First trip with the new lowboy is not with out issues exciting and educational all at the same time

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it is time for the moment of truth so we're going to put the new lowboy trailer to the test today we got to move both 850s [Music] it's kind of cool this morning man behind the scenes we got the mysterious fog in the background there's a river out there somewhere yeah temperature's not real high it's gonna be a good day to move some dozers yep so here's the plan we need to go down to former chris's grab one eight fifty we need to go to cordon to the lake drop grab the other 850. somebody erect the other lowboy trailer yeah yeah we ain't got video on that yet do we we do not have video on that uh so well good news i got two trailers right now so so that'll work so anyways guys we drug this thing back home from iowa and for the most part it was in pretty good shape except for the part where me and aaron spent what we spent all day yesterday yes all day which we were supposed to be be moving equipment by dinner yeah that didn't happen so basically before i took this thing out for its base voyage i just wanted to kind of look everything over make sure we were in good shape and for the most part it was we spent a lot of time on the wiring making sure all the lights were burning and all that stuff was good adjust the brakes check the uh adjust the brakes grease the brakes what else do we do to it all we got all of our air valves fixed i'll show you guys how all that works here in a little bit hey hey oh yeah thank you man behind the scenes is so proud we uh welded in the oversized load banner look at this this one's better i like this one but it'll be better it's the second one oh we got the exact same system on this trailer as we do the other trailer i'm trying to make it to where everything is interchangeable so we can just go back and forth and yes we got the flag holder oh that would've been bad got stuck in there so uh first things first we need to head down the lot one thing we do not have on this trailer yet is chains and binders speed binders promo code coming soon right here so anyways we're gonna head down the lot and uh grab the uh grab some chains grab some binders i think and we're gonna hit the road like so i think i think we're in good shape bud try that new tire out did you check the air in the tires we did check the air in the tires oh and we put we had to put one tire on it uh you guys have missed these guys on youtube have missed all of the tire changing fun we have not videoed any of that but if they all go as easy as what that one went that one did yeah so you guys seen us doing all the modifications to the truck uh so we can pull this trailer and i made a comment in that video that's a new new set of tires this winter well it's not winter but the mack has got a full set of new tires on it right after i filmed that karma came back and bit me and it blew a tire out but it wasn't the one that was almost bald it was the one that had the most tread on it yeah the good news is the bad news is we blew a tire the good news is it did it sitting still in the lot so yeah yeah but you got video of right before that happening don't you pretty sure we're not even going to go there okay we're not gonna go there all right you ready they'll see let's uh let's fire this thing up head a [Music] lot all right we are off hopefully this all goes well today back out here on the road rolling [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] you guys showing what you did to my trailer yeah you want to show them what you've done i like you you wouldn't listen to me this is not true we're pulling out in traffic and all i heard was go go go apparently that meant whoa whoa whoa we had to sacrifice a curb can you see it down there oh let me see if i can get in here shut that down probably on this side things we do to get the viewers a good shot yeah gotta be on your side right there you see it i don't know how it didn't damage the tire i heard anything else and we caught the rim right there on something i was not driving there's no weed you weren't driving but you were giving direction i said whoa whoa whoa you're missing the drive hey this is like a little bit of an awkward situation yeah but you want to tell them about the horrible day you had yesterday oh man that there was a lot of beeping going on yesterday somebody set me up there's no usable video because it's all b it's like we're doing morris code i don't like getting shocked so why don't you tell them what you've done to me we had to go back you guys go way back on the channel why don't we wait underneath the lowboy show i don't know you guys go back on the channel for the video putting the cistern in and we had to go back and dig up the water lines uh they had to put a different pump in or something there was more than just water lines and uh somebody was told the electric was off and somebody grabbed the electric and uh it was not off no it wasn't quite the shocking experience yes now i have arthritis i told him he was looking like a drunk penguin coming out of the hole because he stood up on his tippy toes and his hand was all cramped in like this real funny from the seat of the excavator i didn't laugh until i knew you were okay i'm still not okay and then he went home and had a slight roll out of the seat on his tractor in his tractor in the lake yeah well i i was grading the beach and went a little too far into the water and then it sunk so then i had to get the truck and pull it out but the the snake was the worst part it crawled out from underneath the seat and i