Closing the Biggest Mystery of the Great Pyramid

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[Music] welcome to history for granite join me to explore ancient Egypt Please Subscribe and together we'll uncover Secrets From the Past written in stone the Great Pyramid of Giza is one of Humanity's most inspiring achievements a testament to the power of creativity to manifest wonders beyond belief today I am truly excited to discuss my favorite part of this great wonder the port CIS antichamber which sealed the king's chamber but before we dive in I must begin with some words of caution once you go through this door with me there is no going back we are going so far down the rabbit hole that I must reveal many secrets to explain a grand new Theory my best analogy for the great pyram PID is that it is civilization's greatest magic trick in this video I hope you will be dazzled and delighted as I do my best to deconstruct this masterpiece but after time has passed there may be some mixed feelings about the mystery which is no longer there don't worry we have plenty of other puzzles to examine however this may be the very biggest like a magic trick once you know how it all works you never quite see it the same same way again don't say I didn't warn you the concept of Tomb security is what grabbed my attention when I first started researching the pyramids of Egypt after giving myself permission to take this work seriously I was engaged in an endless series of hypothetical scenarios if I were a pharaoh how would I best secure a pyramid and if I were a robber what methods would I use to attack a fortified tomb it's easy to see in the present that no physical barrier can prevent humans from intruding upon a burial filled with treasure given enough time and visibility this obvious observation gave rise to the idea the pyramids were a great Folly and the Egyptians great fools for prominently advertising Royal burials but surely everyone can see in order to construct these Mighty pyramids that true genius was at work as such it is the height of arrogance to assume the mind's respons ible didn't understand the ramifications of their actions the rise of fourth Dynasty pyramids came suddenly following early Egyptian dynasties that contained an arms race of larger mastabas with increasingly heavy Port colis blocking Stones I am grateful for egyptologist re Clark's books on Tomb security which trace the evolution of how early dynastic burials were fortified Clark deserves credit for being the first egyptologist to examine tomb security in a comprehensive way here is a brief summary of security methods used before the Great Pyramid The Catch 22 of completing a tomb in anticipation of your death is that it requires a passage to enter the burial and lay the deceased to rest no matter how deep you dig nor how large the Masta above may get there was still a passage created for the body to arrive at its destination in spite of Egyptians backfilling this passage it was easier to dig through and would obviously lead to to the burial location below it is evident from the constantly changing layout of Tomb entrances that mastabas were being plundered very soon after burials were completed a security innovation that began during Egypt's first dynasty was that of a port Kus the idea was a stone wider than the entrance passage could be lowered into it from above after a burial a small vertical Groove called an implacement would allow the port Kus to seal a completed tomb from the outside then the implacement would be filled up and the port Kus could no longer be moved these early dynastic Port cuses were made of limestone or sandstone and this was often a harder material than the surrounding bedrock and backfill in this era many tomb robbers would not have the tools or skill set to penetrate the harder Stone and thus the port cus would be a formidable barrier there are examples of Tomb robbers going to Great Lengths to avoid attacking a port colus directly sometimes they would even dig out the entire Port colis imp placement just to be able to tilt or lever it out of place and sneak past the mightiest mbas of the early dynastic period used increasingly large portcullises weighing up to 42,000 lb often more than one was used and even up to six separate slabs blocked a single passage under the first stepped pyramid of third Dynasty Pharaoh Jer a few burial shafts were found to have Port cuses similar to the mbas of its era the earliest pyramid to contain a port Kus within it was the bent pyramid of snefru first king of the fourth Dynasty notably the only Port cus within it that could have sealed the upper chamber was never closed after the reign of snfu Port kses are no longer found within maaba burials at Giza the pyramids are the only prominent tombs to use them the next Pharaoh after snfu was his son kufu who set out to build the largest pyramid of all time when the Great Pyramid arrived at Giza it was the very first Crypt to use a port kis made of granite we know this because the antichamber is made of granite and surviving fragments of the portus are still found within the pyramid I previously made a video about the surviving pieces however I misidentified one in The Grotto the port colus fragment is the squared Block in the floor and this other Stone which confused me is something else that has not been been identified the design of kufu Port kis antichamber is complex and previous efforts at reconstructing it often invent pieces for which there is no physical evidence to back up such claims I confess when I set out to understand this space I was quite intimidated observing the interplay of granite and Limestone blocks in a net diagram of the room provoked the question how can anyone ever hope to understand the logic that crafted this machine it felt as though I was looking at the anti- kythera mechanism right after it was plucked out of the ocean you could tell something smart was going on even if pieces were damaged and missing the known parts