Fishing a DESTROYED Island and Caught THIS!

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think big there he is there he is that's a better fish oh that's a nice get out get out get out get out get out get out come here oh my gosh Come [Music] here What's happen it folks welcome to another video we are headed on a road trip right now beautiful day here in Pensacola Florida very foggy morning you know I've been doing a lot of fishing in this area here throughout the winter and I'm like you know what I haven't taken a road trip in a very long time we're going solo we're traveling about 8 hours and I'm taking you guys along with me Head East on Maran drive toward Goya Drive wow 8 hours and 29 minutes folks I can't say I'm looking forward to this I am looking forward to this cuz it's going to be awesome but I'm not looking forward to this drive we going to make it happen now how we know we're in South Florida it'll be sunny again in like 30 second we are officially halfway there every time I go on long trips I take the car because I am in the market for a new truck I don't trust a truck at the moment so much for fishing this afternoon we are bumper to bumper there's been a bad wreck about every 20 miles this is why I don't like this interstate look at this I'm going 10 miles an hour right now woo we just checked into the hotel I've been driving all day I'm exhausted so I'm going to get some sleep and we going to hit it bright and early and we're going to see if we can catch us some fish we are officially on the causeway for the first time in 2 years if you don't know this island this is Santa Bell Island it got destroyed in 2022 by Hurricane Ian this is my first time coming back to this island this was such a special place for me I made a lot of cool videos here early on in my YouTube career that really helped boost my channel and this is just such an amazing area I'm anxious to get back on this island and see uh see how far they've come since this hurricane so at first glance when I got onto the island if you would have told me that this island was recently destroyed by a hurricane I would have been shocked because they have come so far the stores were back open the tourists were back other than the palm trees leaning to the side the drive down the main strip looked very similar to what I remember and at this point I'm ready to go catch some fish we are back here in the mangroves there's all kind of fishing on each side of the road I want y'all to look at what this area we got a super low tide right now we have just an insane amount of people bird watching but uh it looks good man water looks really good here and then we've got all these Bridges right here and got a lot of moving water coming under these Bridges check it out and so these fish will stack back up in here and so this is where we're going to start and we're just going to move from bridge to Bridge and hopefully uh hopefully we'll find us some fish look at all those guys right there we got a bunch of shrimp from Whitney's bait and tackle on the island so we're going to start by just Freel lining a shrimp around this area on a circle hook I just saw some big Tarpon roll right out here oh look at him he just rolled right there that was a good size Tarpon too like that wasn't like a super small one so I'm hoping we can get picked up dang that was cool we are just moving from bridge to bridge here y'all trying to find a bite somewhere Oh that's oh god dog it yeah that was that was okay that was okay that was okay that might be that might get a bite oh man oh I think I'm getting bit hold on yeah a little bite though it ain't nothing big there we go that's where I wanted it right there still over here no I don't see one over there over there well I better check my [Laughter] surroundings little guy six fo gotcha I just realized why I can't C and it's cuz I'm missing a guide here I literally forgot to put my line through the guide like great job br oh that'll do I'll I'll take that one all day oh there's a bite y'all yeah there he is there's a fish come here there's a fish that's a decent too that's a good fish what is it that's a good fish there we go okay first good fish of the day on I think it's a Jack it's got to be a jack NOP red heck yeah dude nice check it out y'all go that is a keeper red fish though if they were legal to keep here and they're not there we go let's get us another shrimp going got us a nice red fish right off the bat I'll take it that's a nice breaker oh there's a bite holy smokes he just hammered it oh God that was definitely like a mangrove bite but he didn't take it there's a bite hold on hold on there he is there he is got him there we go oh that's a keeper Mangrove there we go we'll see you buddy I don't think you can come to South Florida without or Southwest Florida without catching a man grab Snapper I just don't think that's possible yeah take care this place is so cool though it's just oh there's a bite hold on hold on let's see if he's on there or not yeah he's he's trying to be but he ain't he cut me in half that was a mangrove he just you can tell they come up and just cut your shrimp in half I'm going walk on the other side see if there's anything down there there's got to be a fish on this side somewhere it is so beautiful there's a lot of needle fish I'm really hoping that I don't uh hook a needle fish cuz that might very well might happen but man look at this water Movement we have got uh there's got to be a fish in here you would think there is 10,000 Needle Fish though that's the only thing that scares me do you even have a shot but I haven't gotten picked up yet I don't think oh I'm on holy cow guys look at this I literally just caught a crab okay that was an accident hey dude I'm oh he's going he's good he's good he's good go go go I was like man do I have a fish nope we got a blue crab though I'll take it this would be like blue crab Heaven look at that seaw wall right here I don't know if y'all can see one two three four five six seven just eight just sitting in this one little spot wow we are going to keep on moving we did not get skunked so we've already got some fish we had a lot of exploring left y'all check this area out right here so cool look at this there's so many areas like this here too with just endless amounts of water and this is deep