here channel catfish are always mixed in too um but that's definitely a start it's not a big dent in the 200 lb I'm trying to catch tonight but we'll weigh him and see how big he is he's probably 3 lb probably 3 lb or so we'll take it so this is how we're going to do it I have these lip grippers they usually have a ring on here but my dog chewed them off so I just got some parac Corti on there all straightened up 3 lb 3 lb which honestly a three pounder would be some delicious eating but we're going to throw them back we might keep some but we going to focus on just getting some numbers so let's go ahead and toss him back get back in there let's make it one even bigger than that here fish like it felt weird didn't feel like a rock it still doesn't feel like it feels weird still it's definitely a fish he's running right at me I can't tell if he's big or small go when they're all the way out there 80 yards 100 yards to the end of your tast they feel good it is not feel very good oh man oh man man that's why he felt weird it's one of them dudes I ain't mad at it I I mean I'd always rather catch a fish on a cast than not catch one but we're after the catfish that's a little freshwater drum we're probably going to catch several of these today but hopefully in between the drum and small catfish we're going to catch some 20 30 maybe 40 lb blues or flatheads but let's get a new bait back out there fish got you be a kitty cat he might be catfish we got bigger a little bit are you bigger than I thought you were oh it's a bigger drum dang these drum are Fierce ruthless that bit got to the bottom and he was just on it he's probably like 3 and2 lb nice drum is that a fish dude this is a fish it's a giant a fish oh my gosh dude this might be a flad or something this feels weird this is weird this is big it's a big fish oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is really big dude Le be a catfish he's coming oh my goodness oh my goodness oh okay that's weird I thought he was way bigger he's still big that's our biggest one I got nervous did he eat the Weight too what the heck is going on down here got you woo all right that's a nice catfish right there that's a blue catfish first time of the day oh man I don't know why he felt so big like he was coming to me the whole time I I got nervous look how fat he is though look at how fat that catfish is that is awesome so we caught Channel Catfish a couple of drum we got our first blue cat I don't know how long he was on there the line felt weird from the GetGo I thought it was kind of stuck on the bottom but I guess he just had it the whole time I bet he's like 7 lbs maybe eight let's figure out real quick 6 and 1/2 we round up 7 lb 7 lb that fish really ain't that long but he is just so fat actually we're not going to be like that we'll round down six lb six pounder sweet let get back in there and see we catch another one thought that fish was so [Music] big [Music] I got him can he come off no I got him no he came off tell the boat was spinning I went over some really nasty rocks I I was about to get snagged popped it up over it popped the bait up over and got smoked just didn't get it thing I like about these fish is that they really do commit to the bait because they don't have that long to think about the current drift and they're sitting there with their mouths facing the dam and anything anytime anything comes past them they're just like and they prefer these dead chunk baits instead of a live one cuz they're easier to get that's catching a drum got a fish we got a fish a white bass what the heck it's cool to catch a white bass but that's not what we're after so somehow I forgot to get this Rod rigged up and or baited up and cast it out here so we're ahead and do that real quick I got a big old Shad head got a big old a circle hook on here and we're just going to drop it you know pretty much right right behind the boat we're kind of in a nice little current brake it should stick to the bottom this is my giant uh burning shark reel I got off Amazon this thing has got some serious power almost too much power I feel like I lose fish because I'm like twerking them in too hard anyways let's pitch this thing out here I'm also a bunch of gar let's try that again got distracted saw a gar flipping and flapping out there just something like that we're going to let it get down to the bottom all right we're on the bottom this reel has a clicker so we'll know if we have a fish cuz we'll start pulling on that we'll set that right there hopefully nothing happens and the pole get janked out hopefully we hear that thing screaming just a few but until then we're going to keep casting this bait up into the fast moving water keep bumping it down and try to connect some big catfish dish on oh gosh oh gosh what he doing what's he doing he's getting big he getting crazy he's got me in the Cur that ain't no drone if it is a pig drop that's a nice cat dis I think oh oh he's got me up against the current so it's hard to tell for sure until we get him up here by the boat not bad he's rolling on the surface it's a catfish it's a catfish I might know where they're hanging out now cuz as soon as that thing got to the bottom he was on it and that only happens when there's a bunch of them come on oh that's a good catfish stay on current's changing right here oh gosh it's Shamu that's more of the flavor we're after that's how you make up ground W what what a beast that's a good catfish right there guys look at that meat head that's probably a double digge right there just wait till we get one twice this big or three times that big he's not as fat as that last Blue C which we caught but he's a long one he's got to be 10 are we ready oh yeah scale don't lie is that 11 that's 11 call it 11 lb 11 lounder biggest one of the day so far my goal is to double this before the end of the day beautiful fish let's get it back in the water I'm going to put it right back in that same hole [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] turn on that's gotcha gotta h on Big Daddy he big he's kind of going Upstream when they go kind of Upstream oh oh okay when they okay when they do that when they do that they're they're big gosh okay unless this one's tail wrapped or something I think he's bigger than the last one [Music] yeah there's some density there's some there's some weight behind this guy he's swimming up look at that look at that he's swimming up oh baby stay on there don't bust me look at this thing he's going up stream at this thing stand my big guy might be a 20 oh gosh come on I just want to see you now let me see your face oh dar this one is not small come on oh come on I see my leader come on this is big I've got my drag tight I had it way too tight I still got it tight on oh my gosh there's no fight in these fit there's no G up oh my gosh sweet Jesus dude I need help I need help oh my goodness dude this is this might be 30 lb oh my [Laughter] gosh yeah oh my gosh yeah thanks man oh my goodness so if y'all remember that first catfish right second catfish I caught maybe the first one I was like thinking that one was big CU it was fighting weird that one was fighting the same way but then you started doing big fish stuff I got to grab my grippers dude this is big I don't know how big my PB is 35 lbs blue catfish wise oh oh my gosh look at the look at my leg look at my leg that's what we came here for guys that is a monster that thing is heavier than a bag of dog food oh my gosh look at that tail look at that thing look at the head that is enormous okay we're going to a quick weit on