to this port colis chamber are as follows the room is entered from the top of the grand Gallery through a short passage about 103 CM wide and 112 cm tall the blocks around this passage making up the wall between the rooms are made of limestone this may be a conservation of Granite material because the real defense lay Beyond this short entrance the room itself is 3.8 M tall and upon entering there is a 54 cm Gap that one can immediately stand up within in front of this Gap are two Granite beams stacked on top of each other and suspended in air by extending into the sidewalls these two blocks are colloquially known as the granite Leaf the open passage beneath the granite Leaf has approximately the same dimensions of the corridor in which one enters the room from the north behind and to the south of the Granite Leaf are three port colis imp placements each 55 CM deep they are very closely spaced together with only 15 cm between them as seen from the vertical protrusions in both walls the space between the granite leaf and the first Port cus is even smaller at 8 cm the upper part of the antichamber is wider than the port cisen placements with waycott ledges adding 21 cm of width to the room on both sides these two way Scots are notably different with the Western one being slightly higher and containing three semicircular grooves each located above a port CIS in placement the height of the Eastern waycott is approximately level with the bottom of the grooves that are cut into the Western one finally at the end of the chamber on its Southern Wall there are four thin vertical grooves carved into the lentil above the corridor leading to the king's chamber at the top of this lentil an anomalous strip of limestone is found whether or not this Limestone was designed to cushion the lentil or simply conserving Granite where it was not needed is Up For Debate a few researchers have expressed concern over the fact that the thin vertical grooves taper dramatically smaller at the bottom flender Petri even thought that in the damaged section the grooves would have entirely closed up but a few measurements and basic math tell us the port P of stones could project up to 40 cm above the corridor to the king's chamber since we have the top sections of multiple port Cola stones and their rope holes are only 21 cm from the top of the block that is plenty of clearance for the port colis holes to overlap the grooves before they taper shut the obvious consequence is that ropes could be threaded down the grooves and through the port colis holes to maneuver the southern Stone directly against the wall with a tight fit the maneuvering of Port Colones with ropes is a key point of inquiry which takes us back to earlier uses in Musta burials some porus blocks in mbas had rope holes including examples of the largest ones a controlled descent for enormous Stones would be desirable and easily facilitated for a Musta where at the top you have space for unlimited Manpower the unknown variable is what rigging the Egyptians used to change the direction of for force from the port colus pulling down to the workers pulling horizontally the cramped space of the port CIS chamber is not comparable to what could be accomplished in the open air above AA and this is a point we will return to later in the video the most important question about the great pyramid's Port Kus is why it was designed in such a way that anyone could climb over the granite Leaf to the area above the stones where the rigging for ropes and logs existed conventional wisdom says this is an enormous security flaw as highlighted by deer Arnold in his seminal book on construction titled building in Egypt quote the system was rather naive because the robbers could easily climb over the lowered Port cises through the maneuvering chamber and chisel off enough of the Granite of the architrave over the entrance Door end quote it's likely that Arnold's description is exactly what happened because of the visible damage to the ceiling of the corridor behind the southern Port Cola Stone calling the Builders of the Great Pyramid naive is a polite way of saying they were great fools and this is where my curiosity went into overdrive the statement simply did not ring true to me and thus I decided an alternative explanation was warranted if anyone wants to accuse me of bias I will lay it out right here for you a goal of my investigation was to see if I could understand the Great Pyramid Port Kus in a manner that was explainable beyond naiv this brings us to the perspective of the robbers of antiquity and how they would attack a tomb's defenses there are three methods for attacking a porus one it can be levered or pried out of position to navigate under it two it can be attacked directly and demolished three it can be circumvented by digging around it the distinction between digging through a port colis and digging around it only matters if they are made from different types of stone thus the material of the blockage is the most important factor for that type of attack next it must be considered how much time and effort each type of attack would require obviously this will vary greatly based upon the skill of The Intruders and the amount of material they must excavate my loose estimate of time required for such attacks are as follows Levering a portus would take hours to days digging through through Limestone would take days to weeks digging through granite would take weeks to months even with that simple of a threat Matrix you can see why Levering attacks would be considered the most serious it's the only potential method where Intruders might overwhelm security or sneak undetected and penetrate a tomb within a single night for mastabas the port colus was lowered in from the outside and its imp placement filled up therefore a Levering attack would at least require require some excavation beforehand but in pyramids a port colis required empty space to hold it in position before being closed and thus they were immediately