Dig or Die Day 2 - $65,000+ on the line!

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[Music] so so when i woke up saturday morning the first thing i did was look for somebody that could swap my tires luckily i found a small family-owned shop here in hamlet not far from rockingham [Music] man you missed some good at the driver's meeting they did a little bit early i thought it was a five as anyways we went up there and um everybody draws their chips bill lutz draws number 12. somebody you know sees it so the patches crew they start offering money for the other number 12 chip they find the guy with the other number 12 give him 200 dollars so that they can race bill booth's second round and put him out turbo john called him out and he wouldn't take it and then jarrett you know patches and team denver they offered up a bunch of money for that chip so bill lutz is running patches second round probably the fastest car here tried to get phil without any money he wouldn't bet nothing so and everybody saw it everyone saw it nobody said anything everyone saw it everyone heard it i drew michael anderson he's uh i think's out of the east coast somewhere i usually race at work gun fast car another white mustang turbo car it's gonna be a good race i'm sure i said what's your strategy for today i made a hit out there behind the track just a little bit ago we put brand new tires on it for today and it made a really good pass and uh there's no rubber out there at all so it's like chip seal i'm pretty confident that we'll go right down it today it's not going to stumble this time i'll fix that so hopefully everything goes good and we move on to the third round we'll see all right so we heard what happened in the driver's meeting i didn't get to see it but billy was there and everybody said they saw it nobody said a damn word they just let it happen yeah so you drew you drew bill lutz yeah we ended up with this chip so we drew it we acquired it yeah i mean nobody's ever said anything about anybody ever doing this in this type of race at all so it's kind of a first uh he kind of said bill didn't kind of say it beforehand didn't he say like before he drew if you want [Music] so turbo john did call him out and he declined it yeah so you guys win beforehand we're like if you don't want to get them so the strategy is to try and take them out early and hopefully he can't get deep in the rounds you know i don't think it's going to get much better but if it does he obviously makes the most power here so might as well take a stab at it yeah it's going to be a fun race it's going to be loud hopefully we do what we do i'll try and find you some earplugs i'm wearing them all right good luck today guys [Applause] foreign all right mr kendall so tell us who you drew for uh well today's second round who'd you draw today uh poppy yeah i think it's a dashing yep is that all right i think so a little four-banger that thing is no slouch no no i've seen him i've seen some youtube videos and some races he's been in that thing works really good yeah so hopefully the surface is better yeah you're starting off in the daytime again today and it usually comes around a little better when the sun goes down so what's your strategy for today well we actually last night when we raced uh first round last night we was pretty late in the round so it kind of got dark and darked up a little bit but it was still a little greasy and i'm afraid it's going to be even worse now because it's starting earlier so i don't know we actually took a little bit out of it moved a little bit of weight and just make a little shock adjustment let's see if we can nurse it down through there a little bit man that that sucks i i love poppy and i love this car so hopefully uh it'll be a good race oh yeah i hope well i know it'll be a good race i just hope we can go ahead and get the w and go on the next round yep i think as the rounds go it'll get a little faster and uh hopefully you guys can make some rounds there's some serious serious competition here and this backwards stuff has been going on for a little while now but i feel everybody's getting faster and evolving and getting better and there's i've seen a lot of improvements on several different cars yeah there's a lot of upsets too yeah there was uh the old dirt car beat the goat first round that was crazy um the jake boswell's new car and that thing moved pretty good it looks like he's getting it figured out yeah it looked like patch has made a really good one bobby parks oh naturally he's been been doing good so it's tough there's a lot of fast guys i know you guys are going to be fast yeah if we can get our figured out oh yeah you guys always do that's always good yeah yeah that'd be a good time i hope yep it'll be a good day well thank you man i appreciate it thank you good luck today yep all right poppy you got a bad ride sitting right here but you're going up against a bad dude for second round today i found out you're racing candle and i was like ah darn it what's your strategy for today man i don't know we're gonna we're gonna give her what we got that's all we can do yeah he's a killer so he said you had a couple problems last night that you're sorting out yeah we had some problems with the solenoids yeah and hopefully we fix them see if we can get out there a little quicker because we're gonna need it yeah i thought it left pretty good last night i was talking to your son earlier and uh he said you guys weren't very satisfied with the hit he said it was slow up top i was like man i thought it was one of the fastest passes but it did good we just know we know what we need to run yeah the run with the big gun yeah all right man yeah for sure good luck today thank you who do you like clifton you think so he's getting it done man i like poppy but that nitrous car is working we'll see come on [Music] good job to both those guys [Music] that was a good pass yeah [Music] oh so [Applause] [Music] play [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so oh what you think cj what do you think oh we're gonna see it's still anybody's there's still a lot of killers oh what you think so far zenford good man hot tower we're having a ball appreciate y'all coming out everybody yeah man no problem been a bunch of upsets and but there's still some killers in that's for sure yeah definitely upset even with bill lutz patches yeah patches come out swinging for the fences yeah for sure man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] delaney you're good ah come on billy let's go let's go good ass pass yes sirs [Applause] all