felt it something on my leg and i looked down and it was a big old chicken snake about six foot long went across my foot now i have the video of that snake but once again there's too much it's not yeah it's it's nice we were hoping we were hoping man behind the scenes has got all this bad luck out of the way today we don't have any issues hauling equipment so first thing we need to do is we're going to steal the speed binders and chains off this trailer because we don't have uh we don't have anything for it yet and we're good at jerome what's in the room i think we've done all we could to make sure this girl is ready to go we got our chains we got our binders we got our drill we got tire pressure we got lights we got paperwork we got fuel kinda [Music] i think we got everything we need we'll find out one way or another i'm sure there's something we're missing when we get there but what we're gonna do this morning is like i said before we're moving both 850s the 850b and the 850j or the old one the new one however you want to categorize them but both of them are route on both of them go past longer wade sawmill so i think we're going to pull into the sawmill first thing with an empty truck and trailer get a weight on what this combination weighs go down pick up the 850b go back to the sawmill weigh in that way we'll have an exact weight what the 850b weighs which i've got to guesstimate but i don't have the exact weight it will also know placement and how to legally haul it with this combination drop it off at the lot then we're going to go back up to cordon which is a pretty good drive it's about an hour and 15 hours 20 minutes up there grab the 850 j and we got to go past wade sawmill on the way back we'll weigh it that'll tell us all the same information as far as how much it weighs where we need to place it on the trailer whether we're legal with the fit or not etc and we'll also know the difference in weight between the two different machines i'm guessing it's about 4 500 pounds i'm curious what you guys think comment down below before we hit the scales and uh let me know what you guys think it is we'll see who's end up being the closest so we got about 20 20 to 25 minute drive the longer wage place we'll roll in there get scaled the 850b is only sitting about five minutes from the sawmill it's down to farmer chris's house yet so should be able to uh make a pretty quick turn and burn there and then it's coming back to the lot because it needs to go back to captain clement's house for his pond repair and we can't get this combination up there we got to put it on the little panel hitch just to haul it up the hill so we'll drop it a lot deal with that last leg another day and then head after the other one so all right you guys got the blame that all makes sense hope so i'm gonna have to go back and watch the video and remember my plan so anyways we're we're hammering out let's go let's thought that's a scale all right making the trip down into longer wade land here it's like the mill's not running this morning oh it's friday i don't run on fridays that makes perfect sense so let's go up here and get wade what do you guys think an empty white is i'm thinking an empty weight and this is an absolute total guess but i'm thinking empty weights probably around 35 000-ish that's kind of kind of where i'm hoping we're out anyways let's put it that way so one way to find out put her on the scales and see what we got convenient when you got a buddy with the scales [Music] all right truck weight is let me go out and look real quick [Music] 23 120 all right it's cool trailer ups that we got all right 23 120 plus 13 13 66 0 equals 36 7. little heavier than i thought but that's pretty close all right so get it done all right first pick up is down here at the one and only big sexy stud muffin farmer chris's so we're gonna get the uh 850 picked up here and i have no clue where it's going but we're coming to get it it is headed right on the other side of this trailer now we just have to wait for uh michael to show up with the uh new lowboy trailer well it is time for the moment of truth get the first load on this old girl see how she does find the gear first [Music] [Music] yeah can back that one up easier than the other one well we got her back in the driveway here let's see if we can remember how to uh how to raise and lower this thing air on there we go we're going down oh that's wrong one all right now we're down we're lower lower that down a little bit there we go disconnect this make sure that stays down in there as we don't run over the tractor get out there and full of safety that's a lot to remember raise the pen i think we're good [Music] uh we got two options we can shovel the tracks right here and let pat run over with a lawn mower and then come looking for you later okay let's do that hope we can be a nice guy and pull it up there and uh shovel them out so you don't have turn over the lawnmower i tell you what for farmer chris we'll pull it up there if it was for pat i'm gonna do it right here all right let's see if all reliable fires up today unfortunately there's two shovels so that means i might have to help try your main oh too many buttons i don't know why but this thing's starting never gets old [Music] so all right let's see how this thing loads up well [Music] [Music] said it before i'll say it again i've been using these things for almost two years now still loving speed binders they're not a gimmick they're not a gadget they are the real deal we've used the impact and we've used the drill kind of went back to the drill i think the drill works better don't you yeah it