First Fruit Conference | Night 1 | EC ONLINE

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well good evening empower church so good to be with you so awesome to be together tonight such an expectation for what god is gonna do in the time together tonight um if you are joining us on youtube i see some of you won't you just comment uh share like just get the word out invite whoever has not been invited to our prepare sa first fruit conference it's gonna be awesome thank you so much for everybody that signed up that's joining um i saw earlier there's a lot of people climbing on zoom already so expectant so excited to see your faces on the screen tonight and just be able to journey through what god wants to do together i've said this many times as i've opened our services before but if there's ever been a night that i want to say it again it's tonight won't you prepare your heart won't you prepare your heart for what god wants to do tonight i feel like we are stepping into this place where anything is possible anything becomes possible and in the next couple of minutes and our next hour or two together i really believe that god's gonna incredible just encounter people in an incredible way and i i pray that every single one of you will be encountered by god tonight in a special way warm welcome to all of you i see katie so good to see you elsa be good to see you francois got that i enjoy oh awesome awesome job all of you with us so good to have you with us i want us just to take a couple of moments and just pray together and just surrender ourselves before god [Music] just [Music] holy spirit i ask that you would just flood every home in every heart right now god god let people become aware of your presence in this moment may the overwhelming sense of your presence just flood every home god in this evening we want you to know that we have not just come to to watch a service online we have come tonight because we want to meet with you god we have come tonight because we mean business god god you are our business you are everything everything god we want you to know tonight that we are so excited just to see what you're gonna do in our lives god we are so excited to see what you're gonna do in this nation just so excited to see god just the works of god in our generation god we come tonight with that kind of an expectation knowing that what we do tonight the way we give ourselves you tonight the way we present our gifts before you tonight god that every one of those things has an eternal impact on what lies ahead lord we want to just bless you in this evening god as we worship now as well we don't just want to sing songs we want to give you our praise our thanksgiving our adoration it comes from the bottom of our hearts we just want to love you we love you we love you we love you there you are just in your home won't you just say that to god just in your own way just tell him how much you love him just even if you just say jesus i love you jesus i love you thank you for being so incredibly awesome so good so kind god you are amazing in all of your ways we put our praise on our lips and we bless you in this night lord be exalted come and inhabit the praises of your people tonight in jesus name we pray come on if you're excited about tonight excited about the next two evenings together don't you just say amen and let's worship the lord together come on let's worship god enjoy it bless you there is no shadow [Music] that has ever overcome your light and there is that could ever stand against your mind you've always been with us that has ever left a mark on you [Music] every battle [Music] show me one thing he can do show me is possible [Music] every dead thing is bound to rise [Music] [Music] doing anything is [Music] is i will crush this and break every [Music] victory show me show me one thing that's true [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] we will oh [Music] and open our eyes to see the things that make your heart cry to be the church that you would desire a light to be seen [Music] and break down [Music] our earthly crowns and all louder [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus is still wondering [Applause] [Music] that every hour [Music] everything we have [Music] everything and with everything we will shout for your glory with everything is with everything we will shout for your praise with everything with everything we will shout for your glory with everything and with everything we will shout for your praise in our hearts and our hearts may before you are [Music] with everything everything with everything we will shout for hello everything with everything we will shout for your glory with everything with everything [Music] [Applause] everything [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] shadow [Music] no he doesn't his love leadership i want to hold and take a reach again [Music] oh all my fears so take heart [Music] and take a reach [Music] you always [Music] that jesus will just come and break through that he has overcome everything [Music] for jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he has overcome all our failures and full of fear god of love he has overcome all troubles he has overcome oh he has overcome god our refuge [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] you've overcome jesus [Music] you've you're our greatest victor jesus victor that we don't need to lord jesus will you come and cover the distance between us tonight would you show us your glory [Music] angels [Music] oh [Music] angels all of these [Music] [Music] far from [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] say [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] jesus [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] [Music] day night [Music] day and night night and [Music] the day and night is [Music] [Music] until you are wrongly you are you are but for me [Music] or from [Music] glory tonight wouldn't you just lift your hands there where you are in your home doesn't matter where you are just lift your hands for a moment and let's give him praise come on let's exalt jesus just for a moment let's exalt his name let's give him praise come on just in your own way you don't have to say anything just love him just exalt him just give him praise just honey just love him let's just take a moment just adore him [Music] jesus yes yes i wanted to just sing that for a moment [Music] just there we are just raise your hands is but i am [Music] [Applause] is i am to exalt means to to think highly to speak highly of someone let's do that for a moment just put your thoughts on the beauty incredible power the love [Music] kindness the greatness the goodness of god just take a moment and just in your own words just just bless the lord [Music] when you can sing your own song you can make your own declaration [Music] make your worship personal this evening just give him praise just worship him sometimes it's not what we say it's just the meditations of our hearts that's most pleasing to god [Music] father we thank you for this incredible opportunity just to worship you and praise you together i thank you that you come and inhabit the praises of your people jesus we love you holy spirit love you so much heavenly father just love you we bless you in this evening god we give you all the glory you are worthy of it all come on say that with me won't you just take a moment say jesus you are worthy of it all you are worthy of it all you are worthy of it all ah come on let's just give jesus a round of praise there were you in your home don't worry about your neighbors just shout the praises of jesus clap your hands come on let's just give him a round of praise together if you're online with us on youtube just give us some fiery emojis some clapping ants and let's just give god some praise amen and amen come on can we just give our worship team some appreciation as well send them some love so awesome so awesome so awesome i just want to share one or two announcements with you quickly and then we're going to jump into the rest of our evening so looking forward to what god has for us tonight just once again thank you so much to everybody that's joined with us in our um outreach initiative we'll be putting shoes on the feet of our learners and our back to school driver is still running for everybody that wants to sew into that thank you so much we've just seen your kindness and it's awesome to partner with you in that last week of registrations for soul care now it's going to be an awesome time together 10 week journey that'll change your life all the detail will be on your screen the links will be there click it if you want to register now it's going to be an awesome awesome time together starts on the 9th of feb next tuesday and it's going to be an awesome awesome journey together last but not least please remember for everybody joining us tomorrow night as well which i hope is all of you have your anointing oil ready tomorrow night's going to be a time of anointing and have that ready as we spend some time together so won't you just take a moment with me before i hand over to pasa gibbat and just let's just focus our attention on him and on what he wants to do tonight lord come and move in a way that only you can come and do what only you can do do whatever you want to do god have your way in this night and we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise in jesus name amen well good evening in power and um as you guys uh join us and they're gonna throw the zoom up now and everybody that's joining us and we can see all the names we're just waiting for all of them to to come on in front of us because we want to speak to you there we go and welcome to our first fruit conference it's so good to see all of you guys on our zoom platform it's awesome to see all of you guys on our on youtube and on facebook on zoom and why we wanted to do zoom tonight is we wanted to have all of you guys together that you can see one another and be together and so shannon also just wants to say hi and then we're going to jump into the word of the lord hi good evening everyone it's so great to see you we miss you and i must i love the zoom platform because we can see you hide in there thanks thank you for the ways and i just know tonight's going to be incredible god is an appointment with each and every one of you and it is such a blessing to be part of the empower church family so welcome enjoy tonight i know it's going to be amazing and i just know you're going to receive something truly special from the heart of god for you tonight amen guys let me pray for us on uh on both um youtube and on zoom if you guys on uh i'm gonna just ask shannon to pray with me and then we're gonna i'm gonna call her back in a moment or so again just to join us but i i want to pray so everybody that's on zoom everybody that's on on youtube won't you just lift your hands to god and let's pray together i believe that god wants to do something unusual in your lives tonight and if you are ready to receive from the anointing tonight if you're ready to receive from god let's just raise our hands father in the name of jesus christ the son of the most high god father we thank you lord that in this night lord as we can come together father i thank you that right now lord i pray that your anointing lord will come into every house every person that's listening to me right now and father i pray that the anointing father will penetrate their homes or penetrate there where they are seated father they where they are listening to me and father in this night i pray lord jesus that every single person will know my god that you are the same yesterday today and forevermore and my father i pray in this evening father let your will be done over our lives father i pray come and help me by your spirit father may my words penetrate every heart father my my words come into every person's being into this night lord jesus we worship you and we praise you and we lift up your name in jesus christ's name we pray and all god's people say amen and amen and amen and uh thank you so much my goal and guys i want to i want to share the word of the lord with you and as you guys are with me i hope you are seeing one or two familiar faces and i hope you guys are seeing um some of your family members and some of your empower family and i'm just going to ask them to as we go through the spirats it's important for me that everybody are on together tonight and with us and so again welcome to every single person that is on youtube every single person that is on um on zoom tonight all of our friends all of our partners all of our members i want you to go with me please take your bibles and go with me to the book of meth malachi the book of malachi chapter number three but uh the book of malachi chapter number three can i just ask i i wanted to be interactive tonight because i want to share the word of god with you and uh want to share also with you just um that nothing but nothing listen let me just say it like this uh every single one of you guys that are on tonight i believe that the lord has got something very very special very very unique for you amen and i hope that tonight that you guys are also just excited to be together and um