First Day: Advice to New Muslims - Dr Bilal Philips

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[Music] in Demon's Ashburton happy man so today I thought I'll say the opportunity of meeting you again and I didn't have a clue what we was going to discuss because you know we've been busy and everything Oh subhanAllah you had a good idea to speak about your publication from the IOU which is a joint venture from I noticed quite a few of your colleagues and you've come up with this book called the first day so what was your idea behind this year well the idea was that you know you have so many Taoist centers around the world yeah you know everybody hustling and bustling trying to figure out what to teach the new Muslims when they come in you know and they're build things written and and comment books that were in circulation that people are using bits from here bits from there you know and people reinventing the wheel backwards and forwards and you know so I felt that we need to develop a specific book for the new Muslim with its new Muslim invite in mind it's not a book which can be used for new Muslims but a book for specifically for new Muslims so from the get-go the intention is clearly for the new Muslim so I figured that the the way I would like to develop it would be according to the needs of the new Muslim on the very first day of his or her Islam they've come into your office they've come into your Center whatever you know you've thought you were they came to your home whatever you gave them the dowa they accepted Islam what do you need to give them before they leave in case you never see them again you have at least have the message correctly yes as much as you can in that one opportunity so i sat with a group of the art from the cutter gas center here in Qatar I was in charge of the Duat at that time but when did you do the show how long how long ago was this it was maybe I think it was about 20 2006 Wow yeah well sure about 13 years ago Safina and the idea having done it was to send it out to Dawa centers around the world but and this was agreed upon and everything but later on there was a change of administration and the new people came in they weren't that concerned about the DAO around the world this thing was there let's just focus on here so it was squashed but hopefully inshallah we'll find a way to get this out you know as a manual I mean of course people different circumstances different people you know different countries you know they may modify it add to it remove from it we're not saying this is the final word yeah you know we're just saying this is a version you know which which is specifically designed and I don't know of any other versions I didn't know of any other I mean what was written specifically for it new Muslim I didn't know you'd done the book I mean I came across your online course for new Muslims about seven years ago I was as I used to invite new Muslims to my house you know we'd have tea and coffee and we would actually show your video because that's a part of the your website as well the new Muslim training you would give a lecture and then you would have like a multiple-choice Q&A and it's very beneficial well I didn't know you had this well you know I wrote the book first then we gathered a of about 30 new Muslims in Ramadan and I taught it to them masha'Allah you know implemented team we had a brother by the name of sin Tilian who was Filipino in charge of recording in fin' our here in Qatar and he used his equipment and recorded the the class for the first day the series of classes that made it up and also we did the second level which was called the first week hmm you know but of course even the first week though we call it the first week this in terms of use in AD our Center may vary that may be the first month for somebody else depending on how many days a week they can come to the center hmm you know if they were able to come every day then you know we'd use it there but otherwise it could be for two months you're only able to come come one day a week I think the important the important thing about it is that there is another step after the Shahada because the law of the Dawa finishes with the Shahada yeah that is a big mistake and immediately you have to pray the the Salah should begin then yeah and then because of the Salah as you mentioned here point one would oh you know being you know being in a state of purity of cleanliness you know to begin that journey and these are things that people don't actually think of I've seen many people they don't mention the seller so people become a Muslim and then it's time to pray we thought we're going to pray and they'll leave the new Muslim behind instead of bringing him along taking him doing will do going to the Salah sure and that is the important point new Muslims have been a new Muslim for a year two years they still didn't know how to mix a lot Japan no because no importance was given - it from the very beginning and the people would always say okay you know you're a new Muslim don't worry about it you know you can learn it eventually whenever you get the chance so it was like downplayed where our thing was the next solo hmm you need to take them to that Salah and pray it with them hmm right next to them let them follow you let them understand you know that this Salah is so important you need to learn it right away you know at least as much as you can and it's teaching the new Muslim that look you have a responsibility now it's not just belief yeah it's great you know it is academically and you know it keeps you motivated it keeps you entertained you know but you have an obligation now to worship Allah this is what a Muslim is somebody who submits and worship