Fire me? My New Company Is Buying Your Company And I'm Your New Boss! - r/ProRevenge

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welcome to r reddit revenge this is a story of someone getting back at someone with revenge after being wronged thank you friends for subscribing to the channel and for so many likes the first story my co-workers were fired after bullying employees the second story my friend works for d-bag owner he takes advantage of her the third story my dad got a promotion after being fired from an old company and the first story is mick vengeance strictly speaking i was not the one who undertook the revenge here but i did play a small part and it was one of the most rewarding things i've ever experienced in my entire life it was seriously like something out of a movie back in my college days i slaved away flipping burgers under the good old golden arches to help pay for my tuition it wasn't a terrible job all of my co-workers were great people well almost all my co-workers there were two let's call them brian bully and jerry jerk who were workplace bullies both these goons had been at the same place for several years and thus felt like they had the right to taunt and outright sabotage new crew members the rest of us had been around long enough to push back and tell these guys to f off so they left us alone we did what we could to protect newbies that fell under brian and jerry's wrath but we couldn't always be there for them things that the bullies did to new hires included but is not limited to walking over and clearing the order screen before newbies had time to see what needed to be made changing settings on the grills and fryers when newbies weren't looking so that the food wouldn't cook properly tampering with the condiment dispensers in various ways dirtying equipment at the end of the shift so the newbies would have to clean it again and of course all the usual name calling taunting etc as you can imagine these antics greatly effed up drive-through times and genuinely hurt us as a store this was all brought up to the managers time and again nothing much was ever done the goons would get a stern but spineless talking to once in a while and that was it brian and jerry had worked there forever considered themselves the head cooks or whatever and management probably didn't want to bother hiring a new set of staff even though a well-trained monkey could do it a lot of new hires quit after a few days and blamed it on the bullying i can't say i blame them there was one new crew member in particular though who stuck around despite getting the worst of it from the bullies we'll call him lance lance was a good guy always very pleasant and good to work with even when brian and jerry tormented him there were times though that they got to him one night i found lance sitting on the hood of his car with his head in his hands after a particularly brutal round of sabotage the bullies had cleared his order screen multiple times before he could read it and a lot of angry customers came back with messed up orders on top of the stress of drive-through times being absolute garbage lance didn't strike me as a crying man but you could tell he was just barely holding it together i asked if he was okay and we talked for a little bit lance said not to worry about it because he was going to get the last laugh against those two but he wouldn't elaborate further we went back inside and i told the bullies to f right off but they just snickered as usual lance stuck around for about six months a pretty typical tour of duty for a college town and then moved on to pursue other career interests as he told me i missed him and we stayed in touch for a bit i ended up transferring to university the next town over which meant transferring to another mcdonald's as well oh well at least i would be free of the goons little did i know vengeance was coming fast forward to my last day at that particular mcdonald's i had just come in for my shift along with brian and jerry f how i hated working with them but at least it was my last day i was a bit early so i sat in the dining area and played on my phone for a bit before it was time to clock in i felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see my old buddy lance who was to my surprise wearing a manager's uniform hey lance my main man cue enthusiastic bro hug moving up in the world i see lance smiled and said he had been promoted to assistant manager had another store in the franchise but had come back to take care of some things an older man was standing behind in a full suit who lance introduced me to is his uncle and the franchise owner lance was the franchise owner's nephew the whole time he was doing grunt work and getting awful sh from the goons he was the franchise owner's effing nephew my justice boner stiffened and my heart rate went up a few notches i knew sh was about to go down lance and the owner disappeared behind the counter i was not privy to what happened back there with the goons but of course i asked later what happened when lance told him all the sh that had been going down he asked lance to stick around and keep a log of everything the goons after getting knife full of lance in a manager's uniform and being informed of his relation to the franchise owner sh their collected pants not only were they being terminated they were facing the possibility of legal action for all the stunts they pulled something about affecting profits and staff turnover jerry couldn't bear to even look lance in the eye he just kept his head bowed like a child brian cried and begged for his job lance then proceeded to tell them in front of the owner that they were the two most worthless pieces of sh he had ever seen in his entire life and as their superior he was personally firing them and barring them from any further employment with the company when i learned this my justice boner exploded in my pants on top of that lance put in a good word for me with the owner so that if i ever wanted a pay increase or promotion at my new location it would most likely be mine i worked at the other mcdonald's for eight months with an extra dollar per hour before graduating and getting a college level job but i never forgot about the bullies in lance dude must have had incredible self-control to report for work and put up with them knowing that his uncle would be getting him a manager's job anyway sadly i did not keep up with lance so i never found out if the bullies were taken to court but i like to think that they were and i like to think that as former fry cooks at a fast food joint they probably were unable to pay up landing them in a place where they would undoubtedly fit in just fine jail the next story is maya and i get her boss sent to prison maya's a good friend of mine she's the sweet and caring mother of two young children she's also a widow and was an illegal immigrant she came over here in early 2008 with her husband and one-year-old daughter and pregnant with their second he worked long hours as a field worker often 60 to 70 hours a week they'd been in this country maybe half a year when disaster struck her husband was killed in an automobile crash on the way to work one morning she did what she had to do she got a job at a local donut shop and cafe at first she was happy because everyone but the owner was an immigrant and she had much in common with her co-workers and the boss told her that she could work many hours which she really needed but it quickly became apparent that there was a dark underside to this shop the owner would only hire illegals he told them if they'd work hard for him he'd take care of them but if they didn't he'd call immigration