DOUBLE COLLECTOR?! | Ascension 20 Defect Run | Slay the Spire

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shot I feel like you're saying Dumber things and maybe it's because I'm not being righteous enough but it's slowly wearing on me and maybe I need to be more righteous like know the reason that our deck were the best card was strike diet is not that Sneha is bad oh we [ __ ] please he's done make my brain fall out of the back of my head all right Janell came thank you for the $3 and 33 son donation ad meme shat bad meme [Music] it's trigger Landers okay go for the eyes I'm not taking enough boot sequences these days I don't know I think snicker better it knows mostly a meme sneku as bad as like one of the questions I've been asked the most times in the last two years and had to explain to the most people and had the most people like tell me I'm wrong on so it's really not a meme that I would like you to like lean into and chat those are people who are watching who are like fairly new to slay this fire and don't know how good sneku I is I would really rather that every run that I lose a sec I you don't encourage people to tell me that it's bad and ask me why I take it himself that'll be a better meme somewhere [Music] [Music] puck doesn't do great in hallway fights ball lightning is good them we can take the Elliot now I think the reason that psycho is good is that when you draw two more cards per turn you actually have more control over what happens you get more choices over which cards to play and it's easier for you to put the cards that are important to you into play and stuff like that [Music] so if I'm going to rest at the campfire anyway maybe I should just go to the store now that I have meal ticket I am gonna rest up a campfire take a leaf I think I think the one-block card is pretty good we're getting rough question marks right now but a snake Oh compared a ring of the serpent will snake Oh gives you two extra cards turn one and two and three and four eight ring if the serpent gives you one less card one fewer cards one fewer card does English work on turn one net Neutron turn to I'm turn to three you're at plus one card for ring of the serpent could you give up a relic that draws you two extra cards on turn one two take it so it's not actually very good at drawing more cars oh that's a store is this what it's like to like see God or something Wow okay have to just buy defrag block potion it is unfortunate because the store was so much better than that that's all I can really do I think [Music] when you're the serpent would be an amazing relic in every situation except the one where you trade your silence starter relic for it it seems true yeah I want to start a relic is very good okay horn cleets great we're just going through the super elite here I think we're taking another defrag and hoping that it's enough I [Music] guess I'm resting seems very hard to get through the act still brailles thinks about four months when we showed you as well it's a good turn one we'll survive this fight at least don't have to play this app sure [Music] all right cool head it gives us a frost or which seems pretty good with all the focus that we're about to have you thought so many hallway fights [Music] yeah whatever I could date any slave aspire creature I would put Caitlyn in the game and then date Caitlyn then goes sweeping beam here I think we don't have any AoE yet and we're fighting slime boss so it seems like a fairly reasonable thing to do dating forbidden room water sounds okay to the right answer was called test may show you art from the the mod character that we're working on real quick I don't know why this I think somebody said date fat gremlin or something I don't know I show you this art though this is like a draft this isn't even finished can I just I can get it up on screen without breaking everything yeah can we lake holy [ __ ] Chevy every doesn't get to watch too many streams busy busy busy holy [ __ ] though I would date those gremlins I'm gonna upgrade the defrag and we're gonna just hope that the attack potion is good [Music] [Music] [Music] strike or slammed how do we even answer this question 100 385 have other attacks that I want to play maybe slimed a very difficult question to answer [Music] 97 91 what do we got of them rebound with us how to know doesn't work a streamline then [Music] 26 is okay but we're so endanger and now we're not.we one look at [Music] maybe reboots okay here looks so many risks this act they all paid off and I'm so much stronger than you would be that I take some risks at the start of runs the airstrike comes up sometimes meteor strike can't even be good without snake Oh aye but it's particularly good with snake oh I equal the boss don't mind if I do need good one Kirti it's not bad so I do have meal ticket I was gonna just go up to this store and go from there a lot of ways through the act once we get to this store if I get like electrodynamics maybe I get to go this way he was scary more likely we do something over on the right side yeah and I don't heal from this go probably fine a lot of D frags you fi a Quebec oh we can ironically [Music] maybe I don't know [Music] hyperbeam looks okay ish I don't think I can play elites I don't think I have enough damage that's why I'm looking at a Quebec Oh there's another store though and I could get something that was so much better than that Quebec oh um what a ball lightning there's cards that are so much better this is very much like do I want to