First campout with my NEW PUPPY!

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guys i got a new dog meet moose he's a corgi mixed with mini australian shepherd and he's my new buddy of course we still got maisie tonight is moose's first camp out with me and maisie so stay tuned [Music] get that puppy [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that's oh dude [Music] oh my gosh okay he likes the water oh my gosh that's hilarious [Music] we're here all right here we are with the wall test here's your food the puppy's got his food probably wondering about these flowers well i love flowers i picked some for the wall tent i cleaned it today and uh we're doing our first overnight i want you to meet my new puppy moose moose and maisie first camp out with the new puppy stay tuned they're both uh getting something to eat he's constantly chewing so he can chew to his heart's content out here i was here earlier today and this goofball likes to lay in the fire pit so he's gonna have to learn not to do that so i haven't spent much time at the wall tent this summer so i came here earlier today got it all cleaned up and uh set up for the evening i don't know about you but i so need to just sit down stare at a fire stare at the flames tonight's the night it's just beautiful but uh come and check out the wall tent got it all set up and ready for tonight nice bed cozy um i don't have the wood stove hooked up right now we really just don't need it so should be good with just some candles and a fire tonight i got the puppy's bed and maisie's bed but he'll probably sleep with me on the big bed he's been doing that lately but uh it's gonna be just such a cozy night and uh so let's get a fire started moose you gotta get out of the fire pit dude [Applause] you want your filler here you go close here's your feather good boy [Applause] okay maze come on good girl good girl so i've been wanting a smaller breed dog for a while um not to replace maisie dull wolf but uh i wanted a dog that was just a little bit more portable and i never taught maisie how to ride in a canoe or kayak so that's one thing i've really never been able to do with her if you try to get in a canoe a boat kayak like she'll jump in the water and just swim out to you you can't really fish but anyway she's a great dog but i really wanted a little athletic you know more portable dog so i got moose here my daughter named him i think it's perfect and so far just loving him to pieces him and maisie are getting along they're playing he's really good following me hiking and he loves being outside and i love having him outside because he can chew anything he wants he loves to sleep in our shoes and steal our shoes so you're just a good boy all right let's have some dinner so what i got for tonight to eat is a shredded chicken taco with all the fixins and i do mean all the fixings so gonna get that ready wrap it up and warm it up on the fire so here's the deal guys uh i've had coven and i'm getting over it i got a lingering cough but i lost my taste and smell tonight's the first night i can smell a little bit of anything i'm smelling a little bit of the smoke and i'm just so happy i've been a depressed mess without my taste and smell very much a smell-oriented person i love food as well i mean who doesn't love food and it's just been like i'm living in a bubble so it's been a bummer i'm just like thank you lord maybe it's coming back because i can i can smell this fire a little bit tonight but anyway so i'm gonna this chicken taco it's gonna be so spicy because the sensations that i can taste a little bit are salt a little salty a little sweet a little heat can't really distinguish anything and it needs to be super strong so needless to say i plan on making this shredded chicken taco like amazingly spicy look at this goofball over here what he's doing wow you're going for it little dude is that a hole what's in there get it oh here comes maisie check things out he's gonna dig himself right in there what are you doing what you doing moose goofball i'll let you dig i'ma make dinner it is an absolutely gorgeous night we are in for a treat tonight just hanging out around the fire all right starting out with just a big tortilla got some shredded chicken oh here come all of the scavengers hey go eat your own food dudes my turn hey turkey so i have a wickedly habanero cheddar cheese and i'm just gonna really thin slices down on top maizie no no this is mine that's my cheese that's my dog this guy over here is chewing away all right next thing i'm going to add is some beans just black beans hey get away from my chicken hey you i see you too don't you take my gloves he's gonna watch out for the fire that's hot don't go in there i've got some shredded chicken got cajun seasoning on it all right i'm just going to move this over for a minute and i'm going to add a jalapeno what are you doing trying to get my cheese oh there goes a deer come on girl come good girl come maisie come good girl