This BIG Flathead Was Waiting For Me

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hey y'all Justin with catfish well I had an awesome road trip up to Ohio but I am back home in Tennessee now and going to be fishing on Watts Bar today just launched my kayak here in the back of this Creek and I'm currently making my way out and we'll see if the catfish are excited that I am home mother nature is definitely not excited she is bringing some severe storms today but I'm hoping we got a few hours of time this morning that we can fish without getting wet or thunder booming around us so I'm gonna go out here to the end of this Creek pretty shallow where I'm going to be starting out at today I'm just going to spot lock out here and somewhere between 17 to 20 feet deep and drop some baits down and see if we get some fish that are kind of working up Shallow this morning and if we are great we'll sit there catch them if not then I'm going to go on out to the main Channel and kind of troll around and see what I can find so making my way up here now I'm gonna get some rigs re-tied here from the Ohio trip and we'll get baited up see what we can catch today let's have some fun y'all so I just got everything re-tied and set out I'm currently setting in like 20 21 feet here where I'm at kind of at the entrance of this Creek right before it dumps off into the main Channel got some skip Jack for bait I went out yesterday and got me some fresh skips so I've got a head on this rod and this other left side rod in the back and chunks on the other side all of my baits are suspended however one is at a different depth than the other three three of this front left and the two on the right over here are just off the bottom so so you know 21 feet they're down there 17 18 feet deep ish the one on my back left here is under a balloon and it's about six feet deep I had those balloon rigs tied on from my trip to Ohio and I thought well let's just try it out there it'll save me time having to re-tie another rig and also to just curiosity see if any fish are up in the water column this morning not really seeing a lot on the live scope just yet but we'll give this spot here 20 30 minutes and if we don't get anything we'll move out to the main Channel look at all these Shad right here y'all something keeps coming up and busting these things and they are here up under the kayak and they keep hitting the bottom of my kayak when they're getting attacked of course it ain't going to happen now while I got the camera going but it's happened three or four times now I finally turned on the camera I thought something just hit me then but there's a school of thrift ends here that is just I don't know something's got them up under my kayak and just working them got a nice thump right there oh man look at that one go down y'all we got it hooked up here it feels decent too buddy yeah it's decent fish I'm on the move y'all I sat there to oh my gosh you just let it go oh man look right here look right here that got me see that scale right there on my hook point Jag gone man I must have got some skills on there as it was falling down through the water I always get them off before I drop a bait but boy that cost me a fish right there that was a pretty solid fish hopefully he's still down there maybe he'll get one of my other baits Jack going man well anyway y'all I moved I I fished that Creek up there that I launched in and just wasn't getting anything going I sat there about 20 25 minutes wasn't really seeing anything on the graph had some smaller fish coming up and hitting the Shad under my kayak but no big marks there so I've come on out here to the main Channel come up River and the wind is blowing Downstream right now we don't have any current out here this morning TVA is not generating at all but there's a light breeze it's just blowing me the perfect speed down river here so I'm using it to move along like 0.3 ish miles an hour and I'm just working a ledge right now I'm in 54 feet of water and I'm just going to drift my way down this ledge and see if I run into some fish had we run into one right there he just didn't stay buttoned up because of them scales oh boy look right here y'all look right here this is my balloon rig this one was five six feet down under the surface and this thing just took off man I had this balloon on because I was catching them up there in Ohio under this balloon rig and I was kind of in a rush to get set up this morning I said we'll just try it you know just leave it on one less knot I gotta re-tie you know I'm out here 54 feet of water but I have seen some surface activity stuff coming up splashing and by gosh we just got us one here come on up here fish let's see what you are now could be anything that's blue that's a fun Sizer too man not a bad fish right there not a bad fish at all subsurface there if I had it you know five six feet deep awesome man okay you're a blue kitty he's left us our head bait on too which is nice of him he's still wound up man normally you pull these fish up from deeper depths you kind of Tire them out a little bit before they get up here this one's a shallow we didn't really wear him out did we come on in here kitty your fish number one you're pretty good one to start the day with let's hold him up there y'all nice fun Sizer for fish number one I'm happy about that man glad I kept that balloon rig on there say something to the camera here fish tell them to hit that like And subscribe they don't give a crap a few likes subscribe watch or anything out of here awesome y'all awesome that was a fun way to get to trip started a little