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hi guys it's Tuesday so that means it's down-and-dirty woods crap stay with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay what we're gonna do today is we've got fat wood as I call it fat lighter here in the south now you find this all over the place and not sections or whatever and you can even go buy it wherever you buy firewood these days you can normally it's your big box store you can pick up a box of this fat wood or fat lighter so you can practice with it in your back yard if you like but here's a little tip or trick that I want to share with you now if you take it and you split off a pretty good few slivers like that bounce on through it and cut off something like that get a little closer to reading see this okay you see I have just simply split off a curl of it like this and that's gonna be very easy to catch a spark and use as a match I can light this from several different sources and then be able to move it over and relight a new fire a lot of lantern or whatever I'm trying to do so by slicing off a sliver of it like this it can be used as a carrying match also when it's damp and wet like it is right now it's been raining for the last three days so everything is sod and wet and I've got a tinder bundle that I'm trying to get a fire here's a trick to do with fat lighter that helps what I'm going to do is I'm gonna find a place like a stump or a root or something like that that has a spot in it that I can put a little sliver into first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to split off pretty good sliver of my fat lighter something fairly long and fairly then at the tip just like that now a nice long thin slipper now what I'm going to do then we'll go up to a place and I'm gonna take my knife and I'm gonna make a divot or something and I'm gonna put the tip of that piece of fat lighter into it making sure it's not blunt on the hand like that don't tap it in place so it stands up okay now using my knife the back edge of my knife actually I'm gonna generate pretty good pile of shavings just like this good 90-degree spine is always needed for this now how much to generate generate as much as you feel and then double it that should be a guarantee I'm gonna rake all those up right here to the base of this just like that now what that's going to do is when I ignite this pile of shavings it's gonna spread to this stick and be a long fling remember it's very very volatile material so once it catches it will spread up and I'll have a very tall flame right there let's see if I can do that right quick we're good now watch out flares up now I've got four or five inches of flame sticking up when I've got that questionable tinder bundle I can hold it in that flame column instead of it being just a small divot the fire that's going to burn a few seconds this is going to burn several minutes like this as you can see and there's a lot of heat coming on for that almost like a blowtorch as you can see you now got a tall burning flame column that I can hold me a tender bundle in it and lit it in this burn for several minutes now so what am I going to use this for a wet or questionable tinder but just one sliver get all that and burn probably eight or ten inches of flame just a little tip or trick to share with you guys please leave any questions or comments below and if you haven't subscribed please do i'm blackie four shamans forge woods craft wishing you safe journeys have a great day guys
Views: 1,437,076
Rating: 4.6125755 out of 5
Keywords: fat wood, fat wood fire trick, fatwood fire lighting, campfire, build a camp fire, light a campfire, tinderbundle, firecraft, woodscraft, bushcraft, #fatwood, tinder trick, fire trick, bushcraft fire, #bushcraft fire, fire building secrets, fire tips, fat lightered, advanced fire tricks, fire skills, boy scout fire, boy scout campfire, campfire tricks, campfire tips, scoutmaster tips, scoutmaster fire building, how to build a fire, how to build a campfire
Id: iNR4WyLJM9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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