First Time Hearing Dave Grohl and Foo Fighters! "Everlong" vocal analysis by Opera Singer!

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[Music] welcome back to the charismatic voice I never knew when analyzing Nirvana that the drummer would become the lead singer and guitarist of Foo Fighters now I do know a few bits of this song Because I had a student practice it in the past but I've never heard Dave Gro sing it and I've also never truly analyzed the sound of this band so lots of Firsts let's get to [Music] it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello I've waited here for you ever tonight oh I throw myself into and out of the red out of the head she [Music] say [Applause] [Music] oh oh this is like this is lovely and uh for a little extra context here I think the only other time I've heard Dave CR sing I think was as Satan with Tenacious D so and that was in a music video so I really wanted to hear him sing live and fortunately I my team found a really good live clip it looks like um live at wimbley I love the sound quality and the video quality of this it's fantastic it's always such a tossup whether or not we all do a music video which is perhaps the sound and the extra vision of the band that's been totally produced or something that's live so I can see how they're creating that sound and this is this is really good okay I'm going to go back to the beginning so many love lovely [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] things I mean just immediately that chord progression it creates uh a sense of of longing and some something that's unresolved for a while and that's probably because one of the chords in there holds attension longer than you would really [Music] [Applause] expect this one holds it extra huh alone I've waited here for you he just sounds like so sincere in his delivery it's not perfect meaning it there's little bits that if you are just producing this some producers would say ah let's like let's adjust this particular picture this timing and and and they would really do so much that it would take the humanness out of it unless they're a super super smart producer um I I love the way it just feels so authentic and immediately connected with his message in the audience [Music] hell I also really love the way he takes a lot of time on that H to draw Us in hes don't tend to have a lot of sound of course it's just got air coming through it's not even voiced right so your vocal folds aren't going whacka whacka whacka to create a pitch underneath the H I don't even think there's a voiced pairing though there are voice pairings with most consonants h no I don't think I can figure that one out I don't think it's voiced uh and he really gives that extra time almost like as a funnel to draw us into the sound hello I've waited here for you so unweighted when I talked about that slight imperfection that makes it more human and honestly just easier to connect to as an audience member weighted goes a Teensy bit sharp that tells me that they're not doing a lot of tinkering on his voice in this particular performance which is really exciting because I get to hear it truly in a very stripped down raw kind of format but it also when you have a lot of longing in the sound or just energy that needs to sort of burst out of the voice a lot of times it goes a little bit sharp and there's an eagerness that I hear in the word waited right and it's like the perfect moment to go just a Teensy bit sharp it's perfectly humanly expressive i' waited here for you ever I just noticed he goes up on his toes when he sings that part he like does a little lift that you can see from back here [Music] cute ever tonight oh I throw myself into and out of the red out of the head [Music] she that's catchy and it does feel like it's leading into uh the chunky part of the main like main part of the song this has just felt very intro is so far but I I know I like the way it's catching it makes me want to start singing with him right away and out of the red out of the head she [Music] [Applause] say calm down and waste away with [Music] me notice how close he's getting to the mic on those low notes that sounds like it's sort of the lower end of his range and so there's a couple of things that he's doing that are super super smart one is he's getting close to the microphone the bottom end of your range it's going to start getting really quiet uh so if you look at AC capella groups for instance when you hear those bases drop down to the lowest note they almost always choke up on the microphone they'll bring it real close to their mouth that's exactly what he's done here also some people make the mistake of trying to press those low notes out and they'll really cut off how many pitches they can hit on the low end of their range if you open this up and think more like a fog horn you'll be able to get some additional pitches out and his sounds so open with lots of air traveling through and Waste Away with Me Down with me ah it's very open slow it to be nice over my head out of the head she said I think it's fascinating also a few times now he's gone up leapt up to a note that was much higher but been really controlled with the dynamic automatically voices want to be louder when they're higher if if they're saying in the same vocal register at least and when he leaps up to that note it would feel uh it probably would almost feel good to just sort of burst out with the sound instead he keeps it really controlled to keep that Dynamic level um just essentially more intimate it it puts the whole thing in perspective and I'm guessing that it'll allow for bigger growth in the song later you wanted it it's very [Music] controlled out of [Music] [Applause] oh I sing is he chewing gum he is oh man you guys might have heard me talk about this a couple times in the past though it doesn't come up very often uh chewing gum while singing SL performing uh there are mixed thoughts on this like the big big concern here is don't choke on it right um but I I have to tell you I've seen plenty of Rockstar performers who will have something tucked somewhere in their mouth because it actually helps them to salivate if you continue salivating that can help work against things like dry mouth which a lot of people get when they're nervous um sometimes they'll even feel dry all the way down their vocal tract and that is that can be hard to get past as a performer so if you've got a little nerves that regularly make you feel dry you might consider what would happen if you did chew something but just be super careful that you don't choke on it okay I've seen people tuck it underneath their tongue tuck it in the side of their cheek maybe above or lower there's different places where you