this thing it's a good thing we brought the heavy duty scale I don't know if it's accurate or not we're just going to go with it 22 22 lbs I was starting to feel like my uh my my goal of um 200 lb this afternoon was a little bit ambitious but with a fish like this that kind of changes things we're on our way now if we catch some more like this maybe hook up with a with a really big one this is really big but like a really really big one we're going to be in business look at the head it's a big [Music] catfish that was awesome guys I haven't caught one that big in a little bit now uh so that's excited scale said 22 I think and honestly I feel like might have been a little bit bigger I don't think he was 30 um I think he he could have been pushed 25 but we'll just go with with the scale says 22 lb uh we're rigged back up we've got another piece of cut shat on there and I got a little scale on the hook get that off but uh we're going to we're going to try to get some more of those in the boat we're going to try to get something bigger that that was a wild Drive what is this that felt weird I don't think this is a kitty cat it seems kind of fast I don't know I'm sore what is that no oh gosh old blue eyes white dragon I knew it felt weird this drum was just trying to give me me a little break after catching that big catfish but I'm ready I'm ready for another big one nice fish peace got him that's a kitty cat kind of straggled a little bit so I really like to keep the drag tight whenever I'm in the fast water cuz I don't like them pulling it and getting way down stream CU then I can't ever get them back and then when I get up by the boat I'll loosen it up feels decent oh man if my line was to break just then I would my line breaks I'm going I'm going backwards I got to be careful dude I don't know feels good I think he's a 20 I don't think he's 4 lbs though gosh there he is oh baby oh baby that's a beluga don't do that uhoh using a a 10 and 1/2t surf rod on a bass boat can be kind of weird but we're doing it okay I've almost got oh gosh he's way biger than I thought it wasn't pretty but we got it we got it gosh look at this meat head look at that it's a dang white whale let's go let's go baby gosh he's big that's a chub hold on a second that's some meat oh my goodness I don't know if he's 20 if that other one was 22 on that scale E's probably going to be a high teen that's a good one and it's crazy how they they vary in coloration like this one here is that more that light blue that last big one was really dark man just long big fat healthy cat fish it's crazy I'm going to say on this scale 17 man oh I'm good I'm good 17 17 that ain't no scrub right there that is a beautiful Lo catfish [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome so I think right now would be a good time to explain exactly what I'm doing to catch these catfish now that I've caught some so what I'm doing is a technique called bumping or at least I call this bump in some people call bump in you're actually just floating downam in your boat in the current but honestly all I'm doing is I have my cut Shad rig drop shot style oh gosh need hold that thing about a foot above the weight I'm using a 3 oer right now you want to use as light of a weight as possible that can get down to the bottom and bounce over those rocks if you're using a too heavy of a weight it just gets stuck in the rocks and you lose all your stuff so this 3 oz is perfect for the flow we have out here today and what I'm doing is I'm casting it as far as I humanly possibly can upstream and that's why I'm using this longer 10ft surf rod using this big rail with a lot of line just so I can launch it way up there and let it get down the bottom and just letting it drift in the current and so when I'm holding my rod up really high I'm trying to keep my line off the water and I'm feeling for rocks and I hit a rock I'm able to you know kind of Pop the rod and get the weight and the bait off the rocks and whenever I do that a lot of times when the fish bite it so if I have my rod like low and just drift in it the water would grab the line it would drag it just wouldn't be a great presentation so that's why I'm using this big long heavyduty setup just so I can cast it far and keep it out of the rocks and then of course we hook up the big catfish winch them in against all this current so let's get this thing back out there see we get our arm broke I think that's the spot I think past spot oh gosh it feels like my bait is actually like running into fish as it's drifting down they're feeling weird bumps that don't feel like rocks and then all of a sudden we'll just turn on it that was the hardest hint of the day I don't know how big he is I think he's kind of smallish I hope it's a catfish he's kind of being oh yeah it's a kitty cat come here there we go so I really love having these uh these little lip grippers handy in the boat to handle these catfish it's because whenever you're fighting them you know over and over again your hands get tired you lose your your grip strength and these guys will start death rolling they'll just really tear your hands up I've had many days from I go home and my hands are just absolutely just rubbed raw and it hurts for like a week um maybe it's a little bit um weeny of me to use the uh the lip grippers but definitely a game changer that's ni catfish 5 lb 5 lb got to weigh them all maybe a little more 7 lb 7 lb we'll take it that's just another overall just really solid catfish we were keeping catfish today I would definitely throw them in the live waterer cooler but we're not keeping them today we're going to send them back to the river maybe next time I catch him he'll be bo he [Music] PS next cast baby next cast baby we need this action what is this he's coming right to me he's coming right to me come on don't be a drunk be a big old Kitty what is that is that a flathead oh baby let's go we got a flatted that's awesome that's our smallest fish of the day but look at that a flathead catfish you got to love it there's some big flatheads down here I haven't I haven't caught any myself you know like really big like 20 plus Pounders but that's cool that is cool way better than a drum we can add this to our overall weight even though I think it's only be like 2 lbs thing that is awesome all right we got our Flathead on the scale looks like it says 3 lb so not a monster catfish I think that's our smallest one of the day but with this catfish we've kind of had a little change of heart a little change of plans um it's all fun in Games Catching and releasing catfish until flly head shows up so I think we're actually going to keep a couple catfish we've decided we're going to have a little catfish dinner uh this afternoon we get off the river and this is going to be really tasty so we're going to throw him in a live well and maybe throw hopefully catch a couple of smaller Blues or Channel capish to add to it that's cool you see that which that'd be great if that happened oh fish on that one feels decent too oh my gosh this is crazy this doesn't get any better guys unless they're like all 40 Pounders but what would you do if you're catching 40 Pounders every cast I might fall over dead that feels decent I'm hoping that this would be a good one to keep to parir oh gosh uhoh he we got some we got some weight on him now he was going down in the current now we're fighting up against it I don't know what we got maybe it's another Flathead how cool would that be he's coming up he's going down he's coming up oh perfect eater right there yeah now we got dinner woo