Fire Engine Tour

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hey everyone out there my name is andre clarizio i'm a fire engineer with the huntington beach fire department i've been with the department for 21 years today we're here at station 6 edward fire station and today i'm going to give you a tour of fighting 46. just a quick bit of information for you we have eight stations eight fire stations here at the honeydew beach fire department you'll hear me many times refer to the fire stations with a number like station six or what's unique to our department is all our stations are named after the street that they're on so for this station we are on edwards and we'll call it edwards station but like i said we have eight fire stations in the fire service this is engine 46 and real quickly just want to give you the a little terminology because we we kind of go back and forth between a fire engine and a fire truck in our world it really makes a big difference the fire engines what you see behind me it's a little smaller carries a lot of hose a lot of water the fire truck is usually a lot bigger it's the one that has the the driver in the back usually in a lot of ladders we have different responsibilities but we're all firefighters we all do the same thing anyhow this is engine 46 we have four people on this engine we have a captain an engineer and two firefighters the captain this person is pretty much in charge of it that's like our parent our mom our dad and he's kind of like our coach this person's like our coach this person basically is in charge of us they they uh tell us kind of what we're gonna do throughout the day and on fire they they take charge and do everything that they need to do to make sure that we're safe the fire engineer which is my position i sit in the driver's seat my responsibilities drive this to your home if there's an emergency i make sure that all the equipment is ready to go i make sure that everything is working properly and then one of my big jobs on fires is to pump water to get water to the firefighter so they can put it out then behind us are the two firefighter paramedics they're the ones that not only are they firefighters they come in and fight your fire but they're also the medical experts they come in when you call kids you know what number you call when you have to call nine call 911. perfect you said that you got it they when you call everyone they're the paramedics they'll do all the medical stuff they'll get on our ambulances and escort you to the hospital but they both sit in the back but we'll start our tool we'll walk over here so as you can see um we're set up to do all sorts of different kinds of things this is for the boys and the little boys and girls out there that always wonder this is one of our smaller hoses so you can see it's about as big as my hand i'm going to show you some bigger hoses but these lines put out quite a bit of water and we're set up for quick attacks for getting the hose off fast and getting water to the hose and getting the firefighters in there and doing their job that they need to do our fire rangers are set up so that most of the fire fighting equipment is located on this side of the engine so you'll see that and then most of the medical equipment for the paramedics when we run medical calls or traffic collisions where they need medical assistance to set up on the other side i'll give you a quick glimpse into the to my little world here this is where i sit and you can see i have a lot of buttons and and switches and things and each of these things control lights and and sirens and different things that we uh we need as we're responding code three so that cars can move to the side of the road and let us get to your home quickly and do what we have to do you could look on the floor here i know most of the kids like to look and at the floor here i'll point at them we have two little pedals and those two little pedals are for are for horns and sirens so not only are we driving but we're using our feet to to make noise and get and let people know that we're coming as we move across i'll give you a little glimpse to the back seat here now you can see there's a lot of equipment and we're responsible for making sure all of our equipment's ready to go always always prepared and but this is where the firefighter paramedics sit and they have all their equipment all their what we call ppe which is our protective equipment for medical calls and all this stuff is set up and ready to go as we move to the center of the fire engine here you see a lot of shiny buttons and and gauges and valves all right well this is this is what we call the pump panel and as a fire engineer i'm supposed to know this thing inside and out and over the years i think i have but this is how we deliver water water comes in from our fire hydrants and water comes out from our different hose uh what we call our discharges and you can see some of our hose here we have different amount of hose and different they're each laid out for different types of fires and different ways that we can access people's homes and get in there um and that's that's part of our host compliment we have more in the back and remember like i said the fire engines carry the hose and carry water versus the fire trucks that will have more ladders so this is my compartment again on this side just kind of moving and you can see again everything's set up we have all sorts of little tools so that we can go into your home and fix things and and and do what we have to do to make your home safe if you call us if you need anything from us i'll show you this real quick you've probably already seen it just part of our equipment again just being always being ready to perform this is our backpack this is our air just what we breathe as we're going into fires it's just regular air that's compressed that allows us to to uh get back in there and and not not breathe those harmful smoke that that uh that happens when there's fires but this is pretty heavy and if kids if you were here i'd let you lift it and see how heavy it has to be and it's a reason why firefighters have to have have to be in physical be physically fit and be able to work with this stuff because we'll work on it for anywhere from a half hour to a few hours and uh um you know changing the ball as we go and they really make it tiresome but uh we do stay protected from there what would a fire engine be without some fire extinguishers right these are probably something you see in the stores very basic we have fire signage for it all different kinds