FIRST TIME DISNEYLAND GUIDE! Tips, Tricks, and EVERYTHING you need to know + MUST DO’S in 2022

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well hello everybody welcome back to best life and beyond back at disneyland and this is a first-timer's guide to disneyland whether this is your first time your first time back since the pandemic or your 1000th time here this guide is to kind of share some tips and tricks that you maybe don't know maybe some things that may be helpful to enhance your trip help you navigate yeah we're going to kind of help guide you to having one of your best days we're obviously gonna make more of these videos but this is the first one of the series so stick with us make sure to subscribe because we got a lot to share with you today all right first thing we can tell you is one of the most important tips is to get here early if you only have one day and if it's your first visit i think getting here early is the best way to do it because why katie they'll let you start parking about an hour sometimes to an hour and a half before the park even opens yeah and let me just tell you it gets crazy crowded around 10 to 12 o'clock those are the hours that you really don't want to be coming into the park your best bet is to get here rope drop really early right when the park opens they'll let you in shortly before uh it opens usually 8 or 9 a.m and you can just go to your rides that you want to get on you can actually knock out a ton even without buying genie plus we have plenty of videos on that that we'll make sure we link in the description box below so you can see how many rides we did without genie plus just by coming super early [Music] and something else that you have to do on your first visit to disneyland this is a must you have to get your first visit button they're free they're complimentary usually you can get them over at city hall when you first walk in the left tunnel they usually leave a bin out there for self-serve for all the different buttons you know graduation first visit birthday those types of things there's a sharpie out there you can write your name if the bin's not there you can go inside and let them take care of it for you and they'll write your name on there in a cool font and if you don't want to wait in line at city hall you can go to almost all retail locations throughout the resort and they will have most of the buttons for you and they'll even provide you a sharpie so you can write your name or whatever else you're celebrating [Music] and if rope dropping to get on some rides it your thing and you really want to go shopping the morning is the best time to go shopping if you wait till the end of the day the stores are packed and if you want to be characters they're all in town square there's mickey right there minnie is right behind me right there you just got to wait in line uh when they come out and sometimes they'll let you know if you're not going to get a chance to meet them because they do like 15 20 minute increments before they go on a break so make sure you pick your character wisely goofy is over there in uh in the middle of town square right now so they all have their own little spots but it's pretty cool you can meet a character right off the bat right at the beginning of the day and they do this they come out most of the day but make sure to get it in the day because they don't do it at night something else you gotta do when you come to disneyland is ride a main street vehicle there's there's a bunch of them there's a horse-drawn carriage there's a car there's a fire truck that's walt's favorite vehicle and there's an omnibus it's one of the funnest things to do here at disneyland okay now something really important we're going to talk about is mobile ordering it is something that was implemented a couple years ago it slowly made its way uh into the mainstream of disneyland and it helps out a lot because when it's crowded and it's crowded a lot it's uh something that you need to utilize now uh you have to plan ahead because a lot of times the wait is you know it could be an hour yeah it really can yeah especially for those popular items like dole whips beignets sometimes can be done by the end of the day now that doesn't mean that you can't do a standby line uh most of the time they are available but you know for galactic grill is a great example sometimes galactic grill the mobil there's literally one line for standby and then the rest is on mobile order so your best bet we always recommend mobile order so before you come to the park download the free disneyland app that way you can see wait times all that stuff but most importantly you can do that mobile order so when you're on your home screen on the disneyland app you're going to hit the little plus sign and you're going to hit order food now depending on where you're at it's going to pull up your nearest locations but if you're farther away from another park you can still order you can also order in dca if you're in disneyland we're going to do the milk stand because we're really close and it'll give you an option for a time right now it says 11 20. that's our soonest time so it'll confirm your arrival we're gonna just order a blue milk and check out so when it's time for your order to be ready you'll see it pop up where it says i'm here please prepare my order just make sure you're standing really close because if you have them prepare your order and you're not there they will charge your card now another thing you can do is if you see that you're kind of running late and you know you want to fix something you can hit change arrival window and you can select a new time and then that will be your little uh time window once you're at your location and you know it's your window you go to mobile food orders and then we'll hit i'm here prepare my order and as soon as it's ready the phone will notify you now again make sure you only do that when you're actually close enough to be able to get the order or they will charge you thank you [Music] now while we're here at galaxy's edge it's probably worth mentioning the gd plus i think if you're here for a day and it's a little bit crowded i think it's something that's worth investing in if you don't want