Seven Great Principles Of A Peculiar Life - Part I | Bishop Eddy Addy

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discover how the word of god can bring a change in your life through the teachings of bishop eddie abby bishop eddie addy is an assistant to bishop daniel mills and serves as the resident bishop of the macarius church anointed energetic and a practical teacher the servant of god will inspire you with practical teaching of the word of god that will refresh you energize you and bring healing to your body soul and spirit now to the message may you fulfill your ministry before the time is done may you make full proof of your ministry this will be your song this will be your testimony god will bless you god will strengthen you god will elevate you god will empower you and you will fulfill your ministry you will not be destroyed by your marriages your relationships you will not be destroyed by anything you will make full proof of your ministry whatever god has called you to do you will finish it whatever god has in his heart for you you will do it nothing will will stop you you will be a hard soldier your amen is so weak it's all you only say amen to money you don't say amen to pro prophecies about ministry prophecies about your calling that why you don't shout but if i say you are building a house at trasaku valley you'll be shouting and screaming but i declare to you that you will fulfill your ministry yes nothing will move you i said nothing will move you in jesus name clap for jesus let us celebrate him he is worthy father thanks a million for the wonderful privilege of serving you of working in your vineyard thank you for the ministry through your mercy you have given to us may we never faint may we not be destroyed and discouraged by events may we fulfill our ministry until our time is done because souls are precious to you and you have called us to reach them everybody under the sound of my voice may they embrace your calling may they pursue it and may they fulfill it in jesus name amen clap for jesus you may be seated [Applause] seven great principles of a peculiar life we've looked at many in this series many big areas of our lives seven great principles that govern salvation was one of them this whole series is a series of seven great principles in series of seven so salvation seven great principles of salvation that's where we learned man is a spirit he has a soul he lives in the body spirit of an unsaved man is dead desperately wicked is that muscle then we looked at seven great principles for a great change a great change that makes you a new christian somebody who has found the lord and someone who has been changed by that encounter that's where we looked at um what do you call it what were some of the things you looked at in man the great change yeah the great change said that after you are born again you have to grow up spiritually is that not so and then you have to renew your mind if you remember because you are changed by the renewing of the mind when your mind is changing then your whole life is also changing by the way you think so you renew your mind through the word of god and then we looked at when you're exposed to a lot of preaching and a lot of fellowship was another one seven great principles of for a change life for your life to change you have to fellowship a lot so christians who don't fellowship a lot don't change so easily that you are changing you are being transformed and seven great principles of a change life also involved speaking in tongues a lot is that also the holy spirit coming upon you to also bring about a change because the wilderness can change into a fruitful field and the fruitful field can change into a forest so you can see that that sort of transformation is only the holy spirit when he comes upon a desert can make it a fruitful field so you are like a desert but the anointing is coming up on you my grace is upon you my anointing is upon you and because of the anointing by virtue of the anointing you shall be a changed man people who see you will not recognize you not only because you are wearing corona max mask because but because of the change that has taken place in your life all right then we looked at seven great principles um of fruitfulness is that this did you have such a thing in this service did we do it in this church or it was not here seven great principles of fruitfulness because god is not just saving you and it's not just wanting your life to change so that you are morally upright but he also wants you to progress to bear much fruit yes so some people think that after when you get saved then that you just join a church and so then you just come to church you go home you come to church you go home you come to church then if you pay tight you pay but if not to you are there and then you are um if you can sing in the choir but even some people don't go on to do that but i want you to understand that there are different aspects of our salvation so the salvation bloc when we learnt about the seven great principles of salvation helps you to understand what is going on when we say you are saved yes and now you have to go on to become spiritual and grow okay and then your life is changed we talked about spirituality as well and then fruitfulness which was last week and then on saturday yesterday we put into practice what we had been taught and got by god's grace this saturday we are moving again coming here whichever area you are in if you cannot come this way just group yourselves congregate somewhere lift your hands and pray release some music or song into the atmosphere to charge yourself up and then rush into the community and put in the circle for the fields are white all ready for harvest you will be a fruitful christian you will have many spiritual children and god is going to bless your life on a daily basis the bible says that those that win souls are wise you are going to be wiser than the the family head in your house you will be wiser than your teachers you will be wiser than the bosses that even conduct meetings and make you sit under their meetings because god will make you a wise child in jesus name amen and so today we are looking at seven great principles of a peculiar life peculiar in titus chapter 2 we are reading from verse 11 titus 2 verse number 11 and it says for the grace of god that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men that's why you are saved salvation has appeared to all men it's exposed all men should be able to experience salvation and that is why we are sent to go because those who have not seen it they must still experience it lady pastor nora or cebu so you are welcome to enjoy your uh an event is it 25th anniversary 20th anniversary of where then the most a one a couple you can find in the whole of the macarius cathedral 20 years of marriage as though they just met as though they just found themselves they are still kissing they are still hugging they are still chatting they are still taking walks they are still holding each other to sleep only children they are not bringing forth clap for this wonderful couple beautiful may you also have a nice marriage like that may you also may your marriage last for more than 20 years so that you can come to church with your wife even if you are not wearing the same color scra we know that it's an anniversary time too powerful and after 20 years we used to kiss you see you may think it's a joke but i saw a book and the title of the book is we still kiss i mean somebody has actually written a book we still kiss and if you like ask those who are married for