Fishing w/ CUTBAIT For MONDO Ice Out Catfish!!! (Instant Bites)

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morning getting a little bit later start than I wanted to today it was nice and foggy it was nice and windy and I got an early start but on my way to the lake I realized that I left one of my spinning combos at a lake when I was fishing yesterday so one spinning combo down along this is all crooked like Joby's broke way too hard on stuff and then I also broke my other spinning rod so all the rods have been using to catch carp and carp they're both gone so we're off to a hot start today I'm just gonna pick this up so we're off to a hot start today kind of a later start than we wanted down down to rods in 24 hours I'm gonna anyway today I'm also back for redemption because I came catfishing at this little old dirty lake with do last week bukata Kitty and I caught 0 kitties so yeah I still need to get my first open water cat fish of the year and that is what we're gonna try today I have to - crap 'yes and a bluegill should be enough to get the job done hopefully that subscriber actually gave me at the lake I was at yesterday so shout out to you I forget your name I'm terrible with names don't take offense to it but shout out to you but without further ado I'm going to cut up these little dudes and we're gonna chuck them out even though it's kind of kind of noon and that's not really the best for catfishing we'll see we'll see what we can make happen still winter the ice just came off the lakes there's actually a little bit ice on the lake I fished yesterday so yeah water still cold we'll take anything we can get doesn't have to be big but there is very very large channel catfish in here so I'm gonna see if I can get one today a little repetitive but I didn't catch it last time so I'm here for redemption Oh [Music] all right he got her to campos we got our knife that's still dull yes I know everyone's very upset that I have a dull knife but when you use a knife for a cut bait that'll happen luckily it's still a little cloudy still a little windy so that's gonna help our cause for sure I was really hoping that knife would just stick into the ground all cool and stuff but that's just not how today's going all righty tiny crappie tiny bluegill I live in Nebraska it is legal to use Game Fish if you consider pan fish game fish as bait so anyone that wants to get upset about it I guess get upset about but it is legal so we are going to use it because it's the best bait ever damn and I forgot my pole there's I know you don't want to get all tugged on by whole kitty dogs but it's kind of your job so you shut the hell up and you do it there pull holder guys but basically this Creekside was more productive than lakeside so I'm gonna throw out the two rods that I'm allowed over here and see what happens if anything I think something should happen you know with the body chunk on this one lost my guts I throw with that one clear out in the creek channel and this other one I'm gonna set up on this shallow point the water should be kind of warming up so hopefully there is some fish that are moving from out deep where they were during ice fishing season up in here to the creek as the water warms still pretty deep kind of on the drop-off I imagine this one's in about 12 feet this one's in about 8 feet so we were gonna see which one works better and then if neither of them work I think our new game plan is gonna be to go way up in the creek and see if any of them swim up in there what do you guys want to talk about while we're waiting how are you guys how's your day how's the weather where you are been kind of bipolar here in Nebraska today's supposed to get to 65 but it was 20 degrees this morning and we had a stretch of 75 s and then it got down to like 15 so yeah it's just kind of all over the damn board but I guess it's spring so that just that kind of happens anyway I'm gonna take a piss on this tree and then hopefully we can get some up out got one that thing was dumping line I literally went up to my truck to grab something for like 30 seconds I was walking back down and heard it slowly clicking and then it just started ripping please don't be in the tree again he's in a tree again hopefully I can get this one out because he feels bad not again not again no no no no no that I can't I would be so happy if I can get this fish out this time you didn't watch the last video same thing happened I through it a little bit right this time but there's just so many trees out there but you can't see so you don't really know where to cast things ripping so much light oh no oh no no no such a good spot just kids bites I just can't seem to ever get him out it was fast though happened like instantly like instant Kitty fish most the time you have to sit around and wait I literally threw this out like a minute ago we're gonna let him sit for like five minutes and then we're just gonna have to rig him off again I guess sadly he quit doing that alright well we let him sit for awhile I think he got off luckily poop poop poop poop poop poop last time it broke off we lost our weight and yeah that means the fish probably had a swivel hanging out of his mouth Lamba leader at least this time we just got a hook in him I guess positivity positive pot pot Dannemann please baby Jebus make it happen click again I want to catch like three kitties today that's all I'm asking bless you alright let's try this again even though I personally prefer using crappie and I already have a crappie chunk cut up the bluegill bodies seem to be doing better lately so it ain't broke don't fix it we will throw it to the left a little bit goose that goes shut up don't you talk back to me I'll swim over there and whoop your ass that's what I thought punk I mean the geese bud are gonna wait again see if we can't actually get to catfish this year not looking good though well actually it's kind of looking good I got a bite got him on the old bass Pole they're still biting even though the Sun came out he was pulling out some line - oh you surfaced out there it's big it's like a damn whale hell yeah son came out and normally that'd be not a great thing for mid day catfishing but early spring like this cold water he was swimming up onto that shallow secondary point to warm up I would imagine probably find some food and he did but unfortunately for old Timmy here the piece of food he found had a hook in it how big are you bud [Music] shut up geese I already told you to piss off most of time when they splash out there like that they're usually pretty big but not really sure how big this one is yeah oh yeah he's pretty good also have you guys ever noticed that blues just starts splashing at the surface out there for no reason old dad went blue catfish in the other day I don't know if he's posted his video yeah it's hopefully I'm not ruining it but he was shocked by out quick blue catfish surfaced and started splashing