look at that that's a nice blue cat she's not super fat like some of the ones who still got a little bit of a belly on him that'd be a good one to take home and eat I'm going guess seven what we got oh oh oh easyc biscuit oh he's bigger than I thought eight nine that says nine that's closer to the nine than eight we're going nine chunky boy maybe those first ones I caught earlier on seemed bigger that's cuz I hadn't caught any for like size reference and now after catching you know a couple of real big ones these guys look smaller it's like 9 lb feel like a PB bowling ball but regardless he's going in the live well we're going to cook him up it might keep one more but that should be enough to feed us you can probably get him in a little F oh oh dude that one bowed up on he doesn't feel this one here does not feel very fun he crunch I got a big old shat head on here too what is that is that a drum or a catfish a catfish oh it's a big boofy drum golly look at that so oh gosh I think we need to wait on that one that's definitely our biggest drum of the day he absolutely barreled that big old Shad head he's probably close to 5 lbs maybe these freshwater drum can get huge they can get 20 lbs what we say six not bad six lb drum I'll take it oh shoot I think we got one on this send this back on this pole definitely got one on this what's going on here oh gosh that was weird they got some stuff going on with this pole this pole has been out here forever oh gosh oh my gosh it's a g j yeah baby that's cool okay he hit my [Music] net we got him he didn't want it but we got him oh he about pulled the rod in the water guys I don't know how long his lip Griers are going to last in this thing's mouth look at that long noos gar then uh that big white Rod started doing weird stuff and the line had gone to the front of the boat and it had been all the way down there but this gar picked that bed up off the bottom look at the tail on that thing that thing is beautiful that is a beautiful long noos guard they get they get bigger than this too look at the tee that thing is magnificent I wish it was an alligator gar but I also wish it was a big catfish but I'll take it we caught a little bit of everything out here today sick okay we're going to send another head back out there on this white ride same way just kind of about here out of the way most of our big CS we're catching on the other Rod they're running down here getting all jumbled up there's a little rock ledge or a Little Rock little spine thing right here and I'm trying to keep the bait kind of in line with keep it right here on this little current brake but ultim I just kind of want this out of the way just kind of a little passive little setup got our main rig R back up oh that's a fish I was borderline between if it was a fish or a rock and that's normally a good thing it means they're big and now he's feeling kind of it's so hard to tell feels good though all these fish feel good I was hoping it's a kitty cat oh it's a kitty cat for sure barreling me right here oh nice one is that a flathead Flathead big Flathead dude another Flathead yes that's why it felt like a rock welcome back to Brown Town guys that is a solid Flathead definitely again not a monster flathead but that right there that's going to be some good eats that's going to be as good as it gets look at that thing it's probably Seven 8 lbs maybe nine hard to say and you can tell where they get the name flaad catfish from their Dome is flat flat just like a rock they to sit there still on the bottom wedge between them rocks wait for something to bump down and they gobble it up what an awesome fish oh uhoh that's serious hold the phone this pleas to be a catfish that's that feels weird that feels good this reel is junk oh my gosh it's not even working come on this reel is so hard to reel what's wrong with it something wrong with with it we got a flat H in the bottom of the boat we got something on the burning shark came reel it he's coming up though be a catfish it's a catfish it's not big what is this real doing from that run you would have thought that was a be a giant blue cat we got doubles what's wrong with that guys what's wrong with that these guys actually like to eat these smaller blue catfish that's cool let me get this little blue catfish out of the way we're just going to call him 2 lbs two pounder and that Flathead little over 10 lb heck yeah it's a 12 lbs right there oh man how exciting that is amazing again a beautiful 10 lb flathead catfish perfect eting size if we were catching them really big ones we probably throw them back but these guys are hard to turn back because they are so delicious so we're going to put him in his own live well hopefully he doesn't break anything in there we got three Catfish in there now we got plenty for dinner now we got to focus on uh catch in I'm not sure what our weight total is at now I think we're close to 100 maybe like 90 we're probably not going to get to 200 lb if we had a little more time we'd probably get to 200 um I have no doubt if we got here an hour earlier we'd be really close to that but uh we're going to try to see how far we can get maybe maybe we can set it at 120 prob get 120 probably at mucho grande now it's getting bit I threw it out in the really fast steps I'm trying to get him back across before he get stuck down there he's trying to get stuck down there this is a full body workout guys yeah this is this is not what we're looking for get up in here little guy little Jimmy another good little eater another one we're to call him 2 lb ain't got time to weighting these little ones another little two pounder he could be 1 and 3/4 he could be 2 and a/ qu he could be two and A2 I think 2 lbs is [Music] fair all right guys what an afternoon of catfishing it was out here on the river um they kind of cut the water back a little bit and the fishing slowed down so we didn't get any more catfish and it's getting late we got to get back um to the boat ramp we're actually planning on cooking up some of these fish this afternoon or tonight um when we get back to the house so we wanted to have enough time to do that but I think we just narrowly missed catching 100 lbs of catfish but we definitely caught over 100 lb of fish if you count all the drum you count the gar you count the white bass uh I think we probably caught roughly I would say probably 130 lbs of fish and that's definitely not bad I think we fished for a total of like 2 and 1 half hours too which is just insane um they turn the water on out here a little bit later than they normally do so we just didn't have a whole lot of time to fish and we got out here a little bit later than we wanted to but had we gotten out here as soon as to turn the water on I think we could have easily gotten to that 200 lb Mark so let us know in the comments section if you like see this come back out here and try to accomplish the 200 lb of fish challenge uh I definitely want to come back out here and do some more catfish and try to catch maybe a new personal [Music] best hey guys welcome back to the channel we are once again down here on the riverbank this morning and we're going to try to catch ourselves a river monster so today is like the last like decently warm day it's still pretty cold it's like 55° today but there's a front pushing through at the end of today and for the next several days it's going to be quite chilly and possibly pretty tough fishing so going to try to make the most of this opportunity and try to catch some fish I was here um like a week and a half ago caught a lot of fish didn't really