more than five years many of them have stopped kissing yeah if you like ask the nearest somebody who has been married for even four years four years they don't kiss anymore they are not close anymore they don't they don't laugh anymore they don't sleep in each other's arms anymore they they are not close anymore but through this service god is giving you a revival through the assailants to revive your marriage some people even in a relationship you don't chat anymore and yet you are going to marry you you are not close anymore and yet you are going to mario hey you don't call each other anymore and yet you are in marriage school you don't text anymore and you have to i marry school may the lord give you a revolution that can transform your relationship and give you a beautiful marriage in jesus precious name i want married people to shout bigger than those who are not married and i want those who are not married to shout louder than the married ones for a prophetic impartation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] after 10 years you should still kiss yes but some people even after three years you don't kiss anymore you're not close anymore you don't text anymore you don't sleep in each other's arms anymore you don't eat together anymore you don't watch television anymore together you are always on your whatsapp hey as soon as you arrive everybody descends on their fools [Laughter] food is ready see you in the morning good night see you in the morning even some people they communicate by text in the same house so if you don't check your phone you won't get food to eat if you like don't check your food they said they sent you a text that food is ready three hours ago such a tragedy will not happen in your marriage i declare peace in your home i declare progress in your marriage i declare safety in your marriage i declare an ever blissful ever enjoyable union until jesus comes in jesus name amen somebody on radio shout amen somebody on facebook shout amen god has blessed you already anyway so let's finish reading titus chapter 2 titus 2 from verse 11 he said all of us read together shall we go grace of god that bring us salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us denying ungodliness and worldly last we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ who gave himself for us sellers of good works so he came he made salvation available and after we are saved there are many things he's teaching so he says teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly last so when you are born again it's not enough you have to deny worldliness and ungodly lust do you understand that so don't think that you are just free because you are now in church or you are a christian but he teaches and just with any teaching people choose not to do what they are taught do you understand but sometimes not that you are not taught but one pastor somebody was saying something he told the guy that my flesh don't like the message it's like you are preaching a message that it's like my flesh doesn't like the message but his spirit is saying amen but his flesh is saying no no no no no that's why we say preaching no and will work is the flesh is warning the flesh because the flesh likes ungodly last we should live soberly sober sober being sober it's part of christianity you have to we are taught to be sober not boyce trust and cantankeros yes not argumentative yes engaging in endless genealogies and debates is politics you are in the middle of it no ah it's like you have to break somebody's job politics discussions you are in it very strong and very very mean in some way you see teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly last we should live so badly righteously and godly in this present world it's not when we get to heaven that are going to be righteous you have to do to start now so he's teaching that's why i'm teaching you what i'm teaching you it's not frivolous and vexatious it's not like i'm boring i'm trying to bore you or even occupy the space you see so you have to learn to receive what you are taught and live by because after salvation he teaches us many things then one of the things he's teaching us which i'm teaching you today is verse 15 he says in verse 5 hello 15 oh okay sorry 14 verse 14. he says who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people peculiar the word peculiar means out of the ordinary yes peculiar what does peculiar mean distinct uncommon unusual so that you are you are unusual amongst your friends if they are not saved you should be unusual yes it's it's also something he's teaching us that he's teaching us that we are unusual people we are not normal we are not the normal guy you are not the normal guy you can't beat a normal guy peculiar means another even where is you are like strange is that also or odd you are the odd one out like amongst your friends you are the odd one because you speak in tongues they don't speak in tongues you go to church regularly they don't go to church regularly there are so many things you do because when you are the life of a real christian is different from the life of a normal person in the world so when you see somebody who is a proper christian he looks odd and strange and it and it should be normal that you look strange it should be normal and when you so so principle number one let me just go on because that's what i'm actually preaching now is that principle number one let me read it out to you so that you you get it principle number one after you are born again accept that you are set apart to become a peculiar person with a peculiar life beautiful full stop after you are born again accept okay that you are set apart to become a peculiar person with a peculiar life strange life different life a special life and when you don't embrace it you can't do the christianity well because you are saved and you are supposed to be peculiar you are supposed to be odd you are supposed to be different but you have decided to remain common and usually so when i went to secondary school and i got born again i became unusual amongst my friends so when i arrived at home went back home to be with them because s.u people don't speak pidgin so once i got born again in from one i never chose the path of speaking pidgin english but i could hear it when they are speaking by hearing and speaking they are very different when somebody is singing you may think you can sing it but if you try to sing you'll be surprised that the ooh he did you cannot do hey you'll be surprised that why can't i sing it why can't because their hearing is different the same with dancing you may see the people dancing it looks very easy but when you start you see that it's not easy to go left and go right and go forward i mean it's like it looks easy this way is it that way but if you are doing it you'll be surprised that your mind tells you you are doing this but actually your body is moving in the opposite direction [Music] are you there still so god is teaching us to embrace our oddity you are odd in the family all your sisters don't really are not church people and you have become born again you have become a church man immediately you look odd and you have to embrace it principle number one embrace your peculiarity yes some of us we always want to be accepted in the group when i wanted to be accepted in the group so when you were speaking chalet you you got the boo you get some girl for debut hey you there from our way get god for debut i don't know what is the book sana in the world of pidgin they have their own diction words that they use for i think debu is wesley