First Year Teacher Tips

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[Music] everybody it is miss may here one five teacher I am here to do another video for you all I'm in my classroom it is a recess time for my fabulous first C's and so and technically my lunch time so I wanted to do a video for my first-year teachers so many people have asked what is your advice for a first-year teacher because let's face it those of us that are teaching now we have been teaching for a while everybody's had a first year and so I'm just gonna give you a few tips that I think is truly important and beneficial for first-year teacher and I hope it can help you when you get your first very own classroom so tip number one stay humble I cannot stress I can't stress enough to you the importance of staying humble and realizing that you don't have all the answers you don't know it all and that you're what you have to bring to the table is just always the best I find in my career this is year fourteen for me that I've come across teachers who aren't very first-year teachers even you know second and third year teachers that just don't appear very humble you know the Bears always remember there is somebody out there that can do with the job better than you there's always someone out there that can have better ideas than you and that's okay it's okay I just find that sometimes you know new teachers coming in they feel like they know it all and it's kind of its kind of sad because I remember my very first year I was so hungry and so wanting my mentor teachers knowledge like I had the best mentor teacher ever and her was mrs. mill Brad and mrs. mill Brad if you ever see this video I love you so much you just don't know but mrs. mill Brad was an amazing mentor teacher to me and I would always come to her not bugging her but I would come to her for advice and suggestions and how she felt about certain things and she would tell me she's like man you've got this you you're good you've got this and even though I felt like I was good I felt like I could be better and I never ever wanted to come across as a teacher who thought she was better and I I know some people have had great first years and some that have had not so great first years I'm not gonna lie I really did having a phenomenal phenomenal first year of teaching but my number one tip for you is to stay humble because all of this can be taken away with in a matter of minutes seconds days hours it can be gone like that and somebody will come and take your place and just be just as amazing if not better so please stay humble go to your mentors and respect those mentors and those you know veteran teachers out there who have been doing it for a while realize like I get you have great ideas and I get that you know you feel like your stuff is is amazing and you should feel that way but there's a way to feel about it and one thing I always ask God is to keep me humble and everything that I do because I never want to come across as I'm all that oh you want Teacher of the Year you think you're all that and I just I never want to come across that way like I just want to stay prayerful and thankful for all my many blessings and I just I just ask that if you're a first year teacher going in stay humble even if you have these great ideas it's not always about what you say it's how you say it so if you come across as this cocky teacher who I know what I'm doing it's gonna rub off kind of wrong so I would just definitely say stay humble because there's always somebody out there better always tip number two a piece of advice number two is it's okay to say no you're gonna be asked to join committees and do certain things within your school and my best advice to you is to say it's okay to say no I definitely suggest that you start off I remember my first years I always wanted to be on committees and help my school and I still do but I don't do as much and I think it's a I believe that it's okay to say no like if you're on a couple of committees or just one committee if you're putting in the work and you know showing your face to the school and making sure that you know that you're participating in something to make your school great it's okay to say no I don't want to do this or no I can't do this or no I have another commitment outside of work it's okay because if you start saying yes to everything all the time you will be taking advantage of it's just a guarantee because there's always those people in the school who always do and step up and then there's others that just chill back and relax in the cut and let all those that always say yes go ahead and step up and do everything so I would definitely say it's okay to say no totally okay my next tip would be or a piece of advice would be to understand that it's okay that everything doesn't get done prioritize make lists you're not going to get it all done in a school day you're gonna have interruptions you're gonna have things happen you're gonna have mishaps everything doesn't get done and I just remember always bringing stuff home constantly and just being so mad and upset like why am I always doing work work work and not having fun and you have to realize okay what is truly important what do I truly need to do to get the job done use those planning times wisely when you get them use your time wisely and like what I like to do is I put on my headphones and my crew my people know okay may has headphones on she doesn't want to be bothered like I get in my zone and they respect that because the more you use your time wisely here at school the less you have to take home and I'm not saying you never have to take things home but you shouldn't be taking it back home every single day if you are you have to rethink and realize okay is this really necessary do I really need to take this home I know some people have that personality where they just want everything done everything done everything done and everything doesn't get done and you have to tell yourself that it's okay that it doesn't get done so that would be my other tip it's just prioritized what's really truly important you know because sometimes you're just gonna take a stack of papers and chuck them in the trash because it's like mm-hmm and it's okay it's it's totally totally okay my last tip would be I feel like I've repeated myself in previous videos but I can't stress it enough my last tip would be don't compare yourself don't compare your first year or your second gear or even your third year to somebodies 8th 9th 10th 11 20 plus year find your niche and find your groove on how you are as a teacher and roll with that and make things happen don't compare yourself to somebody else because comparison when we compare each other I mean that is the thief thief of joy like that that's the worst thing you can do as a teacher because you're constantly comparing yourself to this teacher you're worried about that teacher when you should be worried about what's going on in the classroom with your kiddos so that would be my other piece of advice is like you will get your niche and with time and as the years go on you will get you will get your groove you will find your groove and you will you'll start filling it you'll start noticing it and you know and understand that there will be bad days there will be hard days there will be tough days and you know that's that's okay that's life but just whatever you do just don't compare yourself to other teachers I think that's one of the worst things that we could possibly do like I work with amazing teachers and I think of a teacher that I worked with many years ago named Cathy voucher and Cathy voucher was one of the most phenomenal teachers I had ever worked with besides miss neele breath like she had a passion for kids learning and she was always just so she she would get she was very efficient she would get things done she wouldn't waste time and some days I just think what would Cathy about you do and I couldn't be Cathy voucher but I could get ideas from Cathy voucher and I got many ideas from her but I never compared myself to her and oh I wish I was her I wish I could do like she does and that never ever ever ever do that because it will make you a sad teacher versus a happy teacher because you're always trying to live up to somebody else's standards when you're just as amazing and fabulous and yeah that's that's what I would say don't compare yourself it's not worth it you're we're all amazing we're all great you know and when you're at work you have to understand that you're there for work you're not there for you're there for the kids that would be my best advice for first-year teachers coming into the school as a first year teacher even my second and third your teachers because like I said I find that sometimes in my career that I've come across people that have just started out come in with this attitude like they're entitled those are my words of advice for first-year teachers out there if you're a first year teacher out there I hope that helps you and most importantly build those relationships with your students and build those relationships with your parents those two are the tremendously important and everything else will fall into place so until next time I loves I will see you in the next vlog don't forget to stay prayerful and thankful and don't forget to always pray because you know God will truly always make a way I love you guys so much I do bad things [Music]
Channel: One FAB Teacher
Views: 34,756
Rating: 4.9684544 out of 5
Keywords: amazon, amazon store, amazon affiliate program, blogger, teacher, teachers pay teachers, first year teacher, first year teacher tips
Id: dbEaQYIYz80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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