catch a ton of catfish um but I'm hoping that maybe the catfish will be stirring today and we can catch a couple bans I've got four rods with me I've got my castet I'm going to throw it out here try to secure me some bait and we're going to get our rods out in the water and see what we can catch hopefully we'll catch something good so guys if yall are excited to join along with me on today's fishing Adventure do me a huge favor hit that Thumbs Up Button subscribe to the channel and let's get these baits in the water let's see if we can catch big old fish let's go that's a fish oh oh that feels big oh gosh oh gosh that does not feel small when is this let me come down here that does not feel very small guys what is this actually feels large for dragged oh this is big this is big he's got me in the current what is this there's no way this is a drum what are you what is this oh good blue there we go starting off with a blue cat heck yeah dude okay he's not a massive blue catfish but he's a good one that's a good catfish let's go baby we out here in Landon oh he smoked that shed come here yeah looky there guys first fish of the morning is a beautiful blue catfish and a good eater size too okay well I think that was just the current P my big poll I got nervous it was going but it didn't seem like a fish look at that 7 minutes into this Mission we got our first blue catfish of the day okay I'm going to actually take him up here try to hold on to him and we're going to get him strung up and there we go we're on the board first catfish of the day baby oh fish on yeah I didn't even feel the bite I think you knocked the Flack in it what is this he's not as big as our first one kind of fighting like a catfish though could be oh gosh those are big head shakes there what the heck probably it's a drum right or's another cat there's no way we caught two catfish in a row first two fish he's pulling all a sudden oh yeah big drum big drum oh ohoo all right we did it it's been another 10 minutes since we caught our first fish um bike seems to be a little bit slow today but it's it's definitely there and I think there's a ton of fish out there I don't know there's there's so many birds but I'm not really seeing a ton of bait fish I'm having a hard time catching Shad I've only got like five left but um that's a big drum one of the bigger ones I've caught down here recently was kind of hoping it was a catfish all right one last look at that guy 10 out of 10 there we go another fish they're just crunching it when they bite it there's no like tapping around they're just gobbling that whole Shad up what do we have this time I'm going to say that I put a dollar on this is a drum oh he came off it was a drum though he was like a golden one though I wish would have caught him dang I really wish I could catch some bigger bait that I could toss out there I'm going to pick my thron at here in a in a minute and toss it around some more see I get lucky and get like a big shot and cut up all right so here's the deal I just caught this tiny little drum I've been trying for a long time to catch some bait in my cast net whether it be a big Shad or even little Shad or some small sunfish and I have just come up empty I don't know why I can't catch anything guess they're just not running by the bank but I have this little guy so in the meantime I really want to get my big Rod back out there um so we just decided we're going to cut this drum up and use it for bait I haven't really had that much success using drum for bait so we're going to cut him in half I'm going use this chunk right here this back triangle piece always one of my favorites to use as far as cut bait goes so now we have this Bild old chunk of drum going to stick them on this circle hook just right back through there that should be decent and we're going to chunk it out there I really hate you know being down here below a big Spillway like this and not having at least one big Rod out because you know it's not really in the way or anything it's just out there just kind of doing its own thing and and I just like knowing that I at least have a shot at catching a big fish we're going to try to send it up into those Gates if we can that current should take it back there to where we want it to go all right I think we're good got him got him I love the bite today I mean they are just like I said earlier they're just absolutely crunching it whenever they get it I think it's another drum uh-oh uhoh I don't know if that's a fish or what that is that could be just current happens every time I hook a fish okay I'm going to send this drum back I'm going to see what's going on with this it doesn't really seem like a fish but what do I know don't fit the fish I think it's a fish it's coming to me whatever it is oh yeah oh God Big Fish he at the drum what if it's a drum what if a drum at the drum it's not a drum oh gosh uhoh testing a drag on the burning shark I think this is big I could be wrong oh gosh oh baby let's go oh my gosh that's big it's a big boy he ate the freaking drum this is a big blue catfish the smokes stay on there that is a good one I need my knit I'm trying to stay calm this is a big fish okay oh yes yes oh that is what happens when you throw a drum into the spillway look at the head on him oh crap okay I got to get up here with it oh my gosh guys look at that Beast of a blue catfish that is awesome that is the river monster that we are after today and the exciting part is that there are some lurking out here probably that are two three four times bigger than this one but he smoked that drum look got big old mouth oh my gosh got big old thick lips look at his head hold him like a flathead so he looks even bigger look at that big old fish let going get him on the scale we're going to see how big he is okay okay okay the scale just said 14 lb and 1 o and that seems to be pretty accurate what a nice fish let's get him back down to the water we're going to release him I don't want to carry him out if here I got a long walk and although he would be some good eating I would just prefer to let this big one go so we're going to walk down there sing back get another piece of that drum out there so we catch another one say bye look how cool he looks here in this water we're going to let him revive for a second he was up here on the bank for a moment while I was getting on my stuff situated but he should be good to go here in just a moment catfish are pretty Hardy and resilient man look at those big petrol fins what an awesome fish you know I'm always hoping to catch fish like this when I come down here but um oh he's about there he goes he was just spping right on out like a shark hey what I was saying is I'm always hoping to catch a fish like that when I fish blow these big dams and spill always but not often does it actually happen or more times than not it doesn't happen today it happened okay let's get another piece of this drum make it like that middle section right here and then we'll throw the head out there hopefully we'll catch another small drum about time we finally caught some Shad I mean it's never this hard to catch bait and I consider myself a pretty proficient bait getter this look to be all thread fins right there maybe like one or two baby gizzards in there but man I really want one big old nasty shed but this will work for now that'll keep us um made it up for a little while at least so let me kind of explain what I am doing I haven't really done a good job of that so this is a bottom bumping rig it's basically like a drop shot setup this is a 2 O weight and then