so Allah so the first and second point is the widow and the Salah you know you've got that from the very beginning well actually before that we do ask the person hmm this is back to the tawheed itself okay I'm just saying that we have to make sure even a fight this is a precursor to yeah so we make sure you know why are you accepting Islam you know clear you know so we can advise them I miss them alone it has to be tell he check yeah because then one of the things that we ask them you know the comfortable Christian background you know I'm saying we will ask them like questions which are like in terms of your understanding what is the difference between Jesus and Christianity and Muhammad in Islam hmm you know what do you think okay or may ask them who are you obliged to worship in Islam you know are you still obliged to worship Jesus hmm or is it God alone or when you become a Muslim are you obliged now to worship Muhammad ya see to give them a check and understanding check have they understood what it is they're actually accepting this is to worship God alone no we don't worship Muhammad instead of Jesus so you're just switching one with the other that's what a lot of people come in and people might think oh well that's obvious but Sheikh he's not obvious enough you know I'm a man in Manchester once I was on add our table and he said I accepted Islam with you guys meaning you Muslims yesterday so I thought okay let me just test him so I said what does God look like you know he said he has a gray beard and he sits on the cloud and he was being honest he was not pulling back back and then I said who is Jesus is that God's Son so I know this there's some people who maybe they're not involved in Dawa or you know they don't know I know it sounds like plain and obvious you know but it's not you know you really do need to tell people this needs a check so we'll see here you've got you know you're confirming the Islamic perspective of tawheed and Jesus isolates on specifically of course because obviously most of the people they're coming from a background where they were worshipping Jesus you know and Jesus was God and they found they were worshipping God but in Jesus they were worshipping so we have to make sure that that idea is clearly rejected in their minds they've understood that no more Jesus none that you white Jesus out no of course Jesus was a prophet of God as Muhammad may God's peace and blessings be upon both of them we're prophets of God you know he was in prophet of God also so before the Shahada we need to ask them a few questions make sure they've understood the last time what they get an inch either it's before the Shahada or if somebody brings somebody with them and says his brother has just taken Shahada hmm you know because it could come both ways right so and sometimes you know when I used to give the Kaaba in in fanaa Masjid you know they afterwards they would bring people who were taking shots you know normally there the practice was just to bring them line them up you know they all raised their fingers and ization did you understand do you understand what this is have you understood somebody's explained to you you know God is you know you know I would always you know stop it and and try to change that approach because it was more they were using it more as a you know a plenty stunt or you could say to give that new Muslim you know a sense of the whole people saying you know they come up everybody get masala but you know I I have witnessed this as well you know I remember I went to a village in Malawi I was within an organization and was only there ten minutes and the truck was full of clothes and food you know what gifts and everyone's got their eye on this truck you know and I was selling this they said you know he wants to become a mostly everyone I said guys relax you know let's run the message I speak you know it's not about numbers it's about how many you conveyed the message to that's where you're you know when you know that's what you should be counting you know how many people you successfully conveyed the message to and sure enough they all became a well the old took Shahada I was not happy with it and from what I know I've heard that that village is no longer Muslim or were they ever Muslim I'm not going to say they left Islam I know for certain they didn't know what Islam was you know and that's the fault of the Muslims sure you know and so I think this is really important you know so yeah thanks for taking me back to that so the first part is making sure you know educating them on on the Shahada even if they've already took the Shahada you know yeah because you know it could be repeating the Shahada you know without understanding what it actually means you know an interesting point here is well Sheikh I want to clarify that you know some brothers they kind of how he check the new Muslims so they might ask you a question and they might not know the answer well they sincere I for instance I say where is Allah and the new Muslim you say everywhere nah oh look kafir you know or whatever they write him off instead of the same another yeah you know instead of just saying you know educating the brother don't you know okay you don't have to yeah yeah understand you don't have to hear that the key is they understand it's a long ways to be worshipped but even when it is that deep understanding this guy's on a journey you know he's a new Muslim you know he doesn't know everything in the beginning but it doesn't mean because he got the answer wrong these it doesn't care you know this doesn't say so that's important it's gotta be moderate yeah you're dealing with the person newly has entered Islam or is about to newly enter Islam then you you you