vulnerable to Levering with that basic understanding it's clear the threat of Levering is what a pyramid architect would be overly concerned with compounding this concern is that the Pharaoh has trained a literal Army of workers in the skill of Levering to construct the pyramid with years of practice under their belts it is obvious the ancient Egyptians were aware of this vulnerability because the earliest Port kis Design Within the bent pyramid completely neutralizes a Levering attack the port Cola Stone slides at an oblique angle and penetrates deep below the level of the floor the time it would take Intruders to dig out the Limestone floor and determine which direction the stone could be levered would be equal or greater than the time it would take to penetrate the Limestone blockage itself the risk of a single night breach is there for eliminated this model of understanding allows us to evaluate the next pyramid Port colis design the one within the Great Pyramid a key requirement for a Levering attack is vertical clearance because levers are long and maneuvering space is a limiting factor in their effectiveness this limitation may be the primary reason why so many pyramid corridors have small Dimensions not much more than a square meter the granite Leaf constrains the clearance for a Levering attack on the the first Port colus down to the height of the corridor this closest portus could still be levered by a skilled crew however the key question is how high up it could be lifted the higher the stone is elevated the less vertical clearance there is to manipulate a lever it gets dramatically more difficult as the block is raised and the halfway point is probably the best that could be accomplished quickly this reveals the ingenious defense provided by three port Cola stones in Clos close proximity the first stone might be levered up about 55 CM but then it protects the next Stone which could only be levered half of that and by the time you get to the last port colis only about 14 cm of lift can be accomplished this is smaller than the skull of an adult human and not enough space to sneak under if a Levering attack could have been accomplished at the Great Pyramid the time required would be significantly more than a single night the only alternative was to break through granite and even though only the inner Port colone protects from such an attack the time required to achieve this would be significant we have eliminated naiv as a factor in the great pyramid's Port kis design but this in turn raises more questions why did the Egyptians change so dramatically from the bent pyramid's design which was constructed with the same anti- Levering principles it was logical to lower Port Cola stones with ropes in mastabas because of the significant vertical distance since they needed to travel and the maneuvering Point existing from above neither of these factors is true for the Great Pyramid and so the reasoning for the Rope method is not obvious lowering a port cus without ropes was done in almost every pyramid after the Great Pyramid but I find it unlikely kuf Fu's Architects weren't aware of such methods it's still a bit of tricky work the vertical supports under the heavy Stone may need to be hammered out a bit and then perhaps a rope was tied to the supports so so a sudden yank from a work crew could create the force necessary to pull them out the question of how rope rigging for the port Colones was arranged in the Great Pyramid is a complex problem that I will speculate more about in a future video the bigger problem is that each Granite block weighed about 4,500 lb and lowering that amount of weight in a controlled manner requires a lot of Manpower there's no point in using ropes for the port Colones if they are to come crashing down on controlled so how did the Egyptians harness the force necessary to accomplish this the port colis antichamber only contains enough space for a few people and their strength alone would have a negligible impact on pulling against 4500 lb I'm aware that some ingenious methods involving counterweights or increased friction may be hypothesized but since no other Port kis could have used those techniques I find such speculations unlikely fortunately the grand Gallery is is very close to the port kis antichamber which has ample space for the Manpower required to control 4500 lb of weight the exact manner by which the ropes were directed into the grand Gallery is uncertain and again we'll save that analysis for another video but whatever the method it wasn't more complex than rigging models proposed in building in Egypt by deer Arnold we've now covered the method of controlling the Great Pyramids Port kis but the deeper question of why it was designed this way is far more important why so greatly complicate the lowering of these Granite blocks when simpler methods were used before and after why questions are the tough ones and they require evidence far stronger than speculations about the rigging of ropes we need to simplify our reconstruction to its most basic functionality moving a portus from the open position to the closed one the key piece of evidence will be found on the floor of the port colis chamber ber where slots were made for supports that would hold the stones in their elevated position supports under the stones would be the only method of holding the blocks up in every other pyramid Port CIS that did not use ropes but there's a critical difference between what we see in every other pyramid's Port CIS floor and the floor here at the Great Pyramid the Great Pyramid is the only Port kis where the slots exist securing the supports below the level of the floor removing supports to let a port colus fall is the most difficult part of the mechanism but you can't pull them out if they are embedded under the floor with the weight of the port cus on top of them the only way to get the supports out at the Great Pyramid would be to lift the port CIS with the ropes and Manpower in the grand Gallery