Boss Illegally Fired Me. He Loses Everything. - r/ProRevenge

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welcome to r reddit revenge this is a story of someone getting back at someone with revenge after being wronged thank you guys for subscribing and likes today's first story property manager lies and tries to pull a fast one instead ends up losing conservatively thirty thousand a month in rent the second story i was fired for a dollar fifty in fries and subsequently shut down the owner's business the third story instant karma for treating me badly the first story is property manager lies blows up in her face short backstory i am now and always have been very some would say overly trusting of other people in general i think people suck but on an individual basis i try to give the benefit of the doubt this plays a big part in this story no names or locations so my then girlfriend now wife and i wanted to buy a house a few years back when interest rates were low as we knew we would get married and wanted to lock in a low rate however as we were both newly out of college and had a fair amount of debt and entry-level jobs we gambled on instead renting for a year to improve our credit and save some money we find a great apartment in the complex of what i think are called houses a bunch of two-story buildings with two apartments on each floor four per building on our initial walkthrough in the shared lobby of the four apartments there was a do not occupy order from the town i asked the landlord slash property manager about it and she said they were being asked to increase the service of electricity to each building but that it was safe and already underway and of the 30 or so buildings on the property only a handful were awaiting this small upgrade being the trusting person that i am we signed a one-year lease things went smoothly for the duration of our lease term and towards the end we started looking for houses and signed up with a real estate agent inventory was low at the time and we couldn't find a house we wanted to make an offer on around a month prior to the end of our lease we received a letter from the property manager asking if we wanted to renew or if we were going to be moving out i called the pm and as her office was in one of the buildings she asked that i come by instead of chatting over the phone so i went to her office and explained that we wouldn't want to sign another one-year lease as we were actively looking for a home i asked about a month-to-month lease or a shorter term lease the pm started talking about how she liked us as a couple and that we had been good tenants she explained that normally the month-to-month option is 200 a month more expensive than elise and since she liked us so much we should sign a year lease and if we found a house before then we would end up saving money every month and she would work with us with a literal wink which i found odd but as i said i'm very trusting read stupid i took a copy of the lease my now wife and i sign it and we're good to go about a month into the new lease we noticed a strong fish-like smell we looked forever for the source and ended up googling it turns out sometimes when an outlet goes bad it can smell like rotting fish we searched around and noticed a clicking sound behind our couch we pulled out the couch and found a sparking and smoking outlet pm was called and the outlet was replaced a few months later we finally found our home we put in our offer and it was accepted the same day the next day i called pm and left her a voicemail letting her know we found our home and that we would finish out the current month and then move out two months later at work the next day i get a call from pm while at work and she left a voicemail practically screaming that we signed a one-year lease and if we moved out early we would be responsible for the remainder of the term about five or six months after the move out date we provided she also said that we would not use our two-month security deposit as rent i called her up to chat and reminded her of our conversation but she said that never happened and threatened to sue us and notify the credit bureaus that we defaulted on elise mind you this is all well before our move out date i looked up my options after realizing she was sticking to her story and couldn't be swayed the only thing i could find online was showing the apartment myself and having someone take over the lease i told the pm that this was my intention and she said she didn't know if she could allow that preparing for a lawsuit i figured it would make more sense for me to try to rent it myself so i could show that i provided a way to pay for the property to limit their loses unfortunately nobody ended up renting the apartment being upset that i was scammed and lied to we moved out without paying the last month we lived there essentially using one month of our security deposit to cover that and expecting not to get the rest back despite the fact that we left the apartment in great shape i got a few angry voicemails from the pm but ignored them the best i could finally at my new home i received a letter from the pm with very legal language putting and writing the threats she made about the lawsuit and credit bureau reporting ever the optimist i called her one last time and again reminded her of our discussion i tried to work out a compromise or on top of our security deposit i would pay for half of the amount due to in the lease she wouldn't budge and continued making threats in a very demanding and angry tone so finally the revenge i just happened to speak to my dad about this and he let me know that he went to high school with the head lawyer i forget the title of the state housing authority he gave me her number and said i should call her and ask if i had any options after having a long chat about my general predicament housing lawyer hl asked me to walk her step by step through the whole ordeal from the initial showing until our last conversation i started to tell her the story above and got to the do not occupy sign and how the pm explained it away and said it was safe she stopped me in my tracks and said don't talk to the pm or anyone from the complex until you hear from me a few days later i got a call from hl who said something along the lines of don't worry about it and if they contact you call me after thanking her and ending the call i didn't give it a second thought a few weeks later there was an accident on my way home so i got off the highway to take back roads home this particular route took me right by my old apartment suddenly finding myself curious i decided to be nosy and pull in i drove up to my old building and noticed there were no curtains or blinds in any of the windows of any of the four apartments there was also now a much bigger do not occupy sign on the front entrance to the building it seemed as though my call to my dad's friend caused the do not occupy order to be enforced and all four apartments were now empty feeling a slight bit of satisfaction i drove to the exit of the complex and noticed that my building wasn't the only one with no window treatments and a big sign on the door on my way out i could see seven or so buildings in the same condition each with four apartments so instead of sticking to her word and allowing us to move out peacefully the pm lost out on monthly rent from about 30 apartments on top of any fines they may have incurred the next story is i got fired so i took his career backstory so basically i worked at a fast casual burger chain it's not a very large one but it was franchised this chain i worked at was owned and managed by a