I have just my Circle H up there and my shad this is 30 pound monofilament lader and I'm using 40 pound braid as my main line it's I can just cast it a lot better and I just prefer to use braid this is a 10 and a2t medium heavy surf rod it's R to like 3 to 6 o and then this a big 8,000 size R might be a little Overkill but I like it anyways so what I'm doing is I'm casting up into the current at about a 45° angle and I'm essentially just letting it drift and bounce along the bottom you want to have the right size weight if you have too heavy of a weight it'll get stuck if you have too light of a weight it won't hit the bottom I found that in this particular flow a 2 oz is perfect so going about going about so I'm casting at a 45° angle up into the current and I'm basically letting it drift all the way down to almost like a 45° angle back that way like a 10 to two kind of pattern U but really honestly though I'm really doing more of like a 10 to noon asz when I get down here there's more rocks and more snags and I haven't been getting as many bites so really casting it up 10 clock giving it some slack to kind of let it power through that fast current and get down on the bottom it's like 16 ft deep out there so it takes a second for it to get down to the bottom and I kind of just keep up with my line and so I'm on bottom now and I'm starting to bounce and it's a pretty good current seam right there so I mean a lot of the fish is hanging out right there and the bait's just naturally just drifting right in front of their face there's a fish knock slack in it nothing like a good old real set right into a nice big old fat fish oh oh oh oh oh oh uhoh uhoh oh God did he just get eaten by something oh my gosh something crazy just happened my fish just got big or he got eaten by something I'm not even lying oh my gosh he might have just got eaten by something I don't know what he would got eaten by did you see that I'm like actually concerned for my life right now that fish just got really big like he like he something like I think something just ate this thing what the heck that fish was not fighting he's big now I feel like I had a small drum and it just got eaten I got to baby this thing now oh my gosh dude did I just get did I just catch a shark or did a flathead eat it what if a flathead just can't even ate it it's very heavy it feels like a flathead guys y'all heard me at the beginning of this I was just kidding around like I was really reeling fast this is a flathead coling it's a flathead I'm about to see it oh my gosh oh my gosh I got to see this thing oh there's bubbles it's a flathead there's freaking bubbles be a giant Flathead please be a flathead please come up so I can see you I gu I just got to know what happened on a small Shad guys this is on a small Shad now he's got me in this current all weird these hooks aren't super big oh gosh I don't got no knit currents going the wrong way there's a lot going against me right now I'm just holding this fish and he's just beating me up right now oh my gosh it's got to be a big flat hit it's big I mean this is a giant fish regardless it's bigger than the big one I caught earlier on the drum he's he's close he's like right here oh it's a big blue it's not a flathead it's a big blue it's a big blue I thought it was a flathead it's a big blue oh my gosh he was fighting like a big old Flathead guys he's big though I don't care I'm not disappointed I don't want you to think I'm disappointed I'm not disappointed that might be it's like a 20 pounder the problem we have here is that this is the fastest rip current right here by the bank and the fish is just sitting in it and I can't I can't really torque on them too hard cuz it might break off I think we're going to do it though we're going to swing him around up against this wall there he is we're just going to bring him up here we're going to wrestle him up here this a good spot I feel good now I think we got him here I think we got him up here how slick is this Ro that's a big old catfish oh my God in case he comes off look how big that catfish is guys he's he's HED pretty decent though I pull oh he bit me oh my gosh we got him oh ow ow ow he's biting me ow ow ow come up here with me come up here oh this is big oh he's biting me my goodness look at that monster blue catfish I think this one's definitely going to be pushing over 20 lb he's way bigger than the first one we caught that was 14 I can't believe it guys I literally can't believe it whenever I was first hooked with that fish I thought I had like a little drum or a small catfish and then it seemed like it got ate by something that's definitely possible but this fish is hooked pretty well so I think he just bit it and then I just realized he was hooked about halfway in look at that I'm out of breath what a fight I thought I had a flathead but hanging out there down by the bottom but no it's just a big blue catfish really really cool fish I me look how fat he is look at the belly there big old huge belly on that thing okay okay rough estimate my scale said that this fish weigh 19 lb and 15 oz so 20 lb blue catfish let's take it back down to the river send it back that is so crazy I can't believe it look at that say bye say bye Mr Catfish oh that was fun that was awesome I knew when I saw these birds out here today that something crazy could happen that's a big catfish oh and it's ready to go okay you ready yes M okay well that was big that was fun and he bit a smaller Shad not like a teeny tiny Shad but a smaller one I'm going to rig that I'm going to pull that big pole back up I'm put this big drum head on and we're going to get back out there some Shad so I think this is what we're going to do we're just going to hook this drum head right through the SNS gosh it's bony it go through that's a big old bait we're going to send it again look at that big old drum head not too big but it is Big not sure how well they're going to like it it's out there we let the catfish decide what they want to do with it and we'll get back out and throw the small shad and we catch a smaller drum let's a it out there get another chunk like that tail piece again I really like that tail piece got him oh now is this going to turn into a freaking 20 lb catfish honestly he doesn't feel small that's crazy I don't think this is a drum I honestly don't think it's a drum it could be but I don't think it is if it's a drum it's a big drum and I'm here for it I think it's a catfish it's a catfish it's another blue cat and it's another keeper too it's a good keeper blue that's nuts look at him down there y'all see him woo all right another great keeper blue catfish right there come to Daddy look at there next cast or I think it's like two casts after that uh that big blue cat which we got ourselves another smaller one good keeper he probably like 6 lb 5 lb it might be all we keep today just cuz like I said earlier I don't want to carry 50 lbs of fish back to to my car these circle hooks I'm using guys are like really good they're just the bass proot brand and when you look at them at first glance they don't look like they're very good they look like they're too you know closed off but they have been excellent I mean they have been gaffing those catfish I I'm really hard to get off man it's a good fish let's get him on the Stringer with his buddy let's see him side by side pretty much the identical the first we put on there is like gotten really dark since it's been on the Stringer I like when they get that dark blue color they look pretty cool oh yeah next cast my bit was floating towards