Fishing Port Bay Rockport | Texas Fishing Travels

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[Music] Rockport Texas a beautiful small big city located off the South Texas coast bordered by the coupon obey and Aransas Bay it's a paradise for the outdoors enthusiasts you can enjoy fishing camping nature trails hiking trails beaches bird-watching and great seafood I packed up all my gear in time to visit this mecca off the Texas coast and I personally want to see what Rockport is all about and bring that experience to you welcome to Rockport Texas [Music] [Music] all right good morning guys we have arrived at our first launch spot you know honestly it's really probably it's impossible to really fish every single location Rock Courthouse offer unless you're here for at least a good two three weeks I've selected a couple of launch spots that hopefully will give us a general idea of what Rockport has offer when it comes to inch or kayak fishing so I'm really really looking forward to hopefully we'll be able to find some fish but look how beautiful the bay is and check it out over there look at that sunrise it is a good time to be alive and to explore Rockport Texas so without further ado let's get our kayak loaded and let's get on the water this is a public hike launch this is a an airport bake port Bay is sandwich in between Cap'n abate and Rockport itself so yeah this is a a public kayak launch I mean it's hard sand easy launch right off the beach I can't get going all right guys I'm super excited to be out here despite it being windy you know what we're still going to take advantage and see if we can explore this mecca of fishing on the South Texas coast one thing I do notice when I was coming in at Rockport is it is really a small big city if that makes any sense I mean it's population is I mean it's small compared to Houston right but for a city that's near the near the bay and unfortunately gets a lot of hurricane damage throughout its history it's still a thriving little city beautiful - yeah so the game plan is to try to escape these winds I'm gonna look for a shoreline that's protected I guess these win so I can at least try to site cast hopefully there's a lot of grass flats to point to that gentleman I just talked to so that's pretty exciting man that's one good thing about these coastlines on the South Texas coast is there's a lot of grass flats where we don't really see that many grass flats on the up Texas coach is just mud and oyster but down here it's a good mix of grass flats oysters not as much as upper coats and some mud flats so look really excited so I'm just going to make a mile pedal to my destination alright ladies and gents after really careful carefully evaluating the swells in this open Bay because I have to cross about a mile and a half of open Bay I don't think I think I want to change plans go to plan B so I'm going to kind of fish near the kayak launch and so they're crossing this this Bay because I know the winds are going to get worse and right now it's about a foot and a half of swells so just to be safe I think I'm going to stay like Center the kayak launch this fish area but uh still gonna check in the beauty may I'm really excited to be here alright we're going to stay close to the grass line here we're going to start off early in the morning with a top water top waters usually the best thing to use here in this area just because of the grass flats and how much grass have free floating grass are is so having a top waters idea well I don't mind it right now it's super super shallow there's a foot and a half on my hummingbird but it's probably a little bit less than that I can't even engage my pickle drive all the way I'm having a flutter it's all good as long as we find the fish I'm gonna work near these grass patches here as well as grass line I feel like that's gonna be my best bet to see if I can get a predatory fish to hook on yep there is a lot of grass here guys even my top water he's getting love with all this grass oh there was something that just chased it my small little trout they're gonna do a little mullet now I'm not really seeing much bait only saw a handful hutch and I really want to see so that's that's not really good it's all good though we're gonna keep searching and going to try our best to locate them on this structure right here all the way down as far as we can hopefully we'll run into a blow up on this grass line basically what we're doing is since we never fish this area we're just using our sights and sounds and just blind casting and really working this grass line because that's going to be my best bet because I'm not quite sure exactly what else is out there in the middle of the bay except high swells and boats [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right nothing hitting the trout thumper so let's go and change it out I'm gonna do something micro I wanted to really catch some on top water but unfortunately as you can see has a water cha pitch is too much and in my opinion walk too much water chop and doing that top water doesn't really make any sense so I'm going to tie on a say a hot head and just flick it along this grass line here hopefully that'll trigger a bite did a new penny I think this is gonna work pretty good I think it has good dark contrast for this murky water see if we can put some procure on it and then get it on this way so we get some shrimp fish on it starting to smell fishy here hopefully this is where all the bait said there we go there is a fish he's gonna be a smaller guy I think it's a smaller red I'm not mistaken a first fish today first rockport fish and I am pretty ecstatic about it haha yeah small little red fish but I'll take them on a hot head and it's been pretty slow even though it's still early in the morning buddy oh look at that pretty fish right there guys first a Rockport read on the high head had to micro size early in the morning it's not even 8 o'clock yet and he finally thumped it thank you my man I appreciate it this right here is the bugs fishing lure a high head new penny is the color I believe this is the one eats ice in order to throw this you need a ultra light stuff there we go there you go my man thank you so much you keep on croaking and get that bait beautiful there we go there's a small fish another small fish I know the small red thinking yep there's a small red fish you're loving just a little hot head shrimp I'll take it anyways don't want to lose my lure here here you go buddy thank you my man well they're not Giants but still nonetheless I'm having a good time out here let's become powerful now so we don't lose our spot here check out that beautiful beautiful small little dude lots of ambition he's gonna grow up to be a big guy cuz he's attacking that shrimp and get his his grub on what's getting on