FIRST TIME WATCHING *Garfield: The Movie*

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Garfield did you eat all four boxes four boxes of lasagna or today we are back with a fun one and we're checking out Garfield now everyone knows Garfield I can't remember what I've watched or is it red star cartoon I don't even know but Garfield I knew him from my childhood this movie looks like a lot of fun so let's not wait we're just gonna jump straight into it is anybody watching watching us on a Monday because I hate Mondays I actually had a cat that looked exactly like that then it died it was called cheese is that lasagna does he love lasagna since when the cat sleep on the blankets oh he's got his own bed okay oh this is the world's greatest CGI too fair this CGI is better than the flash CGI cover me I'm going in oh wait is the voice Bill Murray Sleeping Beauty wake up stop dreaming about me because I'm here now dreaming about you I've never had a dream about my cat trying to cuddle with me huh wait can you hear him talk I'm imagining not this is just like his own monologue unless he's a special cat just one quick Cannonball [Music] oh no no cat food is the one that I was feeding my cat like the wet food this morning I almost threw up I hate doing it I know they shouldn't eat the dry is not good for them but the smell of the cat food is just ah what the oh liver oh well I mean liver's very good for you little high fat Chaser the milk chocolate oh Adam boy normal no he must be a special Cat Let's Play astronaut again today Brave Little astronaut all right who remembers our milk gets delivered though do any of you actually still get it I know you can I don't actually use milk in anything though probably some mummy milkers maybe two one it wouldn't surprise me if actual cats have done this come to Papa baby you're on the wrong side of the street oh God hey we didn't mean to go over it sorry buddy you're gonna get it good today I make a point to get it good every day the real question hey distract you with something shiny oh now you're making fun of me I love these voices though so silly kiss massive oh my God hey yo I don't know how Wild this thing is going to get this is the movie of all time so much time Mouse no thanks I'm full this is your one job how can you not want to chase that but guys I don't know can you actually understand his cat or not what good is the cat they can't chase a mouse all right I'll handle this I know you don't hear me but can't you just listen okay you're gone here all right it's not a special are you still special but he's not like a mudgy cat sorry boy oh he actually put in his mouth have you tasted yourself lately hey no never well I thought you got the taste of mice happily cat food is everywhere TV newspapers t-shirts would want that kind of exposure I bet you would look at that you see her face I made a baseball chick around me oh lasagna hell yeah remember be happy where's the worst cat food ever ever you know what I would do get like a cat you feed it your food next shot like big explosions music and the cat is just like swole let's set out immediately [Music] is this gonna be the villain wait Garfield is a villain in it I didn't expect this level of plot the segment went quite well of course it went well you toad toad whoa it's looking a bit far now and everybody always said I was the hands who the hell said that I'm sorry it had just like a Runway got four boxes lasagna love me feed me never leave me that's already got one sir cats are so funny though I do believe they're quite healing Garfield's not healing anything apart from lasagna's stock price if that's a that's not a thing but you know what I mean I worry about him I know you do if she was my vet though I'd be making up all sorts of problems for him let's get Garfield in for a step I want to talk to you since high school please ask her out so she can reject you and we can get on with yeah then you have then you get a new vet right after Paddock you're okay uh tail waxing and then cracked my toes to finish oh good toe crack is nice important I need to ask you something that I wouldn't ask most the guys who come in here really well you know Liz I wanted to ask you the same thing for a very long time are you sure Liz I'm ready to take a chance I am ready for who says this before asking someone out though listen I'm ready to take a chance and oh I'm ready for a dog wait you want to give us a dog what why it's cute but why the vets do this give people what he needs to be loved well given to someone else then that's like the Trump special I swear well thank you thank you very much oh Elvis all right I guess I know what it's like to be unloved or so bad though anytime you go into a pet store you really want to buy all the animals because they look so sad in the cage just never go in you'll end up taking one home you know you don't have to do this if you don't want to you're a good friend friend John