Metro West Ambulance and Fire Truck Tour

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[Music] hmm hi it's firefighter katie i'm going to show you the back of our ambulance so this is what we use to transport sick and injured patients to the hospital so this is where the sick or injured person we put them on the stretcher to go to the hospital and we always wear our seat belts inside the ambulance we have everything a hospital has so we can handle any type of emergency we use this to listen to heart and lungs we can look at your heartbeat on the monitor this helps you breathe it's called a ventilator we can quickly obtain iv access and give you medications we can even deliver babies so all of our equipment to deliver babies is up here this is the front of the ambulance where the paramedics ride this computer allows us to find your address quickly and tells us exactly what we need to know for the call hi it's firefighter katie here and i'm going to show you one of our fire trucks today so this is one of our ladder trucks as you can see it has the big ladder on top so that we can quickly get a ladder to the building up to high places and help rescue people this is where the driver sits if you've ever seen a fire truck in traffic or at your school you might be wondering why we have headsets on and why we wear these we wear headsets so we can hear each other speak inside the truck we carry a lot of fire hose so that we can quickly get water on any fire so you can see it's very sturdy big nozzles we carry multiple different types of saws depending on what we need to cut we have all the tools for the job this is firefighter chris and we're going to show you some of our ladders that we keep on this truck these are ground ladders set them up on the ground and put them against buildings so that we can make access to upper levels we also have more hose something you might be familiar with is an axe we carry a lot of different tools for different types of jobs and this is one of the tools that we carry as you can see on the fire truck we also have that same type of computer that tells us exactly where an emergency is and how to get there and what we need to know about the emergency and this is our fire truck so right now we're simulating what would take place if we pulled up to a house fire you see firefighter chris who rides in the back seat pull a fire hose to the intended location you also saw engineer greg get out of the front driver's seat that's who's in charge of managing the water and making sure the correct hose gets water you see firefighter chris spray water putting out the fire we have several different types of hose different lengths of hose and also different sizes so we pick whatever one is correct for the job that we need to do while chris is flowing water you'll see engineer greg hooked to a fire hydrant that's how we get more water into the fire truck so we have about 500 gallons of water on this truck that goes pretty quickly through a fire hose so we quickly need to find a water source that's why there's so many fire hydrants on all of the streets i'm sure all of you have seen the fire hydrants we make sure it's flushed first that clean water comes out we don't want to put any dirty water or any rocks or other objects into our fire truck so right now you're watching engineer greg make the connection rolling out the hose hooking to the hydrant you can see how big this hose is compared to the hose that firefighter chris used this is so we can get a lot of water in the fire truck in a short amount of time sure there's not going to be any kinks this is going to be a lot of pressure when he opens up this fire hydrant you can see the pressure is moving the hose a little bit i'm going to open up the fire hydrant all the way and now the fire truck is getting water so we can continue putting out fires with all different types of hose this is something we can't show you inside the classroom so this is a very cool opportunity for us to give you this virtual experience now engineer greg is managing the water that's coming from the hydrant going into the fire truck and you can see all those green lights that means the fire truck tank is full of water that's where we like to see it [Music]
Channel: Metro West Fire Protection District
Views: 7,862
Rating: 4.6065574 out of 5
Id: x_Azzk8x3zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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