Fishing the High Low Method for Summer Catfish

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are y'all Justin with catfish well it is sunrise out here on the Tennessee River I'm getting set up right now and just lowered my baits down here to suspend a few off the bottom and well I was going to show you some fish on the graph here's one right here about 35 feet but I marked a couple larger fish up here kind of in the 5 to 10 foot water column and so I was going to go ahead and put another bait under a balloon and suspend it a few feet deep today so I'm out here today going to be working a main Channel ledge currently 41 feet although the depth will change as I make my way along now they're not running any current at the dam right now so it's lake-like conditions so I'm gonna troll this morning keep my speed 0.3 to 0.5 miles an hour as I kind of just make my way down kind of along this this channel edge here but as we move along I'm gonna have baits two to three feet off bottom and three eat a five six feet under the surface there and we'll see what we can run into those dang fish they knew I was about to film them on the camera and they're like we're out of here we ain't got our check in the mail to be on this kid on this video so they were gone but hopefully we'll spot some more on the way down through here and you know what fingers crossed we might catch a few today come with me y'all let's have some fun oh man the balloon y'all there goes the balloon fish number one subsurface here [Music] heck yeah I'm glad I put that thing out now well we get to Fish up here we may not be so happy about it he ain't gonna be very big this number One's Gonna Be A dinkity Doodle here yeah well it's a bite anyway right we out here to catch a fish we can't be greedy folks he is a fish so may not be the size we want but they sometimes you come out he's mad too buddy he don't want to be on this video sometimes you come out and you don't even catch fish at least I don't anyway so can't complain especially about the first one there he is folks fish number one blue cat right there I had that balloon I don't know somewhere somewhere between four and six feet deep he threw my bait off I'm gonna put another chunk of skipjack I just had a small Chunk on there we'll see if we can do that again that last bait was a chunk with the gut pocket cut out I got skip Jack with me today that's all the variety of bait I got so that's what we're rolling with and it is my favorite bait out here anyway though I got two heads and a chunk near a bottom and we're just gonna run one rod here higher up at least at least these early morning hours here when there's more fish activity higher up in the water so here's the bait you can see my balloon up there just a party Bloom overhand knot tied I'll run that back down about right in there give it a little toss and I was just running it I don't know 30 50 feet behind me this one may be a little longer since I backlashed myself every time I talk the camera something goes wrong it seems like we'll just uh put that back in the rod holder and as we move along it's right there just following along behind us and I'm just kind of following the Contour right on the edge of the ledge right before it starts to come up real steep over here on the side as I make my way down river here I think my back Rod here may be swimming he is oh boy he's going to pull now ain't he oh boy it's Fish Man he wasn't a violent takedown it was just kind of slow and steady swimming off and he's gonna be violent now I gotta kayak spun here I'm gonna be all wrapped up in my balloon line there man he just took off on me didn't he it's a better fish than I initially thought oh boy he's pulling man the other line one of my Bloom lines everything back there when this fish spun me this one's ate a small chunk I got the head baits on the front rods and I got a chunk with gut pocket cut out back here as y'all are staring into the sun beautiful morning out here it's not too hot and not too cool just kind of perfect looking like it's going to be a beautiful morning ain't no place I'd rather be and right out here on the river reeling in some old whiskered fish and enjoying it just calm and relaxing coming out here first thing in the morning before all the pleasure boaters get out birds are chirping Nature's coming alive still can't hardly see him because we're looking into the sun it's a good fish yeah that's a that's a fun Sizer right there he's fought harder than his size but that's still a pretty dang good fish what do you think fish you ready to come in no you better be because that hook ain't they ain't in there very good come on in fish that hook looks like it's wobbling around boy it was it wasn't good at all man all right y'all First Quality fish of the morning that's a big upgrade over that little dink that ate the balloon bait back there but uh nice it was a tough fight definitely fought above his weight class I'm happy with him let's let him go get out here buddy I hit my line on the way out dog gone thing I'll tell you what I think I'm gonna do y'all I think I'm on a switch my balloon Rod it's been over here we're gonna put it on this side and switch my down line over here that way if that Rod gets hit again you and me ain't looking directly into the sun while we're trying to reel him in that Sun's Up high enough and bright enough now about blind a person so we'll uh get another bait on there and drop it down reorganize these rods and I'm gonna get back on the move again I'm just covering water out here this morning I'm trying to run into some fish since we ain't got any current whatsoever y'all the balloons going down again that dang Balloon Man I saw some fish first thing when I got out here that was up in the water called bigger marks but I haven't really seen nothing here in the last 30 minutes or so but we got us another bite here just under the surface now it's another small one though it's another dink so you know not the