First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1505-1507 March 28th, 2021 Sunday AM Service HQ Live Stream.

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some were asking me last year so many are we gonna have convention 2021 if the virus is still here i told them if god be my helper if the virus would be here for the next hundred years and if i'd be here for the next hundred years if that's god's will we gonna have church and we're gonna wish up god in spirit and in truth all right uh let me see where we are so how many got baptized so far two in headquarters and two in detroit four and bronx four in las vegas nevada six in the netherlands and 26 in chicago [Applause] i told you god haven't retired you don't find this being done nowhere else it has nothing to do with pathogens this is the lord's doing jesus said upon this rock i'll build my church i believe that and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it well i don't see hell prevailing against the work of god here souls are repenting and going down in the water in the name of jesus christ and receiving the baptism of the holy ghost i received a text from our minister in houston texas minister went telling me how they had all night praying or spirit of god fell until you had those that came through speaking in tom received the baptism of the holy ghost so all that's encouraging that's right to see that god is still fulfilling his word despite what's happening in the world the activities of the world is not designed to handicap god in fact what goes on in the world fulfills prophecy all of it fulfills prophecy when you search the scriptures there was a great persecution upon the church but that didn't stop souls from coming to walk with god judgment in the midst of that persecution holy ghost still fell the baptism in the name of jesus christ still was given and mightily grew the word of the lord and that's what's happening now i want to greet all the brothers and sisters that are watching around the world i agreed all the thanks bear in jamaica the restrictions is back up again in jamaica they were dropped for a while and now they back up for about three weeks but i want to thank all the ministers everywhere that are being faithful to the work of god whether it's in person going to the temples or whether it's by zoom getting the message of god out to the people and uh i'm glad for zuma we can zoom in on you i'm glad that the word is being fulfilled that men have sought out many inventions so when they come up with these inventions we try to figure out how can we use it for god's glory and i'm pretty sure they're going to be something else that come out in a form of media and uh we're going to see how can we use it they got the wrist watch now phone well they pretty much replicated what they saw on television over 40 50 years ago the most secret agent movies well you can turn on the truth of god now see whether it's time to go to heaven to hell ah amen i say what time it is oh man it's time for you to get right with god so it's it's it's where now you can look at it on your phone look at it on your wrist you can carry your computer around under your arm yet these are the things of the world that's right that's right we're using the things of the world that's right but not abusing it and abusing it we're using it for god's glory now we got in the works i thank god for this campus and the amount of room that he have given us to work for god's glory we are now working on our new studio the truth of god studio 27 that's being worked on now amen take one of the classrooms over there and the classrooms are pretty spacious and we're turning one of them to our broadcast studio we have a desk we have a destiny amen and we have put together the color scheme and we'll be able to uh interview folks and interview heathens amen have enemies on some of the talk programs and amen be able to give some truth of god news reports amen so we'll be able to use that studio for god's glory everything is coming together the way god showed us many years ago it's coming together and i love to see things come to pass that the lord have said he can't lie he have never lied never will lie when i look at man well most of them are liars very few people you'll meet in life that won't lie but god i can depend on him never lie you know when i was a child he wasn't allowed to say you lie we said you told a story you're telling a story you're lying that's right when i was a child i couldn't call you a liar i'm a man now i'm telling you you're a liar amen so but we are grateful studio 27. wonderful truth of god studio 27. so uh when we're actually live you'll see a red light on the outside like a little siren by the way i let you know we're live in action and nobody will be allowed in those areas amen we'll be able to broadcast live i'll be able to sit uh behind the desks and uh webcasts if need be to the foreign countries be able to interview ministers and be able to interview other religious leaders get into some good wholesome discussions hopefully there's no scuffles that'll break out in the studio amen they made me think of back in the 70s when i was a child when ali and frasier was amen they were the two boxing names and was being interviewed and they were scuffling all on the floor ali said watch it man and it was all on the floor tussling well that's over colonel but do you know people hate this message so bad don't be surprised if they jump out the chair and try to choke you that's right i mean they hate this thing that's right amen if they killed jesus what you think they do to you that's right amen amen so whatever guest we invite amen we're going we're going to have you search because you're of the devil amen we're going to have the truth of god's security team searching if you don't want to be searched then you ain't coming in someone said don't you trust me well i got the holy ghost give me job job chapter 15 and verse 15. amen job 15 i don't care if you got so much holy ghost until you can see the wings of the angel the left wing and your left pupil and your right wing and the right pupil that's right and in the center of your forehead there's one eye there listen at this now job 15 and verse 15. behold he put us no trust heart talking how he feel about his own people behold he put us no trust he said he put no trust in his saints and his saints yeah the heavens are not clean is not even clean in his sight how much more abominable and filthy much more abominable and [Music] amen so before you come to the studio you'll find the brother says spread them amen spread them i don't care if you got a backward priest collar off that's right we're going to search down your collar amen amen amen make sure there's nothing you want to bring in and the sisters will check out the sisters someone say you go into a few women yes i would love to interview some of you women preachers yes i want to know where you get your calling from amen sure we're going we're going to strike this out with amen we're going to strike it out with bible so we're going to have a table kind of shaped like a you you know and folks will be sitting around the table but i'm also going to have an area where they can sit out there well i would have a desk out there with a microphone uh at the mouth of the guests also so uh we just want to be able to utilize everything everything to uh not only get the truth to the people but to expose that which claim to be truth i would love to get gay right activists there oh yes amen i would love to get them there i want to know why you don't want to be a man that's right amen i want to give you the chance to tell your story amen you telling a story oh yeah you telling a story that's right and i want to know why you want to tell your story chapter after chapter and we're going to compare your story with bible story that's right amen amen we want to see the of those who picked up your lifestyle yeah that way you would know how you're going to end up that's right that's fair isn't it that's right i want to intro interview baptist preachers don't say well why i want to know where your religion comes from i want to interview catholic priests i want to know why you're forbidden to marry that's right and if you are forbid to marry how is it marriage don't work for you but it worked for your first pope that's right who you called peter yeah he was a married man because the word of god says how the lord healed his mother-in-law you don't get a mother-in-law by crocheting no you've got to marry some woman's daughter that's right amen so studio 27 will work out good and i know there are a lot of false prophets who are going to want me to have them on and if you seek attention i ain't giving it to you no no no no not at all but uh i would love to get big false prophets blue whale false prophets amen you see you got blue whales the blue well i'm told is the largest in the sea that's right you know so the the ones that are blue whale false prophets you know blue whale false prophets and they they are the td jakes the blue whale false prophets uh the creflo dollars the benny hens and the joel osteen them the kind you don't use a little hook you harpooned them that's right amen you harpooned them and remove the blubber and pull back the fat and expose the lies that's right you ask hard questions amen if they claim they sent of god they should be able to answer those hard questions like the bible said about daniel that's right it was able to break down and dissolve hard sentences amen so yes i i definitely will send them an invitation i will welcome them to come that's right and so we can have a bible discussion that's right i would love to uh get some of the democrats politicians yeah i want to know why you're fighting for gay rights and what rights do a gay have in your eyes compared to god's eyes that's right that's right i would love to invite some of their skinheads yeah i want to know what make your skin better than mine that's right i would like to know that that's right i would like to invite some oh good old-fashioned southern clansmen you know because they claim they're christians that's right and i want to know that jesus just died for you while you got on pillowcases and sheets that's right i want to get full usage think not that i am coming to send peace on earth in the book of saint matthew chapter 10 and that verse 34. we don't have that we're not going to have that studio to be peaceful no no oh no i don't even want you to think that way that's right jesus said think not that i am come to send peace on earth i came not to send peace but a sword amen but what but a sword amen that's what makes this gospel so strong and so beautiful yeah anybody get a sword they don't give the sword ain't used to shave with that's right you can try shaving with it god help you amen you do more than have nicks you know men every man don't shave with the razor yeah but we men that shave with the razor sometimes we don't realize there's a nick that's right that blade is so sharp until later on you see the blood start coming through that little spot on your skin that's right why you shave real close brother the word of god shave your clothes oh yeah so yes so i look forward for this once we get this done and and uh we'll have our interviews and whatnot and we're going to give some the invitation the invitation now you won't be allowed that like a fool even if you want to yeah because we'll usher you out right on live television that's right that's real well that's right oh yes oh yes we will and you won't be able to stand in that studio and say i'm not going we don't play