and they'd be deported then he told them that they all had to work 48 hours a week and he didn't believe in overtime he scheduled him for six days a week regular time and there were no sick days and no vacation days she came to me and asked what to do i informed her that what the boss was doing was illegal that he was violating department of labor regulations and he was counting on her fear to keep her quiet and she did one of the bravest things i've ever seen in my life she made that call to dol knowing that she could get fired knowing that she and her children could get deported well the dol came down and did an investigation and found that the boss owed his employees over 27 thousand dollars for the time in question the boss reached an agreement that he would pay all his employees the back wages that they were owed by an agreed upon date and this is the part that sent him to federal prison he calls each employee one at a time into his office he hands them a check for the overtime they're owed for each employee it's over thirty three hundred dollars he tells them to endorse the check because he needs to photocopy it to send to the dol they comply he copies it and then he leans over and runs it through the shredder he tells them all that if anyone complains to the feds that they'll all get deported now go back to work and he has the brass balls to send those copies to labor total arrogance on his part don't you agree she comes to me crying that she needed that money what can she do now well folks this sob is going down so i'm the one who drops the dime on mr a hat the local paper had carried the story when he agreed to the restitution so it was only a matter of a few clicks to find the pertinent information i needed i called the department's office in our state capitol and was transferred to the original investigators explained to them what maya had told me and her fears if she complained they were incredulous at his audacity and vowed to look into it usually the fed machine grinds slowly if at all but this was too much for the dol in just two months a federal grand jury handed down a 10 count indictment for concealment by trick and making false statements to the u.s department of labor and for willful failure to pay overtime to his employees stupid boss it turns out that a conviction for concealment by trick and making false statements carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment a 250 000 fine or both a conviction for willful failure to pay overtime carries a maximum penalty of six months imprisonment a ten thousand dollar fine or both the judge sentenced him to five years in the pen i don't know if he served the whole sentence but i bet he never does that sh again boss went to jail by the end of 2011. maya and her co-workers stayed on the donut cafe maya and her co-workers stayed on at the donut cafe which was run fairly i might add by the boss's wife no one was deported i don't know about the others but maya became a u.s citizen in the fall of 2016. she has since remarried and the kids are doing well in school she now works as a secretary at a local company making far more than she ever did slinging donuts i am very proud of her any sympathy i might have had for him went right out the window when he shredded their overtime checks would have loved to see him explain his actions to the judge before he was sentenced f that guy he obviously saw these people as subhuman and prayed on that i hope he wasted a full five years of his life because he had power over them the last story is dad gets fired for bs reason plays the long game ends up in charge takes the extended family on a cruise my dad had worked at the same company for almost 30 years before he was abruptly fired for complete bs he was coordinating an upcoming meeting of people who had to fly in from around the country one important participant resigned unexpectedly so dad canceled a meeting via email and explained why apparently that counted as improperly communicating privileged information and he was fired the next day all this happened a week after dad's boss retired and was replaced by a new guy who wanted to cut costs what a coincidence this was about 10 years ago near the height of the recession dad was in his 50s hadn't interviewed for a job since the early 1980s he wasn't sure he'd ever find another job my mom went back to work at a school to pay the bills while dad scraped together what he could doing some sh online consulting gigs for basically minimum wage they managed to keep their heads above water but only barely dad was out of work for a year and a half he finally landed a job at a new company three states away coincidentally about an hour away from where my wife and i lived and were expecting dad's first grandchild mom and dad moved to live about 20 minutes away from us they had paid off the mortgage on their house so they decided to keep it and rent it out planning to retire there in a few years new company treated dad very well better salary than he'd made at old company good benefits and respect from his co-workers and superiors a year later mom and dad were able to buy a second smaller house near their grandkids dad mentioned a few things about his time at old company to his new bosses nothing confidential or anything more like overall strengths and weaknesses of course the story of how he got fired came out as well it turns out that when you work at a company for over 25 years you learn a thing or two about how it works and cutting costs by firing experienced employees can make your company vulnerable new companies started get very interesting they saw an important business opportunity and also a chance to get revenge on behalf of a valued employee a couple years later new company bought old company they were both big companies and mergers of this size take time but when the dust settled it was clear that there were redundancies divisions and products that both companies had that new company only needed one of they kept as many of old companies people as they could and very few lost their jobs except of course for the people responsible for firing dad new company put dad in charge of the building he used to work in an old company and let him choose his employees from both old and new companies dad had to move back to the old state so new company helped sell his house in the new state and gave him a moving stipend of several thousand dollars but mom and dad were just moving back into their own house they sold their new house that they'd made payments and improvements on for five years for a nice profit with that money plus the moving stipend they paid off debts saved for retirement and took me my siblings our spouses and the grandkids on a cruise i never heard exactly what transpired when the guy who fired dad got downsized but since it's christmas i'm actually able to just ask him dad wouldn't say exit interviews are supposed to stay private i hope you enjoyed these stories subscribe to the channel if you aren't already and have a nice day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 93,297
Rating: 4.8932238 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, petty revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, nuclear revenge, revenge stories, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear stories, reddit nuclear revenge, r/NuclearRevenge, r/ProRevenge boss, prorevenge, Pro Revenge, boss, r/Prorevenge new boss, r/ProRevenge I'm Your Boss, boss didn't realize, r/prorevenge fire me, r/Prorevenge fire, I'm Your New Boss, Company, r/ProRevenge company
Id: oVcAMrOtXxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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