16 BEST Tips for Your FIRST TIME at Disneyland

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hey everyone I'm Trevor and today we're at Disneyland because I want to give you some of my best tips for first timers to Disneyland so let's get going so what we're going to do is we're going to start out with the planning phase at the very earliest and work our way to whenever you actually get here to the park so the first question then is when is the best time to come to Disneyland I can tell you right now is not today is October 15th is the midst of the Halloween season and fall breaks are upon us it is crazy busy here today uh so avoid October I would say if you want to come for the Halloween season September is definitely going to be a better time what are the best months though my favorite months to come to Disneyland are January and February and August and September those are my four favorite months I had to pick secondary times uh the first two weeks of December and the first two or three weeks of May are also pretty solid times to come to Disneyland uh June and July are going to be your busiest summer seasons except for Saturdays in July are actually really awesome because most passholders are blocked out um and then March is your busiest middle of March through middle of April spring break busiest time all year round avoid that time if at all possible also avoid holidays if you can holidays are going to be busy we're talking Thanksgiving Christmas Columbus Day President's Day any day where kids have off of school you can reasonably expect it'll be busier in in the Parks because of it the next question I frequently get asked is how many days do I need that's really going to be dependent upon your situation if this is your first time I recommend a minimum of 3 days I love a 3-day vacation here at Disneyland I think it's plenty of time to see everything uh if you are from overseas we're talking Australia or the UK or somewhere else you take a lot of effort to get here do 5 days 5 days is the max tickets that you can purchase without having to uh reset everything and essentially pay the the more expensive ticket prices so come for the full 5 days if you are coming from overseas if you're trying to save money 2 days is a good solid option one Park per day I would really only recommend one day for people who come multiple times maybe they come three or four times throughout the year or they've come to Disneyland 30 40 times you can do just one day no problem but if this is a once in a-lifetime trip um you know probably do five but I I think think three is the minimum desirable amount next do I need a park hopper uh again that's just going to be a situational the one thing to consider with Park Hoppers is that they are a flat rate price for your entire trip and so if you are coming for well actually they just changed it where the number of days affects the the cost of it I think the highest is 75 days for a 5day 70 days for a three and a 4 day 65 days for a 2 day and 6 or they might have upped it to 70 for a one day I can't remember the exact prices but it's a flat rate so if you're coming for 5 days $75 per person and that is for the entire duration of your stay uh it's not you know $75 a day it's $75 for all 5 days so to park hopper or not situational but I highly recommend it if you are going to be here for a longer duration just because it's cost effective to do so uh one or two days is when you want to consider not doing Park offer especially two days because you could just do one Park per day easily with that tip number four or question number four is going to be do I need Genie plus uh I highly recommend it I mean I know that it it's an extra cost but when you factor in like Universal's express pass or nottsbury Farm's fast lane both of those cost in excess of $100 per person per day uh I know that the last time I tried to get an express pass at univers so they told me it was $199 just for me and I had already had tickets to get into the park mind you uh $199 just for the express pass Disney's is $30 a person so so much less than Universal and there are way more rides on it here so I think it's worth it do you need it every day of your trip probably not if you're coming for a full 5 days I doubt that you need the genie Plus for all 5 days maybe you might do it for two you might not even need it at all for 5 days but if you're coming for two or plus Genie plus is going to be a necessity you can check out my full Genie plus video with 26 unique tips to Genie plus that I just can't get into here if you want more information on that put a link down in the description next question should I stay on or off property hope you enjoyed that we're just switching the scenery up every time we talk about some of these I want you to have something else to look at except for my face here uh but on or off property there are only three on-site Disney hotels they're really expensive if you go to Walt Disney World they have some value on ones that you can go to for like 150 a night the cheapest one here at uh Disneyland is like 4 or 500 a night it it's it's crazy expensive the cheapest one here is like a deluxe at Walt Disney World and so what's the benefit of staying on property well really I mean proximity to the park is a huge one especially the Grand California and it's got its own private entrance into a Disney California Adventure but it's also like 800 a night it's it's the most expensive of the three on-site hotels uh all three hotels get early entry into the parks it's an extra half an hour early entry into the park but beyond that there really aren't that many perks um to staying on property I think that they do