right billy what's your game plan game plan is racing colby and i'm not going to take him lightly i'm going to keep chipping away at it i'm going to add a little bit of power not much i feel like i made a good pass last run um see where it puts us i hit the scramble last round and i took it so i'm just going to add that into the controller that way if i need it next time it's actually going to give me a little boost track i think it's coming around just a little bit since it's cooled off yeah but it's still not perfect no see what happens a good race oh billy [Music] well [Music] god [Applause] [Music] all right so that last pass was one of my better ones i've ever had here i put a little bit more boost in it down low and i brought the power in a little earlier and gave it more that time went 10 a little over a tenth faster that pass than my first one the track is starting to come around a little bit it didn't have any wheel speed at all it was just straight as an arrow i'm going to start adding more power earlier and i'm gonna add more power at the big end because it'll take whatever out the back it seems like i still got six on the scramble that last pass we're at 26 pounds right at the finish line i'm not scared to push it to 30. so uh we have to we'll jump on that scramble we'll add a little bit more on the controller hopefully we keep getting lucky and keep doing rounds what happened what's up they're saying they need like a medic up top or something like somebody's spectator problems gotta go check it out we're waiting on a call hold tight we can't race until he gets back now the groove [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] baby [Music] wow [Music] you think [Music] i haven't been in the left yet so [Music] yesterday [Music] started [Music] go that way [Music] hey [Applause] hey good you're like jolene [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] everyone back up [Music] back hey [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] it's fine it's fine the rotor looks fine huh not so right now everybody it wasn't right i've heard that car sit there and run and that that's right it sounds really really good i bet it sounds like a rocker arm shot i don't think it broke the rocker on it's in the ignition i don't know what the hell it everybody was so proud of you going over there to help him everybody's like wow that is awesome it's been nice we want to see a clean race so that was a nail biter everybody on the starting line was hectic i could hear his car over there it was trying to sound like it had an ignition problem or it was trying to flood i'm not sure what but um you know jolene and their crew that car it's really fast uh sam hood he's been really nice to me in the past and uh offered me some good advice always willing to help out so we wanted to give him enough time to fix his car we don't want to take a win like that so we waited and then i think he got his carb good enough to where it would make at least make a pass and we made our best pass so far we keep chipping away at it about another 10th faster that run it didn't offer to spin at all so it still hasn't spun the tires yet we're just going to keep adding power as the track gets better we're really close to that five second pass so if we can get there we're right there with like you know the big dogs the top three gonna keep chipping away at it hoping for good luck [Music] alright [Applause] [Applause] [Music] uh bye [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] huh did you draw a sherm oh we got body parts oh he said he still ain't fix that goddamn that guy yeah you guys uh split it like seven ways or what these four losers get twenty five hundred but okay after that it's he's put the fifty okay so we'll see what it comes out good luck you see me too man good luck sherman yeah oh damn [Applause] foreign [Music] now well we made it down to eight cars um we made it to the split i got a little bit of money um the carburetor or i shouldn't say the carburetor for some reason the the truck like hiccuped at 60 feet and it lost a 10th in the 60. i picked it back up almost with a mile an hour out the back since i grabbed the scramble for the first time tonight but uh that's racing you know i don't know why i did it i don't know if i just didn't sit there long enough on the break to build enough boost or what but it is what it is congrats to them they're going to the final or the final four and there's nothing but bears here now like it's all fast people i'm just glad that we were able to hang and uh prove that this old pile of junk can still compete at this level you know this is the biggest no prep ever to my knowledge 117 cars 64 000 to win i don't think there's ever been one bigger so got a competitive combination we struggled really bad just yesterday um just getting it to hook on the street so we've come a long way in about 10 passes but i'm just glad it's holding together and uh hopefully everything's good i pulled it up i put it on a lot of boost there but yeah i guess now we'll get ready to go to the beach maybe since we're only like two hours away you're out there tomorrow but yeah thank you for filming the finish line it was quite the trip it was a good time yeah it was it was a great time and good family sportsmanship was awesome yeah for the most part everybody was super nice so i met a lot of good people got some good content got a little bit of money and i think it's all in one piece we're gonna check here in a minute but thank you guys for watching oh [Applause] [Music] oh he's this is so [Applause] ah [Applause] okay guys it's been a long day the underdog mike gunter takes some wins now me and allison have a saying anybody who beats billy somehow wins the whole thing we always lose to the guy who wins the whole thing but congrats to that guy a lot of crazy races today we're excited to finally head home for a long weekend peace out guys a nice car won you probably beat me dude it's always the car that beats billy hey but you gave me the hell he only got in my car i just slowed up at 10 minutes give him to him man oh my god right dude you know what he's been at probably five or six of my street races it was out with us at 7 10. the car spins the car doesn't leave he hit the wall once he never made a clean pass ever and then now he just won wow just goes to show like keep pushing cutie a little tired you
Channel: Street Racing Channel
Views: 88,221
Rating: 4.9699063 out of 5
Id: to5mSn09s4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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