Firearms Expert Reacts to The Finals’ Guns

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this week's episode he's taking a look at the game show combat Arena shooter the finals I am now looking at a bizarre Abomination that is Casino themed and we've abandoned all pretens to reality and the pan magazine has been replaced by a roulette wheel and if you enjoy this kind of content make sure to keep an eye out for our new season of load out a show where we take a look at the history and impact of some of the most iconic weapons in gaming our first episode launched recently and takes a look at how games struggle to get the humble SMG right Jonathan will be making plenty of appearances over on that show too so make sure to check that out right over to the guns of the finals fairly ordinary looking akm SL ak-103 maybe slightly hyperactive reloads there I think we've we've got to knock the mag out reload we've got throw throw it in the air catch it on the other side and shove it in reload that's unusual not not sure what's happening to the old mag there I am Bamboozled slightly by that one um having been advised that this was like a a VR game show type scenario I was expecting this to not really look like an AK it actually does it's not far off there's a s the sight rail on the left side is why why I mention the ak100 series it's not actually an ak100 series because the butt stock is not F foldable the furniture isn't the right pattern it's too smooth uh so it's more of a generic modernized AK case rejection is a bit odd bit like the Robocop game from the other week the cases appear to be coming out backwards I'm not sure what's in the water in game development world at the moment but we need to stop making our cases eject backwards guys there's something funky with the rear sight uh it looks slight the adjustable sight from the rpk or something close to it and that the aperture is at the rear is very very wide and we have these decals all over the uh all over the weapon which I guess fits with the theme but is a little distracting oh that's distracting I well I couldn't help but notice the golden charm hanging off this thing in the preview it's okay that's as bad as it gets is it oh that's uh that's a very gy looking revolver looks like a Taurus I think Taurus Raging ball diamond encrusted well say it's close enough anyway I don't we don't have a raging ball actually for need to compare this appears to be diamond or Damonte we have just put on display here at the Ries in leads a Smith and Wesson with a load of little little diamonds on it not a million miles away from this thing it's funny to see a virtual equivalent I would show you that but it's behind glass in the museum so do come and see it I didn't take you for an Elvis impersonator Dave please leave that in dang it Dave you saw the um reloads but it actually tracks the correctly dimpled primers of each six shots I didn't notice it but to reference Mr pinket my brain did needless to say a very decorated revolver like this does fit with the Elvis outfit which I'm guessing is what you were going for now I've seen several of Elvis's Firearms not in person but as they come up for sale over the years I don't believe he ever had a diamond encrusted revolver I think he had quite a highly decorated 1911 I remember rightly otherwise this thing is is absolutely boilerplate Magnum revolver in video game style but yeah I do give him points for tracking the firing pin Impressions on the primers all right so now we have have an extremely elaborate take on the Winchester 1887 we've shown that several times here this is super short so it's been uh given a sort of bird's head pistol grip and a very short barrel mechanically technically it looks okay without referring in detail the decoration makes it a little bit hard to do a detailed analysis so yeah we've got a we've got a chamber load and then a magazine load as well it's pretty good I know don't know if that mag if that uh loading lever is big enough to be doing that flip [ __ ] made famous initially by John Wayne in True Grit and then in T2 it's a little too frenetic to see but it looks a little too small reason being if that lever is the normal size and you flip the gun fully around your knuckles you will seriously hurt your fingers and you will not complete the loop oh we've got to catch the round as you eject it thing going on because that's a partial reload that's accurate as to like that that shell wouldn't have been fired yet right right correct yeah they are for all the unreality of this setup so far and it's kind of over the top and stylized but uh no no real technical issues so far apart from some dubious looking cases projecting we're using this 1887 as a pistol and it is a short one admittedly only one hand on the gun at all times but no perceptible Advantage I don't see like the the left hand's not being used for grenades or or anything else as far as I can see always worth having two hands on on the gun so here's one I've had to dig into a little bit because yes okay it's the China Lake pump action grenade launcher but it isn't exactly that this was a design a redesign of that by the airtronic company in the United States who are probably known if they're known for anything by by us uh for their rpg7 covered in rails patini rails well they did the same thing to the China Lake they they redesigned it with a with an M4 buff sty Buffet butt stock and pitini rails on the top but having checked on this it never made it out of prototype that's fine this isn't even the real world we're looking at so