indeed you would never put slots in the floor if you couldn't do this which is why no other Port colus has them and let me be crystal clear on this point if you can muster the power to lift a port CIS up and off its supports there is no reason no reason whatsoever that you cannot fully open and close the port cus repeatedly at will even if there were some ingenious methods of removing the supports without lifting the port cus there is no angle of attack for them except directly under the granite blocks themselves it is crazy to think anyone would attempt to release a port colus while underneath it the ability to raise and lower the port kis repeatedly is the critical answer of why it was designed this way in the Great Pyramid and once you understand that point the full Brilliance of the design becomes apparent it's openable but still secure against a Levering attack you need a large team to open it probably about 30 men but with the rigging kept out of sight from the grand Gallery knowledge of its precise operation was hidden from the muscle used to pull it open the port Kus is thus a lockable door secured with the secrecy of its operation and a physical barrier that only a prolonged attack could penetrate this design was not naive this was true genius at work when solving this puzzle years ago I was quite pleased but I was still operating under a model of pyramids egyptology hammered into me my earliest speculation was a lockable door would be necessary in in the short term because filling the room with enormous Treasures was more than a day's job and you'd really want it physically secured the great pyramid's enormous size makes bringing objects inside a long and slow Journey but soon nagging thoughts grew in my mind the scolding academic voice that says nothing is special about the Great Pyramid and that following smaller pyramids fulfill the same purpose and sure enough Old Kingdom pyramids that follow kufu are designed with port cises that could be opened and shut as well Levering them up was less elegant but the builders clearly made the port cuses vulnerable on purpose it was at this point that I took a long pause in the port kis work because the gravity of my proposal started to weigh down on me I try not to fall in love with my own ideas and the discoveries were becoming very radical the physical evidence of the port Kus operation was quite strong however fear of missing critical evidence kept holding me back a reimagining of Old Kingdom pyramids as permanently accessible seemed Within Reach but the mental block preventing that conclusion was substantial I can hear the Defenders of conventional wisdom in my head as I write this but they were plugged the pyramids were plugged up will come the replies of Skeptics were they now were they really it's very natural to assume long and narrow descending corridors would have been filled with plug Stone Stones they appear designed to accommodate them not only that but the few pyramids which have secondary entrances did have those passages entirely plugged the unplugging of the bent pyramid and cfra pyramid only occurred with modern archaeology in the 19th and 20th centuries it's only natural people have assumed all the main entrances were originally plugged as well the physical evidence of such plugging however does not exist this point is not even contested Ed within egyptology it is merely taken for granted that it must have occurred even though we can't detect it flender Petri was the earliest and most capable archaeologist to investigate this matter before later damage occurred in the passages and here is what he had to say quote the passages of the pyramids show no trace of continuous plugging nor indeed any plugging beyond the closing of the mouths of some passages merely to prevent their being detected on the contrary there are incidental proofs in the mortaring ETC that no General plugging was ever introduced or extracted end quote in re Clark's books he bends over backwards trying to explain that snr's pyramids must have been plugged entirely even as he reluctantly admits there is no physical evidence for such plugging his book ends with the Red Pyramid and the Great Pyramid is not discussed for plugging to have occurred it needed to be the worst job job imaginable with smooth Rubble but that's not what we see in plugged passages that were abandoned it's just assumed that the plugs were 100% cleared out in every pyramid by looters who had perfected the skill of large plug extraction since the Great Pyramid is our Focus let's compare it to the pyramids that come right before and after it probably the pyramid which directly preceded kufu was the satellite pyramid to the bent pyramid this isn't ideal point of comparison because it did in fact have some plugging three or four plug Stones were stored in its ascending passage two of which became stuck and never slid into place this design is the closest thing that we have to the great pyramid's ascending Corridor with the three Granite plugs but why were the Egyptians plugging pyramids from the inside when it would be much easier to do so from the outside conventional wisdom said they did both for the more plugged a pyramid is the more more secure it is however here at the Ben satellite pyramid there is an aborted robbers tunnel at the bottom of the entrance passage right before the ascending passage plug blocks that we know existed did lutters perfectly extract plugs all the way down only to drastically change tactics when the passage inclined upwards only to give up and return to removing the plugs I propose only the ascending passage was plugged and that robbers having never seen a plugged pyramid entrance before attempted to go both around and through them at the same time since only 3 m of plugging slid into place the notably short tunnel was abandoned as soon as the other team broke through now let's look at the enormous pyramid of CFR which follows the Great Pyramid it had two entrances the secondary one beneath the