only need to check on the basics yeah what is the basics hmm you know do they understand that it is a law alone to be worshipped yeah that's the key they understood is just Allah alone yeah he is not visible hmm that we can see him with our eyes in this life you know so there's nobody who come around and tell you well I'm Allah listen nobody tell you that no he is not Allah he can't be Allah you know no difference between that kind of belief and believe that Jesus was God yeah and then you go straight into voodoo Sala yeah yeah I do because we do needs to proceed solo yeah we need to show them go through them the process with them don't just tell them go make wudu go we have a some other people are doing it you see what they do and just do it like they do here no you know give them something of an understanding like why are we making wudu you know at least the core idea of purification from sin hmm that we are purifying ourselves you know before going to worship Allah and also that this is also preparation for the prayer itself you know that if you don't do your will do properly then that's going to affect your prayer you know when the provost Elam went to the point of having a man repeats his whole will do because he had you know just a spot on the back of his foot I mean with a big enough spot you know on the back of his foot which was dry didn't wash it he flashed it yeah so we let him know that no you need to do it completely your fleet will do and that this me says psychologically you know spiritually mentally that you are preparing yourself to worship Allah so that when they actually come in now for the prayer they're coming in with that frame of mind you know so that it is the precursor near for Salah you know so we try to give them an understanding to that whatever we're teaching them we know we have to teach them the ritual but we need to teach them the understanding behind the ritual preparation so they don't just afterwards question themselves yeah you know a lot of ritual village yeah do we have to do this yeah you have to do it this way after you in that way this wisdoms anything there's no connection because they said okay you pass we'll make wudu what's the connection between dancing win making wudu hmm you know yeah because in the church you just go past me nobody knows you know it was you no problem doesn't affect your worship but now hey this is really a no another level you know because even in the army when people all stand up you know you're doing your thing you know people pass wind all the time but hey this is like a whole nother level yeah you know so we need to let them understand why why do we need this other level because we're not worshipping Allah mm you know it is so part of self control you know we control ourselves from doing this period yeah yeah so that's very there was very yeah you know so many benefits to it you know not just passing wind but intercourse everything you're planning your whole day and life around the Salah subhanAllah you know and then what I like about your second point is prayer in the Masjid yeah because when I first became a Muslim that's how I learned how to pray go into the Masjid I'm praying in the congregation you know getting into the habit of praying with you know following people because when I was at home I was like this you know I have the book in one hand and you know and I've got the laptop there Charlie what when I was going to the Masjid you follow you know you follow and you learn it yeah you learn much more rapidly than trying to do it yes Oh Pamela so even if if the machine is you know a bit of a distance from your house you should still try to make that effort to go you know because it's gonna you know especially as a new Muslim it's important that you in that is Islamic environment with the Muslims you know the next the next one you've got pairing the convert yeah this is the concept of the mahadji rule and the answer the Prophet SAW Solomon when he came to Medina he paired the Muslims mahadji would be become a brother actually who would actually inherit of course later Allah corrected that you know changed that but initially that was his HT had problems HT odd they they were paired you know and even some of the the the ants are you know of Medina who had you know wives they were they even offered to divorce some of their wives so that the mahadji rule who are coming to them could have a wife to marry you know they reach that kind of a level from Hannibal you know so the point is that the pairing because that new Muslim you know if you just leave him on or live her honor their own hmm then Shaitaan of course this is the time when they're the most vulnerable hmm you know so schita will be coming at them really full strength because they failed and these people have actually accepted Islam Shaitaan they just lost some money you know so they're gonna declare war or not before it is confirm you know coming at them left they need to have somebody there who will be ready to help them answer any questions they have you know go with also financially yeah financially if you're able yeah you know they should try to help the situation is you know you know when someone accepts Islam chef I use the example that most new Muslims have been on the sinking ship that you know the eyewear washes there on the in the cedar the ship this they've got to that stage where they're they've hit rock rock bottom and they've called out to Allah for help and you find a lot of new Muslims the ones who have had difficulty in life you know they've had they've reached that stage where they've got nothing else in the ask Allah you know is of course we do have we do find rich people that accept Islam as well or for the majority