How To SKIP THE LINES At Disneyland | Genie+ BEST Tips, Tricks, And Secrets You NEED TO KNOW

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hello welcome to pearl's park bass my name is  chris provost and today i'm going to teach you   everything you need to know about genie plus here  at the disneyland resort the disneyland resort   i'm going to teach you every tip trick secret  everything you need to know to make your vacation   when you come down here amazing have an amazing  experience all right let's get into it genie plus we are focusing today on disneyland and disneyland  only let's talk about genie plus what is it how   do you use it now in order to understand gd plus  you have to understand these three things number   one there's genie then there's genie plus and  then individual lightning wings and for today's   video we're not gonna be talking really very much  about the genie we're mostly talking about genie   plus what is the genie the genie is just the free  thing on the app on the my disney experience app   that allow it'll kind of go out and plan your day  so it'll help you choose what you want to do i've   had hit or miss with it yeah i don't really use it  when you come to zam you don't really need it what   is genie plus gd plus is something you pay for and  it costs 20 a person you pay for it and allows you   to skip lines and certain attractions but you  really have to know how to use it correctly to   get your money's worth and that's what we're going  to talk about all right so i do have to talk real   quickly about individual lightning lanes those are  a separate thing where you have to just purchase   your ticket go get those lines it's not part of  genie plus be aware of that that's for rise of   resistance it's also for web slingers you don't  need it and it's also for cars we're not going to   talk about those things but everything else will  be talking about ge plus all right now let's get   into genie plus genie plus is this extra expense  if you want it it's twenty dollars a person at   the time this video is twenty dollars a person so  everybody in your family has to have it you can't   just buy it for one person family expect everybody  to use that benefit it does not work like that so   there's four of you you all four of you are going  to need the genie plus when you go to multiple   attractions there's multiple attractions here in  disneyland that has this the genie plus line if   you have a wait time you go right to the front  of that particular traction and you don't have   to wait and you skip the line basically so it's  a really good benefit if you want to if you're   willing to or want to pay for that extra a little  bonus of having g plus let me show you what it   looks like when they have a g plus line okay so  here's the matterhorn and over this side this   is the normal standby entrance and then right over  there we got the lightning lane right there that's   what we're talking about that's genie plus it says  lightning lane but really we're talking about is a   genie plus lane here's another example this is  it's a small world if you look right there you   have the standby entrance and then right there  you got your lightning lane so that's how you   know which one lightning lane that when it says  lightning it just means genie plus now lightning   lane doesn't take you all the way to the front of  the line be aware of that it's like the fastpass   lane you know how you skip certain sections of  the line so don't get your like think i'm gonna go   walk i'll be right in the front you're gonna skip  a certain section get pretty close to the front   but it's not right to the front oh my gosh the  pedo looks so great it's moana mary poppins   because wendy just stuck on by like literally  she like look i see us like right there   walking through the crowd wendy for peter pan  right there what is going on so if you don't have   if you don't have the genie plus then you're gonna  be using the standby line just be aware that's   what it means standby line no g plus you're just  gonna use a standby line and when you see like the   wait time like when you're waiting in line if you  look at the app it says like it's small world wait   time 55 minutes they're talking about the standby  line not the gd plus line of the lightning lanes   what they call it uh that's a totally different  time weight it's usually about 10 minutes   but the standby line is what you see when it shows  how long the wake time is now not every attraction   has a lightning lane for example i'm entering  into fantasyland storybook land no lightning lane   alice in wonderland no lightning lane dumbo for  example dumbo right over there no lightning lanes   king arthur's turret carousel no lightning lane on  that one peter pan no lightning length snow white   no lightning wing just be aware not every traction  has a lightning lane now here's a list of all the   different attractions that do have a lightning  lane big center mountain railroad indiana jones   space mountain autopia buzz lightyear star tours  matterhorn's quest mountain the haunted mansion   smugglers run it's a small world roger rabbit's  cartoon skin hey i just really quickly wanted to   say this i wanted to say thank you thank you for  watching this video it means a lot i mean you'll   be spending time doing other things the fact that  you're spending your time with me that means a lot   to me and the next thing i want to just tell you  this is i want you to know how awesome you are   sometimes in this world we get beat down you know  we get we get all