Fire Twister | Full Action Adventure Disaster Movie

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do [Music] [Music] [Music] so thank you you see something scott it's nothing okay all right let's do this before we get caught tell me there's something else in here besides just this banner there is nice that's what i'm talking about the truth wow can't imagine anything more boring than the truth on a banner we're getting the message out jason and that's what matters what matters is we get this done before the wind picks up and our message gets flown into the pacific yeah let's fly this baby and get out of here so we can do some celebration drinking not really all that committed to the cause are you jason i'd commit to you for at least two weeks if you give me a shot darling seriously you're like my dad's age maybe we should stop the flirting and concentrate on this are you or are you not dating dr hoddy dr hoddy dr hi dr hotties in my relationship has nothing to do with busted ah damn wind didn't crap in my eyes you picked a really good spot people are gonna see our message for miles maybe even get some real media attention oh don't act so surprised you know i do whatever i can for the cause barbie okay maybe i got you a little wrong i'm sorry about what it's just if you hadn't met me then you'd still have your job you really want to bring that up now but they never would have come after you that hard if it hadn't been for your job you had nothing to do with it carla you still loved charging into burning buildings and saving lives well now you're hanging a banner i live to hang a banners all right let's go let's do this yep [Music] guys guys we have a situation here it's bomb uh that's bad right run everybody run down there down the goalie what the hell's happening oh my god fine oh oh my gosh oh you okay you okay uh jason you can let go now jason okay what the hell was that a fire twister so what a tornado made of fire i've seen one once before they're usually a natural phenomena don't normal tornadoes just usually get bored and then disappear into the sky or something this one seemed to keep on burning i know that thing could hurt a lot of people are you okay yeah just a little shaken up come on guys let's get out there and hope to god that thing is gone guys why are you going out there it's not so bad in here get out here jason is it gone it should be by now should be oh god i gotta warn him we'll be right behind you we have to get closer move look we're sitting ducks here we're gonna go go over there come on get up there [Music] come on so we lost them this isn't really acceptable is it okay what's our next move all right fan out you take the field i'll take the road who are they if they're trying to kill us for hanging in banner i think they're kind of overreacting no they've got to be connected with the explosion okay you know what i think i'm being pretty freaking cool considering being chased by the wrath of god and now we've got sexy assassins gunning us down what the hell man this was not part of the orientation package okay you're right this isn't normal but here's a news flash jason these people do not play fair and they're gonna do some pretty horrible things to try and make us go away well maybe we should take the hit and go away we're stuck in this jason together okay yeah look we cannot just stick our heads in the sand yeah we can i should just do it oh my god don't give me that look okay eagles might soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines okay you know what jason if i have to kick your ass it ain't gonna be prying i disagree i think kicking jason's ass would be a work of art maybe all right scott what's the plan here we're not safe here we gotta keep moving are you with him we're stellar acting bro look he's faking it he makes one call to his buddies and we're toast [Music] okay i'm not faking it okay i work here i have a business card in my pocket okay i'll get it hey relax it's the card see why are you trying to kill us and who are those people okay i'm not trying to kill anybody and i don't know who those people are okay i came down here because i heard an explosion and lots of gunfire who are you those two are going to be back soon do you know where here yeah there's an old utility road just over there that leads down to the lower parking lot he's our best sean okay let's go why jesus watch [Music] [Music] is it done the tank blew but whatever the hell was in it went up like hiroshima turned into a pillar of fire and now it's rampaging toward the city what was in the tank i need to know only i would think the caa hammered that into you it doesn't matter this is perfect the more destruction the better one minor snag the tree huggers saw us and can make an id that's a serious problem v can you take care of them don't tell me how to do my job call huey and louie it wasn't oil and that tank wasn't no far from it what exactly do you do i'm chief engineer at cinco we're developing a new revolutionary type of fuel it's going to change the world but i mean just who the hell are you guys anyway why would you destroy something that i spent five years of my life trying to create we didn't blow up the tank it