the gift gift shop service that they do in Walt Disney World that is if you go to a gift shop you can have the items sent to your hotel and you can pick it up at the gift shop in your hotel that way you don't have to carry the gift around the park that would probably be the only other real benefit otherwise a lot of the Good Neighbor hotels are just as close in fact the Best Western right out outside Disneyland Gates is actually closer to the parks than the Disneyland Hotel itself is uh there are a lot of closer Parks uh specifically the Best Western has free breakfast my personal favorite is the candy cane in I'll put a link down in the description to a review of that hotel it's a pretty within close walking distance in fact it's just on the other side of radiator springs Racers just outside the fence like that's where it's situationally located on Harbor Boulevard it has free breakfast a free shuttle and it's just an awesome and clean room I I love the candy cane and it's my personal favorite a Disneyland Area Hotel tip number six is I want you to be aware of multiple Free Ride Services here at Disneyland the first is single Rider which is available for families and people over the age of seven you have to be a minimum of seven seven years of age to do single Rider but it helps you skip the line faster so usually the matter horn which is what we're outside right now is about a 45 to 60 Minute weight on average single Rider takes about 10 to 15 minutes so it cuts the weight time down significantly the thing is you will be split up from your party you may be in the same ride of vehicle um but somebody might be in seat 1 and you're in seat 6 you may be in totally separate ride Vehicles there's a good possibility especially if you're coming with children that they'll be on a separate car all by themselves without you now not by themselves there'll be other people in the car but none of your family members so I use single Rider sparingly with that in mind but my family loves using single Rider just because it helps us uh skip the line because we usually don't have Genie plus the next thing to think about is a rider switch Rider switch is for families of young children so matter horn has a height requirement of 40 in I think it's 40 in so if you have a child that's under 40 in they can't ride one parent will or one adult will have to sit off with that child in weight and then when the everybody else rides and then when they get off the adult who set out can go ride again and take one additional guest with them the way that that works they scan your phone or your ticket and it gives you a a genie plus essentially a free lightning Lane to use here at Disneyland and on that attraction of course you can use it later on in the day you don't have to use it right away but parent switch is something to keep in mind if you have little ones that aren't tall enough to ride things and then the final free service is called Das pass that is the disability access service which allows those who cannot wait in line for you know something like autism or maybe a mental health issue that prevents you from um comfortably standing and waiting in line the Das pass allows you to get a return time it's kind of like Genie plus except for that it's a free service for those with disabilities and um medical reasons and you should look into doing it you have to apply for it either online or when you first get here um but it also works on rides that do not have Genie plus lightning Lanes it works on all the rides uh definitely those three services three are free here at Disneyland something to remember whenever you come next you should be aware of after hours events at Disneyland and one of them is Star Wars nights which is why we're hanging out here in Star Wars Galaxy's Edge straight ahead is Rise of the resistance and Star Wars nights usually happen in the month of May because of May the 4th you know May the 4th be with you that's a Star Wars month if you will so Star Wars nights happen in May but there are other after hours events one going on right now for the Halloween season Oogie Boogie Bash that's over in DCA they have grad nights also over in DCA here in Disneyland they've got throwback night they have sweethearts night princess night um sweethearts night takes place in February for Valentine's Day and tickets go on sale uh Le last year they went on sale middle of December uh for oie Boogie bash starts in September and tickets went on sale in June if you have an intention on going to one of those events you will want to pay attention to when those tickets go on sale because they sell out very fast I would hate for you to plan to come to Disneyland only for it to be a Sweetheart's night and then you get kicked out of the park at 6:00 p.m. when the park usually closes at midnight and you miss out on 6 hours and just a news flash Disney does not charge Less on the days that there are after hours events so unfortunately it's your loss if you come on one of those days so you want to keep that in mind uh for instance with Oogie Boogie bash DCA closes at 600 p.m. on Sundays Tuesdays and Thursdays September and October it just it closes early because of Oogie Boogie bash so you want to plan to go to DCA on a day that is not on an noie Boogie bash night or get a park hopper so that you can go to the other Park once the park that has the after hours event closes just something to keep in mind whenever you're scheduling a time to come um the awing booted up behind me while I'm ah it's really loud I think it's done um what was I saying after hours events uh the after hours events mostly take place in the spring except for Oogie Boogie which takes