of people people who have had a struggle in life and you find a lot of them do need financial help as well an example was you know Salman al-farsi you know so finally the story of when he accepted Islam where the prophecy encouraged well-ordered the Companions to help free him financially helping you know bring the date-palms and upon Allah so that's an important point as well so it's not just spiritually and you know showing them the slice in their companion as well yeah looking out for them checking up on them you know crawling up you know how are you doing how's things going having any problems can I help you yeah you know like this you know ending up to the Masjid Sheikh the next one you've got letter to the Imam well letter to the Imam you know what happens oftentimes when a new Muslim accepts Islam and this is gonna be we talk about males especially in the countries where women don't normally go to the Masters and things like this right in other countries where they do it could apply to them also but then generally the men when you as a new Muslim you come in to the Masjid you know there are all these people there you don't know them they're completely unrelated to you you have no connection with them you know you come in here a little shaky you know and then you know of course when you walk in often times people turn and look at you you think oh oh boy what have I done wrong yes I'm getting scared and you know these kind of things so the idea is you go to the Imam my head we write a letter to the Imam which says you know this is a new Muslim please help him out you know help him to get accustom to settle into the Jamaa the community etc so that becomes the responsibility of that Imam to help you introduce him to the other people that are there this is a new Muslim brother you know so and so she can help him help her and so you know like this yeah so he feels the comfort and support of the community from the beginning hmm you know that makes a big difference move a lot of people so important for them to feel comfortable going into the massacres we tell them yes pray in the mass and you take them with you and make that first prayer in the Masjid but you know after you leave them on their own they have to go back in that mass suit all by themselves yeah you know for people who have not experienced that they might think I don't know be Muslim but you know I didn't go I fasted Ramadan on my own I've not even took Shahada I was scared to go in the Masjid I didn't know what to expect and I took showers in Egypt and when I came back I went to this mushy but I only went there because I thought it was a school if I knew there's a machine I never would have gone because as a non-muslim you hear all these stories you have all these misconceptions and it's not easy it's far especially when you don't look like everyone else you know as much as I do you know you're going to a certain mosque and you know they're looking at you or a stranger so I like this one letter to the Imam because this could also be like going around and educating the Muslims about helping new Muslims as well you know doing courses talks to trying to kind of create awareness about throughout this I like that shake then you move on to hustle so you you know that's going to the next step clarify because some people they say well no they have to make a whistle before they pick Shahadah yeah I've seen there's no yeah and it's a position held some scholars sell that like the born-again Christians when they don't come in the yeah baptism yeah okay cool it but no it's not a requirement so and you know you don't need to delay things with the issue of the also but you do need to teach them about the whistle you know because once once they enter Islam you know everything before it's cut off so we'll do is enough for them to go and pray but now after that if they have sexual relations so you have to tell them about also so now the next thing you need to teach them right is how to make also hmm you know in the simplest form because that's an issue a lot of times people don't tell them about this you know they don't inform them about the whistle so they may go and pray with just food oh yeah when they needed a whistle and so then the next one you have and ever have a story about this but she's covering the hora now it sounds so obvious but I had a new Muslim funny enough as I said I used to have these weekly classes at my house we used to go through your online program and one of the new Muslims came he's not a new Muslim it's been missing like 15 years and at this point he told me a story when he'd been Muslim for three years and he was working and the his boss came to pick him up from work he's a Muslim guy he's building the horn so he's rushing out the house he came out and he said to his boss he's busted what was you doing he said well I got up I got out of bed I had a shower I prayed and I got dressed and I come so he said say that again he said that you know I woke up I had a shower I prayed and I got dressed like I come sorry I'm late he said did you do it in the order you know did you know did you pray with no clothes up he said oh yeah you know that's how I pray in the morning because he didn't know he thought you know natural and super Allah he pray make it make it no I forgive him he exits in inshallah oh so polite you know a lot of these things sound so obvious as anonymous him you don't know sir you have no idea and you know our of course and Rob so many factors both females and males you know that if you don't give them the basics you know then it's very easy for them not to do the basics because the whole society around them is a permissive society which encourages nudity an exposure of the aura