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now i've had a few questions about bluegill i realized that a lot of states uh prohibits the use of of bluegill but here in alabama you can use them if you catch them with a reeling rod you can have 30 in possession the which is the krill limit here in alabama now if you catch them with a cast net you can't use them so that's the laws here in this state all right let's catch us a few bluegill i don't need but about 10 or 12 and then we'll get anchored back up in her flathead hole and what i'm using is uh canyon creek rod seven feet long real limber will reel loaded with two pound test line i have a strike indicator right here it's just a small floats all it is with a eddie reasoner flat right there and that's a weighted name now i'm going to go down through this bank down through this bank right here and catch us some live bluegill i'm going to catch you some bluegill whoa i'm talking about whoa okay all right folks i finally got enough enough bait to get started anyway i had a little a little bit of a hard time doing it but i did yesterday too let's go ahead and that's a about the right size i wish they were a little bigger but let's go ahead and hook this dude up right right here like this now hooking him like this i'm making dart around a whole lot y'all see that it makes some dark round now if i was free-lining i would hook him right here below the anal fin free lining weightless that'll make them dive down if you have a real rocky situation but not in this type of current they're they're pulling this water just right i'm liking this hey man you got more don't stop you gotta let's see what's going on right here folks i tell you what the first fish of the day is going to be a good one real good one that was a weird takedown i'm caught up in this up my other line right here we're just going to let him wear down but i'll tell you what he is he's a flathead he's definitely a flathead but he's caught up in my other line he is pretty good normally i'll get these lines out of my way when i hook a good fish look at there that's a beautiful i'm getting a phone call right now too and look at the time right here okay it's 20 minutes till 1 21. all right he come off that other line good and i'll show you what i'm doing today let's get him in the bucket i mean let's net him i'm sorry there he goes again oh man he's fighting there we go i'll show this fish to y'all right here we'll lay him right there let's get a little more water right here it's hot and this aluminum boat gets hot [Music] whoa he's a healthy fish i can tell you that fat he's been eating whoa we yeah folks that was right in the middle of the day fish and um well that circle hook didn't get him right in the corner of the mouth he got him right there mama sue's calling me again i know it's mama sue because she loves me that's the reason why she's called me let's get her hook out they're supposed to get them in the corner of the mouth but they don't always quit quit but that's a pretty good flat head right there to start it off and um let's let him go and i'll show you what i'm using what i caught that fish off of he done got that inside bridge of their teeth that tooth patch that goes along the top and the bottom the inside bridge is extremely sharp uh that's what it does right there if you grab in there too far now their bag it's not near as hard as a blue cat but that little ridge open yup quit quiet doggone thing let's let him go we'll put him i got a mess in here folks catfishing you need a lot of stuff ain't no doubt let's put him back right here watch him well that's the first time i've seen a flathead do that he wouldn't have the water very long there he goes there he goes i just tired him out what happened right there i'm gonna answer mama so real quick and i'll show you exactly what we're doing today hello fishing what are you doing fishing you've got chores to do but what i'm doing i'm not fishing real heavy today uh this is a potatoes seven and a half foot heavy action rod okay but for catfishing it's probably considered medium action it's actually a flipping stick you can use it for a flipping stick or whatever you want to frog fishing on bats things of that nature and i have a concept 13 on it which is a toss of a reel now they're expensive but uh i was lucky to get this to start with i mean there's a story behind it it's too long to tell you right now 30 pound test traveling big game i was using a half ounce egg sinker and i'm using a rubber stall barrel swivel and about 16 inches of 40 pound test suffix which i want to show y'all this suffix right here titanium plus it's 40 pound test that's what i'm using for the later my other rod i've got it rigged the same same deal that's abrasive resistant line uh perfect for a liter and i'm using live blue yields so let's put another one down and by the way i'm using adolf yamacotsu hooks flatheads have a big mouth and um an eight out is perfect for the size bluegill i'm using or i believe it is let's do it eight ounce hook right there i said eight out get my cotsu hook and it was the straight one but i'll i put an offset in it i won't use a circle hook uh if it's straight i'll bomb folks but i'm gonna always take a pair of pliers and offset it every time because you just get a lot better let's see what's going on right here uh i don't think that's a flathead but anyhow let's get us a bait get one down i'm using live bluegill and this is about the size bluegill i caught that fish on i have