New TCV "Wicked Game"! I drink every time I say "Wacka" and it's not pretty...

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welcome back to the charismatic voice and to our first ever whacka drink ofon I invite you to grab a beverage of your choice and join me and every time I say whack that's one gulp every time I say whacka wacka wacka that's going to be three gulps to assist us in this Wicked Game I've chosen one of the most comedic musical Duos of all time Tenacious D but I haven't heard the original so we're going to start with Chris Isaac's original and then we're going to go to tenacious ste's cover it's going to be a wacky Journey let's get to [Music] [Music] it was on fire and no one could save me but you Strange World Des make foolish [Music] people oh my word his voice is so smooth I am I have a feeling I'm going to be ooing and aing over his vocal tone like crazy it just gave me sh right away wo wo wow okay we're going to go back to the beginning I'm going to talk a lot about how he could potentially get this kind of tone as well um but first I we just have to pay attention to these like crazy almost out of out of whack tuning with the guitar slides oh yeah Drink To That [Music] tuning so slighty [Music] was on fire no one could save me but you Strange World desire make foolish [Music] people I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you and I never dream that i' lose somebody like you wow shiv wow where is this where is this guy been like that that vocal tone is so gorgeous I have a new vocal Crush I can tell it's already happening uh the depth and the roundness of it while also having some CL CL it on it there's also a a personal sort of touch right the enunciation isn't overdone it feels very intimate um but also in the vocal tract it feels like there's a lot of space to create this sort of roundness but it all starts right with a beautiful breath in so he can just ride that air and the moment the air is coming up it goes to his vocal folds right and then the the air hits the vocal folds and I'm getting this ready you know what's about to happen they go wacka whacka wacka uhhuh three drinks uhhm this is going to be a good one and when they when they vibrate together they create that pitch and there's so much ease in the sound of his vocal folds creating a pitch that initial creation of sound is just gorgeous so smooth and then everything on top is really that's the cherry on top but when you have this kind of initial phonation as sweetly as he does that is the beginning of that perfect tone okay back a little [Music] bit [Music] more Strange World design make foolish [Music] people I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody [Music] you I never Dre i' lose so it all builds and builds and you're going wow oh my gosh you have like incredible bubble tone and then he goes up into the top and you think oh geez it still sounds so easy up there like whoa whoa whoa whoa and then he does this incredible like little little tiny yodel it's like he just does this momentary register shift is what happens really he lets it like bounce up into a higher register and then bounce back down and it creates this little crack in the voice that is uh it feels like it's a little plead to us it's [Music] gorgeous I never Dre i' lose some like you h [Music] want fall in [Music] love no I want fall [Music] [Applause] lo oh take my breath away that is so stunningly beautiful wow wow this feels like very Vaguely Familiar I wonder if there's I wonder if I've heard a different cover of it before I've never heard this version it is so [Music] smooth the way he negotiates going up flipping to this top register it's so soft you also hear that change and how his vocal folds are working so let's just kind of zoom in on on What's happen happening here like the vocal folds are continually going whacka whacka whacka to create a pitch yes that is indeed three gulps thank you oh gosh if you're drinking water you're going to be so well hydrated but while those are creating pitch there's different muscles inside of the larynx that help decide what sort of substance that pitch is going to have and if you have the thyroid renoid more active then you're going to have thicker vocal folds it's going to have a much heavier kind of sound that also uh tends towards lower pitches often your lower notes will have more thyroid renoid engagement and then if it's a higher pitch you're going to have cryo thyroids sort of pulling those cords they're stretching a little more creates a thinner Edge for the sound to be created on and so those higher pitches often are associated with more cryo thyroid uh more of that engage so we'll say like CT and TA from now on especially as I continue to get a little more drunk it's going to be some stumbly time okay so ta and c and when he goes up to that very very top it is such a beautiful thin kind of sound that he's making here that the vocal folds are rather thin but he has such a beautiful dome in his vocal tract that's creating this like luxurious tone so you have this light light sound creation here and then a filter like a resonance chamber on top that is actually very big andom just creates this floaty glorious sound it's like we've got this Cathedral on top of this like angel wings creating sounds oh [Music] gosh and that yodel so that yodel is often um will occur and the yodel is like it's not truly yodeling but it's the beginning of yodel which is essentially just a register shift so that happens when we go from either ta dominance in the sound or CT dominance so it's sort of handing off the Baton between one muscle group to another go back a little bit more gosh that's so beautiful what fall no I don't want to fall in [Music] love with [Music] you what a wicked game to play to make me feel this way I feel like he's a little close through to the mic there certainly is letting this extra uh kind of um rougher sounds in now and I like that it feels so personal wow also there's our there's our name Wicked Game not Wicked Games I think I thought for a while that this was Wicked Games Wicked Game and I understand more now that this is just straight up love song this is a sappy rock song and it's so sappy it almost feels like it's not even Rock anymore sometimes there's a piece of me that's going wait this is this is classified as rock what happens sometimes I get