that no oh no you can't stand and say i'm not going nowhere because now you're telling a story that's right that's right you're telling a story now you're lying to yourself that's right all right williams open the word of truth amen anywhere amen and let's get busy in the book of colossians chapter one and at verse one all right paul an apostle of jesus christ by the will of god paul an apostle the apostle paul was an ambassador that's right of the lord jesus what is an ambassador one that have authority that's right from authority to represent authority he's not allowed to bring his own personal views or self-made policies that's right he must bring the policies of the country that it represents that's right so the apostles were ambassadors that's right get this ambassadors in the book of first second corinthians come on now real quick second corinthians chapter five and at verse 20. what is it now then now then we are ambassadors for christ we are we are representatives for christ for christ as though god did beseech you by us oh that's what god did he beseeched the world by us by the apostles in other words he used the apostles to call the attention of creation that's right to god's will so an ambassador the apostles being the ambassadors of god was sent by authority to represent authority and just like the natural ambassador of a country don't go to another country bringing his personal policies that's right he brings the policies of the country that it represents that's right the preacher who's supposed to be god's ambassador he must bring the policies of god that's right that's what the truth of god is centered around viewers that's right heaven sent policies that's right williams is my policyholder amen amen i'm over there to bring you life insurance that's right that's right the truth of god is a life insurance policy that's right how long do it last it take you from this life and bring it right over thank god to the life that come all you got to do is invest that's right your mind soul body and spirit that's right and to the hallelujah gloria take god into the policies of god by the truth listen in proverbs 23 i'm coming to you now to bring you this holy life insurance policy that's right i'm knocking on your screen now do you see me now this is how you got to get it give chapter and verse proverbs chapter 23 and verse 23. what should they do with him by the truth buy it on viewers amen we've got a policy they give you what should they do with buy the truth buy it that's right buy the truth how about your calls pastor jennings your life that's right this is a policy so great you can't put a price on it that's right it's priceless amen you know you can get it and don't even have no money oh everyone that thirsted oh everyone that thirsts you better give chapter and verse in isaiah chapter 55 and at verse one everyone that's dusty come ye to the water come on and he that has no water and he that don't have a dime come ye here buy and eat buy and eat yay come buy wine and milk come get wine and milk without money you can get it without money and without price oh is it god amen someone said how can i get wine and milk without money it's not money and yet without price wine represent the blood of jesus that's right you see you just can't read stuff and it's just the lord just i just have to see these things by god's permission that's right he wants you to get wine and milk without money now when you get the wine you get the blood of christ this cut here and the way you get the blood you got to repent of your sins and go down in water in the name of jesus christ because remember when they pierce him in the side out came blood and water that's right so he said come by and get wine and milk and milk so the wine is the blood of jesus and the milk is the wisdom of jesus as newborn babes the bible says to the apostles first peter chapter two and verse two as newborn man beside the sins of the messiah milk of the word the milk is of what of the word because of what of the word if i drink it what's the result that she may grow their bodies [Laughter] the bible telling me to buy something but didn't say don't use money that's right let me give you some education now buy just represent an exchange that's right that's all that is that's right when you're buying you exchange that's right so god wants you to exchange that's right your life for his promise that's right that's right that's right for it's a god amen if you want god's promise hallelujah you got the exchange that's right so you got to come on and offer yourself that's right to you hallelujah glory to god you are the sacrifice here that's right and you got the exchange he's offering you why why if you bring god your life he's offering you blood that's right that's right if you bring god your life he's offering you blood he's offering you wine and milk he's offering your blood and wisdom once you repent of your sins that's right go down in water in the name of jesus christ that's right we have redemption through his blood and his blood and the forgiveness of sins that's right and after you come and give up and surrender and take on this name by water baptism in the name of jesus christ you're covered by that blood and now you become and you learn the milk of god that's right the wisdom is of god is called milk the reason why it's called milk because that lets you know a beginner is just starting as newborn babes as what as newborn babies as newborn babe desire the sincere milk of the world that's why the bible call it milk because you're a newborn that's right you have just been born again hallelujah hallelujah yeah you just got started that's right blessed be the name of god that's right you just went down in water and the wine of god the blood of the son of man have washed away your sin that's right now will you come out the water walking in newness of life now we have to give you milk that's right why because you don't have skill yet that's right in the word of righteousness so i have to take the hard teaching of god and break it down that's right that's right yeah i don't go hallelujah glory to god should you see what i'm telling you as newborn baby you know any mother you know she eat that collard greens turnip greens yeah black-eyed peas pinto beans fish oh glory to god that's right and uh the chemicals in her body break it down till it forms into a milk formula that's right that's how she can healthy breastfeed her child don't want to be smoking don't want to be drinking yeah don't want to be taking that alcohol that's right and you don't want to eat unhealthy because what you eat your child eats that's right that's the way it is spiritual spiritually whatever the false prophet eat his followers eat that's right if the devil feed him lies from hell he give them lies from hell that's right if god give the preacher manna from heaven he give them manna that's right from heaven that's right and as newborn babes you know when you eat so much and get sick and throw up you can't throw up what you didn't have no if you didn't have pound cake it ain't coming up that's right you didn't have a blackberry cobbler that's right oh praise the lord that ain't coming up no you didn't have no sweet potato pie thank you jesus it ain't coming up that's right do you see what i'm talking that's right amen what's in a man come out that's right so if the wisdom of god is not in him don't expect the wisdom of god to come out of him that's right if false teachings false ideology false concepts it's in him that expect that falsehood to come out of him if they speak not according to this word you hear the word of god not in isaiah chapter 8 and that verse 20. if they if they speak not according to this according to this word it is because there is no lie it is because there is there is no direction in them no light so i don't expect fall false prophet that's right they speak everything according to this word to this word that's right not according to this word a false prophet will say some things from the word that's right so it'll give the people a little confidence to trick them that's right to make them believe he's a bible preacher that's right see that's the work of satan yeah satan have a double tongue that's right speaking lie and truth and truth he integrated lie with truth that's right so all the devil preachers hear me well they have the spirit of their father the devil that's right they speak lie and truth and mix it yeah and because the congregations are ignorant of god's everlasting word they don't know what's bible that's right and they don't know what's opinion that's right they don't know what's bible they don't know what's philosophy they don't know what's bible they don't know what's theology that's right they don't know what's bible they don't know what's man-made that's right that's right so this is why we take our time and expose what's man made that's right because if we look back at our life and tell the truth a lot of our jumping a lot of our screaming a lot of our shout out was off a lot of man-made foolishness that's right that's right and by the mercy of god he didn't cut us off no because we didn't know no better that's right we meant well but we didn't know no better that's right go back to where you were let's go back to the foundation of the thing look at this now back in the book of colossians chapter one and that verse one parliament in colossians chapter one and verse one all right paul an apostle of jesus christ an apostol of jesus christ of jesus christ by the will of god like wait a minute how was he made an apostle by the will of god that alone eliminate man making you that's right an apostle is made by god will that's right it is not who you feel as though it should be an apostle oh no oh no they are made by the will of god holy by god's will that's right and timothy is our brother yes to the saints and faithful brethren in christ which are at colossae yes grace be unto you and peace from god our father and the lord jesus christ we give thanks to god and the faith we give thanks to god and the father about the lord jesus christ there's only one god that's right there's only one father and god is the father that's right and look at what it says we give thanks to god and the father you see the carnal mind and say and mean conjunction that's two there pathogen and no that's not two no it gets addressing the titles that he has that's it they'll let you know that god had the title father and the father have the title god that's right that's right that's all that's all that is we give thanks to god we're not all one father one father that's not one god not one god created us created us that's it ain't no conjunction here no we give thanks to god and the father to god we give thanks to god and the father of our lord jesus christ he's god and the father and he's the father of our lord jesus christ that means he's the creator and maker of the son of god that's right that's right amen did the father mean he's the creator and he created that body of flesh and blood that mary birth and that holy thing that was born of her was called the son of god that's right so just like god the father is the creator of the universe god the father also was the creator of the son of god the body of god the flesh and blood that came through prophecy that's right are you getting what i'm telling you we give thanks to god to strip these things sentence by sentence amen precept by precepts yeah hear it little and very little that's right that way it'll take away the hypocritical enthusiasm of a trinitarian that's right thank you getting happy over two or three i'mma