you scared the deer off good girl scared the little man too good girl back to cutting up the jalapeno i'm gonna put the whole thing in i also have a red pepper these are from my garden so pretty psyched about that not beautiful the wolf is making sure i do it right towards this guy all right here we go i'm just going to roll it up a little package i'm gonna warm that up on the fire let's see if i can get a little spot of coals over to the side maybe let's try that gonna be good all right i'm gonna prepare all the rest of my toppings this is for an amazing summer and a new puppy cheers so what i have are some cherry tomatoes from my garden and i have a little bit of avocado and an onion we're gonna taste so good on there man i just i eat these like candy i don't know about you guys but they're just especially these orange ones my sister-in-law gave me a couple plants with those orange cherry tomatoes and they're just a bomb oh perfect all right let's turn this over it's okay come on always get scared when maisie barks he was like heading down the trail come on maze come on keeping the wood safe one bark at a time oh poor little moose he's like i don't like it come on moose come on come come moose come here buddy it's okay he's like i'm out of here that's enough scaring the puppy here he comes it's okay buddy it's okay it's okay yeah she's just noisy she sure is it's okay maybe you're scaring the baby but you two just lay down and chill hey are you chewing on my speaker i saw you lick it there's definitely puppy licks on there you know hi baby oh it's a puppy were you scared does he scare you it's a whole new thing for you isn't it you gotta get used to her barking because she's an idiot sometimes she barks at everything but she's gonna keep us safe oh i gotta tend my fire here too much fire on my burrito it's probably done let's let that cool a minute you're gonna love camping moose you're gonna love it look at the pretty sky and the quiet and the birds and all the spooky things that maisie barks at great she's gonna bark again any second amazing little heart just starts racing it's going to be a long night he's going to run off scared from her bark come come here could you stop scaring the baby stop scaring the baby i don't want your foot i'm gonna see what he's doing no no no no you stay out stay out of the fire come over here you need a stick okay here's a dick hey go go chew that up a beautiful night should be a full moon tonight too keep that puffy let's take a look at this a little little chart on the bottom but i don't mind that a bit oh now we're steaming oh get back puppy get back here goes the tomatoes and onions little puppy this is not for you are you a taco dog you're a taco boy that makes me happy but like onions and tomatoes avocados got some lettuce this is such a meal okay i have some sour cream i'm just gonna use a stick here got some hot sauce put a lot of that on there so i can taste it and then some lime oh yeah look at that i wrap this bad boy back up and try to eat it it's a beast look at that oh my goodness that is amazing dear lord thank you so much for this day thank you for the awesome weather i'm so so thankful i'm starting to get my smell and taste back lord thank you so much i thank you for my new puppy moose thank you for maisy i pray for all those recovering from covet and and suffering with other ailments lord just be with them bless them give them strength and i thank you for this food in jesus name amen all right you know the deal you get the first bite there it is take a bite it's all yours okay i can taste some heat and it tastes a little bit of you know flavor little bit it's so good [Music] no this is mine you have your food oh it's too hot for you two thumbs up moose come on puppy come come on where are you going come on [Music] let's go light some candles in the tent [Music] oops there we go [Music] [Music] i think it's time to go to bed come here little man maisie come on girl come on maze come on up i got your bed up there come on puppy there you go [Music] camp time to go to bed guys lay down good girl okay you come up on the bed with me we had a really good night of fire now it's time to get cozy lay down get some sleep and be all cozy in here tonight yeah good boy [Music] got the puppy gonna settle in maisie settled in we'll see you in the morning look at your puppies there's so many puppies it's starting to rain get a little fire going at least get some hot water all right got the fire going it's raining pretty good right now but i don't think it's gonna last if i look at the sky i think it's just gonna pass by so at least i got this fire going it'll hopefully survive and i can get some breakfast off the fire just gonna wait this out for a minute huh buddy hazy wanna come in nope slept good maisie ran out a couple times chasing deer i hear that i woke up to thunder and i'm like what the heck i didn't know it was supposed to rain i've got a little passing shower here and i think i