Redemption after losing that other one there because of the scale on the dang hook point so let me fix my balloon back here you can see this bait still pretty good shape I gotta fix it slid up my line and I've got this Stinger fly here under and I went up there to Ohio I was running these rigs you know under the balloons there and my biggest fish on tournament day came on the Fly that was under the bait they're like six feet deep so uh pretty awesome so these balloons I've mentioned this in other videos if you're new to my channel normally I run this when I'm fishing like real shallow but uh just kind of messing around out here today but that balloon's just a party balloon about baseball size overhand knot around my main line and you can adjust this balloon with your hand you know up and down just enough tension there and uh it really works out it's cheap it doesn't take up any space in the kayak like a you know a float wood so I'm gonna just toss this back out oh oh I've got another one y'all hang on let me get the camera here we got this Rod we got this Rod he's still on there yeah we got another one on y'all this number two here we've run into some y'all all right I'm still 54 feet deep they come away down this ledge here oh this is a nice let me show you this right here look at that one right there he's by one of my baits right there you come up here's another one right there too get you back in the chest we got some fish we got to get some baits back down there y'all we got fish on bottom and we got them up near the surface apparently this one right here in my hand now I don't think it's going to be as big as the other one oh that one ain't speaking of flies look what that one ate y'all that's what he ate he ate the dang fly under my bait how about that Stinger fly strikes again let me set him back here just long enough for me to get this bait cast back out I just had that balloon you know I cast it out to kind of get it away from the kayak a little bit the wind is moving me this way Downstream and you know obviously the kayak sets up higher in the water so I'm catching more wind it's moving me at a faster Pace than what it's going to move that balloon so we'll set it back get our glove here and we'll land this little devil that's ate my fly there we go y'all that one ate a fly man love seeing them flies get eat that's awesome my friend Dewey lives here locally he put me on them flies I guess a little over a year ago now man I have caught so many extra fish because of those flies so great addition to my rigs I'm gonna clean this slime off that fish thankfully didn't knock my skip Jack head off in the fight I'm gonna drop it back down fix my fly back there so I'm fishing vertical right now you know drifting along so the the bait is there just off the bottom you know I've got it two or three feet off the bottom and then this flies just a few inches below it and as I drift along and the kayak kind of moves and undulates a little bit this fly is just going there like a small Bait fish just an easy meal send it back down we'll see what we can do as we make our way along y'all but that's two fish just boom boom so maybe getting out here fishing a little deeper depths even though that one fish was up higher than water column maybe they're just up over the deeper water right now so definitely more action than what I was getting in the creep channel for sure look at that one right there y'all he's coming back there to one of my baits he's just kind of swimming around there there's another one that just come up off the bottom he's coming up to my baits too come up and looked went back down see him seeing quite a bit of that through here there's definitely some fish but a lot of them just coming up taking a look sniffing around moving on see that all the time with live scope oh y'all look right here look right here we got a flathead I didn't even know it man I just glanced up and saw my I saw my rod tip acting like that Flathead I never felt him bite I switched out my baits a few minutes ago put on all fresh pieces and we just got us a flatty man I promise you this is a flathead when they sneak up on you like that and you just you just see a rod tip bent over like that having Never Never Felt anything that's a flathead that's an awesome surprise now I'm piddling around on my phone I'd run out of Candy Crush lives and just glance up and boom that's awesome get this thing up here and take a look at it I'm still like 51 feet I'm just letting that wind push me down this ledge I'm adjusting my baits as the depth is coming up to keep them just you know two three feet off bottom that's typically where I like to go I got that one under the balloon still I do have one bait raised up just a little bit higher but most the fish I'm seeing are either splashing on the surface or just off the bottom not really seeing anything in those kind of mid-range depths it's kind of one extreme or the other on the graph there so oh strong buddy this thing's strong I promise you it's flat head I bet you a two dollar bill if I had one yep it is nice Flathead right there folks nice flat head let's see what okay there's the fly I thought he might have had it for a second but he's ate the skip Jack head come over here flat head tell these people hi everybody's happy to see you Flathead I know I am that flat head so he ain't happy to see none of us he said he could have went his whole life without seeing one of us again come up here buddy Mr flat head come on in nice skip Jack head I just switched them out just a little while ago them others had been on there a while I thought