that's exactly what this guy did but this time is cuz it's a pretty shallow water we did it it was like the worst 24 hours of fishing in my life not really I just broken lost two rods and broke off a fish didn't catch much yesterday so I'm just being a whiny little whiny little but there he is little kitty cat it's kind of hard to manage things when you're by yourself I don't want to pull them out of the water quite yet up from rock ready for him so it's gonna be kind of risky but well just set up our pole right here with our little kitty cat and go grab her big camera let's get a better look at him we're but I'll let you go and I get a lot of comments from people that are like why don't you keep these catfish 1 to eat them first of all I don't keep that many catfish second of all this Lake is catch and release only and that is why there's so damn many of them because people can't keep them obviously there's the stray that keeps them anyway but that ain't us we try to follow the laws as much as possible which is pretty much all the time I misunderstand the law or space the law every now and again I'll admit it but for the most part we're clean and clear and under control not like a hair commercial or something alrighty ain't super big but boy oh boy he sure is cold Hearst catfish for me of the year it's probably 10 11 pounds can't keep old the scale either I'm gonna have to buy like 40 scales in like 30 spinning rods and we should be good for the next like three days I am grateful for this dude I needed to get the kitty under my belt and got it done all right that's enough that skill that kitty cat with one arm hold big head mid March mail clean water midday Sun is out camera is recording pop ow all right time to get it back out see if we can get another one I like to get two or three today just for my own personal enjoyment not for video purposes but just because kitties are fun so hopefully you're enjoying it thus far eventually I'm going to start going for Blues eventually eventually I'm gonna start going for fly heads but for now winter Channel kitties it is good it's in a tree again though man oh man they're chewing we're getting a lot of bites we're only being here like 20 minutes I lost him but think I was gonna losing anyway because of the tree scenario all right we're getting bites though I'm stoked Stoke Stoke stoked I normally like freshening up my bait but I don't have a lot of it so let's throw it back out hoping that's the end of the tree line there I don't really know I think there's I think there's trees everywhere and eventually here we might have to actually go up in the creek and target the trees on purpose cuz those gonna be good spots when the Sun comes out alright so brought out my real cat fishing pole it's actually still a bass fishing pole but at 65 pound test on it and then I put hey look there was blue gills when I put on a heavier leader I throw it out into the trees kind of on purpose I actually wish I would have got a little farther but we'll leave it cuz far that we get the riskier get spend about twenty minutes since we got a bite which actually isn't really all that long but whenever the Sun comes out I definitely try to target structure whether it be bass or catfish so I'm gonna try this via this doesn't work I'm gonna take long it's in a tree though see we're gonna rip him out with the heavy stuff clearly just threw this out even with the heavy stuff they're just going crazy today I just keep screwing it up I had them for a second it's part of it when you're fishing thick thick cover thick brush bass fishing or catfish and doesn't really matter even panty fishing you're gonna miss some but I got my catcher hgo is just terrible I'm gonna have to spend a day here just up in the shallows and see what I can't put together I'm gonna have to like hold my I don't actually even if I was holding my rod I don't even know if I woulda got him in just hard to tell like I threw it in a spot that didn't look like it had very many trees but they're just riddled that's for freaking bites though in like 30 minutes middle of the day mid-march cut bait in the thick stuff not quite working out as of now but still exciting nonetheless if I break off one more fish though I'm getting out of the thick stuff I don't like leaving them with hooks in them not fun I do recommend this stuff though for leader line it didn't break the 65 pound braid did but 40 pound big cat you can use big game you don't have to get the green you could probably get away with 30 pound I almost wish I had 30 pound cuz even 30 pound mono is hard to shoot the break mm-hmm next time you see me I'll be catching a fish or leaving I promise maybe I might just stay here for the rest of my life cause I love fish place there's so many kitty cats there maybe broken off like ten catfish in my life and I broke up three of them in the past like two days what an embarrassment alrighty well it's been about four hours and the doctor you guys last but there hasn't really been much to report I got four bites for really good bites within the first thirty minutes of being here got here at 11:30 pretty much was done getting bites at about noon and now it's 4:30 my bait got crusty they got soggy and I got sun-baked and dried out I even went on a panty fishing mission damn plants for about the past hour cuz I was gonna stay until darker a little bit after dark but I couldn't even catch any panty fish so yet again hey one catfish video but hopefully maybe learn something early spring late winter they can be caught during the day just throw by the brush and hopefully you can get the bastards out cuz I was getting a lot of bites just couldn't get them out but if you like this video if you like catfishing videos alright I already know you do but give this video a thumbs up and leave a comment and subscribe and uh be doing a lot more catfishing coming up I'm gonna try a lot of new places for catfish coming up and like I said eventually I'm gonna go for blues but anyway I'm gonna head out of here I'm gonna go fish for some stinky old bass which is your guys's least favorite videos of mine it's pretty much a mutual decision by all you but this time of year I like catching himself gonna have to deal with it one out of every five videos probably for the next month hopefully that's okay if not and I guess not thank you for watching this one definitely appreciate it I'll see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: PigPatrolTV
Views: 56,166
Rating: 4.9524035 out of 5
Keywords: ice out catfish, catfish fishing, bank fishing for catfish, cut bait for catfish, fishing with livebait, using crappie as bait, using bluegill as bait, bobber fishing for catfish, spillway catfish fishing, bottom fishing for catfish, easiest way to catch spring catfish, winter catfishing, spring catfishing
Id: wvKIGVQUwo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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