so then how do you expect them to realize this you know for the the seventh one you have the no mention in the prohibitions you know the major prohibitions of Islam so educating them more of course basic ones of alcohol hmm you know if you don't tell them mmm they're gonna be a Muslim and still be drinking alcohol yeah and if you just tell them in general you know we must have don't drink alcohol they will say well they will think because I've heard you know a new Muslim say well you know um you know we just have a glass of wine you know on Sunday you know with our Sunday meal yeah but then I'm not drinking you know hard liquor I'm not drinking scotch and whiskey and you know this thing I've given all that up but I still you know keep with the this is included a knock boyfriend and girlfriends as well tsubame yeah these tarnation's hmm yeah so finally the next one a good one Marshall family advice you know because the new Muslim as you said Shaitaan is just declared war on him and he's gonna come from every direction you know being able to cope with the family yeah I'm sure you have many stories yes people been told I remember one brother Jewish brother who accepted Islam there and in London and you know I was discussing me there and like you know he told me that you know his parents after he accepted Islam his parents called him up he informed them they they got together and they met the family and then they called him up and said last night we prayed the funeral prayer for you Salah to janazah don't even call us don't even you don't finish people can get to that extreme I'm like a classic yeah you know all kinds of problems they can get with them have with the family you know sometimes people even the later Islam you know because their wives or their husbands you know so you have to help them work that out okay for someone who's in that situation and would you advise them not to tell their family well if they tell if they say well is if my family find out they're gonna kick me out and all these other kind of things and I don't have any place to go you can hide it you don't have to inform them you know I know you are in a position to to inform them you can you can take care of yourself you know you got married or whatever you know so you have a means sure yeah I advise that and you know also you don't need to go into you know okay listen you just got you just accepted Islam your husband who you've been married to for the last fifteen years and you've got eight ten kids with you know you are now he is haram to you this is something you know oh it is a major issue you know you know you you you can feel it out with the mm because if that's going to stop them from accepting Islam then it's better to let it go for you know let them build their Iman strength because better yeah that they commit fornication yeah tanaka-san was a Muslim then to not commit fornication mm-hmm and and be a non-muslim hmm you know you know because of course the non-muslim you know having sex with your husband is ha hmm it's not fornication yeah so it is better for them to have accepted Islam and be breaking that rule hmm then for them not so just to clarify for those who might not know you know if somebody does if a woman I should say comes into Islam and her husband is not a Muslim the general rule is that they would have to eventually well they should that marriage marriage is stopped but as you're saying now just for those who don't know that you have to weigh your hope you have to use wisdom you know because the main thing is that they become a Muslim are you saying if that's going to prevent them then you know you have to be very careful not to their their marriage you know it's put on hold here because if the husband accepts Islam afterwards then yeah they don't have to remarry cuz some people think okay yeah I've done that you have to go remarry now umm Salama you know she shown yes yeah she then later he she came to Medina and he was still keen and then she said okay you know I'll make the mahara your acceptance of Islam yeah so when you accepted Islam they carried on as husband and wife didn't do any marriage they just carried on the next one you have is the seasonal acts of worship what do you mean by this seasonal acts of worship meaning Hajj Ramadan you know these are seasons around the earth should let them be aware of these it's likely that when they accept Islam either one is coming up you know or they're in the middle of one mmm you know or it just came out of one yeah right so just to inform them give them an understanding of what those were about especially if it's one they're just going into all right that they may be taking part either its fasting mmm or it could be for Hajj if they have the means financial means it's such a go for the hatch yeah yeah so again if somebody accepts Islam at the start of Ramadan they should class they have to fast yes some people say oh no don't worry yeah eventually you need to fast yeah and then you have the gift gift package you've got a big list of different things you know these different things of gifts that you could possibly use for centers yeah for Islamic centres it could be for you as an individual yeah you know the new Muslim give them a Sajjad ah you know for women fair ground you know how to pray and so they have something simple that can they put on it'll cover them up right and they pray in an acceptable way I mean of course you've explained to them about our abut you know they're not gonna just change their wardrobe overnight all of a sudden you know they were half naked no they're completely covered okay you explain the thing to them but you still allow them time to so what are they gonna do in between so what it is can they