transition it's a dog shows stuff like that like Johnny Boy all right then asking me out oh oh baby she definitely wasn't she just wanted to give the dog to someone come on buddy John you had me a chick magnet I wouldn't say a cat is a chick magnet it could help but as you can see I'm still John's favorite this is payback for the liver thing isn't it well you do have a cat flap now what my cat does though always meowing for me to open the door when the cat flap is right there remain calm that's all John's a cat guy not a dog guy he's gonna become a dog guy all you do is steal his food close my eyes and when I open them everything will be back to normal [Laughter] oh he's actually so cute though hey don't shove it that's too far now just need a little quality time with Man's real best friend Samsung remote let's do love watching TV though it's go time pal [Music] yeah I think I just may have a mental advantage on this guy well most dogs aren't that clever but they just love anyone cats are very selective if a cat doesn't like someone you should take note you want to play you can be my new astronaut why can't this dog talk to us into the pale and help me no those dogs cleverly looks oh that's one life gone I left the dogs like milk dogs eat anything wait for them been waiting years if it wasn't for Odie you'd be Lucas chew toys yeah you're gonna love the dog now John doesn't let me sleep up top Odie oh you wanna sleep in the bed okay this is literally everyone look at a dog we'll make any exception for a cute little boy or girl another day ruined no he's such a good boy I must never dug this good though come on well I am my favorite X-Men is what I am [Music] I don't want to play oh this film is so stupid I love it I really don't know how they would do these scenes over the dog like I really don't know must be so hard to vote with animals oh I love to dish it out like how do they do that watch out you see you can't touch this come on hey girlfriend oh I'm sorry oh my God this dog is the best how did they get him to do that we're stepping up a little bit something like this [Music] get out I really think this is the best scene of all time most cinematic what's the matter oh my God this dog's kind of glitchy though there's more trouble she drives a big truck is he gonna be a passenger princess wait why is he wearing a suit and bringing the dog where are we going for a walk and then we're going to see you oh I find any adventure and you're still yeah he is a passenger princess for me and they can move that fast is this what people wear the dog shows her like a Ferrari Gum Dog Hoops dogs there's so many wait it's not for gonna ruin the whole show [Music] [Applause] hold up oh okay I'm hitching a ride in your moo moo oh my God whoa whoa whoa hold up she's gonna be like how much for the cats I have a new star in the arena oh no this is my favorite dog ever I don't even care he's such a good boy though I'd give him all the trees in the world after that did this dog what how much of it is real I don't even know like I don't do that dog that could have a future in television you just want to work with the dog don't you yeah I'm gonna change your mind you just ring me up you give hello hello I changed my mind I want to be your star okay okay I mean just tell us how much you're gonna pay us then sure I bet that guy's gonna try and steal him isn't he would you like to come in not today I'm sorry ruined it how's Sunday Sunday is Sunday's great she's the only kind of a friend though there's such a weird like oh never mind oh so I'll see you Sunday the thing is though kissing and not doing anything that's almost worse it doesn't even touch me at all then what's all about me how does he managed to mess up everything this bad oh no oh my God this is beyond terrible [Music] you gotta blame me on a burglar oh come on John John no used to have hey day or night I'm in a new dog I do want to know though how many times have you seen this movie like is it a childhood one leave me alone you're inside with him oh odie's the best they didn't film just about Odie I feel like everyone prefers everything Garfield wait is the cat flap blocked yeah why can't you go in she's not even blocked why is he crying just go in and you must be touched in the head so that's evil I hate Garfield now you never put the dog out at night because dogs run away no only oh wait it's gonna lead him to that guy he's gonna steal him the plot thickens oh he's so cute man you can watch him all day he's such a good boy honestly no no he's gonna cry stop it no don't hate this film oh is that all the saddest thing you ever seen we have here oh thanks Doris unless she's actually gonna eat him or something maybe she's a witch you're hungry I slept like a fat cat I hate golfer they're pissing me off where is that silly dog what do you think he is dogs don't just wait like that got to get a dog I know you've been sad and lonely since the divorce and I've