FIRST PASS On The Mr2's New Setup! (Huge Potential)

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oh [Music] [Laughter] so well guys today's the day we're here at the track with the mr2 and we're going to be making some test passes today see how everything goes and uh i don't know just kind of go from there i don't know what's gonna happen today if the car is running good and we can get a good short track down we might even run it out the back today but i just want to say that there's no guarantee that you know we're gonna be going super fast in today's video because we're here to mainly test it's a brand new setup we want to double check that the car still feels good and we're not going to attempt to run this thing way out the back until we can confirm we get a good front half so we're probably going to be shooting for like a good eighth mile today because we're trying to go for a serious number you know you guys know we want that seven and we know what the eighth mile needs to be for that to even be possible so there's no point in trying to you know like i said go hard out the back when we're not even getting that short track where it needs to be so today's gonna be a lot of testing it's our first time out and you know i'm pretty nervous but i'm also very excited uh not much more to it gotta get suited up we gotta we gotta get a ton of data that's what we're gonna do today we start making some passes collect that data we want to make sure that the wheelie sensor is working properly and silent traction control i mean we have so much new stuff on the car that we have no idea how it's going to react yeah it's basically re-learning how to drive the car because it's all new and yeah we're just gonna start doing some test hits introducing power here and there just work our way up to it and just keep going from there but we're here at the track finally we didn't get to go last week looks like we should be good for the whole night to be here we got five hours until the track closes tonight so we should be good to test all day as long as we have no issues with the car mechanically i think we're going to get a lot of data out of testing today so super pumped i got to get my uh jacket and pants on get all my racing gear on we've already uh you know kind of tucked in ready to go we can get this thing in line whenever we want they're about to go hot with the track and this is it mark ii is uh ready to go so start testing today see what she does i'm excited for you as long as we don't go to the moon and we can put some solid power down in the front half who knows what's going to happen so it's that big moment dude all the time that we've put in on this thing finally coming to pay off hopefully we've been working on the mr2 for months this is all our focus has been on this car we haven't done really anything else as you guys have seen we've just been wanting to get this thing dialed you know trying to go after this record and learned a lot in the process and this is like one of our first kind of legit cars that we've done properly so i'm excited to i will never say any project is complete but it's also like the most complete yeah like out of all of them on the channel this is by far the most turnkey complete ready to go there should be no reason this car ever needs more than what is in there you know it has the turbo system that's good for as much as we need the fuel system for as much as we need everything's clean and nice while it killed the wiring like there's no reason we can't get this exact setup dialed into our goals and should hopefully never need more until you know maybe one day we get her in the deep sevens and we're like screw it we'll put a billet blocking in a pro mod 88 and go for 200. you know we got to start in steps icing her down getting ready to go get in line yep they just went live we're gonna get some ice in here we are going to double check the two-step one more time make sure that is working right and uh go from there try good save some of that yeah got some passes to make tonight three bags of ice so don't even go too crazy right away yep so real quick we're just gonna test the two-step make sure everything sounds good there we have the burnout mode set up on the car so when i go up i just put it into burnout mode i do my burnout it should automatically turn off and then after that it's ready to go once i bring it up on two step out the line and start to roll out to launch the second the fuel tech sees any mile an hour from the wheel speed sensors it confirms a validated launch and then all of our wheelie parameters and all the traction control stuff takes place and it is active and working and that goes all the way down the track until we shut the car off and restart the process over again probably just going to test just like first and second gear because to start we want to make sure this thing is not doing crazy wheelies right away we're going to double check that the laser height sensor is working properly so i'm going to do my best to let the car do its thing if the car starts to come up i want to let it come up and we want to make sure that the height sensor is protecting the car from coming way up obviously i'm going to be ready and cautious with like the clutch and gas if it does come up way too high i'm just happy to see it back to the track and get it in it and drive it again it's been forever so let's do it man i'm excited since we had a track day we're finally back [Music] all that sounds to me is that that's a rowdy juice good brick all right we're gonna check the log on it make sure the fuel and timing is good now we're ready to make a hit we gotta show them this too we didn't show it in the fuel tech video that we got the uh gear indicator on the dash so we actually know what gear we're in see we got neutral if i go back into reverts got one two so the first time this car has ever known what's giratin yeah