man this could be holding a fish dang oh there's some there's a lot of bait here too I almost want to throw the castet here and get some bait if I get fish bait I'll have a better chance catching a snuck let's just see see if there's anything hiding here first oh there's a fish oh my gosh dude that was a good one holy cow that was him that was no doubt a snook that I just hung under here I could feel him I know exactly what they feel like when you hang them under these Bridges so we're going to go again right here just let's see he thumped it too man what I got to do I think I'm might have to get it like way under here there we go now we're just going to kind of watch our line oh did it take off maybe there's only one under there it is going to be a tight squeeze if I hang one under here but I think there's some fish under here so we about to find out like I I don't even know if I'm going be able to pull them out of here but we going going to try oh oh we got Tuck that look at this that had to be mangrove snapper he got me Square in half such a cool little spot to fish though I have zero room right here okay so if I hang one it is going to be very difficult but you know what I'm up for the challenge right here got him got him there we go there we go oh my gosh that is a unique catch right here guys that is a red grouper that is a little baby red grouper that is so cool that I was I thought it was mangroves hitting it maybe it's red grouper how cool is that all right grow up for me buddy all right let's try that again all right that was so cool man that was cool oh they're hitting it man there's a lot of fish down here I think I don't know what that I mean I'm sure some of them are like mangr but there you go there's another one there's another one look at this and check it out we got a sheep's head how many look at that y'all how many species is that for today we got sheep's head red grouper mango snapper red fish this is awesome catching them on this side is so cool because I literally have zero room like none and they just must be stacked under here that is let's just let's see if we can do it again all right yeah he's biting it they are definitely stacked under here o that was a little guy I don't think that was anything big there he is there he is that's a better fish oh that's a nice sheep's head dude come here come here holy cow to pull out of this little spot right there that is a decent little sheep's head all right buddy we'll see you I'm just going to keep at it y'all just keep walking around and looking I'm seeing some snook I'm seeing some sheep's heads some mangroves I'm seeing all kind of stuff let's skip it right back in there see what happens you know even if you're not fishing this would just be an amazing this whole area would just be an amazing place to come and spend the day I definitely recommend fishing but it's not for everybody oh there's a bite got him there he goes oh it's a snapper look another Mangrove right here y'all pretty little mangrove snapper Mangrove in the mangrove all right whoa he stuck me we'll see you buddy I can't believe it I had a snook opportunity and I hit that little Bridge right there and for some reason I just didn't get him hooked got a circle hook and everything we just didn't get him [Applause] hooked I'm just flipping the mangroves now y'all and oops kind of Freel lineing a shrimp in here um just kind of you know I'm seeing some fish there we go that's where I want it right there man it's pretty oh there's a bite there's a bite hold on hold on is he taking it got him there he is got him all get out get out get out get out get out get out come here oh my gosh Come here got him that's a good fish that's a good fish holy cow come on okay we got a oh that's a nice snu dude heck yeah okay wo we got one we're on the board sweet right here y'all beautiful fish that was fun pulling him out of those mangroves let's let him go there he goes sick okay now we cooking I think I'm going to hang out here a little longer just because this spot is being good to me at the moment I'm like I keep wanting to leave but man everywhere I'm going I'm hooking fish so we going to keep flipping these mangroves they're being good to us that was not a that wasn't good I wish I would have made a better cast than that oh my gosh oh my gosh there's a snook there's snook trying to eat it I'm may have spooked them though come on snu come back out there was more than one I think I spooked them though I didn't see them till I started to pull my bait away tried to get it back up in here there we go that's where I want it that's where I want it oh something tried to get it there we go there we go there we go there we go that's a nice Mangrove come here pretty little Mangrove right here y'all catching fish just in the ctst neatest spots that's what I love to do on this channel you know when I used to Boat fish I could run right to the fish every day and we got into a pattern you know and I know there's still people that miss my boat videos and stuff but you know what it's weird you kind of get into this pattern when you Boat fish uh being able to run right to the fish knowing what to do and it almost becomes uneventful like you hook a snook right here and this stuff right here that'll get your adrenaline going there we go we're in we are in let's see if we're going to get hit we've been making a bunch of noise it did oh we did we got them not oh decent we're able to get the smaller ones out that wasn't one of the big ones but hey pretty fish nonetheless check this little guy out right by the car here look at that what's up buddy how you doing he's going back in there look like a little black racer so folks I hope you enjoyed this Santa Bell Island Adventure this is one of my favorite places to travel to in Florida if you ever get a chance to come down here and do some fishing or just hang out I highly recommend it everything I'm involved with is linked in my description below I am a licensed real estate agent right here in the State of Florida so if you need any help hit me up other than that we'll catch you next time
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 40,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 491ZjEGWwFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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