Foo Fighters | Everlong (Acoustic - March 20, 2021)
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Channel: Foo Fighters
Views: 5,088,457
Rating: 4.9559202 out of 5
Keywords: dave grohl, dave grohl everlong, everlong acoustic, foo fighters everlong, foo fighters, dave grohl solo, story of everlong, behind the song, dave grohl oates fest, oates fest, foo fighters oates fest, oats fest, feeding america
Id: vLkBybsH73k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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Can we appreciate how much character and model of behavior you can show as a man ?
We talk so much about how men should own to their feelings and their emotions. When there's always been such bright examples of being fiercely you and being open about it.
Dave Grohl’s genuine and honest demeanor is why he really transcends any possible definition of cool and is what makes this one of the most perfect songs ever recorded.
This song always hits me in the feels every time I hear it. I can relate to how he felt when writing it. Such an amazing song.
Also fun fact - Foo Fighters is David Letterman’s favorite band and this is his favorite song.
I met him a few times before on occasion right outside dc in Maryland where he tends to frequent. I’ll never forget the time I was at this nice little bar on the magothy river and I was outside on the deck eating and having some drinks and he sat down right next to me at the bar and actually remember led me. We sat there had dinner talked about just random shit and that was that. The most down to earth but larger than life rock stars in my opinion. Just amazing man
I remember the first time I heard Everlong acoustic. What is crazy is I felt the same way Dave Grohl describes playing it acoustic for the first time. I remember thinking, "oh wow, this is how the song was meant to be played!" I love the rock feel of the original, but when he sang it acoustic, I really felt the song in a new light.
I'd forgotten how much I love that song.
Dave's finally starting to show some signs of aging! Feel like he never really aged after about 2005
Oh wow he wrote this song when he was in Nirvana
Oh right, shit I'm old
Wow. I wouldn’t know a Foo Fighter song if I fell on it. I have heard of Dave Grohl and seen him interviewed and found him amusing, but did not really know his music. I honestly don’t know why I clicked on this link. In fact when I saw it was 10 minutes I clicked out after about 30 seconds, then thought , “Go finish it, try something new.” I am so glad I did. That was stunningly beautiful. I did not expect that...thank you.