these troubles and these things   happen and we have like with disappointments  or we have heartache or we have things that   just it makes it hard sometimes and we tie  those those bad experiences to our self-worth   and then we think well maybe i'm not worthy of  the success or maybe i i deserve no it's not   true as that's a misnomer and that's a lie you  are special you are amazing and you're priceless   and i'm talking to you i mean it to you i want  you to know that you're you're wonderful and so   if you're having a bad time you're having a bad  day a bad week or a bad year i want you to know   that you have a friend here and me chris provost  and my wife amanda that we are your friends here   in pearl's park pass and that we support you  i want you to know that we love everybody   across the board all of you every  single one of you doesn't matter   we love every one of you be kind to our people  all right i just wanted to say that okay all right   let's continue on i think this is pretty cool  though right do you guys like this i like this   this thing is cool so anyways let's continue on  the video now that we kind of have the basics of   what is the genie plus and all that let's get into  how to use it effectively so you can get the most   you know the stretch your dollar the furthest  okay this is gonna be one of the things that   most people will tell you wrong a lot of people  like when you talk about rope dropping when you   rope drop that means you are coming straight to  the park and right as the park opens and you are   in the park when it opens so for example the park  opens at 8 a.m you'll hear about 7 15 it lets you   into main street and then when at 8 o'clock at the  end of main street you run and go ride rides for   that first hour you don't really want to use your  genie plus what i'll explain why you have an hour   the way ga plus works i'm going to use space  mountain as my example throughout this video   so let's say i grab my lightning lane through  genie plus for space mountain i have one hour   to use it from when it's issued to me so  i go in i got my gd plus app and it says   space mountain available at 8 15 in the morning if  i select that then i have to use it between 8 15   and 9 15 i have one hour there's a one hour window  there that's why i really don't recommend the rope   drop strategy of using genie plus right at the  very beginning so i was walking talking i was   getting distracted and my thoughts weren't really  coherent so i found a little spot where i could   stand and talk for a second which i think also  has a nice background you come in the park you   have to be inside the park in order to start  using gd plus so if if i'm not in the park i   can't get on the genie plus and start making my  reservations until my ticket has been scanned   and gone in the gate that's rule number one so  let's talk about rope jumping the rope dropping   if i get here and i rope drop at 8 a.m and i go  in and i select space mountain at 8 15. all right   but then i'm like okay there's no line for jungle  cruise so i run over jungle cruise and then i run   over to indiana jones because no line there then  i hit a pirate's caribbean because there's no wine   big thunder and i do all these attractions real  fast that first hour because there's no line   then guess what i go back to look at the  time and now it's like 9 20 in the morning   that hour is expired and i've lost  my ticket i've lost my g plus force   for space mountain why is that important to know  because you can only get one ticket for attraction   on the gme plus so once you've once you've done  like a selected space mountain i can't go back   and select space mountain again and then again  i get to do it one time so if i miss that very   beginning then i've lost my one lightning lane  for space mountain so what i suggest here at   disneyland keep in mind this is all disney walt  disney world's a whole nother that's a totally   different scenario we'll talk about that in a  different video but here at disneyland you're   going to come and rope drop all those rides  what you want if you're here early and then then you're going to start using your genie plus  now if you show up a little bit late you don't   get here until like nine in the morning then boom  immediately start using the genie plus okay so you   understand that the rope drop i wouldn't use  it until you're after you're done getting all   those rides with no attractions then start using  the genie plus all right so now let's talk about   wait times how's the genie plus work with wait  times when you select a ticket so let's say i   select space mountain i get here at 8 a.m and i  select space mountain and my time is at 9 00 a.m   i cannot select any more rides on the genie  plus until i've used my current selection of   space mountain at 9am but this is where everybody  gets confused and this is where you might need   a little piece of paper to write this down  there are some things you should be aware of   let's say i get here it's nine in the morning  and i want to ride space mountain and i looked   at genie plus and the only times i see available  the first time i see available is at noon noon   that's three hours away and i select that i grab  that like boom i grab that space mountain for noon   what it will the genie plus then will start  counting down for two hours at the end of two   hours then i could select another lightning lane  even though i haven't used my space mountain one   yet does that make sense the two hour so if i  started if i grab it at nine then at 11 i