was a bomb a very sophisticated bomb when we got there so what were you doing there looking for a place to picnic we were told that it was a traditional storage tank for oil that's what i heard we were gonna hang an anti-oil banner on it that's it we were peacefully protesting you're protesting us we're on the verge of putting big oil out of business what my fuel is the first smart fuel it's called mt-11 it's a hydrogen-based synthetic that that burns 10 times longer than traditional fuel and its only emission is water it's designed to respond to the minute-to-minute needs of an engine and adjust its combustive capacity to maximize efficiency that's good right it's a game changer that's when it's applied to an engine i mean if that thing is made up of mt-11 it's gonna burn for a very long time how long caught up in a twister like that it could burn indefinitely and it will get bigger so what are we gonna do we're gonna hunt that thing down and kill it can you help us help you i'm the only one that can stop it look where it's going hang on [Music] we're gonna do some backflips and some cartwheels morning handstands i can do a handstand take control so uh [Music] looks like the nightlander guy is a real american hero the trail's gone cold how we gonna find them just look for the big orange thing in the sky they'll be there where did it go yeah where did it go so can i ask like a dumb question why can't we just call one of your old fire guy buddies and let them take care of it i can't just hope people will solve the problem for us jason you know if you get me close to it i think i can figure out a way to extinguish it hold on my god everybody get out and run yes okay uh that was fun everyone okay yeah oh my god honey are you okay she's going oh she got pulled into the sky who's gone my mommy can you find her we're taking sarah for a walk and then the devil monster took them into the sky baby are you hurt anywhere help me someone please where's my baby my baby help me please someone up here please help me mommy baby are you okay i'm gonna go up and get your mom okay you stay here i'm coming up okay please hurry hold on i'm trying come on i'm gonna be fine so bad what's your name anna okay then let me get you down from here okay let me need your help hey can you move i i think so but my baby is my baby okay okay i'm going to get her hold on but no but don't worry i'm gonna get it hold on sarah that's my baby stall sarah but thank you for saving her oh you're such a hero scott thank you [Laughter] twister came right through here you gotta be nearby okay showtime no really take it just make sure you stop it before it hurts anyone else thank you for everything oh thank you we'll get it back to you in good shape go inside and be safe come on honey bye yeah let's go find something get in hold on get down hang on drive [Music] we're clear who are those rainbows yeah seriously what do they want with us maybe they're the ones who planted the bomb and we were messing up their work maybe they're trying to pin it on us is anyone gonna take a shot on how the hell a tornado follows us like godzilla he wasn't trying to find us he was looking for the heat the heat you mean like our engine yes exactly and like the air conditioning units on the rooftops i i think the fuel inside the twister is causing it to search for a hotspot just like how i designed it to work in an engine twister is gonna be drawn to the spikes in the ambient temperature it's searching out ways to stay alive yeah i think so oh fantastic we gotta find it scott i gotta make a phone call yeah take company 17 and 32 and flank it from the east we're heading north we should catch up with it but hey scotty can i call you back things are going off the rails here logan i'm calling about the twister i got some info for you okay you got my attention [Applause] and be sure to visit us next weekend for our buy one get one special so grab a friend a family visitor or that successful snowflake and enjoy all the comfort and safety of your favorite part together hey [Applause] [Music] ordinary people have lost everything to this monstrosity this could happen to any one of us oh excuse me ma'am ma'am yes uh this is your home yes it is it was we barely got out alive it must have been terrifying what happened there was a loud roar we thought it was an airplane coming down it sounded like a jet engine or something and when we looked outside it was it was coming down the street and i will find out who if anyone is responsible for unleashing this unholy terror against our city oh wow huh [Music] how do you respond to the allegations that the fire twister wreaking havoc across the city was born right here at your plant let me start by saying that we at cinco's hearts go out to the community that has suffered such devastating losses and want to do everything that we can to aid in the recovery process not much is known about what exactly cinco does here since it's been shrouded in secrecy can you shine a light on what it is exactly that you make and how that helped aid this twister there's nothing sinister going on here i can assure you you'll know the full cinco story when we release our product line next year with all due