to be together like this we can use technology to be together amen and um so malachi chapter number three versus number 10 i'm gonna start from there and if as you guys can just page for me i just want to see all the people as i can um just want to see as many people as what i can tonight can i ask just before uh we go into the word of the lord um can i can i ask just as we go into the word of the lord um guys just watch one or two of the comments um as we go into the word of the lord i just want to know how many how many people are are watching with you tonight there we are obviously i can see many of you guys together um but i just wanted to find out how many people are watching with you by youtube and by zoom just how many people are watching with you [Music] just want to know almost like a little bit of a of a head count and um just want to just want to see how many people are are watching with us and um there's four there's two there's just wanna know okay let's go into the word of god malachi chapter number three and verse number ten and i want every single person that you guys will as we go you're welcome to to comment on the zoom function and also on youtube because i they are relaying that back to me and i'm getting that so i want to get into the word of the lord and if you are at our first first fruit conference then i i want to say welcome welcome to your first first fruit conference uh that was almost a tongue twister welcome to your first fruit conference and i want to jump into the word of god in the book of malachi chapter number three verse number 10. so i want to read for you something i want to show just something for you and in the book of malachi chapter number 3 and verse number 10 it says he says the following bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now yurin says the lord of hosts if i will not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing pour out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it a room enough to receive it i just want to share with you one or two key principles and i as we go tonight i and tomorrow night we are going to be very specific in what we want to achieve very specific in our approach i want you to write down i have your apples of me just to show you and to have uh some form of prop to demonstrate it for you and i want you just to write the following down and i pray that as i show you that you will be able to see what i mean by this god has never instructed us we must never and i want to show you something we must never eat we must never eat the seed we must always be people that eat the fruit which contains the seed and in my hand i have a a apple and i i want to show you guys that you guys can just um see this and i can one of the volunteers guys just come and help and just cut the apple open for me but i i want to show you just something very very uh powerful and what the lord shared with me about the fruit and the seed and first and foremost i just want to say this we must never eat the seed we must always but always eat the fruit of the seed there you go there's a knife i want you just to open that up i want to just show the people this because the people don't understand this want to demonstrate it if you guys can if you can see this um thank you uh if you can see this guys can everybody see the apple i know this is a simple demonstration i have much grander demonstration than this but i i wanted you to see this tonight god never intended us to eat the seeds god intended of us that we eat the fruit which is the potential of the seed amen are you guys with me and so what i what i want to share with you as we as we go into that i believe that is extremely important uh just for your under for your understanding tonight because the lord said to me something this and i and i want you guys to to write this down he said the seed listen to me carefully the seed has an internal dna system that forces the soil into production let me say that again the seed has an internal dna system that forces the soil into production in other words the seed the seed listen to me carefully the seed dictates the seed dictates to the ground that's very important the seed dictates to the ground in other words when you when you take a seed and i started with the book of malachi but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna stay there when you when you take a seed what most christians don't understand most christians eat their seed and you must never eat your seed you must eat the fruit does that make sense guys are you with me okay now let's let me say it like this when i when i put a seed into the ground what happens is the following the seed dictates to the ground who the seed is oh this is very important the seed dictates to the ground and what the seed does the seed literally erases the ground and it starts to push out into the ground and it starts to dictate to the ground who the seed is amen okay now listen to this can i can i go a little bit deeper remember god god has never got never ever ever cursed the seed god cursed the ground ah come on are you there are you of him god cursed the ground god never cursed the seed and this is important for us to understand because if you keep the seed and i want to share these principles with you if you keep the seed the ground will produce absolutely nothing but i i want to just come back to this because this is revelatory for me remember god never cursed the seed god cursed the ground oh god cursed the ground god never cursed the seed if god cursed the ground that means he needed to sow his seed to lift the curse off the ground everybody okay are you guys with me you have to smile i can actually now see how you guys look on the other side of the camera amen so every now and again you guys have to smile for me because as you smile you can't look bored now because now it's a two-way stream i can see you you can see me so you must smile because some of you guys you know mustn't look depressed they must smile because now i can see you but i wanted to share this with you that guys everybody okay everybody with me um i want to go a little bit deeper i want to give you a revelation tonight because if we can catch the revelation of god the revelation of the lord carries the anointing of god the anointing produces change amen okay now listen to this remember god never cursed the seed god cursed the ground so if you keep the seed this if you keep your seat the ground can do nothing for you that is why god so jesus listen carefully that is why god so jesus because god by sowing jesus lifted the curse from the ground oh are you there so now there is no longer a curse on the ground the potential now is with the seat oh i can i can stop right there the potential is with the seed so now let's go a little bit deeper he ministers see to the sower the bible says seed to the sower and you may ask about why are you talking so much about seed because i want to get a principle across for you that's going to help all of you and i believe it's one of the most see most one of the greatest secrets that god has ever told me one of the greatest secrets that the lord has ever told let me say it like this everything everything in your life is a gift i want you to write that down everything in your life is a gift everything what you do with your gift is your seed oh can i say that again are you guys okay everything i see many people smiling thank you for smiling now i can smile too everything in your everything in your life is a gift from god salvation is a gift from god holy spirit is a gift from god your health is a gift gift from god your family members are a gift from god everything is a gift from god but here's the point what you do with your gift makes the seed everybody there what you do with your gift makes it a seed now let's go a little bit deeper the bible says if everybody has received a gift everybody that's on the screen we have 156 people on zoom we have 200 plus people on on facebook and many people watching together every single of these individuals every single one of you guys every single one of you have a gift every single one of you you have some of you have multiple gifts okay but it's what you do with your gift that gives it the potential of the seed okay i'm gonna go a little bit deeper here now listen to this can i go deeper please the bible says in matthew chapter number six verse number 33 the scripture says the following it says seek ye first the kingdom of god and all things will be added unto you i want you to see that the word added unto the word added onto there is the greek word prosthetic and it means this when the kingdom of god is number one god can add everything after the kingdom does it make sense so if the kingdom of god is number one everything else can be added now here's the problem most christians are struggling to with the adding on to in other words there's many christians that are are struggling today with the adding on to and the reason why they're struggling with the adding onto is because the kingdom is never first oh guys come on are you there let me show you this i want to just show you this the proof of that the kingdom is number one revelation time the proof that the kingdom is number one it means things can be added to you oh come on if the kingdom is first if the kingdom is number one it means things can be added if things are getting subtracted it means god is looking for your attention oh guys come on if things can be added onto you it means the kingdom is number one because the bible says seek ye first the kingdom now i wrote it down like this i said if there is an add-on if there is no add on then the bible calls us eaters however if there is an out on the bible says we have become sowers now i i said it earlier on and i and i wanted to say that a little bit later but i'll say that now again for every single person i pray i pray that the holy spirit will will convict our hearts tonight because i i believe that the principle that god wants to give us in this first fruit conference because tomorrow night we're gonna go into a time of the anointing and uh i see everybody on on on youtube i see everybody on zoom tomorrow night we want to go into the time of the anointing but tonight i'll first need to get this principle across and as it was as i was writing down these notes the lord spoke to me and he said to me don't make don't make the abraham mistake don't make the abraham mistake now let me just say something again on the apple and i want you to understand this that the potential of the apple is never the apple the potential of the apple is the seed are you guys with me now what most christians do wrong is most christians eat their seed do you know if i by the way an apple seed is toxic by nature if i eat my seed it is toxic for you but god didn't design us to eat our seed god designed us to be sowers of the seed so that he may produce a harvest are you there so scripture says there's always sea time and harvest time always see time and harvest time can i show you guys one or two key things maybe i want to i just want to show you deeper things here are you guys ready to go deeper guys in power church are you ready can we go a little bit deeper because if you can catch this tonight i promise you it will be the last time that you will not see things added if you can catch us with all of your heart tonight lord holy spirit i pray a lot of people will catch what i'm saying lord holy spirit i say don't i wrote down don't make the abraham mistake in genesis chapter number 12 verse number 1 and 2 the bible says this now the lord said unto abram get out of thy country and from the kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show thee and i will make thee a great nation i want you to see that genesis chapter number 12 verse number one and two i just shared with you guys let me read it again now the lord said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show thee and i will make you a great nation i want you to see that god needed to give abram a promise to motivate abram oh guys write that down god needed to motivate abram by a promise he needed to tell him i'm going to make you great and only by the promise abraham started to move i don't i don't know if you guys are catching the the truth about the seed that i'm busy sharing with you the power of the seed is so powerful that as soon as you put a seed into the ground the seed starts to speak to the ground the bible says that when you put a seed in a ground the seed starts to dictate to the soil it pushes out it the seed does three things please listen to me the sea does three things it looks for the water it looks for the nutrients and it looks for light are you guys with me it looks for water it looks for nutrients it looks for the light so literally the ground as soon as the seed is in the ground the ground does not have the right anymore to predict to the seed who the seed is the seed now starts to tell the ground who the seed are and it pulls from the ground everything needed so that the potential of the seed can come to fruition or come to its full manifestation oh come on in power are you guys with me so as we put the seed into the ground what happens is the seed starts to look for things in the ground