confused about what actually is rock and what is not rock if y'all want to explain to me I'd be very happy because my understanding certainly is out of whack What a wicked game to play to make me feel this way what do we get to do let me dream of you what a Wy thing to say you never F this way wait a second I swear I heard some Elvis in there okay I'm sorry y'all if if you hate Elvis and you that statement just completely turned you off Chris Isaac I'm very sorry and and I think Elvis has tons of great things in his voice we can talk about that sometime but there was I'm going to try and pinpoint exactly what it is in his tone that sounds like Elvis okay right there already there's a little Shake in the vibr this kind of uh that is reminiscent of Elvis's vibr a very stylized thinging he would bring in every now and then let me dream of you What a wicked thing to say is it just me or did he even like have a little more on one side of his lips is you got that sort of like asymmetry going on May maybe maybe What a wicked thing to say and it's the accent too the accent and the way he's leaning into actually that difference in the vocal fold thickness or thinness there there is very similar to how Elvis leans into that sound both of them actually have an incredible depth in the sound that's available combined with Clarity wow wow to say you never felt this way what a wicked to do oh my God to make me dream of you when I to do that that little vocal crack there that also reminds me of Elvis oh my goodness I bet you he's influenced by Elvis must be but totally different kind of setting oh my gosh oh oh wow okay I just had to say I thought this was going to be a heavier more rock like song and this is this is just like blowing my mind because instead I feel like we've got this sort of soft sappy Elvis and now I'm also wondering how in the world Tenacious D have turned this song around and made it even more wacky let's never F this way what a wicked thing to do I love that part make [Music] me oh my gosh oh my gosh okay he just did something that is so incredibly delicious to people who really love voice signs and that has to do so he did that little sort of vocal flip over into that falsetto there and then he came came back down and he actually reentered into this head voice and just so you know uh sometimes when we're talking about registers different people with different backgrounds uh they'll have different terminology but I'm going to break it down just by talking about uh what vocal what what muscle groups are more dominant when those vocal folds are going whacka whacka whacka and I am still very much coherent enough and in fact even if I was totally drunk I could still explain this because it's one of my favorite things to talk about so when he flips over to that top top area he's actually going into what I will call falsetto so a lot of classical singers will call this part of the voice falsetto um sometimes people will say it's like first second third register which is awesome I love actually referring to registers by different numbers um some people if they're from a more contemporary background we'll just call this head voice but I will often like to Edge more towards falsetto here um so falsetto is where just the CTS are active it actually drops all ta engagement so the muscle that's on either side of the vocal folds it's been pushing them in to go whacka whacka whacka like this with a little more thickness that muscle is actually dropped from engagement oh beer burp oh my gosh on camera oh God forbid uhoh there's another one hopefully it doesn't come out in sentence and then so as he's going down first he goes into total CT engagement and the Tas are completely gone as he's going down the Tas re-engage they mix in and this goes into like what some classic people will call headvoice sometimes we'll call that mixed as well cuz that can make a little more sense of thinking oh I'm going to bring in a little more ta engagement he does it so smooth smoothly that it's almost almost impossible to recognize unless you really know what to listen for I'm going to go over this a bunch of times and talk about where exactly it happens so that's a [Music] poet right when he goes into Wana there's a little leaning into the cell that's right where that engagement of Mor ta happens but the first one when he flips up just CTS fall you hear how the tone becomes Just a Little Bit Stronger just a little bit more focused right [Music] there oh it's to die for my goodness same thing oh my gosh that is such beautiful control of that registration that is one of the most difficult things to control especially for male singers that continually go over that break a lot of times you hear just these massive cracks when people try to control that particular part of the voice that is totally incredible [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this is a very sexy music video which is difficult to take serious because of the pitch bins in the guitar they give me the heie jeebies they make my skin like just or my my skin my uh hairs just stand up on end whenever I hear that kind of pitch slide it uh it makes me feel totally out of [Music] whack was on fire no one could save me but you so I actually think that the way his lips are moving there is pretty close to what he would be doing maybe a little bit more while recording he has actually very little lip movement that I can detect and instead what we're getting is just a ton of marination of the sound back in here it's again perfect pris gorgeous easy phonation phonation is when the vocal folds go whacka whacka whacka the moment that the air hits them yes one two three and then the moment that phation has occurred you have this entire resonance chamber on top right so his oh my goodness so many BBS wow maybe I should have done wine no that would have been way too much so once that Foundation occurs this resonance chamber is just it that is where so much marination of the sound is occurring it's going ping ping ping ping ping lighting up all of these different parts of his natural anatomy and he's probably even increasing the size in different ways there are ways that if you feel like you're yawning oh you fill your soft pelico up a little bit that actually increases the size of your resonance chamber there are various reasons why you would do that and not do that