to wait lines like right now smuggler's run is at a 45 minute standby that's not too bad in the scheme of things but you can make it a lot less if you purchase the genie plus it's 20 bucks a day per person and you get any ride that has the fastpass aka the genie plus system the lightning lanes is what they call them any ride that has that you get to do it one time with the genie plus there's also the option to just buy into a couple of the premium rides like rise of the resistance now that's something that goes pretty early in the morning you have to kind of book that and purchase that right when you get in the park because it books up pretty fast otherwise i suggest just getting that at rope drop and waiting the maybe 20 minutes at the most at rope drop to get on that attraction but as far as genie plus is concerned it's a great way to get a lot of attractions done in both parks the 20 covers both parks it's something worth thinking about because it has been crowded seven days a week here at disneyland lately all right over here at olga's cantina this is one of the most popular things to do as of late because it's kind of new ogus cantina a lot of times it's hard to get into hard to get a reservation on the app but what you can do you can come and do a walk-up uh whenever you're walking by as long as you're quote in close proximity to olga's you can check on the disneyland app and it'll tell you if walk-up lists are available but if it says there's no more walk-ups available just give it five or ten minutes because usually they open up really quickly and it'll give you about a thirty maybe a forty minute wait so you can go do some other things and then come back and get into ogas [Music] if you're looking for a quick breakfast one of our favorite options is to come over to tomorrowland at the galactic grill and you can do a mobile order and we love to split a breakfast burrito super good and we also get some coffee too it's just the perfect thing to have when you want to grab something to eat and then hit some attraction they also offer a breakfast sandwich if you don't want the burrito so you got a few options when you come to galactic grove [Music] all right we jumped on the monorail because this next tip is kind of crucial if you want to ride the monorail and it's summertime and it's very hot make sure that you ride in the morning because this monorail shuts down at high temperatures if it gets high 80s 90s yeah monorail see the monorail knows we have no air conditioning in our monorails here in disneyland so evening or and while i'm on morning is i wanted to mention to you guys a little hack that i have done for years here it doesn't always offer itself up but when it does it's a good one now if it's crowded and you can't get on an attraction without a 60 or 90 minute wait and you don't have genie plus if a ride breaks down and you're in the vicinity when it turns back on you're in good shape because it's almost like being there for rope drop and you can walk pretty much right onto the attraction with you know maybe with a 10 minute or even less of a weight [Music] now when it comes to fantasyland attractions our best advice is to avoid it mid-afternoon at all costs as you can see it is crazy busy here mid-afternoon because a lot of the little kids it's kind of their prime time our best advice is to come and spend that first hour getting a lot of these attractions done in fantasyland or stay late at night when all the little ones go to bed all right we're over here at splash mountain we have a good tip about splash mountain because inherently they just went down the uh the big flume it's a get wet kind of attraction if you weren't aware it sure is and the heavier your uh log or boat the more you're going to get soaked yeah and certain seats get more wet but yes the back seats tend to get a little bit less wet the front couple you probably are going deep seat diving now our tip is if you know you're going to go on some water rides here at disneyland bring a pair of flip-flops in your backpack because at least your clothes will kind of dry off but let me tell you when your feet are soggy really hard for your shoes to dry off yeah we've had a lot of people follow that tip and we're very grateful for it and it feels kind of nice anyways if it's a hot day to have flip flops on yeah it's just for a little while yeah now you really get to enjoy it i also recommend bringing a plastic bag or something if you have a backpack to put that in the floor of the log tends to get kind of wet if you do have a backpack so if you have a disneyland merch bag that you purchase something maybe use that but flip-flops and a plastic bag will save your day when you're riding splash mountain now most people don't know you can actually bring food and drink inside disneyland park so what we recommend doing is bringing a lunch and why do we recommend lunch because it is the busiest time and hardest time to get food here at disneyland so if you bring lunch you can have a picnic anywhere in the park and it is awesome to do and one of our favorite picnic options is to take the raft out to tom sawyer's island it's nice it's kind of a get away from the park it's a little quieter there's some shade there's some nice little spots to have a picnic and while you're on tom story's island make sure you explore the caves not a lot of people know they're there and there's even some magic hitting in a few of them [Music] now as a first timer you cannot miss pirates of the caribbean and or the haunted mansion both attractions really define the disneyland park i feel like you cannot miss one or both of these attractions as they really represent the magic and the classic style of a disneyland attraction [Music] and a great tip for a couple of attractions here at disneyland single rider this will help you get on something that's pretty crowded a lot faster than normal now there's three single rider attractions at disneyland we've got matterhorn we've got splash mountain and we've got smugglers run there are a few more over at disney california adventure but this video is focused more on disneyland so we'll just talk about those yeah it's really nice if you don't mind splitting up from your partner or your