to give birth to its full potential oh if christians can only understand the power of seeds amen now listen to this let me go a little bit deeper in genesis chapter number 22 verse number two um genesis chapter number 22 verse number two says this and he said now take now thy son isaac whom thou love and give it to me or get thee uh let me read it again genesis chapter 22 verse number two and he said take now thy son isaac whom thou love us and get thee to the land of maria and offer him there for a burnt offering up on the mountains which i will tell you i want you to see something here please write down what i'm what i'm writing or what i'm saying god gave isaac to abram and i'm gonna try to to push this that you guys can understand and catch us god gave isaac to abram now god asks for isaac because and god says something to abram he says this to abram please listen to this he says to abram and he said now take thy son isaac whom thou love and come and offer him up on on on mount muria in other words god was testing abram's heart saying to abram abram i see that you have placed your son above me you've placed your son above or first and because you placed your son above me i am asking for the son i want you to see something here god was not after isaac the lord was after birthing the full potential of the promise oh guys i pray you catch that amen so listen let me say it like this abraham needed to sow isaac so to place god first again now remember the rule what i said to you just before we started seek he first the kingdom of god and all things will be added unto you again the bible says the word all things is the greek word or adding all things is a greek word prosthetic which means that once the kingdom is number one he starts to add things to it so whatever is in front of our lives which is before the kingdom of god god will start to require abram ask god let me say it like this abram asked god for let me reverse my saying i want the people i want you guys to understand what i'm busy saying because this is revelation and if you can catch the revelation it can transform your life god tells abraham the following he says abram you will i will give you children as the sand of the sea children as of the sand of the sea then he gets isaac then the bible says abram places his heart towards isaac now god says listen i want isaac come and offer him up to me why will the lord ask for isaac and why will abram be given the promise that god has promised him and here's the simple reason guys and i want you to catch this i want you to catch this for abram to offer up isaac means the following he placed his heart number one on the lord and secondly without god it was impossible to give birth to the promise can i say that again without the lord it was impossible to give birth to the promise but he needed to put his seat onto the altar so that god could give birth to the promise are you with me let me reword it and say it like this um abram had to sow the seed to get access to the full promise and to the full protection of god oh come on guys in power talk back to me just for a moment and everybody that will watch us afterwards um are you still smiling are you still good hey guys with me i'm enjoying to see you guys by the way um and not just preaching in front of a camera and using props and enjoying ourselves it's good to see all of you and we wanted to do tonight a little bit different guys because i wanted you to see the community together i wanted you to see all of our people together and that's why we are doing it this way because i want you to see your fellow brothers and sisters i want you to see your empower community people um and i wanted you to see one another amen so it might be a little bit uh inconvenient but i like it it's good to see you guys you must just page every now and again that i can see some of the other guys as well is everybody understanding what i what i'm saying everybody getting it okay i want to go a little bit deeper here um the bible says now in genesis chapter number 22 verse number 11. i want you to see this abram now takes isaac onto the mountain i'm almost getting to to where i want to in genesis chapter number 22 but i'm giving you a scriptural reference in genesis chapter 22 verse number 11 and the angel of the lord called out to him and uh out to him from heaven and said abraham abraham i want you to see that abram's name has just changed he's no more abram he's now called abraham his name is just shifted okay now the angel of the lord called out to him and said to him abram abram and he said here am i and he said lay not thy hand upon the son lay not thy hand upon your child in other words listen to me and many people have asked us about this but i i want you to get this tonight because guys i'll just help you with the tune there i if you can catch what i'm saying tonight everything shifts from this night amen can i get an amen for that everything shifts if you understand this principle if you can understand that every single one of you all the hundreds of you guys that are on tonight if every single one of you understand that you are a seed if every single one of you understand that you have been gifted by god you have very you have multiple gifts if every single one of you understand that you have been gifted by salvation gifted by the holy spirit gifted your finances gifted of talents but what you do with your gift becomes your seed then in power church you have just become unstoppable you have become unstoppable when you understand that everything in your life is a seed are you there now listen it is only when abram offers up his seed that god gives birth to two things god gives birth to the promise and god gives birth to protection over the promise because the angel of the lord does not appear until the seed is on the altar oh come on are you guys there so it is only when abram offers up his seat without compromise and god becomes first that the bible says and i want to give you a secret write down in on your notepad secret i'm going to give you a secret a secret why many christians are not seeing what they want to see i'm going to give you a secret here's the secret in genesis chapter number 22 verse number 14 it says now this abram so abram offered up isaac isaac is on the altar as soon as isaac is on the altar the bible says abraham lifts up his hands as abraham lifts up his hand to slay his son the scripture says the following that the angel of the lord stops him in other words listen to me abram needs to keep on listening if he does not keep on listening he will kill his seed based on an old revelation of what god has said but his ears are open now he reaches the place of no return and god says wait abram i don't need your seed because now i know that if you do not withhold your son your only son from me you have just qualified for the full potential to become the father of all nations and i want you to see something then the bible says in genesis chapter number 22 verse number 14 after the lord provided the ram abram calls that place jehovah jireh the lord my provider i want you to see something here's a secret write something down here's a secret i'm telling you secrets tonight the secret is this god never becomes your provider if you haven't given the full seed let me say it like this god many of us say jehovah jireh the lord my provider jehovah jireh the lord will just provide for me it is incorrect theology god is never a provider until the promise is released through the potential of the seed oh come on guys are you with me i don't know if this is too much tonight i pray not so let me say it again god is not a provider until the promise is released not the seed in other words god is not after your seed god is after the promise but for him to give you the promise you must relinquish the seed if you put the seed into the ground the seat will start to speak according to the promise oh guys are you with me is this too much is this too deep tonight i don't know if this is too deep but i want you to get this so god is not a provider until the promise is released not the seed so what was god after god oh let me let me say it like this do you know that scripture says seed to the sower bread to the eater seed to the sower bread to the eater what does that mean it means this whenever we hold on when we start to eat our seed we will god will always just give enough seed that you have enough for your own filling how do i know that because scripture says in matthew 5 verse number 45 the scripture tells us the following god is a good father and he gives his reign and his son and his stars and his sunshine he gives it to all both good and evil now this is i know this is a different conference but i wanted it to be different tonight so but everybody there are you with me so but when i have a seed and i put the seed into the ground i just want to re-enter it here when i put the seed into the ground the seed now starts to speak to the ground and it starts to towel the ground it starts to literally if you will prophesy to the ground and say to the ground ground i want you to respond in the following way because i need to give birth to my full potential are you guys there are you with me now let me go a little bit deeper can i go a bit deeper here guys and tonight we're different we i i'm enjoying this because it's revelatory and it's a little bit off what i would normally do but i i like it this way tonight because this is what i believe the lord is saying to me so that all of us can have our seeds ready now i started the session of by saying the following that i quoted the the book of malachi chapter number 3 verse number 10 and i i said the following and i just want to read that that you guys can catch what i said here i said bring your ties into the storehouse now everybody has heard about ties and i don't need to quantify what is a tithe a tithe is 10 okay but what i'm talking about tonight is not a tithe because the tithe belongs to god anyway that is the lord's it doesn't matter how you want to work it out the tithe belongs to god but i want you to see in malachi chapter number 3 verse number 10 god when he writes malachi chapter number 3 verse number 10 these people were actually tithing but that was not what he was addressing it was not what he was addressing in malachi chapter number 3 verse number 10 what god is busy addressing is the heart attitude of the people because in malachi chapter number one verse number six to seven the bible says the following the scripture says the following they gave their goats they gave this sheep but they gave it as a as a lost as a lost thing or as a almost like a compromise in other words the people in the book of malachi they're actually tithed but their hearts were away from god and because their hearts were away from the lord the bible says god said to them listen i will curse this because you are bringing me the latest or the last where i want to be the first are you guys with me so the tithe is not about you tithing it is about that but it's more about that it's more it goes deeper the tithe is not about giving god what belongs to him the tithe is about the heart attitude of the believer when he gives the gift everybody there are you with me now you can say why am i speaking about all of this because a bit later on in about a couple of minutes from now i'm gonna ask every single one of you to make a shift in your hearts i want to make a shift in your heart does everybody understand guys all of you that are online does everybody understand the seed you sow please write these things down i wrote five things down five principles five principles very quickly and i just wanted to give them to you five things that i want you to catch the gift of god this or let me say like this the seed you sow is equal to the gift of god you understand you have in other words if everything in my life is a gift from god the way i so tells me how much i understand the gift i carry so my sewing is equal to my understanding oh guys are you there then secondly the seed you sow is always equal to the kingdom of god placement in your life and in your heart thirdly the seed you sow is equal to the promise you believe he has for you and maybe that's the most important one it's equal to the promise you believe he has for you fourthly the seed you sow is equal to the protection you want over your promise and fifthly the seed you sow has got everything to do with the position of your heart amen now listen to this i wanna i wanna go just one more deeper and then i'm gonna to go over it quickly and then we're going to do this together tonight [Music] everybody understands now listen i want to go just a little bit deeper and i want to show you something that's that's going to help you that i believe is going to be revelatory and it's going to assist all of you every single one of you i think it's going to help you a lot and it's this listen to this whenever no let me say it like this when god when god sowed his seed he named his seed oh when god sowed his seed he named his seed he called his seed jesus he called his seed emmanuel what does that mean it means the following when god sowed his seed he named it according to its potential it carries so god knows when