EVERY Disney World Ride In ONE DAY: EPCOT | Ride & Rank Challenge

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let's ride and rank everything at Epcot hey there man fam this is part two of our ride and rank everything in Walt Disney World and we are here at Epcot the experimental prototype community of tomorrow today we are going to be attempting to ride every single ride here in Epcot cuz if you remember we are doing this park by Park before eventually trying to ride as many Walt Disney World rides as we can in 24 hours it's a lot yeah but Epcot will be fun yeah there's some bangers here but there's also some nostalgic favorites so come along it's going to be great ready why did I ask now I am let's go as mentioned this is episode two of the series bumping up the difficulty from our premere episode at Disney's Animal Kingdom it's harder here in Epcot cuz one you've got more rides than Animal Kingdom two some of those rides are harder to navigate like Cosmic rewind which has a virtual queue and three you've got a few more bangers here few more popular rides to contend with like Remy's ride it to Adventure test track and Frozen Ever After but while it might have more rides than Disney's h hwood Studios it doesn't have quite as many bangers as they do over there and of course it doesn't have near as many rides as Magic Kingdom so those will be episodes three and four respectively and remember we are only riding rides in this challenge that does not include shows or movies like The American Adventure or Canada far and wide so that means the 11 actual rides in Epcot those are our targets now we are using lightning Lanes throughout this Challenge and thanks to some ferocious fiddle fatling we were able to stack quite a few in the world showcase so we're headed there first if you want more information on how to use Genie plus the most effectively we do have a 2024 Genie guide where Molly shows you all of the tips and tricks on how to use it so I recommend checking that out making a quick pit stop though before we kick off using those lightning lanes and we are headed into the Mexico pyramid to ride the grand Fiesta tour soring the three gabos this is a very cute Classic boat ride style attraction no highight requirement where you are going to join panito and Jose to figure out donate EST Donald where is Donald Duck he has gone missing and along the way you're going to go through beautiful locations and scenes of [Music] Mexico excuse me have you [Music] [Music] seen [Music] [Music] that's just a cute ride it's just a Charming little attraction there's some Mary Blair inspiration in there it's cute it made me giggle a few times nothing wrong with it for these attractions we will be giving an objective ranking of where we think it is on the rideability scale or you must ride scale and then at the end of the video we will be ranking the rides 1 through 11 on our personal bias scale so the first number we're going to give it is just as objective as we possibly can be second not so much and I think objectively this attraction is a 5 out of 10 it's not a must do it's a nice to do you're inside on a slow boat ride on hot days you them air conditioning and I don't know it's just so beautiful and Scenic I can co-sign your five but I must say after a margarita at laava it becomes a seven and when plant Donald's there it's a 10 RP planton yeah through our journey through Mexico we are now making our way to Norway to ride Frozen ever after this is an incredibly popular boat ride that takes you to various scenes with your favorite Frozen characters and I highly recommend using lightning Lane for this attraction because it regularly has an hour or more wait there's no height requirement for this attraction so that means that's that's right everybody in your family can get Let It Go stuck in their heads you're going to Elsa ice [Music] [Applause] palace [Music] [Music] just [Music] what a delightful Little P Ride that is I really do like frozen Ever After yeah melstrom was a thing I like but Frozen is better yeah it's it really is a cute attraction it does get a really long line which I think makes it harder but I I think this is pretty much a must ride when you're at Epcot I'm going to give it a nine yeah I have to agree just the popularity of the IP the technology on display in terms of the animatronics specifically like Olaf and spin at least in my eyes did you know Olaf is the most complicated of the animatronics because he's the smallest so they had to fit all the same amount of parts to make it move that fluidly at Spen but in tiny size body yeah especially when you like considero all that he's doing W when he goes see you there Little Wave so cute freaking adorable yeah N9 out of 10 bour from France wow I went from like kind of an okay accent to really Southern really quick it was like B from France I don't know what just happened to me um anyway we are in France now to complete the rides in World Showcase and are headed to Remy's Ratatouille Adventure this is the newest attraction in World Showcase very very popular the first Ling Lane we booked this morning and it's a cute little dark ride through the Ratatouille story it's going to use that amazing trackless technology that you'll see on rides like Mickey Minnie's runaway Railway