is he wesley girls debut yeah it's like the girls in wesley girls are called girls nebu is what this one we haven't heard it before then you are very deep inside because we we didn't go deep inside the dungeon to go and hear these ones hey fantastic are you there still so you must accept that you are a peculiar person first peter chapter two verse nine he says but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy and holy nation a peculiar people that ye should show forth the praises of him that had called you out of darkness into his marvelous light so you are a peculiar person strange is a good word also number two principle number two after you are born again you are set apart to become a peculiar person with a peculiar life by physically separating from unbelievers of physical separation from unbelievers by physical separation from unbelievers in second corinthians chapter 6 verse 14 he says but be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion have light with darkness so you see that he immediately is separating things he's not mixing once you get born again there has to be a sharp distinction and separation from from your unbeliever world and unbeliever realm so he's asking that he says do not be unequally altogether with unbelievers then he explains that in colon for what fellowship is a question it's a big question he's asking what fellowship does what hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what is the answer no fellowship unrighteousness should not fellowship with unrighteousness because if you don't separate it's not easy to maintain your righteousness you will definitely i saw a best improvement make no friends with an angry man lest thou learn his ways so when somebody is angry and he's talking by her don't make friends with him do you understand make no friendship with an angry man and with a furious man thou shalt not go lest thou learn his ways and get a snare to die so so be careful when people are angry insulting their father insulting their mother and you are in the midst listening or reading their insults and listening to their infuriated words of anger bitterness and acrimony the bible says make no friendship huh proverbs what 22 24 to 25 make no friendship with an angry man separate yourself oh then he says end with a furious man what is furious fast and furious [Laughter] it's not just a movie a furious man what does furious mean nobody knows hey intensely violent intensely violent somebody who cannot stop his anger and cannot be assuaged cannot be palliated yes cannot be cooled down it cannot be restrained and restrained furious and restrained do you understand your brother is angry with you angry with his other brother then you are sitting down with him then he says please see he's this that's why he even said about you that you are like this hey why didn't you say it all this time why are you not bringing it up because now he's looking for you to now learn his ways so put it in your pocket that make no friendship with an angry man even there are some people you have to block on your phone so you don't see their status so you don't see their text messages so you don't they don't continue feeding you with venom that can get a snare to your soul those of you who like listening to everything somebody is saying about somebody you want to listen who need business somebody has been jilted by a boy noah then you too you copy her status sentence and plaster it on your status so that you to become one of the fighters for such an angry woman and a bitter widow [Music] watch out for people who are angry sending you messages text messages facebook posts instagram photos i mean uh what your snapchats post telegram posts every post on social media to rob you into their angry caucus and conclave yes the bible says you will learn their ways and what can happen a snare will happen to your soul block him block hell and friend him and when somebody forwards it don't if you open it now see that you're affording somebody's text message that angry angry talks angry angry words sometimes even worse than yourself you don't use near the bombardo then you are learning you are reading then you are soaking it in on your quiet time so uzuki and somebody's angry at best quieter and all kind will be statosa this type of foolish girls are almost incredible them on their status [Music] some people should mind their own business [Applause] why are they yes some people if you know you know then they go and find a song so don't marry so when they come to church and such a song is being sung you should see how themselves will come they are not singing it for god they are not honoring god they are happy it's a consulting song for their enemies and the bible says you and some of you you learnt it from someone you were not taught it by your father you are not taught it by your pastor you are not taught it by your shepherd but you learn the ways of an angry man and a furious man so now you know how to sing a song to quarrel a husband and wife were acquiring the house their wife was born with a husband husband was born with a wife and the wife was cooking in the kitchen and she started singing a song yeah i am under the rock the rocket science true story or not it's not normal like a true story j hoover uh hides me hides me under the rock go tell my and she pointed to the direction of the husband who was sitting behind her on the northwestern side go tell my enemies i am under the rock jehovah hides me i smear the husband heard the song he didn't say anything then she continued i am under the rock there okay jehovah hides me hides me under the rock go tell my enemies i am under the rock [Music] [Applause] [Music] me it's like even if you put me in the lion's den and you put you you tie me you and you you you you chain me you i have a i have a redeemer then you'll be singing i am under the rock at the point the husband saw that all the songs were coming in his direction [Applause] then he was he was boiling like that at that point he couldn't say that again he got up then true story i'm telling you i i can mention their names then he he hit him at the back we concur satan we conquer demons we conquer principalities we conquer hallelujah hallelujah and he went [Applause] your wife is not satan isn't it and if satan is how we conquer satan [Applause] [Music] don't lend the ways of an angry man at first used to post only scriptures on your facebook page but you have learnt the ways of an angry man that you can post insults on your facebook page because you know that some of your enemies will read it then you intentionally spot and take a photo and stand at the very end [Music] [Music] shame on you [Applause] some people think we are broken up we be hearing that people say we are breaking a meeting would be lavadoo you are not supposed to kiss him number two hey it is working [Applause] [Laughter] one for each day monday it is working tuesday it is working wednesday it is working thursday it is working friday it is working saturday it is working sunday to eight is working [Applause] then your beloved is also there he doesn't know what is going on he thought he's a harmless so he doesn't even know that you have extended your standard because he there no one because oh girl no all the cat will be awesome yes we are still together we are still in love i am telling you that you you are crazy from the village yes it's village life is the village now our enemies are also coming to fetch near tuyanyum open someone here you know because village they make the song they make their songs like they they have the way the