respect sir there's a 25-story fire tornado destroying los angeles corporate secrecy just isn't going to cut it i came from traditional oil and i believe deeply in that mission well when the people of cinco showed me what they had cooking here and invited me to run their company i jumped at the chance to be part of the future what we have is a game changer and it'll be great for america's energy independence so what's at stake here is no less than our national security but rest assured we will cooperate with the authorities in every way possible you still haven't delivered any these people legally broke into our facility this morning and we believe we're responsible for blowing one of our storage tanks this is scott nylander he's a former la firefighter who suffered a mental breakdown on the job and developed paranoid fantasies that the oil industry was out to get in after being placed on indefinite medical leave his emotional wishes drove him right into the arms of this group a radicalized eco-terrorist organization formed by dr carla lemler she's a fringe climate scientist they thought they could use his former status as a respected los angeles firefighter to gain legitimacy for their terrorist activities the true nature of their evil became frighteningly clear today scott and carla and their followers are responsible for the explosion and the catastrophic fire twister now plaguing our city these people are highly dangerous if you see them please don't engage and take cover we don't want them to take any more lives uh excuse me i have to take this but mr garvin talk to me we lost them you lost them well now that's unacceptable isn't it uh tell me how hard can it be to dispatch a bunch of tree-hugging pacifists you find them you understand you're supposed to be the best so why don't you show me you can at least be competent i can always show you how competent i am in person look just make sure that scott and his merry band obedience are gone and in a way that's as far removed from us as possible you understand this cannot get back to us who is this guy i'll send you his info you can decide for yourselves fine send it i just got to think about phones he knows where it came from multiple engine companies from across the state have been deployed to combat the twister but the devastation caused in its wake seems just too much for these firefighters so far reports hi they're not telling you over there we'll be there okay just you anybody else i ditch [Music] okay what's the situation how's how's the containment going we got a dozen companies surrounding that thing but we're nowhere near this contained that might be able to help he may know how to stop it anthony the guy lost six men on this thing today better be some damn good info what the hell is it it's being fueled by a long burning experimental synthetic fuel who the hell are you anthony's one that created the fuel that it's burning will it burn itself out on its own i don't think so it's gonna get bigger all right i need you to level with me partner what the hell kind of trouble did you get yourself into trouble your picture is plastered across every tv in the country as the father of this thing they're calling you and your friends terrorists i'm being framed again people are screaming for your head dozens are dead and the media is painting you as the mastermind i had nothing to do with that logan and we're trying to stop it people are not in the mood to listen they are in the mood for blood the police are looking for you and they will shoot first and ask questions later you got to watch your ass connie you better go let's go everybody in okay do you know what mt-11 is yeah of course well that fuel they usually keep in a very high security place in a tank in a bunker underneath the lab but two days ago we got an order to transfer all of the fuel to the hilltop silo now we don't use that silo for the high tech stuff okay it ain't rated for mt-11 but did they give any reason for the transfer they said it was because they had too much for the bugger tanks but that just doesn't make sense we always just control burn the excess and the hilltop tanks got almost no security all right everyone every piece of paper turns to confetti every hard drive gets the hammer chop chop the time to clean house people you gotta stop this anthony are you okay no you guys need to know we're all over the news is the people who created this what us who who would put that out there same people are trying to kill us why that's what i'm trying to figure out we just have to tell them that we had nothing to do with it they can place us at the scene of the explosion and we have a history of trespassing and protesting non-violent protesting okay you know what someone's gonna have the courage to sound like a coward and i have that kind of courage there's professional killers hunting us where lapd's most wanted and oh yeah that's right tortenado okay this this saving the world thing is a little above our pay grade why don't we just turn ourselves in and then we can let the professionals handle this anthony is the professional the only professional can stop this i'm in you can leave anytime you want jason yeah hello scott you know