Classroom Management: Procedures and Routines

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when I notice a friend oh my gosh boys a girl I have to stop red I just know there's something that made miss Mae's teacher hearts so happy and it is going to make your first you heart so happy [Music] hey guys it's miss MA welcome back to my channel this is part of my classroom management series I began the series last week with the introduction about building relationships with your students if you have not seen that video please check that out before you watch this video there will be a link in the description box below or click the card up here and it will take you right to it so let's get started classroom management is such a huge part in our schools and our classrooms all across the world and it is very crucial that we have good classroom management so that we can prepare our students for the future so that our content can be taught and not be interrupted by too many eight years so my first tip today is all about procedures and routines it is so crucial and so important that you have procedures in place and constantly doing that many of you are probably wondering what do you mean by procedures so what I mean by procedures is what is it that you want your students to do when something happens and you can't attend to it or what a problem arises you got to have things solutions quickly for the students so they know what to do you can teach a small group you can confer with students and so it's important that you have these procedures in place now I will tell you every single summer since our very first year of teaching I take a day where I just make a list of all the procedures that I need in my classroom you need a lot of them because procedures help for a smooth running slowly classroom and that's what you want sorry guys if you can't tell them I'm kind of losing my voice but anyway so I'm going to give you some examples of some procedures so one procedure many teachers have okay so an example or procedure would be if kids if they're working independently at their seats or wherever in the room and their pencil breaks what do they do so you know back in the day kids would raise their hand you would call them pencils broke you go sharpener form or they were sharpen it themselves well that's a distraction nobody has time for that because if you're teaching a small group you know you know it may be a while before you look up out into your classroom to see what's going on to be able to calm that student so I have a procedure for pencils so for example here's my supply bit okay I did a video on this I'll put a link in the description box as well for this but the procedure is and my kids are working and their pencil breaks they know to put their broken pencil in the broken in a broken bin and then they come to the unbroken and they get a fresh one and they go to their seat simple we're not asking miss May anything they're not asking a neighbor anything they just get up and go do it another procedure would be if a student doesn't have a certain color crayon let's say for instance blue or purple or green at their in their pencil box then they go to the community supplies located in our classroom and if they need a blue they come and get a blue I put blue crayons in here and blue markers all in one place they grab and go now back in the day I just pour all the crayons in one bin and all the markers in another bin well the problem with that is you get kids who want to stay in there and act like they're looking for a color and they're wasting their time so this way it's very quick and simple and easy boom they grab it use it bring it back so that's what I mean by Percy you got to teach those things to your students so that they know what to do there's just there's procedures on how you want your kids to come in to your classroom every single morning from the beginning of the year for a good solid strong month month and a half I teach these procedures constantly and anytime a student may not be doing something correctly we just we go back and revisit it when I say procedures that means anything from how they transition into your classroom how they leave to go home I play music for almost every transition that I have that's a procedure when you made my students hear a certain song they know we have a song for clean-up on your learning spots clean up meet me in the movie area clean up it's the end of the date there's I have different songs for everything there's a song when they come in in the morning to get it up ready to go and happy I have songs that I played during reading time during math group time use music to transition there's so much good music on there and my students they love Kidz Bop so definitely use different songs to transition different situations that those are just procedures that you teach your students and you have to be consistent you have to be consistent you can't do it one day and then not do it for two days then up do it in and then not do it for another day there's no way you're going to have consistency with your students is going to be chaos and who in the world wants chaos in their classroom no nobody has time for that so I'm going to teach you and well I'm going to show you how I teach my students at the beginning of the year now you can do this any time because sometimes we find procedures that we use or manage of itself that we use and they don't work for it and so you have to find that procedure that truly truly works for you and until you do you just keep keep trying keep trying keep trying but always when you start a new procedure or teach something new to them make sure you follow up with the anchor chart so I'm going to show you how I teach my students so here's my anchor chart and anchor what they're thinking on here so that you can refer back to it when you