snatch that right that's romantic hey man and when your head hits the floor so hard you're gonna wake up oh there is one god that's right yeah that's right it's just one god oh yes all right come on son we give thanks to god and the father of our lord jesus christ praying always for you now prayer praying always give me a little bit more juice uh brother scoleski if you will amen prayer is something that's of a necessity that's right among the church that's right that's right how often were they praying praying always for you now this is something that has been obsolete now in most churches yeah not much prayer at all that's right you got the singing and the jumping and people running around like they're in the indiana 500 that's right people trying to pray cute yeah that's right proper that's right trying to pray to be impressive that's right like these fake preachers yeah in fact one script jesus taught us this for pretense they make in the book of saint matthew real quick matthew chapter 23 and verse 14. what wants you scribes and feminists what did he call them hypocrites that justify me calling you that that's right scribes and pharisees and hypocrites hippocrates and a crit that's right all right first they devour widows hold it because for years that part haven't been elaborated on too much yeah the false prophets go in the house of the widow yeah to devour it that's right many of you watching now your preacher is trying to devour your house that's right or made an attempt to devour your house and try to use scripture yeah you know your husband died and may left you a few pennies and the preacher come in the midst of your grief and why you down and emotionally perplexed that's right he worked on you during this time of sympathy yeah try to maneuver his way that's right into your insurance policy and to your bank accounts that's right amen or into your bed that's true am i right isaac that's true the word of god said for ye devoured widow's house see the whole thing well i want to use stripes and pharisees no don't don't just don't just go right to the widow house right we have to get the beginning of the warning that's whoa whoa onto your scribes that's a warning that's right whoa that's a warning that's right making us aware something is coming amen why want you scribes and pharisees hypocrites scribes pharisees hypocrites for you devour widows houses they devour and they do too brother oh yeah them false prophets that come in your house quoting scriptures got you crying that's right and before they leave they got all your money that's true that's your insurance policy that's right making you believe that the way you get close to god give the preacher all your property yeah you know if somebody want to give the church their property that's them that's right but you got to be a child of hell to tell the people this is something you've got to do that's right and they try to use the book of acts of the apostles when their saints sowed their possessions and brought the money and laid it at the feet of the apostles and all that believes i want to give you chapter and verse for this and show you the slick heathen no good good rotten hypocritical hell deserving so-called many apostolic fraud that's right and even them that claim they're evangelical pentecostal and non-denominational amen listen acts chapter 2 we'll start at verse 43 follow me and fear came upon every soul fear there was the fear of god that's right not the fear of men no it was the fear of god that's right and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles listen and all that believed were together all believers were together if they truly believed god's word amen they'll be together and had all believing was written that's right and what and had all things come nobody was trying to outdo the other that's right and saw their possessions and goods and imparted them to all men as every man had need yes and they continuing daily with one accord in the temple now this was not a commandment no no they did it on their own free will that's right they did it on their own free will and saw their possessions and goods that wasn't a commandment so that's not doctrine from the apostles that's right that has to be done that's right that's right wonderful i'm taking this route because many of you apostolates are taught by your bishop yeah it's a sin for you to own your house yeah it's a sin for you to have a new car right it's a sin for you to have a bank account yet you got a church account that's right and the church is not the building the church account is the money of the saints that's used for god's glory that's right that's right that's right now in the book of acts chapter 4 and that verse 30. i want you to fill all three hits amen listen acts chapter 4 we're at verse 34. listen neither was there any among them were there any among them without for as many as were possessors of lands or houses so hold it that let you know everybody didn't do this no see they overlook the language of the bible for as much as many everybody didn't own houses or land that's right but those that had it as many for as many as were possessives of land possess land for houses or houses sold them sold them and brought the prices of the things that were sold they bought the prices of the things that were sold and laid them down at the end of the down at the apostle's fee and distribution was made why was distribution made because you had some folks that were lacking that's right and this was a method that the saints came together and had selling things that they owned so the members of the church who was less fortunate would not be uh without that's right it was a form of helping the needy that's right it wasn't doctrine if you don't sell your house you're going to hell no no if you don't sell your car you're going to hell that's right that's right that's your opinion yeah you see what they call the apostles doctrine apostle doctrine is this command that's right rule order have to be done right this was not doctrine no because the apostles didn't demand for them to do this no the bible told you who done it neither was there any among them that lacked for as many as were possessors of lands or houses you read with the apostles told the many that had it this is what i want you to do no the bible says as many for as many as we're possessing the plans that's land for houses houses sold them and brought the prices of the things that they do free will that's right that's right that's what it fulfills the scriptures looking at every man on his own things yeah put on the things of others churches looking out for each other that's right not trying to take advantage of trying to use each other that's right and laid them down at the apostles feet well and for you to lay what you sailed down at the apostles feet god truly had to have them so they can make distribution fairly that's right that's right not you bring it he benefit and yet you're still starving amen because that's the way it's done now yeah oh yeah get me bills and laid them down at the apostles feet oh if there's any church and i want you folks to listen and hear me if you got a bishop or would be a pastor or a jack-laid prophet or a hell-deserving elder or a two-cent deacon yeah that's telling you you've got to sell your property or go to hell that's a lie that's a lie that's not the apostles doctrine no that's a lie that's right someone said wait a minute pastor janice jesus said sell all you have and give to the poor who jesus was talking to that man was not in the church that's right that's right church haven't started yet no well wait a minute pastor general he left us an example all right if you're going to use that scripture you got to see what class that man was in that's right according to the bible that man was rich that's right and in the book of saying luke chapter 18 i think you see what i mean by writing dividing the book wonderful let's strip it let's strip it let's strip it let's strip it down with bible st luke chapter 18 we'll start at verse 19. this is what you fellas overlook amen understand now you give your property if you want to give your property to a church fine if they preaching the truth there's many folk gave property to the church right certainly they've done it legally deeds and all thank you that's right but we will never tell you you got to do it that's a lie that's a lie you ain't got to do that at all that's right it's your property i'm going to tell you like peter said wasn't it dinosaurs that's what they told anonymized in sapphire that's right wasn't it dino that's right they let them know you didn't have to lie no you didn't have to keep part of the price was that thine owned was it remained was it not that i know it remained was it not yours and after it was sold was it not in thine own time it's in your own power to do what you want with it i'll conceive this thing and die and conceive this thing in your heart to lie to the holy ghost god has not lied unto men who did you lie to but unto god amen so anonymizing sapphire was not killed because they owned property they was killed because they lied and represented the money of the prophet that's right that's right now let's skip the rich man who jesus was talking to now in the book of saint luke chapter 18 and verse 18. i want to put you on the right track because people they send me deeds and send me i got letters upstairs now people want to give me their land want to give me their land this part of the country that part of the country fine we thank you but i don't want no one to do it thinking if i don't give this property to the church i was tortured going to hell you can give the church everything you got and still go to hell that's right that's right you can give the preacher your house your car your fruity balloon and your hands and still die and go to hell no these men are nothing but charlatans yeah they're robbers oh yeah and then they try to play upon your sympathy and tell you yeah you got to do this this is the no it's not the doctrine no that's not the doctrine no no now let's get jesus now i'm saying luke chapter 18 and verse 18. i know things aren't working on this but we're going to set off things in order yeah apostle paul said i said all things in order when i come amen saint luke chapter 18 and verse 18. and a certain ruler asked them saying good master a certain ruler showing you position now that's right satan ruler adds some good master what shall i do to inherit eternal life what shall i do to inherit eternal life and jesus said unto him why call us thou mean why do you think there is none but one that one is god no it's the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not be a fault witness backtrack backtrack now backtrack don't go put in the commandment that he didn't put in there he didn't say false wishes all right mr williams shift cares amen rebuke the devil get back saint luke chapter 18 and that verse 20. take god let's have it thou know it's the commandments yeah do not commit adultery yes do not kill do not steal yes do not bear false witness don't bear false witness honor thy father and thy mother and he said all these have i kept from my youth yes he said well i kept all this that's right all right now when jesus heard these things he said unto him yet like it's not one thing that one day sell all that thou hast tell everything you got and distribute unto the poor yes and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come follow me and when he heard this he was very sorrowful for he was very rich amen he was what he was very rich that ain't me that's not me that's not me once