it'd be time to Spruce them up I'm glad I did because this fella here come along just in time to eat it man nice love me some flat head action this and here's kind of a yellowish brown color I'm gonna flip him around this way show off your belly there flat look like mud on his belly there you've been down there on bottom somewhere ain't you awesome man tell these people by flatty oh man boy he told us all didn't he splashed you and me both on the camera there it's all gone fish as a rude fish there I hope his mama gives him a butt whoop when he gets home for how he's treated us today let's get that bait dropped back down see if we can catch some of his kin folk though a whole another nice takedown another nice taking on y'all that's really me and this is on the head kind of had a little Lull in the action since the Flathead I've just been barely moving down through here just waiting on the next bite not seeing a lot of action on the graph not a lot of fish but I know just cover some water here I'll eventually run into another one and we've plunked this one in the head with a bait and he took a bite you came up here see what he is that's a that's it Fun Size blue we'll call him there smaller fun size old thing he's he's acting too calm I'm concerned we're going to get him up here and he's going to act a fool in the kayak because he's just he's way too calm right now maybe he's Star Struck he ain't never been on no YouTube video before he'll know how to act in front of an audience okay fish come on up in here the old thing skip Jack head gets it done again these uh you had a larger dink smaller fun size got me excited when the rod went down and that's what's my support for me love seeing him Rod tips go down get out of here fish how you going all right y'all we'll keep doing what I'm doing just slowly moving down the wind I mean it's supposed to be bad this afternoon supposed to get some strong storms high winds possible hail all that mess but right now radar is clear the wind is just a light Breeze and it is blowing the absolute perfect Direction directly down this ledge we got another one here getting hit was getting hit he may still have it that Rod tip ain't acting right let me get the camera back in the chest here nope no such luck might have been might have been that fish right there it's come up either way let's get our let's get her bait back down here still got that one under the balloon right over there this bait here it's still hooked good and everything still looks good so drop it back down that's on a Carolina rig [Music] just got an eight ounce Egg Sinker up top of that rig I'll drop it down let it hit bottom raise it back up so that I'm just kind of have my bait and fly just off the bottom as these fish swim along bottom it's going to be right in their face got several fish actually I think one just hit I saw several oh he's on there man he's on there that's on a chunk I saw three or four fish coming up look at my baits just then I've went through a school right here one of them took a bite by gosh he couldn't resist he said that's fresh skip Jack he likes fresh skip Jack it's breakfast time and he ain't even gonna leave me a tip for it either I bet you this fish is going to skip out on the bill he ain't paying for his meal he ain't leaving no tip this fish I don't know how he's been raised but it's been he's been raised wrong that's a smaller one here actually he may we just gave him the quick release right there he was skin hooked on the side of his face I didn't have to bring that in if only all them small fish could be that easy to release would be set right well let's put us another chunk on there and drop it down you know most of the action's been on the head baits thus far so uh good to see the chunk get messed with there there's our next bait going down chunk of skip Jack again the fly there under it got that eight ounce Egg Sinker now these sinkers here are the catfish Sumo brand sinkers I don't know if I've mentioned this at least if I have it ain't been a long time but these have these inserts here so it doesn't cause all that abrasion on your line as it slides up and down so that's a pretty cool feature there I gotta link to those in the video description down there you want to check them out but really helps keep your line from getting all all messed up there that new chunk buddy just got hit we got us another one man I'm on some fish right here I had a little Dead stretch there but we've come through some I'm seeing more marks there and then get there on the bottom I'm not really seeing anything up in the water column but I'm seeing them and we're getting bit here this is a another one real quick after the last one but he's about the same size though you think we'll get as lucky with this one of getting a quick release on him he's got that bait literally wedged in his mouth y'all I mean that thing is wedged in there I don't even know if he's got the hook right or not oh oh boy he's he's hung himself now with the Stinger by us we got the one in the mouth out he was all lassoed around that line hold on fish before you fling that bait off now I want that thing back we just put it down go that fish had a bad day folks he got him a he got him a piercing in the lip and one in the back there some of these kids today man you see them at the shopping malls and Walmarts and stuff they got piercings all over their body it's style now it's cool I'm gonna fix my fly I need me to Dag on comb to comb that slime out my fly there that fish got it all messed up air like putting moose in his hair or something if I had some hair I might