uh why wouldn't it be in this and it gives you something different than the classic m79 built mgl M23 whatever it's called the cl40 game which obviously a nice reference to well the Chan Lake but not the CH Lake yeah I can't remember the atronic designation was if it ever had one you'll see a lot of Destruction in this game that's another huge part of it like if people have defending objectives you can just crunch through a wall or use a grenade launcher to make the objective fall down a floor to you or something which a lot that is interesting and of course makes the grenade launcher more than just a glorified explody shotgun it becomes a tool potentially to breach with a crucial moment for the socialites if they want to avoid a team wipe okay this is interesting U when I saw that the Lewis gun was in this game I was pretty surprised it's a very vintage gun to appear in a well I guess almost almost a Sci-Fi dystopia really or bit virtual and I was intrigued to see how realistically it was done and the answer is quite this is one of our many Louis guns we have about a dozen of these things one of the first light machine guns light being a relative turn as you all know I think by now it's pretty hefty uh so we have replicated the the classic drum magazine or plan actually it's open so it's not TR a Dr Drum on top and that's being removed and replaced correctly uh we have the what looks like a water jacket but is actually a radiator you get a view down the lens there see those veins well you see those veins at the back and you see it on the game gun as well that is a fulllength ribed aluminum radiator and it uses forced air cooling where the muzzle blast sucks cold air over the barrel or rather over the radiator so the the heat is drawn into the radiator and then the the cold air is drawn over it almost like the slipstream of an aircraft by a very clever cooling system we tested this a few years ago in fact the video is up on our YouTube channel um and we threw some punched out paper dots from a hole punch into the back of it and it sucks them out the front just just as advertised so that cooling system works so your classic video game gun that runs all day without overheating it's about perhaps a little bit closer to reality with the Lewis I chose this to show you because it's one of the few guns in our collection with a unit marking so this was marked to the Sherwood Foresters so one of the regionally recruited regiments of the British army which is traditional of course and they marked this gun up now why would you mark up a British C because this was captured by the Germans converted to 792 their cartridge type of course captured back by the shwood Foresters and marked up by them as a captured enemy weapon so this thing fought on both sides in the first World War uh now we have no details of that we only have we only know that CU some kindly Soul wrote that on the gun so thank you whoever you were the only major issue I have with this is the rear sight so they have replaced the rear sight which is a micrometer adjustable quite elaborate rear sight as you'd expect for a gun of this vintage turn the wheel on the top and it very very minutely adjusts the rear sight aperture up and down it's been replaced by a huge and very fragile looking aperture ghost ring type type thing clearly for gameplay reasons but they've left the site base in place so you can see where it would have been fitted and folded down so it's almost like this has been this is a mod that's been done to the gun in the universe to make it more usable in in this game so it's wrong but it's interesting now for all I've been quite keen on this I am now looking at a bizarre Abomination that is Casino themed and we've abandoned all pretens to reality and the pan magazine has been replaced by a roulette wheel and instead of ejecting cases it's ejecting chips and we're also fudging the reload because there is no longer a catch in the top of the mag middle of the mag to be able to pull the magazine off that's the least of its problems of course because there are no cartridges in it either but you can do this when you're operating in a virtual environment within a virtual environment if I've understood this correctly if I'm ever going to be accepting of bizarre skins it's going to be in a in a game where you're not really supposed to be in reality in the first place okay we have a the sort of zebra strike looking M60 think this game has the wiggliest bipods I've ever seen in a game they are Wiggly someone's very much in love with the swinging and wiggling physics there it's nice to see a decent M60 after the uh slightly disappointing aspect of Robocop Rogue City where we had an M60 sort of shoved up the back of an m250 Cal this is a pretty good rendition of an M60 albeit so it is one of the classic Vietnam era m60sbs do have but this era did not and by the time the M60 had piki rails it no longer looked like this front and the rear sight is basically correct but it has a ring aperture instead of the tiny little Notch that was on this era of M60 I can't easily show you that so I don't think that's AB to game playay change to make the field of view bigger as we we typically do see in games like Call of Duty where they open the ring out or in the case of the leis G in this game add a ring to make the site easier to use I think this seems to be a mistake in that they're looking at the uh M60 E4 E6 whatever site thinking that it goes on this but hey we don't know where this M60 is come from in theory uh and in the context of the game it hasn't really