tried to be a friend not for really talented dog I think you manifested it like Odie yeah now he was good oh yeah oh yeah oh no how did that guy recognize Odie though in that black on my picture from like a mile away he's got a good eye I think he's run away I was giving him a bath last night and Garfield hates his car he's an idiot look around the other side of the tree I'm offering a reward with the name of a hi oh forget the dog excuse me dinner the the two of us of course the three of you with Garfield I'm sure come in yeah yeah come on more of an admission who is this girl I can't take my eyes are far it's the red dress in the Matrix distracting you know trip over yourself cute that's one of the reasons I had a crush on you in high school what we could have been doing this the whole time I thought you were really cute decent not like all those other jerks I don't believe it I I had a crush on you too isn't that funny someone say funny is the right word no I can I can go no no I'm glad you're here no you're not like that where you going got some lasagna in the fridge you know if you tell her the truth you'll feel much better and you won't have to see her anymore what'd you mean you're not to see her anymore just be like odie's gone he vanished it's not actually Gonna Leave You don't tell her no yeah you do wait this guy's got a whole train set in his house that's a bit weird odie's run away why didn't you just tell I guess I figured it was the only reason you were spending time with me what you're should have told you she likes from high school why what's wrong with this guy he answers to Odie family name this guy's evil though Odie oh come on why is he crying oh oh dude how could I ever repay you an autograph would be splendid see further imagine putting up yeah like dog found so many people are gonna try and say it's theirs they're staying happy oh wait he's gonna see him on the TV [Music] although he seems to have found an alternative lifestyle oh look at that oh that's his last name schnitzel thank you for all your help yesterday you were uh who remembers that background those old Macs though damn that's a throwback in itself oh he's not ready oh no is that a dog collar that's it that's evil that color is inhumane there's a villain the dog's future do you have a problem with that yes I do look at Odie how can you do that oh this is so hard to watch she's so lovely that's where they make the happy Chapman show but how far away can that be maybe paw and a half maybe I can do this without snacks this is the red Golden's new book well he was barely off the doorstep [Applause] everyone after the New Year's resolution two months in now that's more my style oh taxi at least he's coming to the rescue no odie's not a hound dog this film really makes you want to have a lasagna I can't remember the last time I had one two years I made your favorite lasagna now you know he's really gone well wrap the size of rats the Ratatouille crossover ask him where the kitchen is me no me wait what you what 100 body fat no nutritional value whatsoever I mean France the most nutritional I wish there was something I could do to help the macadamia nut cookies I do love the macadamia I want Ryan's cookies we're almost there we gotta cross the street way over there oh no Toy Story style this is literally Toy Story am I dead especially said how many cats get run over so many first thing Monday morning I'm gonna get to work on losing those last 20 pounds 20 pounds how much do you think he weighs it's like we got ourselves a blockage [Music] Purge the system oh no you wouldn't so who uses a keyboard with a pen is this taking us up or back down although it's hard though oh yeah then Oscar who took the thing and she'll say oh that's nice man I'll tell you the happy man when do Heroes get to eat oh my no I'll save and get him out of the cage sad to think that odie's probably definitely dead by now this year how sad hopefully he had lots of children I kind of want you back home too I swear if we see him use that color I'm gonna kick off Showtime good morning New York there is flipping for you don't you dare oh my God hey nobody gets to mistreat my dog like that except me yeah I mean some I've been to that but already is not I'll be right behind you little buddy I have no idea what he's gonna do with that oh and he's playing Skate three just hold of me whoa now you're just showing off buddy [Music] well what the hell wait lasagna truck it's a message from God my life has been saved by the miracle of lasagna dude they really make me want to have lasagna whoa what have we got here who the hell are you get away do people actually do this capture stories this is a Thing If you ever go to Greece though my god there are cats everywhere it's like cat Islands I swear people oh Who's Gonna Save Us now every other animal hates us I saw the flyer odie's my dog no no cow oh he's a family name you know nothing no I'll do that I'd open