could   go grab another light uh lightning lane for the g  plus even though i haven't used my space mountain   but the g8 plus app is not going to tell it won't  remind you it won't say you can go select another   one you have to set a little reminder your phone  so if you are doing that two hour gap put a little   reminder your phone to have an alarm go for two  hours and then go select another uh lightning lane   got it okay a lot of people make this mistake and  i just don't want you to do that is that people   get here for example uh space mountain is now  themed as hyperspace mountain so it's very popular   so people will get on the genie plus app  and also they'll see it's not available   until 4 30 in the afternoon they'll select it  even though it's like nine in the morning and   then they think that they can't use their  gdp plus until 4 30 until they've used it   so they don't use it they waste all that time  every two hours you can be grabbing a new pass   does that make sense but now here's  what gets even a little trickier   oh look patch fight tree fetch fight tree back  to the rivers of america okay so let's talk about   this let's say that i grab my uh space mountain  at for 8 30 in the morning it's 8 in the morning   i grab it for 8 30 morning the second i've used my  lightning lane i can then grab another lightning   lane i don't have to wait the two hours so you  either have to wait to two hours or use your   lightning lane then once you've used lightning  you can go select another one does that make sense   to be clear one more time just because people  get confused by this it's eight in the morning   i select my lightning lane for 8 30 for space  mountain once i ride it at 8 30 and second i   get up i can go suck another lightning late or  it's eight in the morning i select the lightning   lane for space mountain it's not till noon then  at 10 o'clock after wait two hours i could select   another lightning lane even though i haven't used  my noon lightning lane okay we've covered that   part enough let's move on to the next topic let's  talk about park hopping it's like how does it work   your park hopping um pretend that i am in a disney  california adventure just you know why why are   we pretending this is video let's make it happen  let's go right now okay and now look we are now in   disney california adventure here's the thing let's  say you started the park here at disney california   adventure and you really want to ride let's say  like space mountain that's your ride you're dying   to go on and you have ge plus well you know you  can't park hop until one o'clock in the afternoon   so if it's like nine o'clock in the morning  while you're here at disney california adventure   i could get on my gd plus and look and see what  the next fatal time for space mountain is the   app is so smart that i'll realize oh you're in dca  but you're trying to make a reservation disneyland   so it won't make my reservation until after one  o'clock after i can park up so if it's a nine in   the morning it'll look at all the different times  after one o'clock that space mountain is available   now keep in mind it's nine in the morning here  and i make that reservation at disneyland until   after one o'clock then i'm gonna have to set  my alarm clock or alarm go off every two hours   keep getting more reservations so i'm still  here at disney california venture all right   let's go back over to disneyland all right and  now we are back in disneyland let's talk about   the price of the genie plus it is twenty  dollars a person a person so it could be oh look there goes what is happening it's 20 a person so i could  be a little bit pricey i'm going to tell you   how to do this the best way to do this is to buy  it when you buy your package so let's say you're   going to get away today you're going to get the  best prices so you should obviously go to get   away today go to get away today and then when you  buy your your hotel or your tickets tell them you   want to include the genie plus and they will  then attach it to your ticket so you have it   it makes it really easy now i'm going to be  completely 100 honest to you so i just believe in   transparency it's not any cheaper it's the  same price but here's the advantage of it   is that when they released the max pass it was  ten dollars and then it went to fifteen dollars   and the price kept going up i think that this  the genie plus is going to get more expensive   if you buy it and it's already attached to your  ticket if they increase the prices they won't   increase the prices because you already bought it  so you're always going to know you're going to get   the lowest prices in case they increase the price  and i think that they will increase the price   because it's so popular it's crazy now a lot of  people are like well i'm only going to buy it for   one day if i'm coming for three days i only buy  it one day and i've heard a lot of people say them   that's fine the question i get asked the most is  well then which day should i use it should i use   on the first day the second day or the third day  that's a really hard question to answer i'm gonna   tell you why number one if you use it on the first  day you're gonna love it and you're gonna make it   awesome and then you're gonna say this you're  like man i wish we should do this on every day   and uh you're gonna like end up probably buying  it for every day just keep your heads up or if   you end up using it on the very last day then what  ends up happening is that people end up saying oh   i wish we would have