You're Just Security! HR Will Punish You! - Actually, I'm Your Boss And You're Fired! - r/ProRevenge

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welcome to r slash reddit revenge this is a story of someone getting back at someone with revenge after being wronged thank you friends for subscribing to the channel and for so many likes the first story co-worker constantly breaking the rules i become his supervisor and fire him the second story tv shows interfered with my normal life today's first story is i am your supervisor you're fired it's 2014. i separate from the military looking for any job really to get myself up and off of unemployment for all those people who keep spouting bs about how things not being true when you separate from the military you're allowed to go on unemployment like anyone if they lost their job anyways i find a job working for security cool simple enough still have my certificates like cpr first aid and aed automated external defibrillator i go to orientation and get my guard card and all that set up we're given a lot of company information and customer information basically the security company is hired to secure buildings for other companies common thing i get my first post and it's real relaxed people are friendly staff is friendly i like it everyone is doing their job well feels good for once i don't have to stress about my work mates being bees a few weeks go by we lose someone on my shift d okay they were great i wish them the best a week later we get a new guy let's call him marshmallow let me tell you this i wasn't prepared for the poor quality this guy would bring to the shift he was slow back talked everything always had his phone out in front of customers the most off-putting thing about him was how he breathed like he was sucking in air harder than a vacuum kind of an exaggeration but you get the point well looks like i'm gonna have to try and be political about this i'm his co-worker after all first time i approach him op hey marshmallow could you put your phone away i don't want the customers to think we don't care marshmallow but i don't care so what does it matter breathing like he's trying to keep a small flame from going out op listen i know it can get boring here i get that i even bring my phone out just not in front of cameras and the customers marshmallow does a raspberry laugh listen you ain't my supervisor you're a security guard like me now go away before i tell hr that i'm being harassed holy heck what is wrong with this guy all i can think is my building will be ruined because of this guy i should note that our current supervisor didn't give a flying heck he was about to leave and only had two weeks left start the exceedingly worse behavior soon he started coming into work looking like a slob he didn't tuck in his shirt but refused to wear the radio never had his guard card on him just clear violations for dismissal every time i would approach him trying to deal with it at the lowest level the response was you ain't my supervisor it was starting to feel like an archer episode we usually get 45 minutes for lunch but we always let each other have an hour perk of being in a slow building he started taking hour 10 then 20 30. you get the point he eventually got to the point where he was taking two hour lunches and his reasoning was he had to pray two weeks pass the supervisor leaves i'm hoping to get someone new who can fix this crap and i can move on turns out they're having issues filling the position and the one in charge of the building is his own supervisor and he has about six buildings to watch over his reply to my complaints is i don't have time for this handle it on your own at that point i just say eff it i start to look for new jobs i come across a supervisor's position for the same company my head starts to click and i start to think about what i could do if i became a supervisor oh heck yeah marshmallow you're about to get f'ed i apply to the position i put my absolute best foot forward i even pay to get help making my resume look as good as possible all the while i start writing down everything marshmallow is doing on camera marking the date time and location a few days go by i get a call for an interview i smash the interview like it owed me money i get a call the next day and i'm hired to be the supervisor for the building i already work at i start monday next week the crew hears rumors about a new supervisor but no clear information the rest of the week i hear marshmallow talk crazy crap telling everyone how the new soup is going to probably be a psy how he's not going to do anything monday comes and i come in now mind you supervisors don't wear a uniform they're allowed to wear regular clothing marshmallow all that being at me and you don't even bother to come into uniform man you're a hypocrite i just smile as i walk up to him op can you put your phone away and tuck in your shirt please he looks at me without missing a beating sis how many times do i have to tell you you ain't my supervisor op are you refusing to put your phone away he just looks at me for a second and looks back at his phone saying nothing op okay i start to walk away heading towards my new office marshmallow quit acting like you're some important person you ain't any different than me a few hours pass and i've been on the phone with hr and the shift supervisor i give them all the information i had and request to fire him hr confirms he must be fired and escorted out of the building when you fire someone at this company you have to have at least two supervisors to escort him the ship's supervisor tells me he will help me personally he arrives and he approaches marshmallow he looks up at us and then back down at his phone the shift supervisor gives me a can you believe this guy look op marshmallow i'm gonna need your badge and radio you're being let go due to several violations gather your stuff and will escort you out of the building marshmallow is this a joke man get out of my face before i hit you so hard your a feels it you can't do sh to me you're not the supervisor op wrong i am your supervisor and i have been since this morning and you're fired he looks towards the ship's supervisor who only nods his head marshmallow is taken aback he doesn't know what to say he slowly gets up and gathers his things we're almost to the door when he turns to us marshmallow i'm not going to take this lying down i've done nothing wrong i'm going to hr and get you both fired op hr was the ones who said to fire you this point the best thing for you is just to leave and move on we got him out of the building and he slowly walked out of sight don't know what happened to him after that the next story is how i got my revenge on a tv show so to begin this story i have to explain i'm a college student in portugal i was born and raised in azores some little islands in the middle of atlantic ocean in order to pursue college i had to move to the mainland for this i had to rent an apartment it's a good apartment three rooms two bathrooms a living room and a kitchen and it's in a quiet neighborhood so all good this was until they started to do construction work in the apartment above this construction work