go to reteach it they have a visual so I love to make anchor chart shout out to I love to use mr. sketch markers because they smell good as you're creating them but I always use mr. sketch for my marker or not always but I use mr. sketch most of the time I'm just going to teach you what I do so it goes a little something like this listen girls I'm so excited to teach you this procedure that's going to take place in our classroom this year it's all about when you need to go to the bathroom or you need a drink of water now as you know I showed you where our wash bottles go during the day in case you need to go and take a drink of water but sometimes we forget our water bottles so sometimes you may need to get up and you may need to go to the restroom and go get a drink of water so I'm going to teach you this procedure on how to use the restroom without raising your hand in a queue miss may miss may have this jar here I have this jar here now this sure has a girl's path and a boy path now I'm going to teach you what you're going to do when you need to go to the restroom you're not going to sit there if you have to use the restroom and raise your hands okay what you're going to do is you're going to get the path you're going to put it on your desk you're going to walk out you're going to come back in and then you're going to put it back in the correct spot where belongs back in gear so I miss Mase going to show you what it looks like and what it sounds like when you need to go to the restroom now the only thing miss may ask is that you do not go to the restroom when Miss May is teaching and miss may is teaching I need you here to be listening because it's important that you're learning from Miss May now it's an emergency miss may totally understands if it's an emergency I understand but most of the time we really don't have a true emergency every single day but sometimes we have an emergency you give me that look and here's the look if you need to go to the restroom here's the look and it's an emergency and miss nice teaching as you see miss me so I looked up my eyes are big and I'm shaky like this that lets me know that you need to go to the restroom you can't hold it and I'm just going to nod like that so that you can go not teaching you are free to go whenever you would like so miss mates going to show you what it's like and what it sounds like when you need to go to the restroom here we go now I just showed you what it looks like and sound like when you need to go to the restroom can anybody model what miss Mae just did can anybody show me what I just did okay show me same so guys I'm getting out of character now so what you do is you model it first you model the procedure first what you want to look like and sound like and then second you have another kid model what you did and then so that's when I ask somebody if they want to move your second model what I did we watched them they model we watch them and look at them then I'll say that was amazing I absolutely loved how you did that thumbs up if you really really loved how our first you friend did that so they do that so then I'll go into okay boys and girls I need somebody who my gosh I can't believe I'm asking somebody to do this but I need somebody to model to miss me and to all of our friends what it shouldn't look like oh I can't believe up to with it but can somebody model but not so great way to use that restroom pass and so I modeled that I'm model like fool because guys you got to sell it to these kids you have to sell it so you choose on some you choose someone to model the not so good way on how to do that then after that friend models that they get silly they laugh you know it's all good then you have somebody model again the correct way and then you all watch them they come back and then I'll say oh my gosh let's give all of our actors of Provo yay so then after that you get to the anchor chart and what you ask the kiddos you'll say okay boys and girls let's talk about you know wish it look like when we saw miss May and then you know you could say whoever student a through B or student a student see it look like when we all went to the restroom show me what that tell me what that looks like but you're thinking get farm lock it all right think about it and then always give them you know about 30 seconds to just think and then you start calling on people and they'll start telling you oh I noticed they walked quietly they didn't disrupt friends they didn't run there wasn't any Ronnie they were walking they were you know that you want to put the positive that they see they were walking they were smiling they they moved quickly you know so you just model whatever they come up with that's positive you put that here as they're talking to you then here you ask them well friends what did it sound like when they were going to the restroom and they'll tell you they required you know what I mean so you just anchor their thinking here and then this is your chart that you refer to done teaching that you know you just wrap up with and remind them so boys and girls don't forget when you need to use the restroom you make sure you grab that pass and you put it on your table and then you go and then I explain to them why it's so important that they put it on their table because we may have a fire drill and we may need to leave the building quickly I need to know where you are at because it's so easy to just quickly glance at the tables and see where a passes act I immediate looking I can tell who's gone so that's how you model a procedure during the day you know during the day as I you know after I have modeled this I'll stop in the middle of my small group and kids are working I'm making a point to say when I notice a friend oh my gosh boys or girls I have to stop friends I just noticed something that may miss Mays teacher hearts so happy