it is in 3D so it does make a couple people not Cous I find it's not too bad cuz you're actually moving through big practicle sets and uh I think it's time to go see everyone's favorite little chef chef Abby is waiting for you this way [Music] what [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] hey thanks for coming [Music] everyone well that's just adorable it's so cute Remy is such a cute character he is I identify with him a lot now that attraction I identify with AAL cuz he loves cheese okay for that attraction though what do we think I think it's an eight do you I agree um a lot of screens so there is the potential to get motion sick if you do with a lot of screens and 3D glasses as somebody who's color blind the 3D glasses often throw me off a little bit also because it is the track technology there are a lot of downtimes with this attraction because if anything goes onto the track they have to shut down the whole of traction to pick that up and then reboot it so because there's a lot of downtimes then there's a lot of backup in both the regular quebe and the lightning Lane so it's kind of more of a pain than Frozen so I think it I think it's slightly lower than Frozen Ever After but still an absolutely adorable ride and at least a must ride once when you're in epine oh for sure headed into World Discovery for a trio of Thrills that we are starting off with Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic rewind Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic rewind is the newest attraction here in Epcot it is a thrilling coaster attraction with a 42-in height requirement that follows the Guardians as they attempt to save Earth from uh a Calamity really it's just a lot of bad I I think boiling it down to a Calamity when it is going to destroy the entire galaxy and our existence feels a little I mean that's a Calamity by definition if there's ever been a Calamity that's it yeah the entire galaxy Winks out from existence i' i' I'd classify that yeah that classifies as a Calamity a little whoopsy Daisy yeah yep a whoopsy daisy although a whoopsy daisy is unintentional this feels very intentional by that ancient now the only way to ride Guardians of the Galaxy is either through virtual queue or a fancy ride now we chose a fancy ride because if it's a virtual queue you don't know when you're going to get called back and time is of the essence and we wanted to lock in our [Music] spot we're rocking well okay I walked on to your vehicle we'll be right behind you no one can stop rock and roll from [Music] insistence what have we done I think we're back all the [Music] way destroy we did that all the time here it's about time of course it is about time have you not been paying [Applause] [Music] [Applause] attention Jax it's an honorary title they're not coming with us I see it is meaningless well then what to the Guardians of the Galaxy yeah I think that's a 10 it's a 10 that's a 10 it's a 50 just wao we're breaking the scale for that one it's so good it's an absolute must ride if you're tall enough it does make some people motion sick I've heard that sitting in the front and focusing on the track can help with that I it doesn't make me motion sick and I get motion sick on on simulators but it is so good now one thing to note is that Guardians in totality took about 45 minutes that's a lot of time especially we were in a Lightning L and it still took that long so some to consider some to consider for the Big Challenge CU 45 minutes is a big chunk of time wow and that does happen somewhat frequently on that ride so learning lessons today you know it's going to be just as good uh-huh what we're writing next that's not true it's not even a little true it's not if our excitement didn't give it away we're headed towards mission space next now there's only two sides mission space but we're going to count riding it once as riding it and I think we're going to use the weight times Maybe to determine what side we go on whatever one's shorter I'm down that feels good if they're the same we'll figure that out mission space is an incredibly realistic simulator that puts you into Astronaut training and sends you into space on a mission Disney worked with NASA to develop the technology for this attraction and it's been said by many astronauts that it's the closest they've ever felt to going into space besides you know actually going into space now in this attraction debut there was only one version of the attraction and was so intense that it became the first Disney World attraction to become equipped with barf bags and have their own custodial team stationed to the building because so many people get sick on it since then they have made two different versions of the mission you have the original Mission which is the more intense orange Mission which sends you to Mars then you have the less intense green Mission which sends you on a loop around Earth if you've never been on this attraction before I highly recommend riding the green side first to make sure you can handle it before bumping up to that orange the green side has a 40in height requirement the orange side has a 44 in height requirement and I guess that's enough stalling it's time to get in those capsules all right we spoke with some kind cast members who let us know