come from anywhere it's a it's a sort of Matrix Style virtal gun so it can be in any configuration you like [Music] really a member of the VES is a contestant to chase with all those coins they're a dream Target so this is the the Ingram M11 or Mac 11 if you prefer here's a real one uh I did not pick up one with a with the suppressor on it as this one has which we do have those as well I believe we've shown one before far better for actual usage cuz you actually have something to hold hold on to and without risking putting your fingers or your hand in front of the the muzzle otherwise you're just relying on this strap and pulling down the strap is is modeled and he flapping around very very beautifully on the front there the first thing I noticed wey this butt stock another change to the sights this is a common theme in this game someone has effectively cut off the top of this ring ingrams have a sort of Sten style aperture for the rear sight uh this has been reprofiled effectively the C Top's been cut off and the bottom of the hole has been enlarged as well which actually isn't an awful idea if you want to quickly acquire targets and be able to see over the top of the gun more easily it wouldn't yeah it wouldn't break the by any means to do that somehow gun looks too large seeing it in my hat help but the M11 is Tiny it's the size of a of a pistol we move the magazine remove the butt stock and high strap I mean it is absolutely tidy it's not much bigger than a I mean it's smaller than a desert eagle in some Dimensions so looks like there might be a scaling issue uh or the player character has little tiny hands so I'm caught on the Hop slightly by this gun I vaguely remember this coming to light I guess a decade ago so this is the Sr M Arms model 126 124 16 Rams it has this rotary multiple tube magazine this one I don't think so I haven't got one I haven't got much information on them either but this one has alter exploit destroy on the side of it it's not a sort of decal from the game this seems to be incorporated into the gun itself I think that's an all of the guns but it's most prominent on the larger ones like this I think I think it's just like the the tagline for the for the contest I suppose it's just straight in my mind if you're simulating guns in a in a virtual game the stickers as it were the yellow colored stuff makes sense as being that layer of of unreality I wouldn't expect the sort of engraved or stamped markings to be part of that universe but why not there's literally no reason why it wouldn't be so we're going to be very hard for me to critique this but let's see how it plays yes so function wise this is correct I think so it's it's operating semi-automatically but you are manually rotating the cluster of tube Flags essentially to bring the next one into alignment to feed because obviously there's no way for the gun to autoload from a tube that isn't lined up with the feedway well there would be this being a game within a game you absolutely could do what you like with it but they are Faithfully sticking to the physical capabilities of these weapons it's very satisfying to see people burst into a cloud of coins as well like youve just shotgun blasted Mario or something why do they burst into a cloud of coins cuz I think the game show you're competing for money it's like blood sport where there's a p prize pool so I think it's it plays into that Vibe of the of the game show and a lot of the the the objectives is to like gather cash and then deposit it at these bank or safes that you're you're defending so it's very sort of like horror capitalist sort of vibe where you're having to virtually shoot each other into clouds of coins for actual money is an interesting design choice because you pointing that out has made me realize it most of this is realistic you know the guns are quite realistic really uh the way they operate the there's flame there's smoke but there's no blood all the blood is replaced by coins I I think it's because they talk about sponsors in the game and like the commentators talk about sponsors so I wonder if it's something else that like well there's no blood so we can get all the all the sponsors for this game show that we want we're getting a bit meta here but I I wouldn't be surprised if you're not on the money then sorry pun not intended okay guys those were the guns of the finals this came out of nowhere as far as I was concerned I didn't know it existed but uh really quite an intriguing uh new game and an interesting take on video game Firearms which of course we enjoy here uh please forgive that my uh my voice a tail end of a cold here please do check out our website our social media channels and we have our three physical museums here in the UK here at Leeds we have our new reloaded exhibition it's full of decorated Firearms including a gold Kalashnikov and a diamond and crossed revolver so that's going to be on for the next six months so please do come and see that if you can but we will of course be here next week as always take care
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 208,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the finals, the finals weapons breakdown, the finals guns breakdown, the finals weapons review, the finals expert reacts, the finals guns, the finals firearms expert, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, dave jewitt, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, loadout
Id: 5Yj8qnAEfrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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