can sort of store or something um but uh another thing you can do is actually just chew on your tongue between various sung phrases so you can kind of like suck on the end of it or you can don't chew on your cheek too hard because you can create you know stuff you don't want to but you can sort of suck in places in your mouth or chew on them and that will I'll also do the same thing of stimulating some saliva so that your mouth doesn't get so dry might be other reasons as well but that's the main one that I see and hear people using for why they might actually have something in their mouth during a [Music] [Applause] [Music] performance I sing along with you if everything could ever feel this real I love it looks like he's giving a lot of directions with to the back Booth maybe on different sounds it's interesting there's so many things that he has to keep track of right now it's not just the singing the timing the audience as well he's very clearly connecting to them and then I you know standing up on his toes or not proximity to the microphone connecting to the people in the booth and telling them what he wants it's just there's a lot of things that he's [Music] juggling and I sing along with you if everything could ever feel this real forever I love that line if anything could ever be this good again it's so thoughtful only thing I'll ever ask of you got a promise not to stop when I say she [Music] said I just got tingles like I'm sure that Goosebumps I'm probably going to have yeah they're starting to pickle up right now it just there's something so sweet about the way that he's pushing and pulling Tempo and and Dynamics and is engaged very intimately with the audience but then there's this buildup and it feels like the audience is ready to burst I can actually feel the audience energy in his sound it's so cool look at that smile [Music] oh [Applause] breath out so I can breathe you in hold you and now I know you've always been out of your head out of my head I sh and [Music] I I sing along with you if everything could have feel this real [Music] for wow this is such a beautiful performance and song just I just want to lay back and relax and let it seep in it it has this incredible introspection and uh it also is really strangely comforting I think it's something about his vocal tone that really is creating this over overall feeling of it feels um somehow comforting even though it's very introspective and I feel like there's so much questioning in there there's a there's a smile in his voice that it feels like there's a lot of care uh I've heard that Dave gr is an incredibly kind person that he'll do things like uh show up in a a truck at a a homeless shelter or or soup kitchen and just cook all day just to give back to humanity um there's something that is so generous in his spirit and his interaction with the audience here he's I feel like he's giving them wonderful emotions and um and giving them like a place that feels comfortable for them to just experience how music can affect emotion not to mention that these lyrics are incredible I'm going to go back one more time out of your head out of my head I sh and [Music] I I sing along with you if everything could have feel this real for I love that part if anything could ever be this [Music] I feel like the way he's singing that he's telling us that things can be that good really truly that good always he just seems like I don't know he seems like he's got a heart that's overflowing with goodness to share the only thing I'll ever ask of you got a promise not to stop when I [Music] say huh you know I just um I just realized that he with Nirvana he went to Foo Fighters after that and uh and obviously after the tragic demise of Kurt Cobain so I imagine that that's got to affect his entire outlook on life and I'm thinking here like oh there's so much joy in in what he's singing in the tone he's giving to us and just reminds me that I I think that Joy is something that you can build up and sustain uh Joy is it's almost a a choice a way that you you take your insides and your thoughts and everything you keep developing keep growing keep gr keep growing till you find joy and you can go up and down like this but you're you will always have joy there even though one day might feel great maybe the next day doesn't feel so good but that doesn't change the fact that you are joyful and it sounds like he probably went through this like crazy and then found that underlying sense of joy and then brought it to this incredible song Maybe that's maybe that's what he's singing about because you got to promise not to stop when I say when maybe I'm reading too much into it I'll go back a little bit again I'll [Music] ask [Music] is that the end no it can't be this is way longer lots of gum [Applause] [Music] are you ready let's [ __ ] go yeah everything I ever feel real [Music] forever anything this ask you got to promise I stop when I you I wish I could have been at this concert uh that build was so good I my cheeks are hurting from smiling so big what an incredible way to build your audience up to give them that that incredible joyful feeling or or whatever they needed to experience the moment perhaps and then get this drive into the song and it feels like a burst of emotions and I I really really love it okay I'm going to go back to that [Applause] [Music] part are you ready let's [ __ ] [Music] go okay so he has now put pressure onto his sound obviously before it was just very very light much more open relaxed and when he went down to the low notes totally just lots of air expanded space here now when he goes down he's putting a little bit of pressure on them to give them that like extra edge and a little bit of grit there I just I love the way he's added Distortion to this louder part now because it has another layer of emotion that is really cool to enjoy let go W [Music] forever anything ever be this I wanted them to keep going and going and going I loved the way that burst out at the end and I also just love The Melody of this I love the expression of different emotions that were coming through in different vocal techniques from Dave gr and especially I think that the way that he interacted with with the audience was phenomenal if you want to see some more videos that feature Dave go in some way you can check out this playlist over here and may you fall more in love with music every [Music] day
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 422,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foo fighters reaction, foo fighters everlong reaction, the charismatic voice, dave grohl reaction
Id: c_4EtQGrAEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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