some Pelicans I was like they probably know there's something underneath them is it a cat or another drum I want to catch another catfish that's another drum right there another a good one though oh caught him big old drone man I stink I smell like Shad catfish and drum right now uh-oh uh-oh whatever that is he been it with the opposite way but now he's not feeling as big at first thought he was huge he trying to taking off like a red fish so I'm going to assume that it's a silver fish my arms are tired black drum freshwater black drum oh look at him coming in here he's fat he's croaking too that's a big old pretty one I like when they're dark and they have those gold fins ah I also like when they barely hook like that there he is that might be a kitty cat that might be a kitty cat he's got some steam on him he's rolling goodness Bey kitty cat yeah my guess is kitty cat all day is it is it is it is it yes it's a kitty cat it's a blue cat we had to go through about 10 drum to get us another catfish but that's okay we're back on the catfish train all a sudden oh I love flipping up up here with this big Rod dang that's a good fish that's a really good size blue catfish to eat but like I said I don't want to carry a whole lot out he's probably the smallest of the three and if I am going to keep another catfish I would prefer for it to be maybe a flathead and um you know the day is still pretty young I'm going to fish out here for you know a good bit longer so you never know what you're going to run into I know that a catfish in the hand is worth more than two catfish in the river but we already got two on the Stringer so I think we're good we'll be able to catch another keeper I have hope oh God yes yes yes it worked oh my gosh those fish moved up here right beside the wall and I floated a cut bait down there and got one biging too I think he smashed it smashed it smashed it oh gosh that's what I'm talking about right there he feels big don't come off big guy he feels Hefty janky looking float rig right now set up too oh there we go it's a nice big old black one big dark de catfish he smashed that thing hope I saw my bait oh stay up here how big is he oh my gosh he's a nice one goodness look at that big old blue cat that's fun he's angry he gobbled that blew your head up oh I God him he big that big old Geer look at that blue big old look how dark he is he's probably like 12 13 lbs he's a grumpy guy goodness guys that was a lot of fun he smashed that little piece of cutbait that I had and uh man I'm looking forward to CM out there see we get another one man my thumbs hurt so bad though like these fish are really doing some damage to me let's talk about set up real quick so I've got a uh a 1 oz weight on the bottom then I've got a circle hook which is all tangled up c not tell anymore I've got a uh a split shot that I'm using to kind of keep my float off the hook but then up here I didn't have any bobber stoppers on me but I did have another bobber so I clipped it on up there and I'm using that as my bobber stopper it's pretty janky but it just worked fish on Fish on Fish on Fish on Fish on no he came off yeah he's still there he's still there he's still there he's still there it's big what the heck it's still there you got it JJ is it real big I know I'm so confus doesn't really feel like keep reeling it's a fish it's a big fish feels like a fish oh my God it's a flat head it's a flathead it's a flath head say it's a flathead it's a flathead I got the net I got it my it's okay reel re re just re re reel re re reel it's a flathead first a flathead gosh flad Flathead oh my go flad yes Yes W on the teu Reel are you kidding me I got a flathead on my very first cast that is awesome when the last time you caught a flathead on Rod it's been a while it's been a really long time these fls biting really good down here recently that is that's awesome awesome JJ turn him sideways let's see his head look at that thing flat boys on the River on the teu re kidding me and the teu hook and the te T got it done got it done that's amazing what a fish JJ I know I am so pumped right now he really doesn't have a whole lot of modeling to his pattern he's just kind of straight kind of brown hey congrats congrats what are we doing there it is let's give him the live Bo unless we catch some more is that big old blue cat yeah his Pole's not he can't get it up over the current fish on Fish on I think he's still on did he come off he's still on there I don't know what this is maybe a catfish maybe a drum maybe oh it's a kitty cat it's a kitty cat my first one on the te- rig a little blue cat that FL H cot could almost eat this thing if it was legal I would rig this blue catfish up and put them on a big old hook and drop them down have this other Rod that'd be crazy and try to catch a big old Flathead with it we need some bullheads this thing's got some crazy like leech parasites on his chin ew look at that he's got leeches that's gross one two three leeches that's a nasty little dude right there all right on the board on the board I noticed in our net full of Shad that we caught we also caught some baby skip Jack I'm gonna rake him up he should be good and tasty what I need is some of the mo eyes from a couple of videos ago we saw we caught some or I caught some moon eyes at this little Spillway I think they would be crazy good catfish bait down here do you'd like to see us go catch some moon eyes to use for catfish bait down here let us know no we'll fill we'll fill a bucket up with them or we'll try to oh oh I got a fish I got a fish I got a fish he knocked the freaking slack out of it I was like where did my stuff go that yeah on the skip Jack is it a drum boy oh it's another catfish he that's a good one yeah that's probably a keeper that's a caper boat flip yes that skip Jack lasted like 3 seconds down there I was like my whole thing just went limp just super slack I was like where did all my stuff go it's a catfish it's a catfish it's official they like they like the teu hooks the teu hooks hold up the flatheads and blue cats so far that's honestly probably enough fish for us we got that Flathead we got this blue cat we can have supper look at the look at the mark on the side right that's from a catfish biting that thing that's crazy you see that that's absolutely from a catfish just trying to munch him see that right there that's where a catfish tried to bite him I'm not sure if he was trying to eat him but getting aggressive with him we might keep one more if we catch anything else we if we catch a flathead it'll go in there I think that that's enough for supper what do you think JJ yeah biging JJ get him JJ going toward me re re re re re re re re re re re get him Jay get him Jay trying to get my crap real B oh my God does he feel big yeah does he really I don't know he's kind of swimming I'm trying to keep up with these here you go maybe it's a striper I don't know is it another that'd be cool I wouldn't be mad weird keep reeling oh it's a little blue he just got stuck in the current there we go oh that one's got leeches too right there underneath his chin that's weird poor guy oh he don't look good he looks dead did you catch a dead fish you know he was fighting really weird maybe he was a dead catfish he's alive almost like he wouldn't really fight it he is alive but we'll take it he might not have a lot of life in him though I know he does kind of he's a little baby guy yeah but I guess we'll s back get back in there see if we can't catch him a little bit little bit tubbier and a little bit more healthy peace here Sean