used it the entire trip i'm  going to say this this is just my two cents if   you are traveling from out of town and you're  coming to disneyland and this is your family   vacation it's worth it to get the genie plus  get it get the genie plus and use it so that way   for every day of your trip you won't regret it  because it just makes it so nice you'll wish   you had now if you're only coming out here for  one day and you're local then you don't need the   genie plus because you know you're just gonna  do what you normally do but if you're traveling   from wisconsin family of four you're gonna want  to use this let's talk writer swap you might be   asking yourself what the heck is writer swap  rider swap is when you go write an attraction   and you have a little one who might be too small  or hey guys how's it going back to writer's swap   so writer swap is when you have a little one who  maybe doesn't want to ride a ride because maybe   they're scared or maybe they're just too small so  you wait so i go ride the ride and the man will be   waiting for miles then at the end we could switch  get a little rider swap then amanda she would go   ride the ride and then i would wait with miles  it's called writer swap it's for allowing it's   basically somebody has to wait in the line to in  order for the other person to swap back and forth   now there was some misinformation and people  thought they found a loophole system so what   they're doing is they're buying genie plus just  for one person and then they were going in and   saying hey i i gotta write a swap they're letting  people go it doesn't work anymore guys uh uh uh   i'll tell you why now in order to write a swap  with gd plus both people have to have g plus and   they will check that so for a while there they  had it where like if only one person bought the   genie plus then i could write or swap and switch  back and forth but disney found that loophole and   they plugged that loophole so if i get this if i  get a g plus lightning lane and i ride the ride   then i come back and say hey i got one for my  my spouse amanda they're gonna say okay let's   see amanda's a gd plus and they're gonna put the  ticket on her g plus if she doesn't have it then   she can't do the writer swap so that doesn't work  that's a lot of misinformation the other thing   is though really you don't really need writer  swap because what would happen is amanda and i   would both have gdp plus we both select a space  mountain at 11 o'clock i would write her first   and then come back 10 minutes later take miles and  she would go ride it and then that's really what   you do so there's not really a loophole for writer  swapping just be aware there's bad information   about that now i'm going to tell you about the  holy grail the unicorn what you wish happens when   you have a g plus this is a secret that most  people do not know very few people know this   luckily you're subscribed to prosper fest so you  get all these cool secrets if you ever have g plus   and you go on and you see that attraction is down  let's say space mount is down for whatever reason   then what you want to do is you immediately want  to try to select that attraction and get your wait   time because if your wait time expires and the  rides not back up then guess what they will then   give you a ticket to allow you to go ride anything  you want to go ride except for ryze cars and web   slingers and peter pan other than that you can  go on a whole bunch of different attractions even   if they don't have the lightning lane for example  alice in wonderland what i see the space mountains   down i quickly go select it and then it'll come  back up and hopefully it doesn't i mean hopefully   it doesn't come back up which sounds weird and  then my time expires i'm going to get that ticket   to go back and to use any attraction that i  want then immediately what we do is i'm going   to select another space mountain again because  it's so close and i haven't used my original uh   first try and just hope we keep getting those  tickets of ride whatever you want to ride   yeah not a lot of people know that that's an  amazing secret so so if you ever see a ride   close that's what you're doing before i continue  on the video guys i'm here at the canoes i gotta   i gotta harass the the canoe guys because i  love them so much and yeah i'll tell you this   right now the canoes does not have a genie plus  lightning lane i don't know why it should because   it's the best attraction ever but whatever  wyatt yeah why did dopey buy a box of crayons because snow white told him  to draw the curtains terrible why doesn't the canoes have the lightning lane  i can't figure that out i've been trying to get   him to install him too you guys are just so  efficient at loading him you don't need it too good too good so now we gotta talk about  what not to do with the gd plus because this   is what happens a lot of times people do this and  they make this mistake then they regret it they   have a bad experience and i don't want people to  have a bad experience at disney once you have a   really good experience so what happens is people  come to disney and then they're having a good day   they're having fun it's like ah this is great  and then about three fourths a day all sudden   starts getting a little crowded and they think  themselves well i'm gonna buy genie plus right   now and start using it there are limited amount of  spaces so if you jump in like maybe like at five   o'clock and buy your genie plus at five o'clock a  lot of those spots you go try to get