he saw jesus that the seed might have never ever brought in the fullness of man and that's true because all will not be saved however god when he sowed his seed he called him emmanuel and he sowed his seed to lift the curse off the ground so that there will be another so when god sowed his seed he wanted his seed to become a firstborn of other children that will come after him oh i hope you get what i'm saying so god named his seed god named this seed are you guys with me okay now let's quickly go over this and uh because i want you to catch everything that i said and then we are gonna move from here and i want to move forward into this and i pray that um talk a bit back to me guys talk a bit but back to me i see you guys are commenting a lot and uh this service is different um because i i want you to to get them i want you to see them i'm giving you a secret tonight because i felt tonight that it's good for you to receive some meat out of the scripture again so that you might see one another and that in this time that you will not live your life according to the seed but that you live your life according to the potential amen okay so i'm gonna just on the key points i want to speak about that and then i'm gonna tell you what we're going to do now first and foremost i want to want to say it again uh in my hand i have an apple now this apple what most christians do they eat the seed if you eat the seed the fruit can never come and god wants to god wants to give you the full thing but he needs to see where your heart is so we must not eat the seed we must eat the fruit which contains the seed in other words you live listen to me guys i want you to catch this i'm saying this a couple of times not because of anything else but that you catch it god wants you to eat the fruit he wants you to have the fullness of the fruit god never intended you to live of seeds god intended you to live of fruits because if i so let me give you the power of the potential here if i sow one seed it gives me an apple tree and i get a fruit now i can eat the fruit i can take the seeds of this fruit i can sow it again it will give me more apple trees are you guys with me so what christians now do wrong what christians do they start to eat their seed and then they ask god but lord why am i not blessed why am i not seeing breakthrough it's because you're eating the seed where god has intended you to eat the fruit so the seed is your gift the fruit is the potential you carry oh amen okay now again i say the seed has an internal dna system that forces production into the soil in other words the seed towels the soil listen soil you now are going to give me water you're going to give me a light you're going to give me production you're going to give me everything and we're going to give birth now to an apple tree so this the soil doesn't have any say the seed prophesized to the soil oh guys are you there and remember what does all of this mean it means that god never cursed the ground ah never cursed the seed he cursed the ground what does that mean i want to go a little bit one step deeper can i please i want you to see this here's a secret for you while the earth remains the bible says see time and harvest time cold and heat summer and winter night and day shall not cease i want you to see this as long as sea time and harvest remains i want you to see the bible says not see time and harvest time it says sea time in other words as long as there is the power of the seed there is the power of the harvest now what i wanted to get to tonight is this i pray this revelation catch your heart lord holy spirit i pray that the people will catch everything that i say in jesus name that means the the moment you put the kingdom first things needs to start adding on and it needs to be rapid are you with me but it's a it's a kingdom first reality god wants you to place his kingdom first when you place his kingdom first god automatically gives you two things he provides a promise and he provides protection oh guys are you there are you with me everybody are you guys with me okay and what we want to get right tonight is we're going to hold communion tonight and tomorrow night i'm going to lead you into a time of the anointing because but first i want us as the people of god and you may ask me this question tonight why why am i so after putting the kingdom first it's because you and i cannot call god jehovah jireh because many christians are are claiming that they're saying jehovah jireh the lord is my provider oh come on guys are you with me [Music] okay i see i see there's some good questions popping up one of the questions i see when i caught you um someone asked a question the guys related someone asked a question what is an example of eating your seed let me let me tell you if i if i take my tithe and i start to eat my tithe and i start to eat my offering what i've just done i've eaten the potential of god in my own life are you guys there because the tithe belongs to the lord the offering belongs to the lord but when i start to eat my seed and this is what many christians do they eat their seed and that is a good example i saw one of the questions one of the guys were asking me uh what is this you know what is an example of eating the seed that is an example of eating the seed because and again i say god wants the lord wants your potential to come out everybody receives that god wants your potential now do you want to transition in power every single one of you i pray that the bible says that the anointing comes from the top down amen so if how can i say this god does not want you no let me redefine that god has never defined you to be a eater god has defined you to be a sower [Music] and i want you to see this tonight lord holy spirit i pray penetrate people's hearts i want you to see this tonight many christians today they say jehovah jireh the lord my provider the lord my protector he cannot be your protector and he cannot be a provider unless you've reached a place in your life when you have given your whole self to the kingdom of god first are you there when you have given yourself holy to the kingdom of god the bible says the following happens the following happens guys god automatically activates the promise of god over your life and two he gives you protection over that promise so that for the rest of your life you can live out that promise i want you to see it was not about isaac it was about god giving birth to to the potential through the seed of isaac oh hallelujah come on and let me give you those five things very quickly the gift uh the seed you sow the first fruit and so tonight we're speaking about first fruits [Music] so tonight we're speaking about first fruits what is a first fruit what is a first fruit what is a first fruit and i want to quantify it because shannon is here with me we're also going to give our first fruits tonight our first fruit is our gift to god based on five things our first fruit is our gift to god based on five things please write these five down i'm going to give them to you quickly their principles you give your first fruit based on the gift of god that you believe you have inside of you are you there secondly you give your first fruit based on the gift of god's placement in your life or let me say it like this the that you you you give your first fruit based on the kingdom of god's placement in your life in your heart in other words is it number one or is it number two then thirdly you give your first fruit based on the promise you believe you have received from god for your life are you there in other words business people if you are a business person and you believe that god has a certain promise over your life then the gift you give is equal or the first fruit you give is equal to what the holy spirit stirs in your heart according to the promise you believe you carry oh hallelujah fourthly the first fruit you give is according to the protection you believe you carry over the promise and lastly the first fruit you give is according to the position of your own heart amen and so what i want to do tonight is this is i made the statement and i want to say it again god god god named his seed he did not allow anybody else to name his seed he named it himself why did god name his seed because only the lord knew the promise of the seed now as you are on with me tonight you in your own heart will know the promise of god that god has over your life what is satan doing right now i can tell you what satan is busy doing right now satan is right now trying to dictate people's future how is he doing this he is telling people by an alternative voice who they are and as believers tonight together you and i must believe who we are and what he has said and according to what he has said that is how we live our lives oh come on are you there and so i want to take a moment with you tonight so the first fruit is a gift according to the promise as jesus is the first fruit according to the promise that god wanted and this is for me a very holy thing i i don't take first fruits lightly because it has the potential to unleash the full promise of god over your life oh come on guys and so what i want to do tonight i want to do two things because there's two things that's going to be important for you tonight the first one is is we gonna name our seed we're gonna name our seed we're gonna name our seed we're gonna name our seed and secondly together as an empowered community tonight we're going to present our first fruits before the lord and as we present our first fruits before the lord as we present our first fruits before the lord i want to pray with you tonight over that is that okay is that fine and i i pray guys that every single person every single one of you that you have caught what i said tonight amen are you guys good are you well come on guys are you with me satan is a liar and the thing that the enemy wants to do is satan wants to hold the full potential of your life back over your life and what i want to do tonight is i want to be sure with you as we go to tomorrow because i want to i want to show you uh where we're going to go to tomorrow but i first want to get this right tonight because if we get this right tonight with all of you guys that are on with us we can go to tomorrow but if we don't get this right tonight um it will be very very difficult for us to go to our tomorrow so what is the first fruit all about lastly i'll say and then i'm going to lead you into this and i'm going to ask shannon to join me for this spot and then we're going to hold communion i want you there you are for a moment and everybody that's watching me on on youtube and everybody on zoom and shannon comes i i want i want to place this with you i want to pray with you tonight as you guys are on that that the lord will give you a revelation that god will give you a revelation of the promise over your life because that's what you must have tonight you must catch god's revelation of your life and what he has promised you that is what you must get are you guys with me and so before we gonna present our gifts to the lord and we're gonna do it with you tonight before we present our gifts to the lord we want to pray with you we want to pray with you and the first thing i want to do is i want to break the curse because the bible says that there may not be any legal curse any longer over your life the curse should be broken are you guys there and so let's start there and then i'm going to lead you into the first into the second part and so guys as you are with us online i want you just stay we are to lift your hands everybody online love to lift your hands with us everybody on on zoom lift your hands with us and i want to pray for you for this and i want to break this curse permanently over your life so father in the name of jesus the christ father i pray as the people lift their hands right now lord i pray that god that you will break the curse in jesus christ's name father we come against we come against every form every form of plan every form of strategy that the enemy might have and father in this night in the name of jesus the christ father as people are on by youtube all these guys are that are with us father on zoom father in this night we want to break this curse permanently in jesus name and father i pray from this night father i see generational things lord as i see these faces father i break the generational curse in jesus christ's name father i break lord it's like chains that i see father i break these chains over people's lives in this night in the name of jesus christ and father i thank you that from this night people transition from being eaters to becoming sower in the name of jesus christ father i see even as i talk lord i break the jaws that have contained your people i break the banks that has contained the limitation that has wanted to keep your people within a certain boundary father we break those in this night in the name of jesus christ and father i speak forward and i speak forth a new word over their lives in the name of jesus the christ and father we speak that from this night as the word of the lord says in john chapter number 4 lord that a fountain will start to burst out of the innermost beings that will spring forth to