size of fish we're out here to catch but it is another bite come over here fish get yourself we switched out that other Rod so that we wouldn't be feeling reeling in fish looking right into the Sun and of course you hit on this side fish I gotta watch that hook there so he don't put in my finger a thing going through the bottom lip there we go let's turn you around this way fish so you can at least get in the light there tell these people to hit the like And subscribe would you nope he won't useless fish right there won't do a daggone thing for me man I made that fish famous and he won't even tell you all to hit the like And subscribe what you got to do to get some work out of these fish Heck if I know let's fix our balloon back here and put another bait on I'm gonna keep rolling with it again I'm not seeing much but I got them other three rods out there on bottom so we'll just keep this one moving along here behind us a few feet down who knows we might run into a big and at some point out here on it so I've made my way down river to a creek mouth which is here behind me so I have spot locked them in at one because I saw some fish on the graph and I always loved Fishing Creek Mouse so I thought we'll just hang out here a little while see what's going on too though I heard some stuff coming behind me here and apparently we got the dag on Carnival Cruise Line luxury Ships coming down river Here Comes two of them so I know they're going to have this water rocking for a little while so we'll hang out here for 20 minutes or so see if I get some action let the water calm down after all these boats go by and then get back on the move if we ain't get nothing been a slow day thus far but you know got that one quality fish and so I'm gonna keep making my way down this ledge and we'll find some eventually oh here we go oh nice takedown nice takedown right there nice takedown right here at this Creek Mill all right man it's another on the chunk when I got here down to this Creek a spot lock I switched out all my baits put on fresh pieces let the Carnival Cruise Lines go through water just got kind of calmed down here a couple minutes ago and here we are I saw some fish on the graph kind of in here and I love Fishing Creek mouths I've it's been one of my favorite most productive spots historically just any Creek that dumps off into the main Channel Fish work up and in periodically to feed and you put time into those places you're eventually going to have some fish swim through your baits right here and now we got us one it was in the right place at the right time and that is another Fun Size right there man they're fighting hard for their size today that's another thought above is weight class right there dang good takedown come on in fish well he's got plenty to say listening talking there fish you talk more on video than I do people's gonna be in the comment box telling you about it too are you still talking listen fish you gotta understanding people in the comment box they gonna light you up for rambling on too much I hear it all the time this fish has no idea what he's getting into on this video this you know smaller Fun Size here but uh thankful to get him it's been a slow bite out here thus far today just not I'm gonna let him go before he starts flopping get out here just not much not much action thus far I've covered a little water this morning and uh you know thought I'd put in a little time here at this Creek mouth see what happens probably get on the move here in the next few minutes if I don't get any more action but just a beautiful day though the fish today are a bonus it's the this time of year right now you occasionally get some mornings where it's just calm it's the perfect temperature don't really have them in the Carnival Cruise Line went through a few minutes ago but that's been really the only boaters I've seen out here today so uh the stars have aligned today any fish are just a bonus it's an awesome day to be out here though I'm gonna put on another chunk here y'all the chunks have got the attention today the Hedge just ain't getting any action so I'd actually want to rebate it a little while ago I put on a second Chunk on my down lines and just you know refresh the head that way I got two chunks out now my balloon bait it's still over here to the list the rods on the other side of the kayak but the wind has pushed that line over there you know no current out here today so pretty much the only water movement is just the wind blowing and it ain't blowing hard at all it's just a perfectly calm morning so anyway we got her bait going down that's on a Carolina rig I got my Stinger flies there under it those are the catfish Sumo bait stalker flies I got links for those in the video description there but basic setup my Sinker there is on bottom right now so I'm gonna reel my rod tip down a little bit what the heck is that is that a fish well I had one bite it right then y'all I felt the thump and he bit it right then as soon as it hit bottom well let's set it back in the rod holder there and see if he comes back for it and say I was trying to say though that Sinker hit bottom a reel the rod tip down was going to raise it up and put it in the rod holder so my bait will be you know a couple feet off the bottom but uh that fish out of the plans gang fish didn't stay hooked up though man I must have just put it right on his head I mean he bit instantly hopefully he'll come back in a minute hey look right here let me attach my screen he's right there y'all that's that fish that just hit he's right there he's still down there he's actually got some other friends with him now he's wanting to swim off there he goes maybe he'll go back there with my back bait well we didn't get to see him because I rolled him up but the eye in the sky up here the live scope we caught him down there sniffing around by gosh I think whatever come up for it before okay there it's bobbling around I thought whatever had come up for