is made by a tv show called querido mudaya casa that literally translates to honey i changed the house it's quite famous here they remodeled the entire house replacing everything in it with new furniture new floor you get it so they make a lot of noise i'm not the party kind of guy and i'm quite calm and peaceful guy that likes to stay home have some friends here drink a bit play some games etc and also i do a lot of my college work at night in the apartment i spend most of the day in class so to explain this portugal has a law that you can make noise from 8 am to 6 pm most of my classes start around 11 to 12 pm which works great for me since i go to sleep around 4am due to all the work i have to do and little plus time for myself they started drilling the floor at around 8 am every single day me and my housemate were shocked by the amount of noise they were doing we let it pass since they shouldn't take more than a week to replace the floor i make that assumption because me and my dad did it once to our house back in the island but no that noise lasted for the entire time they were there i got a bit upset since i couldn't sleep but i also couldn't leave the college work undone so i decided to try and talk with them i went to the upstairs apartment and knocked then came this really fat and short guy looking at me like i wasn't even there and the talk went like this me hi i'm from the apartment below fg hey what do you want me i was gonna ask if you guys could start the drilling at around 10 a.m i'm a college student and i do most of my work at night sometimes i only get to sleep in morning is it possible fg nah we have a job to do you should go to sleep earlier if you want to sleep he closes the door i was peeved but remain calm after all it kind of is my fault if i go to bed at that time some time goes by and the noise continues i get grumpier and grumpier i call the customer service of the show they said politely that there's nothing they can do about it since it's in the legal rights i should talk with the guys in the apartment so we can come to a conclusion weeks go by i'm wondering that if any apartment is the same size as mine how the effort they taking so long until a glorious morning i wake up normal routine i go to the bathroom to take a shower when i turn on the light what do i see my bathroom full of clay everything completely dirty rocks everywhere and an epping hole right on top of the effing toilet i'm furious my housemate arrives home that morning he is not a calm person in this situations i tell him about this we both go to the upper apartment i convince him to let me talk he agrees i knock on the door to my surprise the same fat guy but this time he was looking at me me um you guys opened a hole in my bathroom he interrupts fg yeah yeah we know we already covered our part me okay but what about ours fg can't you guys fix it i mean you're men can't you fix the house my friend is furious but i calmly put my hand on him and keep talking me no way you broke it you're gonna fix it unless we have to call the landlord and sue your show for this fg okay okay we'll fix it no need to get all formal we came back to the house we could hear them making fun of us because of the hole my friend is furious but i'm calm because i already thought of a way to get back at them couple of days go by when they finally decided to fix the hole two nice guys came down and fixed it said they were sorry and everything we chatted they were cool but my revenge was already planned sorry dudes me and my friend both have jbl speakers the good ones that can play really loud this is where it begins every day i started to go to bed early now so i can be up at 8am first i take a shower and set up for college then i plug both of the speakers to my laptop search for japanese porn you know cause japanese girls scream like heck in a high-pitched voice leave the volume up in maximum and let it play in a loop until i get home around 6 pm i tried music but they might like it so i had to change my ways oh my amusement was speechless my housemate agreed with this since we both started to leave the apartment earlier until one day we heard a knock on our door it was the fat guy fg hey i don't know what you're doing but it has to stop we're recording today we can't have those weird noises in the background they record the episodes in the house so they can authenticate the sound in the house and everything they could easily use the studio for the sound but they're really cheap on saving money me nah since you're in the legal right to make noise from 8am to 6pm i am too i can make the noise i want in that period of time fg that'll really hurt the show and you know that people love this show probably your mother watches it and loves it me maybe but she knows how things are around here so she doesn't really mind i don't really mind and the landlord doesn't mind can't you fix it yourself the fat guy goes mad starts stomping the ground as he turns around and leaves this continues i see the camera crew arriving from my window they enter the apartment knock on my door i didn't even answer just some loud lewd noises all day this goes for three days straight with the camera crew but one day they never tried again i think the episode was cancelled due to the noise the funniest part is that they make this constructions free for people the only revenue they gained is from the viewership of the episodes it puts a smile on my face when i know that they just wasted a budget for nothing aw sweet revenge i did the noises knowing well the law there's nothing that refers to obscene behavior i didn't ask them to stop working only not drill at that time i would have had no problem if they couldn't the way they spoke and how they behaved triggered this again if they would have only said no we really can't besides they talk with some of the workers they understood the situation and would happily change the drilling time the manager was the only one that didn't want to they had time to do that later on their words i know this story can be petty too i assure you none of the construction guys took this badly they laughed and they would gladly start the noise a bit later but the manager fat guy didn't want to for some reason they thought it was stupid when the camera crew came i was on vacation for the week so i was still home but still blasting the lewd noises but wearing my headset of course so i could barely hear it i hope you love this video make sure if you're subscribed to the channel and don't forget to hit the like button see you next time
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 65,905
Rating: 4.9430671 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, petty revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, nuclear revenge, revenge stories, nuclear revenge stories, reddit nuclear revenge, r/NuclearRevenge, r/prorevenge I'm Your Boss, r/prorevenge boss, prorevenge, Pro Revenge, r/Prorevenge fired, r/prorevenge HR Manager, r/prorevenge HR, boss, job, fired, HR, Manager, I'm Your Boss, Actually I'm Your Boss, r/prorevenge You're Fired
Id: i1svZyWsG3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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