eternal life father in the name of jesus the christ lord we break the curse in jesus christ's name and father whether this curse has come by commission or omission whether this curse has come by ignorance whatever it might be father in this night we break it in the name of jesus christ [Music] i see people that are honor of us tonight these people i i can't see everybody's faces but i sense as i stand here there are there are people that are struggling with relationship issues relationship issues i see many relationship issues in front of me and what i want to do is before we get to our seed part and naming our seed i want to break this thing that i see over relationships because this is nonsense there shouldn't be any relationship issues in the life of a believer amen come on do you agree of that there's some of you guys that are and you should be commenting right now there's people here um that it's like you're just talk back to me if that's you these people here tonight honor of us um i see it's like your family members it's in the family it's in your family members are have done you in that's the word i get it's like your family members have done you in and i hear the lord speak to me about that there's going to be a return of what was stolen through this family transaction that i see that's if that's you just comment to me right now and just say that's me and the bible says that if the thief gets caught called out we can reclaim it seven-fold amen are you guys there okay so father just lift your hands everywhere if that's you if that's you i just want you to receive this so father in the name of jesus the christ father i want to pray right now lord that this that i see in families father that right now that this that the thief has come in to steal i pray lord god that right now that lord you will release a seven-fold restoration back to your people in jesus name [Music] and father i pray in this night that lord that we reclaim and we restake and we take back that what the enemy has tried to obtain through family members in jesus christ's name and father in the name of jesus christ with two or more agree it shall be done and so father right now lord i thank you god that at the sound as we speak forward your voice father that in this moment now my father that this that i see shall be returned in jesus christ's name lord as i said from the start restoration of the those that are of the remnant restoration in jesus christ's name and so it shall be done in jesus christ's name and all of god's people say amen and amen i want you guys to to get your seeds ready and you know i can never teach you about something and never teach you about the power of the seed listen it's a secret i've learned a long long time ago that and it's a secret that the lord told me that god is my provider god is my protection i've stepped into that drama a long time ago and the reason for that is we've stepped there because we have learned to place the kingdom first and so i want to lead you there tonight and i want to ask you all as you guys are watching us um online tonight i want you to take a moment i want you to take a moment and name your seed name your seed name your seed and this is a moment that's between you and the holy spirit because you guys must name your seed according to the potential and the promise you believe you carry my question to you is before we're going to sow to god my question to you would this be what is the promise that he gave to you what did god tell you what is the promise and according to this promise i want you to name your seed and then we're going to sew together is that okay guys everybody with me everybody good everybody good okay so father i pray right now in the name of jesus the christ father and every single person watching us father that clarity will come to their hearts right now [Music] and father i pray that in this moment in the name of jesus and in this moment clarity will come into every heart every mind every spirit clarity lord now in jesus name father i ask you for your clarity right now in the name of jesus christ and father i pray right now in this moment lord as people are naming their seeds father i thank you that lord jesus that as lord people are naming these seeds right now father i want to pray give them clarity give them insight give them understanding right now in jesus christ's name and so as you guys already we want to we want to do this with you tonight is that okay because i believe in the power of the seed i have learned the power of the seed i have learned the power of putting god first and so i want us all to take a moment and to sew together is that fine and then i'm going to go by i see many of the faces and you know as i see your faces i can prophesy hallelujah so but i i want to take a moment tonight and we want to sow with you is that fine okay we want to sow with you because we believe in the power of what we have spoken about so father in the name of jesus the christ lord as people are on right now and father as people are busy naming these seeds as people are busy sowing god i pray father lord that every seed every first fruit that gets sown right now that that will carry the full promise the full promise in jesus christ's name the full promise in jesus christ's name guys we're going to sow with you we're going to do this live with you because we have learned the power of sowing and so i will always tell you follow follow my example tonight do what i do i will never tell you to do something and i don't do it myself thank you lord jesus father we sow for every soul father that we believe that will come into the kingdom of the lord jesus christ and father as we sow tonight we believe father for the full potential to see thousands upon thousands saved born again renewed in jesus christ's name father i pray that's why i sow the seed because i believe lord that my name that our lives lord our lives father is for one purpose and that is to see the kingdom of the lord jesus christ being established on this earth as it is in heaven and father with what a joy it is to sow unto you in this night once again and placing you as our number one in jesus name we thank you for this my father in the name of jesus christ and all god's people say amen and amen and amen while shannon is with me as you guys are sowing i just want you to to sow i want you to take time to give to the lord as you are doing that as you are sowing your first seeds have you guys have you have you guys have your communion with you to have your communion with you have your communion okay so why do we hold communion why do we hold communion because as we hold communion together guys as we hold communion together we are doing one corinthians chapter number 11 and what is one corinthians chapter number 11 i see people are sowing for the salvation of the children beautiful as we eat of his flesh and as we drink of his blood we do this in remembrance of him amen and so as we eat of his flesh tonight together and so there we are empowered church i want all of you guys to to take your um to take the bread everybody take the bread uh on youtube i can't see you guys so you need to talk back to me and tell me that you are taking the bread everybody that's on zoom i want you to take the bread fathers i want you to take the bread for your families for your children wherever you are and i'm going to give you an opportunity i see some of the people running [Music] i see some of the people running for the for the communion elements that's fine we're going to wait for you [Music] and i'll wait for you [Music] i have words for people tonight i can see the faces already so have your do you have your communion okay let's pray together let's pray together father in the name of jesus the christ father as we take your communion tonight we remember what this communion is all about father we remember lord that it's because of the gift and sacrifice of our lord jesus christ and father as we take communion together shannon and i lord with our empower family father i pray in this night as we take your communion father as we drink of your blood father thank you that we can celebrate that we are one with you and you are one of us father in this night lord we exalt the name of jesus christ higher than any other name and father in this night as we eat of his flesh and drink of his blood we once again remember what he has done for us my father i thank you that our sins has been forgiven because of the price that jesus prayed in jesus name we pray and all god's people say amen and amen won't you take the bread please [Music] as we take the the cup of communion the cup of communion the cup of communion and the guys on on youtube uh won't you when you guys on on youtube just tell me uh everybody that has um also taken the wine and i'm gonna start to prophesy see many names that i want to speak to right now and um and so as you guys are giving and father i thank you i thank you you're an empowered church lord we understand the value of the blood of the lamb thank you father that right now jesus is seated at the right hand of you god and father thank you that the blood of the lamb is lying on the eternal altar in the temple of god and thank you father it is that we can put our faith in the finished work of the blood of the lamb lying as a representation of all my sins that has been washed away and the remission of the fullness of my sins being washed away by the blood of the lamb and so father as we drink of your flesh eat of your flesh and drink of your blood tonight father we do so in remembrance of the eternal sacrifice that jesus christ paid for us in jesus name we pray amen and amen amen and [Music] amen i'm gonna call you now again okay guys as you are as you are on i want you just to i just want to say something all the fathers all the fathers all i see there's a lot of moms on as well and uh on on youtube as well see a lot of moms that's all good but i want to speak to the men and i want to speak to the ladies i want you for tomorrow night i'm going to start to prophesy now but for tomorrow night i want you to get oil ready for me please oil ready uh all this all the single ladies all the single men all the married men all the married women i want you to have your communion and your oil ready for tomorrow night but tomorrow night i'm going to very specifically anoint you and that's very going to be very very specific and so the reason why i want you to have the anointing oil is because as we go on live tomorrow night i'm gonna ask of you to anoint your children to anoint husbands i want you to anoint your wives wives i want you to anoint your children and if you are single i want you to anoint yourself and i will be with you with shannon and we will anoint you together amen but tonight i first wanted to jump into the first fruit and tomorrow night we're going to jump into the anointing with the first fruit amen are you guys there i saw um of these faces and names as they were running on i saw a name um and i wanted to to just give you a just guys just page for me one i'll see it now [Music] there was a a a young lady on your you uh it caught my eye you had i saw there was like a white there was uh you had a white dog you're blonde i saw you very quickly um i just want to get this page one more time guys just want to find this person because i see a great change coming great shift okay i'll get a noggin if you guys are are you ex are you expecting to receive from the lord tonight can we prophesy a little bit is that okay i haven't seen you guys in a while so it's good to see you again um and um you guys must name your devices so that we know when we prophesy that we know who we're talking to is that okay because some of you guys have got like iphone and uh then i won't know who you are so but um i'm teasing i'm teasing guys thank you lord jesus father thank you for the power of your word thank you for the power of your word lord thank you that you speak to us thank you that you speak to us um karen the prayer current the prayer quran i say like as you sit in front of me i um god and i i feel the lord is saying to me i must say to you that you have seen the back end of what the enemy has already tried to do and this next moment and within this next couple of weeks you're going to see a great turnaround and what is what has happened um 2020 was like a year of setback the whole time but i i feel the lord is encouraging you um through me tonight to say to you and i'm watching these names as well i feel the lord is saying to me that there's going to be a turnaround in the next two three weeks you just need to hold on a little bit longer and i just see a a complete turn karen it's going to be quick blessings blessings mrs ramboa i uh blessings god has got promotion i just see how the lord is going to elevate you in this next season blessing there's a there's a favor uncommon uh to you over your life that uh just keep it there guys i just wanna see you um blessings there's a uncommon favor that the lord has placed upon your life and i feel to say to you tonight that as you receive this word tonight you will you will even see um i feel the lord is saying to me that in this next two three four months there will be a a change in your in your