you got hiding all right you don't even know what do you hear the bible talking and when he heard this he was very sorrowful for he was very rich you know there's certain scriptures that's to certain people that's right someone say that's not true pastor jenny oh no oh no bible says charge them get here here hear this in the book of first timothy chapter 16 verse 17. that's what charge them that are rich in this world that's dealing with a certain class of people that's right that scripture is targeting the wealth that's right targeting poor folk no charge them that are rich in this world that are rich where in this world i'm talking about rich in glory no no anybody know rich in glory no no it's dealing with right now that's right wealthy that's right you're rich in this world right here that they be not high mind god want me to charge you how to think nor trust and understand i don't want you to be high-minded he don't want you to be beside yourself he don't want you to be arrogant nor do he want you to trust and what you have that's right but in the living god why but in the living god hallelujah god take god he wants you to trust in heaven who gives us to the living god who giveth us richly all things to in all things to enjoy to enjoy and the rich he's talking about that he give us is his word that's right for the written someone said how was that second corinthians second corinthians chapter four chapter four begin at verse one second corinthians therefore we have this ministry as we have received mercy with faith but i have renounced the hidden honesty the hidden things of this house not walking and crafting us walking and cracking or handling the word of god deceitfulness of the manifestation of the truth committing ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of god it is our gospel it is it is history the god of this world blind the mind that does not believe not that's the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god shine unto them for we preach not ourselves but christ jesus the lord and ourselves your servants for jesus who commanded the light to shine out of darkness what did he do has shined in our hearts but what to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ what do we have but we have this treasure we have what this treasure we have what this treasure we will take god hallelujah hallelujah but we have this earth we have it in earthen vessels this is our riches that's right this is our wealth that's right this is hallelujah glory to god hallelujah we have this treasure in earthen vessels this is the treasure that's right this is the earthly vessel that's right so when the word of god come in you you had something more valuable than gold and hallucinogen and rubies and dying treasure sapphire that's right we have this treasure we have this treasure we have this treasure in earthen vessels in the flesh that the excellency of the power may be of god excellency of the power may be of god none of us hallelujah hallelujah how many of you hallelujah in your lifetime in churches heard preachers preach to people that you must sell your property and give it to the church how many of you heard that teaching raise your hand no amen i've heard it many times amen it's not a commandment no you want to give your prophet to the church that's your business for as many as were possessors of lands or houses as that were possessors of land and houses sold them sold them and brought the prices of the things that were so not a commandment no not an order no no not if they don't do it they go under hell no so you can't use the man that jesus talked to no no and then try to half pour the scripture with that what i say to one i say to all all right then that would apply to all rich folk that's right that's right because he was very rich very rich very rich ain't got me i got you kev amen what about you anybody here ain't telling somebody something what about you logan are you always hollering i don't i i i don't hear you too much on this though that's right are you down playing your wealth amen are you down playing a slogan man i don't even i don't even see him with this phone [Laughter] [Applause] all right what did he say and when he heard this it was very sorrowful when he heard this he was very sorrowful you see jesus hit him where his pockets was that's right see it's hard for a rich man to be saved oh yes you find a rich man baptized in the name of jesus christ that had the holy ghost being in tongue following the word of god truly true he have given himself over to god and when jesus saw that he was very sorry that doesn't mean it's not possible he said how hardly wait a minute how hardly when jesus seemed that he was very sorry that the rich man was very sorry after the lesson jesus gave him he said how hardly he said how heartless shall they that have riches hell they that have rich enter into the kingdom of god amen how hardly how hardly shall they have riches get into god kingdom for it is easier for a camel easier like this that's right yeah that's right it is easier for a camel to go through and handle the eye that go through a needle's eye then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of god that's tough that's tough that's tough sometimes you got glasses and a magnifying glass and still can't thread that needle yeah amen i was sewing i went and got my when i got my suit together greater press i took my pants and noticed one of my inside buttons came off from the cleaners so i got an extra button am i looking around for a needle asked my wife where the needle's at you say what are they they're such a such a place i said no where's the big ones yeah i need the big ones big ones the kind that i can turn water on and the water can go through the hole amen and sometimes i get that big one and still you know you put your tongue out as if that gonna help still can't get it that's right sometime i hit it and make it through there and then sometimes i get so tired i call one of my kids get bring one of your young eyes in here you bring your young eyes i remember there was a time i don't care how small that needle was i can put it right through there yeah now you need eye glasses and magnifying glass and something else that's right they try to get that thing in there that's right now if a campbell and god jesus made it hard for it is easier for a camel to go through a rich vote very few people the lord can bless to make wealthy and they keep serving the lord that's right as if they don't have no wealth that's right another word they serve if they're a preacher they preach the same thing with wealth like they did before they had it that's right it takes god to make a preacher like that oh yeah amen amen well hallelujah wealth won't take his heart yeah wealth won't take his mind that's right and more importantly wealth won't take his soul that's right that's right because here take the wealth and use it for god's glory that's right but a false father take the wealth and die and go to hell and lose his name yeah he'll lose his own identity and wealth that's right that's right i'm hallelujah glory to god i'm so glad that god gave me the holy ghost money don't phase me amen money don't if you wrote me out a check for five billion dollars i won't jump i thank god first and thank you second amen i wanna say you thank me first i gave it to you if it wasn't from god you wouldn't give me nothing that's true that's right i thank god first that's right thank you second amen amen amen churches to be popping up like like answers building colonies oh yeah no mortgage on the temples businesses for the churches to him to employ them that are unemployed right amen amen my interest is the fathers of the gospel and the wide world spread of the message of holiness that's right that's my interest amen amen they don't need to hold on to nothing because you can't take it with you nowhere well we brought nothing into this world nothing in the world and it is certain we can carry nothing out but you might as well use what god gave you for god's glory that's right that's right i just want to straighten you out let's go back to what brother paul uh the apostle back into colossians jesus christ back in colossians chapter one and verse three i want to remind you now if you enter listen if that preacher if that preacher now if he was preaching the truth and you turned your property over to the to him or the church he start preaching lies and become a false prophet get your property back that's right don't strengthen the hands of that liar that's right get your property back amen many folks signed their property over to false prophets and they regret it now amen false prophets put them out of their own house yeah i've heard of cases where so-called apostolic bishops done this members that have been in these churches for years signed the property over to the church in good faith and then bishops threw them out the church after they gave the church the property bishop threw them out the church and then put his friends and their property my lord you know these men are crooks god knows that's right and they wonder why we picked such a hard tough rough message that's right in the book of proverbs chapter 22 get this and that verse 25 let's not learn his ways and get a snare to thy soul lest you learn his ways and get a snare to your soul be not thou one of them that strike hands don't you be one of them that strike hands all of them that are sureties for death of them that are sureties of debt if thou has nothing to pay if you don't have nothing to pay why should he take away thy bed from under thee this is holy teaching it's holy teaching amen you don't have nothing to pay why should he take over you know i have no debt that's right why should he take away thy away your bed your clothing everything yes and then try to convince you that's what the lord wants you to do that's just what jim jones done that's right and the 1970s jim jones done it yeah he encouraged them people and lied to them and manipulate them and to sell their property and then give all the money to him yeah and then flew them all to where was it guyana guyana and then killed them all yeah yes he did no property no money no god lost soul that's right no life that's right so before you fall in love with these pulpit crooks yeah yeah you can't examine a man by the bible and you don't know it yourself that's right that's why these preachers don't want you to watch this this program will educate you in that bible amen [Music] [Applause] am i right i said that's right it'll educate you that's right and you will stop giving him any tithing any offering you won't even give him a dime for another anniversary that's right i won't even give him a birthday card let his birthday come and go let it come and go then they come and go they're crooks yeah they don't care about your soul no no no no no the love of the soul of people only god can put in you that's right as evil and mean and exhausting people can be um only god can put it in you that's right if god don't put it in you you you're gonna walk away from this yes you would in the book of hosea chapter six at verse nine hosea chapter six and that verse nine williams is out again not again give him his microphone that's on the podium give him that amen all right come on hosea chapter six at verse 9. we'll wait uh round technician get you together we're going to keep moving all right hosea chapter 6 and i'm at the ninth verse there you go and as troops of robbers wait for a man wait a minute as what and as troops of robbers troops a whole gang of that's right a robber wait for a man wait for a man