song goes is a story so everybody can make a song yes so you see that there's a particular beat of a bitterness they'll be separating them you see that the water they want to fetch it has fallen down you have to fetch it now you have brought that life to facebook village girl village boy ma small decorum i've said it cry i'm not afraid [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] then some people have put a lot of photos on their status it's like beloved anniversaries like it's our second anniversary or third and the best winner or mutual future [Applause] then he's paying you now village in yemen then you post some people think think no kuni must be some people think we won't get our own but one coupon was through he will help us yes some people think when you get a t-shirt that they have written somewhere on their t-shirt which speaks for you no action they have outreach and you know that your enemies will come for the archery so they will see pep they will be reading it and then they know where their enemies are then they intentionally pass there [Applause] hmm so catch yourself of readon we are we're reading ii corinthians 6 6. he says and what agreement had the temple of god with idols also a christian now a legba a small bottle with some black powder christian not so near me everywhere you are going is in your bag when you meet a beloved and you want him to love you more now they can crush on a drink [Applause] [Music] you two you eat everywhere you drink everywhere you don't know what they are putting in your drink they are trying to win your heart they've gone to a malam they've collected a love potion and they have put it in your drink you know an erection time viagra [Applause] local viagra you don't understand what is going on that ah when i'm when i whenever i'm i'm feeling feeling that ah what is going on before you realize oh you eat everywhere you drink everywhere and the people are collecting charms from malams and juju men and everything to attract a man or attract a woman there are people wearing rings it's not normal rings so there are rings given by juju men and malams for charm for for overpowering people and controlling your mind yes what kind of he says what kind of agreement had the temple of god with idols our christianity all proposed to our mum now malam who drew now they are in your position in the office oh you say you're a politician and you are sitting in hot water in a in a shrine they are buffing you so that your buttocks can be empowered to sit on higher levels higher chest higher glory of chairs yes you say you are a christian you want a contract anna yeah you need you go to church you go to church so that when you appear in the office and they look at your face and they have given you a handkerchief that use it to wipe your face when you see them when you wipe your face then the people say oh they're contracts mistake you'll be surprised that the man's appearance has changed the document because what could you do what kind of agreement as the temple of god with idols for years the temple of god of the living god as god has said i will dwell in them i will walk in them and i will be their god they shall be my people wherefore come out from among them and be separate say the lord and touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you saith the lord yes and ye and i will be your father i will be a father unto you and you shall be sons and daughters saith the lord god almighty yes yes after you are born again you are a peculiar person you don't go to jeju men no no no no no you can't go to a juju man to have exam victory you can go to a juju man to win somebody's heart to get potions and charms amulets ammunitions rings and other things around your waist around your leg around your your your fingers so that when you the person touches it no are you confused [Laughter] are you listening to me and they are christians you say you are a christian but you have not embraced the peculiar status that christ has made you and you are mixing the christianity with idol worship you are mixing the christianity with all kinds of wickedness yes so once you are born again it's not enough to just say i'm born again i go to my carriers that's where i am bishop eddie is my pastor i am a new creation um it's all done no one better not so so under your buttocks do you see is a charm yes when you are going to shake your sister then you put your hand in your pocket and rub the charm and shake hair so when it is not working then you are wondering you go back and say ah at the end you look like it's not working on your mouth you are my strong one them a strong one then at a point they say bring a human bee [Applause] that's why 16 year olds are killing young children to go and give to a malam to give them money charm it's happening and in the church there are people like that they want a husband they go and get a child they want business they go and get a chance they want their business to profit more they go and get a charm christian dixie and god is saying what fellowship does the temple of god or does righteousness have with unrighteousness and the answer is what no fellowship what concord what agreement what concord concord disagreement what agreement had the temple of god with idols the answer is what no agreement so when you ask what fellowship you say no fellowship that it's not that this church doesn't want you to marry an unbeliever it's not the church that doesn't want you to marry an unbeliever it is that the bible not me i didn't read your bible don't look at my book don't look at my notes look at your bible and try and and let the holy spirit speak to you if you say you're a christian tomorrow you come and tell me that you came to church and you had an unbeliever and i said you shouldn't marry him and now there's nobody coming it's like the church has spots your future principle number three pair principle number three after you are born again you are set apart to become a peculiar person with a peculiar life by your pure and holy lifestyle pure and holy lifestyle the bible is against all in conservation yes those of you who have made your shop a con concert zoo and you're sitting room at con concert zoo don't live your life always have you heard have you heard have you heard have you heard is the life style of an unbeliever have you heard whatever hey no music say anybody saying and also [Music] hey you can be with lady pastor with us your friend she has chatted with everything somebody can say hey ladybuster twitter do you know this answer then you start to question your love and allegiance to edward don't you need papa what your prophet every garbage then you swallow enchant when you're running too much sometimes your running stomach is not from the food you head to in 7 hours i disturb the equilibrium of your system [Music] do you know you can hear something you can't sleep and you know you can hear something and your stomach will start painting you its work is spiritual i'm just telling what can happen [Music] and then they ah no small girl is saying when did he come to church then he has got this girl to marry like that ah shut up stop that nonsense in the house and you don't come for meetings how will you know that when when he came and when he beloved those teams he's here he she said dancing star he's equalistic dancing stars are hesitant choruses are hesitant they mixed every sunday they are here for a long time auntie bought me somebody but also yeah now coffee over sorry one hour 30 minutes now kofi how will you know what is happening even in the church now to fear what