oh big he's fighting pretty good Your Rod has been over I know this is awesome this Rod feels good it's got a little more glass in it than my other one so it's not quite as sensitive I can still feel everything going on you can definely feel that bite I bet it's just a blue cat oh it's a drum I was wondering these were going to show we caught four catfish before we caught a drum that's pretty good cuz normally we catch four drum before we catch catfish look at that oh little blueeyed beauty this is a perfect freshwater drum he could be a little bit bigger but we'll take it this thing will launch a bait what if he's if it starts swimming I got one swimming he's swimming wooho he swimming right to me this feels really strange JJ he could get big I don't know about the drag on this thing I'm going loosen up just a little bit just in case something crazy happens it might be nothing it's a fish but it might not be nothing too crazy he thumped it though he absolutely thumped it come on up don't be a drum be a striper be a striper that ain't a striper oh it's he's getting bigger oh big might be a striper might be a catfish oh is that a big drone a drone it's a big drum to be more exact hey that's a big drum that is a big drum that there's like picture worthy jeez man look at that drum that's like six times bigger than the one I just caught I couldn't tell what it was he was swimming really fast towards me like a striper I was really hoping it was a striper but we'll take it big old beautiful freshwater drum we don't really care what we catch it we've already got dinner secure in live one well we're out here just have some fun and he smoked that shed he is huge nice fish he's like a six and a half 7 pounder look at the head on him oh let's catch some more nice I got one I got one I think I got one if I do he ain't very big he's coming in I think there's a fish on here this Rod is so beefy and this fish is not very beefy at all if it is a fish oh snap oh snap done did it done got a white bass in the mix well he there little white bass gobble that shed up got him got him finally another one feels feels like a decent one we got another fish what you got I don't know I think it's a drum I hope it's a cat letting more water out uh-oh what we got what we got what do you think it is what do you think it is drum or catfish drum FP drum roll another good little drum I'll take it it kind of kind of slowed down a little bit it's getting a little bit late in the day you would think they would turn on but they've kind of slowed down just a bit but we're having fun we've caught some nice catfish we caught some nice drum caught a white bass who knows what we'll catch next we're going to keep fishing for a little bit longer we're going to send him back see you I would do anything for some big baits right now all we have is a bunch of smaller shed like here's what we're using you know just a bunch of small thread fins but getting the job done hopefully a big one will find them appetizing or there'll be some one just like with his mouth open and it'll just it'll just bump right down into his mouth fish fish fish oh uh-oh what he got bigger uhoh he got bigger he started off kind of small now he feels like a sack of wet potatoes he's fight oh oh he got in the current a little bit he feels smaller he's feeling smaller feels bigger I think it's a big drum but I would love oh gosh it's a catfish I think you think it's catfish I hope it's a big catfish I felt felt like some death R look at that he's he's bowed up oh he get me snag woo no he got me snag or something uh-oh it's h it's fre it's a flat no way it's a flat head I got somebody else's line I got a flat head somebody else's line oh snap oh snap I I think that's your line it's not my line oh it's not what are you it's somebody else's line okay here we go here we go baby flat in somebody else is line come on come on that's why it got heavy woohoo we get the other line we're going to get this line out of here look at that heck yeah I got a flathead yeah yes I'll probably let this one go he's a small guy and we already got some good catfish in there but that's fine that is awesome I knew it felt weird and it felt really weird when I hooked this line but it all makes sense had I lost this fish I would have been like devastated I thought I would have lost a monster I'm give on hooked woo feel like we are in the ocean right now we are just bouncing [Music] we and I'm actually going TOS him in the bottom of the boook for a second so we can decide what we want to do with him let going get this one unstuck all this line out here it's just in our way while we're bumping down it's probably been getting hung up so much is that not your line no it's somebody else's line I guess it's kind of a darker green than your yeah well this is a bunch I'm only using like two feet of green line oh yeah that's true and everything else is that rainbow bra that's true not your line I got it free and I think I'm getting myself a free weight let's see if they use it for bait what do you think you're use it for bait oh we're doing the striper rig so that right there is a really classic Arkansas striper rig right there it's a little double dropper with these little split tails that you put on the back of spinner baits they're rocking a 5 O weight trying to put in that fast current I've been throwing a three recently trying to put in the fast stuff but um wonder if they' been catch I didn't see them catching stripers on the bank but that's that's how they do it I got to figure out how to master that technique cuz I'm just not very good at it but we I'm glad we got the line out of the river now and we got ourselves a free 5 Oz weight that's like a $2 weight right there heck yeah let's see this catfish I don't know he's actually decent sized should we keep him and eat him or should we throw him back what do you think JJ I'll let you make the decision no don't make me decide okay we're going to throw him back we'll let him grow up and be a river mon we already catch one smaller one we like to keep the smaller flatheads we don't like to really keep the Giants um but we'll send this one back let him turn into a monster one day again cool fish look at the head on him just a little beautiful bye there we go oh that's big that feels big that feels big that feels big feels real big I hope it is Big it feels big it feels gigantic oh my gosh this might be this might be stupid big oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this feels huge I've got a backat current working against me this feels humongous oh please be oh my gosh this can't be small this is big this is big real big we're going to play this one easy this is a big fish this is a big fish I don't even know if he knows he's hooked I'm still kind of getting used to what a big fish feels like on this pole CU it feels different than my other pole oh it's big come on stay on there stay on there they just released a back current from the actual Dam and it's ripping left to right and this fish is taking that route this thing is very large I'm not even kidding guys this thing is very large I mean enormously large oh god there he goes oh please I can't go any closer to the dam either so we're about to have to ride this one out oh my gosh guys this is so big I'm not even kidding oh my gosh he's a long ways out there too oh my gosh please don't break re there we go there he goes I still got the drag pretty tight oh my God this is bad this is bad he's using the current and I can't go get him I thought the current was going to help me but it's actually really