who this is how'd you get my number you're something of a celebrity scott celebrities are easy to find they tell me why you're trying to kill us you seem like a bright enough guy for someone who runs into burning buildings i'm calling to offer you a deal i'm listening you give yourself up to us and your friends get to walk free everybody wins my friends and i are busting our asses trying to stop this thing from killing more people scott in spirit of full disclosure i kill people for a living this twister is killing everything in his path including garbage so i'd watch my back they give you a reason for why they're trying to kill us not a good one there it is it's slowing down what's it doing it's having lunch it looks like it's eating the fire you know we can use that scott if it's looking for the heat maybe we can bait it and then steer it where we want it to go you think that that may work that's a brilliant idea watch out oh that was horrible it's okay it's over now whoa what watch out you okay fire came down from the sky it rained on us okay uh you're not safe here need to get to safety and come with us come with us now no oh no no no don't you all just stand real still oh look i'm i'm here to help we need your car no we need our car i was a fireman we needed to help save these people from the twister there ain't no helping them they're already damned the good lord sent the pillar of fire promised in revelations down to smite all ye sinners oh preach it father preach it we are the chosen ones and the rest of you well that's just the way it is [Music] but that thing is coming our way it's gonna fry us all of us god will choose who burns and who doesn't and i think i know who's going to choose the key god didn't create this people did that thing is going to burn through here kill all of us climb down the mountain and then destroy the city and thousands of people will die that's the idea get down there and take cover right now hold on jesus i'll blow you all the hell my stuff go on get down there i'll be fine [Applause] oh anthony oh do you kill this thing drive it away from all the fuel sources let it burn itself out yeah okay but how do you drive this thing i mean it kind of goes where it wants it's heading down towards the city how do you evacuate millions of people you don't not in time thank you wow foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] they're coming your way i think we're getting warm where is it get me close to it scott i think i got another idea what's that [Music] wait wait wait guys i know what your boy scouts and brownies are thinking this seems like a really noble thing for you to do to go and help these wounded guys in the street but in case you haven't noticed the world's falling apart right now i can't believe you're saying this jason i can this little fender bender here is nothing compared to the firestorm that's ripping through our city are we that bad if we just keep going okay check that guy yeah hey you all right yeah i'm good how are you doing turn around do it walk still the american hero it's touching really good to finally meet you scott don't inside now no you're gonna have to do it here let's negotiate inside look look you got me you can let them go now that deal expired it's a no honor you people make me sick we have orders to make this look amateur put away your weapons we're gonna make this a silent kill make it messy channel your inner marauding looters you're a psychotic [ __ ] easy stop it this wasn't part of the deal it wasn't supposed to be like you this with the devil you're gonna get burned what what did you do the ceo of cinco paid me to get you guys to put that banner on the tank and it seemed okay i didn't realize it was a setup mitch our ceo hired you a crooked oh man shocker i am so sorry you guys we killing people today or what yes we are don't you move run don't you don't move you guys get out of here put that fire out for me run you say don't even move tell my mom my lover don't you put your gun down put it down i got you put you you put it down right now they used jason he didn't deserve that well things are going even better than we expected the press is all over cinco now this company will be bankrupt within a month then aci can go on in buy all their patents and bury them where the hell's my completion bonus no no no no no no i'm not gonna be waiting for anything you update my account now or i might just forget to format my hard drive before i leave there we go pleasure doing business with you fire twister tearing through downtown that's where you need to be jane we've even got our villain this scott nylander creep is pure gold disgraced hero firefighter turned mass murderer that's what you should be chasing i don't think that's the whole story marcus i checked out this scott guy and this just doesn't add up it'll add up when you put his face next to this disaster look that's your job let everyone else decide if he did it or not no garber has something to do with this i know it i think that the real story is back at cinco and how all of this got started and every other station is running fire twister footage 24 7 and you're out chasing conspiracy theories you better come back with