beer will say [Applause] i'm just joking but serious yes she's older than you by five years no one else that's it but the way you know they talk truth [Applause] what did they on your case you can't see sir no one knee when you ask that you open your mouth hey [Applause] you came and picked me up where were you when he was singing don't know how but he did it don't know how but he did it don't know how bad he did when why were you not saying nancy about sorry now i all to what let the church say amen let the church say amen god has spoken let that were you there so i'm out sorry daddy anything that you thought he just came to church he's been here for a long time he's been serving god for a long time she's been dancing in his house for a long time they deserve a miracle they deserve a breakthrough they deserve a blessing and god blesses those who serve him shut up and let god also work on your own life we need beloved now can't come forward [Applause] i saw on social media they say you you do to preach ah why better not have more than five years due to preaching i used to do to preach you mate now come on bring all the tight and the offering anybody who does not be afraid and tired today you get out of the gate you will die and you see three people die daddy three people there you'll be through if you like don't come next week my boss what i aim [Applause] i will come on you in the dream i'll come like a like hey you didn't come to jail last week if you like next we don't come and don't bring that money that you got from your contract you'll see what i'll do to you sleep again i will bite you in the dream beer then when you wake up there's a bite on your wrists [Applause] i finished conclave the whole day we finished midnight after midnight every day from tuesday ah saturday we finish around 2 am i woke up now went to comfort some people and then i have to come here for outreach somebody said i didn't go home to us i went home i went home greeted my wife dropped my things oh yeah to the church for outreach don't see me obviously huh [Music] hey hey my name is my name i say yeah ready i didn't saw me suffer you'll be afraid you see when you hear something hey i hear bishop jesus [Applause] i have not called your name i'm saying is it's a questionable activity yes you have he quickened ephesians 2 1 who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in time past he walked according to the cause of this world according to the prince of the power of the earth the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience among whom he also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and whereby nature children of wrath even as others but god who is rich in mercy for his great love which he had toward us hmm which he for his great love i have verse five verse five verse five verse five even when we were dead in saints have quickened us together with christ by grace are ye saved so in times past we had our behavior in the lusts of the flesh and of the mind ephesians 4 teaches us so many things about this he said this i say therefore verse 17 and testify in the lord that ye henceforth walk not as other gentiles work in the vanity of their mind having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness but ye have not so learned christ if so be that ye have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in jesus that he put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts put him off do you understand and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the new man which after god is created in righteousness and true holiness so the things we used to do after you are born again you are expected to embrace the peculiar lifestyle of a holy brother and a pure sister and you have to deal with all the iniquity iniquitous ways and all the bad things we do we must confess them we must forsake them we must run away from them i don't get a message now you see a christian there's no difference it's like the christian also doing the same thing that unbelievers are he's not a different person he's not a peculiar person he's not odd say ah 14 years we're a virgin how are they are we conditions hey how can you be a virgin at 28 how why um room kakra they laugh at you then you give up because why are old why are peculiar now why is strange one little girl i knew she she said her friends were laughing at her that she's a vengeance she put the pressure on her she had to break the virginity she said out of curiosity i just have been on number nine some of you are sitting here pressure has come on you to surrender all your historical purity and historical sanctity because you are you are looking too odd now because [Laughter] so you'll be amongst people who are collecting bribe and it's like you are peculiar are you there you don't collect bribe but you can't stay that way so you have to just join them principle number four after you are born again you are set apart to become a peculiar person with a peculiar life by the motivation of your life by the motivation of your life in matthew 6 32 to 34 let's start from 25 matthew 6 25 he says for therefore i say unto you take no thought for your life what you shall eat and what you shall drink know what you shall put on for the body what you shall put on it's not the life more than meat and the body more than remember go on behold the fouls of the air for they so not neither do they rip nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feed at them are ye not much better than they and the bible says which of you by taking thought can add one cubit or one inch to his height and why take your thought for raymond consider the lilies of the field for they grow they toil not for how they grow they toil not neither do they spin yet i say unto you that even solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these wherefore if god so clothed the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven shall he not much more clothe you o ye of little faith verse 31 therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink what he's trying to say that don't fixate your mind on your food needs on your clothing needs on your shelter needs on your car driving needs on your material needs don't fixate yourself on them don't let that be the motivation of your life it's like you move only when you get an advantage for food advantage for clothing advantage for housing advantage for something that you need physically you are motivated to do outreach only when you see that there is a brother who seems to like you and he's available during the outreach you go for the outreach you are so busy always coming for rehearsal because the lead singer is not married you want him to spot you so you are motivated by their marriage not by the love of jesus so you see such people once they get the man they stop the choir true even there's a sister i'm always telling her that she grabbed the man she located herself in the department where the brother was was champion and went away with hard work coming early going late staying long doing things hard work joining hey very hard working was dead coming early living late yes because the brother was coming in here living late so you get a long time to interact during the time of working working for god but that was not the motivation her motivation was to grab the man i am telling you i always tell her that that was your motivation she'll be laughing and smiling yes department joined the department of i walk alones and i work not for god what is your motivation what is making you come for the whole night and for many christians our motivation