should go and cram these things hmm no give them a prayer down he you know they have this one piece that they put over and here is everything except they can put that on easy for them to put it on for prayer and for the men is he damned between the navel and the knee yeah you know a lot of people trying to get you wear to wear a certain attire yeah mostly in clothes you know or change your name well you don't need to this is two different things but in terms of the dress for the man we should make it clear that for the man his hour is between the navel and the me and for that hour to be covered it's only considered covered if the garment is loose so western pants which were designed to expose the hour for the most part are not acceptable for prayer so at least this area should be loose and if it's not loose then at least for your prayer purposes you know you have you know a sarong or a long gear whatever that you put on at the time of prayer nor to at least fulfill that basic requirement and then you should look about changing your wardrobe to more loosely fitting garments which will not expose your our you know how many times you go in the Masjid and these guys make Recor in front of you and I was even a bigger calamity you know besides you know doing to the people behind them you know what they do to their own soul ah you know one of the one of the conditions for the acceptability of soul is Saturn allow recovering the outer yeah you know yeah just like for her shock I found it it's very good hamdullah and as you said you know there's a lot of you you've actually played a big role in many dour senses so Paula everywhere I go seems to be you know following dr. Bayliss of haha I went to UAE Saudi Qatar you know different places places in UK Canada wherever there Africa you know and hamdullah you've played it you know you've always focused and helped the new Muslims you know especially in our senses you know and it's upon Allah well be a new Muslim myself yeah you know I feel for them yeah I mean it's natural that I'm going to have a greater care and concern to ensure that they are helped in one way or another so that is always you know in the back of my mind whenever I'm writing you know whenever I'm lecturing you know to to always look out for a potential new Muslims or to help the new Muslims of any different here because I know the struggle that it was to gain enough knowledge to be able to practice Islam properly etc so naturally I'm going to be particularly concerned about them yeah I mean I guess alongside this you know because this is really like I you said the first day you know and then if you wish to speak about you know the first month or the beginning of a new Muslim I mean what how can we start to teach them about the beliefs of Islam what what would you recommend well I did another program like this you know it wasn't published in book form like this but it's also available on the Islamic online University website in the free Diploma on our campus you know where you can take the course it's called the first week so in that we now start to introduce some of the basic teachings you know of Islam you know in more in-depth that they can study systematically something a Makeda something of Quran you know with tafseer something of the hadith you know with interpretation plus also the fit you know the application now of the Quran and the Sunnah in our life in a very basic and then zero you know and some Arabic yes you know our basic Arabic enough you have to be able to start to read the Quran you know to be able to say what you need to say in the prayer you know so the the first week goes into some of those very basic Thanks and then after that then the the third level would be the first month you know which is and this is assuming that people are able to come there every day a week you know otherwise the first day you know they may only be able to come to you for an hour no you can't fit all of this into our so maybe they're only coming once a week in that hour so this first day may end up being your first month because you wanna sing them for one hour you know one day a week so so you have to go we've given these numbers and this is the ideal you know if the person is able to come with you and sit with you that full day see now with with technology people could actually listen to this in their car on the way to work yeah or on the bus you know so all that time which would be wasted driving to work or back you know you could actually listen to it anyway so that's a good way and eventually they could and also you have your books as well which may be a bit later on you know the Islamic studies series you know you know I have one all your foundations of Islam for books right yes Fourier series that expands on on all the the basic information the only thing missing from it is the Sira section and in the book one book which I edited called I think it's it's all level or level preparation for all level Islam those who are going to do the O level in the exams so we put together there a Serie section which is very brief and simplified for the non-muslim mashallah and then you have your book on tawheed and evolution effect you know maybe a bit later on as well yeah so martial artists did we have everything as available yeah I mean when I accepted Islam back in 1972 yeah there was nothing there are no books chiffon actually the only books that were available were comedy you know Qadiani books you know that's the Ahmed Quran you know Mawlana was his name Mohammed Mohammed Ali Mohammed Ali was the English you know translation first English translation by Sunni Muslim but this is another forgotten his name but his name is something Ali also I think but that was the