very young university dropout who had his parents buying this franchise it was entirely staffed by females plus me male he had no experience in managing or leading a restaurant i had worked there as part of the original crew and eventually became a supervisor there this is when the problems start i was a 15 year old male working part-time so he didn't take many of my opinions seriously when i got my first paycheck i noticed no pay increase it's generally a well-known fact that increased responsibilities meant increased pay of any sort this is when i started to dislike working there as i was supervising adults who were being paid more than i was simply because adults had a higher minimum wage his response to me was that he couldn't afford it while i obviously can't prove it but with my shifts under my leadership our customer reviews were constantly five-star reviews i never once received lower than five stars during my shifts as i focused on customer service the manager however was greedy and never understood the concept of customer service with many shifts when a customer would complain about cold fries or an undercooked burger he simply would tell them they were wrong of course these customers were never to return he was a cocky d and he was a horrible manager who consistently was absolutely useless due to his treatment of customers he had an abysmal income of roughly eight thousand dollars per week a manager should never be making comments on their employees aka me and another employee my friend that we were too fat to be sitting on his chair because we would break it with our weight i play football i'm not fat i just have a large muscle mass nuclear revenge one time i worked during a holiday and was expecting the provincial holiday pay in accordance with provincial requirements he never paid me appropriately and when i along with many other co-workers under my direction approached him about the pay he promptly told me it was not my place to talk to him about the law as he was the owner i was just a high schooler and said to me according to the law you're not entitled to this pay which was not accurate whatsoever whatever one night during a close which i had covered for the only other supervisor who had called in sick we had no customers none for the two hours leading up to close so i made the decision to shut down the friars 15 minutes early so that our staff could get out early this would have saved him money of course we had a customer come in five minutes before close and i greeted him he asked for only fries and of course i had to unfortunately let him know that we had no fries left as we were about to close this customer begged for us to turn on the friars again and make them fries and i said no this customer angrily left and left me my first and only one star review because we were out of fries at that time i understand that had i left the friars on this would have been avoided regardless the next morning i arrived at my shift and he approached me and gave me a verbal warning about the incident and said that he would be deducting the cost of the fries the order and a penalty for the one star rating at a cost of 80 something he had never done before with anyone after he did that with me furious about this request as it was completely unfair i did some legal research i then screenshotted the appropriate legislation and texted him saying that it was completely illegal he didn't respond ten minutes before the end of my shift he fired me for repeated poor performance after this i informed all my prior colleagues about the incident and asked them all to contact the ontario labor board and so began the arduous process of the labor board eight months later the labour board sided with all of us for wrongful terminations i received thirty five hundred dollars for my termination along with my termination pay as it turns out in fact he did underpay me on every single one of my holiday shifts and i'm not too sure how much the others received but overall from all of us it totaled around fifteen thousand to eighteen thousand dollars i then got a job right next door to restaurant whose glass faces my previous workplace and every morning i got to see him running around as he was short-staffed and many of my co-workers quit when i was fired because he was the devil to work with i found out after this from his cousin who went to high school with me that he had sold his car to pay for our bills a 2017 mercedes c300 stop paying royalties and then got sued by the franchise owners for breach of contract the restaurant was subsequently shut down and he was out of income over a dollar fifty in fries from last i heard he now works at his father's fast food restaurant as a regular employee the last story is christmas gift guitar store manager gets instant karma so this happened a long time ago but it's one of those memories that makes me laugh wickedly every time i remember it i was working at a music store one christmas eve as the door checker and security person this particular manager was head of the guitar department he dressed like a rockabilly hipster and thought he was too cool to have to be polite to me i tried being friendly to him but he was a total diwad who liked to slam his way out of the glass exit door next to me when he went to smoke a cigarette he purposefully did it because he knew it annoyed me and sometimes made me jump effing a-hole he thought it was perfectly acceptable to leave a ton of stuff from his department in my workspace i used to regularly have to clear my podium of other department stuff as well but when i would return items to their proper department he was the only one to give me sh about it one time when i brought a guitar back to his department and asked him to please not leave his equipment at my workstation he told me that he didn't have to listen to the effing door girl this was even after i sold an expensive custom martin guitar that was on display in front of my station i showed it to a guy and closed the sale i had worked in sales before i wasn't allowed to receive commission for it however because i wasn't a salesperson there but that two thousand dollar guitar went towards his bonus since he was head of the department effort fast forward to christmas eve we are slammed doors were locked at 6 pm but people kept trying to come in the exit door for last minute gifts one of the managers locks the exit door guitar manager starts to storm out for a probably much needed cigarette before i get a chance to tell him the door is locked bam that sh head goes bouncing hard off of the door the look on his face was priceless it was all i could do not to cry with laughter when i said um the door is locked i think he yelled something at me and i just told him to take it up with the manager that locked it at the time i remember thinking that this was some special holiday revenge gift from the universe instant karma's gonna get ya thanks for listening you
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 36,751
Rating: 4.9474835 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, petty revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, nuclear revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, revenge stories, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear stories, reddit nuclear revenge, r/NuclearRevenge, r/prorevenge fired, r/idoworkherelady boss, r/prorevenge illegally fired, prorevenge, Pro Revenge, r/Prorevenge You Are Fired, Boss Fired Me, illegally fired, r/prorevenge boss, Boss Illegally Fired Me
Id: dA_0aaZYSl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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