so the company of priests sold the company of preacher murder in the way by consent they murder in the way by the way by consent for they commit lewdness amen the preachers do what commit lewdness thousand dollar prayer line five thousand dollar prayer line fifty thousand dollar prayer line that's right how is it that's right all these mega devils before they go off the air devils they want you to sow seed amen i keep telling you viewers if they want you to sow seed go to lowe's or go to home depot in the nursery section get a pack of seeds they got a lot of them there that's right my wife have came home with a whole lot of seeds before send the false prophets some of them seeds yeah or get a pack of sunflower seeds not a big one that's right little one that's right that's right or take him out the pack what about two sunflowers season the envelope and tell them sowing seeds that's all he needs that's all he needs you give these crooks another dime that's right if there was a god there tell you the truth yeah they love you enough to teach you right even if they make you mad they'll love your soul enough to tell you what's right they are working fast listen at this jeremiah chapter five and then verse 28 the preachers are what they are waxed and fat oh yes they are amen yes they are this prosperity garbage all these devils have hooked their claws into it africa now got more prosperity preachers than they ever had yeah they are waxing fat they shine they they yeah they overpassed the deeds they overlook the deeds of the wicked they judge not the cause they don't judge the cause because of the fatherless of the father yet they prosper amen amen are you getting what i'm telling you amen let's go back to colossians now back in colossians chapter one we're at verse three you know it's so much teaching that been in these churches that has to be literally redone yeah people are loyal faithful yeah and blind at the same time that's right to be loyal faithful and blind at the same time that's horrible rob not the poor what in the book of proverbs 22 and verse 22. there you hear this proverbs 22 and verse 22. rob not the poor because these television gimmick preachers you know like peter popoff that man been out here over 50 some years yes yes still got his hair dyed midnight black that's right still giving out his toilet water that's right bless miracle water outside of hell amen all you got to do is order a bunch of bottles from a distributing company and get a staff and fill them up with dirty old tap water that's right come on water from jerusalem water from your kitchen amen it's a matter with you people yeah come out if you drink this water you'll be ill from what amen and you religious suckers yeah that's what you are that's right your bible carrying church driving sucker that's right fall for these scams these men are nothing but hustlers it's a street hustle it's a religious hustle listen rob not the poor because he is poor neither oppressed the afflicted in the gate and you poor folk think of it now why would a god tell you to get a blessing from him you got to pay your way through by giving a x amount of money to get a blessing from him that's right thank fake that's right think now don't it's not that deep just think let me repeat it again amen because some is slow with this that's right it's true a false prophet is telling you if you're on a blessing from god give her x amount of dollars he's so determined to get your money he closed his eyes and even go off in the tongue loot loot loot you're getting your loot that's right amen amen then the preacher will have a crowd a hundred times bigger than what's in here oh yeah and walk around and tell you he just heard the lord's voice that's right and the lord said fifty thousand dollars is in the house and whoever participate in this offering will get a quadruple duple quintuple blessing that's right amen how many here from the hood raise your hand you know a hustle when you hear it don't you show you how cold their conscience is they will go as far saying the lord told them when you can lie on god with such coldness yeah no conscience conscience no fear no respect for life and you don't fear death that's right you ought to go to hell right then that's right that's right and notice who is 99 of the ones that they interview who claim they got the miracle blessing most times those times it's somebody of color that's true that's true then get a woman i sold my seed the other day and i got forty thousand dollars in the milk oh shut up amen get another old mother come up what did the lord do for you mother well i tell you i have been praying for about 60 years and i saw you on television and and then i i i got what little money i had so see them next thing i know oh seventy-seven thousand dollars came in the mail that's an old liar that's a liar amen amen look at these random figures that's right 44 000 77 000 all in the mail in the mail if it's that easy to get that kind of money in the mail by sow and seed then jack and the beanstalk is not a fairy tale that's right because you found a golden goose oh yeah somewhere somewhere how much did that tv evangelist pay you yeah to participate in his hustle that's right that's right what did it take for you to sell your soul that's right amen are you listening in the book of proverbs chapter 21 and verse 6. that's what the giving of treasures by a lying tongue beginning of treasures by a liar is a vanity tossed to and fro with them vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death of them that seek death that means they're not afraid to die for what they're doing that's right that's right they have no fear no fear no regard for god's word well fascinating do you believe god can make you rich certainly do certainly i most certainly believe that why god made solomon rich that's right and solomon didn't ask for it that's right abraham was wealthy and was called the father of faith so yes it is possible to be wealthy and serve god yeah but the difference from the men back then and now they feared god that's right and they didn't love their wealth that they they love their wealth and reject god that's right that's right are you listening the robbery of the wicked shall destroy them give investment proverbs 21 now we're at verse 7. the robbery the robbery of the thievery of the wicked shall destroy them they'll destroy them because they refuse to to do judgment they refuse to do judgment to do right that's right so preacher can know that they are countless of remarriage and divorce second third and wife second third and fourth husbands that a woman got five six and seven uh wives that a man got and they are good contributors that's right they make big contributions and he won't touch that's right divorce and remarriage even if he got loads of homosexuals that are big givers that's right he will overpass over past the days of the deeds of the wicked any time folks are in an organization and the preacher know their sinful behavior and yet those same ones are big donators to their organization those particular sins he will never ride against that's right out of fear of offending those that give those donations that's right that's right he ain't saying nothing homosexual can be on the organ hair blue purple and greens as long as he's writing up those checks five thousand ten thousand dollars yeah preach for a preacher dress it up and say well let us just have love that's right all we need is we need his love all we need is love that's right love is all we need is all we need that's what he'll tell you amen you can love all you want if you don't obey god the word you ain't your love gonna go to hell that's right and i love that that's right the robbery of the wicked shall destroy them the robbery of the wicked i'm telling you now there's only two places for eternity heaven to hell that's right bear in mind that's right there is no purgatory catholic liars it's heaven or hell if it was purgatory i'm quitting that's right because this is a hard job yes it is if it's purgatory ain't coming here no more no no i read my last verse faster can you read your last verse with my last verse amen amen amen you're not too bad for hell yeah and you're not too good for heaven so you in between chill out on an everlasting cloud lord on the clouds sitting back in the recliner yo will what you doing up there oh man i wasn't good enough for heaven but at least i wasn't bad enough for hell that's right what are we gonna do oh man let's have a play a cloud game that's right let's play some clown balls that's right gather some clouds up puffball that's right you're blind devil deceived hypocrites yes jesus spoke plain he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that don't believe what he teach shall be down heaven to hell that's it there is no purgatory there is no gray area oh no it's right or wrong that's right reject god or accept god obey him or don't obey him heaven or hell that's right you would love for it to be something else but it's nothing else nothing else all right the getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro yes of them that seek death the robbery of the wicked shall destroy them the robbery of the wicked shall destroy them that's why you find rich folk arrogant yeah starting their own religion because they're arrogant yeah and when the rich folks start religion you find the rich run to it oh yeah as if they got some proper reserve spot in the kingdom let me tell you rich heathens that are watching from all over the world god have this thing fixed so you can have all the money in the world until you don't even have to brush your teeth somebody brush it for you you just get up in the morning go to the mirror yeah somebody brushing yeah you ain't got to bathe yourself you got bathers huh my lord hey man you come walking in your house leaning to the side just stepping that's all right that's all right when you die yeah and you have an obey what god said that's right when you stand before god and you find that your name is not written not written in the book of life it's not there out there this is after you don't build churches this is after you done lied and told the people to accept christ as your personal savior and you come back and said 75 000 got saved nobody repented nobody was baptized in the name of jesus christ nobody received the holy ghost speaking in tongues and yet you lied and said they were saved yeah then you stand before god give me matthew 7 21. matthew quickly now amen let's see what they're going to say to the lord matthew chapter 7 and at verse 21. follow me not everyone that says unto me lord lord let everyone that say to me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of god in god's kingdom but he that do with the will of my father what is it which is in heaven what is that and he will say to me in that day man many amen shall say in that day lord lord have we now lord have we not prophesied in thy name like i said all you evangelicals yeah that was out here prophesying that trump was going to win this election and he didn't he did and now you're right he'll be talking about well he got another chance in 2024 that's his business yeah we ain't talking about 2024. we're talking about the lie that you're told from the election just passed that's right and you said the lord said it that lie gonna keep you out the kingdom that's right unless you repent you liar amen amen amen what is that many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name look at him look at the prophecy lies that they went out jesus is coming this year yes jesus is coming last year jesus come every