one which is available you know and one a book very thick book called the religion of Islam a thick book of truth Ahmed II which explains all the thick and hadith and the tafseer and all that's what I initially was available for me to read hmm you know Shekar I want to thank you for your work Shakalaka I mean it you know it's really for me especially me I mean I you know relied a lot on your work as a new Muslim you know because you just have any authored in English is so important because the translations of classical books had I mean they're a bit better now but even even when I first became to attend books written by a native speaker oh yes because you can't just you know but the person is not a native speaker of English and he'll be trapped here he'll be writing things he's writing it's conveying ideas he's writing it you know in English yeah but you know what did he mean yeah what is he trying to say you know so I mean I remember that probably the greatest you know calamity in translation that I have come across a member in the in the outcome center there in Singapore I went in and I and I saw this book you know they taught they showed me their syllabus what they're teaching Muslims and thing and he foreknew Muslims I saw this movie with Scott something like the religion of Islam something like that you know medium-size hundred pages hundred eighty pages and I was flipping through and I went to tawheed belief and what they had there was Greek philosophy it's so complex and complicated I couldn't understand it and my major was Akita this was my area of specialization I couldn't understand it so I asked even the brother was in charge of the center the tower said what did you understand from this I could minister too much nothing brother you don't need to be giving you Muslims and I went on further you know I found in the book they were talking about things you know which it's common in the subcontinent you know they were talking about for example with with diagrams how to wipe your behind according to the Sunnah you know after defecating oh you know that you know with visuals well I didn't get to the actual detail but I showed the the directions they said you know in the winter you should you should do it counterclockwise when you're wiping your behind and in the summer you do it clockwise and further when they're talking about you know things which will break your will do and you have to make goose or you know we'll do for it they talked about if you have sex with a fish these Muslims are some really crazy stuff it is shake you know but you know where it came from you know where it came from these are from classical books which written from Hanafy Fick where they do in fact discuss these matters you're there you know they've went into this this is speculative fake you know scholars speculated you know to work out issues and problems before they occur is the approach right they especially the Hanafy yeah so they amongst the points of discussion the thing was okay what happens if you have sex with a fish you know what you would do still be good okay they were doing it respect you know yeah fit continents and things like this but it's not this is not suitable for a new Muslim or for regular practicing Muslim to have to read this stuff you know brother please this book you need to burn it don't let any you know a new Muslim or non-muslim come and see this book is going to really put a bad you know understanding in whose minds you know I had one down so I'm not going to name the tower sensor but it's in the Middle East so they put this Salah book together and add up so they said can you just have a look at it we've already printed half a million of them but we want you to check it we sure it's okay I checked it he said when you go into Roku you put your hands on your ankles on your ankles what we meant Romanies but translate you know what that could do this time he you can't put it out you know of course when you told them that listen you need to recall all of these yeah they didn't give any out hamdullah oh it's a waste hmm no but yeah I've just got a sticker which says you know that our ankles knees and then just stick it in boy it's probably cheaper and easier just you know gravity poised so just you know and they're not show of money this particular organization hundred a book this is outlining the importance of having a native speaker he's writing for a particular audience like your work you say this is for a particular audience brand new Muslim your study books I thought the the middle step you know and then your other books like how he'd and other ones are maybe a bit more someone who's getting a bit more advanced or you have an intention before you start you know of who you're writing for and it really does show yeah it really shows so just occultation it's been a long journey here and thank you for your work and I'm Dena I just I'm gonna ask you publicly because otherwise we might not get it off you but we want is to finish or solo fit and then and then your collection is finished I'm the life in shell in mind and just push down for long time but inshallah inshallah her share maybe we can leave it there and just like okay so please join us next time for another episode of young smirks and we'll see you next time son American saliva but a cat [Laughter] no more Beeman soon [Music] Oh
Channel: Bilal Philips
Views: 2,912
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: Khutbah, english sermon, islamic lecture, muslim scholar, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips, shaykh, Advice to New Muslims, first day, John Fontain, Young Smirks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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