a smoking gun so don't bother coming back at all um we're closed need to turn around man hi no i'm a channel two news i was just here a few hours ago they're done talking to the press oh it's not about that i left my bag inside it has my tape if i could run in and get it before somebody throws it in the trash it's not gonna happen miss back it up let's go back it up yeah we interrupt our continuous fire twister coverage to bring you a special report i'm here talking with a woman who had direct contact with the leader of the eco-terrorists scott nylander you need to stop calling them terrorists they're good people and that fireman saved my life so you don't think they're responsible for the destruction they're trying to stop the tornado while everyone else is running away from it they're running towards it scott and his friends aren't terrorists they're heroes you heard it here first on channel two scott nylander and his friends are heroes not terrorists and i promise you viewers to get to the bottom of who's behind this reprehensible smear campaign against them los angeles is in a city-wide panic the massive fire twister has torched apart from santa clarita mountains and is now tearing through downtown toppling skyscrapers like toys the disaster told us fear anthony how could cinco do this and how could you not know that any of this was going on and why would the ceo of your own company want to destroy it when mitch garber came to cinco he promised to position us as world leaders in green fuel they believed him i believed them now no one is ever going to see us as anything but those people who created the monster maybe he came to single for a different reason an industrial spy maybe they put him there to wipe out a future threat sabotage cinco from the inside could he even do that they played hardball i've been on the receiving end of that before you is that what happened a few years back there was that big wildfire in wyoming biggest wildfire in a century scott's team got caught the fire was surging all around them it's burning its way into the middle i lost four men but you saved six meeting carla gave my life purpose again dear hero they blamed scott for the deaths of those firemen we won't let them get away with it again pull into this parking lot over here what pull into the parking lot [Music] stop the car what is he doing maybe he finally lost it maybe he found it the twister passed by just behind those buildings you can see the anxiety on the faces of these residents what will they do if the fire twister returns i'm being told we finally have governor aldridge on the line governor thank you for talking to us what can you tell our viewers i've declared an official state of emergency i've also activated the national guard and they'll be on site as soon as possible i urge people to please stay in their homes anthony what is he doing he's going to bait it we've got to stop him he can't do that anthony what are you doing this is not the way to bait it i'm not gonna bait it i'm gonna kill it we need to do this together someone has to take it out and it's my responsibility it's not your fault anthony i think i can take it out with a big enough concussion what if you can't anthony then i'm screwed i need you to help me kill this thing this this way doesn't make any sense scott this is the only thing that makes sense today and that you can't do this this is suicide tell everyone i'm sorry okay scott i wanted to help people not hurt them come back so why would anthony do that he was trying to be a hero doing what he thought would work my hero he died and it was for nothing maybe not for nothing look his theory almost worked did you see the effect it had on the twister it temporarily disrupted the vortex he was on to something but it being bigger and more explosive that might have worked anthony proved something the fire twister is drawn to heat yeah it came toward him like it was some hungry shark yeah and if we had the right gear we could probably lure that thing to a bigger bomb by overpowering the fire with an even bigger explosion kind of like putting out a candle with a firecracker but where are we gonna get that kind of explosive power i had an idea you asked for an engine you got it but this stuff this military-grade c4 had to move heaven and earth to get it going ready there yeah i'll lure that twister someplace desolate and blow it apart like an oil fire that's smart that's a pretty angry beast though i don't know if you have enough c4 to blow it it will when i add a thousand gallons of fuel to the mix how the hell are you gonna get a thousand gallons of fuel into the middle of a twister i was thinking of filling the water reserve of your pumper here with gasoline holy jesus you'll be riding the top of small nuke with a c4 on board it ought to do the trick yeah and the explosion will obliterate everything within a hundred yards including you we'll be fine i just need to find enough open space for that kind of explosion i gotta go heading north maybe i can lure back to cinco ought to be enough open space there huh don't get all heroic on me welcome back firefighter [Music] uh [Music] so hey you get over here hey where are you going with