i've always had the count but now we got it on the dash we got all the uh sensors on here the important ones when they are in the red is you can see the oil pressure and fuel pressure that means if it's under like 20 psi of each it goes red on my dash so it's kind of like a little alert you know if i see something go red on the dash i know we were low yeah i see red let out but uh we set up some safeties too so like if oil pressure drops to zero it'll turn the car off and some other stuff in there just to be sure i'm curious to see what it does man i'm excited i guess that's that we'll put her in line and give her a shot let's do it how you feeling dude you nervous yet pretty nervous definitely definitely a little lower in the seat now that we dropped the seat down too i was gonna say your head's a good distance now yeah ain't gonna worry about touching it every time yeah i mean i guess uh bring her up on two step we'll uh just get it out hopefully to the 330 without doing a massive wheelie and then i'm gonna let out look at the data and just keep going from there um [Music] [Music] [Laughter] all right all right we got some data we got some data well we get that launch figured out it's going to go dude it looked like it boogied out i was very partial throttle and it it's there's more power for sure than before it's ever had than it's ever had yeah we gotta pull a log it definitely hit some form of protection so we're gonna have to see what it was on whether it was traction control or yeah in the burnout it bogged and then on the launch it bought and that was i was flat-footed and i i even kind of rode the clutch to even kind of help it like i used to i didn't even sidestep it with a slipper and well i think another part of it was is um like we we tried the burnout mode on and burnout mode off so no that was on both times oh was it yeah i backed up turned it back on to try again because i didn't know if i maybe let it build up all the way and then when i launched it was off so but it still got the same weird same bog okay we'll pull the log see what kind of protection was running or whatever yeah maybe just give it a little more power on the hit because once it's once it's in that power band it's dude it looks like it started to boogie dude it almost it kind of scared me i didn't really say anything but i started to lay into it just because i wanted to kind of feel it right it's there it looked like it was moving fast so heck yeah let's pull the lock see what it did so we got the car back here and we found the reason it was bogging was because the traction control was engaging yep so the track control something we're gonna have to play with um it could just been kind of noise in the sensors or something along those lines um but it definitely was hitting traction control and doing an ignition cut and it wasn't hitting traction controlling the burn out though because in burnout mode it turns crashing control off we just probably didn't have enough power in the burnout mode so we upped that and then traction control enables once we go to launch it and we could see in the log that it was engaging traction control because our window was too tight of the correction factor so we raised our correction window so it has to slip a lot more for it to well yeah 20 miles an hour it has to see more mile an hour now to actually activate before we had it activating it like five mile an hour so the second he dumped the clutch then it would have seen mile an hour and it could have been tripping it out so now we're going to give it a second to kind of stabilize and see if that helps out without killing it yep go from there run it the same way back try it again but i mean if we can get that launch good just like that dude the power is there the other thing i only went to 65 throttle just kind of baby in it and it was riding we wanted to also double check that we didn't have any leaks or anything on the launch make sure the water box was sealed up good so we didn't run a run it to 140 miles an hour or more make sure the car felt stable yeah well that feels good so far we went just about 100 miles an hour so if i if it launches good i'm going to run it out a little harder this time at least that's the plan but we're still letting out early just to uh get our data there we go [Music] so she is a rocket baby dude 11-2 letting off at the eighth i wonder what i don't know it might have been traction control again might have been wheelie height to see what it did from like the 330 to the 660 dude that thing was ripping yeah that was sick she was on one i'm just glad i did the burnout get that sorted i mean for the second pass i ain't really that bad it's basically a new car yeah pretty much 100 changed so and especially you guys trying to learn all these new all the features i don't even have nearly that much in my car yeah dude you guys make me look like a carburetor for real and it drives back that's a freaking plus well started to ride out there dude she started a boogie yeah we just got to figure out that launch a little bit more on the launch did it burn out low yeah the burnout's good so we just got to figure out the launch a little bit yeah let's pull the log see what she did man that looked like it was getting after it yeah the burnout was good i should have grabbed my slip but it's still not really worth getting yet right all right we made our second test pass of the night went a little better our burnout was good but we are still bogging off the line but it did leave slightly better that time it pulled timing because the laser height sensor did start to come into the range where we have some timing pulled because we wanted to start soft make sure it doesn't wheely so now we're starting to feather that back in we added an inch before any correction happens so now the car has to come up another inch before we start seeing more timing pulled and then we kind of