even for serving god and coming to church is advantage for job advantage for money advantage a vampire now maybe prophetically before a lion sona also onyama god is about to elevate you god is about to let you up i tell you something something good is coming to you brother but the bible says take no thought don't fixate your mind on food only on drinking on what you wear verse 32 brother for after these things do the gentiles seek for your heavenly father knowing that you have need of all these things but you rather seek ye first the kingdom of god fixate your mind on the kingdom of god don't tell me that i'm using it to con you i've lived on this scripture since i became a christian 1976 it was not thrown at me i followed it literally because the passage tells me that fixating my mind on material things is not what i should do with my life on this earth if you go to colossians chapter 3 he highlights the same thing in another way colossians 3 from verse 1 colossians 3 if he then be reason with christ seek those things which are above where christ seated on the right hand of god set your affection on things above not on things on earth if i tell you this it's not that i want you to be poor or that i want you to look i don't want you to look after your children or wife set your affection on things above that means that let the motivation of your life be heavily things and things that that relate to god verse 3 says best three brother hey okay best to best best to set your affection on things about nothing best three verse three says for you are dead and your life is hid with christ in god so you are dead a dead man and our nigerian senior man who say somebody who is supposed to be dead to this world and our nigerian deer who say it's like everything in this world you want some and your mind that's your motivation that's what makes you go to church that's what makes you pray when you see somebody praying looking for a child or looking for a husband or looking for something paul said i am crucified with christ he was alive but i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ that lives in me the life i now live in the flesh i live it by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me i'm not calling you and trying to take away your pastime i'm teaching you the ways of god seek first the kingdom let that be your motivation why are you in church why are you in church why are you in church why have you joined that group why are you so busy oh you are a girl you said you want to join ashes only male are doing a strange job also you're a female asha unkwarami female why are you there are you sure you are there because of the love of jesus sister can heal as soon as they get their boy pet oh you know now and now when i sit for a long time now my lower back bishop bishops nasty for a long time when i carry chest he's got asha uh he's married here in chaffee hey but when you are not married and you are not beloved as well [Applause] is for four years you were there working they had no beloved those who none of these things came you beloved those who wear your pet now your hyacinth has come your back lower back has come your side has come this side has also come even your breasts crapping and then monday you go to work but you see our motivation yeah what drives us the driving force you see somebody was showing me a video he said i was leading worship or praises some there yet 2004 said 2003 namibia me crazy bishop you haven't changed you are so wild on fire because i was not motivated by marriage i was not motivated by money when i was serving and jumping for god i didn't have a car i was doing when i got a car i was still doing it i wasn't married when i was doing it when i got married i was doing it i didn't have children when i was so excited about jesus and i was excited about jesus when the children came after they have grown my daughter has married and left i'm still excited about jesus because my motivation is the kingdom and not something material or something physical that i can get i know you from him me made a mistake i didn't have a car that the type of car i'm driving i was still excited about jesus it has never changed when a car came but because you know the whole thing is about pleasing somebody or trying to win some favor that's why when the favor comes then because the motivation of your life is not the seeking first of his kingdom and his righteousness [Applause] you know i think i'll just continuously because last the first episode i didn't finish and i don't want to rush because there's no point for that but let me just give you a short one now and then i'll introduce it and pick it up next week because i don't need to rush i mean i don't know why i'm rushing what's the point in russian it's the same check that i'm passing for some time i don't need to rush my time is just finishing so let me just give you principle number five principle number five is after you are born again you are set apart to become a peculiar person with a peculiar life by you by your keeping of the sabbath by your keeping of the sabbath write it all write write it and make it plain are you there so i've gone home after you are born again you are set apart to become a peculiar person with a peculiar life by keeping the sabbath by keeping the sabbath by keeping the sabbath number one a sabbath is a peculiar sign for god's people exodus 31 and the lord spoke unto moses verse 12 saying speak unto um unto the children of israel saying verily my sabbaths shall you keep for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations that ye may know that i am the lord that does sanctify you ye shall keep the sabbath therefore for it is holy unto you everyone that defileth it shall surely be put to death for whosoever doeth any work therein that soul shall be put off shall be cut off from among his people six days may may what be done but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest holy to the lord whosoever does any work in the sabbath day he shall surely be put to death hey wherefore the children of israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever forever forever for in six days the lord made heaven and earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed you can't dedicate sunday as a day that i have dedicated is holy unto the lord i don't do my normal work i don't go to the office i don't do anything there it is sabbath is rest god says if you don't observe it i'll kill you that's why some people die out of they say workaholic stress something something something 42 38 it's like it's because the rest is important for the body so monday i don't have follow-up meetings fellowship meeting visitation these are my normal visitation follow-up counseling i don't do them on mondays i rest because on the sabbath day which is the sunday for us when you come to church i have to do some things for you i have to preach i have to counsel i'm here at midnight sometimes today i'm having a miku the other day i was telling some people i said look i had i made a call to somebody and i was talking to him chatting how are you there then the guy was thinking like it's not easy here i changed some people and they have all transferred from here it's not easy i was i was brokenhearted this day as oh it is well crowned but you are going to do well and it's going to be well when i finished talking to him i told the people that and he was on speaker so i told him beyond speaker and then he was selling them then i said look this chat i've had with him it sounds like a normal social chat but it's my pastoral work by the time i