think that'll be it teaches hat on ready for the day i hear the fire going good and i don't hear rain anymore so head outside okay come on little man let's go go bye okay oh fire's good put this on the fire hey hey that's my headlamp get here uber do you need a toy go get a stick go get a stick did you sleep good lazy girl do you sleep good you guys need some breakfast oh just a minute little man okay here oh my goodness good morning breakfast puppies i can't shake this cough the covered call puppy look at the puppies everywhere puppies everywhere hi hi oh yeah she's boiling it's almost like a french press mixed with a pour over so you let that sit just a little bit and then when i put it on my cup it'll release this little other piece and it'll go through to my cup it's pretty cool man's exploring all right i feel like that has sat long enough it releases and you sit it on the cup table hey hey there's my lid come here hey that's my lid uber you stole my lid yeah i see you i see you stealer oh this is the first morning i can actually taste my coffee a little bit yes yes my sense of smell and taste is coming back it's coming back oh thank you lord holy cow it's been a rough few weeks without my taste and smell so happy it's coming back good morning good morning moose oh isn't he adorable ow don't bite me find a stick oh i've never enjoyed a cup of coffee so much i take that back after i got out of alone both times even though your your stomach is just wasted your body's wasted having a taste of coffee for the first time oh after weeks and weeks and weeks without it it's just an amazing thing just just can't take stuff for granted hi moody mood can you get up here come on you did it oh you're too cute so i'm hoping you know i ra i want to raise him like a big dog i want him to have big dog energy and a little dog and that's why maisie is going to be so amazing for him i think just he's already just watching her like a hawk and you know seeing what she does and goes where she goes and i think it's going to be really helpful to raise him with maisie who already knows everything she knows everything he the wolf and you're the moose the wolf and the moose so for breakfast i'm going to do like a baked apple okay mr man oh i do hear a squirrel up there she gone come on maze coming so what i'm doing today is a variation of my mom's oven-baked apples with hers you take a piece of bread you take an apple and you hollow it out in the middle and then you fill it with brown sugar and cinnamon and then you pour milk over it and you bake it so it's like a baked apple and it's got this little amazing little piece of goodness on the bottom that's just soaked with all the juices and stuff so i'm going to do kind of something like that but i'm going to cut my apple up so it cooks a little faster and i'm also going to sprinkle granola over top of it and then we'll pour cream over the whole thing and it should be just amazing i'm gonna use this tiny little crock and uh so let's let's get building this thing i have some water and i have some powdered cream this is anthony's heavy cream i'm just gonna blend it here it's a pretty genius thing to have when you don't have refrigeration and stuff and you need cream we're going to put this piece of bread in there like that put some apple slices on top muesli granola type stuff some brown sugar just a dash of cinnamon i'm gonna pour some cream over the whole thing all right now we're going to put the lid on and put this thing in the fire in we go i need to sit and drink my coffee you're gonna be a good camping puppy [Laughter] all right we've got some stuff oozing out the sides [Music] i don't know that's a good thing or not probably not probably a little too hot let's check it oh wow that looks amazing oh man look at that i'm really psyched how that turned out it's just gooey goodness in there i think it's good to go i can't really smell it [Music] it looks good dear lord thank you so much for this beautiful morning and that i can smell and taste a little bit again i'm so thankful to be alive i thank you for this food my puppies lord thank you for your creation in jesus name amen okay guys you know the deal you get the first bite there it is open up steaming hot take a bite okay here we go [Music] i can taste this a little gooey apple goodness pretty good morning huh what are you doing little man just chewing [Music] so [Music] okay guys hope you enjoyed the camp out with moose and maisie see you in the next video girl in the woods she gone oh and don't forget to get outside and get happy [Music] you
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 363,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid cabin overnight, woman off grid, remote cabin, camping with my dog, wall tent, wall tent camping, off grid wall tent, wall tent overnight, cowboy corgi, collie, woman camping, camping with my dogs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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