feathered it in softer so it's not as hard of a cut so we're gonna start there try it again like i said the burnout went good so we got that fixed and the power feels good so it's just gonna come down to getting it to come out hard and then that's that so we don't know how many more launches we'll have to do to get it dialed could still be five more 10 more you never know but uh we're making progress second pass in yep we're getting the data man that's all you can do you know once we have the data it makes it a lot easier to make the changes yeah we can see everything the car is doing so we're just making small changes as we go this fuel tech makes it so easy you can literally go in turn on the parameter it tells you right where it's pulling the timing out you can go in double check it yep it's in the map right at that point raise it up a little bit perfect sense it pulled 10 degrees right where it bogged so we're moving that up some and trying it from there so we get her to leave she's going to be on a mission well we were just getting ready to go up to make our third pass and i noticed that the tps wasn't reading on the dash turns out the tps came apart on that last run it is completely gutted and uh yeah we need a new tps so we are calling some parts stores nearby trying to find one we still have technically almost two hours until the track closes but i'm not sure if we will find anything by then so we're gonna call around made a post see if we can find one locally and hopefully we can track down a tps and get it on there we do have one at the shop but by the time we go down there and come back it's gonna be pretty late so see if we can find one here locally and if not i guess that's gonna be it for today unfortunately so all right so we're getting ready to make another pass hate to do it this way but with the tps unplugged it reads 100 all the time because there's no resistance going through the wire so it's just reading full throttle and the car starts up and actually runs good down low so there's no reason why we can't drive it over and i can pull it into the burner box you know i just go full throttle like i normally would the computer's already reading 100 it should run fine up top once i go to stage it and launch i'm gonna be full throttle at the line either way so it's not going to mess with the tune or anything the computer just thinks it's always at 100 throttle so we're just going to go up and try it again oh [Music] brother 866 at 162. not bad not bad 866 on no tps let's go [Music] buddy not bad not too shabby horrible launch and i let out way early did you oh yeah oh okay i i i heard it was starting to get pretty deep into fourth so i'm like i'm gonna stop here because it would have kept going yeah well that's good you let out because we're right on the cusp i thought that was closer to like 170. oh yeah so i was like it would have been what was the mile an hour 162. 162. not bad but i let out probably like the thousand yeah so not bad buddy eight six on the third pass with a bog launch yeah and 162. the launch was definitely better but it was better some power it it was still pulling it went i think i think it's saving the wheelies i really think it's working yeah we're going to have to feather that in but it did a 1 6. which is better than i thought yeah and then it did a horrible 330 4-0 oh yeah we need to ramp the boost in a lot more just dude it was planted it could have taken it it could have yeah so once it lights it goes we'll ramp the boost in a little sooner all right so yeah there's really no reason to run it out the back any more than that you know i kind of just want to get an eight out of the way because that felt decent so we still got to dial in that eighth mile but guess how fast we went to the eighth mile we're pretty we're pretty pretty spicy not like insane but pretty good 590. no like mile an hour wise oh like 130 135 we did 139 139.8 to the eighth almost 140 miles an hour when before the fastest this car ever went to the eighth was 135 and it would usually it would usually hang out like the low 130 mile an hour range so we're obviously up like five miles an hour to the eighth alone which yeah we're making some more power than it was for sure and we haven't even really tried to crank it up that's fresh off that's with a very lazy front that was a yeah super lazy front half five eight to the eighth which isn't bad but the car has been a 5'4 and a 4-0 to the 330 which is terrible i'm pretty sure the car has been like a threes low 36 which is where we need it to be again four tenths four tenths faster off that will probably get us into that like lower five second range to the eighth because we're shooting for a five three and better is what we need to the eighth before we can run it out and have potential for a seven so if we're not going faster than a five low five four to the eighth there's really no point for us to run it out the back so that's why we want to get that eighth mile dialed in because once we do that the rest of it's just holding on and go the front half is where it's all at but that's good dude eight six third pass in dude remember how many in auto competitively you know you can set up you know how long it took us to get an eight on the original setup remember that years one years a year it took i mean you know with multiple days to the track right third pass in after just us pulling back our safety's a little bit slowly yeah eight six like we had this thing so turned down that's like already the car's third fastest pass right there we've done an eight three and an eight five and like another eight six so it's like third or fourth fastest pass already yeah on the third hit new setup right and we're still learning the software still learning the safeties like and we're three tenths too slow to the 60 where we've normally been and i let out so early right like so early that would have been an easy 170 