finished he was very encouraged that's my pastoral work so i can be working with somebody and you think i'm just lazing about an object i'm just chatting it's like we are just chatting you think so that's why for you you don't have people around you who can stay with you and die for you but i have people who can die for me i have people who can take a bullet for me yes because a pastoral work so you find it it's like it has to be on verses it has to be on memory verses it has to be on some revelation it has to be on a dream no it's not always about that how are you doing how are you how is life how is school you didn't pass oh what happened why you didn't read the lend the questions well you have put it in land why did you punch only these ones do you see so if you are standing by so sometimes i don't let people to stand near and come because you understand what i'm doing you think maybe that bishop we knew she is that didn't come on you say dean come on but that in common is on the person's life it's on how to encourage the person it's on how to remove depression it's on deliverance it's actually deliverance it's actually freedom from oppression and depression and suppression and attrition and oppression my main choice is are you listening to me if i meet somebody sometimes my personal work is in the lobby as a father brought her daughter said my daughter said you should pray for her in the lobby now i can take her to my office sit down drink water clear my truth lift my hands pray official right on the road jesus did miracles on the road jesus preached on the road jesus i mean raised the dead on the road i mean there was nothing like he sit in an office or he's in a particular temple or whatever he few people in the temple but he raised the dead on the street so on the street right there i laid my hands on the poor child and i spoke into her ears the father couldn't even hear the prayer and i blessed the child in the lobby with a lot of people around but they couldn't hear what i was saying i was blessing and speaking into a future and then i said amen and she jumped amen she ran after the father my personal work was done right there but well bishop only think i think thank you now right in the lobby i saw my little j j church children and i said oh are you okay so so so so i said why you so so that's all one of our beautiful favorite teacher children had died a few days ago so they were mourning so i wrapped my arms around all of them about five of them and i put my head in the ground in between them and i comforted them with a lot of people in their lives but they didn't know what i was doing i said bishop of the penguin i said oh yes because they were crying as i was talking to them where crying tears were falling on the floor but nobody could see them and i held them decided to be okay i spoke to them i encouraged me myself i told them me myself i i cried i said for the first time somebody has died i couldn't hold myself i didn't know what to say i said me myself i need somebody to talk to me and then lift me up because i was too broken it was too much for me so as i held them i was emotional too but i have to be strong for the little ones were around me and they were crying they were crying do you understand so you may think that it's not work but it is it is does the work somebody can die from that depression and some of you don't know how to do that thoughts of pastoral work that's why everything looks like it has to be you didn't come to church and you didn't come to this and you are not at the center you you are somewhere the only relationship is just it's like as for shepherd it has to be bible scriptures it has to be a dream it's a no no no no it's not about dream have you eaten this afternoon it's pastoral awake you don't even ask whether the person has eaten now blasting is around seven people are ma and for the last three days he's been drinking water i was telling my bishop i said look take our missionaries and the people who are you are overseers of as your children like biological i said if you sent your child to school in some of this village i mentioned that town will you not go there won't to find out where he sleeps once you find out where his room is and what is in the room why have you sent that poor boy you don't know what is in the room you don't know what whether he has a bed and somebody said i visited a missionary he and the wife was sleeping on the cardboard on the floor i said no it can't be possible because that's not how it is how can you sleep on a boat no kai there's nothing like that in this ministry you have not understood the spirit of the work the pastor is meeting at a place the rent is due you say he should wait bring the money we are buying roof we can bring the money we are buying but the person's person needs more care and must be attended to sometimes it's on an emergency not only some of you have sheep you don't care for them you are like wawa bots that they are relating with you don't know where they live you don't know what they eat you don't know that oh they eat what they eat is not my concern is this question of their soul ah jesus resurrected from the dead when he appeared to the disciples at the beach he asked them children have you any meat jesus the one who is the author and finisher of our faith have you children have you any meat now their own miser say have you any meat hey don't disturb me don't disturb me ah don't destroy don't disturb you pastor awake i don't even know how i got into that because i was talking to you about the server yeah but on the sabbath we do pastoral work so on sabbath which is supposed to be your sabbath i am working very from morning to night sometimes you hug somebody that's the pastor awake absalom used it to win members from his father's church he hugged them he kissed them he touched them he talked to them this is absalom's pastoral ministry it won the hearts of all the men of israel to win the heart of your members you have to learn it hugging talking to touching holding embracing arms around talking to different things do you are you and the guy is 32. um remember he's 32 years has why has he not got a beloved let's work on it let's work on it what about this sister oh i texted her she didn't mind me text again text again what did you say the last time oh what is your text if you sent you mind you you have sent a scripture you have never communicated with someone the first time you are communicating a design with the scripture and our forward nobody will respond to that or bad or if you beloved you will not even mind that thing [Music] just say oh my name is and your your name has come he doesn't have a safe he's not saved oh my i am so and so brother so and so in the ashes department or whatever i i got your number from your friend susie and i wanted to say hello please if you don't mind i will introduce myself in the lobby at 8 45 on sunday [Applause] then we are working on it then send them but you see proud brothers they can't speak they don't know how to talk they can't relate oh sister i want us to go out he doesn't know you doesn't know your name then he said i want us to go out go out to her [Music] anyway so i will end here for today but i'll pick it up again next week right from this spot the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace may all the enemies of your life be frustrated may they be silenced forever may they never prevail against you even for a minute may the lord give you an upper hand over all your enemies when you go out may you go out in safety and when you come in may you coming in safety