Fire! | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | Sept. 13

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hello thank you so much for joining me for give him 15. the title of today's post is fire this past weekend i was in california with our friends jim and andrea lafferty and intercessors from around the state god hasn't given up on california don't forget that i was there in part to fulfill some of what holy spirit has shown me in recent dreams one of which i'll share in a moment after a powerful service in coast of mesa i went to azusa street sunday morning to immerse myself in what holy spirit poured out there in 1906 which launched a new era of kingdom activity on earth i honored what he did and those through whom he did it asked him to immerse me in the abiding power and glory and soaked in the anointing of that amazing spiritual well it was special and it was an effort to release the synergy of the ages here's a portion of the dream i was fulfilling given to gina goldston in march of 2021 in a dream she says i first saw a runner positioned in starting blocks and then he began to run his starting line was on interstate 40 at the north carolina and tennessee border the runner was moving at a supernatural pace he was running across america going west on interstate 40. he was running so fast that his feet were on fire and he was leaving a trail of fire behind him and the fire never went out he ran to the end of i-40 once he reached california he made a left turn and moved down into the city of los angeles there at a specific location he turned around it was then that i could see the runner was dutch sheets he had the number eight pinned on his chest and this is my comment eight is the number representing new beginnings in scripture so that's i'm sure what it symbolizes in the dream she continues the specific location dutch had reached was the site of the azusa street revival at this place there was a geyser of both fire and water shooting from the ground up into the air she says this reminded me of the red river meeting house stream some of you will recall that she continues dutch literally stepped into the geyser became saturated with the water and was also carrying the fire all over him when he emerged i guess i was like the burning bush on fire but not consumed when he came out of the geyser dutch bent over slightly cupped his hands on either side of his mouth and with all of his strength shouted one word very long and loudly fire he was declaring this over the nation fire instantly the sound dutch released was amplified and was rolling out in wave after wave of power that traveled all across the u.s all 50 states i didn't see this in all the states but i knew it was happening dutch then made his way back to interstate 40 and began to run back toward the east i could see the fire was still burning where he had previously run on the westbound side of i-40 his feet were still burning and he was again leaving a trail of fire behind him he was now also leaving a trail of the water he had become saturated with at the azusa street location that's the end of the dream for this post i will share the remainder of the dream when i fulfill it and i will do so the fires of revival have already begun to burn in america though small they are just beginning they are nonetheless beginning in another recent dream holy spirit said it would this fire of revival would begin with prayer then which has happened by the way then ignite leaders spread to the nations then become an unprecedented outpouring of holy spirit that included conversions miracles deliverances and social transformation all the earth will burn with this cleansing reviving fire holy spirit has clearly shown this is a synergistic convergence of past revivals now being released into the earth wales the hebrides first great awakening haystack tennant red river fulton street cane ridge second great awakening azusa street and the charismatic movement they are all being bundled into one great outpouring fire is coming think differently john the baptist said in matthew 3 3 that's the literal translation for the kingdom of heaven is at hand he said this because jesus was walking on earth here to redeem the planet from sin the fall and its resulting curses though we are in a different phase of the plan it's the same redemptive process christ intends to release great redemption and we too must think differently think revival think miracles think fire yes demonic leaders and governments are trying to stop this powers of darkness are frantically trying to resist it but christ will win calvary guarantees victory it will not be reversed another manifestation of its victory is in process so get ready for fire go on the offense prepare for harvest and breakthrough don't be distracted by anything satan does or says don't be intimidated by ungodly leaders psalm 2 is their decreed destiny let's decree that psalm now together why are the nations restless and the peoples plotting in vain the kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers conspire together against the lord and against his anointed that would be christ saying let's tear their shackles apart and throw their ropes away from us he who sits in the heavens laughs the lord scoffs at them then he will speak to them in his anger and terrify them in his fury saying but as for me i have installed my king upon zion my holy mountain i will announce the decree of the lord he said to me you are my son today i have fathered you ask it of me and i will certainly give the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession that includes all of it you shall break them with a rod of iron you shall shatter them like earth and where now then you kings use insight let yourselves be instructed you judges of the earth serve the lord with reverence rejoice with trembling kiss the son that he may not be angry and you perish on the way for his wrath may be kindled quickly how blessed are all who take refuge in him amen let's pray father thank you for christ's victory thank you for holy spirit who is now working to manifest it in the earth you are our victorious god you are able to do what you said you are never late never outmaneuvered and never overpowered we now partner with you we say what you say as your ecclesia we use the keys of authority you gave us and enforce your victory we declare now that revival is beginning the harvest you have spoken of is in process you are passionate about this and you will not be stopped you told us to ask when it's time for the rain of harvest so we're doing it zechariah 10 1 ask for rain at the time of the latter rain we're asking do it pour it out bear your mighty arm and release your great power and we will partner with you almighty god amen our decree we decree that the end has already been declared jesus wins thank you for joining me today see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Dutch Sheets
Views: 49,229
Rating: 4.9754319 out of 5
Keywords: An Appeal To Heaven, Appeal To Heaven, America shall be saved, Dutch Sheets Ministries, DSM, Give Him 15, Give Him Fifteen, GH15, Daily Prayer
Id: eJwgdb94Lv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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