that the weights are basically the same despite what the sign up front says um I'm going to propose something that I'll probably regret but I think for science we should split up and time how long it takes CU I think that information can be very valuable and the Big Challenge I agree I don't like it but I agree all right there's only one way to decide you guess so Rock Paper Scissors Shoot have fun in Mars all right we've got our stop watch is ready and your mark get set go got speed I may not win rock paper scissors often but clearly I can win when it counts just getting excited with my team Flight Training area now ask a uniform crew member for directions I can't reach all the buttons I could probably reach three positions I don't think I can reach all the way over there this ship is doomed to fail all right I'm boarding into my cockpit it's been just about 8 minutes since I got in the queue and uh going to see how long the experience takes as well wonder how doing comfortable by ened darkes simulators or spinning you may exit the Flight Training area now I could stay awake just to hear you breathing while you're far away dreaming I can spend my life in this sweet [Music] surrender toot [Applause] [Music] initi just launched from the Pacific [Music] activate manual control now activ hands on the control sck right down andion good work team and I don't want to miss a I stopped the clock when I got in here into the gift shop it was a little over 15 minutes for me that was when Allan and I separated all the way through getting to the gift shop I don't see him yet but man I that ride I hope he feels better than I do but he went on orange so all right so either Allan got stuck in actual Spas storm is directly over your Landing s proximity alert deoy the Shi or it takes way longer to do orange Navigator buy a rocket for set Now activate manual control [Music] now all hands on the control s okay let's hope it's the second one I don't think he wants to live in spas or maybe he side rued for lava that would have been a good move friendly ends 1 ft 200 the barrier hold back [Music] down and clear alert location Canyon [Music] Edge don't move a muscle exite Welcome To Mars all right there's a big group of people coming off now still no sign of Allen hope he didn't get in a space lava Kur fuffle trying to do under the table business deals or maybe he thought he shouldn't do it under the table despite what Max and I have told him and he got arrested in spas for selling lava he might live in space now we may have lost him oh there he comes just kidding just when all hope was almost lost he comes like a Beacon of Hope a beacon of Triumph for riding the orange version of mission spas there he is reunited you did not get lost to Spas I did not get lost to Spas I I thought that maybe you had a lava deal gone wrong you know we did go to Mars where'd you go I went around the earth oh we had different experiences yeah yeah I went to Mars my whole experience took 15 minutes my whole experience took about 24 minutes so it does seem like Earth mission is better even though you had a little bit longer wait it sounds like to actually get on um it sounds like Earth mission is a little bit shorter of an experience it feels shorter like at the time actually in the capsule feels shorter than the Mars mission so that means when we do this in a big challenge green side oh no we have to do the green side oh no I had to take the orange side for science do you like the orange side it was fun I had a good time we are different people um okay but objectively what would you rate this it's hard because it makes so many people motion sick and I feel like that has to be a factor but also shouldn't be a factor right um I think in totality I'll give it I would give it like a five five four or five I think I would give it a six I think it's better than an average attraction I think uh it may make you motion sick it may make you very motion sick so keep that in mind but I think the technology used on this attraction I think the immersion of this attraction is very very impressive I don't think it's a must ride because of the nausea Factor as much as a few other things but I do think it is genuinely a very cool attraction and honestly if you're a space girlly like I am and aren't as prone to motion sickness must do well after our trip to Spa we are headed to test track this attraction simulates traffic and what happens when you finally Break Free on the interstate and decide to go 60 M hour it has a 40-in height requirement and currently has a 40-minute weight and is out of lightning Lanes so we're going to test out the single Rider line and see how long that would take us keep in mind that in the single Rider line one you will be separated from your party and two you won't get as much of a hand and designing your vehicle but it is a good choice if you aren't able to get a lightning lane or aren't worried about the lightning Lanes and don't want to wait in a long queue engaging EOS for aerodynamic efficiency IM in [Music] progress all jokes aside test track is a very interesting attraction that takes you through what it takes to actually make a vehicle and then test that vehicle for efficiency and other traits I do think this is a very popular attraction kids especially