of fires but they're just quick for us to go all right so this last compartment here like i said all the fire finding equipment is located on this side and you can see most of our firefighting equipment right here we have all sorts of little fittings that we would hook up to our hose to allow us to uh move hose move water and do things with our different hoses you remember the nozzle up front it was about as big as my hand now let's look at this one this one's almost two three times the size of my hand so this puts out a lot of water we call this a two and a half inch nozzle it puts out a lot of water and then we also have our medium nozzle this is probably the one we use the most but it's a medium size so some of our fire nozzles you can see some more of our equipment uh we have the famous pickated axe which is the firefighters axe right we can use this to get into all sorts of things and destroy all sorts of stuff if we have to to put the fire out okay some other tools we have right we have a lot of some power equipment this tool in the bottom here is what we call our circular saw and again we will use this to cut into gates to doors to all sorts of things in order to make access to get to people's homes or businesses to put the fire out okay i'm not going to start it right now because it's loud but it is one of our equipment you can see all sorts of different water water tools and appliances all down here and then finally we have something we call the uh the tools to the city this is called our irons and basically this was kind of same thing as that but we can get into pretty much any door any gate anything with this by utilizing all the different parts of these and banging things and moving things around but we call this the kizar city because it allows us to get into most of our stuff all right we'll move to the back here and up in here this is where we have the big big hose so you can see how much bigger this hose is than the hose that was up front and this would be i'd consider this a medium-sized hose but these are what are two and a half so they fit on that big nozzle i showed you and this is what we would normally hook up to if we were hooking it to the fire hydrant to bring us water and uh allow us to pump a bunch of water to to the fire but this is a it's we have 800 feet of it and it's heavy hose but it gets us water and does what we need to do [Music] you might be asking everything looks pretty slim and clean here but where are the ladders right we need ladders for fire department well our ladders are shoved and hidden back in here you can see they go all the way down the back side of the fire engine we have two three ladders but these are our two biggest ones here this one and there's a second one in there at 24 foot but this is where we store our ladders then we come to this side and if you remember i said we have a lot of the medical stuff on this side so this compartment here is all of our paramedic stuff we have a heart monitor that will read your heart uh we have all of our different kinds of stuff for your airway if you're having problems breathing and all of our medications and and needles that we would put into your arm but all of this stuff here is is for the for medical calls and uh one thing new that we can show people here is we have something called the striker which is a automatic cpr machine i won't take it out but it um it can it basically does cpr keeps it consistent and at the right depth so you might see this put on a patient if they need if their heart's not working and they need they need some cpr you might see us put this on there on their chest and it looks scary but it actually works very very well it's been saving people's lives [Music] again more medical stuff and oxygen and and things that we would use um out in the field there this here is for our ocean rescuer water rescue if we needed to do some of that type of rescue because we are huntington beach [Applause] [Music] and if you're wondering why i always get questions and stations if you're wondering what this hose is of the diesel the exhaust that comes out is very very very bad for us so we utilize these systems they hook up to our exhaust and then as when we leave when we leave these things will let go and they have a fan that will suck out all the bad fumes okay this is the captain's where he keeps his equipment and then we have some other stuff back here that's for traffic collisions some kitty litter that we would throw on the ground to soak up oil but basic stuff here but this is the captain's compartment okay and as we come around you can see the other side of the hose bed right here i'll just have the camera kind of go up and you can see the what we call our our deck gun and that is if we really need big big water i'm sure you guys on the tv have seen firefighters pump water through there uh but that could pump a lot of water a thousand gallons per minute and more with some of the other tips that we have but that's called the deck gun we can also take that off and bring it to the ground and use it on the ground and over here is just the other side of the pump panel and you can see we have our where our hose would discharge water where water comes out and where water goes in okay and then the only one other seat i want to show you is the captain's seat the captain always wears a red helmet and this tells you and lets everybody know that he's in charge and you can see that he's got a computer he's got his radios he's got his books he's got stuff that he has to look at and know because when we go on a call he will route me and he'll tell me which direction to go and how to get to that to get to your home and then this is how he talks to our dispatch and other firefighters and other units all right so this is engine 46 i hope you've had a good time i hope i answered most of your questions remember if you ever have any questions you can come to the fire station we'd be more than happy to talk to you and give you a quick tour when our world allows it again right but other than that thanks for watching and i hope you have a great rest of the day [Music]
Channel: Huntington Beach Fire Department
Views: 1,675
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Huntington Beach Fire Department, City of Huntington Beach, HBFD, Huntington Beach Virtual Open House, HBFD Virtual Open House, Fire Prevention Week, Fire Engine Tour, Fire Engine, Engineer, Fire Engineer, Firefighter, Firefighter Engineer
Id: 02nnIwxYt7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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