place here in the fall fall but that's the only one that takes place in the fall uh grad nights the last after hours events usually that takes place in the first week of June or so end of May beginning of June and then um there's no after hours events in the summer until you reach the beginning of fall with boogie boogie and there's no after hours events uh in November or December for the Christmas season then they start back up again in the spring because typically the springtime except for um spring break is one of the slower times of the year so they have these extra ticketed events to draw in more crowds they have the ability to do more things cuz it's not so busy here in the Parks we're getting a little closer now to the time that you are to arrive at Disneyland we're 60 days out what happens at 60 days out you need to make any advanced dining reservations if you see an abbreviation online it's ADR and ADR is an advanced dining reservation and there are four locations here at Disneyland you can make advanced dining reservations this is one of them the riverbell Terrace there are two others in this General vicinity up there we'll walk over there in a minute and then there's the Carnation Cafe which is on Main Street now these places are table service restaurants that's how Disney refers to them uh you could call them a sit down meal as opposed to a quick service Meal which is like fast food uh the table service restaurants are going to take a bit more of your time they're going to take about an hour as opposed to Quick Service which may you know you could be done in 15 20 minutes it's also going to be pricier you're going to have a waiter and going to be expected to leave a tip I share that last item because we have a lot of viewers from overseas where tipping is not normal uh they you know the prices for a tip would be built into your food but uh here in the states they expect you to leave 18 to 20% as a tip for a sit down table type restaurant and over here is another one this is the Blue Bayou this is the Pirates of the Caribbean ride exit right here right next to that is Blue Bayou this is the restaurant that you see on the ride when you riding Pirates of the Caribbean uh this is probably the hardest to get reservation in the park because of the atmosphere and you need to make those reservations at the 60-day Mark if you do not happen to get a reservation you can sign up for alerts on an app like Mouse dining that's the one that I like to use uh there are a couple of other services but you just set an alert for the Day and The Time that you want a reservation and it will email you when a reservation becomes available and then you can go snag it right away before somebody else takes it but uh 60 days in advance is when you can make these Advanced dining reservations I didn't put this one in my original list of 15 but we'll call it a bonus item if you will uh since it goes with food you can place mobile orders for food you don't have to stand by in line for these Quick Service restaurants be behind me is Tiana's Palace the newest quick service restaurant at Disneyland used to be the French Market if you've come to Disneyland before but it's just been a really long time so you're watching this video um now it is Tiana's Palace and I highly recommend you make a mobile order but at the moment this place is so popular that the mobile orders are disappearing by around noonish which means that I would recommend you make your mobile or place your mobile order right away you can place mobile orders at 7 a.m. in the morning before the park even opens yes you may not feel like you know I don't know what I want to eat for lunch yet but just trust me on this you want to place mobile orders for these high demand places right away it might be gone by 8 or 9 that's how quickly things go sometimes um but for most normal restaurants around the park you can just mobile order whenever whenever you feel hungry whenever you feel ready and you do it you know you can look at the menu while you're standing in line for a ride it saves you some time and you don't have to stand in a standby line you can just punch that I'm here when you're on your way there it usually takes about 5 minutes to to prepare so I usually hit it while I'm still walking there even though I'm not there I hit it that I'm there and then it's usually done by the time I get there or a little bit after I wasn't waiting too long uh it's my preferred way to to make food orders here at Disneyland next thing you want to keep in mind is to be aware of the refurbishment schedule here at Disneyland they post the refurb schedule online for all to see in their events Page 6 weeks ahead of time so 6 weeks before you come take a look at the refurb schedule and see what rides are going to be closed what restaurants are going to be closed and any like other things like right now um the cental park up in Mickey's Toontown is closed for refurbishment it's not a ride or a restaurant but Parts you know of the area are closed and that gets put on the refurbishment schedule other things you'll find on that events calendar are things like showtimes for parades and fireworks and so you want to make note of all of these things for the week that you plan to come again that appears online 6 weeks ahead of time uh the reason why that's important is because you don't want to come here and expect to ride Space Mountain and then Space Mountain is closed like it is today it's closed until October 26th every single month here on the channel we are doing construction updates in the first of the month within the first couple days or right before the beginning of the month I'll post uh the