the hothead Thank You my man I appreciate it you're beautiful alright ladies and gents a little bit of update it is 9 a.m. right now I've been fishing about two hours went down about two miles down the shoreline just tossing different lures only was able to hook up with two small redfish didn't see no bulb low ups haven't really seen any bait except that little small cut into the drain there was a little bit of bait there but other than that yeah it's been it's been pretty dead I'm not sure if it has to do with the tide move because there's not really much of a tide movement according to the tide chars I mean that could be the case and the waters a little bit murky and visibility is not that good because of the high winds anyways what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna head back down towards the kayak launch and kind of work my way over there I saw there's more grass flats there compared to all the way down here so that's what I'm gonna do and see if we can eke out a couple keepers and then call it a day for the first part of the fishing there we go there's a what is this a lady fish hahaha nice nice big lady fish oh my gosh and they fight these lady fish you know they're considered not game fish but still so much fun to catch all right hold on hold on and get you off oh I'll take it man it's been a slow day I will take one of these things right here well that's a big lady fish goodness gracious it's got to be about at least 20 inches all right my man thank you for nailing that paddle tell the googan dates look at that beautiful specimen big ol lady fish be good cut bait for sure big bull red there you go there we go that's a small little gosh bunch of lady fish here that's well do up that B earlier all right little man hey thank you man you've been good could be so what is the way to fish this Bay is like what you're doing is drifting is that the best way with a suspending bait [Music] okay peace you said this this Bay is better for winter though you said okay gosh I picked the wrong place to come visit then yeah oh there we go a nice Peck ha there we go nice it was a slow day huh for you yeah yeah you just never know I think the tide movement was almost non-existent really small yeah exactly so I think that's probably has to do a lot with it I'm thinking and the dirty water from the winds yeah yeah you got to I believe you yeah I was a pleasure meeting you hopefully I'll run into you in your future well ladies and gents I'm gonna call it quits it's almost noon been grinding it out for about almost six hours it was hard fishing man no doubt my friend George I met he's been fishing for a long time say he only caught two lady fish into some really small trout so I don't feel too too bad but I had a great time it's a beautiful beautiful bay I just wish I knew that this Bay was not a really good spot to fish during the summertime this is a good Bay according to George a good fish a good bait to fish during the wintertime but anyways I'm gonna pack it in and then I am to show you some cool things about Rockport so stay tuned because there's more than fishing when it comes to Rockport and when you come to visit you're with your family or by yourself just let me show you some of the attractions they have so here's some interesting factoids about the city of Rock point it was actually founded in 1867 and it has a lot of Texas history off the Texas coast however it has seen its fair share of hurricane damage most recently 2017 with hurricane Harvey it caused a lot of damage but the city of Rockport and community is very strong and they built it up really strong today in 2020 tourism is their main economic backbone so with that in mind I actually want to show you two or three cool tourism spots so have you ever come down to fish or you come down with your family you had a day at fishing like me when the fishing was actually slow there's more to fishing than meets the eye Rockport so you guys stay tuned let's go look at those cool spots all right guys this is this is Rockport Beach Park very very very family-friendly it's actually a real beach we can fish you can swim bring your family yeah it's pretty cool check out something to be role that I've filmed and I'm going to walk down the beach and hopefully capture the essence of Rockport Beach Park and what it's all about [Music] alright folks there you have it the beach is a very very busy place a public place so if you decide to come make sure you practice six feet of social distancing many ways yeah it gets really crowded on the weekend but I'm gonna show you another spot that's actually pretty chill and it's somewhere that you actually need to visit when you come to Rockport okay ladies and gents we are at our last stop a tourism stop for the city of Rockport and this is called a big tree big tree is a obviously is a big oak tree that's over well over a thousand years old one of the oldest trees in the world in existence today and it's very majestic very very cool seeing his fair share of hurricanes in the past thousand years but yeah this is one of the spots that you guys want to check out especially if you're bringing a family very very cool a lot of history behind this area right here [Music] [Applause] ok ladies and gents that's going to conclude our episode of Texas fishing travels the Rockport Texas edition I really hope you enjoyed this video if you do visit Rockport make sure you check out the beach make you make sure you check out the big tree right here also take advantage of some fishing there's so many fish spots in Rockport Texas unfortunately we didn't have enough time we only had enough time for one spot but trust me there's tons of fishing spots because this is a fishing community and I really really enjoy my time here too just embrace the beauty and the nature and just everything about the Rockport Texas Aurora I guess it's it's it's really cool I encourage you guys to do it but if you like this video guys make sure you hit that like button make sure you comment leave some comments if you take the con time to comment I really do appreciate it and that's going to be it and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: RX Angler
Views: 43,156
Rating: 4.8669438 out of 5
Keywords: kayak fishing, fishing, inshore fishing, saltwater fishing, marsh fishing, redfish, flounder, speckled trout, outdoors, how to catch flounder, redfish fishing in Texas, redfish fishing tips, fishing videos, kayak fishing videos, fishing texas, kayak fishing setup, redfish fishing, rockport tx fishing, port bay fishing, Rockport beach fishing, copano bay fishing, Aransas bay fishing, kayak fishing Rockport tx, texas travel, texas bay, texas coast, South Texas fishing
Id: OitSLaP2J5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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