it before I turned the camera on was after the balloon itself not the bait that's under it we'll get the rod here in my hand reel up the slack he's after it I think he may possibly have it there and just be hanging out kind of on the surface because the balloon keeps moving around let's just reel down on him and see what happens here yeah we got him he ain't very big oh there he went it was brown it looked like it was probably a channel cat just chewing up my bait there then he has chewed it up dangle Channel Cats man I hate those things here I am possibly considering a trip for a tournament to go catch the dang things I'm losing my mind what I was even thinking boy I hate them dang Channel Cats let's switch that out doggone it well here's just one well maybe he hit it now he's on there he's on there I just got on the Move y'all sat here at this Creek mouth over a half hour got the one fares hit the little Channel cat missing the bait under the balloon I just got turned was starting to head down river oh man this thing I don't know how he got that bait in the mouth how'd he do it how did he eat that bait y'all why don't you look this thing get on in here don't act like that well he's got no fly and everything now the bait popped out he had that dang thing wedged in there you gonna calm down so I don't get that hook in my finger fish oh these things are on read this morning had that whole bait wedge in his mouth there it went so we're going to switch that out after I get all this untangled he done all this after we after we got hold of him oh balloon again y'all the balloon we got another one on it just went down off here I'll be it's got me spinning around here oh it's another that's another small I hope it ain't no Channel cat I hope it's at least the blue he's mad whatever he is ain't he goodness gracious he's mad he's mad at y'all he ain't mad at me all I did was put a hook in his face there he went it was one of them old Channel Cats if he just spit the hook right there good I didn't want to handle no Channel cat anyway by gosh look dude he done got my fly all messed up too dad gum it might have to comb my fly's hair after that fish done it like that right there man they flying over in helicopters trying to figure out where I'm catching these fish at y'all too bad for them they picked the wrong day they picked a day where they hardly catching anything so a helicopter he can go report back tell him exactly where I'm at today one after this front bait and he he may have it yeah he does it's been a while y'all I just been biding my time here hoping to run into another but it has been a hot minute but today just ain't ain't happening they're just not very active today or I'm in the wrong place at the wrong depth it's wrong speed or something I don't know either way we got another bite here another small let's see if he'll fling that hook off in a second we won't have to handle him no such luck with this one I'll get them Goose up there the geese to come over here and unhook his fish for me they gonna disrupt the video like that now he wants to show well now you want to misbehave don't you fish get up here calm down act like somebody enough of that now enough of that this fish didn't hardly fight at all he saved every bit of his energy until he got up here you'll be ashamed fish I ain't even gonna put you in the light so people can see you get out of here your thing that's another on the chunk y'all a chunk bait has got us every single bite today nothing on the head so I've made it down here about as far as I'm gonna go this morning and I'll tell you what man I have had to grind for a bite today is not being consistent anywhere down through here never just really got on them it's been catch a fish go a spell catch another one very inconsistent but I was able to grind out a few bites and it's because I'm doing the method that I'm doing here this is my favorite way to fish this time of year is get on the edge of the ledges right on the Contour and just go either drifting if I got current or trolling if I don't because you know these fish this time of year the water's warm we may get us another one right there and just got hit he's gonna get wrapped up in my balloon line which has made its way up here well I went to this closing we need a good tangle to close out the show but uh you know this time of year water's warmer fish are moving a lot more they're a lot more active covering water drifting or trolling just allows you to put your baits in front of as many fish as possible you know today maybe I'm just in an area where there's not a lot of fish other scenario too maybe the fish are here they're just not active either way covering the most amount of water possible allowed me to potentially catch the fish that I got and who knows what would have happened if I had just been kind of sitting on a spot this morning I don't know but anyway y'all it's been fun out here this morning nonetheless perfect morning perfect conditions you only get so many mornings like this per year where it's not too hot not too cold weather's perfect limited boat traffic I'll take it didn't get as many or as big a fish as I wanted to today but heck that's pretty much always the case anytime you go fishing right so anyway I'm about to take it to the house though y'all I'll see you next time thanks for watching
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 21,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, kayak catfishing setup, catfish bait, flathead, kayak, catfish rod, ultralight fishing, bluegill, crappie, gulp, gulp minnow, fishing, kayak fishing, bank fishing, cut bait, best bait for catfish, catfish rigs, golly whopper, kayak carp, kayak carp fishing, carp, carp fishing, carp bait, carp rigs, hair rigs for carp, pack bait for carp, catching carp with corn, best bait for carp, how to catch carp
Id: LItTxpegnik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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