feels like it's actually easier on them too well i think it i think it tightens them down a little bit with less battery no scientific proof on that just kind of our thoughts all right we gotta throw two chains on the blade and then let's get our uh see if our flags and banners fit aaron's put the last two chains on there we're going to uh see if we get this thing hitched back up and lift it up that'd be a real bummer if we couldn't lift it up for some crazy reason or be a really bad time to blow a hose or something crazy go wrong why why let's just hook it up and see what happens we'll fly my plane here man behind the seat i don't want here to spot you hey you always need to make sure your pins up before you slide it in the hole take that however you want all right let me pull up a little bit that pin should pop up and we'll try it again all right hit the button did you hit the button already okay yeah it popped up did it that time yeah it didn't go all the way back yet so so get it this side oh a little bit a little bit crooked ain't we yeah hey hold that hold that pin dropped again there you go i think i might get it right there moment truth got it all right i'll get the flags that's the easy part there's that one man a lot of slop in that that's why oh wait a minute winder up there you go oh look at that huh all right you know what else we need to do oh i want to see it yeah we need to lift axle engaged you know what else we need to do i'm listening i like lights oh yeah go ahead put them on all right you better hope we're not disappointed me too oh there they are there they are see the new one over here we got three of them not working but it's still flashing yeah give it time warm up they'll start working all right i guess we're gonna head to the sawmill and get a wait here's the plan all right step one is just to get out of the driveway looks weird looking in the mirror and saying that those are sitting out though i'm used to seeing it sitting up real [Music] high [Music] [Music] more all right we are getting ready to make this turn into the sawmill and uh this is a really sharp off-camber turn i probably should not even be attempting to make this turn but i need to kind of figure out what the limits are this lowboy what i can and can't get away with so no better place to try here weights if i get in trouble i know somebody's around to give me a hand kinda see what we got so we're gonna go for it and see what happens looking good so far it's gonna drag bottom there anyway though i've already hit let me see if i can raise it up all right this is what we're trying to figure out what we got [Music] so you should be able to switch that um air rod to that other setting which should raise the back of that trailer up some it's that one right there yep so whatever he flips that switch i should raise the air around the trailer up about three inches the other thing i can do is i can raise this neck up right here and gain some clearance make sure i got my brake set don't want to roll off all right that gave us a little bit extra room see if we make that turn now this is an experiment guys this is an experiment you ready all right ready all right we're close we're not going to make it we're going to back her off here before we tear something up i think i can make it if i had to push the issue i really don't want to push the issue so pull back on the ramp and return back on that four tear something up and reset everything all right let her back down i'm glad i did that that was a good little experiment so i kind of know what my limits are that i knew that was going to be a pretty pretty extreme scenario right there but we can get in here another way all right so plan b what his back in and loop around the [Music] building all right let's pull around the building and head to the scale house i'm gonna circle up and around i'll meet you top of the hill to scale all right what are you guys thinking for total weight i'm uh i'm going mid 70s i'm thinking we're in mid 70s that's kind of what i'm hoping we're at we'll find out play the truck first like we did last time see what we got [Music] trunk is 44 7. all right where are we at man behind the scenes thirty thousand eight hundred oh it's not too bad so uh forty four seven sixty was the truck thirty thousand eight hundred is this i said we're gonna be mid seventies that was my guess that was your guess that was my guess i hope that's on camera it is on camera but have you done this before now one thing i don't know this first time i i'm gonna call myself an idiot here i thought you'd have to weigh the whole truck and trailer to get the weight i didn't realize the rear axles would get the weight of the uh piece of equipment we did weigh the whole trucking trailer i weighed the truck first which was 447 and i pulled the trailer forward oh then you add two together yeah it's called math yeah it's complicated for sure it's friday all right so we are 100 legal with this load actually we'd be leaving with this one then we have to run the drop axle but one thing we need to watch with that other dozer is we need to get that other dozer as far that way as we can to uh make sure we're making sure we're good so so we go right at the split there every bit i've made even put the blade up on the on the back there a little really yep because the truck the truck is not we need to if we need to the truck is underweight but i got a feeling we may be a little heavy on the rear axles i don't know if we got enough weight on the steer we may check that on the next load but the trailer is light uh we can haul up to 50 000 on the rear and we've only got 20 