Fire Truck Tour

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hi everyone welcome to richmond hill fire emergency services i'm firefighter teresa laverty and this is captain dave henderson and we're going to show you our truck 8-1-1 all right so like any other truck this is our driver's seat here a lot of operations a lot of panels safe driving happens here not a whole lot but we'll take you back and we'll show you the back compartments which are a little more exciting thank you captain all right i'm just gonna head inside here don't mind me all right right back here we have where our firefighters sit this is where the magic happens this is where some of our equipment is held we have lots of flashlights back here because we know going into fires it gets really dark so we need to be able to see clearly we also have some radios back here i'll give you a quick look nice bright green radios so we can talk to each other and talk back to home base we also have lots of medical gloves because not only do we go to fires we go to medical calls we keep all of our gear back here in our chairs we have scba packs so this is where our stored air is because we know when we go into fires we can't breathe that air so we have our own air packs that'll be shown by someone in another video all of our helmets equipment medical masks gloves and gowns really cool i'll just head back to some of these other compartments here thank you captain so this is where the water is controlled so this truck stores a lot of water for our fires lots of gauges lots of panel lighting lots of controls this is how we get water on the fire this is where our hose is stored it's all reeled up into long lengths so we carry that length into the fire i also have a radio here so that we can talk to people inside the fires here we have a lot more equipment a lot of extra nozzles because on the end of the hose we have nozzles lots of tools lots of different kinds of tape caution tape sorry i'm gonna come over here we also have what we call our pal packs when we go into high rise fire emergencies we can't carry all of those lengths of hose up the lengths of stairs so we'll carry a pack that has the hose so we can bring it to the cabinets in our stairwells so we can put the fire out also we have some what we would call kitty litter so it's absorbable for any kind of car accidents because we all know car accidents happen so we respond to those as well in these cabinets we have extra air cylinders or scba bottles like we carry on our backpacks those spba cylinders we store extra ones in here also above we have some extra tools we have an axe i'm sure lots of you seen in axe and what we call a halogen lots of tools for getting inside of doors lots of different uses for these we also have more hose lengths small ladders lots of lighting because again it's sometimes we respond at night it can get dark here we have what we call our big easy if you've ever been trapped inside a car you know sometimes young children aren't able to get themselves out so we have tools that help young children who cannot open doors get out of cars but note to self keep your doors unlocked with children inside that's an excellent point this is where most of our tools are stored so we have lots of brooms bolt cutters for cutting locks we've got other types of axes tools to pull down ceilings pylons for car accidents this is a fan to blow smoke in or out of buildings extra extension cords for when we have to take anything electrical inside of buildings thank you captain this is where our ladders are stored one of the coolest pieces of equipment that we get to use on a fire scene we get to set up ladders for second story or sometimes three-story buildings so that firefighters and victims or anyone occupants the building can exit the building safely we also have some pike pools what we call to pull down ceilings everyone knows that when we go we have to sometimes use fire hydrants to get into a hydrating get the water out we have these special kinds of tools to open up the hydrant that you normally don't see water coming out of to get water out of so those are some of the tools that we use if it's not a very big fire and we can use something like a fire extinguisher we will use one of these three fire extinguishers sometimes you can see those in your classrooms around buildings so if you don't know how to use them ask somebody who does and they will use them to put a fire out or we will up top again not very exciting we have lots of hose legs lots and lots of hose legs more on that side so we come with thoughts one of our coolest emergencies that we get to go to sometimes not for the occupants of of the vehicles but we have to go to car accidents sometimes when the cars are so badly damaged we have to use certain tools that will help get the patients and victims out of the car these are some of the tools here that we have so these are called our jaws or spreaders so these will be your jaws of life they're extremely heavy sometimes this might make a lot of noise so it might scare you but these are used to get you out of the car so don't be scared when you see these we also have a set of cutters as well so those will spread these ones will cut other tools we have are things like our pry axe cutting windshields there's your cutters super cool very heavy seat belt cutters you know how seat belts are super strong this will cut your seat belt right off of you and then for yours if in a car your airbags go off this is something that we can use to cover your steering wheel so your steering wheel has an airbag that deploys when you get into a car accident so we'll put this over top of a car that hasn't deployed the air bag so it'll protect you in case it'll come up not that you'd be driving i hope please don't be driving all right in this compartment more scba cylinders nice and full so we'll never run out of air we've got lots of rope bags because sometimes we run into emergencies where we need to come down off of a building or go down into a certain area that needs a rope so we've got lots of feats of foots of rope lots of rope this is more equipment to do some rope emergencies we've got tarps anyone who goes boating knows that these are you would say life jackets but they're also called personal flotation devices so sometimes we have emergencies where you need to go we need to go into the water to save you we're gonna go by the shore put on our personal flotation device and help get the patient out of the water [Applause] in this compartment we have saws we have a chainsaw vent saw and a k-12 not the ip to know the names of those saws but these are saws that we can use to cut roofs or to get into large buildings we can cut concrete doors roofs we've got oh there we go another cool saw look at the blade on that we also have step chalk so we'll put those beneath the car to make sure it stays stable so it's not rocking around these are another kind of backpack so these are our grass fire backpacks so if anyone's ever seen some of our sorry i should turn my back some of our fires could be grass fires so if anyone knows grass fires or wildland fires out in california or bc these are what we will put on our back like a backpack like the personal flotation devices it'll be filled with water and this is used like a gun to spray water so we'll aim it at the ground and it water comes shooting out and it just sprays the water onto the grass we use brooms to sweep it up and we just put the fire out on the ground lots of extra tarps to put down this will help protect all of your dining room if you ever have water damage you want to protect your dining room your couches your beds all of your personal belongings loss for words this is called a ked so this is if you ever have any sort of back neck spine injury and we want to make sure that you stay in one position this is kind of like a little harness that'll wrap around you keep you in place so nothing's moving it's really cool but it's a lot of pieces so if you can imagine this wrapped around your body and it keeps you nice and straight like a little imagine yourself in there comfortable i'll just quickly show you this because i'm sure you guys heard of lots about your smoke alarms so there's your smoke alarm so we also make sure that we go into houses and we make sure that everyone's smoke alarms are working so we have a smoke alarm program so when you guys get home check your smoke alarms or ask your parents to please we also have your co or carbon monoxide detectors that should be outside of your bedrooms i'm sure you guys have heard of those as well so again make sure your parents have working smoke alarms and working co and test the batteries and this is the other side of where the water would be coming out so these are intakes and this is discharge intake so water from the hydrant going into the truck and water coming out of all of these nice hoses this is a big monitor so lots of water comes out of that all right well should we check out the captain's seat we should this is the most important seat captain henderson knows all too well about how important the seat is so the captain is kind of like the head of the truck he is the person who directs the driver and the firefighters he is the one in charge so this is his seat he gets to sit right up front we've got a nice screen here so he gets all his updates so he gets what the call is where we're going what's going on everything that we need to know about a call is coming up on here he also has control over the sirens the horns he's in control of the truck but the driver is driving he also has an air pack here same as any firefighter so he carries his air pack he's got his helmet his olives equipment radios other cool equipment down there so all you kiddies we get little fire helmets for you guys and that is the captain's seat anything else you'd like to add there captain henderson excellent job thank you firefighter thank you all right kids stay safe stay safe and hopefully when all this you can come visit 8-1 but until then keep your distance stay home be safe
Channel: Richmond Hill
Views: 2,434
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: 7uNt9RSWHgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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