trap i felt it yeah fourth was starting to sink yeah i'm pretty sure i went fast we should see on the log i might have got up to 170 and then it actually might have coasted down to 162 right because i was like fourth was like like dude on the dyno fourth mode fourth went to 176 on the dyno at 10 and we have the rev limiter now at 11 2 and 4th which would be good for 185 so if i'm hitting limiter in fourth we're cooking all right we got our log pulled up here i did go up to 170 miles an hour and then it actually coasted back down to that 162. that's how early i let out if i stayed in it that was probably a solid like mid 170 maybe even higher mile an hour trap speed if i let it ride out but i knew it bogged in the beginning so i didn't bother we have the target boost at 50 psi do that again drag it look how good it holds it forty nine point nine fifty look at that it even holds it at 50.0 sometimes it's within like a half percent or half psi of where it needs to be so that wastegate is working beautifully hitting our target my shifts are right on point first was a little early i shifted just after 9000 like 90 100 but then second and third i was right at 10 000 rpm which is right where we want to be and a little a little early on third oh yeah there you go so 10-1 bro that was right perfect that was consistent 10 and 10 on the money shifts and then look how hard it fell off right there show them yeah look how hard look at this rpm drop so this is this is where we're fighting it again these are back to our cuts this start rpm when we're on launch control 7200 this should never drop under that's how hard it bogged we went all the way down to 4 500 right and then you can see this right here is like where we're actually pulling timing for our traction control so you can see it cut 30 percent of ignition and was pulling timing out yeah so like it's doing its tracking control we just need to give it that is that from the traction controller from the laser height no that's the traction control i haven't looked at the ride height yet but the ride height probably was pulling a little timing too so you have both those things pulling timing out which makes the car bog right off the line so we just loosen up our track control a little bit give it a little bit more wheel speed out of the hole so it doesn't have that bog maybe ramp the boost in a little bit sooner and it's on track to be fast realistically we can turn this motor up to over 60 pounds and it should hold all of it it's just gonna come down to what the back pressure is on this turbo and this size turbo should comfortably make over 60 pounds before it starts getting restricted there and we're only pushing it about 50 right now so we have a lot more power left on the table if needed but even at this power right here if we could get this dialed in we're already making a good amount more power than when it went the a3 with how much lighter the car is too if we get that short track dialed it could probably do the seven on this setup right here with you know no changes to the power but if we need it and we need to run 180 plus out the back we'll give her 60 pounds and go for the beans have any timing pulled on our ride height so now it's just dialing in the traction control and then i'm sure the ride height will come after that because with more power off the launch it's going to want to pull up yeah i feel it's it's almost hitting that threshold to where it might try to do a wheelie it's dancing it comes up to eight inches but we aren't pulling any timing out until eight inches so we're gonna flirt with that line and then dial in our track control and then once we get those two kind of working together this thing's gonna be on a mission so we've got the ride height pretty good i mean we're gonna start with it there we wanna give this thing enough power to do a wheelie because we wanna make sure that the laser height sensor is doing its job as well and keeping us safe and planted on the ground because then that will take a lot of stress off me you know waiting for a wheelie to happen i can just trust that the ecu will do its job we can stay floored and i don't have to worry about anything other than the car underperforming and not over performing and trying to do a backflip so yeah we'll uh probably uh ice it down again we just got the word that we have like another hour here so we're good to go re-ice it top it off with fuel once again everything sounds healthy we're ready to go for another rip [Music] [Music] um [Music] jesus she moves dude hard on the brakes runs at 988 at 101. well how'd you feel that time it was a little better to the 60 but it definitely bogged pretty hard yeah afterwards like it left a little better but then bogged even harder right i think it's still that traction control you're gonna have to loosen it up a little more yeah it's better than giving it all the beans right off the hook it's still cooking today it's what it do to the eight this time that was a six oh okay a little slower 136. okay so that fog definitely was a little worse right that was a 4-2 to the six or the so i'll pull the log and see i mean it's going to nine eight hard on the brakes at a hundred [Music] thanks for coming out today coop we've never spent your whole day on the phone okay no y'all were very valuable we came out to watch appreciate you yeah we support the boys man yeah boys yeah we didn't even say what's up to crispy or coop yeah just here he abandoned ship early yeah he rolled out yeah he was actually like i'm hungry he was getting some shots in case she wanted to haul the mail but say bye to the people coop hey see you guys bye see you tomorrow lee see you later gems [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: BoostedBoiz
Views: 254,059
Rating: 4.9634256 out of 5
Id: bzbrWRYbsjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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