Bedrock was plugged with enormous Limestone blocks removed in the 1800s the main entrance passage is made in entirely of granite for the over 30 m it extends towards a single Granite Port colus plugging this Corridor with granite would seem to be the ultimate defense over 30 m of the hardest Stone to penetrate with no weak points in the floors walls or ceiling but the remains of plugs at cfay have never been found yet Granite fragments are easy to identify at the Giza Plateau indeed there is an enormous amount of granite left over from its lowest angled casing stones but not a single squared piece that could have belonged to a plug the robbers tunnel at coffay is also quite remarkable and that it travels over 40 m through the pyramid with an angled turn to exit directly beyond the grained porus surely we can't believe perfectly defeating over 30 m of granite plugging was accomplished but the last 37 cm of granite portus proved too great a defense the port Kus remains pristine except for the damage Howard Vice drilled into it in 1837 I propose the robbers tunnel at coffay finds the perfect exit point because The Intruders simply walked down the descending Corridor measured the length to the port CIS and planned their trajectory accordingly what the robbers couldn't know was how much Granite lay in front of them at the portus other pyramids contain three slabs and the robbers overshot the single Granite Stone a bit hoping to avoid the granite at all costs they were probably a bit chafed upon discovering only 37 cm of granite had originally blocked their path now let's look at the Great Pyramid with its three Granite plugs having closed the ascending passage the question must be raised again why are we plugging the pyramid from this direction inside it's risky and technically complicated and many egyptologists claim the well shaft was needed just for the workers to escape after having finished the job if the go goal was to close the pyramid permanently after a burial you'd simply push Granite plugs from the entrance down as far as you could it would be way more secure and much less complicated but there's a deeper question that must be asked if you're plugging a pyramid why bother with a port Kus at all at coffay there could have been over 30 m of granite plugging so what exactly is a 37 CM Port Kus contributing in the first place the only explanation I've ever read is that somehow the portus would be a more expedient method of closure but a single plug adds more defense than the port cus and there's plenty of Reason to Believe releasing a portus from its supports is slower and more complicated than pushing a plug down a passage as I have proposed the port colus exists to be opened and closed and this is why they remain in pyramids this understanding reveals why the Great Pyramid has its Granite plugs in the ascending Passage these plugs within the pyramid can be released at any time you don't need infrastructure outside the pyramid to store those plugging Stones indeed that is the only good reason to plug a pyramid from the interior so that it can be done long after the pyramid is completed the granite plugs are a failsafe security feature a way to close the Great Pyramid permanently at a much later time when and why that occurred is a wonderful mystery and I hope some carbon is trapped within lubrication or plaster on the Hidden Side of the plugs perhaps someday an investigation will reveal the answer the last pyramids of the Old Kingdom at the end of the fifth and sixth dynasties had a small area near their entrances for a granite plug but these entrances were at ground level and the plugging could also have occurred long after those pyramids were completed in the Pyramid of nusera the Limestone block which was supposed to back stop the single Granite plug slid too far down the Corridor almost as if it was a rushed or sloppy job just like the earliest example at the satellite pyramid to the bent pyramid where two plugs never slid into place once you understand that Old Kingdom pyramids were made accessible so many other details start to make sense it's why the drum roll of a false door was carved above the port CIS so that visitors could spiritually connect with the King even if they couldn't pass through it's why the only sarcophagi with lockable lids are found in pyramids so they would still be secure with visitors in the chamber it's why we see door hinges at Pyramid entrances it's why strabo wrote of a movable door at the Great Pyramid in 17 ad it's why the only Old Kingdom pyramid portus that could never be pullied or levered open was the only one never sealed it's why pyramid puses are smaller and lighter than the ones found in and mastabas built before them it's why pyramid texts disappear after the Old Kingdom when pyramids were no longer made accessible it's why robbers tunnels found their way from the outside of pyramids directly to the port Cola Stones it's why so many pyramids after the Great Pyramid replicate its three successive Port kis design it's why the only evidence for Pyramid plugging is the kind that could be done long after a burial it's why Port kulla stones are are no longer found in mastabas with the building of the Great Pyramid and last but certainly not least it's why the Great Pyramid King's chamber was constructed with channels for air but even with all the evidence in support of a new pyramid security model there was one Last Detail that needed an explanation before I was satisfied the Enigma that fuels every ridiculous and half-baked idea about the Great Pyramid the strange and M mysterious layout of the three chambers within the monument you all know the classic story that the underground chamber and queen's chamber were backup burial Chambers built in case the Pharaoh died early or some other unforeseen change of plan that explanation always held a shred of plausibility because these two Chambers were indeed unfinished but neither of those rooms held a sarcophagus nor were they constructed