seem to love it probably because they can't actually drive a car uh but I know this was my nephews like one of their favorite rides in all of Walt Disney World partly CU they got to go fast in the car and partly because they got to design the car and then kind of compete against each other so I do think there are some fun elements to test righty with that though uh I think we put it at a seven seven out of 10 I will agree with the seven I think it's more popular than mission space probably more of a must do for most people to mission space but I don't think it's as good as Remy's rid to Adventure or first and after this is just one of the sort of long held Staples at Epcot I kind of think sain is in that same category maybe not the same ranking but the same category but yeah and I am excited for them to upgrade it it's going under renovation at some point to get a new theme New Look which I I do think it needs I wish it was going to be sugar rush and Wreck It Ralph because that seems right for the picking but still excited for it to get some love and the good news is now that we're done with all the throw rides particularly mission space we can eat yes food time yes swung by connections eery this is the big quick service restaurant in the front of the park that replaced electric umbrella not somewhere I Venture often cuz I'm normally eating at festivals or around World Showcase but they do have a wide variety of a menu including Burgers Pizza salads and everything is made fresh in these open kitchen it really is a step up from the electric umbrella or like your classic Theme Park Fair we are trying the Margarita Pizza this is one order by the way you could easily share this and then also the general so's chicken salad first up the general so chicken salad this is a petite kale blend Roma broccoli Sal red bell pepper Mandarin oranges edamame crispy wons warm fried chicken and general SE dressing I'm excited to try this cuz I love General so chicken s so s General s's chicken it's one of my favorite things to order when I order Chinese food delivery so cheers that's a pretty good theme park salad all the produce is fresh I kind of had to dig a little bit to get some of those other vegetables like the peppers and animame I love the crispiness from the chicken and the won strips I only wish that there was a little bit more heat to it the dressing itself is kind of a sweet uh dressing and when I think of this dish normally I think of a little bit of heat which I'm not tasting any but overall if you're looking for a salad that's still full of flavor this is nice and I am sampling the margarita PE Pizza this is a tomato sauce base with Roman tomatoes basil and mozzarella cheese on top this is messy this is an my this is like my face all right listen for all you Pizza heads out there you love like New York style or Brooklyn or whatever or you like Chicago deep dish right settle that to the side for Quick Service Theme Park Pizza this is TOS solid crust massive slices then crust all the the way through fresh mops I love the basil on top I love the tomatoes this is just a very very simple Pizza that they execute pretty well better than you're going to find in most other theme parks finished up our snack and made it into World nature first stop the land Pavilion where we've got two of the five remaining attractions saurin and living with the land now interestingly saurin right now is Sor over California but by the time we do the main challenge it'll be back to sain around the world regardless of the scenes beneath you saurin is a hand glider themed attraction that takes you Sor in over famous monuments it has a 40in high requirement and I often refer to this as everyone's mom's favorite ride that's cuz it's nice and relaxing you had a breeze blowing on your face there's fun things to smell it's beautiful and it's just like really calm luxuriating if luxuriating was a ride it would be saurin now saurin does tend to get a longer line than some other attractions on this side of the park however not nearly as long usually as things like frozen Ever After Remy's R to Adventure or test track so it's a good use of a lightning Lane but you can probably also catch it under 30 minutes at some point during the [Music] [Music] [Music] day [Music] SEC way [Music] [Music] I always just so relaxed coming off S especially after letting those oranges minrs I don't know something about that final Sunset Beach scene so nice it's so lovely I feel like that's a it's just a 10 it's a 10 saurin regardless of what version even though I do like California better I think it is a mustu when you're at avot for starters your mom wants to ride it so ride it with your mom and create a memory that'll last a lifetime number two I just feel like it's so relaxing it's so enjoyable there usually isn't too long of a line so logistically it's really easy to do and it's just like a simple pleasure even though it's not the way they're doing it is very cool and uh oh I love me S and I definitely think it's the top right in the park yep it's a staple now we got to go to its sister attraction and look at some lettuce so excited letu us go over there crushed it living with the land is part Boat Ride part Greenhouse exploration all amazing as this attraction takes you through grow