and it is going to make your first few heart so happy can I tell you what I noticed and of course they'll say yeah I say oh my gosh I noticed how Chloe got up she needs to go to the restroom she didn't raised her hand she went and got that pass she walked to her table she placed it down she went to the restroom widely she didn't run she didn't talk she came back and walked in nicely to grab the past and she put it back and she went right back to work I guess what it didn't interrupt my teaching it didn't interrupt your learning oh can we give her a clap my friend and then we all clap okay so you just that quite often when you notice that because what kid does not want to be doted on it oh my gosh who doesn't want that okay so now I'm going to show you what I do if I notice a kid didn't do the right thing so then I don't do it in the middle class I wait until I play my music the cleanup song comes on for them to come to their learning spot and I'll sit I'll say guys this may eat your heart is fat right now and they'll be like why miss may well someone in her class and friends never call out a kid's name who did it never ever ever don't insult children please don't I don't care how old they are anyway I said friends I noticed kind of friend went to the restroom and they got the pass but they were running it's also run to the restroom and then when they came back I saw them grab the past and as I were taking her back they were interrupting somebody's learning friends my heart is super sad and then I'll say can anybody model for us what it should look like and sound like when we need to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water can anybody model that for me and make miss Mays heart be again and then they'll mock somebody model it hopefully it's the kiddo that made mistake and I'll say I'll call them that kiddo to say oh please no what oh my gosh amazing so friends I hope this helped you with modeling how to teach these procedures I don't I teach these procedures at the beginning of the year right before Christmas break I teach them when we come back from brick I teach them let's teach it to them when we come back from the spring break and during those times it's pretty quick reminder you know what I mean these different routines and then I just ask them periodically friends can anybody tell me I totally forgot my pencils broke and I'm working what am I supposed to do and they will tell you and then you model what they tell you just Model Model Model Model Model Model what you want and be consistent and just keep it in your routine and you should be okay so think about every single procedure that you can think of and the reason why I like that bathroom procedure is because I'm not a fan of you know you get three tickets in the morning and three tickets an afternoon to use the restroom or three tickets all day who has time to be keeping track and tickets to go use them to go pee who has time for that like my principal Sangma say you have two tickets to use the restroom I mean we already hold it as low as we can as it is and then it's I may only have two tickets really like kids have problems you know BAM you know that problem so if they need to go to the restroom I let them use the restroom now I'm going to be honest the restroom thing they're going to try to abuse it a little bit at the beginning because it's new you know they think it's cool that they they don't have to ask the teacher they just go and do their thing I want them to know that one I trust them till I want something to be comfortable and three I want them to be independent you know if I'm sitting in a small group and a kid I was sitting there with their hand raised to go to the restroom it could be two minutes before I look up because I'm so engaged into my group this kid can use repeat on themselves I don't want that I don't want to mama or daddy calling me or grandma Sam's bang so-and-so had an accident why I don't I don't want that I want my parents happy I want myself happy and I want my first is happy so definitely think about your procedures and if they're appropriate if you feel like they're appropriate there are so many ideas out there so many wonderful teachers out there with idea research it but I highly suggest you think about especially in the summertime in your starting the new year I add a to just making a list of all my procedures from passing out papers from getting mail out of their mailbox whatever I can think of you know and always always use music to transition that will be your whoo to me that's what keeps part of this classroom so daggone happy all right my love so don't forget procedures procedures procedures have a procedure for everything everything that you can think of and you got to sell it to them guys if you don't sell it to them they're not going to buy it just think about if I just said yeah I saw somebody you know then do the right thing man or yeah you need to get your pencil hits the brakes throw it in the broken get a new one all right that's it all right so yeah I'm not saying you have to be rough but you have to sell it you have to sell it to these kiddos or they're not going to buy into it and trust me when they don't do it the right way especially after you just you've sold it to them and you've praised so many your happiness when someone doesn't do it right so bad all right loves until next time I will see you next Saturday again with another tip as always hugs mmm and blessings TV love you guys bye [Music]
Channel: One FAB Teacher
Views: 295,777
Rating: 4.9536109 out of 5
Keywords: classroom managment, classroom, procedures, routines, one fab teacher, Miss May, Old Navy, classroom procedures, bathroom routines, bathroom procedures, bathroom passes
Id: 0-n3ZncKAcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2017
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