FYI his sound has more of that kind of yawn in that Dome inside of it and if he were to make a much more powerful sound right here like have a lot more breath pressure underneath it the kind of Dome that he has right now could very easily become an operatic kind of Dome okay let's keep [Music] going save me but you Strange World make people just brief pause here again with that small lip movement with very small lip movement you can still have extremely clear words and that has to do with the tongue moving around a ton and making extremely clear vowels in that massive space that he has inside Strange World desire will make foolish people do I never Dre that i' love some like [Music] you I just got to say is the the eye the little slide on the eye it's so vulnerable and so freaking sappy I love it I never Dre that part the eye it also goes a little bit sharp right before which I mean let's just have a separate cheers can we cheers to the moments when vocalists go sharp or flat deliberately for expression let us not be perfect in our pitch let us be expressive in our pitch okay I loved that moment one more time I never Dre that I love somebody like you I never so between those two parts he just essentially switched to a different register one that had more ta engagement in the second register which is why we got that variation between the two-eyed parts I love it okay back one more time because it's so sweet I love that moment so [Music] much you I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you no I want to fall in [Music] love no I want to fall in love way to way to bring us that sexual attension man that those lips so close together okay I can say that because I'm starting to get tipsy right this is okay now I want to fall in [Music] love with [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is so gorgeous wow man especially if you are working on that falsetto headvoice bridging this is the song to work on I think I actually had some people ask me about that in a master class today I need to go back and tell them this song um this is so great for working on a quiet approach that is able to negotiate both falsetto and head voice and even at one point I heard some chess voice entering in there it's beautiful beautiful work for different registers that extended soft falsetto breathless and one of the reasons I think it's so incredible is because FAL stto that register that's just lots of CT engagement that register actually lets a lot more air come through it so it's harder to hold a note for a long time when you have a note that has a lot more compression when you are really bringing those folds more fully together then you are more likely to be able to hold a note for super long time so just blasting out a big note for a long time is easier than holding out a soft very airy note that takes so much control it's crazy crazy crazy um I'm going to go back there was another thing I caught in here that I was really surprised by so we'll we'll hop back here oh there's that moment [Applause] with [Music] you so that the backing vocals I hadn't caught that they're saying this world is only going to break your heart I was so enamored with his voice that I wasn't listening to the backing vocals sorry backing vocals I feel like I haven't been paying you enough attention so when they're saying this world is only going to break your heart he's been saying you and he's been really direct towards a single person or a single uh entity and then the backing po say this world and it's it broadens that idea of what a person is falling in love with that's going to break their heart with it's a it's like oh well you could fall in love with the beauty of monsoons in the desert but then all of the sudden it's really really dry and and brown everywhere am I speaking from experience I think I am um cheers to rainy days in the deserts I I I miss you monsoon season please come [Music] back um so that being said I like the way that these lyrics essentially expand the the perspective all of a sudden you know it isn't just about some love object it's about something greater in the world and it says there's so many different things that you could fall in love with that would potentially break your heart or maybe you'll fall in love with something that doesn't break your heart just just saying that happens that really does happen and it's pretty freaking wonderful I'm going to go back one more time and then we're going to still stay here through this incredible moment where his vocal folds go whacka whacka whacka over and over and over and over while he holds it that long with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] gosh and she's running away nobody loov no what no no I don't agree with that oh gosh I have a beer beer bubble nobody loves no one that's not true I love you all but I I have to I love my husband and my child and I know that they love me and that's very clear nope lies I call it lies next one y'all this is a good moment to get a refill by the way um because you might be running low as I am side note uh this is not sponsored but I really like kiltlifter beard kiltlifter beer this is gonna be good oh God uh I can I can immediately tell from uh seeing these these two um gentlemen just running through the waves in they're undergarments this is gonna be good let's get to it [Music] tuning they're so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] happy [Music] What a wicked game to play to make me feel this way what a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you okay immediately I just have to say one of the things I love about Jack Black's voice is the way he's so clear with his words but it he delivers his words in a way that doesn't make you necessarily want to get really close to him for the words right so when we're listening to Chris Isaac before like his his delivery of annunciation made you feel like his lips had to be right beside your ear to deliver this Jack Black is somebody you can understand from anywhere in the room this is uh really incredible and it's one the reasons why tenacious he actually is so amazing because his anunciation is always so good you never miss a line I'm going to go back a little bit can you just give a a little moment of appreciation to how good his anunciation [Music] is What a wicked game to play to make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you