000 we've got 30 000. we're good 34 on the tandems is 12s we go up to 46 on the truck and we're at 44. so see we're pushing our limits on the truck on the trailer yeah see what i'm saying got you all right i figured that math out on my own let's uh let's head derby get this well loaded we'll go after the other one okay so we're pulling out weights here to recap to recap a little bit our empty weight i'm trying i'm trying to remember this in my head so bear with me a little bit guys our empty weight was like 37 720 and our loaded weight was like 75 560 which uh i'm doing a quick math in my head i think that puts this dozer weighing like 38 38 700 pounds somewhere in that neck of the woods uh which i always thought this dozer weighed about 37 000 pounds so it's a little bit heavier than i thought but uh it's right in that area where i thought it was the long story short with this trailer the way we got it loaded we're legal we're a little bit heavy on the truck not overloaded on the truck we got a little more weight on the truck we should be able to pass a little bit of that weight off to the trailer by positioning it a little bit different so we'll know to do that a little different in the future so we're going to hold back into derby get this one unloaded turn and burn and take off after the other one and see what we got there so amber down the derby we go all right cruising down the road about 55 56 mile an hour there's a couple things i have noticed right off the bat with this trailer one i don't know what the difference is both of them are air ride man this thing this thing rides smooth i don't know if it's the way it carries the weight or what but it's definitely a difference in the way it rides it is much much much smoother too i've noticed in a few different scenarios way way better brakes this one here has the bigger 12-inch brakes my other trainer only has the 10-inch brakes this one here has got a whole nother axle breaking where the other one don't so uh have heavier loads of those other another trailer uh the brakes did fine but i knew there was room for improvement this trailer here huge huge improvement and i don't know what the difference is i was trying to explain it to aaron this one just seems to pull easier i don't know if the dozer is down lower so it's catching less wind uh or if the trailer is lighter i don't think the trailer is lighter but it just uh it seems like the truck's taking less effort to get it all down the road so i am really really liking the way this thing's hauling so far no complaints about that whatsoever but we're getting ready to make the turn down into derby and get unloaded so let's head down the hill um load one has made it to the loft [Music] don't think we lost the broken pieces so that's good all right let's get her unloaded see if i get my system figured out here snap crackle pop all right so now we'll pull our safety main pin got it got it lower our arm down and disconnector airless pull away no travel come here behind the scenes we made it we did everything looks good everything real good looked like a cadillac from behind i seen some crazy guys standing in the road up there about here try and get the best footage i can hopefully appreciate that cause you're a little too close for me i was ready to hear you hammered down past me but i was just talking about how good it breaks i got i'm thinking boy i ain't got that good brother all right we'll get this one unloaded this is another thing i'll show you right here show them how well the speed binders work on this one aaron oh yeah could you imagine trying to get in there and ratchet the other one well and then it's up here this i don't think we could get in so [Music] that works awesome i can reach it we raised we shimmed the fifth wheel up on the trailer two inches and now whenever we use this trailer the doors open on the toolbox somebody can't reach it to close it yeah that's one thing i don't like not gonna mention names you all clear yep you're good [Music] it's kind of weird [Music] [Music] so i get it go oh let me go down a little bit don't i yep you going all right now that was pretty got it huh was slick that time i say it third time's a charm i think i got in two two yeah pretty good all right set that down engage our safety bring our deck up all right set our travel pins oh we'll go ahead and bring that up yeah boom got it no we gotta hook our airlines up see oh yeah well yeah i meant as far as it hooked oh just in there yeah i do that all right let's hit the road well guys we are cruising down the interstate about uh 65 mile an hour right on the speed limit on our way up to uh our way up to gordon to get the other 850 the plan is on it i think we're going to go on pass running the other way probably pulling the driveway and back out loaded i think it'll be easier on the trailer and a little less risky i don't know a little different system than what we've done with the other trailer but hope that we'll get it loaded up and then uh head back we'll get it weighed and then it's actually going to go to the shop after we got done with it on this job want to get it throw it through the shop got a couple of little small mid picker things i want to fix on now we've got some hours on it do a complete service on it should be in good shape so anyways i will see you guys when we get to the job site all right second pick up today is the cadillac of the 850s the 850j the ac cab get out here and see how it works now the tire they got blue on the other lowboy trailer was right here and i don't see anything that would have popped the tire the only thing i can think is where we came