day that's right so i'm saying what that's why folk died that's right jesus come form take him out the world he said i kill and i make alive many will say to me in that day what is it lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils oh we cast out devils lord and in thy name does many wonderful works lord we don't build schools we don't build camps uh we don't we don't got schools where they can learn a trade we don't build all type of churches we don't come past seeing land and make one prophet like we'll give that and we'll show you what's going to happen to him once he's made that's right they're going to give god a whole lot of talk oh yeah and then will i profess god don't talk i never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity now let's have a conversation yeah do god know all things oh yes then how can one that know everything tell you i never knew you i never knew you never knew him think now amen the word of god said jesus of nazareth know all things all things so now here is the lord know everything everything but because you're so wicked so ungodly you troubled him yeah yeah you accustomed that's right your he gave you a chance after chance to close up your club give you a chance at the chance to stop stealing stop selling drugs stop prostituting stop hoeing around stop pimping stop being a bigot that's right that's right stop murdering yeah stop fighting for bills that help the wealthy and neglect the poor that's right that's right wonderful the holy ghost and then will i profess unto them god say them what i profess unto you i never knew you never now he know all things but you're so wicked he denounced the knowledge of you that's right he know all things but because it's so wicked he's not even a willing he's god not even willing to acknowledge that you are part of his creation my lord my lord he's not willing to even notice your deeds were ever performed on the planet that's right until after you bring him what you've done he said i never knew you never never never not i knew a little bit never not oh i remember that no never never never never i never knew you to him you never he won't even acknowledge that you came here i never knew you never never lord my lord viewers god is talking here and then will i profess unto them back up and see what they say many will say to me in that day many many many you better hear this message you arrogant self-righteous stiff neck high-minded i don't care if men swarm around you like flies on dung that's right that's right that's right brother i don't care if you think you want a woman's gift from heaven amen you only got the breath in your little nostrils that's all it won't be full on god's gonna take that that's right you rappers and musicians and entertainers and and movie stars that make your satanic music and have your satanic plays and your satanic music and movies go ahead man praising the devil wish up in the devil rappers make song endorsing the death that's right go ahead man i heard of a case where a rapper made a uh a song where he's supposed to come slide down on the pole like he's an angel my lord my lord suppose a slave from heaven into hell and then have sex with the devil and do a lap dance on the devil's private parts oh lord and i'm told the rapper only 19. all right lord my homosexual you're going to burn in hell for mocking god that's right that's right the more satanic the more evil music become the more you viewers flock to it that's right coming to church yesterday for a business meeting i was at a light come off roseville boulevard at a light on fourth street and a man he pulled up next to me in this suv window down and you can just hear the music and the cussings mf this sob that mf this foul that's right the more foul the language is the more they rock to it that's right the more they blaspheme the bible the more the public love it that's right because satan is unsaturated and infested in your music amen he possessed your soul yeah that's why you denounce the reality of god that's right you hate god but you love satan that's right go ahead man so the music industry has become a convenient tool loaded with the spirit of satan that's right that's right now you church folk are satanic lovers yeah because the same music is right in your church yeah that's why you find church folk now that's right you move like the world you act like the world you're saying like the world you dance like the world you talk like the world that's right which shows you're not a new creature hallelujah that's right you're not that's right how can that trash come and church yeah how in the world can that trash you call it praise dancing yeah that's hell wish up that's right that's the worship of satan that's right that's the worship of the devil go ahead the bible says if any man be in christ he is a new creature they said any man that's not everybody any man that's right the influence of satan why you think satan has bear the title prince of the power of the air of the air that air blows yeah and air represents spirit that's right so that spirit blows right into false churches that's why joel osteen had kanye west yes he did yes he did or sinner yeah well sinner performing for sinners amen play in church yeah no baptism in the name of jesus christ somebody say well you shouldn't bother them that's playing yeah that's mockery mockery kanye west is no more saved than a dog can wear nikes amen jump on pastor jennings i'll take care of you that's right i don't care how popular you are he's a sinner preach it man he got another man's wife that's right that's right that's right here's a center go ahead brother the bible speak plain we're here if any man if any man second corinthians chapter five and verse i don't care about you rich you're rich don't mean nothing to god and your wealth don't mean nothing to me and your popularity ain't worth to die that's right preach it you television viewers in these fake christian churches you call any trash christian that's right that's right anything any trash christian oh yes you don't know what being like christ is no listen second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 17 what is it therefore if any man be in christ what is it he is a new creature what happened all things are passed away yo dancing is the old thing you're smoking hallelujah there's an old thing you're partying old thing you're drinking all things that's right all things are passed away you got another man's wife are you married to her oh you got to get rid of that old thing that's right go ahead brother you got babies by an old thing that's right go ahead man am i right therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature they don't believe the bible no so they go to these fake churches that's why they drop the name church and called it a center that's right love center christian center yeah fellowship center where the music can be just like the world and the congregation just standing up that's right long dreadlock hair singing men yeah men with their eyebrows arched yeah long hair like a mop that's true come on you wish up in jesus you was a liar that's right well if jesus said come to where you are he never said that no you owe the liar you said it that's not written bob wouldn't say that at all that's right that's right therefore if any man be a man want to look like women more and more yeah men want to act like women more and more men want to dress like women more and more that's right and women want to act like men yeah don't want to be feminine want to be masculine that's right sitting one leg each one leg west women walking down the street with their pants hanging down yeah she's strolling and her boyfriend right next to her that's right go ahead brother all right listen that what i'm telling you go ahead hallelujah what's the matter with society more and more the homosexual ideology is accepted around the world that's right and the biden and harris administration want to penalize religions that speak against it you can start with us that's right you can start right here [Applause] god made the woman for the man god made the woman for the man god made the woman for the man god made the woman for the man that's right a man knocking up a man ain't got nothing to do with the love of christ no way that's right and the moment you preach against it you find the men well what about jesus love jesus love ain't got nothing to do with your lower anatomy that's right nothing i said that's right [Music] bain and harris are two aliens amen anytime you promote same-sex marriages you are blasphemous blasphemous you are lovers of blaspheme that's right see i told you i'm not democrat i'm not republican i'm holy holy we don't lean to no party amen that's right well aren't you glad we got the first black mo interracial woman vice president wonderful big deal that ain't got nothing to do with what i'm talking that's right i don't care if you're so black our eyes shine like white clouds of diamonds that black woman and that white president better agree with god go to hell that's [Applause] right ain't on no body side but god that's right what did he say therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature all this dancing and flopping around in these churches christian comedy clubs yeah inviting comedians in the church to tell jokes for jesus that's right imagine that jokes for jesus they even got a 1 800 christian dating line yes 1 800 christian dating line you and your wife ain't making it out too good you can phone another christian so y'all can have a ductless relationship you call her up hey how you doing me and my husband ain't getting along me and my wife ain't getting along you want to you want to go out and have an industry tonight that's right that's all it is that's right you're going you i'm sure i go commit adultery with you can we get back up and commit it again later on sure let's have dinner first um that's something are you listening to the old troublemaker therefore if any man being christ he is a new creature you know ain't no nobody gonna want you to be the rich from preaching this no no no way television stations turn us down because of this amen it ain't because we can't pay our bill because it's too tough for them that's right that's right the bible says what therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature you knew that give that homosexual chance to be transformed yeah that's right amen they give him a chance that's why we tell brothers in the church when you buy jeans don't you be buying those jeans with holes cut all out in them showing your flesh that's right like you some loose male hooker yeah you don't buy jeans with all that mess torn showing your flesh that's right you ain't no male cover your stuff up that's right that's right what's the pride at having a big hole in your jeans seeing your back in the pockets and where your drawers started when your drawers stop yeah you're not a male horse stop shopping like one amen wonderful i don't want no male acting following me god said let us make man not let us make that's right preacher god made me a man that's right you've got a man for a leader that's right my wife got a man for a husband go ahead my children got a man for a father go ahead go ahead go ahead you have good for nothing men that pull that pants all toe up all around your groin area yeah all around your private parts all torn up around your backside or your pants so tight you can't bend over without revealing your behind that's right supposed to have room in your clothes not like you're trying to be born from a womb your pants shouldn't be hugging you like