what a wicked thing to say you never felt this way what do we get thing to do to make me dream of you hey okay okay first he's doing the flip just perfectly so mini Applause guess you made your folds go whacka whacka whacka in the same [Music] fashion second Jack Black sings with way more breath pressure underneath his folds this is seen essentially in the dynamic even when he's singing lower and quieter for his voice his voice just naturally has a lot more breath pressure that's built up underneath and breath pressure is the main thing that will determine Dynamics meaning how loud or how soft words how loud or how soft a voice is going to be so when we talk about Chris Isaac he had very little pressure underneath his folds it was so smooth that vocal efficiency that I was talking about it's like those vocal folds could start vibrating with the tiniest amount of air pressure that's uh that is really really promising for vocal longevity because the Collision force of the vocal folds as you build up more breath pressure underneath them tends to be greater and that Collision force is then going to translate to a louder Dynamic um that being said there are tons of dramatic singers including dramatic opera singers that have huge long careers it doesn't necessarily mean just because you sing loud all the time that you're not as likely to have a longer career but it is uh if a person also knows how to sing quietly really efficiently that tends to indicate better vocal technique just FYI um with Jack Black I like the way that with his his presentation he has both this like quiet for his voice leading into a bigger more quick Dynamic development so I want to go back here um and uh I want to listen to How how well his vocal folds whacka whacka [Laughter] whacka What a wicked game to play to make me feel this way what a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you what a wicked thing to say so right there as he transfers into that higher pitch range I like the way that there's this slight sound of like uh it almost sounds like a little bit of restraint and that actually is a really good sign oo oh my gosh I have such a big burp underneath me right now oh my gosh now if I'd been gutsy I would have made that really really loud for y'all but I wasn't willing to do that on camera just yet maybe give me another one like three beers in and we'd get there however um I uh currently am showing the same kind of restraint as a Jack Black is showing where the sound it almost the way he shifts it it feels like it goes inwards and when you feel that as you're going up in Pitch if you feel that sound go inward not like become more throaty or more fullback here but there's a sort of redirection that can be a sign that the breath pressure inside actually is helping you it's almost assisting like an sovt exercise semi- uded vocal tract exercise and as it it sort of gives this reverse pressure that aids in phonation it actually the science is crazy on it but it like creates this like little pillow of breath pressure on top of your vocal folds which assists in the brly effect which is the same thing when you like blow between two pieces of paper and they come together that's brly effect okay way too much information for that break Elizabeth okay back just a little bit right there that inner feeling you F this they look like they're having so much fun [Music] we yeah to make me dream of you falling oh I love the way you made that transition too he did the same thing like flipped up and then very gradually mixed it back in brilliant oh that's so good that's so freaking good yes one more [Music] time also I love that way he freaking spreads it on things like Fang just um spreads it is a term that we use sometimes when the sound goes it feels like it goes that way spreads When We Gather it it feels like it goes this way and then you can also like give it a lot of height it feels like that way I know singers use really really whack terms but if you sing you totally understand what I mean it's like these weird Sensations in your face that you have to base all of your singing on off of because a lot of times we're singing in different spaces and they all give us different acoustic feedbacks and really ultimately you just have to figure out what in your body makes the bones inside your face Buzz a certain way it's such a weird instrument y'all this way what do we get thing to do to make me dream of you to falling [Music] no I don't want to fall in love you don't want to fall in love but you do [Music] you I'm sorry it always I just I think it's so funny when a singer deliberately leans into a particular language or Regional in a dialect and he didn't say with you but with you which I don't know if that's actually his natural language dialect wi you with you I'm going to be with you toss a coin to your Witcher nobody oh my word loves no one [Music] are you kidding me is this whole video just Kyle and Jack like running through the waves being being um how how should I say it uh very body positive men in the waves on a beach hopefully in California it kind of looks like a California beach um if that's what this entire video is I support it thank you for being body positive and so dang happy with yourselves yes nobody how many vowels were in [Music] that so I think we had an a e and I think we went back to an E Yeah way to way to make like three vels out of just one [Music] respect no [Music] one so sad what a terrible ending statement I propose a cheer to loving people first of all loving mhm and uh next to great vocal technique and finally to all y'all who joined me in drinking to every single whack and whacka whacka whacka I hope uh that you are sincerely sincerely drunk uh and potentially being invaded by the family at this point please please enjoy the rest of your day and if you just had caffeine may you be quite buzzed as well may you fall more in love with music every day oh there's a playlist over here I don't know what it's going to be it might be every time I've ever gotten drunk on camera love you [Music] guys
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 226,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qBmC4SfiH5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 26sec (2426 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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