hurting me I literally can't go any further to the dam I can't chase this fish oh snap maybe he'll swim back this way I can't do anything this thing is really big oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm trying not to freak out I'm trying to stay calm but he's like stretching me we could be in for a long fight with this fish I need the current to swe eventually the current's going to turn back and come towards me here it comes right on Qs coming back towards me but I don't want to to work on this fish too hard I mean this could be I really don't know I've caught some massive catfish out here and he feels at the moment bigger than anything I've ever caught out here so I'm going to leave it at that and we're going to try to just haul them back this way towards Wards us very big very big probably a big blue catfish if I had to guess just based on the runs but I swear if this fish is not big and I feel like a biggest idiot he's coming very slow I almost feels like I'm dragging a turtle I know it's not a turtle though oh he's right here he's underneath the boat oh good lord this thing is so big he's just down there dead weight gigantic where's my line at it's right here he swam back to us oh my gosh I have to see this fish I'm using 50 lb leader so I feel good about it and I feel good about my knot tying skills only thing I'll worry about is that you know when you're bumping you're you're bumping against rocks and that can Fray your line on any cast oh he's big he's coming up though are we going to get a look at this guy I surely he's probably tired from Walling around that current this is where I kind of wish I had the big hook though I was talking about I like the oh my God come on up he doesn't want to come up and I don't blame him oh the current's getting strong again this is a beast this is a beast okay I'm getting I'm about oh I almost almost on my leader don't run me back to the dam please just stay here please just stay here please just stay here please just stay here oh my gosh dude my my heart is racing I hate that I'm by myself right now too come on come on oh my God she's getting me down in there it literally feels like I'm fighting a snapping turtle come on let me see you oh good lord it's a giant Flathead oh my gosh it's a giant Flathead oh my gosh it's a freaking oh I just saw it it's like a 30 lb Flathead no way how am I going to get this thing in the knit okay we know what it is oh my gosh it is a flathead it's a beast mode Flathead bring the N back here this freaking current has got me all messed up it's a beast mode Flathead guys I watched a video not too long ago and this dude was fighting a 100 PB blat by himself and now I know how he feels he's like I can't land it I can't land it I was like n it I know exactly how he feels now cuz we are we are fighting the elements right now we got him though we we're going to get this fish guys we're going to get this freaking fish he's almost wore out about to see him again what we're about to do oh my gosh beast mode Flathead got my freaking rods in my way come on come on oh I got him oh my gosh I've got this beast mode Flathead oh my God yeah baby oh my gosh oh my gosh how big is that oh my gosh guys this is a beast mode Flathead that's that's 30 plus all day oh my gosh barely hooked right here why are they always hooked like that I mean right in the whisker and somehow he stayed on that whole time oh my gosh that is massive we got to get a weight on this thing we got to get some looks at this thing he is so big guys I don't know what to say then holy crap what a freaking river monster I knew there was a chance to catch something like this today I didn't think we would catch it this quick and I didn't know it would be this big oh my gosh look at this flathead catfish this the biggest one I've caught in a long time and I think the biggest one I've ever caught on rod and reel I've caught a 35 pounder on rod and reel this is going to be really close look at the head look at the massiveness of this fish just incredible I mean so crazy that is just so insane I cannot believe that I have this thing in my hands right now oh my gosh what a river monster what a giant fish I'm at a loss for words I don't even know what to do except we're got to weigh him we're going to weigh him we're going to do our best to weigh him at least okay oh my gosh okay it's not a new personal best nor is it a new personal best on Rotten reel but it is a 30.4 lb flaad catfish look at this thing so freaking big that is insane look how giant he is he's a giant oh my gosh I'm me get him I'm going get him in the water for a second 3.14 just just a 30 pounder but man that is enormous it's the biggest one I've caught out here I thought for sure we had a big blue catfish cuz they run a little more than the flatheads but then when he got underneath the boat and he wasn't coming up I was like it could be a flathead and it sure was I think that he was running because he had that current in his favor it's all calmed down now but that fish was just zipping and I was like there's no way I'm going to get this fish back I got my bark so here at these dams you can only be within 100 yards of the dam so I got my boat spot locked right here at the sign as close as I can but what an incred fish catch that is and hopefully we can catch some more hi hi hey s say hi everybody hi everybody everybody on the camera knows what I just caught but now I got to show y'all somehow oh my goodness Cole look at that thing wow that is crazy how big did you weigh it yep how much is it 30.4 oh my gosh yeah it's a monster okay guys we showed Jay and baby see this giant fish we're going to sit back in the water we're going to get a Revive on it we're going to send it back on its way it's way too big to fit in our Live Well I don't like to keep the giant flatheads I prefer to let them go hopefully catch a small one we get to keep but that is just incredible I can't believe it I wish we had somebody here that could help witness this with me but we got all y'all here with us one last look at this Beast what an absolute giant catfish and she's almost ready to go we had an epic fight one last look at this giant beast and she is ready to go we will see you later big baby okay guys there is nothing better than catching a giant catfish like that on rod and reel especially down here in the fast current and then to see it swim off like that that's just great i' I've caught I've caught and kept a lot of big flatheads like that in the past most of the time whenever I'm like limb lining or Trot lining you know that's whenever I'm after those kind of fish but catch trop trophy fish like down rod and re I love to release those let them uh continue doing their thing and let them continue growing to turn into an even bigger fish you know flatheads can get upwards of 70 lbs and there's honestly a chance we could hook into something like that here today so we've got to quit messing around get back on our feet get back to sling some Shad up into the gates and see if we can't get lucky and Tang up with another one like that now we need a big giant blue [Music] [Music] catfish
Channel: Cole & Jay
Views: 523,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cole and jay, fish, fishing, catfish, catfishing, spillway fishing, spillway monster, monster catfish, cut bait, new pb, flathead catfish, blue catfish, cole and jay catfish, outdoors, nature, arkansas fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 43sec (7783 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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