CALMING VIBES at my off-grid cabin

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thank you not too bad [Applause] River's High winter is here yep time for a heater [Music] by the fire today [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] cozy in here no insulation but it's really not that cold today it's in the uh high 30s so it's not that bad I'm back up till spring foreign got a little buddy heater I'm gonna get that going it's gonna feel good it's nice and cozy in here now give a little Heat feels good oh look at this guy come on buddy I'm coming come in are you still playing okay [Music] all right I feel that already that's nice definitely gonna be the last time I'm in here before it gets really snowy you get you some water buddy let's see if we can get yes it's a new have to prime it is cool such a nice shallow walleye oftentimes don't have to prime it I'll just pump a little water through clear it up yeah it's good looking water come here buddy some water good it's good good and fresh such a nice day I think I'm gonna try to go find the Sun and also find some chaga so got a bag and an ax let's go for a walk you go for a walk it burns against the snow just amazing so bright green it's really beautiful to see the Buddy let's go [Music] oh oh yes ah oh good wow what a blessing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so beautiful oh my gosh it's nice and sun [Music] big birch trees over here [Music] and find some chaga [Music] besides these white pines enormous [Music] foreign [Music] Camp right here by the river great trees right here for that I like this spot it's an awesome spot no joke I can feel like a warm breeze I'll take it I'll take it yeah my favorite things Pines I gotta name that one let's do it oh yeah give up a good amount oh man there's a ton of chaga right here see this little tree and a tree behind it's got some Chagas probably Chagas it's always way up above your head bite it it's pretty steep right here anyway that's coming down it's cutting the Dead standing dead it's ancient that's why it's got chaga on it but uh I'd have to cut it to get it get to it [Applause] super steep right here so I'm right there too again super high I can't get it shoot that's a nice chunk there look at that it's just waiting for me to sit there something else come on let's sit down for a minute enjoy the sunshine a good view everything's so beautiful it's just glowing today do take a sprig of this brush it up oh and then you smell it smells so good sun feels so good just gotta sit still sometimes come in lots of sniffs gotta find a way to get across the river that's what I'm looking for it's a bit sketchy it's very narrow huh wow just when I think I cannot find a bigger White Pine oh my gosh massive and then there's these two massive cedar trees right here Twin Towers oh my goodness they're big I mean oh you just can't get the perspective how big this is for a cedar wow what's this massive you think this is snow but beautiful piece of birch bark it's just so many old birch trees around here just giving her just shedding might as well stick this in the backpack I've needed some anyway this is my collection bag today it's it's my Creek Stewart bag survival is simple just don't die I really did Fire Starting stuff it's always nice to have a lot on hand be sniffing foreign just [Applause] falling off stuff a nice bag full there you go Creek a pretty deep hole buddy moose don't go in there that's the deep hole oh it's lots of good smells around here I gotta think about moose I'd love to get across the river our land is on that side too there's a lot of Acres over there I've never even seen I just need to get across the river I always have a dog with me I gotta think about so it's a little sketchy I think we're just gonna head back get some food things going down quick there's another good one I wonder if that's the one Dave crossed over on he said it really petered out on the other side kind of dipped into the water and it looks like the one but with moose I don't know that's something you don't see in this country Rock and that is a perfect hot rock for a sock it's coming with me darker a lot faster down here in this hole wherever you pray that it's beautifully dry [Music] I'll be there when you are beautiful nice [Music] when time starts to break and the dawn is away I'll be there when you call [Music] at the end of the day in the world [Music] right there but that water is getting close it's gonna be great hot apple cider coming up yourself close your eyes and listen to the sound [Music] gonna have lots foreign [Music] [Music] to and hold on tight I'll be with you close your eyes sound sleepy baby [Music] to keep myself [Music] let's see what are we doing oh yeah she looking good uh-huh wonderful oh oh gosh oh no so tender it just fell right apart look at that when I stabbed it oh it's gonna be so good even with smashes oh yeah all right I don't want to overcook this I want it it's gonna have to rest here oh yeah and these are good to go too [Music] and That'll be amazing okay wow this this is amazing dear Lord thank you so much for this beautiful break in the weather this last chance to get here before winter really sets in I'm just so thankful thankful for those watching pray that you let them know that they that you're all they need to lean on you I thank you for this food and this day Jesus name amen I mean that I almost don't want to eat it it's just Instagram worthy wow okay I've let this thing rest you know I kind of like I'm basically a medium rare girl you gets first bite okay we're coming in you get my wonky Fork ready open up T-bone steak with sauteed mushrooms okay here we go oh my word oh my word too good for words holy cow a little bit of char on there and the flavor is amazing wow these purple potatoes are just beautiful is it too dark can you see how pretty that is so pretty and so delicious mmm you know what I need to light the Torches it's much darker in real life than it seems through the camera lens yay oh I love my torches nice come here buddy come here some of that oh that's pretty good huh yeah oh that's good stuff so good with the bone there you go still quite a bit of meat on there you can work on that it's all yours don't act like I didn't just give you a bone turn this on okay what should we listen to listen to Miranda what do you think foreign we gotta turn it up [Music] now I can get this fire I mean it's been a good fire all night a little too hot to cook on but still it's been good well guys I'm gonna sit here and listen to music before bed so I'm gonna clock out I'll see you in the next video this girl in the woods she gone oh don't forget to get outside and get happy [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 173,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter cabin, winter campout, winter campfire, steak on a campfire, relaxing winter campout, winter at the cabin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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