different types of plant take care of different types of animals in this case fish and for me this represents one of the last remaining bastions of edutainment here at Epcot this alongside spaceship earth so I'm just excited to hop on this boat and go through the green houses there is no height requirement for this attraction which is great so the whole family can enjoy it and there's usually not a long weight which I mean even better you can get in multiple rides in a row if you want to I might be describing my perfect afternoon but that's okay they can find and avoid the scorching rays of the Relentless Sun remain seated in your boat at all times some like the water lily thrive in wet swappy areas and waterways these are just a few of the edible plants that have been an important source of nutrition of all the SE consumed globally tilapia and still protect natural research around the world these plants are definitely on their way up we can produce over 27,000 heads of lettuce a year in this one small area pic system one your left combines Hydroponics with aquaculture that's just such a I mean for me I'm a little biased such a fun attraction I do truly feel like I'm living with the land oh mission accomplished this was a little harder than other attractions I think to actually put a like bu ride number on it because I think there's a certain audience that loves living with the land I love it too I love it too I think I think younger ones like it cuz they like looking at the fish and the different plants and then I think older people like living with the land too but like it's not a Thrill Ride so it's kind of hard to like judge I want to put it at like a 4 and A2 I think that's right it's we're just watching some ducks by the way here this just so cute he just like she's popped out and there's her husband look they're on a date they're on a duck date anyway I love them they're great they're going to ride living with the land I hope so I agree it's tough to place I think 4.5 is right I think it fits in terms of like the musri objective scale if you're an Epcot and you only have one day here and you have to pick and choose things I don't think you should choose living with the land over some of the other attractions we've done so that's kind of a factor too uh but speaking of L rides boy do we have a banger next welcome welcome welcome to our special driveth through open house there's sight sound smell touch cie cie go and taste taste my chicken can I go please please blee we see with our eyes can control the eyes of the imagination with f g m e n t you can see things differently wooo you win One S jump upside down now you're talking that's the best idea You' had all day what [Music] we just rode journey into imagination with figment which is a slow moving family Dark Ride featuring figment and of all the rides I've rent at Epcot it is the one I rode most recently that is true now this attraction has gone through a number of iterations I think this current one sits at a three yeah that's generous I think this is definitely not a must ride for most people in the park unless you have some kind of nostalgic connection to figment the character which a lot of people do true and I think figment deserves better I agree like this is not a three as an indictment of figment the character no it's the indictment of where you have put that beloved character I think why the skunk smell why the moon it's the mostly the mo yeah and if you don't know who figman is I feel like you definitely don't need to ride this ride cuz you are going to leave very very confused yeah you you have a lot more questions than answers the good news however if you are a figment fan or you love this attraction I love that for you it basically never has a weight yeah up next is the Seas of Nemo and friends this is a slow moving family dark ride that follows Marlin and Dory as they search for Nemo and take you through a number of scenes from the film including your favorite characters like Molly's favorite the Sharks yeah it gets an automatic 10 cu they're sharks we haven't even ridden the ride yet okay n don't worry just keep your eyes open for along the way [Music] where jellyfish [Music] jellyfish I wonder if clown fish taste funny [Music] just rode the Seas and before we give our ratings got to say hello to a friend cuz we're making good time and it would be rude not to let's see if he's feeling chatty today hey Mr eel how are you it's been a minute well hi Molly hi maam fam how are y'all oh you know we're just doing a challenge where we ride every ride in Epcot but we had a minute so we thought we'd come say hey well that's nice y'all winning yeah so far so good but uh we're going to try and ride all the the rides in Disney World in 24 hours for the biggest challenge I don't know if I'll have time to come see you during that one uh won't have time for a lot of Hells but anyway I just wanted to say hi and then I love you and I hope you're doing well and um give the misses my love well thanks Molly thanks ma fam y'all come say hi keep washing those hands bye do you get it now do you get why I love the eels [Music] well was nice to see Mr eel again always a pleasure to see a good friend I really do like the Seas with Nemo and friends I think it is so cute and underrated and