after birth that's right that's right like you still trying to struggle to come out the womb your pants shouldn't be hugging you that tight loosen up amen you can't loosen up sit down go ahead brother you don't make mockery of god not even by your parents because if god made a man and you dress a little bit like a woman you're mocking him abstain from all appearance of evil abstain from what from all appearance of evil if you appear like you're a homosexual and you're not the bible said abstain abstain from all appearances wow these brothers don't have long hair that's right when i look at you i want to know i'm talking to a man it's a man that's right the american government is trying to force this junk even upon our children in school yeah now they even got [Applause] where you either fill out male female then they got a space that says other other other that's right so now they're trying to tell people on the job and teachers that if a child do not want to be called him or her use some type of nouns group or person or pronouns yeah don't you do it that's right don't you call sam sally that's right that's right go ahead don't you call nate natalie amen don't you call steve stefano my name is gino that's right not gina gina go ahead go ahead brother amen that's right now you heathen they don't like this you say oh he just ran and raving i'm straight a real man ain't got a problem with this no the reason why you don't like it because undoubtedly you crooked your son is crooked yeah your son grandson is crooked that's right all your slap happy grandpappy is fighting for classic gay rights that's right homosexual got a right to eat sleep get a job go to work and die and give up his lifestyle and get right with god or he gonna have a right to go to hell go ahead man amen all right listening therefore if any man be in christ this is the bible here second corinthians father pastor janice this is the bible here therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature well something new about you a mustache with a mustache with all these women in the world that's right bible said one seven women shall take hold of one man amen i'll let you know there's plenty out here that's right it is written seven women shall take hold of one man not seven men shall fondle one man that's right am i right i said amen amen seven women shall take hold of one man not seven men he's gonna kidnap one man i remember when i was debating dirty harry and he was talking about some wealth uh the bible about sodom and gomorrah is speaking against forcing yourself upon a man and and but and not consensual so i asked him i said so if it's consensual it's all right he said oh yes he said when when i was with my partner the holy ghost was in the room the holy ghost not even casper was in there less more the holy ghost that's right casper wouldn't even come in that room [Applause] am i all right if you scared of this preaching you can go out at either door if you're scared you know cause some folk who never saw us in person come visit the cmi in person like they see over the air i'm the same way we don't play with bible over the air we don't play with bible in your face you're living in a time where you must choose between god or the devil you must choose between god or the devil not between democrat or republican both parties are of the devil that's right the bible said choose you this day homie going to serve if god be god serve him if the devil be god serve him are you listen to the old troublemaker amen you got them you got to make a choice viewers you that are here you got to make a choice this modern fake lovey-dovey christian mess that come out of hell they like the bible no hollywood try to make jesus timid sissified always make him sound and wimpish even if they try to make someone possess of the devil the one portraying jesus come out of him my child always tim it come out of him come out of him my child hush oh thine peace always make him in hollywood like he's a fairy the apostles come well jesus what about something such oh my child if you will take this pebble out of my hand it'll be time for you to leave like kung fu when i came up we used to watch that tv series hey grasshopper if you take the pebble out of my hand it'll be time for you to leave they got this weak version of jesus if you read that bible jesus was militant oh yeah turning over tables making a weapon and beating you up the tempo you entertain us you're going to pay a price for make a mockery of god of god you fathers and mothers you just as bad as your children you drive around with your children in your car and suv playing this rap trash daily how can you reprimand your growing son and daughter mouth for being fouled when all they listen to is the foul music in the house that's right f god f jesus f church f the bible who can dance to such that's right after church f god f f the bible i fell in love with satan i want to have sex with him today he knocked me up and i got a baby by him so we both can go out and play then you think that's cute yeah look at the many rappers and entertainers that's dead that's dad young that's right you can make an icon out of them all you want all you want but if they cuss god lost sauce i don't care if it's tupac i don't care if it's biggie smalls i don't care if it's hot pockets i don't care if it's pac-man i don't care if it's the meow man i don't care if it's cat man and minute mouse you can make a icon out of anybody you want you die cussing god you're gonna burn oh yeah you're gonna feel that anger of god that's right in the form of everlasting flames that's right you're going to burn [Music] go ahead man go ahead you actors that claim you christensen then you recite these written scripts that's right where you say f jesus effing god ain't do nothing for me yeah that's what this is what you say denzel that's what you said my lord my lord you played your role as malcolm but in prison you said jesus ain't dinner breaking the blame for me and then you out trying to be a motivational speaker put god first hypocrite amen liar you can't get sweet and bitter water from the same town that's right [Applause] go ahead go ahead for by thy words thou shalt be justified what's the gentleman name that played as the black panther chadwick boseman mr boseman that passed away passed away one of his last movies based upon a true story of an old blue singer yeah but a certain excerpt they gave him about five minutes of relentless blasphemy he called jesus m-f-s-o-p he said god is of this god is of that mother so just without interruption did this wow his cancer was eating his body my lord my lord you get mad at me much as you want go ahead brother you have a god yeah that you must meet that's right you have a god you must meet that's right hallelujah that's right i don't care if you don't like me i don't care i'm not over the air to be loved by nobody that's right i ain't over the air to be your friend go ahead i'm over there that tell you what's right preach it you actors actresses your blasphemous how in the world can you claim you're a christian and if somebody offered you 30 million dollars you are drop your draws brother and knock up a man for 30 million dollars go ahead you want to be a hoe for paramount go ahead man you're a oh for warner brothers preach it [Applause] you will be a hoe for tyler perry studio richard talk back to me go ahead god said let us make man amen go ahead brother you are an embarrassment of god's creation go ahead money will make you drop your draw yeah and knock up a man and you're a man money money make you call jesus an s.o.b a mother this a mother that a mother the other one and they gonna lie god ain't do a m effing thing for me yeah yeah i would help the help foul and wicked a movie is the more your peers salute you that's truth that's very true and the moral society enjoy it yeah and you fake christians are at the top of the list yeah yeah that's why you can't take a pit bull like me no you wish i was like your pastor a kitten amen amen god made me a preacher i said when you're not preaching for money you can preach freely that's right that's right the entertainment industry now are the largest spoke people for religion along with politicians yeah the preachers is talking the language that the entertainment industry is telling to talk that's true that's true so when these fake christians join the church of god in christ chris tucker's supposed to be in the church of god in christ denzel washington's supposed to be in the church of god in christ wow what's that other active bald head he's kind of like a skull he cuss all the time samuel jackson church of god in christ wow go ahead man go ahead foul mouth hell deserving things yeah you cannot get sweet and bitter water from the same fountain that's right that's right how can you love jesus then call him my m.f mother this mother that your money ain't going to keep you out of eternity you can have your mansions you can have a toilet that you need an elevator to get up to the top of it and you got little men standing on the rim guiding you in with a crane that's something you can have everything at your fingertips you don't have to do nothing somebody watched you somebody bathed you somebody combed your hair somebody brushed your teeth somebody wiped your backside someone put your pants on put your socks on put your shoes on i want to make it so plain or rob you from being stupid when you meet god that's right that's right you preachers out there saying he's too bugger he's too bad but you don't say that when you look at the movie you don't say that movie that you love that you're paid to go look at is too vulgar i'mma tell you so plain you got to go to hell were they ashamed when they had got to go to hell that's right when you meet jesus for hearing this plain preaching that's right that's right listen at this in jeremiah 6 and verse 15. were they ashamed when they had committed abomination no nay they were not at all ashamed i told you neither could they blush they wasn't even shy that's right they wasn't shy to make broke back mountain no no shot no shame nothing nothing that wasn't shame no well we just acting is not for real not in jesus eyes no no that's where you make your mistake that's right it's just a script ah not in god eyes jesus said by thy word thou shalt be justified thou shalt be justified by thy word by your words i shall be condemned you're going to go to hell by what you're saying what you're saying or you will be saved by what you said that's jesus teaching that's right isn't it in matthew chapter 12 and verse 37 that's why for by thy words in the world you claim you're a christian and you comfortable with don't even blush that's right reading the script m.f mother this mother that mother the other they were not at all ashamed you ain't ashamed neither you're not ashamed not ashamed not at all well you say f jesus not a shame f god that's something rappers that make videos like the inhale dancing and partying and having no orgy in hell my lord my plan my lord my lord get an image of us of a statue of a crucifix and act like he's humping on it grinding on it oh my god want to tell the image that's supposed to be jesus what he wanted to do with him my lord don't blush were they ashamed to get a mass crowd of young people young people fathers and mothers that's truth you are sick people that's right you are satanically sick you are satanically possessed and you are satanically evil that's why many of you looking at me now you are bawling mad at what i'm preaching because you your husband your wife your children are guilty you are perverts