a reservation   for like space fun it might not be or it might  be completely gone hi so what ends up happening   is they end up buying the a tv plus late in the  afternoon and then they go to get a reservation   but the first things they get are like way late  at night then people are like why did i do this   if you're gonna use genie plus you wanna use it  for the full day that's really like a thing you   have to understand that rule right after you do  your rope drop in that first hour of just getting   on all the rides then you start using your g plus  right then and there and use it for the full day   don't uh didn't make that mistake of just buying  it late in the day trying to think you're going   to bypass all lines because those lightning  lanes are probably already full by that point   good to know i'm working on i can't quite figure  it out there's got to be a joke in there about rey   breaking a bone and she gets on an x-ray wing  it's close i'm i feel like i'm very close to   coming up with a x-ray queen joke if you could  help me come up with that put that down in the   comments down below like we got to come up  with an x-ray wing joke i mean we got ray   right you got the x-wing just seems like you got  x-ray it's like it's gonna write itself i know   that some of you should be super creative we're  gonna create a joke right here together let's do   it now i'm gonna show you exactly how to use this  app so that way you see how the app is used let's   do it you have to download the app when you  come to disneyland it helps you with all your   reservations and all those mobile ordering  things like that gd plus is included as part   of that app so you don't have to have a separate  app for genie plus it's already included in the   disneyland app when you log on the app there's a  little button there it says i want the genie plus   when you click on that they're going to  send you a little confirmation to your email   give you a code you get on that code then you  pay for it once you paid for it then it's going   to let you select which particular attractions  you would like to go on lightning lane force be   getting as many lightning as you can so you get  your money's worth with the app the way that you   get those lightning lanes is you go on the app and  you click on where it says my day once you select   my day you scroll down to find an attraction that  you want at that point you select the time and   you go do that attraction if it's time to use your  lightning link there's going to be a little button   that says redeem you click redeem gives you your  barcode and you just scan your barcode in to get   into your attraction all right so here's some  other just little things little nuggets to know   about the genie plus these are the most popular  attractions so if you're thinking about giving   these attractions they're always going to have  the longest wait line the first one is a disney   company adventure it's going to be guardians  of the galaxy that's always going to be the one   that's going to have the longest uh wait time so  you try to grab it's going to be in the afternoon   probably that's fine but remember we talked about  it you grab it and you just wait for two hours and   you'll be able to grab another ticket as far as  california goes it's almost always indiana jones   except right now they have a hyperspace mountain  and that's a special event that only goes since   the fourth of july and so right now hyper space  mount is the most popular attraction uh but   once that is gone it's gonna go back to indiana  jones but even though those are the most popular   tractions you're still going to be able to get on  them no problem with g plus here's another little   thing that most people don't talk about g plus you  get the photo pass you know how at the end of the   ride some rides take photos if you have a ge plus  those photos are included and any character photos   that you get with a photographer those photos  are also included it's a nice little perk so   yeah think about that hey if you found this video  valuable and it's going to help you on your disney   trip which i hope that it does because i wanted  to have a good time would you hit that like button   that's really your way of saying thank you to me  for doing this video just hit that like button   and if you're really feeling generous hit that  subscribe button it doesn't cost anything you   hit the subscribe button and then there's a  little bell notification if you have that bell   notification turned on every time we do a video  you'll get notified and you can watch that video   if you choose to that's why people are saying turn  the bell notification on because if you subscribe   you don't have it on you won't get notified  but it's really up to you just if you like our   videos i'd like to if you hit the like button  you are amazing have a fantastic day and week   month year and know that you are awesome thanks  for watching for spark pass talk to you later bye
Channel: Provost Park Pass
Views: 454,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Provost Park Pass, Disney, Park Pass, Provost, genie, PPP, Park Pro, Provost Park, Provo Park Pass, Park Pass Pro, Genie+ Every Tip Trick And Secret You NEED TO KNOW To Get The Most Rides | How To Use Genie+ 101, Disneyland, Disneyland vacation, do I need genie plus, what is genie pluss, what is genie+, do I need genie+, How much is Genie+, How much, Genie+, Genie Plus
Id: hV2gmEn20dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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