that to my car no you're not it's going to the incinerator this is my personal stuff you can't nothing leaves us building hey is anybody else unclear on the concept that nothing leaves this building oh yeah all right it's ready to go give it all right ready oh baby lay my fire hey you're a problem down there nope we're okay going crazy ninja hired private security i have no idea where these cycles come from i can help you let me help you mitch gave me the orders to destroy all the evidence i'm gonna be a patsy i cannot go to jail so mitch is behind all of this why i don't i don't know help me find out this is extremely dangerous i mean you guys are gonna be riding on top of a bomb a very big bomb okay let's do it let's kill this [ __ ] yeah well what have we here ah maybe a little trojan horse action [Music] oh sir sir i'm gonna need you to sign a few forms what the hell are you talking about we're melting down they're for your protection uh you asked for them the new security codes oh yeah these are good right good [Applause] what are you doing in here ah yeah i wanted to get your perspective you know for our viewers i already gave you my perspective yeah well i was hoping you could go a little deeper i mean after all you are in charge of this company this company is responsible you know for all this devastation i see tell me did you ever play golf not really my thing you know that makes sense you don't really look like a lesbian do you know why men play golf to suck up to their bosses no no no no golf is a game of precision and control you see this posture it's good you see you employ a 39-inch club to hit a ball 200 yards at 160 miles an hour all in the hopes of getting in a little hole that's four and a quarter inches across well now i know i mango it appeals to the male fascination with meaningless statistics details that's why men run international corporations and women work at adorable little jobs to tie themselves over until they can pump out a few kids yeah are you sure that you've accounted for all the details you see the important thing with golf is to really maintain a good foundation legs apart spine straight you've got to really be solid at impact oh why don't you just cut the crap [Music] okay i'm here for a sec think hard do you have any idea how this woman got into my life i clean that up all right cap got a visual on it we're armed and heading toward it keep all traffic away from the cinco compound we're driving back home yeah copy that engine 17 47 and 23 stand by logan you might want to back off too give us one shot if it doesn't work you guys shouldn't be anywhere near us copy that it's all yours be careful scotty all engines stand down engine 74 is taking the lead scotty's back on the case guys good luck scott we're rooting for you be careful brother go with his scotty got you back scott hey what's your ethical five minutes take us back to cinco all right ladies it's showtime let's light it up take her home okay barbie let's give this [ __ ] a warm welcome copy that yes get ready yeah i filled up the water reserve with gasoline and i'm sitting on top of 20 kilos of c4 except courtesy phone call he's bluffing maybe get down got it keep going keep going everything quickly quickly everything you understood right now they're on my doorstep shred every last sheet you got it nothing left got it time to get the hell out of dodge what's the eta on the chopper uh five minutes outstanding shane forget you ever met me forget everything i ever said to you and everything you ever saw here oh and uh have yourself a nice day you're not buying this crap are you don't know don't care kill them kill them all get down now hey [Music] wow [Music] one down one to go ladies okay let's send the sucker home come and get [Music] it great job where are you no no you have to land here you have to land here here here great wait you see me now good good set it down in this field not jump on board it's too dangerous way too close i can't make it landing set it down set her down getting too close all right ladies one last blast and run like hell copy that be careful scott i want my hero back in one piece copy that dr honey run cover your ears it's gonna be loud [Music] uh come to papa [Applause] oh one okay [Music] barbie you're right yeah we're good are you kidding we're great that was epic scott okay got it are you okay hey scott you there hey we heard quite a boom out there yeah yeah we're fine it's it's done we owe you for an engine though you'll have to work it off hey the mayor wants you back on the department firefighter i might be working for you i like the way that sounds i might need a vacation first though copy that you deserve it where are we gonna go someplace cool maybe iceland i'd like that they don't have fire trusters there do they [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 716,003
Rating: 4.6090393 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Fire Twister, Casper Van Dien, Lisa Ciara, movies like twister, Disaster Movie, Action Adventure
Id: E8Jq6vnXUz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 1sec (5161 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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