newest construction update so that you can be aware of what's going to be closed for the coming months red and Jack Sparrow red is over there somewhere there she is behind the tree red and Jack Sparrow are up here uh on the bridge above Pirates of the Caribbean so I thought I'd just come over here and let you look at them while I talk about the next point and that is that it is a pretty crazy hot day here today uh I am my energy is waning I have to go get myself a snack before we continue the video but uh the heat brings up my next point and that is to pack appropriately and let's just go down here and see if we can get closer to them hello thank you well they left so we're going to walk and try to get to a place that's more out of the way to continue my thought here or just point it this way as I talk but um heat yes it's very hot today so pack appropriately know the weather patterns uh here in Southern California it's October and I know a lot of places in the country October it's already starting to cool down but today is a high of 92° pretty toasty that's very normal for our October I've even had 90° days in November before so uh plan for that prepare for that here we go I'm out of the way you can look at the uh Adventure Land Treehouse here let me see if I can get the glare out of the way the progress there on that but um our our cold times of the year starts to get chilly in December and can stay cold through May and by cold I mean that even in May you might need a jacket but by the you know afternoon it'll be warm you won't need the jacket but you need a jacket in the morning in the evening that sort of thing uh the the actual coldest coldest months are going to be January and February and then um some years years March can get back to like pretty nice temperatures other years March is still pretty cold uh but you know April May it'll start to get warm again and then our heat doesn't really uh our heat doesn't really kick in here in California until August July can still be um uh pretty mild and moderate temperatures August the heat starts to hit August September October the three hottest months of the year um so if you're coming during a colder month or even if you think it should be a warmer month just bring a jacket cuz it's colder evenings colder mornings here in Southern California um we don't have a lot of humidity and because of that the temperature doesn't really hang out here very much so uh it can be 50° in the morning and 85° in the afternoon and go back to 55 60° in the evening so it just keep the we have huge 30 40° temperature fluctuations uh just pack accordingly the hottest it usually gets is like 100 and the coldest it usually gets is like 35 uh you don't see snow or ice here really you'll see your breath because it gets that cold but uh not cold enough for snow so that's you know helpful for those of you that are come from really cold climates you're going to think this is warm when I'm talking to you that it's cold my favorite snack to get when I need something refreshing is this right here this is a pineapple spear it's a stored in ice so it's nice and cold I get it from that little building right there in Adventure Land across from Jungle Cruise and um they have all sorts of fruit there comes nice little individually packaged and this is $349 it's it's easily my favorite snack cuz it's fruit it's healthy it's refreshing it's cold uh it just it's it's awesome our next tip is to make a priority list of rides know what you want to ride so that even if you come on a busy day you can prioritize the rides that everybody in your family wants to do so what I usually recommend is everybody save a party of before everybody pick one picks one ride that they absolutely must do and you make sure that you can ride those rides above all else and then you have the not so quite uh best priority it's the next one down it's a ride you still want to ride you love to ride it but it's not your number one ride and so uh then you you ride the secondary tier ride next then you have a third tier these are the rides that you know you'd like to do but if you don't get a chance it's not the end of the world you put those on the third tier and once you get tier one and two done you can ride your third tier rides and then you can have a fourth tier even at the bottom and these are the rides that like wow you know if I didn't ride them at all I wouldn't even be disappointed but if we get through everything this is my next ride that I want to ride you you have these this tier this priority line so that nobody leaves the the vacation disappointed everybody got to ride their their biggest most anticipated ride and you don't have to really worry about the crowds then also get Genie plus and you won't have to worry about much at all except for the jungle cruise which we're staring at doesn't have Genie plus so you still have to stand by it what the longest wait it's going to gets 30 minutes so you probably get to ride it anyway which honestly this one is like tier two ride for me not tier one but a tier 2 ride I love Jungle Cruise it is in my top five rides at Disneyland Space Mountain and Rise of the resistance are the only two rides above Jungle Cruise here at Disneyland for me all right you're here you finally made it after months and months of planning we finally make it to Disneyland now what do I do how do I organize my day the best way to do Disneyland in my opinion is to come at ROP drop take an afternoon break and then stay to park close what does that mean well the park opens at 8:00 a.m. and at 7:30 they start letting people through the gates actually about 7:20 they start letting people through the gates into here