put some moose in it but I don't unfortunately these days let's drop it back down send it down there see if I can find something bigger than that well we own some fish right here but they seem to be the smaller variety so I'm making a run back up River here y'all I was going through a dry spell just not getting any action not really seeing anything on the graph and then the universe gave me a sign this barge was coming through and I'm like well heck I'm gonna have to move to get out of their way anyhow that's a perfect time to just reel up my lines and come back up River so as soon as they run by I'm gonna get out there and kind of take the same path down this ledge except for I'm gonna move out just a little bit deeper hit a little bit deeper depth still going to have my balloon rig I'm still going to take one rod and bring it up several more feet off the bottom but just kind of work back down this ledge on another pass and see what we can get into on round two of it here nice looking fish coming in right there two of them actually there's one on top one on bottom yeah I just swim right by my baits I moved over here y'all UH 60 61 feet deep oh he may be coming back for it he's right there on it man and it's right there on my front baits come on fish eat that thing you can see him it's like he's circling around oh he's got it he's got it y'all we just busted him Eye in the Sky I saw him do it I in the sky y'all I'm making my way down kind of in the center of the channel here I moved out a little deeper on the second pass the wind's moving me a little bit quicker it's picking up I'm going around half a mile an hour now which is still just perfect drifting speed Mother Nature is giving me uh just the perfect boost this morning don't happen often usually it's way too much or Nothing at All we hooked a fish that we busted in the ACT y'all Eye in the Sky man we saw him like Ci type stuff up here I got my balloon rig still out I got another bait there about 40 feet deep just to play around with that although the fish I'm seeing it's either you're seeing some on the surface but who knows if they're cats or not probably not most likely and then I'm seeing you know occasional fish on bottom there come on let's see what we got here I think that's a nice blue yeah that's a nice blue right there it's quality fish right there now that one ate a chunk I had switched out my baits again when I came back up here and started my drift oh oh that Hook's going through the bottom lip when it ain't hooked good either come on in here fish before you pop that thing loose man it was going through the bottom lip it was kind of kind of in the side there there we go y'all a little fun Sizer there quality fish first one on the second pass coming down through here got him you know 60 61 feet deep on that body chunk nice second pass through here hasn't been as productive but just picked up another one get out of here buddy there you go let me get another bait on there that one Threw It Off I'll come off spot lock here we'll get back to Drifting well the second pass down this ledge wasn't nearly as productive as the first only got one bite at least it was a pretty decent fish but I think I'm getting ready to pack up and get out of here go home and get some lunch maybe run Daphne the dog a little bit get some of that energy out of her before the weather gets bad today weather though man how often does it happen that the wind blows at the perfect speed in the perfect Direction it has been amazing today that's probably the most rare phenomenon in all of weather patterns but it's been awesome today super thankful that the rain and storms has held off long enough for me to get out here a few hours this morning and and get a few fish got some decent fish got that nice flat head and a couple good Blues so uh I'm happy with it y'all so let's do it again soon I'll see you then thanks for watching y'all for those of you that stuck around I think you might get a bonus fish here yeah you are this is my last this has had the skip Jack head near bottom there this is my last Rod that I'm reeling up I've left it down there last just in case that's my best bait and I'll be jaw going here I don't think he's going to be very big but we got us something here for a bonus fish for the three of you left still watching oh it's on the Fly too you ate the dag on fly folks he ain't very much to look at here not very big but it's an extra bite a little bonus fish got him the got him a stinger fly I'm gonna have to bring him in I can't see which direction that Hook's going there [Music] let me have that Stinger hook there fish little thing tell these people tell these people buy tell them you might see them again someday they've got leech on his mouth there don't go kissing that catfish y'all that'll give you something to remember it by As He Flops around here that fish wanted more attention on what I was willing to give him anyway I'm out here for real y'all I'll see you next time
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 76,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, kayak catfishing setup, catfish bait, flathead, kayak, catfish rod, ultralight fishing, bluegill, crappie, gulp, gulp minnow, fishing, kayak fishing, bank fishing, cut bait, best bait for catfish, catfish rigs, golly whopper, kayak carp, kayak carp fishing, carp, carp fishing, carp bait, carp rigs, hair rigs for carp, pack bait for carp, catching carp with corn, best bait for carp, how to catch carp
Id: sPzTA5_O9iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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