take something that's bad in the long run in order to survive the next five floors or not and I deal with No steroid pot at jerbs yes I know that I have that I just paid a bunch of gold for it in a store [Music] [Music] played [Music] entropic brew his entropic brew better than the potions I have right now maybe it's better than this Aramaki wah so we do not block here with static discharge and play I'll wait until next turn on the potions damn it horn cleat damn it horn cleat [Music] it's a trusting it's full blocks which is not actually really what I want it pops bear invest in more of these static discharge things seems like a good one those seem like it's okay oddly smooth sound is cool don't think I want a hit sings but maybe I probably take heat sinks plus there okay this is this store have real things that I want Oh application pots okay card removes okay this is okay shard allow true Chile's okay master a strategy would be better without Joker but it's still alright buffer is okay against hyper beam shard with four defrag seems awesome thank you for that insightful a lot of focus just don't do anything with us 100 who we trying to do here if it is in farming YouTube content of God the fascinating thing about growth as a streamer is that you got the viewers that you advertise to and so yeah because then after you do that you like have those viewers you know every day you wake up and you talk to those people and yeah I learned a lot about myself with that one I learned a lot about how YouTube works with that one back in the day FTL plus cold snap ins Stang I think we need a cold snap okay electrodynamics we sure seek must be electrodynamics though and then with electrodynamics now we can survive this fight without worrying too much I wonder if I'm upgrading apparitions here to try to hit equilibrium plus apparition in a way that lets me block the hyper being fully No don't really think I need to be intangible next turn most likely would be cool if enemies got orbs too orbs are broken though that's the problem I guess maybe I should have used potions starting to look a bit like I should have used potions [Music] it's beginning to look a lot like f [Music] we did it we won the fight oh good grief is there a point where defragment just isn't a good card I don't think we take biased cog when we can just have 8 focus with defrag and not have to worry about losing focus I'm gonna assume that there isn't a point where defrag is a bad card [Music] I'll be intangible for a long time probably not who cares right - burns and 3d frags oh my I mean it's probably incorrect at this point to take that but I have to do it anyway I'm just incapable of not doing it good yes a sixth this is as I desired [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] and then I died [Music] so I can block for 22 plus 13 it's 35 is exactly we fall eggs I hit the cool-headed it's easy to survive [Music] a tact potion can save me thanks twitch chat I didn't know what their attack push and gave me cards or not but thanks to you pointing it out now I dunno whether or not attack potion gives me a random attack selected from three attacks thanks for making sure that four people told me that because I'm really really slow just wouldn't have known otherwise [Music] curry [Music] mission doesn't quite work with choker another it is all for one buffer seems sort of trash right [Music] Oh I don't know presumably we just die now a meal ticket I can take coffee dripper I'm with snuck away is that okay I think I have to try it's not go I promise echo I is that I want to play every card I draw I think that's the problem with it hey defrag my little stone could have because of apparitions if I hadn't taken the five D frags and I could actually play an apparition every time that would be a lot more compelling once you take the fifth to defrag it stops being as easy to draw the other cards or defrag is not a big deal I've starting to worry [Music] [Laughter] incredible [Music] could have played that better it could have uh you'll cast the frost starred I thought for longer about what I was doing [Music] sunder I'm not sure sunder is good I think it's actually bad despite snuck out [Music] don't think skin plus is good okay usually just don't play it meteor strike is not very good here because we can't use the energy from it is of choker well we've talked defrag is there some point where you have enough focus that just like making two lightning orbs wins wonder if we're getting close spoon the four apparitions could be okay like removing strike a good amount actually like this potion of capacity of very large amount I think this potion is a really big deal I could buy that um defrag this is a person that I want for the heart fight I think [Music] time is at 3:58 after they got out of here and 30 minutes hopefully that won't stop me from finishing the run be gross just died an MSS I could solve the problem it's nothing wrong with bangs and emesis happens to us all sometimes joseffer thinks the five months monkeybone mojo to you as well her aides with our focus deployed [Music] we can now play our like dual cast and electrodynamics feeling a tremendous burst of energy maybe reprograms good here just because I don't need focus [Music] I was gonna go the sleigh let's go this way it's me another event but one less campfire can fire up grids defrag I guess that's good oh my gosh oh my gosh I've got in Surrey already from enchiridion right for from enchiridion are there other powers there must be one