at Disneyland and everybody will congregate in this area right here in the hub because they have ropes blocking off each of the lands so you're just you know you kind of hang out here until uh right at about 7:58 they have a welcome to Disneyland announcement over the PA and then 8:00 they drop the ropes that's where the word rope drop comes from they drop the ropes and they let you into the lands and then you can go ride your very first Park of the morning the first 2 hours of the day from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. are the best time to be riding rides in my opinion so rad drop is an absolute necessity even if you don't stay till park close you show up here at 8:00 a.m. you're probably going to be tired around 1:00 2 in the afternoon so go back to your hotel at that point leave the park uh head down that way down the end of Main Street leave the park go back to your hotel get a 2 to 3 hour break you don't have to take a nap just a 2 to three hour break and if you have kids this is essential okay essential you cannot skip the afternoon break you may think my kid doesn't need a nap my kids don't need a nap either but man do they need an afternoon break um and so you know make sure that uh that you are taking an afternoon break what if I don't have a hotel what do I do you can go over to the Grand California Hotel they have some really really nice nice comfy chairs in their Lobby it's air conditioned they have a Pianist who's usually playing Disney music and they've got this little Nook uh with cartoons on for the kids my kids love to just go sit and watch cartoons there it's uh gets them off their feet gets them the air in the air conditioning and it's peaceful it's relaxing and they can take a break there uh that's if you don't have a hotel if you do have a hotel go back to your room rest and relax take the afternoon break come back into the Park 4 5:00 in the afternoon and then resume your day and stay till park close and Disneyland generally closes around midnight DCA generally closes around 10:00 p.m. sometimes they each close an hour earlier than that you'll have to check the park hours for whenever you're going to come but stay until park close because especially here at Disneyland uh aside from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. being the best time to ride rides 10: p.m. to 12:00 a.m. is the second best time to ride rides there at Park Clos cuz most of the families with kids will have been gone I know that my youngest he conks out at nine like when we bring him and we stay that late he can't make it past 9: my oldest he's 9 I he he can make it to park close he's very tired but he can do it um so you know factor in those thoughts to maximize your day you want to do rope drop take an afternoon break and then stay to park close uh the afternoon from 1: to 4: are the busiest times of the day anyway that's the what time it is right now uh it may not look too busy right here in the the Main Street area but um the park is definitely very crowded today uh the weight times are high the the walkways are congested and so avoid the congested times of the day and go take a break during those times so you're at Disneyland and you want to know where you can meet some characters because you love to get character signatures or photos of characters uh fantasy land is going to be your primary place for this and in fantasy land over off to the side of the castle not actually in fantasy land itself but to the side of the castle is Royal Hall greet the princesses actually say only 15minute weight uh at the moment that's not too bad from what I understand they have two different lines in there and you can meet three different princesses in each of the lines so there's six different princesses that you could possibly meet here at Royal Hall this is a guaranteed place where you can see them uh also just walking around the land in fantasy land whether you're walking up to It's a small world or walking around uh the carousel the characters will free roam they'll just walk around you'll be able to see them uh some characters will ride rides with guests like um Mary Poppins rides the Carousel and the Mad Hatter and Alice will ride mad tea party and they'll do different things like that interact with guests uh you won't be able to find any in Tom tomorrow land you'll see some in Frontier land actually Woody Buzz Pocahontas and Tiana walk around frontierland New Orleans Square actually I think Tiana might have move more to New Orleans Square now that Tiana's Palace is open um and then in Star Wars Galaxy's Edge you're able to find uh Boba Fett Mando Chewbacca Ray kylo Ren Stormtroopers that sort of thing and then in critter country you can find Pooh Tigger eore uh and Santa Claus at Christmas time you can also check the Disneyland app under the characters tab for more locations where you can meet Mickey and Minnie and Donald and Daisy up in Mickey's Toontown or you can meet Mirabel in frontierland and that is on the Disneyland app if you don't see it under the characters check entertainment cuz there's an aerial meet and greet uh up on the way to It's a small world that shows up under entertainment rather than the characters Tab and we're back here at the matter horn to tell you our next tip which is to ride all the unique rides at Disneyland that you cannot ride at well dis Disney World the matter horn Bob sleds being one of them there's also Indiana Jones Adventure which we're not going to walk back over there on that side of the park um but then we have Disneyland versions of rides that are so much better like Space Mountain and it's a small world and Pirates at the Caribbean our versions