out our tracks are right here you can see right there that's it it had been just that little hop right there i hear the old mac the plan is we're gonna we're gonna pull in this time then we're gonna back out we'll be backing out the way we came in [Music] love this nice wide driveway i wish they were all like this yeah yeah that was pretty nice there she is let's get it loaded [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] yeah it looks pretty good you're about a half inch farther to the uh your right but that's about it you can come up a little bit more to get halfway [Music] well we are loaded we are loaded we are chained hopefully we're properly placed hold the above exactly all right we're going to give it first try first try this first try this time first round went three two we are up for one here we go let's see what happens i ain't gonna help him this time see how he does he's too high right now i can tell you that yep he's high oh it went though yeah i'll give him credit it was a little high but it went ready yep going up all right got it all right we are all loaded up and ready to go we are definitely a little heavy on the trailer that last load i don't know if you guys can see that gauge how last load we hauled we're right at 40 and we're about 50 now so definitely got a little more weight on the back of the trailer and we probably got a heavier dozer so we're going to drop the lift axle back out the driveway make a run for the scales roll it down and roll let's see if we get back down the driveway without too much of a incident here all right i can't see anything so i'm 100 100 depending on air that's a little bit scary in it still good inside [Music] so [Music] we got one very narrow little county road here heading into town so we're just going to kind of take her easy and wiggle our way down there and not get too crazy with it i may uh pull over down here in this little intersection let you around me he kind of lead the way got aaron up there kind of leading the way for me at least getting traffic slowed down a little bit so never uh it don't come around the blind corner and surprise me got about three miles of this road and it will be on the open road so we'll put the camera down here and concentrate on driving a little bit [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right we have made it through town just stopped and checked all the binders and make sure everything was riding good everything looks pretty everything looks pretty doggone good so it's interstate time boys and girls we're gonna hammer down for a minute [Music] um [Music] [Applause] so guys just got off the interstate trailer did awesome road awesome hold awesome pulled awesome all the above we are rolling back into longer wades here let's pull around to the scales get a weight on this one and see where we're at i got a feeling let me know in the comments what your guess is going to be but i think this dozer here is gonna weigh close to forty four thousand forty five thousand and that's gonna be pushing us right at the 80 000 mark we're gonna be close we're gonna be real close so i'm also curious to see how our placement on the trailer is so let's pull around and find out all right same as last time we'll do the truck first boom right there see what we got [Music] well we got a heavier dozer less weight on the truck so we must have did something right for his movement 43 740 can you remember that 43 740. i know i got my mic and i ain't got my hat i can see my head okay now did it ride good that's the main thing it rode awesome good good that's amazing let's just see how heavy the trailer is check check one two all right man behind the scenes what is the 34 600 on the nose do you remember what the other one was well i thought it was 47 but i think my math might be wrong no i'm pretty sure it's 43 720 plus 34600 equals 78 320. so is that good or bad that means once it's good it means we're legal okay that's what i wanted to hear and uh if i minus that from 37 700 which uh thinks approximately what the trailer weighs means this dozer weighs forty thousand six hundred twenty pounds and how much does your other dozer weigh thirty eight thousand seven hundred something so there's only not even two thousand different we'll have to go back and review the tapes on all this to make sure all my life's right but uh i think we're good the trailer's doing what we need to do and then we got our we got our placement right let's uh let's have the house not load this big think so that's it let's do it all right long story short guys i need to get back double check the video and uh get all the numbers and make sure my numbers are right and my math right so don't get too upset with me if i'm wrong on that because i'll double check it and then i need to get all right you guys know me math on the fly is not my thing so let me break this down for you guys and kind of show you what we got going on here so we started off the day in blue here we weighed the truck and trailer truck was 23 120 trailer was 13 660 total weight of 36 780 about a thousand pounds heavier than what i thought it was going to be but keep in mind my mac truck is actually pretty heavy especially with all the modifications i've done to it and the uh the trailer is no slouch either so it's in the ballpark of where i thought it was going to be no huge surprises there so then we went and picked up the 850b 850b truck 44 760 trailer 30 800 total weight 75 560. now so we are 100 legal we are legal up to 80 000 pounds the thing i have to be careful with here on my truck my semi truck the rear tandems can hold 34 000 pounds the steer axle