some bigger and let's see i had him hooked like this this time i cleared the scales and hooked him just like that make sure there's no scale on your points right here to cause you to miss a fish i keep mentioning that but i don't want y'all to miss fish if you haven't done a lot of flat head fishing but what i'm doing is i'm fishing pretty close to these columns right now these fish are starting to move i don't think they're really moving a lot by that i mean they're feeding a little more actively than what they normally do for the water temperature okay now i'm on the bottom right there now what what did happen right there folks when i got that bite that fish actually hit it and come to me now the currents going that way obviously y'all can see that but he did he hit it and he moved up towards me flat head or bad about that and especially if you're using just enough weight to hold your bait on the bottom or near the bottom you'll find out that that'll be true they'll hit it and they'll come up the current with it a lot of times they're a soft biting fish you know these fish they're not setting the world on fire or anything folks water temperature's hot it hadn't cooled off yet and it's in the middle of the day but i'm going to give you a little tip right here about this catfishing oh especially these big bridge columns like this when they're really ripping the current like this a lot of the time and i mean a lot of a lot of the time not always but blues and and flat head both will get behind the down current side of these big columns you can see that it causes a a current seam right here slacks the water up just a little bit and they'll weave in and out of that when they're feeding and moving around it's just a good little teal right there i wanted to share that especially in the summertime works real well in the summertime or late summer i still consider this uh summer time no doubt because water temperature is hot it's really hot y'all see that that's a good one right there let me loosen my drag off i'm in a bad position right here i don't want that fish to go around the column i should move this rod right here out of here but i don't think this fish is really that big but that was a heck of a a takedown i hope y'all got to see that he ain't bad though look here he ain't bad at all i'm gonna loosen this drag just a little bit more that fish is real green real green a blue what's a blue doing hitting the bluegill well i don't know how many of these things i've caught bluegill look at him a lot of current right here so i'm just going to take my time my goodness that was a good take now we're supposed to be catching flat heads blue but now blue cat love bluegill they love them i thought that fish was a little bigger than this one but on this kind of tackle right here it attached it it'll test this type of tackle there he is quiet you stop it you ain't that big you ain't bad though goodness he won't quit honestly i thought that was a flat head it really did the way he took it down real slow and easy like that this fish don't want to quit and that's another thing about the lighter tackle you can really have a lot of fun out here now if the current was ripping much more than this i wouldn't be able to use this this type of tackle folks i'd have to use at least 40 50 pound tesla quit and a lot bigger outfit what i got here now let's get him head first that's the way you knit one right there go down little rod go down just bow down whoa dog i'm gonna smell this right here this concrete wait a minute precast it's actually precast a lot stronger than i mean shoo wee it stinks excuse me i got choked up whoa hey let's let him go whoo he ain't that big but he felt like it i'm having a lot of fun out here come on back there he goes well folks right now it's fixing to get dark the fishing has been very very slow very slow and right now i'm fishing with skip jack herring hoping to get a big bite but uh i'm set up here in 26 feet of water right now there's a lot of bait fish in here the fish are real neutral today they're they're tough today now tomorrow they can bite like crazy but still i want to make a few shout outs right here um one to eddie reasoner for sending me some tackle fish with and uh i'm gonna go fish with eddie he's uh lives in memphis tennessee and he's uh one of the three top if you remember the band three dog night he's one of the the band members and also i want to i keep thinking i'm gonna get a bag excuse me i would also thank ron labar from sonora california for sending me that skeet grease reel which i never caught a fish on but i will there's no doubt about it i'll just keep i'll tell you a catfish to bite at any time uh and also a shout out to the brim professor who sent me some flies that i haven't fished with yet also reverend kev who made me some uh flies also and to the rest of you thank you very much for everything that y'all do god bless each and every one of y'all hey where you can [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Views: 122,535
Rating: 4.933804 out of 5
Keywords: fishing with bluegill as bait, fishing with bluegill as bait for catfish, fishing with live bluegill, how to fish for catfish with bluegill, catfish fishing, catfishing, catfish fishing setup, catfish fishing tips and techniques, catfish fishing rigs, catfish fishing with bluegill, catfishing with bluegill, catfishing tips and techniques
Id: wvyKg4Wa_Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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