I especially like the part of the end where they project the characters into the actual aquariums so you can see like real fish and sharks swimming amongst the Nemo characters that's very cool that said it's probably not a mustri for most people no I think if you've got a child who is is ocean obsessed this is probably a place to stop by if you're looking for a place that's quiet in the dark in the air conditioning you get out of the Sun for a bit in the hot summer months this is a good place to stop by but outside of that in terms of a must ride scale I think it's close to grave fiest T I think it's probably like a four I'd agree with that it's a four one ride left last one headed to our final ride attraction number 11 for the day spaceship earth this is an opening day family Dark Ride that takes place inside spaceship earth the giant golf ball that is the mascot of Epcot now it's gone through some transitions over time but it tells you the history and story of communication and it is hosted by old Deuteronomy herself currently has a 5 minute wait which is perfect and you'll often find it this low however earlier in the day when more folks are coming into the park it might get a little bit longer so if it looks like it's 20 minutes or longer I usually recommend scooting past it and then coming back at a later time but for now let's go visit that that gred miraculous spaceship and then afterwards we have to figure out how we rank these rides against each other until we learn to [Music] communicate Mo built the first worldwide [Music] anden [Music] re super itli of [Music] interaction the classic truly I mean it's an attraction in the icon of the park it's a banger to add on it really is what do we want to score it though on the must ride scale I'm so conflicted seven I will get on board with a seven I think a seven is good because of all of these kind of like slower family style attractions in the front half of the park I think this is the number one opening day ride classic Epcot there's so many scenes that Disney fans love like the scientist or the guy beating Papyrus oring monk the Phoenicians so like I think it's the most smell of Rome you know it's just it's lovely if you're going to do one dark ride this is the one to do oh if you don't know anything about spaceship earth or you're not nostalgic for epcon and all maybe you don't like to do it but I think for most like Disney fans this is a much to okay well that brings us to the end of the ride and rank everything in Epcot we officially rode all 11 rides here what do we learn all right moving into the Big Challenge notes from Epcot number one Guardians could take a very long time even going through the lightning Lane so we will have to plan accordingly as best we can two we saw that Remy did go down today and it has potenti to do that quite frequently because of the RFID technology that Molly has talked about earlier so we have to take that into as well third on Mission Space it looks like the green mission is shorter so unless there's a huge line discrepancy thank goodness we get the right green and lastly for test TR we're going to have to do the single Rider line because not only is it shorter it also cuts off the vehicle creation process and that's valuable minutes for us as we try to attemp this Challenge and now we have rated every attraction on a must ride scale being as objective as possible but it's time for our rankings pitting everything against each other in our own personal bias with favorites you're own first right okay okay my personal favorite list starts with Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic rewind then saurin then spaceship earth followed by living with the land Frozen Ever After Remy's Ratatouille Adventure test track the Seas with Nemo and Friends Grand Fiesta tour mission space and lastly figment interesting interesting much yours for me at Epcot number one Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic rewind number two saurin number three spaceship earth number four Frozen Ever After number five Remy's R to Adventure number six living with the land number seven the Seas with neemo and friends I love the seab base but I did not allow myself to count the seab base in the attraction because I was just looking at the attraction alone that's where it ranks number eight grand Fiesta Tor number nine Mission spons Number 10 test track and number 11 journey into imagination with figman so those are our rankings of the Epcot rides let us know yours or your favorite or least favorite Down Below in the comments next up we're going to Disney's Hollywood studio fewer attractions than here but more bangers making it more logistically tricky so the difficulty goes up once again but until next time friends be sure to like this video subscribe if you are new follow us on all of our socials and if you want to join with the man fam the conversation about this or any of our other videos join us on Discord links for all that are down below and until next time friends I'm Molly and I'm Alan and it's been so magical it has been bye everybody bye
Channel: Mammoth Club
Views: 117,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c4sb4Ml2G1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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