depending on what tires are on it and how it's configured about 12 000 pounds i didn't actually weigh just the tandems on the truck because i knew i could shift the trailer the dozer around the trailer a little bit because i was extremely light on the trailer long story short we're under 80. everything is good i'm 100 legal with just the annual oversized load permit i got now on the 850 j you heard aaron alluded in the video a little bit and i got a second guess of myself and we did make a mistake and let me show you where the mistake was out so the truck 43 740 was correct what was incorrect was the trailer was thirty six thousand one hundred i don't know a hundred percent for sure what went wrong i went back to look at the video i think the mistake i made was i wasn't completely square with the completely scared square with the scales and i don't think i had one set of tandems on the rear axle fully on the scale i think it was kind of on the crack halfway in between halfway off so once we loop back around re-weighed and got to 36 100 that put our total to 79 840. kind of close on that one boys and girls cutting it close on that one i apologize i do not have any video of that final weigh-in um i was using the gopro 9 with the wireless mics it was getting late in the day for some reason that camera is unreliable for me i got like seven clips in this video that are just gone so uh and unfortunately this is one of them and as you guys will see here in a minute uh everything goes to heck in a handbasket so stay tuned for that i don't want to spoil it for you guys so long story short after talking to officer hoover about this number here uh the game plan is he thinks we'll be perfectly fine running local here on the in our local county which is what we do 90 percent of the time but if we venture back out on the interstate or if we go on any long hauls or get moving very far i can actually permit my truck depending on the front axle configuration i can permit my truck up to and fifteen hundred and sixteen thousand pounds somewhere in that range without a whole lot of work that's a pretty standard overweight permit because i go about twenty thousand pounds per axle and the variant would be how my steel steer axle is configured so if i want to be safe you know we get this truck loaded down with fuel or we get some dirt or whatever it's not going to take a whole lot to get this thing over 80 000 pounds so if we go very far at all we may consider just getting an overweight permit for that particular trip now a couple things that did surprise me we kind of talked about the total weight of the trailer truck and trailer being a little heavier the 850b weighs about close to 2000 pounds more than i thought it would and about a thousand pounds more than what the john deere spec is i think the reasons for that is is that particular dozer was 100 full of fuel i don't know when the last time the belly pans on that machine was was cleaned out uh i think over time we've just accumulated some weight and it's showing up right here on the scale now the other thing that surprised me was i thought for sure this one here was going to weigh a thousand pounds more than what it was going to which is why in the beginning of the video i was a little bit worried about this number right here now the also the difference between those two is not quite as much as i thought it was going to be i think the reasons for that is i'm pretty sure i have no way to prove it without taking it off and weighing it but i think the blade on the 850 850b actually weighs more than the 850j it's almost 14 inches wider the subframe on it seems to be it's not heavier there's just more of it so i think that's one reason the 850b is actually a longer dozer like overall length is a longer dozer uh and it was full of fuel belly pans were were full we discussed that a little bit so i think that's why that's down a little bit now the 850 j why i think it weighs a little bit less uh it was completely empty on fuel it was it was bone dry uh belly plans and everything in it are cleaned out uh with it being a military machine that dozer if it don't need it it's not on it for example the drawbar uh any valving any hosing uh it's a bare bare minimum machine so if that machine being stripped down being out of fuel and being fairly clean compared to the other one i think that's where we lost a little bit of weight over the spec because the john deere spec is about forty four thousand so the e50b weighs a thousand more than the john deere spec but the 850 j weighs a thousand less than the john deere spec so hopefully that makes sense but good information for me to know here we kind of know where to place them we know what we need to do to be legal and uh yeah hopefully that all made sense it did give me a few great hairs but it's all good information all right back to trucking turn around i checked a lot of things before i took off on this trip i'm not for sure the fuels yeah yeah the gauge works good thing is mostly downhill to derby from here we got fuel kinda foreign like i said it's a good thing it's all downhill to derby because we are running on fumes boys and girls we are running on fumes we still got the hill to climb to go to the house so let's uh let's pull it here and top of this thing up top this thing off with some fuel and we'll make the final pull [Music] made it somebody's in got a trouble and a state trooper here and i have no ties with you they looking for you the whole thing looking for me let's pretend like we don't exist we got a camouflage bullet over here yeah well the good news is we did make it to the gas station we made