in a way you could ever intend to bring one in the the underground chamber even has its entrance passage squeezed smaller which must have made Excavating the chamber much more difficult you would never leave the access point smaller than the final design because of how badly this slows down the work and the Queen's chamber looks nothing like the king's chamber so how could it be intended to fulfill the same purpose it wasn't until I got a look at the top of the chimney in the bent pyramid that the answer finally revealed itself for the bent pyramid is the model that the Great Pyramid evolved from and once I understood it properly the rest could fall into place the answer to the riddle is that these two rooms are not backup burial Chambers these two rooms are backup chambers of worship the final design of the Great Pyramid was always planned you couldn't place the largest Granite block so high as an afterthought the only thing the builders were unsure of was if the Innovative design of an accessible yet secure King's chamber could be achieved the bent pyramid's lower section is remarkably similar to The Great pyramid's Design One enters by descending downward only to turn upward with a high Coral gallery to inspire awe you then proceed to a chamber with a chimney-like structure which spiritually connects you to the burial above but for the Great Pyramid this was only a fail safe in case the king's chamber Port CIS didn't work as planned the goal all along was for visitors to ascend all the way into the king's chamber and pay their respects directly this is why the Queen's chamber has air channels that were never finished in addition to its unfinished floor and unfinished threshold it's also why the Queen's chamber was covered under the floor of the grand Gallery so that it would be hidden and forgotten if everything went according to plan the reason the soaring Grand gallery and King's chamber look so impressive is they were designed to inspire awe among the living not a onetime deal for a funeral procession but to entice people to pay their respects over and over room service for eternity that seems to be the general idea this reveals the true genius of the Great Pyramid it's not a mountain of stone to keep people out it's a mountain of stone to keep people coming inside a full and deep realization that no stone barrier will ever stop Intruders if a burial is abandoned and that only the living can protect the dead it explains why the entire Giza necropolis is designed in a tightly organized manner around the Great Pyramid and even why kufu was able to build the largest pyramid of all time the power of a king depends on bin from his inner circle the elites of society who run everything on a day-to-day manner these Elites who could make the Great Pyramid happen would be rewarded with a burial under its shadow the umbrella of protection afforded by a monument that could never be forgotten and none of these mastabas at Giza were ever built with a port Kus because of this new understanding of what tomb security really is building the Great Pyramid so large was not an irrational burst of spiritual fanaticism it was a rational response to the observation that big impressive structures attract the Curiosity of mankind and there you have it this crazy YouTube conspiracy video which claims the Great Pyramid of antiquity is the same as the Great Pyramid of today a monument that draws people inside to see Miracles made in stone on this channel I have been critical of egyptology at times but I do want to acknowledge the hard work of the many forgotten individuals whose contributions made this video possible not long ago we didn't even know which pyramid belonged to which Pharaoh nor the order of their construction and just solving that was an enormous job I am standing on the shoulders of many explorers archaeologists and researchers whose documentation allowed me to set upon this adventure I will also try not to begrudge those who disagree with me this is a big change and change never comes easy but I don't envy those who will take up a position opposing this work there's a classic criticism towards purveyors of ancient aliens or lost civilizations that such ideas discredit the intelligence and capabilities of the Egyptians this is a criticism I mostly agree with but anyone dismissing this video as amateur nonsense will now find themselves on the other side of that criticism for it is they who will be claiming the ancient Egyptians were great fools and that their tomb security was naive and capricious it is they who will insist the pyramids were plugged up even though no physical evidence exists for such plugging it is they who will insist the Egyptians could not learn from their mistakes and designed vulnerable port cuses and pyramids again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and it is they who will claim the genius which manifested these stone giants never considered building so big would attract the attention of humanity forever when I started this research I wasn't aiming to rewrite history I only wanted to know why the pyramids were built the way they were built it seemed to me that given the time and effort to make them every decision would be well considered I expect people will argue about ideas in this video long after we've faded into history that's what makes it fun we'll never get it exactly right the goal is simply to be less wrong than what came before so what can I say May the best explanation Prevail thanks to everyone who watched this video to the end please subscribe to the channel to see more of this content give a like or comment as you see fit and above all remember to ask your friends if they take their history for [Music] granted
Channel: History for GRANITE
Views: 638,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pyramids, Egypt, History, Granite, History for Granite, Ancient, Old Kingdom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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