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Özgür: It's stuck. Burcu: Is that sound coming from you? Burcu: Tell those friends of yours... Özgür: Why don't you go somewhere else? Burcu: Yes, we'll light the stove soon. Özgür: Off you go, I'll light a fire there now. Burcu: It's the same color as the grass. Özgür: Yeah, it really is. Özgür: Go away. Özgür: Come on. Özgür: Come on. Shoo. Hah, finally. Burcu: It's gone. Burcu: I think it's broken, isn't it? Özgür: It's dry. Özgür: I mean, it's rotten. Özgür: Check out that hawk, how nice it's flying. Burcu: Huh? Özgür: Check out that hawk. Burcu: Oh yeah. Burcu: That thing smelled like perfume, it's so good. Özgür: Yeah, they smell so good. Özgür: Can you hear the stove? Özgür: It's hot as hell here. Burcu: I can feel the hot here, you know? Özgür: Now I'll warm up this side. Burcu: Should we eat inside or outside? Özgür: I'll eat outside, but you may get cold. Burcu: It's cold, let's eat inside now. We'll eat outside in the morning. Özgür: Okay. Burcu: The table is dusty. Özgür: That one is too thick. I'll eat this one. Özgür: I can hear the chirping sound. Özgür: Could you give me the thing... Burcu: What? Burcu: The spatula? Özgür: Spatula and a plate. Burcu: I hope it's cooked. Özgür: I don't know if it's cooked or not. Özgür: Yeah. Özgür: It's cooked. Burcu: Give me your plate. Burcu: It's good, isn't it? Özgür: It's really good. Thank you. It's better with onion. Özgür: High five then. Burcu: What are we giving high fives for? Özgür: The dinner is great. Burcu: How about some popcorn? Özgür: What? Burcu: Should I make popcorn? Özgür: I can make popcorn. Burcu: No, I said should "I". Özgür: Yeah, sure. Burcu: Okay, you can do it. Özgür: No, you do it. Burcu: Turn it off. Özgür: Oh, it looks good. Özgür: The one that says hatch. Özgür: Salt doesn't stick to it. Burcu: Do you want another one? Özgür: You know, I can eat another one. Burcu: That's fine. Özgür: It's great here. Burcu: Take the remote. Özgür: Thank you. Özgür: Good night then. Burcu: Good night. Özgür: It's raining. Burcu: Uh, yeah. Burcu: The rain has started. Burcu: So, we can't go out for breakfast again? Özgür: That cloud will go away, it's probably small. Özgür: Yes. Özgür: It's a small cloud. Burcu: It's pretty wet around here. Özgür: t's full of water. Özgür: It has rained pretty good then. Burcu: I mean, we cannot go one step further. Özgür: Why? I can go. Burcu: I mean, the lake is overflowing. Özgür: That's right. Özgür: Because It's not flowing away. Özgür: Let's wipe the table. Burcu: Uh, it hit my hand. Burcu: Should I grind some more? Özgür: No, this is enough. Özgür: Honey, it spills over the edge of this glass. Özgür: For God's sake. Burcu: I just bought this cover. Özgür: You just bought it, yeah, but it's not my fault. Özgür: Will it come off? It will. Burcu: That's fine. I hope it will come out. Özgür: It will come out. Burcu: If not, you'll buy me a new one. Özgür: I will. Özgür: Is this a shot? Burcu: Uh-huh. Özgür: Then we need to do shots. Burcu: It looks like the rain is coming from the other side. Özgür: But that cloud.... Özgür: comes and goes. Burcu: Do you think there are mushrooms in the forest? Burcu: Should we look for some mushrooms? Burcu: We'll eat mushrooms for breakfast if we can find them. Otherwise, I'll make menemen. Özgür: Okay. Maybe we'll find meadow mushroom. Burcu: Should we open the awning? It looks like it's going to rain. Burcu: Let's open it, so nothing gets wet. We'll have breakfast outside. Burcu: The awning will cover the stove, right? Özgür: Yes. Özgür: If you see little brown things like this... Burcu: Are those meadow mushrooms? Özgür: Yes. Burcu: Mushrooms? Burcu: I don't think we'll find it here. Özgür: Maybe in the forest. Özgür: It might have came out of the peat. Burcu: At least we don't hear the frogs here, Özgür Burcu: So many big trees. Özgür: The trees are huge. Burcu: I don't see many mushrooms. They haven't popped out yet. Özgür: They need sun for that. It's cloudy right now... Özgür: If it gets a little sun, it will pop out. Burcu: Even if we didn't find anything, we had a nice walk. Özgür: We should actually look at the meadows. Small mushrooms should be popping up in the meadows now. Özgür: Do you see the mushrooms? Burcu: Are those fungus? Özgür: Most probably. Burcu: Look where it's grown from. Özgür: Sapling? Burcu: Yes. Özgür: Look, see, these are new. Burcu: Yes. Özgür: Right? Burcu: Look. Burcu: Those are the ones that smell good, right? Özgür: Yes. Burcu: I wish we'd collected them from the forest. There's a lot of them here. Özgür: That tree must have fallen down. It's lying like this. Burcu: But it's still alive. Özgür: It's alive. Burcu: Yeah, but when that big tree fell down... Özgür: We should put this upright, but we can't do that. Burcu: No, don't touch it, it will grow like that. Özgür: It fell down here... Özgür: Look, it damaged that one. Burcu: It fell down, injuring others in the fall. Özgür: It also damaged this one. Burcu: We're getting close to the frog sounds again. Özgür: Like a symphony orchestra. Burcu: What are you eating? Özgür: Fresh sprout. Burcu: Oh, that. Özgür: Yes. Here, taste it. Burcu: Uh, no. Özgür: Great. Özgür: It has an excellent flavor. Burcu: I'll make menemen, then. Özgür: You have to, we couldn't find mushrooms. Burcu: I'll put the tomato now. Burcu: We have a great view. You can't see anything. Burcu: Frog sounds in the background. Burcu: It's like between raining and not raining. Burcu: Duck family. Burcu: They disappeared. Özgür: She has a lot of ducklings, did you see that? Burcu: Yes, she has ducklings. Burcu: This area is pretty big. Özgür: It's pretty big. Burcu: Does atv fit in here? Özgür: No. Burcu: But a bike will fit. Özgür: It will. Özgür: There's a lot of compartments here. Özgür: I'll start moving. Özgür: Don't. Burcu: Oh no. Burcu: Come on. Burcu: How about a pallet? Burcu: Put a pallet where you slipped. Because after that it's the stone road. Özgür: If only I could take myself in that stone road... Burcu: Okay, just put the pallet there, and go over it. After that it's a stone road .
Channel: Atik Ailesi
Views: 2,871,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atik ailesi, atik family, atik, kamp, camp, camping, kamp videoları, camping videos, snow camp, winter camp, kamp sobası, camping stove, çadır kampı, tent camping, özgür atik, burcu atik, kamp ekipmanları, camping equipment, karavan, caravan, karavan kampı, caravan camping, camper caravan, truck caravan, atik ailesi karavan, atik ailesi caravan
Id: BtSKtWjPPho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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