may the lord who brought you here today and protected you and made you sit under the voice of this anointing may that same god take you home and may he protect you may he deliver you may he save you may he help you may the god of jacob may he lift you up may the god of israel may he prosper you may he do you good at your latter end and may you be blessed forever and ever the god of jacob is our refuge underneath his everlasting arms for he shall go with us and he shall come with us he that touches you is touching the apple of his eye and he that touch at you is touching jehovah's apple and the bible says that he shall be around you like a wall of fire enjoy the safety of a wall of fire around about you and run about your household everybody lift your hand and speak right now and declare that a wall of fire will come around your house and your loved ones and your members even members that are not here even friends that are not here pray and lift up your hand that god will indeed beat the wall of fire round about his people and would deliver them from the hand of the attacker lift your voice and pray so protection is coming around your household protection is coming around your children protection is coming around your parents protection is coming around your business somebody is being protected because there is an evil intended against the business but by the grace of god you shall escape banned they are conspiring against somebody to remove you from your position but by the grace of god safety is of the lord your seat shall be secure your promotion shall be sure in the name of jesus man [Music] a student you will not do that exam again you will not do it more than once you are going to pass that exam you shall excel in it the lord is giving you victory as you pray right now the lord is giving you victory clap your hands and open your mouth and pray because a victory is being given to you rantalicaba nantori mija parike [Music] [Music] we lift up our hands into the heavens oh jesus we lift up the blood of the eternal covenant to cover us and to shield us and to protect us and to deliver us open your ears to the voice of our cry [Music] man [Music] [Music] foreign say jesus [Applause] [Music] we give you glory lord you are you are [Music] are [Music] world [Music] is [Music] you [Music] all creations is of god [Applause] [Music] lord [Music] you alone [Music] [Music] [Music] where are you lord [Music] [Music] praise ready to be free are you lord [Music] we declare that there is no one like you who can be compared to our god foreign [Music] [Applause] glory glory [Music] yes you are you are [Music] yes [Music] you raised everything written everything everything about you is yes great you are so great yes you are glory glory hallelujah glory glory hallelujah everything everything everything about you hallelujah you serve a great god and great victories will occur in your life working victory in your life working victory in your marriage working victory in your business may you have the upper hand in every business situation may the lord push you forward may he push you with his hand as though he's assisting you to run a race and may you run ahead of everyone that is in the competition may the lord make you the first and not the last above and not beneath may just be open at their own accord like the prison does open for peter may they open for you in the name of jesus every corridor you walk into made the dust you must wind up may you enter them in the name of jesus i secure your seat i secure your chair i secure your position i secure your status in god the lord bless you the lord help you the lord who has blessed this great ministry and has taken it across the nations may he take you from that little corner in your house and that little corner in your vicinity and that little corner in your family and that little corner in the office and push you worldwide and give you grace to excel may he prove to you that none of the patriarchs who served him was ever a proper may he prove to you that when you seek first his kingdom all other things will be added unto you may the lord bless you may the lord keep you may the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may he lift up his countenance may he favor you and give you peace all the days of your life in jesus name amen god bless you clap your hands father we are grateful to you for your mercy towards us in this service and we thank you for the impartation that has made us peculiar we embrace our peculiarity and we work in it in the mighty name of jesus amen as every head is bad you are here today you are not born again you are watching on facebook you are not a born-again christian i want you to lift up your hand wherever you are so i can pray with you so i can help you along your journey somebody invited you but you are not born again you are not a really committed christian but today you want to change lift up your hand let me pray with you yes i see your hand i see some hands there god bless you god bless you lift your hand don't be shy god bless you i see your hand out there at the back don't be shy don't be afraid don't let anybody intimidate you it's you standing before god he sees you as an individual so see yourself as an individual so that you can save him god bless you if you have lifted your hand come to me right in front come and stand right in front of me so i can please [Music] look at them [Music] because you said no [Music] don't be slow to take this type of faith if you give your life to christ the advantage is yours god bless you now i think i want to give somebody a chance because somebody's sitting there standing there you are not committed to jesus i find it a danger for your life before i pray for these people i want to extend my hand to you that don't delay this chance to give your life to christ a day will come when you will you would you would rule the fact that you missed this opportunity and god wants to give you a new life you you don't want to kiss yourself or say that i had a chance but i didn't take it somebody invited you but you are not a really committed christian or you go to you say you go to jail but you know yourself that if you die today you won't go to heaven that one is sure in your own heart and eyes as i'm going to pray for the people i want i need you to run to the front and join them because god will do something new in your life god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you let us pray those of us in front here lift up your two hands and commit your life to jesus christ he is going to change you he's going to make your life new say after me heavenly father i thank you for today i come to you just as i am please forgive me for all my sins and wash me with your precious blood lord jesus thank you for dying on the cross for me thank you for washing me with your blood from today i will serve you i will follow you for the rest of my days my life is yours my heart is yours everything is yours please write my name in the book of life please write my name in the book of life i'm yours forever in jesus name amen god bless all of you pastor emmanuel is waving his hand god bless you mama all of you follow him we believe the word of god has come to you and you have been blessed by this sermon subscribe to this channel and get notified about every video posted
Channel: Eddy Addy
Views: 501
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: h2w1Fdxqv3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 54sec (6354 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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