party you can really save some precious time yeah also sometimes you can get kind of lucky there's been times where we've utilized the single rider option on matterhorn and we've gone together and i think we also did it on smuggler's run so it can save you some time and you could possibly still stay with your party if you're looking for a sweet treat at disneyland you have to have a classic disneyland churro like this one's right behind me they are located all throughout the park though there's multiple locations but there is nothing like a classic disneyland churro at times they put out specialty churros but just trust me get a classic one you cannot go wrong with that and there's a few other treats you missed katie don't forget about the mickey beignets the dole whip and the matterhorn macaroon oh and gibson girl ice cream on main street she's gonna keep ending those that's it those are the must-haves and you don't need to bring more than one water bottle there's actually refilling stations of filtered water throughout the park one of them is here in frontierland at rancho del zocalo over in tomorrowland at galactic grill and red rose tavern in fantasyland and galaxy's edge oh yeah galaxy's had just the new the new giant see that's how you know i'm classic disneyland girl she just forgets but then also if you forgot your water offer free cups i'll take one of those all right here you go sir [Music] all right over on main street uh this is kind of one of the spots that people like to hang out and wait for the parade here and on the other side a couple of really good spots all around the hub but we suggest coming to the later show usually there's two of them the later ones if there's two parades we definitely recommend hitting the last one because it tends to be just a little bit less crowded yeah and during the first one you should go and hit as many rides as you can because most of the park is waiting for the parade and it's what i call the parade effect and you have you stayed a good chance of getting on a bunch of rides while everybody is you know waiting for the parade or watching the parade itself and then you can catch the second one and let's not forget about the best corn dogs in the business right here on main street you've got little red wagon there's also a location called stage door cafe that's over in frontierland on the rivers of america but this place is the classic standby spot now the line can tend to be quite long like it is today it's going way back around the corner that'll take a while we suggest mobile orders it makes it so much easier i'm telling you it'll cut the time in app and by the way i know they do sell them at stage shore but a little red wagon it's it's so much that's where you want to get your coordinates it's the original it's so much better just trust us and get your corn dog from here and don't forget mobile order and then you can take it over on a little bench in the hub or uh you can walk with it it's a good kind of grab-and-go type of item but it's something i feel like you cannot miss when you come to disneyland [Music] now something else that is a must do on your first visit to disneyland if you have the time take in some of the entertainment it's free it's scattered around the park there's the dapper dan's on main street can't miss them there's even the cavalcade that comes out of main street with mickey and friends and it's just you know it's a fun little quick diversion something to do get you in the mood and uh you can't miss it and then you've got things like the bootstrappers over in new orleans square sometimes and last but not least i have to mention the disneyland band they are awesome a lot of times you can catch them in the morning playing right here at the train station and they make some other appearances uh throughout the day coming down main street at certain points you can maybe ask around some cast members if you know when the schedule is but you cannot miss the disneyland band your attention please last call for the disneyland limited something else you can't miss on your first visit to disneyland i think personally is a ride on the disneyland railroad the grand circle tour it was very close to walt disney's heart it was kind of his passion trains and model trains and having a train at disneyland was like the ultimate for walt and it's a really fun ride for the entire family there's four stops total including main street so if you want to stop off at new orleans square you want to stop off over at toontown tomorrowland or back at main street you can use it for transpo or you can just take a leisurely ride around some people ride it multiple times and just stay on and just enjoy themselves it's really one of the most classic attractions ever so i highly recommend a grand circle tour on the disneyland railroad [Music] and probably the best tip and advice i could give for a first timer coming to disneyland is have a magical time this is the happiest place on earth yeah it's not always just about the rides it's about the food it's about the merchandise it's about the shows the magical feeling and the things that you get to do here so let's do something fun and let's all put something in the comments below to help anybody who's coming for their first time if you have any tips tricks suggestions leave them in the comments below so we can help each other out to have the best most magical first visit to disneyland and don't forget to like comment and subscribe to the channel hit your notification bell and we'll see you next time on best life and beyond bye bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Best Life and Beyond
Views: 386,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disneyland Resort, best life and beyond, best life and beyond disneyland, First time Disneyland tips, How to Disneyland guide 2022, First trip to Disneyland 2022, Disneyland hacks, How to Disneyland, First time Disneyland guide, First time Disneyland tips And tricks, Disneyland food, New at Disneyland, Disneyland mobile order, Disneyland Genie plus how to, Must do Disneyland 2022, Must do at Disneyland 2022
Id: 0ccX34z2sOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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