in the way that you do work because the lord is going to take you to a higher dimension there is something brand new i see that right where you are blessings there's been people that have been speaking against you people that are discussing you um people that have been um almost like gossiping slandering backbiting trying to stop that what the lord has for you and i feel just how the lord has just pushed that to the side and he says to me i must say to you not one attempt of the enemy will be successful it will like literally be like the enemy will come in one way and he will immediately immediately immediately he will just um it will just fall to the side blessing four months i see four months of unusual movement in your life to this way to that way and then suddenly it will fall in in place i feel the lord is saying to me that whatever the enemy has attempted up to now it's been like backbiting but it's it's all going to fail because the lord is with you and so i bless you of that in jesus christ's name um there was a lady now oh you see that moves too quick um is it is it kaiser is that how i pronounce it is it bruschette brusche [Music] brushay you are and the guys that are on youtube stay of us bruchet you need a breakthrough um i see how i see you praying and crying out to god just pull out for me can you is that possible um yeah just you need a you need a breakthrough from god [Music] you know you have been praying a lot to the lord bruce god has heard every single prayer you've prayed and honey i don't know you from a bar of soap but as i stand here in front of you i can tell you one thing that is heard every single prayer and i speak to you in this night that in this moment that the disappointments the failure that you felt you have been the setbacks that you've experienced up to now the backbiting and i even see to it's like the an excessive amount of it's almost like you don't believe you're good enough you're not good enough and i see in your life and the guys on youtube just keep on commenting for me the names i want to see the names brishay it's like you don't believe you're good enough and i want to break this thing off you it comes through your family i want to break it because the lord is going to take you to a new dimension in this night amen and even as i see you tonight i see you out of a couple of hundred of people and so in this night i speak it out over you father in the name of jesus christ father i break the hold you guys can remove the pen father i break the hold of a bruschetta's life in jesus christ's name and father i speak out over her life a freedom in this night in jesus christ's name and father i thank you for bruce and father even as i mention this name i break the chains i break that with hell the back lord i break the spirit of fear the spirit of intimidation father the lying spirit that wants to speak to her and convince her of an alternative destiny father i silence the spirit that wants to come against the mind that wants to come against the heart and lord in this night i release unto her the destiny due to her in jesus christ's name and father by my mouth by your mouth in this night lord we release a future in jesus christ's name and father i see that even these demonic spirits that have come lord to whisper an alternative future into her mind father i pray that right now i break this in jesus christ's name and bruce i want to say this to you you need to smile you need to rejoice because the lord is going to do absolutely astonishing things brush do you have a brother just comment for me do you have a brother do you have a brother do you have a brother or older or a brother oh there's many people commenting i just see the hand of the lord going into your family and touching your family and going to help you extremely going to help you um i see on youtube um bruschetta do you have a brother does she have a brother okay yes okay thank you i see how the hand of the lord goes to your brother the hand of the lord is upon your brother you it's like the lord the lord is very much aware of your brother and up to now it's almost like the enemy has tried to steal your brother's future and try to sneak his future away from him and i hear the lord say to me tonight that even as i speak even as i speak i see the hand of the lord going to your brother the hand of the lord's already upon him but i i see this very specifically that from this night there will be a shift and there will be a change in jesus christ's name amen um there was people on here as well marco and posh i see you guys on youtube marco and posh porsche marco and porsche i released you i just see the lord wants to give you guys um marco and portia i just see how the lord is releasing to your new new river systems new river systems to be released to you in jesus christ's name um there's a there's a name here uh peter peter love peter peter do you do you farm just on the chat section for me please are you in business peter are you in business i see like farming and business mixed just type for me they'll catch it they'll say they'll relay informing and business okay great okay hallelujah thank the lord we're still accurate um informing and business peter that's what your family members have tried to trick you out of god's gonna trick you right back into it let me say it again that's what your family members have tried to trick you out of god's gonna trick you right back into it and you're gonna see a restoration because you're a just man you have integrity in your heart integrity in your heart and i see even on your wife how the lord is gonna place his spirit unusually peter upon your wife and you the the praise your son your wife has been praying and i and i see sometimes it's been a desperate plea before the lord but i i hear the lord saying to me tonight that peter it shifts in this night in jesus christ's name you're a good man and there's a good season ahead of you i see things that attorneys wrote against you and i literally in this night i just see how the lord cancels that out whatever has been written against your name by family just see attorneys family that's what i see in front of me i see how the lord cancels that and i will give you a scripture for what i have to say in colossians chapter number two verse number 14 to 15 the bible says the following jesus canceled the dead he canceled the dead that was written against your name and so i see in this night come on guys do you believe that which ways um i want uh where's jp jp are you still here jp come and testify to the people or god bless you the car um but peter i want i want to you to understand this that god is canceling if you can take this word god is canceling the handwriting that's against your name and from this evening your story changes in jesus christ's name even as i speak this i feel the authority of god over me i tell you the truth even in this night peter god is shifting things do you have children i see a young girl and i see two boys do you have [Music] what do you have just waiting it's fine i'm waiting for you no children yet do you want children okay i want you to put your hand in your wife's womb i'm gonna i'm gonna pray for your wife's womb tonight that in this year come on guys everybody that's online of me will you agree with me by faith come on let's agree together can jesus not activate wombs come on he can can he not so father in this night in the name of jesus christ father i speak to peter's wife's womb now in the name of jesus and father i command that this womb come alive in jesus christ's name and father in this night in the name of jesus the christ father i speak a healing word over this womb right now in jesus christ's name and father i pray in this night but father that in this night the lord jesus that you heal that you bring deliverance lord i cast off that what the enemy has tried to keep back from this precious couple and from this moment there shall be a birth place in this family i break the satanic curse that has there has been there my father i break the hold of the enemy in this night in jesus christ's name and father i speak over this womb that this womb shall come alive in the name of jesus christ and father i speak in this night this womb shall live in the name of jesus christ father i speak two boys one girl into being in jesus christ's name father we do so by the authority given unto me lord i speak life into this womb in jesus christ's name we pray amen and amen and amen jp come and testify quickly i want you just to hear jp's testimony our god sowed to jp akar and i just want you to hear his testimony the bible says we are overcome by the blood of the lamb and the power of our testimony so i want you just to hear good evening everybody um last week sunday morning i was on my way to church and i just bought myself out to the lord on my way here and i was like lord this car is really costing me money i need to fix it i need to it was just a mess so i came here we let the worship and i really just let worship from a broken place just lord i know you're in control i don't know what's going on i don't know what's going to happen but you are in control little did i know that i would be leaving the church with a new car someone just after worship came just placed me and all i can say is just keep it to the end keep the faith to the end um that worked for me i know it'll work god is in control and it really it's it's exactly what god knows exactly what we needed and this was exactly what we needed amen thank you amen guys there you go this that there's a lady um you lundy you londy you lonely did you have a did you have like a dog with you i there was a picture there was a my eye caught the dog um do you have a dog oh there is the dog okay [Music] hilandi god wants to release a god trusts you a lot and there's been heartbreak in your life but i i see the things in your family turn around like this completely because you have placed your heart upon the lord and you landed i i see how even as i as i look at you tonight i see how the lord is your mother your mother was a lady that went from one place to the other place and your heart was sometimes connected and disconnected and you've been crying out i see you asking the lord for a for a new beginning and as i as i look at you i see your lonely days are over i see the the lonely nights the lonely mornings the lonely days are done and there's been like times where you feel like there's been a almost like an attack from almost like i can describe it like a feeling of depression a feeling of anxiety a feeling of fear and i feel and i see as i look at you i see how the lord's gonna lift this off you tonight and in this night as you as you listen to me and this night i see the lord change your your story around do you have do you have you been married or are you married have you been not married i see how the lord is gonna you have a keen heart for business a keen heart and a keen mind you're very intelligent and what has happened when you were younger i see a lot of people speaking death and negativity over your life trying to push you down trying to hold you back do you have a son do you have a son even over your whole life yolandi i i want to just pray the spread of your life tonight because i feel as i look at you i feel it's like potential that god wants to birth out of you and i feel as if you should do so much more of your life it's like the lord has chosen you uh by name very specifically um it's it's the lord has set you up for success you cannot fail you have to have success and so in this night i i want you just to um i want to share more of you um but there's one or two things but i i want to just share with you it's like your life has gone up and down up and down like that but i see the lord pull the the line straight of your life and i see this next season of your life it's gonna become smooth i hear the lord say smooth and as you as you have trusted the lord there's a friend with you that you have that um you have trusted your heart with and i i see the lord saying to me that this next season this next six months of your life it's going to be an easy transition because of that that the lord has intended for you i hear the lord say as i as i look at you i feel the lord say to me the next six months will be easier months you will go into this easy process and change will come you will see a change in your family then it will go to the business arena and everywhere around you i see a a movement around you and if when empower is open in a week or two from now i want you to come and visit us or or come and speak to us or any of our campuses because i feel that the lord wants to break free the fullness of that what you are you must never i hear the lord say never underestimate the prophetic that is inside of you never underestimate the gift that is inside of you never underestimate the potential that is inside of you never underestimate the promise that is inside of you because the lord has got you and this next six months is going to be glorious you're going to have the best six months of your life best six months and so let me pray for you father i want to speak over yolanda and this night in the name of jesus christ and father i want to pray over her in