that door back up excuse me just get a face could you please be quiet because you please shut up do we have to watch the cats moving now with James Corden oh my God I don't think I could ever do that not for a long personickety would you please just stop calling me that it's sir Roland sir Roland oh sirola my favorite character in ruella did I just hear that right you're a cat that's trying to rescue a dog a dog yeah we're trying to let's go dog man you want a hot dog I forgot we're in New York you know that is absolutely Charming that's a Charming spiffing what a message in this film five count lineup right now let's go hey what's going on adoption oh wait are we gonna get taken why would they choose Garfield out of all the cats this will never work oh you are a heavier that's kind of good though they take cats up the streets and let people take them no it's nice all right let's Light It Up was it with FEDS always grabbing that belt though my guy John is coming together is that The Usual Suspects I was gonna say You're really an idiot child if you chose Garfield when I give the signal run like a mad cow what no not the red button oh my God yeah what's that film isn't it like cats and dogs or cat's first dogs this trigger the memory scene with these cats and dogs running who remembers that one we got Runners we got Runners this guy takes his job so seriously I always feel so sorry for um animals though people take them on the plane in here as Garfield good after good afternoon gentlemen salmon steak or lasagna what train is this I hate lasagna baby what scad coming through burn him up the steak God that's pretty good question our date results one of those questions they say yes you can trust them and if not oh I can't outrun a train oh but you can jump on it no we're too late we're gonna stop that train how are you stop a shirt excuse me excuse me this man has my dog stop the train simply no way to stop that train man you don't understand you have to stop that train my dog and my cat are on that train you have to stop the train my dog which is like oh why did you say so okay I'll stop it see what happens when I do this oh good Lords Garfield murders hundreds folks in Boston they're gonna be a little late today I hope they're gonna be days never mind late morning Collision yeah I'll stop oh my God where are you I think I recognize that wine no is there a sequel I think there is we're gonna have to watch that as well just for Odie and lasagna smash like if you want the sequel uh seven thousand likes and we'll eat lasagna live ASMR mukbang um while we watch it how's that with a cat here [Music] if it is an unhappy chappie oh you look so scared though let's get out of here okay no way that guy Knew by doing that that would have a dirty animal is ever gonna get the better of me 200 volts coursing through that thick canine skull if you dash the hell up right now hey Boomer what round is it good to see you chubby this is a good one get him [Music] it is Bulls they even get that pretty necklace around his neck oh my God now these dogs will become a fence the Garfield shaking see you later Garfield Odie would you mind sharing oh he's wearing the color this guy's so into it though isn't he I can see him just getting like smacked up shocked let's see what's on the news foreign try something else [Music] we'll start making a backflip though from there that was impressive stealing my dog and my cat [Music] you guys are my best friends that's a bit far though you guys are my best friends they're family not best friends come on Vin Diesel let's go holiday though I wonder if that actually is wait which one's Jimmy Kimmel Jimmy Kimmel's a voice who's Spanky I just got a funny film though like you know it's just silly fun it makes you think you're back in the 2000s life is simple you're a really great friend John who says you kissed maybe more than your friend but no this universe isn't real where our girl is this forward I'm sorry John I want to be more than your friend like that never happened I'm sorry dude he is living the life my God I'm jealous the in flavor blasted goldfish watching TV that's the dream come on come on you're just so evil I hate you [Music] I think this is a Canon event guys I think I'm dramatized hey hey what a film the movie of all time so that does it for the Garfield movie this one was a lot of fun made me very hungry for lasagna for some reason but I would love to know what you guys thought of this film and if you did miss a favorite moment you can always watch the full movie along with me on my patreon in the description below and if you guys did enjoy this one be sure to smash the like button and subscribe for more thank you guys very much for watching and I will see you on the next
Channel: SebScreen
Views: 92,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IyP3kYwzRmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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