of the rides are better so I highly recommend you ride them even if you're used to Walt Disney World but most of our unique unique rides are going to be in fantasy land on the other side of the castle here so we're going to go through the gates um many of these rides are opening day attractions or are reimagined versions of opening day attractions and so you're also riding a bit of History if you want to think about it like that over here off to our left is Snow White's Enchanted wish which used to be Snow White's Scary Adventure but uh they made it less scary although I still think it has some fairly creepy moments in it and then the Red Roof straight ahead is Pinocchio's daring Journey that is another unique ride that you can only ride here at Disneyland across the way in that little building over there is Mr Toad's Wild Ride This is Peter Pan they have Peter Pan at Walt Disney World in fact the Walt Disney World version of Peter Pan's better just because the queue is bigger and better up that way is Casey junr circus train it's a pretty crowded area so I'm not going to actually go up that way and then the last one is down this direction and that's going to be storybookland Canal boats this is a fun unique little ride uh gentle boat ride around some Miniatures and you get to get swallowed by monstro I mean how awesome is that uh so definitely check out this ride I don't feel like walking up to Toontown but up in Toontown we have chippendale's Gadget coaster as well as Roger Rabbit's cartoon spin in Frontier land we have the Davey Crockett Explorer canoes and pretty much all of DCA is unique pretty much everything over there I mean almost like you know they have a Tower of Terror type attraction used to be Tower of Terror got re themed they do have SAR in so that's the same but uh we have incred coaster which is just awesome Radiator Springs Racers which is just awesome all the rides at Cars Land are just awesome uh there Spider-Man web Slinger so much uh unique rides over there in Disney California Adventure my next tip is not to spend all of your money on Arrival Day it' be very tempted to go walk through downtown Disney when you first get here here and pop into the world of Disney or any other store in Downtown Disney and blow your entire souvenir Budget on the things that you see there but that would be a mistake all around you there are stores stores to my left stores to my right stores all over the place there are unique stores at the end of every single ride or most every single ride that have ride specific merchandise each park has unique merchandise whether you're in Disneyland or Disney California Adventure Disneyland has merchandise that you won't find in the world of Disney World of Disney has merchandise you won't find a Disneyland it's best just to enjoy the parks walk through check out the stores look for things that you want take a picture of something that you're interested in on your phone uh take a picture of where it's located and then whenever you are at the end of your trip and you are ready to make your purchases then go back through and go to the stores with the items that you wanted and buy them otherwise just spend all your money in the world of Disney and find something you really love better inside Disneyland and then you either have to go over budget or you know you just can't buy it so yeah it's a it's a good tip just to not spend all of your money hello this is usually what I do when we go on vacation to Walt Disney World uh we're usually there we do all four parks and then we do what we call the repeats where we go through all four Parks again well sometimes we don't go through Hollywood Studios again cuz it's not one of our favorite Parks um but the first time that we go through the parks I'll look for items that I want make note of them but I'm thinking you know in the back of my mind well I'm an animal kingdom maybe I'll find something at Epcot that I like better than what I saw at Animal Kingdom so I don't buy it yet and I I wait until I visited all four Parks before I make up my mind you can do the same thing here at Disneyland as well highly recommend that's the way you run it and lastly I do want you to know that even though Disney has some amazing snacks like this is the boys and apple freeze it's just so hot that I needed something else refreshing this is fruity and refreshing um so I wanted to get it even though they have all these really awesome snacks you can bring your own if you're trying to save money if you uh want to come to Disneyland in a budget you can bring your own snacks no problem you can get free cups of water at any of the restaurants just walk up and ask for a free cup of water and they will hand them to you uh so there are budget ways that you can come to Disney when it comes to food well that was refreshing and I feel so much better now but that's it for this video If you enjoyed it please hit the like And subscribe button if you would like to see more money saving tips go ahead and click this video thanks for watching and we will see you again next time
Channel: SoCal Disney Dad
Views: 52,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disneyland, disneyland 2023, disneyland first time, disneyland tips, disneyland first time tips, disneyland first visit, disneyland first visit tips, disneyland tips 2023, disneyland tips and tricks, disneyland tips and tricks 2023, disneyland first timer, disneyland vacation, disneyland vacation planning, first disneyland vacation, first disneyland trip, disneyland resort, disneyland rides
Id: G7BNWGDnn50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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