two three four five six seven this is a good a place to die as on a turn one electrodynamics twice though [Music] capacitor would be pretty nice I tend to agree with that assessment [Music] and good a defrag just what we needed mango block potion helps abet cool-headed or loop loop could be very nice Loup seems pretty important don't let me down now electrodynamics [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe I didn't need to take the 12 damage I want to just set myself up welfare later in the fight vows yeah like that [Music] [Music] there's another two apparently all right okay I've got a tick glacier I don't have any damage creative AI works okay that's this fight one [Music] [Music] we're taking damage as I [Music] I'll punch them [Music] how did I get 70 frogs just played well yeah that's it really just just good play solid fundamentals one flight down not a weekend ones oh come on really I might have to use this on this fire [Music] [Music] I use this or not I think I should [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] this is a wild twenty-eight times four yes the old 28 times four I know you well it can pretty easily block for a hundred and four seems like enough [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all this turn maybe it's like killing next turn must be butter [Music] it's okay to play up offer [Music] all right we have a crow Foreman plane out 268 like nothing to boot [Music] seems pretty over sometime for 11 months [Music] [Music] facts but George every time you play a power that defect gains to strength who + feels like a good upgrade I don't have a capacitor I don't actually have a creative AI either see how this goes I don't have an echo form like the heart fight is gonna be miserable I think probably take a liquid bronze steel damage to it okay I wanna [ __ ] it watch yeah I have a swatter potion maybe it's okay just got a good power off book sure it's been the plan the entire time rate [Music] Porcia that i temped play this electrodynamics [Music] [Music] okay we always driver in Lucerne also we probably won't even get attack dream well I was wrong hmm hey who is not correct on that one I guess it's the last time that I don't get attacked last turn was a small attack and a shield this one dies let me turn for that ones it was pretty good all right that fight was fine pkx or isn't so two months on one more show do you two [Music] eight you get double collector about us I feel like I have to take [Music] if you play buffer does the buffer charge get even straight away [Music] I'm pretty sure it does too so let's not let that happen [Music] [Music] would be very nice to have that still next turn [Music] [Music] could even keep it still charms [Music] [Music] okay [Music] there isn't not to do this and I can see it might as well be this this one I'm gonna play the defend so it doesn't block me from drawing a card next or anything or I could use soft version next turn in which case there's no Harmon holding defend might need such potion later let's do this now next turn sort of is nice to wait until I have lots of focus before I do that yeah I shouldn't do it now I don't know if they're meant to play defend or not I think I meant to Broadway share an experience I want to play defend [Music] [Music] no glacier [Music] a lot of thirties here [Music] Thunderstrike for damage sort of meet that right [Music] [Music] okay the loops on this frost or should keep us alive for one turn here they attack for ninety [Music] [Music] next turn it's fine to have a lightning Orban from I think like we sort of have to risk it I think [Music] that's it dumb it's at 326 I detect 420 next Dre maybe it's dumb to risk at I'm already blocking 436 it's really hard to imagine me dying next turn [Music] I think I meant to risk and I just need the loops [Music] then put France over in front relief I was just explaining why I didn't do that okay 3543 we think six where we take nine your hand space withdraw exactly this next turn [Music] I take no damage we did the math wrong somehow it's a pretty bad hand all things considered like why has not been very kind today [Music] [Music] I should survive next turn I think I go like just ball lightning here I think I survived next turn [Music] it's probably okay to play under strike two I don't I don't have a guaranteed kill next turn sometimes I kill next turn 46 55 65 yeah I'm not particularly close to having a guaranteed kill next time sap thunderstrike is clearly worse than bold I think thunderstrike great [Music] Jaykar Forster thanks very much for the twitch crime okay we got the attack that we went against easily if it's the multi attack we have to like try but this one is just free GG that was a pretty crazy run I'm a weird one now I got a run [Music] I got a run thanks for hanging out sorry about this short stream today
Channel: Jorbs
Views: 136,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slay the spire, jorbs, slay the spire jorbs, slay the spire run, slay the spire ascension 20, ascension 20, slay the spire act 4, act 4 ascension 20, slay the spire win, slay the spire ascension 20 win, slay the spire act 4 win, slay the spire heart, slay the spire heart win, slay the spire heart ascension 20, slay the defect defect, slay the spire defect run, defect ascension 20, slay the spire defect win
Id: rbhnafYLX8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 36sec (3996 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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