it the bad news is uh it literally ran out of fuel while we were sitting here filling it with fuel then we went to prime it somebody got a little aggressive with a crescent wrench a poked hoe in a fuel filter so uh turn that camera who done it no keep turning keep turning buddy the good thing i know the guy owns the gas station so i guess we're going to take the loader pull this thing out of the way go to town and get a fuel filter there you go way to have it on the guy that does yeah man oh man hey at least we made it to derby i think i told you before we took off recording hey we need to check the fuel no you said i'm about out of fuel i said i think i got enough i was right i had enough and none more all right grab the load let's pull this thing before the uh the owners come we lose that here oh yeah we don't want to do that ah at least the loader's got us let's go back to you get up against the fans what go back to get to the fan swing quick camera go back to the fence and quit that'll work call him again what what is this oh i labeled it how it should be labeled unplanned change we had an x to change them next oil change not this oil change as in yesterday so why'd you stay ahead of the curve everybody evidently you do drove all the way from alabama to see me and now he's finding out who really keeps things in line now he's seeing behind the scenes behind the scenes how you ran the truck i was like i'm gonna show nobody that you ran the truck out of fuel and here you go yeah here we go we're gonna show everybody all right they're gonna want to see my cdls we'll run out of gopro batteries sd cards and time let's hope this thing starts you ready i got a birthday party yeah yeah a little better my wife's waiting on me 20 minutes ago all right come on don't let me down want me to purge it hit that pump see if it's tight i'ma make sure you didn't lose prime yeah it's tight come on all right we're gonna have to bleed the injectors here let's see if we get some fuel oh all right shut her down look out fuel what you ready for take 4987 let's go let's go let's go how was it wherever i was pulling you go go go go go here we go that's a good thing i'm hoping you were our good luck charm charm today we need it [Music] all right so can i put tools up now am i good to put pools up it's running and it's full fuel all right we're going to try this again this thing still needs to go to the shop we got one hill to climb through here and there and we're home free so huh let's do it so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] well guys after a slightly eventful day we have officially made it to our destination i am i am out of time i'm out of batteries i'm not sd cards i am not everything aaron already had to go so we're going to save unloading this for another time another day but the main thing is guys the trailer worked absolutely awesome it uh the research i did to spec this thing out i think it's really paid off the lighter 35 ton trailer is plenty heavy enough to hold this keeps the weight down the trailer song stay under that 80. the way this is profiled right here i'm thinking i put some of my smaller equipment up there and double down like the 140 and the skid steer can possibly be one load now i may have to hit the scales again to make sure that still still fits but uh no reason to think no reason to think it wouldn't i know it'll fit so now we can scale it or not but everything worked great all the work we did to the fifth wheel crossmember it's like the plan come together it's just a little small detail of putting fuel in the truck though just really bites you in the butt every once and i'm kind of glad we pushed our limits a little bit there getting into waves because that taught me kind of what i can and can't get away with now i can always use that to judge whether or not i can jump that curb or jump that railroad track or make that entrance so i'm kind of kind of glad we went through that even though we didn't make the turn it taught me a lot as far as what i can and can't do but anyways guys trailer success sec trailer i'm tired trailer is a success uh everything's where it's supposed to be i got a feeling that's probably gonna end up being probably end up being our first choice i think the other one's gonna be in a backup plan i'm really impressed it rides good haul is good it loads good it does everything good and uh yeah anyways that's a wrap guys hope you enjoyed the trucking video don't forget to like subscribe and comment as always we'll catch you guys on the next one [Applause] you guys ever wonder what man behind the scenes does why he's waiting for me to show up here you go so get my singing voice going here this be the last time you see me on film for a couple days but uh she'll be coming up the hill when she comes she'll be coming up the hill when she comes she'll be coming up the hill she'll be coming up the hill she'll be coming up the hill when she comes i thought you guys like that listen very closely that's all folks
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 93,884
Rating: 4.9442244 out of 5
Keywords: how to, andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mini, mulcher, mustie1, out door with the morgens, skid, stanly, steer, trackhoe, welker farms, detach lowboy, trailer, lowboy, haul, trucking, heavy haul, custom truck, moving equipment, heavy haul nation, lowboy hauling, lowboy trailer, truck weight, regulations, education, safety, load
Id: kH4eT8NCVfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 58sec (4498 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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