this night in the name of jesus but father that in this moment lord that she will understand the fullness of the potential that you have over her life and father i break off any other hold that the enemy might have had and i speak over her life in this night potential in jesus christ's name and i pray lord jesus lord that she will literally place herself upon your altar and give birth to the full potential that she is lord i want to move out of her life every single obstacle every single obstacle father every single obstacle in the name of jesus christ and father i want to pray over her life that in this night there will be a breakthrough moment in jesus name father i agree with her in this night and i speak forth a deliverance over her life in the name of jesus christ and so it shall be in jesus name amen and amen and amen the guys on youtube i want you to i want you to comment your names just quickly oh come on thank you lord jesus i love it to see jesus healing people amen don't you just love it when the lord heals the lord restores jared uh there was a name that jared but they say jared you must ready yourself for business jared business business business business you must dream massive dreams of business jared crazy dreams of business you must dream ridiculous dreams with business god wants to use you i see finances written all over you you must step into finances listen jared your father was wrong your father was wrong your father said to you you cannot do this and you cannot do that i want to tell you tonight he was wrong jared he was wrong your family was wrong they were all wrong you will live out the full potential i see your brothers speaking against you i want to tell you they're wrong god has got a plan and a purpose and an assignment that you can do nothing about he has singled you out tonight for me i see your family speaking against you and i hear the lord say to me i must tell you they've been wrong all of them have been wrong you will be a provider for all of them in the future because you've kept your heart clean you've kept your heart upon the lord and because you've kept your heart upon the lord i release to you tonight 60 fold 100 fold a thousand fold in the name of jesus christ father i speak of a jared in this night lord he will be a man of influence he will be a man of opulence he will be a man of favor and father even as i see a bank connected to him even as i see a bank system connected to him father i pray over him right now lord that jesus that the breakthrough comes in this night in jesus christ's name satan we bind you we rebuke you and we cost you away from jared father i pray no more small beginnings for him big beginnings in jesus christ's name i bless him of this word in the lord jesus christ's name amen and amen amen and amen amen jared you can tell them you've been wrong because they have been wrong they have been wrong they have been wrong sotro are you guys enjoying your time with us are you enjoying your time i see i'm losing one or two of you here on youtube i just can't we i my apologies guys we just can't reach every single person i hope you're enjoying to see all of your fellow members like this and and being together being together thank god for technology amen thank god for technology that we can do this and the power of technology i just want to see these names on youtube i'm going to come now just there again oh i miss you guys you won't know how much i miss you now i need to prophesy to face us but soon we'll be together amen i miss the people oh my lord i just want to lay hands on someone i just want to see these names um alta and kun alta and kun atan kun you're on on youtube uh kun i feel how the lord is just bringing you to a new dimension couldn't it's like um i feel like to say to you tonight it's like the lord is bringing you into a slipstream and in this slipstream there is um god is just gonna take you um to a new season tonight and i just see how the lord is moving you could to like a new place it's gonna be a place of just relaxation i see a lot of new peace i see a lot of new joy um and i just see how how the lord's gonna break lord's gonna break that's what the enemy has tried to do and i i literally see i see a pharmaceutical thing a pharmaceutical thing and i hear the lord just say to me on on farm on pharmaceutical that he is like going to step you're going to step into a new semen season pharmaceutically i don't know if that means anything to you but maybe you can just um tell me quickly but i just see a new pharmaceutical leg coming to you that's going to help you it's going to help you it's going to happen in this next three months and it's going to take you into six months of prosperity um i don't know if i pronounced that name right tikitana is that right tikitana is that right are you in business and you're in business you need to be in business you should make finances i think it is if you pronounce it right my apologies if i don't but i i just see business writing over you and i i see you working but i i want to pray for you in this night that god that god will bring do you want to be in business you want to be in business okay i want you to raise your hand because i believe that the lord's going to give you business tonight father has my brother mahapa lord as he raises his hands father i want to speak over his life in this night in the name of jesus christ father i want to speak over his life in the name of jesus christ father that this desire for business shall come to pass in jesus christ's name father i want to pray over him right now in the name of jesus christ father that he will step into business in this next season father i pray that there will be an acceleration coming upon him in jesus christ's name and father i speak that out over my brother in this night lord because i see a very keen mind and so father i pray in this night lord that he will and shall work in a business realm where he will be very influential and father i speak forward that word over him in this night in jesus christ's name and everybody that's online with us say amen my brother muhammad say and men of me receive that word take that in jesus christ's name in jesus christ's name in jesus christ's name i see i want to just give one or two more words is that okay guys will you have your anointing oil uh ready for tomorrow night genre ninaber genre you must you must you must prepare for the new things that the lord has for you there is new things that the lord has for you for your family for your children for your wife i see a newness coming to you and newness you must prepare for that you must write it down you must plan for it you must speak according to it and you must start to live according to that amen oh there's so many people on here my lord we're gonna we need tomorrow night just to prophesy just to prophesize uh i don't know how to pronounce that name um it's like patrick's is that right g butrix is that fine is that right i don't know hey guys some of you have got difficult names so i guess people will say the same of my name okay i patrix i hope i spell that right or say that right if not please forgive me please forgive me i see business with your father what business do you have with your father i see business with your father speak to me type thread it up guys i can see business of your father you're such a good son by the way i see god's that's all right type tommy business of your father what do you do with your father don't don't tell me too much just a little bit okay let me tell you what i see okay he's in logistics do you have a brother okay i see betrayal of your brother she heard of your brother i see how but i see the hand of the lord upon your father and you needed to you needed to make a choice you made a choice you made a choice you made a choice not to get angry you made a choice and i it's almost like where's your mom thank you jesus okay what's wrong physically with mom thank you jesus while he's typing arthritis ah i hate that sickness listen god is gonna heal your mom in this night i'm going to pray for that i hate arthritis i hate it because it was a spirit that was assigned to my mom i hate that thing i hate it i want to pray against it i want to break it but i see on your dad i see the lord's hand is on your dad but you are gonna be next to your father for a short season then you're gonna break away um because the lord has got another plan for you and then some of my partners are testifying the lord has a plan for you um god is putting you into a slipstream tonight so let's first pray for your mom and then i'm going to prophesy for you father in this night lord i pray for my special friend in this night lord i want to bind the spirit of arthritis in the name of jesus the christ father i bind the sickness over her and this night in the name of jesus and father we speak over mom healing right now in jesus christ's name and father i declare your word over her in this night lord that we paint the sickness in the name of jesus christ and father i speak even as we speak tonight lord that right now healing will flood over these bones in jesus christ's name and this sickness that has come from a mother that i see father i find that spiritual sickness that has come through the bloodline and father i see lord and i speak out over your life in this night listen to me son i hear the lord say to me to you tonight there will be a breakthrough in your financial life in this night in jesus christ's name in this night for you thought i hear the lord say for you thought i miss you you thought i overlooked you you thought i missed your prayers you looked at yourself and you saw yourself short in the eyes of god but i hear the lord saying to me not so for i tell you the truth there was a moment that you sat hindered bogged down in prison almost like you felt that your potential is held back but in this night i unleash a new day for you says the spirit of the lord and in this moment in this time in the season you shall go to a new place in jesus christ's name and you will start to hear my voice and you will start to see my work says the lord for even in this night even as your wife is with you i tell you the truth i tell you the truth there will come a new dimension to your household in jesus christ's name for there was about two three months ago that you said these words you said where are the true christians where are the true signs where are the true wonders where are the true ones and so i hear the lord say to me tonight you have found those that call on my name and that live by my word and so i tell you the truth son in this night it moves and it shifts because i have you in mind i had you in mind when you were born i had you in mind when you were young and there was an incident i had you in mind when i protected you at the age of six i protected you again at the age of 11 i protected you on your grandfather's farm and so i protect you again says the lord that what they plan against you will not come to fruition not one thing will come to fruition says the spirit of god for you will prosper all the days of your life all the days of your life you shall prosper says the lord and the broken relationships that is around you i will heal them because i find the light in your son i find the light in you i find the light in you i find the light in you and i hear the lord say i love you i love you i love you and your theme song should be how much i love you and how much i look after you and the one that has passed in your family you need to know that one is with me fear not they with me you will see them again in jesus christ's name you will see them again you will see them again you will see them again and even on even on your wife even on your even on the lady sitting next to you even on your is that your wife wife you want children want kids okay i see a pregnant in the year i see the i see a pregnant in the ear and you don't need to worry about money don't worry about money god's gonna provide for you going to provide faith it's going to give you enough you're going to have so much you're not going to know how to handle all of it you're going to have enough so father just put your hand on your wife please i just want to bless her honey you're full of light i don't know you but you're full of light full of light full of light so i just want to bless you with this father in the name of jesus christ o lord what a joy what a joy to prophesy father i just speak into womb being i speak into a womb lord lord jesus you that give life give life in jesus name father i thank you for providing sufficiently abundantly above in jesus christ's name for their hearts are so pure god i see the purity of their hearts and i bless them with a purity that they have and i pray that they will carry this in jesus christ's name i hear the lord save to me whatever you ask me what's your name what's your wife's name can you type for me i want to pray for all of us and then i'm going to prophesy one or two more than i'll genevieve ah genevieve genevieve i i feel to say to you that you're gonna you can hear god's voice you are prophetic by nature you don't always know what to do of it it's um sometimes you just don't know what to do with it but i i feel the lord saying to me