you are satanic lovers and you hate the bible that's right and you're going to hell that's right now let the devil make you feel good and let the devil warm your heart and turn on t.d jakes it doesn't matter it doesn't matter he's just like you that's right jake's talking about homosexuality well some churches have their philosophy in another church and another church have their philosophy uh uh philosophy uh differ from religion i believe that uh where we we need to take a step back let's step back and look at it at a much more perspective a man knocking up a man now i don't care how far back you stepped all right let's go back and take a little step back he's still knocking up that man amen wait a minute nope there he is still knocking up that man that's right preach it brother these men don't gather riches and not buy right and the money have handcuffed them yeah they're the devil that's right that's right and i've took away their manhood that's right until they're scared to be a man for god so instead of being a man for the god of heaven they are willingly and voluntarily a man for the god of this world the devil satan abaddon napoleon the wicked one so the churches have collapsed like dominoes and the people have fell in love with the devil with the name jesus in their mouth they eat up the sin of my people do you hear this in hosea chapter four in at verse eight they eat up they eat up the sin of my people the sin of mine people and they set their heart they set their heart on their iniquity on their iniquity and they shall be like people wait a minute just like the people is like priests that's the way the people are that's right like people like priests like priests you better hear this last day message oh yes this is the message for the last days you can write all the rappers ripe all the entertainers once we get studio 27 rolling i'm gonna give some of these entertainers an invitation yeah especially them that claim they're christians i want to take excerpts of certain movies they were in statements they made and then i'm gonna give them a chance to tell me how you're justified right and i'm gonna have script right next to the hip amen with the bible amen you're gonna have to justify your movie script with the bible that's right what are you doing i'm showing you you're going to hell that's right that's right i'm showing you that's right you're going to hell i want to show you in a conversation so denzel preacher brother if you're brave we'll be reaching out to you wonderful samuel you can cuss until the lord come i'll be reaching out to you that's wonderful man ain't nobody nothing but dust that's it that's the way god made you all we are that's the way i look at you that's right those rich folk got power you ain't got nothing behold the name god's got power that's right how much all of it all of it that's right these money loving tyler perry became rich by committing abomination yeah dressing like a woman ain't nothing funny about it go ahead brother i can like a now up trying to be a motivational speaker a preacher still making money from a deal and still trying to motivate motivate what who's motivating is it medea or tyler yeah trifling no good things that play with the name of the lord jesus and you preachers are scared to say anything because you feel honored for these fakers coming in your church that's right and when tyler gave jake's that million dollars jason likes something that came out of a carnival yes he did tyler went off in that fake tongue they laid his hands on the devil and jake stood there on television then after he did that he went into another thing the devil kept the devil kept uppercut your upper that's right that wasn't no holy ghost no that was a million-dollar goal that's right hold the holy ghost that was a million dollar ghosts you sick religious things keep playing with god yeah you're going to remember when your lord appear up in the heavens that's right go back to the book of matthew quickly now so i can knock off matthew 7 21. back in matthew 7 and verse 3 not everyone that saith unto me lord lord who gave me the correct time brothers real quick shall enter into the kingdom of heaven yes but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name amen and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works all right and then will i profess and the lord gonna talk and then will i profess unto them i never i ain't never know you depart from me get away from me he that work iniquity you work a bunch of sin therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and do with that i will which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and i beat upon that house and and it fell not for it was founded upon iraq but what and everyone that heareth these things of mine and do with them don't do them shall be likened unto a foolish man what's happened to him which built his house upon the sand and what's the result and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it so viewers you can praise and try to make these fellows christians all you want a man is not like christ until he do what the bible say do that's right and this is the introduction of being christ-like acts chapter 2 and verse 38 acts 2 38 says then peter said unto them repent not bow your head that's right not raise your hand not accept christ as your personal savior not join some church not go to some catholic church and then go to a preacher and let them throw water on your head then peter said unto them hold the hand of some preacher and he tell you to repeat after me lord jesus i'm a sinner come into my heart wash me cleanse me white as snow then the preacher said you saved you no more saved than a duck got the lips of a human that's right and still say quack quack quack quack quack not at all then peter said unto them repent you got to be sorry about your sins death is knocking on your door now yeah over a half a million people is dead already from the virus the virus is out man trying to tame it but god's still letting it roam free and you're still dying that's right with no god i'm warning you amen you can hate me all you want it ain't worth the sweat running down my face no the word of god says then peter said unto them repent what is hating me going to do for you if they make you feel better then you hate on if you make you feel better get it out hate on now that's right all right time's up is this what you got to do then peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized every one of you how much every one of them how much in hollywood every one of you what about the democrats and the republicans every one of them congress every one of you all of the white house every one of you all entertain us every one of you amen what repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for what for the remission of sins how you get your sins removed and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit i got the holy spirit that's nice you still got to be baptized that's right i said you're still going to be baptized repented be baptized give me the tip chapter acts chapter 10 and that verse 44. god let's see where it actually happened while peter yet spake these words [Applause] the gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy spirit how did they know it for they heard them speak with tongues wait a minute what was pulled out also was poured out the gift of the holy ghost how did they know it for they heard them speak with tongue what was pulled out the gift of the holy ghost how did they know it for they heard them speak with tongues you ain't speaking tongues stopped lying and said you got the holy ghost that's right someone said patrick get him but that's not the only gift for the holy spirit i agree that's not the only gift but when you receive it this is the gift right here also was poured out the gift of the holy spirit and the other gifts follow after that that's right for they heard them speak with tongues and what unmagnified god i hear you had a group that received the holy ghost first but peter wouldn't let them get away then answered peter can any man forbid water that's what i'm saying to you dog talk i got the holy spirit i your business that's right you don't have water can any man forbid water can you forbid it that these yeah oh can you forbid it you running around jumping in some church shaking falling out wringing your hands like you're trying to get rid of the kinks that's right can you forbid water not any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which have received the holy ghost as well as we then what and he commanded them no you don't have to do it he commanded them to be baptized bishop said as i was signing with grace he commanded them to be baptized you can be saved without water you don't have to do it he commanded them to be baptized the bible commands something you got to do it your pastor got to do it your fake apostle your fraud prophet you're good for nothing bishop you're weak elder you're half pint deacon and he commanded them to be baptized hey mister you got to do it that's right woman you got to do it you can shake your hips and push your finger up at me after television all you want brother you can open up your budweiser and juggle down your bear while you in bed with your transvestite that's right that's right the holy ghost he commanded them to be baptized i'm going to smash it into hell i'ma smash it right back to hell from which it came that's right i'm going to use the bible here that's right and he commanded them to be baptized he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the lord all right if there's anybody here don't want to go to hell and want to be right and be saved according to the bible i want to be baptized in the name of jesus christ and do it right stand on your feet now if you want to obey the bible down on your feet now stand on your feet now amen all of you that are all of you that are standing go round to the back and come around and come to the front all of you that are standing come on now over to god all right viewers you got to repent now you heard the message you heard it i know you don't like it i may i know a lot of you made mad and i know a lot of you gonna take some excerpts and probably put it on instagram yeah do what you want we'll sue you i don't care that's right you can sue me whatever you like i ain't giving you a dime as i said before so sad now again you got to obey this because you're an actor actress what is that to god yeah my god gave you your breath and mind god gonna take it from you that's right all right tune in again this evening at six o'clock where we thunder after you again with the heavy artillery of scripture hallelujah let us all stand i don't want nobody to block the owl or getting away from them that's coming to be baptized that's a blessing isn't it wonderful amen like remember the announcement because all the rooms in there are used for changing doing baptism if you need to use the restroom go up to the floor above the baptismal area to those big bathrooms all up there amen i want them that i have getting baptized have free reigns plenty of room they give themselves right with god unto him that is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our lord and savior jesus christ and to him be glory and power both now and forever let the brothers and sisters say amen
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 175,122
Rating: 4.8588591 out of 5
Id: QI-gsYA48cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 58sec (7798 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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