tonight to say to you that he's going to give you a keen mind a keen mind a keen mind and you're going to function unusually with the lord you're going to start to dream dreams it's going to speak to come to your dreams you're really dreaming you don't always know what to do of these dreams but i i feel the lord is saying to me you he's going to give you more dreams and this dreams is going to be of great value to the kingdom of god great value and you know soon when we do our school of this again i want to encourage you just whatever you do don't stop being pure don't stop being pure because the pure in heart will see god and you are tremendously pure in the lord and i see the keenness of god to communion with you he wants to commune with you the bible says there's three things and i want to give you three revelations tonight that you must go study it's the love of the father it is the grace of the lord jesus christ and it's the communion of the holy spirit those three things are the fullness of god the love of god introduces you to the grace of god which introduces you to the communion of god it's 2 corinthians 13 14. you can write it down study it and i bless you in the name of jesus christ amen i want everybody that is with us tonight every single body just take me back to gallery oh guys do you believe here at empower church with everybody on us i saw ian also a little bit earlier ian i hear the lord say he's going to make your dream it's going to make you dream it's going to make you dream ian you're going to start the dream it's going to start to dream again and so what i want to do tonight it's going to start to make you dream what i want to do tonight is is the following is i want to pray i want to pray for every single one of you guys that as we go into our tomorrow this i just want to give one or two more words but i i want to pray tonight that do you guys believe that how can i say this do you believe that the lord is not just your provider but the lord is your protector do you really really believe this in power do you really really believe this that god is both of those things and do you really believe that the lord has got unusual favor that he has bestowed upon you because if we believe these things we must act according to them amen and so yeah and there you are ian the lord is going to make you dream again i hear the lord say to me tonight i must say to you ian dream again and i want to pray for you tonight my friend and this is this is what i'm going to pray that all these things that god will literally make away now because this must come to an end and i i feel like the lord is saying to me time and time again that there's so much potential that god has put inside of you and you know this i know this but i feel like the lord is saying to me tonight is going to make you dream massive dreams again i'm going to start to dream again so father i pray for ian and this night in the name of jesus christ father i speak over him the potential to dream and i pray lord that from this night forward you shall dream great dreams in jesus christ's name but not just dream father i pray that he'll start to live these dreams in jesus christ's name amen and amen naughty and rihanna not in rihanna naughty and rihanna i feel the lord is saying to me you you're at the bottom not in rihanna naughty i feel new beginnings i just see that written over your name new beginnings new beginnings new beginnings new beginnings new beginnings sonica i see quickly i see how your prayers and your supplication has not gone unnoticed it's not gone unnoticed i hear the lord say to him i must say to you your prayers and your supplications have not gone unnoticed lord i hear the lord say to me i must say to you he has seen the effort you've made i see you praying i seen calling out to god and i hear the lord say to me i have seen you i have seen you and you will not be according to your past the things that happen in your past will not repeat itself it will not it's not even connected to your past there is a new day for you honey god has got a new day for you a brand new day for you a brand new day but as you've started to pray as you've started to seek the lord i see the lord saying to me tell her i have noticed her tell her listen the spirit of rejection the spirit of that wants to lie to you lie to you tell you not good enough until you're not good enough god's going to give you a new future that is not connected to anything in your past let me say it again god is going to give you a new future that's not connected to anything of your past you are not your past you are your future and i see this next six months will be unusual months for you that the all this trouble around finances all this trouble around relationships all of these things is going to fall away because the lord has you in mind i hear the lord saying to me a scripture for you i wrote it down actually and then i don't know who was it for psalm 139 verse number 17 psalm 139 verse number 17 it says this how precious it is lord to realize you are thinking of me constantly i can't even count how many times i believe the lord is saying to you tonight sonica he's thinking of you all the time and i hear the lord say tell the skull i want to marry her he wants to marry his sonika allow him to tonight come on allow him to tonight let go of the pain let go of the hurt let go of the brokenness let go because there's a new tomorrow ready for you that god has for you and so father i pray over sonic on this night that you will do open heart spiritual surgery in jesus name and father i pray that the spirit of love will penetrate her heart according to romans 5 5 father i pray lavish her with a deep deep love that she will know the love of god that has no boundaries no limitations and father these spirits that have been assigned to a mind that i see the spirit of anxiety fear depression [Music] and this lie that she is believing in our heart that she's not good enough that she has given things away that she cannot get back father in this night i pray over a body from the top of her head to the souls of her feet you become whole again you become whole again you become whole again as if it never happened in jesus name i bless you of this amen and amen and amen come on how does god not know us how does the lord not know us come on can you guys just give the lord some praise can you give the lord some praise he knows you he knows you he knows you he knows you guys i want i want to get you back tomorrow night so maxine fesser maxine i'll do one or two more prophecies maxine is that your is your husband sitting next to you maxine i see no response okay maxine is that your husband husband okay husband i see a brand new opportunity coming for you in business what's your what's your name husband sir just your name oh thank you lord a brand new husband okay what's your name just give me your name i i see a new opportunity coming for you just type don't worry don't worry uh as you're busy typing lana foster lana as you're on lana don't give up don't give up the best is coming in february you've waited long lana it's good there's a business idea that you have that god has given you february the door goes open are you with me february the door goes open february february between 18 and 26 february the door will go open for you do not give up the enemy wants you to give up don't give up don't give up between that time span you will have your breakthrough in jesus name amen um [Music] there's going to be a shift in your workplace and god has got your favor in mind and the lord is going to work this thing out to absolutely do your best you're going to laugh at what the lord's going to do he's going to work so amazingly and it's going to be so ridiculous that you're gonna think how in the world could this be and the lord says that is my trademark so do i do things i do things unusually and you will see this in jesus name they will they will not be able to push you out because you have too much favor upon your life that they will not be able to push you out you will excel again and again and again amen um i want my wife just to come back amen so rian i bless you with this in the name of jesus christ um amen and amen i want everybody because we want you i want you to be back tomorrow night with me with shannon and i want to ask every single one of you to please have the oil of the anointing oil to be to have that with you is that okay guys are you with me i want you to have the oil of the anointing back i want to pray i saw hamlet hamlet's name was popping up here somewhere hamlet seen in this night in this night hamlet i hear the lord say i must remind you of the promises that is yes and amen and that will never cease as long as god is alive and i hear the lord say to me hamlet i'm not done i'm not done and i'm releasing releasing unto you new pages of a new story with new chapters filled with my glory and if i would have told you everything that would have happened you would have not believed me for this that have now come to you says the lord is only but a momentarily interception but what will stay upon you now for the rest of your life will be the the continued story of my goodness and i tell you the truth as was it as it is as there is even now my hand of favor is not lived from you in jesus name i tell you the truth it has not left it will not lift in jesus name so there we are everybody all of the guys on youtube still everybody on on zoom why don't you lift your hands and then we're going to see you tomorrow night for evening number two um and i have got so much words i think we must prophesy just tomorrow night eh short word lot of prophecy because i like to see you so i want you there we are won't you just lift your hands to god lift your hands to god and let's pray father in the name of jesus the christ father i bless every single person that's been of us in this night in the name of jesus christ father i bless every person lord in this night in the name of jesus i pray over their lives father that in this night that lord that the shift will happen as it was of the israelites so it will be with them that father that there will be a difference in the camp of empower because we have received the blessing of the lord and so far that i speak out over every single person watching me right now lord that there will be an increase of your power and increase of your anointing and increase of your favor in jesus christ's name heinen gonzalez quickly the lord says to me i must tell you it's done it is finished his hand of approval is already upon it in jesus christ's name but father i pray over every single person in this night may they know and may they believe that god that if my god is with me nothing can be against me father i bless every husband i bless every wife i bless every child i bless every child to come in the name of jesus christ i bless every household i bless their incoming and i bless the outgoing father there will be a difference between us at the rest and so father i thank you that i can speak your word of life over your people in the name of jesus christ the king of kings and the lord of lords in jesus christ's name we pray and all of empower say amen and amen and amen guys i i bless you i bless you all of you and i'll see you guys tomorrow evening with me again please remember your anointing oil please remember your communion we will do both may the lord bless you may the lord keep you and i will pray for you tomorrow and as you guys come back tomorrow please note that we will only share the youtube and the zoom links that's it so that you guys can climb on with us and that we can get into the word of god 2021 is going to be the best year of the rest of our lives amen it's not going to be the worst it's going to be the best in jesus christ's name i bless you guys i'll see you guys tomorrow evening have a powerful evening and we love you very very much see you tomorrow night goodbye for now hey guys i'm give up it was so good to have you with us today i want to ask you to share the gospel and take the gospel of the lord jesus christ further with us today thank you that we could be part of your family thank you that we can be part of your home thank you that we can come into your mobile devices but thank you most importantly that right now you are playing a huge role in taking the gospel of the lord jesus christ across the globe empowered is not a name it's a calling and you are a part of that calling so i would like to ask you right now comment like and share this stream help us to take the message of jesus to the ends of the earth lastly i just want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you for every loyal person thank you for our tithes thank you for every giving person during this season you are making empower great and i just want to say we love you we are praying for you we are standing with you you are the reason why church can be awesome have an awesome day and god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Empower Church
Views: 2,593
Rating: 4.7966104 out of 5
Id: AmXQbpSG3Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 5sec (10505 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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